/external/bison/lib/ |
msvc-inval.h | 73 invalid parameter handler, this solution is multithread-safe. */ 119 invalid parameter handler, this solution is multithread-safe. */ 164 invalid parameter handler, this solution is multithread-safe. */
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/ |
gen6_multisample_state.c | 61 /* Sample positions are based on a solution to the "8 queens" puzzle. 62 * Rationale: in a solution to the 8 queens puzzle, no two queens share 68 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle). This solution was
/external/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/ |
RegAllocPBQP.h | 22 #include "llvm/CodeGen/PBQP/Solution.h" 35 /// problem, plus the structures necessary to map back from the PBQP solution 36 /// to a register allocation solution. (i.e. The PBQP-node <--> vreg map,
/external/llvm/lib/CodeGen/ |
RegAllocPBQP.cpp | 13 // solving this using a PBQP solver, and mapping the solution back to a 146 /// \brief Given a solved PBQP problem maps this solution back to a register 149 const PBQP::Solution &solution); 470 const PBQP::Solution &solution) { 478 // Iterate over the nodes mapping the PBQP solution to a register 484 unsigned alloc = solution.getSelection(node); 564 // * Map the solution back to a register allocation 604 PBQP::Solution solution local [all...] |
/external/mesa3d/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/ |
gen6_multisample_state.c | 61 /* Sample positions are based on a solution to the "8 queens" puzzle. 62 * Rationale: in a solution to the 8 queens puzzle, no two queens share 68 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle). This solution was
/external/svox/pico/lib/ |
picotrns.c | 117 PICODBG_INFO_MSG(("solution: ")); 125 PICODBG_INFO_MSG(("solution: ")); 401 PICODBG_WARN(("**** output symbol array too small to hold full solution\n")); 412 which in the current solution is equal to the output symbol position): 417 IF "current state in current position is a solution" THEN 418 "note solution"; 448 only the last found solution is returned. 450 'firstSolOnly' determines whether only the first solution should be found or if 478 /* check for initial solution (empty strings are always accepted) */ 507 /* check for solution after found alternative * [all...] |
/external/valgrind/main/docs/internals/ |
arm_thumb_notes_gdbserver.txt | 77 * use the debug info : this solution was discarded as often debug 78 info does not allow a 100% correct solution. debug info is acceptable 87 * the final solution implemented was to add a Delta fied in IstMark.
/external/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/PBQP/ |
HeuristicSolver.h | 20 #include "Solution.h" 106 Solution s; 173 /// \brief Compute a solution to the PBQP problem instance with which this 175 /// @return A solution to the PBQP problem. 180 Solution computeSolution() { 204 /// \brief Set the solution of the given node. 205 /// @param nItr Node iterator to set solution for. 596 /// Given a PBQP Graph g representing a PBQP problem, you can find a solution 598 /// <tt>Solution s = HeuristicSolver<H>::solve(g);</tt> 601 /// speed and solution quality. The heuristic should be chosen based on th [all...] |
/external/ceres-solver/internal/ceres/ |
compressed_col_sparse_matrix_utils_test.cc | 264 double solution[4]; local 276 solution); 278 EXPECT_NEAR(solution[j], expected[4 * i + j], 1e-3) << i;
cgnr_solver.h | 45 // for the solution to
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/media/ |
chrome_webrtc_apprtc_browsertest.cc | 25 // You need this solution to run this test. The solution will download appengine 28 "You need to add this solution to your .gclient to run this test:\n"
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/C/doxygen/ |
generate.dox | 49 /// However in this case a much better solution is probably to utilize the -depend option of the Antlr tool, which should tell your
/external/chromium/chrome/common/ |
automation_constants.h | 59 // TODO(kkania): Investigate a better backwards compatible automation solution.
/external/chromium_org/base/threading/ |
thread_checker.h | 58 // CalledOnValidThread is the preferable solution.
/external/chromium_org/media/audio/ |
audio_output_resampler.h | 22 // AudioOutputResampler is a browser-side resampling and buffering solution
/external/chromium_org/media/cdm/ppapi/ |
ffmpeg_cdm_audio_decoder.h | 29 // FFmpegAudioDecoder. We need a long term sustainable solution for this. See
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/loader/ |
CrossOriginPreflightResultCache.h | 59 // FIXME: A better solution to holding onto the absolute expiration time might be
/external/chromium_org/third_party/icu/source/test/letest/ |
letest.sln | 1 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
/external/chromium_org/third_party/jinja2/ |
optimizer.py | 14 The solution would be a second syntax tree that has the scoping rules stored.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/opus/src/celt/ |
fixed_c5x.h | 69 /* FIXME: This is technically incorrect and is bound to cause problems. Is there any cleaner solution? */
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/ |
config_for_unittests.h | 43 // The solution is to have this file, which is just like config.h but
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/ |
config_for_unittests.h | 43 // The solution is to have this file, which is just like config.h but
/external/chromium_org/v8/src/ia32/ |
cpu-ia32.cc | 67 // solution is to run valgrind with --smc-check=all, but this comes at a big
/external/compiler-rt/lib/ |
int_util.c | 19 * We can't use this solution for kernel use (which may not support weak), but
/external/eigen/doc/ |
C06_TutorialLinearAlgebra.dox | 27 Where \a A and \a b are matrices (\a b could be a vector, as a special case). You want to find a solution \a x. 29 \b The \b solution: You can choose between various decompositions, depending on what your matrix \a A looks like, 128 \section TutorialLinAlgSolutionExists Checking if a solution really exists 130 Only you know what error margin you want to allow for a solution to be considered valid.