/external/chromium/chrome/browser/sync/ |
backend_migrator_unittest.cc | 91 BackendMigrator migrator(service(), manager()); 101 migrator.MigrateTypes(to_migrate); 102 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::DISABLING_TYPES, migrator.state()); 105 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::WAITING_FOR_PURGE, migrator.state()); 109 migrator.OnStateChanged(); 110 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::REENABLING_TYPES, migrator.state()); 113 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::IDLE, migrator.state()); 116 // Test that the migrator waits for the data type manager to be idle before 119 BackendMigrator migrator(service(), manager()); 126 migrator.MigrateTypes(to_migrate) [all...] |
profile_sync_service.cc | 674 // Migrator must be valid, because we don't sync until it is created and this [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/sync/ |
backend_migrator_unittest.cc | 95 BackendMigrator* migrator() { return migrator_.get(); } function in class:browser_sync::SyncBackendMigratorTest 125 migrator()->AddMigrationObserver(&migration_observer); 142 migrator()->MigrateTypes(to_migrate); 143 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::DISABLING_TYPES, migrator()->state()); 147 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::REENABLING_TYPES, migrator()->state()); 151 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::IDLE, migrator()->state()); 153 migrator()->RemoveMigrationObserver(&migration_observer); 170 migrator()->MigrateTypes(to_migrate); 171 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::DISABLING_TYPES, migrator()->state()); 175 EXPECT_EQ(BackendMigrator::REENABLING_TYPES, migrator()->state()) [all...] |
backend_migrator.h | 24 // Interface for anything that wants to know when the migrator's state
profile_sync_service.cc | 833 // Shutdown the migrator before the backend to ensure it doesn't pull a null [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/sync/tools/testserver/ |
chromiumsync_test.py | 463 migrator = chromiumsync.MigrationHistory() 471 sieve = chromiumsync.UpdateSieve(msg, migrator) 474 migrator.Bump([chromiumsync.BOOKMARK, chromiumsync.PASSWORD]) # v=2 475 sieve = chromiumsync.UpdateSieve(msg, migrator) 482 migrator.Bump([chromiumsync.AUTOFILL, chromiumsync.PASSWORD]) # v=3 483 sieve = chromiumsync.UpdateSieve(msg, migrator) 498 sieve = chromiumsync.UpdateSieve(msg, migrator) 515 sieve = chromiumsync.UpdateSieve(msg, migrator) 518 migrator.Bump([chromiumsync.THEME, chromiumsync.AUTOFILL]) # v=4 519 migrator.Bump([chromiumsync.AUTOFILL]) # v= [all...] |
/external/clang/include/clang/ARCMigrate/ |
ARCMT.h | 33 /// even if the migrator can fix them, but the function will still return false 58 /// even if the migrator can fix them, but the function will still return false
/prebuilts/tools/common/m2/internal/org/slf4j/slf4j-parent/1.7.2/ |
slf4j-parent-1.7.2.pom | 67 <module>slf4j-migrator</module>
227 <excludePackageNames>org.slf4j.migrator:org.slf4j.migrator.*</excludePackageNames>
/external/clang/lib/Driver/ |
Action.cpp | 30 case MigrateJobClass: return "migrator";
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/ |
profile_sync_service_harness.cc | 324 // Subscribe sync client to notifications from the backend migrator 372 browser_sync::BackendMigrator* migrator = local 374 if (migrator && !migrator->HasMigrationObserver(this)) { 375 migrator->AddMigrationObserver(this); 789 browser_sync::BackendMigrator* migrator = local 791 return migrator && migrator->state() != browser_sync::BackendMigrator::IDLE; [all...] |
profile_sync_service_harness.h | 248 // Listen to migration events if the migrator has been initialized
/external/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ |
FrontendOptions.h | 56 MigrateSource, ///< Run migrator. 136 /// migrator can fix them
/external/chromium_org/tools/grit/grit/format/policy_templates/writers/ |
adm_writer.py | 110 # Note that the following line causes FullArmor ADMX Migrator to create
/external/clang/include/clang/Driver/ |
CC1Options.td | 113 // Migrator Options
Options.td | 160 HelpText<"Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them">, 164 HelpText<"Run the migrator">; [all...] |
/external/clang/lib/Edit/ |
RewriteObjCFoundationAPI.cpp | 99 /// that the migrator handles) but return their instances as 'id', resulting [all...] |
/prebuilts/clang/linux-x86/3.1/ |
clang | |
clang++ | |
/prebuilts/sdk/tools/linux/ |
libclang.so | |