/packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/res/xml/ |
preferences.xml | 25 <!-- Enable CMAS Extreme Threat alerts --> 31 <!-- Enable CMAS Severe Threat alerts -->
/frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/android/telephony/ |
SmsCbCmasInfo.java | 36 /** Extreme threat to life and property (Korean Public Alert System Class 1 message). */ 39 /** Severe threat to life and property (Korean Public Alert System Class 1 message). */ 89 /** CMAS alert category: Chem, bio, radiological, nuclear, high explosive threat or attack. */ 135 /** CMAS severity type: Extraordinary threat to life or property. */ 138 /** CMAS severity type: Significant threat to life or property. */
/packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ |
CellBroadcastSettings.java | 57 // Whether to display CMAS extreme threat notifications (default is enabled). 61 // Whether to display CMAS severe threat notifications (default is enabled).
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/research/ |
MainLogBuffer.java | 166 // Check each word in the buffer. If any word poses a privacy threat, we cannot upload 172 // Digits outside words are a privacy threat. 180 // Words not in the dictionary are a privacy threat.
/packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/res/values/ |
strings.xml | 112 <!-- Preference title for enable CMAS extreme threat alerts checkbox. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 114 <!-- Preference summary for enable CMAS extreme threat alerts checkbox. [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> 116 <!-- Preference title for enable CMAS severe threat alerts checkbox. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 118 <!-- Preference summary for enable CMAS severe threat alerts checkbox. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/ |
database_manager.cc | 956 SBThreatType threat = local 970 SBThreatType threat = local [all...] |
safe_browsing_blocking_page.cc | 70 // URL for the "Learn more" link on the multi threat malware blocking page. 163 // phishing resource, the multi-threat interstitial has not been updated to 844 // Otherwise, check the threat type. [all...] |
ui_manager.cc | 280 // Threat type must be the same or they can either be client-side
safe_browsing_util.h | 133 // No threat at all.
safe_browsing_blocking_page_unittest.cc | 100 // multi-threat warnings.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/resources/ |
safe_browsing_multiple_threat_block.html | 105 * malware site, depending on the threat type.
/packages/apps/Mms/tests/src/com/android/mms/ui/ |
MultiPartSmsTests.java | 86 // +" Which now suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives:"
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_dummy_thread.py | 115 # Make sure that if interrupt_main is called in main threat that
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_dummy_thread.py | 115 # Make sure that if interrupt_main is called in main threat that
/external/llvm/tools/bugpoint/ |
OptimizerDriver.cpp | 11 // without the threat of a buggy pass corrupting bugpoint (of course, bugpoint
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/ |
client_side_detection_host.cc | 370 // TODO(noelutz): create a separate threat type
safe_browsing_blocking_page.cc | 53 // URL for the "Learn more" link on the multi threat malware blocking page.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ |
upgrade_detector_impl.cc | 379 // There's only one threat level for unstable channels like dev and
/frameworks/opt/telephony/tests/telephonytests/src/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/ |
CdmaSmsCbTest.java | 598 private static final String CAT_EXTREME_THREAT = "Extreme Threat to Life and Property"; 599 private static final String CAT_SEVERE_THREAT = "Severe Threat to Life and Property"; [all...] |
/development/ndk/platforms/android-4/samples/san-angeles/jni/ |
license-LGPL.txt | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
/external/chromium_org/native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ |
COPYING.LIB | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/ |
LICENSE-LGPL-2.1 | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libusb/src/ |
COPYING | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/about_files/ |
lgpl-v21.txt | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
/external/gcc-demangle/ |
COPYING.LIB | 60 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of