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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/base/ip_pattern.h"
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     11 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     12 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     13 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     14 #include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
     16 namespace net {
     18 class IPPattern::ComponentPattern {
     19  public:
     20   ComponentPattern();
     21   void AppendRange(uint32 min, uint32 max);
     22   bool Match(uint32 value) const;
     24  private:
     25   struct Range {
     26    public:
     27     Range(uint32 min, uint32 max) : minimum(min), maximum(max) {}
     28     uint32 minimum;
     29     uint32 maximum;
     30   };
     31   typedef std::vector<Range> RangeVector;
     33   RangeVector ranges_;
     35   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ComponentPattern);
     36 };
     38 IPPattern::ComponentPattern::ComponentPattern() {}
     40 void IPPattern::ComponentPattern::AppendRange(uint32 min, uint32 max) {
     41   ranges_.push_back(Range(min, max));
     42 }
     44 bool IPPattern::ComponentPattern::Match(uint32 value) const {
     45   // Simple linear search should be fine, as we usually only have very few
     46   // distinct ranges to test.
     47   for (RangeVector::const_iterator range_it = ranges_.begin();
     48        range_it != ranges_.end(); ++range_it) {
     49     if (range_it->maximum >= value && range_it->minimum <= value)
     50       return true;
     51   }
     52   return false;
     53 }
     55 IPPattern::IPPattern() : is_ipv4_(true) {}
     57 IPPattern::~IPPattern() {
     58   STLDeleteElements(&component_patterns_);
     59 }
     61 bool IPPattern::Match(const IPAddressNumber& address) const {
     62   if (ip_mask_.empty())
     63     return false;
     64   bool address_is_ipv4 = address.size() == kIPv4AddressSize;
     65   if (address_is_ipv4 != is_ipv4_)
     66     return false;
     68   ComponentPatternList::const_iterator pattern_it(component_patterns_.begin());
     69   int fixed_value_index = 0;
     70   // IPv6 |address| vectors have 16 pieces, while our  |ip_mask_| has only
     71   // 8, so it is easier to count separately.
     72   int address_index = 0;
     73   for (size_t i = 0; i < ip_mask_.size(); ++i) {
     74     uint32 value_to_test = address[address_index++];
     75     if (!is_ipv4_) {
     76       value_to_test = (value_to_test << 8) + address[address_index++];
     77     }
     78     if (ip_mask_[i]) {
     79       if (component_values_[fixed_value_index++] != value_to_test)
     80         return false;
     81       continue;
     82     }
     83     if (!(*pattern_it)->Match(value_to_test))
     84       return false;
     85     ++pattern_it;
     86   }
     87   return true;
     88 }
     90 bool IPPattern::ParsePattern(const std::string& ip_pattern) {
     91   DCHECK(ip_mask_.empty());
     92   if (ip_pattern.find(':') != std::string::npos) {
     93     is_ipv4_ = false;
     94   }
     95   Strings components;
     96   base::SplitString(ip_pattern, is_ipv4_ ? '.' : ':', &components);
     97   if (components.size() != (is_ipv4_ ? 4u : 8u)) {
     98     DVLOG(1) << "Invalid component count: " << ip_pattern;
     99     return false;
    100   }
    101   for (Strings::iterator component_it = components.begin();
    102        component_it != components.end(); ++component_it) {
    103     if (component_it->empty()) {
    104       DVLOG(1) << "Empty component: " << ip_pattern;
    105       return false;
    106     }
    107     if (*component_it == "*") {
    108       // Let standard code handle this below.
    109       *component_it = is_ipv4_ ? "[0-255]" : "[0-FFFF]";
    110     } else if ((*component_it)[0] != '[') {
    111       // This value will just have a specific integer to match.
    112       uint32 value;
    113       if (!ValueTextToInt(*component_it, &value))
    114         return false;
    115       ip_mask_.push_back(true);
    116       component_values_.push_back(value);
    117       continue;
    118     }
    119     if ((*component_it)[component_it->size() - 1] != ']') {
    120       DVLOG(1) << "Missing close bracket: " << ip_pattern;
    121       return false;
    122     }
    123     // Now we know the size() is at least 2.
    124     if (component_it->size() == 2) {
    125       DVLOG(1) << "Empty bracket: " << ip_pattern;
    126       return false;
    127     }
    128     // We'll need a pattern to match this bracketed component.
    129     scoped_ptr<ComponentPattern> component_pattern(new ComponentPattern);
    130     // Trim leading and trailing bracket before calling for parsing.
    131     if (!ParseComponentPattern(base::StringPiece(component_it->data() + 1,
    132         component_it->size() - 2), component_pattern.get())) {
    133       return false;
    134     }
    135     ip_mask_.push_back(false);
    136     component_patterns_.push_back(component_pattern.release());
    137   }
    138   return true;
    139 }
    141 bool IPPattern::ParseComponentPattern(const base::StringPiece& text,
    142                                       ComponentPattern* pattern) const {
    143   // We're given a comma separated set of ranges, some of which may be simple
    144   // constants.
    145   Strings ranges;
    146   base::SplitString(text.as_string(), ',', &ranges);
    147   for (Strings::iterator range_it = ranges.begin();
    148         range_it != ranges.end(); ++range_it) {
    149     base::StringTokenizer range_pair(*range_it, "-");
    150     uint32 min = 0;
    151     range_pair.GetNext();
    152     if (!ValueTextToInt(range_pair.token(), &min))
    153       return false;
    154     uint32 max = min;  // Sometimes we have no distinct max.
    155     if (range_pair.GetNext()) {
    156       if (!ValueTextToInt(range_pair.token(), &max))
    157         return false;
    158     }
    159     if (range_pair.GetNext()) {
    160       // Too many "-" in this range specifier.
    161       DVLOG(1) << "Too many hyphens in range: ";
    162       return false;
    163     }
    164     pattern->AppendRange(min, max);
    165   }
    166   return true;
    167 }
    169 bool IPPattern::ValueTextToInt(const base::StringPiece& input,
    170                                uint32* output) const {
    171   bool ok = is_ipv4_ ? base::StringToUint(input, output) :
    172                        base::HexStringToUInt(input, output);
    173   if (!ok) {
    174     DVLOG(1) << "Could not convert value to number: " << input;
    175     return false;
    176   }
    177   if (is_ipv4_ && *output > 255u) {
    178     DVLOG(1) << "IPv4 component greater than 255";
    179     return false;
    180   }
    181   if (!is_ipv4_ && *output > 0xFFFFu) {
    182     DVLOG(1) << "IPv6 component greater than 0xFFFF";
    183     return false;
    184   }
    185   return ok;
    186 }
    188 }  // namespace net