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      1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <string>
      9 #include <vector>
     11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     12 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
     13 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     15 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
     16 #include "base/task_runner.h"
     17 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
     18 #include "sync/base/sync_export.h"
     19 #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
     20 #include "sync/internal_api/public/change_record.h"
     21 #include "sync/internal_api/public/configure_reason.h"
     22 #include "sync/internal_api/public/engine/model_safe_worker.h"
     23 #include "sync/internal_api/public/engine/sync_status.h"
     24 #include "sync/internal_api/public/events/protocol_event.h"
     25 #include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_core_proxy.h"
     26 #include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_encryption_handler.h"
     27 #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/report_unrecoverable_error_function.h"
     28 #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
     29 #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/weak_handle.h"
     30 #include "sync/notifier/invalidation_handler.h"
     31 #include "sync/protocol/sync_protocol_error.h"
     33 namespace sync_pb {
     34 class EncryptedData;
     35 }  // namespace sync_pb
     37 namespace syncer {
     39 class BaseTransaction;
     40 class CancelationSignal;
     41 class DataTypeDebugInfoListener;
     42 class Encryptor;
     43 class ExtensionsActivity;
     44 class HttpPostProviderFactory;
     45 class InternalComponentsFactory;
     46 class JsBackend;
     47 class JsEventHandler;
     48 class ProtocolEvent;
     49 class SyncCoreProxy;
     50 class SyncEncryptionHandler;
     51 class SyncScheduler;
     52 class TypeDebugInfoObserver;
     53 struct Experiments;
     54 struct UserShare;
     56 namespace sessions {
     57 class SyncSessionSnapshot;
     58 }  // namespace sessions
     60 // Used by SyncManager::OnConnectionStatusChange().
     61 enum ConnectionStatus {
     63   CONNECTION_OK,
     66 };
     68 // Contains everything needed to talk to and identify a user account.
     69 struct SyncCredentials {
     70   // The email associated with this account.
     71   std::string email;
     72   // The raw authentication token's bytes.
     73   std::string sync_token;
     74 };
     76 // SyncManager encapsulates syncable::Directory and serves as the parent of all
     77 // other objects in the sync API.  If multiple threads interact with the same
     78 // local sync repository (i.e. the same sqlite database), they should share a
     79 // single SyncManager instance.  The caller should typically create one
     80 // SyncManager for the lifetime of a user session.
     81 //
     82 // Unless stated otherwise, all methods of SyncManager should be called on the
     83 // same thread.
     84 class SYNC_EXPORT SyncManager : public syncer::InvalidationHandler {
     85  public:
     86   // An interface the embedding application implements to be notified
     87   // on change events.  Note that these methods may be called on *any*
     88   // thread.
     89   class SYNC_EXPORT ChangeDelegate {
     90    public:
     91     // Notify the delegate that changes have been applied to the sync model.
     92     //
     93     // This will be invoked on the same thread as on which ApplyChanges was
     94     // called. |changes| is an array of size |change_count|, and contains the
     95     // ID of each individual item that was changed. |changes| exists only for
     96     // the duration of the call. If items of multiple data types change at
     97     // the same time, this method is invoked once per data type and |changes|
     98     // is restricted to items of the ModelType indicated by |model_type|.
     99     // Because the observer is passed a |trans|, the observer can assume a
    100     // read lock on the sync model that will be released after the function
    101     // returns.
    102     //
    103     // The SyncManager constructs |changes| in the following guaranteed order:
    104     //
    105     // 1. Deletions, from leaves up to parents.
    106     // 2. Updates to existing items with synced parents & predecessors.
    107     // 3. New items with synced parents & predecessors.
    108     // 4. Items with parents & predecessors in |changes|.
    109     // 5. Repeat #4 until all items are in |changes|.
    110     //
    111     // Thus, an implementation of OnChangesApplied should be able to
    112     // process the change records in the order without having to worry about
    113     // forward dependencies.  But since deletions come before reparent
    114     // operations, a delete may temporarily orphan a node that is
    115     // updated later in the list.
    116     virtual void OnChangesApplied(
    117         ModelType model_type,
    118         int64 model_version,
    119         const BaseTransaction* trans,
    120         const ImmutableChangeRecordList& changes) = 0;
    122     // OnChangesComplete gets called when the TransactionComplete event is
    123     // posted (after OnChangesApplied finishes), after the transaction lock
    124     // and the change channel mutex are released.
    125     //
    126     // The purpose of this function is to support processors that require
    127     // split-transactions changes. For example, if a model processor wants to
    128     // perform blocking I/O due to a change, it should calculate the changes
    129     // while holding the transaction lock (from within OnChangesApplied), buffer
    130     // those changes, let the transaction fall out of scope, and then commit
    131     // those changes from within OnChangesComplete (postponing the blocking
    132     // I/O to when it no longer holds any lock).
    133     virtual void OnChangesComplete(ModelType model_type) = 0;
    135    protected:
    136     virtual ~ChangeDelegate();
    137   };
    139   // Like ChangeDelegate, except called only on the sync thread and
    140   // not while a transaction is held.  For objects that want to know
    141   // when changes happen, but don't need to process them.
    142   class SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ChangeObserver {
    143    public:
    144     // Ids referred to in |changes| may or may not be in the write
    145     // transaction specified by |write_transaction_id|.  If they're
    146     // not, that means that the node didn't actually change, but we
    147     // marked them as changed for some other reason (e.g., siblings of
    148     // re-ordered nodes).
    149     //
    150     // TODO(sync, long-term): Ideally, ChangeDelegate/Observer would
    151     // be passed a transformed version of EntryKernelMutation instead
    152     // of a transaction that would have to be used to look up the
    153     // changed nodes.  That is, ChangeDelegate::OnChangesApplied()
    154     // would still be called under the transaction, but all the needed
    155     // data will be passed down.
    156     //
    157     // Even more ideally, we would have sync semantics such that we'd
    158     // be able to apply changes without being under a transaction.
    159     // But that's a ways off...
    160     virtual void OnChangesApplied(
    161         ModelType model_type,
    162         int64 write_transaction_id,
    163         const ImmutableChangeRecordList& changes) = 0;
    165     virtual void OnChangesComplete(ModelType model_type) = 0;
    167    protected:
    168     virtual ~ChangeObserver();
    169   };
    171   // An interface the embedding application implements to receive
    172   // notifications from the SyncManager.  Register an observer via
    173   // SyncManager::AddObserver.  All methods are called only on the
    174   // sync thread.
    175   class SYNC_EXPORT Observer {
    176    public:
    177     // A round-trip sync-cycle took place and the syncer has resolved any
    178     // conflicts that may have arisen.
    179     virtual void OnSyncCycleCompleted(
    180         const sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snapshot) = 0;
    182     // Called when the status of the connection to the sync server has
    183     // changed.
    184     virtual void OnConnectionStatusChange(ConnectionStatus status) = 0;
    186     // Called when initialization is complete to the point that SyncManager can
    187     // process changes. This does not necessarily mean authentication succeeded
    188     // or that the SyncManager is online.
    189     // IMPORTANT: Creating any type of transaction before receiving this
    190     // notification is illegal!
    191     // WARNING: Calling methods on the SyncManager before receiving this
    192     // message, unless otherwise specified, produces undefined behavior.
    194     virtual void OnInitializationComplete(
    195         const WeakHandle<JsBackend>& js_backend,
    196         const WeakHandle<DataTypeDebugInfoListener>& debug_info_listener,
    197         bool success,
    198         ModelTypeSet restored_types) = 0;
    200     virtual void OnActionableError(
    201         const SyncProtocolError& sync_protocol_error) = 0;
    203     virtual void OnMigrationRequested(ModelTypeSet types) = 0;
    205     virtual void OnProtocolEvent(const ProtocolEvent& event) = 0;
    207    protected:
    208     virtual ~Observer();
    209   };
    211   SyncManager();
    212   virtual ~SyncManager();
    214   // Initialize the sync manager.  |database_location| specifies the path of
    215   // the directory in which to locate a sqlite repository storing the syncer
    216   // backend state. Initialization will open the database, or create it if it
    217   // does not already exist. Returns false on failure.
    218   // |event_handler| is the JsEventHandler used to propagate events to
    219   // chrome://sync-internals.  |event_handler| may be uninitialized.
    220   // |sync_server_and_path| and |sync_server_port| represent the Chrome sync
    221   // server to use, and |use_ssl| specifies whether to communicate securely;
    222   // the default is false.
    223   // |post_factory| will be owned internally and used to create
    224   // instances of an HttpPostProvider.
    225   // |model_safe_worker| ownership is given to the SyncManager.
    226   // |user_agent| is a 7-bit ASCII string suitable for use as the User-Agent
    227   // HTTP header. Used internally when collecting stats to classify clients.
    228   // |invalidator| is owned and used to listen for invalidations.
    229   // |invalidator_client_id| is used to unqiuely identify this client to the
    230   // invalidation notification server.
    231   // |restored_key_for_bootstrapping| is the key used to boostrap the
    232   // cryptographer
    233   // |keystore_encryption_enabled| determines whether we enable the keystore
    234   // encryption functionality in the cryptographer/nigori.
    235   // |report_unrecoverable_error_function| may be NULL.
    236   // |cancelation_signal| carries shutdown requests across threads.  This one
    237   // will be used to cut short any network I/O and tell the syncer to exit
    238   // early.
    239   //
    240   // TODO(akalin): Replace the |post_factory| parameter with a
    241   // URLFetcher parameter.
    242   virtual void Init(
    243       const base::FilePath& database_location,
    244       const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler,
    245       const std::string& sync_server_and_path,
    246       int sync_server_port,
    247       bool use_ssl,
    248       scoped_ptr<HttpPostProviderFactory> post_factory,
    249       const std::vector<scoped_refptr<ModelSafeWorker> >& workers,
    250       ExtensionsActivity* extensions_activity,
    251       ChangeDelegate* change_delegate,
    252       const SyncCredentials& credentials,
    253       const std::string& invalidator_client_id,
    254       const std::string& restored_key_for_bootstrapping,
    255       const std::string& restored_keystore_key_for_bootstrapping,
    256       InternalComponentsFactory* internal_components_factory,
    257       Encryptor* encryptor,
    258       scoped_ptr<UnrecoverableErrorHandler> unrecoverable_error_handler,
    259       ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function,
    260       CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal) = 0;
    262   virtual ModelTypeSet InitialSyncEndedTypes() = 0;
    264   // Returns those types within |types| that have an empty progress marker
    265   // token.
    266   virtual ModelTypeSet GetTypesWithEmptyProgressMarkerToken(
    267       ModelTypeSet types) = 0;
    269   // Purge from the directory those types with non-empty progress markers
    270   // but without initial synced ended set.
    271   // Returns false if an error occurred, true otherwise.
    272   virtual bool PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() = 0;
    274   // Update tokens that we're using in Sync. Email must stay the same.
    275   virtual void UpdateCredentials(const SyncCredentials& credentials) = 0;
    277   // Put the syncer in normal mode ready to perform nudges and polls.
    278   virtual void StartSyncingNormally(
    279       const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info) = 0;
    281   // Switches the mode of operation to CONFIGURATION_MODE and performs
    282   // any configuration tasks needed as determined by the params. Once complete,
    283   // syncer will remain in CONFIGURATION_MODE until StartSyncingNormally is
    284   // called.
    285   // Data whose types are not in |new_routing_info| are purged from sync
    286   // directory, unless they're part of |to_ignore|, in which case they're left
    287   // untouched. The purged data is backed up in delete journal for recovery in
    288   // next session if its type is in |to_journal|. If in |to_unapply|
    289   // only the local data is removed; the server data is preserved.
    290   // |ready_task| is invoked when the configuration completes.
    291   // |retry_task| is invoked if the configuration job could not immediately
    292   //              execute. |ready_task| will still be called when it eventually
    293   //              does finish.
    294   virtual void ConfigureSyncer(
    295       ConfigureReason reason,
    296       ModelTypeSet to_download,
    297       ModelTypeSet to_purge,
    298       ModelTypeSet to_journal,
    299       ModelTypeSet to_unapply,
    300       const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& new_routing_info,
    301       const base::Closure& ready_task,
    302       const base::Closure& retry_task) = 0;
    304   // Inform the syncer of a change in the invalidator's state.
    305   virtual void OnInvalidatorStateChange(InvalidatorState state) = 0;
    307   // Inform the syncer that its cached information about a type is obsolete.
    308   virtual void OnIncomingInvalidation(
    309       const ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map) = 0;
    311   // Adds a listener to be notified of sync events.
    312   // NOTE: It is OK (in fact, it's probably a good idea) to call this before
    313   // having received OnInitializationCompleted.
    314   virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
    316   // Remove the given observer.  Make sure to call this if the
    317   // Observer is being destroyed so the SyncManager doesn't
    318   // potentially dereference garbage.
    319   virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
    321   // Status-related getter.  May be called on any thread.
    322   virtual SyncStatus GetDetailedStatus() const = 0;
    324   // Call periodically from a database-safe thread to persist recent changes
    325   // to the syncapi model.
    326   virtual void SaveChanges() = 0;
    328   // Issue a final SaveChanges, and close sqlite handles.
    329   virtual void ShutdownOnSyncThread() = 0;
    331   // May be called from any thread.
    332   virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() = 0;
    334   // Returns an instance of the main interface for non-blocking sync types.
    335   virtual syncer::SyncCoreProxy* GetSyncCoreProxy() = 0;
    337   // Returns the cache_guid of the currently open database.
    338   // Requires that the SyncManager be initialized.
    339   virtual const std::string cache_guid() = 0;
    341   // Reads the nigori node to determine if any experimental features should
    342   // be enabled.
    343   // Note: opens a transaction.  May be called on any thread.
    344   virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(Experiments* experiments) = 0;
    346   // Uses a read-only transaction to determine if the directory being synced has
    347   // any remaining unsynced items.  May be called on any thread.
    348   virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() = 0;
    350   // Returns the SyncManager's encryption handler.
    351   virtual SyncEncryptionHandler* GetEncryptionHandler() = 0;
    353   virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetAllNodesForType(
    354       syncer::ModelType type) = 0;
    356   // Ask the SyncManager to fetch updates for the given types.
    357   virtual void RefreshTypes(ModelTypeSet types) = 0;
    359   // Returns any buffered protocol events.  Does not clear the buffer.
    360   virtual ScopedVector<syncer::ProtocolEvent> GetBufferedProtocolEvents() = 0;
    362   // Functions to manage registrations of DebugInfoObservers.
    363   virtual void RegisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    364       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) = 0;
    365   virtual void UnregisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    366       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) = 0;
    367   virtual bool HasDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    368       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) = 0;
    370   // Request that all current counter values be emitted as though they had just
    371   // been updated.  Useful for initializing new observers' state.
    372   virtual void RequestEmitDebugInfo() = 0;
    373 };
    375 }  // namespace syncer