/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/nio/channels/ |
Channel.java | 17 package java.nio.channels; 26 * Channels are open upon creation, and can be closed explicitly. Once a channel
Pipe.java | 17 package java.nio.channels; 20 import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel; 21 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; 24 * A pipe contains two channels, forming a unidirectional pipe. One is the writable sink channel, 83 * Returns a new pipe from the default {@see java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider}.
ServerSocketChannel.java | 18 package java.nio.channels; 22 import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel; 23 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; 64 * Gets the valid operations of this channel. Server-socket channels support 68 * @see java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel#validOps()
DatagramChannel.java | 18 package java.nio.channels; 24 import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel; 25 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; 39 * Datagram channels are thread-safe; only one thread can read or write at the 70 * Gets the valid operations of this channel. Datagram channels support read 74 * @see java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel#validOps() 228 * @see java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer) 259 * @see java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer[], 300 * @see java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer[]) 332 * @see java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer [all...] |
FileLock.java | 18 package java.nio.channels; 64 * channels open on the same file; their locks will also be released. The safe
SelectableChannel.java | 17 package java.nio.channels; 20 import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel; 21 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
Selector.java | 17 package java.nio.channels; 21 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; 26 * Selectable channels can be registered with a selector and get a 33 * canceled keys. During the select operation, the channels registered with this 60 * that are still valid are invalidated and their channels are unregistered. 96 * Detects if any of the registered channels is ready for I/O operations 101 * @return the number of channels that are ready for operation. 110 * Detects if any of the registered channels is ready for I/O operations 118 * if no channels get ready. 119 * @return the number of channels that are ready for operation [all...] |
SocketChannel.java | 18 package java.nio.channels; 24 import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel; 25 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; 52 * Socket channels are thread-safe, no more than one thread can read or write at 116 * Gets the valid operations of this channel. Socket channels support 121 * @see java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel#validOps() 254 * @see java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer) 290 * @see java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer[], 355 * @see java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer) 393 * @see java.nio.channels.GatheringByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] [all...] |
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/nio/channels/spi/ |
AbstractSelectionKey.java | 17 package java.nio.channels.spi; 19 import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
AbstractInterruptibleChannel.java | 18 package java.nio.channels.spi; 21 import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException; 22 import java.nio.channels.Channel; 23 import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; 24 import java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel; 28 * channels. 65 * {@link java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException} is thrown. 73 * @see java.nio.channels.Channel#close()
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/java/nio/channels/ |
PipeTest.java | 17 package libcore.java.nio.channels; 20 import java.nio.channels.Pipe;
/external/chromium_org/media/base/ |
audio_decoder_config.cc | 76 int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout_); local 77 bytes_per_frame_ = channels * bytes_per_channel_;
audio_buffer_queue_unittest.cc | 32 const int channels = 1; local 38 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 43 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 20, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 48 const int channels = 1; local 55 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 58 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 61 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 64 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 67 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 10, 1, frames, kNoTime, kNoTime)); 72 const int channels = 1 local 118 const int channels = 2; local 141 const int channels = 2; local 179 const int channels = 4; local 202 const int channels = 2; local 224 const int channels = 2; local 252 const int channels = 2; local 275 const int channels = 2; local 299 const int channels = 16; local 328 const int channels = 4; local 374 const int channels = 2; local 427 const int channels = 2; local [all...] |
audio_buffer_unittest.cc | 27 const int channels = 1; local 32 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 1, 1, frames, start_time, duration); 54 EXPECT_EQ(16, buffer->frame_count()); // 2 channels of 8-bit data 58 EXPECT_EQ(2, buffer->frame_count()); // now 4 channels of 32-bit data 62 const int channels = 4; local 67 kSampleFormatU8, channels, 128, 1, frames, start_time, duration); 70 // 128, 132, 136, 140, other channels similar. However, values are converted 73 scoped_ptr<AudioBus> bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, 100); 82 const int channels = 2; local 87 kSampleFormatS16, channels, 1, 1, frames, start_time, duration) 107 const int channels = 2; local 130 const int channels = 2; local 152 const int channels = 2; local 185 const int channels = 4; local 218 const int channels = 4; local 239 const int channels = 4; local [all...] |
audio_bus.h | 28 // Creates a new AudioBus and allocates |channels| of length |frames|. Uses 29 // channels() and frames_per_buffer() from AudioParameters if given. 30 static scoped_ptr<AudioBus> Create(int channels, int frames); 33 // Creates a new AudioBus with the given number of channels, but zero length. 36 static scoped_ptr<AudioBus> CreateWrapper(int channels); 47 static scoped_ptr<AudioBus> WrapMemory(int channels, int frames, void* data); 52 // Calculates the required size for an AudioBus given the number of channels 54 static int CalculateMemorySize(int channels, int frames); 75 // AudioBus object must have the same frames() and channels(). 79 // objects must have the same number of channels(). |source_start_frame| i 94 int channels() const { return static_cast<int>(channel_data_.size()); } function in class:media::AudioBus [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/web/ |
WebDOMMessageEvent.cpp | 57 OwnPtr<MessagePortChannelArray> channels = adoptPtr(new MessagePortChannelArray(webChannels.size())); local 59 (*channels)[i] = adoptPtr(webChannels[i]); 60 ports = MessagePort::entanglePorts(*window->document(), channels.release()); 77 MessagePortChannelArray* channels = constUnwrap<MessageEvent>()->channels(); local 78 WebMessagePortChannelArray webChannels(channels ? channels->size() : 0); 79 if (channels) { 80 for (size_t i = 0; i < channels->size(); ++i) 81 webChannels[i] = (*channels)[i].leakPtr() [all...] |
/external/flac/libFLAC/include/protected/ |
stream_decoder.h | 42 unsigned channels; member in struct:FLAC__StreamDecoderProtected
/external/chromium_org/content/common/media/ |
media_param_traits.cc | 26 m->WriteInt(p.channels()); 35 frames_per_buffer, channels, input_channels, effects; local 42 !m->ReadInt(iter, &channels) || 47 static_cast<ChannelLayout>(channel_layout), channels,
/external/chromium_org/media/cast/net/rtp_sender/rtp_packetizer/ |
rtp_packetizer_config.h | 32 uint8 channels; member in struct:media::cast::RtpPacketizerConfig
/external/chromium_org/media/filters/ |
audio_file_reader.h | 31 // channels(), duration(), and number_of_frames() methods can be called. 38 // |audio_data| must be of the same size as channels(). 46 int channels() const { return channels_; } function in class:media::AudioFileReader
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/workers/ |
DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.cpp | 69 OwnPtr<MessagePortChannelArray> channels = MessagePort::disentanglePorts(ports, exceptionState); local 72 thread()->workerObjectProxy().postMessageToWorkerObject(message, channels.release());
/external/libpng/contrib/gregbook/ |
readppm.c | 68 int bit_depth, color_type, channels; variable 97 channels = 3; 100 channels = 4; 103 channels = 1; 152 /* GRR WARNING: grayscale needs to be expanded and channels reset! */ 154 *pRowbytes = rowbytes = channels*width; 155 *pChannels = channels;
/external/mp4parser/isoparser/src/main/java/com/googlecode/mp4parser/authoring/adaptivestreaming/ |
AudioQuality.java | 24 int channels; field in class:AudioQuality
/hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/exynos_omx/codecs/exynos_codecs/audio/exynos5/srp/alp/include/ |
srp_api.h | 51 unsigned int channels; member in struct:srp_dec_info
/libcore/harmony-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/nio/tests/java/nio/channels/ |
MockServerSocketChannel.java | 18 package org.apache.harmony.nio.tests.java.nio.channels; 22 import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; 23 import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; 24 import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;