public final class


extends Object
implements SafeParcelable Achievement

Class Overview

Data object representing a set of Achievement data. This is immutable, and therefore safe to cache or store. Note, however, that the data it represents may grow stale.

This class exists solely to support parceling these objects and should not be used directly.


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
From interface
From interface
public static final AchievementEntityCreator CREATOR
Public Methods
int describeContents()
boolean equals(Object obj)
Achievement freeze()
Freeze a volatile representation into an immutable representation.
String getAchievementId()
Retrieves the ID of this achievement.
int getCurrentSteps()
Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.
String getDescription()
Retrieves the description for this achievement.
void getDescription(CharArrayBuffer dataOut)
Loads the achievement description into the given CharArrayBuffer.
void getFormattedCurrentSteps(CharArrayBuffer dataOut)
Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement (formatted for the user's locale) into the given CharArrayBuffer.
String getFormattedCurrentSteps()
Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement (formatted for the user's locale); only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.
void getFormattedTotalSteps(CharArrayBuffer dataOut)
Loads the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement (formatted for the user's locale) into the given CharArrayBuffer; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.
String getFormattedTotalSteps()
Retrieves the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement, formatted for the user's locale; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.
long getLastUpdatedTimestamp()
Retrieves the timestamp (in millseconds since epoch) at which this achievement was last updated.
String getName()
Retrieves the name of this achievement.
void getName(CharArrayBuffer dataOut)
Loads the achievement name into the given CharArrayBuffer.
Player getPlayer()
Retrieves the player information associated with this achievement.
Uri getRevealedImageUri()
Retrieves a URI that can be used to load the achievement's revealed image icon.
String getRevealedImageUrl()
int getState()
Retrieves the state of the achievement - one of STATE_UNLOCKED, STATE_REVEALED, or STATE_HIDDEN.
int getTotalSteps()
Retrieves the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.
int getType()
Retrieves the type of this achievement - one of TYPE_STANDARD or TYPE_INCREMENTAL.
Uri getUnlockedImageUri()
Retrieves a URI that can be used to load the achievement's unlocked image icon.
String getUnlockedImageUrl()
long getXpValue()
Retrieves the XP value of this achievement.
int hashCode()
boolean isDataValid()
Check to see if this object is valid for use.
String toString()
void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable
From interface
From interface


public static final AchievementEntityCreator CREATOR

Public Methods

public int describeContents ()

public boolean equals (Object obj)

public Achievement freeze ()

Freeze a volatile representation into an immutable representation. Objects returned from this call are safe to cache.

Note that the output of freeze may not be identical to the parent object, but should be equal. In other words:

 Freezable f1 = new Freezable();
 Freezable f2 = f1.freeze();
 f1 == f2 may not be true.
 f1.equals(f2) will be true.

  • A concrete implementation of the data object.

public String getAchievementId ()

Retrieves the ID of this achievement.

  • The achievement ID.

public int getCurrentSteps ()

Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.

  • The number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement.

public String getDescription ()

Retrieves the description for this achievement.

  • The achievement description.

public void getDescription (CharArrayBuffer dataOut)

Loads the achievement description into the given CharArrayBuffer.

dataOut The buffer to load the data into.

public void getFormattedCurrentSteps (CharArrayBuffer dataOut)

Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement (formatted for the user's locale) into the given CharArrayBuffer.

dataOut The buffer to load the data into.

public String getFormattedCurrentSteps ()

Retrieves the number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement (formatted for the user's locale); only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.

  • The formatted number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement,

public void getFormattedTotalSteps (CharArrayBuffer dataOut)

Loads the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement (formatted for the user's locale) into the given CharArrayBuffer; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.

dataOut The buffer to load the data into.

public String getFormattedTotalSteps ()

Retrieves the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement, formatted for the user's locale; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.

  • The total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement.

public long getLastUpdatedTimestamp ()

Retrieves the timestamp (in millseconds since epoch) at which this achievement was last updated. If the achievement has never been updated, this will return -1.

  • Timestamp at which this achievement was last updated.

public String getName ()

Retrieves the name of this achievement.

  • The achievement name.

public void getName (CharArrayBuffer dataOut)

Loads the achievement name into the given CharArrayBuffer.

dataOut The buffer to load the data into.

public Player getPlayer ()

Retrieves the player information associated with this achievement.

Note that this object is a volatile representation, so it is not safe to cache the output of this directly. Instead, cache the result of freeze().

  • The player associated with this achievement.

public Uri getRevealedImageUri ()

Retrieves a URI that can be used to load the achievement's revealed image icon. Returns null if the achievement has no revealed image.

To retrieve the Image from the Uri, use ImageManager.

  • The image URI for the achievement's revealed image icon, or null if the achievement has no revealed image.

public String getRevealedImageUrl ()

public int getState ()

Retrieves the state of the achievement - one of STATE_UNLOCKED, STATE_REVEALED, or STATE_HIDDEN.

  • The state of this achievement.

public int getTotalSteps ()

Retrieves the total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement; only applicable for TYPE_INCREMENTAL achievement types.

  • The total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement.

public int getType ()

Retrieves the type of this achievement - one of TYPE_STANDARD or TYPE_INCREMENTAL.

  • The type of this achievement.

public Uri getUnlockedImageUri ()

Retrieves a URI that can be used to load the achievement's unlocked image icon. Returns null if the achievement has no unlocked image.

To retrieve the Image from the Uri, use ImageManager.

  • The image URI for the achievement's unlocked image icon, or null if the achievement has no unlocked image.

public String getUnlockedImageUrl ()

public long getXpValue ()

Retrieves the XP value of this achievement.

  • XP value given to players for unlocking this achievement.

public int hashCode ()

public boolean isDataValid ()

Check to see if this object is valid for use. If the object is still volatile, this method will indicate whether or not the object can be safely used. The output of a call to freeze() will always be valid.

  • whether or not the object is valid for use.

public String toString ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)