/external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/test/actions-multiple/src/ |
input.txt | 1 hello there
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/src/ |
.readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v7/gridlayout/src/ |
.readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v7/mediarouter/src/ |
.readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/sdk/testapps/gridlayoutTest/v7-gridlayout/src/ |
.readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/sdk/testapps/testProjectTest/app/src/ |
readme.txt | 1 Just there so that the src folder doesn't disappear
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libxml/src/ |
acconfig.h | 12 /* Define if IPV6 support is there */ 15 /* Define if getaddrinfo is there */
/external/bzip2/ |
words1 | 3 If there's a problem, things might stop at this point.
/external/chromium/net/data/proxy_resolver_v8_unittest/ |
missing_close_brace.js | 1 // This PAC script is invalid, because there is a missing close brace
/external/chromium-libpac/test/js-unittest/ |
missing_close_brace.js | 1 // This PAC script is invalid, because there is a missing close brace
/external/chromium_org/net/data/proxy_resolver_v8_unittest/ |
missing_close_brace.js | 1 // This PAC script is invalid, because there is a missing close brace
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/resources/ |
alert-and-go-back.html | 3 alert("Wait a moment and then dismiss this alert. If there is no crash, the test succeeded.");
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/TestResultServer/ |
robots.txt | 0 # There's nothing useful to index here. No need to pay the server costs for getting it crawled.
/external/llvm/test/Other/ |
invalid-commandline-option.ll | 3 ; there is no --foo
/sdk/files/ |
/external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/test/msvs/shared_output/ |
hello.gyp | 11 'dependencies': ['there/there.gyp:*'],
/external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/test/msvs/shared_output/there/ |
there.gyp | 9 'target_name': 'there', 12 'there.c',
/external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/test/no-output/ |
gyptest-no-output.py | 8 Verified things don't explode when there are targets without outputs. 13 # TODO(evan): in ninja when there are no targets, there is no 'all'
/dalvik/dx/tests/031-bb-dead-code/ |
info.txt | 2 dead code. There is at least one example of dead code after each instruction
/external/android-mock/ |
HOWTO.txt | 1 This is a copy from the android mock project, http://code.google.com/p/android-mock/. To regenerate, use the regenerate_from_source.sh; full instructions about this script are there.
/external/bouncycastle/bcpkix/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/operator/ |
ContentVerifierProvider.java | 14 * @return true if there is an associated certificate, false otherwise. 19 * Return the associated certificate if there is one. 21 * @return a holder containing the associated certificate if there is one, null if there is not.
/external/chromium_org/content/public/common/ |
speech_recognition_error_list.h | 12 // There was no error. 18 // There was an error with recording audio. 21 // There was a network error. 33 // There was an error in the speech recognition grammar.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitruby/check-for-inappropriate-macros-in-external-headers-tests/resources/Fake.framework/Headers/ |
Pass.h | 4 // There are references to a OS2, but that is not the OS() macro.
/external/clang/test/Sema/ |
rdr6094103-unordered-compare-promote.c | 4 // There needs to be an implicit cast on x here.
/external/clang/test/SemaObjC/ |
id_builtin.m | 4 // id is now builtin. There should be no errors.