- AAuthData - Leaf Node: authentication nonce
- AAuthLevel - Leaf Node: authentication level
- AAuthName - Leaf Node: authentication name
- AAuthPref - Leaf Node: The client authentication type that this server prefers
- AAuthSecret - Leaf Node: authentication secret (password)
- AAuthType - Leaf Node: authentication type
- AcctSubType - Leaf Node
- AcctType - Leaf Node
- ADC - Interior Node
- Addr - Leaf Node: Server address
- AddrType - Leaf Node: Server address type, "URI", "IPv4", or "IPv6"
- AllowUnknownSources - Leaf Node: UnknownSources (True) or (False)
- Android - Interior Node
- AndroidMarket - Leaf Node
- APN - Interior Node
- APN - Interior Node: APN Interior node
- APN - Interior Node: APN Interior node
- AppAddr - Interior Node: The "name" node for application server address subtree
- AppAuth - Interior Node: The "name" node for application authentication sub tree
- AppID - Leaf Node: Application Id (w7)
- AuthAlgoAAA - Leaf Node
- AuthAlgoHA - Leaf Node
- B25 - Interior Node
- B26 - Interior Node
- B41 - Interior Node
- BAN - Leaf Node
- BC10 - Leaf Node: CDMA BC10.
- BC14 - Leaf Node: CDMA BC14.
- Bearer - Interior Node: An optional, internal node, designating a branch of the DevDetail sub tree into which items related to the bearer (CDMA, etc.) are stored. Use of this sub tree can be mandated by other standards.
- Bearer - Interior Node
- BillCycleDate - Leaf Node
- BrandAlpha - Leaf Node
- Browser - Interior Node
- BSRMaxTime - Leaf Node: LTE extended BSR scan max time.
- BSRTimer - Leaf Node: LTE extended BSR scan interval.
- CallIntercept - Interior Node
- CarrierID - Leaf Node
- CarrierLegal - Leaf Node
- CDMA - Interior Node: CDMA node for Sprint HFA.
- CDMA - Leaf Node
- CdmaNam - Leaf Node: CDMA NAM.
- ClientID - Interior Node
- Command - Leaf Node: Remote command exec node for Sprint.
- Con - Interior Node: Con node for Sprint HFA.
- ConnMO - Interior Node: ConnMO Interior node
- ConRef - Leaf Node: Linkage to connectivity profile name
- Contacts - Interior Node
- COP0 - Leaf Node
- COP1to7 - Leaf Node
- CoverageObj - Leaf Node: CDMA CoverageObj.
- CSA - Leaf Node
- CSIM - Interior Node: CSIM node for Sprint HFA.
- CurrentSystem - Interior Node: Interior node holding Data and Voice status
- CustID - Leaf Node: Customization ID.
- Customization - Interior Node
- Data - Leaf Node: Current System (1xRTT or 1xEVDO).
- Date - Leaf Node: Last Update Date.
- DateTime - Interior Node: Last Update date and time
- DevDetail - Interior Node
- DevId - Leaf Node: A unique identifier for the device.
- DevInfo - Interior Node
- DevTyp - Leaf Node: Device type, e.g. phone or tablet.
- DiagMon - Interior Node: The DiagMon Managed Object.
- DiagMSLReq - Leaf Node
- Disable - Leaf Node: IPV6Enable node Disabled
- Disable - Leaf Node: APN Disabled
- Disable - Leaf Node: APN Disabled
- Disable - Leaf Node: APN Disabled
- Disable - Leaf Node: APN Disabled
- Disable - Leaf Node: APN Disabled
- DMAcc - Interior Node: A collection of all SyncML DM accounts. It is the root for account settings for OMA DM 1.2.
- DmV - Leaf Node: A SyncML device management client version identifier (manufacturer specified string).
- Domain - Leaf Node: Home domain Name for the device to populate the request URI for REGISTRATION
- DomRoamMaxUsers - Leaf Node
- EHRPD - Interior Node: CDMA EHRPD interior node
- Eight - Leaf Node
- Eighteenth - Leaf Node
- Eigth - Leaf Node
- Eleventh - Leaf Node
- Elevnth - Leaf Node
- Enable - Leaf Node: IPV6Enable node Enabled
- Enable - Leaf Node: APN Enabled
- Enable - Leaf Node: APN Enabled
- Enable - Leaf Node: APN Enabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: CDMA 1x enabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: LTE service enabled.
- Enabled - Leaf Node: IPV6Enable node Enabled/Disabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: APN Enabled/Disabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: eHRPD enabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: APN Enabled/Disabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: APN Enabled/Disabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node
- Enabled - Leaf Node: APN Enabled/Disabled
- Enabled - Leaf Node: APN Enabled/Disabled
- EnabledApps - Interior Node
- enablement - Leaf Node: CDMA B25 enablement.
- enablement - Leaf Node: CDMA B26 enablement.
- enablement - Leaf Node: CDMA B41 enablement.
- ESNV - Leaf Node: ESN version.
- Ext - Interior Node
- Ext - Interior Node
- Ext - Interior Node: An optional, internal node, designating the only branch of the DMAcc sub tree into which extensions can be added, permanently or dynamically.
- ext - Interior Node: ext Interior node
- Fifteenth - Leaf Node
- Fifth - Leaf Node
- Fifth - Leaf Node
- Fifth - Leaf Node
- First - Leaf Node
- First - Leaf Node
- First - Leaf Node
- FlexV - Leaf Node: Flex version.
- Forced - Leaf Node: LTE service forced.
- Fourteenth - Leaf Node
- Fourth - Leaf Node
- Fourth - Leaf Node
- Fourth - Leaf Node
- FwV - Leaf Node: Firmware version.
- GSM - Leaf Node: the node is used to store the information related to Technology
- GSM - Leaf Node
- GSMMaxUsers - Leaf Node
- HomeOnly - Leaf Node
- Homepage - Leaf Node
- HomeRoam - Leaf Node: Home or Roaming Flag (Home, Roam).
- HPPTT - Interior Node
- HwV - Leaf Node: Hardware version.
- Id - Leaf Node: APN Id
- Id - Leaf Node: APN Id
- Id - Leaf Node: APN Id
- Id - Leaf Node: APN Id
- Id - Leaf Node: APN Id
- IMS - Interior Node: IMS Interior node
- IntRoamMaxUsers - Leaf Node
- IP - Leaf Node: IP Version.Defined by Standards but not used by Verizon Wireless
- IP - Leaf Node: IP Version.Defined by Standards but not used by Verizon Wireless
- IP - Leaf Node: IP Version.Defined by Standards but not used by Verizon Wireless
- IP - Leaf Node: IP Version.Defined by Standards but not used by Verizon Wireless
- IP - Leaf Node: IP Version.Defined by Standards but not used by Verizon Wireless
- IPV6Enable - Interior Node: IPV6Enable Interior node
- Lang - Leaf Node: The current language setting of the device. The syntax of the language tags and their use are defined in [RFC1766]. Language codes are defined by ISO in the standard ISO639.
- LangAuto - Leaf Node: This node determines whether the language setting should be 'auto' or not.
- LastClientAuthType - Leaf Node: The client authentication type requested by the server in the last session
- LastUpdateTime - Leaf Node: Last Update Date Stamp.
- LaunchID - Leaf Node
- LaunchZone - Leaf Node
- Loc - Leaf Node: The current location (country) setting of the device. Country codes are defined by ISO in the standard ISO 3166.
- LrgObj - Leaf Node: Indicates whether the device supports the SyncML Large Object Handling specification
- LTE - Interior Node: LTE node for Sprint HFA.
- LTE - Interior Node: LTE Interior node
- Man - Leaf Node: The manufacturer identifier.
- ManagedObjects - Interior Node: A collection of all Subscriber Device Management MOs.
- MaxDepth - Leaf Node: Specifies the maximum depth of the management tree supported by the device. The maximum depth of the tree is defined as the maximum number of URI segments that the device supports. The value is a 16 bit, unsigned integer encoded as a numerical string. The value '0' means that the device supports a tree of 'unlimited' depth.
- MaxSegLen - Leaf Node: Specifies the maximum total length of any URI segment in a URI used to address a node or node property. The maximum total length of a URI segment is defined as the largest number of characters which the device can support in a single URI segment. Note that depending on the used character set this might not be the same as the number of bytes. The value is a 16 bit, unsigned integer encoded as a numerical string. The value '0' means that the device supports URI segments of 'unlimited' length.
- MaxTotLen - Leaf Node: Specifies the maximum total length of any URI used to address a node or node property. The maximum total length of a URI is defined as the largest total number of characters making up the URI which the device can support. Note that depending on the character set this might not be the same as the number of bytes. The value is a 16 bit, unsigned integer encoded as a numerical string. The value '0' means that the device supports URI of 'unlimited' length.
- MaxUsers - Leaf Node
- MenuDisplay - Leaf Node
- MMS - Interior Node
- MobDirNum - Leaf Node: CDMA MDN.
- MobileIpAddress - Leaf Node
- MobileSearch - Leaf Node
- Mod - Leaf Node: A model identifier
- NAI - Leaf Node
- NAM - Interior Node: CDMA NAM interior node
- Name - Leaf Node: Displayable name for the SyncML DM settings
- Name - Leaf Node: APN Name
- Name - Leaf Node: APN Name
- Name - Leaf Node: APN Name
- Name - Leaf Node: APN Name
- Name - Leaf Node: APN Name
- NetworkCode - Leaf Node
- nextLTEscan - Leaf Node: LTE extended next scan interval.
- Ninth - Leaf Node
- Ninth - Leaf Node
- OEM - Leaf Node: Original Equipment Manufacturer.
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- Operations - Interior Node: Interior node holding APN status
- OperatorID - Interior Node
- PasswordAAA - Leaf Node
- PasswordHA - Leaf Node
- Port - Interior Node: port information
- PortNbr - Leaf Node: Server port number
- PrefConRef - Leaf Node: Preferred connectivity profile
- PrefRoamList - Leaf Node: CDMA PRL node.
- PreFwV - Leaf Node: Previous firmware version prior to an update.
- PRIChecksum - Leaf Node: PRI checksum.
- PriHAIp - Leaf Node
- PRL - Interior Node: CDMA PRL node for Sprint HFA.
- PRLV - Leaf Node: PRL version.
- ProvObj - Leaf Node: CDMA ProvObj.
- Proxy - Leaf Node
- RemoteCommands - Interior Node: Remote command interior node for Sprint.
- ReverseTunneling - Leaf Node
- RF - Interior Node: Device RF Details like System Type, Roam, RSSI etc.
- RoamPreference - Leaf Node: CDMA roaming preference.
- RoamPreference - Interior Node
- scanpriority - Leaf Node: CDMA B25 scan priority.
- scanpriority - Leaf Node: CDMA B26 scan priority.
- scanpriority - Leaf Node: CDMA B41 scan priority.
- SearchEngine - Leaf Node
- SecHAIp - Leaf Node
- Second - Leaf Node
- Second - Leaf Node
- Second - Leaf Node
- ServerID - Leaf Node: The "ServerId" value for this server
- ServerUrl - Leaf Node
- Service - Interior Node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Setting - Interior Node: Setting Interior node
- Settings - Interior Node: Settings Interior node
- Seventeenth - Leaf Node
- Seventh - Leaf Node
- Seventh - Leaf Node
- SIM - Interior Node: SIM node for Sprint HFA.
- SIPT1 - Leaf Node: SIP T1 Timer
- SIPT2 - Leaf Node: SIP T2 Timer
- SIPTf - Leaf Node: SIP TF Timer
- Sixteenth - Leaf Node
- Sixth - Leaf Node
- Sixth - Leaf Node
- Sixth - Leaf Node
- Skyfire - Leaf Node
- sms_over_IP_network_indication - Leaf Node: Turns IMS ON/OFF on the device
- smsformat - Leaf Node: Device Outgoing SMS based on either 3GP or 3GPP2 Standards
- SO68 - Leaf Node: CDMA SO68.
- SO73 - Interior Node
- Sort - Leaf Node: The current language sorting comparator for this device.
- SpiAAA - Leaf Node
- SpiHA - Leaf Node
- SSID - Leaf Node
- State - Leaf Node
- Subscriber - Interior Node: Subscriber node for Sprint HFA.
- SwV - Leaf Node: Software version.
- SystemSettings - Interior Node: System Settings node
- SystemV - Leaf Node: The concatenated version information of all FOTA updatable partitions in following order: System + DSP (Modem) + Normal Boot + Logo + LBL + CDT&ATAGS + BPL + MBM.
- t_1xRTT - Leaf Node: Timer for periodic 1xRTT system scan
- t_mpsr - Leaf Node: Timer for periodic multimode system scan
- tbsr_cdma - Leaf Node: Timer for periodic cdma system scan
- Tenth - Leaf Node
- Tenth - Leaf Node
- TetheredData - Leaf Node
- Third - Leaf Node
- Third - Leaf Node
- Third - Leaf Node
- Thirteenth - Leaf Node