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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef PPAPI_TESTS_TEST_CASE_H_
      6 #define PPAPI_TESTS_TEST_CASE_H_
      8 #include <cmath>
      9 #include <limits>
     10 #include <map>
     11 #include <set>
     12 #include <sstream>
     13 #include <string>
     15 #include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
     16 #include "ppapi/c/pp_time.h"
     17 #include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_testing_private.h"
     18 #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/scrollbar_dev.h"
     19 #include "ppapi/cpp/message_loop.h"
     20 #include "ppapi/cpp/view.h"
     21 #include "ppapi/tests/test_utils.h"
     22 #include "ppapi/tests/testing_instance.h"
     24 #if (defined __native_client__)
     25 #include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
     26 #else
     27 #include "ppapi/cpp/private/var_private.h"
     28 #endif
     30 class TestingInstance;
     32 namespace pp {
     33 namespace deprecated {
     34 class ScriptableObject;
     35 }
     36 }
     38 // Individual classes of tests derive from this generic test case.
     39 class TestCase {
     40  public:
     41   explicit TestCase(TestingInstance* instance);
     42   virtual ~TestCase();
     44   // Optionally override to do testcase specific initialization.
     45   // Default implementation just returns true.
     46   virtual bool Init();
     48   // Override to implement the test case. It will be called after the plugin is
     49   // first displayed, passing a string. If the string is empty, RunTests should
     50   // run all tests for this test case. Otherwise, it must be a comma-delimited
     51   // list of test names, possibly prefixed. E.g.:
     52   //   "Foo_GoodTest,DISABLED_Foo_BadTest,Foo_OtherGoodTest"
     53   // All listed tests which are not prefixed will be run.
     54   //
     55   // This should generally be implemented in a TestCase subclass using the
     56   // RUN_TEST* macros.
     57   virtual void RunTests(const std::string& test_filter) = 0;
     59   static std::string MakeFailureMessage(const char* file, int line,
     60                                         const char* cmd);
     62 #if !(defined __native_client__)
     63   // Returns the scriptable test object for the current test, if any.
     64   // Internally, this uses CreateTestObject which each test overrides.
     65   pp::VarPrivate GetTestObject();
     66 #endif
     68   // A function that is invoked whenever HandleMessage is called on the
     69   // associated TestingInstance. Default implementation does nothing.  TestCases
     70   // that want to handle incoming postMessage events should override this
     71   // method.
     72   virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& message_data);
     74   // A function that is invoked whenever DidChangeView is called on the
     75   // associated TestingInstance. Default implementation does nothing. TestCases
     76   // that want to handle view changes should override this method.
     77   virtual void DidChangeView(const pp::View& view);
     79   // A function that is invoked whenever HandleInputEvent is called on the
     80   // associated TestingInstance. Default implementation returns false. TestCases
     81   // that want to handle view changes should override this method.
     82   virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event);
     84   void IgnoreLeakedVar(int64_t id);
     86   TestingInstance* instance() { return instance_; }
     88   const PPB_Testing_Private* testing_interface() { return testing_interface_; }
     90   static void QuitMainMessageLoop(PP_Instance instance);
     92   const std::map<std::string, bool>& remaining_tests() {
     93     return remaining_tests_;
     94   }
     95   const std::set<std::string>& skipped_tests() {
     96     return skipped_tests_;
     97   }
     99  protected:
    100 #if !(defined __native_client__)
    101   // Overridden by each test to supply a ScriptableObject corresponding to the
    102   // test. There can only be one object created for all tests in a given class,
    103   // so be sure your object is designed to be re-used.
    104   //
    105   // This object should be created on the heap. Ownership will be passed to the
    106   // caller. Return NULL if there is no supported test object (the default).
    107   virtual pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject* CreateTestObject();
    108 #endif
    110   // Checks whether the testing interface is available. Returns true if it is,
    111   // false otherwise. If it is not available, adds a descriptive error. This is
    112   // for use by tests that require the testing interface.
    113   bool CheckTestingInterface();
    115   // Makes sure the test is run over HTTP.
    116   bool EnsureRunningOverHTTP();
    118   // Returns true if |filter| only contains a TestCase name, which normally
    119   // means "run all tests". Some TestCases require special setup for individual
    120   // tests, and can use this function to decide whether to ignore those tests.
    121   bool ShouldRunAllTests(const std::string& filter);
    123   // Return true if the given test name matches the filter. This is true if
    124   // (a) filter is empty or (b) test_name matches a test name listed in filter
    125   // exactly.
    126   bool ShouldRunTest(const std::string& test_name, const std::string& filter);
    128   // Check for leaked resources and vars at the end of the test. If any exist,
    129   // return a string with some information about the error. Otherwise, return
    130   // an empty string.
    131   //
    132   // You should pass the error string from the test so far; if it is non-empty,
    133   // CheckResourcesAndVars will do nothing and return the same string.
    134   std::string CheckResourcesAndVars(std::string errors);
    136   PP_TimeTicks NowInTimeTicks();
    138   // Run the given test method on a background thread and return the result.
    139   template <class T>
    140   std::string RunOnThread(std::string(T::*test_to_run)()) {
    141     if (!testing_interface_) {
    142       return "Testing blocking callbacks requires the testing interface. In "
    143              "Chrome, use the --enable-pepper-testing flag.";
    144     }
    145     // These tests are only valid if running out-of-process (threading is not
    146     // supported in-process). For in-process, just consider it a pass.
    147     if (!testing_interface_->IsOutOfProcess())
    148       return std::string();
    149     pp::MessageLoop background_loop(instance_);
    150     ThreadedTestRunner<T> runner(instance_->pp_instance(),
    151         static_cast<T*>(this), test_to_run, background_loop);
    152     RunOnThreadInternal(&ThreadedTestRunner<T>::ThreadFunction, &runner,
    153                         testing_interface_);
    154     return runner.result();
    155   }
    157   // Pointer to the instance that owns us.
    158   TestingInstance* instance_;
    160   // NULL unless InitTestingInterface is called.
    161   const PPB_Testing_Private* testing_interface_;
    163   void set_callback_type(CallbackType callback_type) {
    164     callback_type_ = callback_type;
    165   }
    166   CallbackType callback_type() const {
    167     return callback_type_;
    168   }
    170  private:
    171   template <class T>
    172   class ThreadedTestRunner {
    173    public:
    174     typedef std::string(T::*TestMethodType)();
    175     ThreadedTestRunner(PP_Instance instance,
    176                        T* test_case,
    177                        TestMethodType test_to_run,
    178                        pp::MessageLoop loop)
    179         : instance_(instance),
    180           test_case_(test_case),
    181           test_to_run_(test_to_run),
    182           loop_(loop) {
    183     }
    184     const std::string& result() { return result_; }
    185     static void ThreadFunction(void* runner) {
    186       static_cast<ThreadedTestRunner<T>*>(runner)->Run();
    187     }
    189    private:
    190     void Run() {
    191       int32_t result = loop_.AttachToCurrentThread();
    192       static_cast<void>(result); // result is not used in the RELEASE build.
    193       PP_DCHECK(PP_OK == result);
    194       result_ = (test_case_->*test_to_run_)();
    195       // Now give the loop a chance to clean up.
    196       loop_.PostQuit(true /* should_destroy */);
    197       loop_.Run();
    198       // Tell the main thread to quit its nested message loop, now that the test
    199       // is complete.
    200       TestCase::QuitMainMessageLoop(instance_);
    201     }
    203     std::string result_;
    204     PP_Instance instance_;
    205     T* test_case_;
    206     TestMethodType test_to_run_;
    207     pp::MessageLoop loop_;
    208   };
    210   // The internals for RunOnThread. This allows us to avoid including
    211   // pp_thread.h in this header file, since it includes system headers like
    212   // windows.h.
    213   // RunOnThreadInternal launches a new thread to run |thread_func|, waits
    214   // for it to complete using RunMessageLoop(), then joins.
    215   void RunOnThreadInternal(void (*thread_func)(void*),
    216                            void* thread_param,
    217                            const PPB_Testing_Private* testing_interface);
    219   static void DoQuitMainMessageLoop(void* pp_instance, int32_t result);
    221   // Passed when creating completion callbacks in some tests. This determines
    222   // what kind of callback we use for the test.
    223   CallbackType callback_type_;
    225   // Var ids that should be ignored when checking for leaks on shutdown.
    226   std::set<int64_t> ignored_leaked_vars_;
    228   // The tests that were found in test_filter. The bool indicates whether the
    229   // test should be run (i.e., it will be false if the test name was prefixed in
    230   // the test_filter string).
    231   //
    232   // This is initialized lazily the first time that ShouldRunTest is called.
    233   std::map<std::string, bool> filter_tests_;
    234   // Flag indicating whether we have populated filter_tests_ yet.
    235   bool have_populated_filter_tests_;
    236   // This is initialized with the contents of filter_tests_. As each test is
    237   // run, it is removed from remaining_tests_. When RunTests is finished,
    238   // remaining_tests_ should be empty. Any remaining tests are tests that were
    239   // listed in the test_filter but didn't match any calls to ShouldRunTest,
    240   // meaning it was probably a typo. TestingInstance should log this and
    241   // consider it a failure.
    242   std::map<std::string, bool> remaining_tests_;
    244   // If ShouldRunTest is called but the given test name doesn't match anything
    245   // in the test_filter, the test name will be added here. This allows
    246   // TestingInstance to detect when not all tests were listed.
    247   std::set<std::string> skipped_tests_;
    249 #if !(defined __native_client__)
    250   // Holds the test object, if any was retrieved from CreateTestObject.
    251   pp::VarPrivate test_object_;
    252 #endif
    253 };
    255 // This class is an implementation detail.
    256 class TestCaseFactory {
    257  public:
    258   typedef TestCase* (*Method)(TestingInstance* instance);
    260   TestCaseFactory(const char* name, Method method)
    261       : next_(head_),
    262         name_(name),
    263         method_(method) {
    264     head_ = this;
    265   }
    267  private:
    268   friend class TestingInstance;
    270   TestCaseFactory* next_;
    271   const char* name_;
    272   Method method_;
    274   static TestCaseFactory* head_;
    275 };
    277 namespace internal {
    279 // The internal namespace contains implementation details that are used by
    280 // the ASSERT macros.
    282 // This base class provides a ToString that works for classes that can be
    283 // converted to a string using std::stringstream. Later, we'll do
    284 // specializations for types that we know will work with this approach.
    285 template <class T>
    286 struct StringinatorBase {
    287   static std::string ToString(const T& value) {
    288     std::stringstream stream;
    289     stream << value;
    290     return stream.str();
    291   }
    292  protected:
    293   // Not implemented, do not use.
    294   // Note, these are protected because Windows complains if I make these private
    295   // and then inherit StringinatorBase (even though they're never used).
    296   StringinatorBase();
    297   ~StringinatorBase();
    298 };
    300 // This default class template is for types that we don't recognize as
    301 // something we can convert into a string using stringstream. Types that we
    302 // know *can* be turned to a string should have specializations below.
    303 template <class T>
    304 struct Stringinator {
    305   static std::string ToString(const T& value) {
    306     return std::string();
    307   }
    308  private:
    309   // Not implemented, do not use.
    310   Stringinator();
    311   ~Stringinator();
    312 };
    314 // Define some full specializations for types that can just use stringstream.
    315 #define DEFINE_STRINGINATOR_FOR_TYPE(type) \
    316 template <> \
    317 struct Stringinator<type> : public StringinatorBase<type> {};
    325 DEFINE_STRINGINATOR_FOR_TYPE(std::string);
    328 template <class T>
    329 std::string ToString(const T& param) {
    330   return Stringinator<T>::ToString(param);
    331 }
    333 // This overload is necessary to allow enum values (such as those from
    334 // pp_errors.h, including PP_OK) to work. They won't automatically convert to
    335 // an integral type to instantiate the above function template.
    336 inline std::string ToString(int32_t param) {
    337   return Stringinator<int32_t>::ToString(param);
    338 }
    340 inline std::string ToString(const char* c_string) {
    341   return std::string(c_string);
    342 }
    344 // This overload deals with pointers.
    345 template <class T>
    346 std::string ToString(const T* ptr) {
    347   uintptr_t ptr_val = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
    348   std::stringstream stream;
    349   stream << ptr_val;
    350   return stream.str();
    351 }
    353 // ComparisonHelper classes wrap the left-hand parameter of a binary comparison
    354 // ASSERT. The correct class gets chosen based on whether or not it's a NULL or
    355 // 0 literal. If it is a NULL/0 literal, we use NullLiteralComparisonHelper.
    356 // For all other parameters, we use ComparisonHelper. There's also a
    357 // specialization of ComparisonHelper for int below (see below for why
    358 // that is.)
    359 //
    360 // ComparisonHelper does two things for the left param:
    361 //  1) Provides all the appropriate CompareXX functions (CompareEQ, etc).
    362 //  2) Provides ToString.
    363 template <class T>
    364 struct ComparisonHelper {
    365   explicit ComparisonHelper(const T& param) : value(param) {}
    366   template <class U>
    367   bool CompareEQ(const U& right) const {
    368     return value == right;
    369   }
    370   template <class U>
    371   bool CompareNE(const U& right) const {
    372     return value != right;
    373   }
    374   template <class U>
    375   bool CompareLT(const U& right) const {
    376     return value < right;
    377   }
    378   template <class U>
    379   bool CompareGT(const U& right) const {
    380     return value > right;
    381   }
    382   template <class U>
    383   bool CompareLE(const U& right) const {
    384     return value <= right;
    385   }
    386   template <class U>
    387   bool CompareGE(const U& right) const {
    388     return value >= right;
    389   }
    390   std::string ToString() const {
    391     return internal::ToString(value);
    392   }
    393   const T& value;
    394 };
    396 // Used for NULL or 0.
    397 struct NullLiteralComparisonHelper {
    398   NullLiteralComparisonHelper() : value(0) {}
    399   template <class U>
    400   bool CompareEQ(const U& right) const {
    401     return 0 == right;
    402   }
    403   template <class U>
    404   bool CompareNE(const U& right) const {
    405     return 0 != right;
    406   }
    407   template <class U>
    408   bool CompareLT(const U& right) const {
    409     return 0 < right;
    410   }
    411   template <class U>
    412   bool CompareGT(const U& right) const {
    413     return 0 > right;
    414   }
    415   template <class U>
    416   bool CompareLE(const U& right) const {
    417     return 0 <= right;
    418   }
    419   template <class U>
    420   bool CompareGE(const U& right) const {
    421     return 0 >= right;
    422   }
    423   std::string ToString() const {
    424     return std::string("0");
    425   }
    426   const int value;
    427 };
    429 // This class makes it safe to use an integer literal (like 5, or 123) when
    430 // comparing with an unsigned. For example:
    431 // ASSERT_EQ(1, some_vector.size());
    432 // We do a lot of those comparisons, so this makes it easy to get it right
    433 // (rather than forcing assertions to use unsigned literals like 5u or 123u).
    434 //
    435 // This is slightly risky; we're static_casting an int to whatever's on the
    436 // right. If the left value is negative and the right hand side is a large
    437 // unsigned value, it's possible that the comparison will succeed when maybe
    438 // it shouldn't have.
    439 // TODO(dmichael): It should be possible to fix this and upgrade int32_t and
    440 //                 uint32_t to int64_t for the comparison, and make any unsafe
    441 //                 comparisons into compile errors.
    442 template <>
    443 struct ComparisonHelper<int> {
    444   explicit ComparisonHelper(int param) : value(param) {}
    445   template <class U>
    446   bool CompareEQ(const U& right) const {
    447     return static_cast<U>(value) == right;
    448   }
    449   template <class U>
    450   bool CompareNE(const U& right) const {
    451     return static_cast<U>(value) != right;
    452   }
    453   template <class U>
    454   bool CompareLT(const U& right) const {
    455     return static_cast<U>(value) < right;
    456   }
    457   template <class U>
    458   bool CompareGT(const U& right) const {
    459     return static_cast<U>(value) > right;
    460   }
    461   template <class U>
    462   bool CompareLE(const U& right) const {
    463     return static_cast<U>(value) <= right;
    464   }
    465   template <class U>
    466   bool CompareGE(const U& right) const {
    467     return static_cast<U>(value) >= right;
    468   }
    469   std::string ToString() const {
    470     return internal::ToString(value);
    471   }
    472   const int value;
    473  private:
    474 };
    476 // The default is for the case there the parameter is *not* a NULL or 0 literal.
    477 template <bool is_null_literal>
    478 struct ParameterWrapper {
    479   template <class T>
    480   static ComparisonHelper<T> WrapValue(const T& value) {
    481     return ComparisonHelper<T>(value);
    482   }
    483   // This overload is so that we can deal with values from anonymous enums,
    484   // like the one in pp_errors.h. The function template above won't be
    485   // considered a match by the compiler.
    486   static ComparisonHelper<int> WrapValue(int value) {
    487     return ComparisonHelper<int>(value);
    488   }
    489 };
    491 // The parameter to WrapValue *is* a NULL or 0 literal.
    492 template <>
    493 struct ParameterWrapper<true> {
    494   // We just use "..." and ignore the parameter. This sidesteps some problems we
    495   // would run in to (not all compilers have the same set of constraints).
    496   // - We can't use a pointer type, because int and enums won't convert.
    497   // - We can't use an integral type, because pointers won't convert.
    498   // - We can't overload, because it will sometimes be ambiguous.
    499   // - We can't templatize and deduce the parameter. Some compilers will deduce
    500   //   int for NULL, and then refuse to convert NULL to an int.
    501   //
    502   // We know in this case that the value is 0, so there's no need to capture the
    503   // value. We also know it's a fundamental type, so it's safe to pass to "...".
    504   // (It's illegal to pass non-POD types to ...).
    505   static NullLiteralComparisonHelper WrapValue(...) {
    506     return NullLiteralComparisonHelper();
    507   }
    508 };
    510 // IS_NULL_LITERAL(type) is a little template metaprogramming for determining
    511 // if a type is a null or zero literal (NULL or 0 or a constant that evaluates
    512 // to one of those).
    513 // The idea is that for NULL or 0, any pointer type is always a better match
    514 // than "...". But no other pointer types or literals should convert
    515 // automatically to InternalDummyClass.
    516 struct InternalDummyClass {};
    517 char TestNullLiteral(const InternalDummyClass*);
    518 struct BiggerThanChar { char dummy[2]; };
    519 BiggerThanChar TestNullLiteral(...);
    520 // If the compiler chooses the overload of TestNullLiteral which returns char,
    521 // then we know the value converts automatically to InternalDummyClass*, which
    522 // should only be true of NULL and 0 constants.
    523 #define IS_NULL_LITERAL(a) sizeof(internal::TestNullLiteral(a)) == sizeof(char)
    525 template <class T, class U>
    526 static std::string MakeBinaryComparisonFailureMessage(
    527     const char* comparator,
    528     const T& left,
    529     const U& right,
    530     const char* left_precompiler_string,
    531     const char* right_precompiler_string,
    532     const char* file_name,
    533     int line_number) {
    534   std::string error_msg =
    535       std::string("Failed ASSERT_") + comparator + "(" +
    536       left_precompiler_string + ", " + right_precompiler_string + ")";
    537   std::string left_string(left.ToString());
    538   std::string right_string(ToString(right));
    539   if (!left_string.empty())
    540     error_msg += " Left: (" + left_string + ")";
    542   if (!right_string.empty())
    543     error_msg += " Right: (" + right_string + ")";
    545   return TestCase::MakeFailureMessage(file_name, line_number,
    546                                       error_msg.c_str());
    547 }
    549 // The Comparison function templates allow us to pass the parameter for
    550 // ASSERT macros below and have them be evaluated only once. This is important
    551 // for cases where the parameter might be an expression with side-effects, like
    552 // a function call.
    553 #define DEFINE_COMPARE_FUNCTION(comparator_name) \
    554 template <class T, class U> \
    555 std::string Compare ## comparator_name ( \
    556     const T& left, \
    557     const U& right, \
    558     const char* left_precompiler_string, \
    559     const char* right_precompiler_string, \
    560     const char* file_name, \
    561     int line_num) { \
    562   if (!(left.Compare##comparator_name(right))) { \
    563     return MakeBinaryComparisonFailureMessage(#comparator_name, \
    564                                               left, \
    565                                               right, \
    566                                               left_precompiler_string, \
    567                                               right_precompiler_string, \
    568                                               file_name, \
    569                                               line_num); \
    570   } \
    571   return std::string(); \
    572 }
    580 inline std::string CompareDoubleEq(ComparisonHelper<double> left,
    581                                    double right,
    582                                    const char* left_precompiler_string,
    583                                    const char* right_precompiler_string,
    584                                    const char* file_name,
    585                                    int linu_num) {
    586   if (!(std::fabs(left.value - right) <=
    587         std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())) {
    588     return MakeBinaryComparisonFailureMessage(
    589         "~=", left, right, left_precompiler_string, right_precompiler_string,
    590         __FILE__, __LINE__);
    591   }
    592   return std::string();
    593 }
    595 }  // namespace internal
    597 // Use the REGISTER_TEST_CASE macro in your TestCase implementation file to
    598 // register your TestCase.  If your test is named TestFoo, then add the
    599 // following to test_foo.cc:
    600 //
    601 //   REGISTER_TEST_CASE(Foo);
    602 //
    603 // This will cause your test to be included in the set of known tests.
    604 //
    605 #define REGISTER_TEST_CASE(name)                                            \
    606   static TestCase* Test##name##_FactoryMethod(TestingInstance* instance) {  \
    607     return new Test##name(instance);                                        \
    608   }                                                                         \
    609   static TestCaseFactory g_Test##name_factory(                              \
    610     #name, &Test##name##_FactoryMethod                                      \
    611   )
    613 // Helper macro for calling functions implementing specific tests in the
    614 // RunTest function. This assumes the function name is TestFoo where Foo is the
    615 // test |name|.
    616 #define RUN_TEST(name, test_filter) \
    617   if (ShouldRunTest(#name, test_filter)) { \
    618     set_callback_type(PP_OPTIONAL); \
    619     PP_TimeTicks start_time(NowInTimeTicks()); \
    620     instance_->LogTest(#name, \
    621                        CheckResourcesAndVars(Test##name()), \
    622                        start_time); \
    623   }
    625 // Like RUN_TEST above but forces functions taking callbacks to complete
    626 // asynchronously on success or error.
    627 #define RUN_TEST_FORCEASYNC(name, test_filter) \
    628   if (ShouldRunTest(#name, test_filter)) { \
    629     set_callback_type(PP_REQUIRED); \
    630     PP_TimeTicks start_time(NowInTimeTicks()); \
    631     instance_->LogTest(#name"ForceAsync", \
    632                        CheckResourcesAndVars(Test##name()), \
    633                        start_time); \
    634   }
    636 #define RUN_TEST_BLOCKING(test_case, name, test_filter) \
    637   if (ShouldRunTest(#name, test_filter)) { \
    638     set_callback_type(PP_BLOCKING); \
    639     PP_TimeTicks start_time(NowInTimeTicks()); \
    640     instance_->LogTest( \
    641         #name"Blocking", \
    642         CheckResourcesAndVars(RunOnThread(&test_case::Test##name)), \
    643         start_time); \
    644   }
    646 #define RUN_TEST_BACKGROUND(test_case, name, test_filter) \
    647   if (ShouldRunTest(#name, test_filter)) { \
    648     PP_TimeTicks start_time(NowInTimeTicks()); \
    649     instance_->LogTest( \
    650         #name"Background", \
    651         CheckResourcesAndVars(RunOnThread(&test_case::Test##name)), \
    652         start_time); \
    653   }
    655 #define RUN_TEST_FORCEASYNC_AND_NOT(name, test_filter) \
    656   do { \
    657     RUN_TEST_FORCEASYNC(name, test_filter); \
    658     RUN_TEST(name, test_filter); \
    659   } while (false)
    661 // Run a test with all possible callback types.
    662 #define RUN_CALLBACK_TEST(test_case, name, test_filter) \
    663   do { \
    664     RUN_TEST_FORCEASYNC(name, test_filter); \
    665     RUN_TEST(name, test_filter); \
    666     RUN_TEST_BLOCKING(test_case, name, test_filter); \
    667     RUN_TEST_BACKGROUND(test_case, name, test_filter); \
    668   } while (false)
    670 #define RUN_TEST_WITH_REFERENCE_CHECK(name, test_filter) \
    671   if (ShouldRunTest(#name, test_filter)) { \
    672     set_callback_type(PP_OPTIONAL); \
    673     uint32_t objects = testing_interface_->GetLiveObjectsForInstance( \
    674         instance_->pp_instance()); \
    675     std::string error_message = Test##name(); \
    676     if (error_message.empty() && \
    677         testing_interface_->GetLiveObjectsForInstance( \
    678             instance_->pp_instance()) != objects) \
    679       error_message = MakeFailureMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
    680           "reference leak check"); \
    681     PP_TimeTicks start_time(NowInTimeTicks()); \
    682     instance_->LogTest(#name, \
    683                        CheckResourcesAndVars(error_message), \
    684                        start_time); \
    685   }
    686 // TODO(dmichael): Add CheckResourcesAndVars above when Windows tests pass
    687 //                 cleanly. crbug.com/173503
    689 // Helper macros for checking values in tests, and returning a location
    690 // description of the test fails.
    691 #define ASSERT_TRUE(cmd) \
    692   do { \
    693     if (!(cmd)) \
    694       return MakeFailureMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cmd); \
    695   } while (false)
    696 #define ASSERT_FALSE(cmd) ASSERT_TRUE(!(cmd))
    697 #define COMPARE_BINARY_INTERNAL(comparison_type, a, b) \
    698     internal::Compare##comparison_type( \
    699         internal::ParameterWrapper<IS_NULL_LITERAL(a)>::WrapValue(a), \
    700         (b), \
    701         #a, \
    702         #b, \
    703         __FILE__, \
    704         __LINE__)
    705 #define ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(comparison_type, a, b) \
    706 do { \
    707   std::string internal_assert_result_string = \
    708       COMPARE_BINARY_INTERNAL(comparison_type, a, b); \
    709   if (!internal_assert_result_string.empty()) { \
    710     return internal_assert_result_string; \
    711   } \
    712 } while(false)
    713 #define ASSERT_EQ(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(EQ, a, b)
    714 #define ASSERT_NE(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(NE, a, b)
    715 #define ASSERT_LT(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(LT, a, b)
    716 #define ASSERT_LE(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(LE, a, b)
    717 #define ASSERT_GT(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(GT, a, b)
    718 #define ASSERT_GE(a, b) ASSERT_BINARY_INTERNAL(GE, a, b)
    719 #define ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(a, b) \
    720 do { \
    721   std::string internal_assert_result_string = \
    722       internal::CompareDoubleEq( \
    723           internal::ParameterWrapper<IS_NULL_LITERAL(a)>::WrapValue(a), \
    724           (b), \
    725           #a, \
    726           #b, \
    727           __FILE__, \
    728           __LINE__); \
    729   if (!internal_assert_result_string.empty()) { \
    730     return internal_assert_result_string; \
    731   } \
    732 } while(false)
    733 // Runs |function| as a subtest and asserts that it has passed.
    734 #define ASSERT_SUBTEST_SUCCESS(function) \
    735   do { \
    736     std::string result = (function); \
    737     if (!result.empty()) \
    738       return TestCase::MakeFailureMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, result.c_str()); \
    739   } while (false)
    741 #define PASS() return std::string()
    743 #endif  // PPAPI_TESTS_TEST_CASE_H_