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      1 //===- LLLexer.cpp - Lexer for .ll Files ----------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Implement the Lexer for .ll files.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "LLLexer.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     17 #include "llvm/AsmParser/Parser.h"
     18 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
     19 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
     20 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
     21 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     26 #include <cctype>
     27 #include <cstdio>
     28 #include <cstdlib>
     29 #include <cstring>
     30 using namespace llvm;
     32 bool LLLexer::Error(LocTy ErrorLoc, const Twine &Msg) const {
     33   ErrorInfo = SM.GetMessage(ErrorLoc, SourceMgr::DK_Error, Msg);
     34   return true;
     35 }
     37 void LLLexer::Warning(LocTy WarningLoc, const Twine &Msg) const {
     38   SM.PrintMessage(WarningLoc, SourceMgr::DK_Warning, Msg);
     39 }
     41 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     42 // Helper functions.
     43 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     45 // atoull - Convert an ascii string of decimal digits into the unsigned long
     46 // long representation... this does not have to do input error checking,
     47 // because we know that the input will be matched by a suitable regex...
     48 //
     49 uint64_t LLLexer::atoull(const char *Buffer, const char *End) {
     50   uint64_t Result = 0;
     51   for (; Buffer != End; Buffer++) {
     52     uint64_t OldRes = Result;
     53     Result *= 10;
     54     Result += *Buffer-'0';
     55     if (Result < OldRes) {  // Uh, oh, overflow detected!!!
     56       Error("constant bigger than 64 bits detected!");
     57       return 0;
     58     }
     59   }
     60   return Result;
     61 }
     63 uint64_t LLLexer::HexIntToVal(const char *Buffer, const char *End) {
     64   uint64_t Result = 0;
     65   for (; Buffer != End; ++Buffer) {
     66     uint64_t OldRes = Result;
     67     Result *= 16;
     68     Result += hexDigitValue(*Buffer);
     70     if (Result < OldRes) {   // Uh, oh, overflow detected!!!
     71       Error("constant bigger than 64 bits detected!");
     72       return 0;
     73     }
     74   }
     75   return Result;
     76 }
     78 void LLLexer::HexToIntPair(const char *Buffer, const char *End,
     79                            uint64_t Pair[2]) {
     80   Pair[0] = 0;
     81   for (int i=0; i<16; i++, Buffer++) {
     82     assert(Buffer != End);
     83     Pair[0] *= 16;
     84     Pair[0] += hexDigitValue(*Buffer);
     85   }
     86   Pair[1] = 0;
     87   for (int i=0; i<16 && Buffer != End; i++, Buffer++) {
     88     Pair[1] *= 16;
     89     Pair[1] += hexDigitValue(*Buffer);
     90   }
     91   if (Buffer != End)
     92     Error("constant bigger than 128 bits detected!");
     93 }
     95 /// FP80HexToIntPair - translate an 80 bit FP80 number (20 hexits) into
     96 /// { low64, high16 } as usual for an APInt.
     97 void LLLexer::FP80HexToIntPair(const char *Buffer, const char *End,
     98                            uint64_t Pair[2]) {
     99   Pair[1] = 0;
    100   for (int i=0; i<4 && Buffer != End; i++, Buffer++) {
    101     assert(Buffer != End);
    102     Pair[1] *= 16;
    103     Pair[1] += hexDigitValue(*Buffer);
    104   }
    105   Pair[0] = 0;
    106   for (int i=0; i<16; i++, Buffer++) {
    107     Pair[0] *= 16;
    108     Pair[0] += hexDigitValue(*Buffer);
    109   }
    110   if (Buffer != End)
    111     Error("constant bigger than 128 bits detected!");
    112 }
    114 // UnEscapeLexed - Run through the specified buffer and change \xx codes to the
    115 // appropriate character.
    116 static void UnEscapeLexed(std::string &Str) {
    117   if (Str.empty()) return;
    119   char *Buffer = &Str[0], *EndBuffer = Buffer+Str.size();
    120   char *BOut = Buffer;
    121   for (char *BIn = Buffer; BIn != EndBuffer; ) {
    122     if (BIn[0] == '\\') {
    123       if (BIn < EndBuffer-1 && BIn[1] == '\\') {
    124         *BOut++ = '\\'; // Two \ becomes one
    125         BIn += 2;
    126       } else if (BIn < EndBuffer-2 &&
    127                  isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(BIn[1])) &&
    128                  isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(BIn[2]))) {
    129         *BOut = hexDigitValue(BIn[1]) * 16 + hexDigitValue(BIn[2]);
    130         BIn += 3;                           // Skip over handled chars
    131         ++BOut;
    132       } else {
    133         *BOut++ = *BIn++;
    134       }
    135     } else {
    136       *BOut++ = *BIn++;
    137     }
    138   }
    139   Str.resize(BOut-Buffer);
    140 }
    142 /// isLabelChar - Return true for [-a-zA-Z$._0-9].
    143 static bool isLabelChar(char C) {
    144   return isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(C)) || C == '-' || C == '$' ||
    145          C == '.' || C == '_';
    146 }
    149 /// isLabelTail - Return true if this pointer points to a valid end of a label.
    150 static const char *isLabelTail(const char *CurPtr) {
    151   while (1) {
    152     if (CurPtr[0] == ':') return CurPtr+1;
    153     if (!isLabelChar(CurPtr[0])) return nullptr;
    154     ++CurPtr;
    155   }
    156 }
    160 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    161 // Lexer definition.
    162 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    164 LLLexer::LLLexer(MemoryBuffer *StartBuf, SourceMgr &sm, SMDiagnostic &Err,
    165                  LLVMContext &C)
    166   : CurBuf(StartBuf), ErrorInfo(Err), SM(sm), Context(C), APFloatVal(0.0) {
    167   CurPtr = CurBuf->getBufferStart();
    168 }
    170 std::string LLLexer::getFilename() const {
    171   return CurBuf->getBufferIdentifier();
    172 }
    174 int LLLexer::getNextChar() {
    175   char CurChar = *CurPtr++;
    176   switch (CurChar) {
    177   default: return (unsigned char)CurChar;
    178   case 0:
    179     // A nul character in the stream is either the end of the current buffer or
    180     // a random nul in the file.  Disambiguate that here.
    181     if (CurPtr-1 != CurBuf->getBufferEnd())
    182       return 0;  // Just whitespace.
    184     // Otherwise, return end of file.
    185     --CurPtr;  // Another call to lex will return EOF again.
    186     return EOF;
    187   }
    188 }
    191 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexToken() {
    192   TokStart = CurPtr;
    194   int CurChar = getNextChar();
    195   switch (CurChar) {
    196   default:
    197     // Handle letters: [a-zA-Z_]
    198     if (isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurChar)) || CurChar == '_')
    199       return LexIdentifier();
    201     return lltok::Error;
    202   case EOF: return lltok::Eof;
    203   case 0:
    204   case ' ':
    205   case '\t':
    206   case '\n':
    207   case '\r':
    208     // Ignore whitespace.
    209     return LexToken();
    210   case '+': return LexPositive();
    211   case '@': return LexAt();
    212   case '$': return LexDollar();
    213   case '%': return LexPercent();
    214   case '"': return LexQuote();
    215   case '.':
    216     if (const char *Ptr = isLabelTail(CurPtr)) {
    217       CurPtr = Ptr;
    218       StrVal.assign(TokStart, CurPtr-1);
    219       return lltok::LabelStr;
    220     }
    221     if (CurPtr[0] == '.' && CurPtr[1] == '.') {
    222       CurPtr += 2;
    223       return lltok::dotdotdot;
    224     }
    225     return lltok::Error;
    226   case ';':
    227     SkipLineComment();
    228     return LexToken();
    229   case '!': return LexExclaim();
    230   case '#': return LexHash();
    231   case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    232   case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
    233   case '-':
    234     return LexDigitOrNegative();
    235   case '=': return lltok::equal;
    236   case '[': return lltok::lsquare;
    237   case ']': return lltok::rsquare;
    238   case '{': return lltok::lbrace;
    239   case '}': return lltok::rbrace;
    240   case '<': return lltok::less;
    241   case '>': return lltok::greater;
    242   case '(': return lltok::lparen;
    243   case ')': return lltok::rparen;
    244   case ',': return lltok::comma;
    245   case '*': return lltok::star;
    246   case '\\': return lltok::backslash;
    247   }
    248 }
    250 void LLLexer::SkipLineComment() {
    251   while (1) {
    252     if (CurPtr[0] == '\n' || CurPtr[0] == '\r' || getNextChar() == EOF)
    253       return;
    254   }
    255 }
    257 /// LexAt - Lex all tokens that start with an @ character:
    258 ///   GlobalVar   @\"[^\"]*\"
    259 ///   GlobalVar   @[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
    260 ///   GlobalVarID @[0-9]+
    261 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexAt() {
    262   // Handle AtStringConstant: @\"[^\"]*\"
    263   if (CurPtr[0] == '"') {
    264     ++CurPtr;
    266     while (1) {
    267       int CurChar = getNextChar();
    269       if (CurChar == EOF) {
    270         Error("end of file in global variable name");
    271         return lltok::Error;
    272       }
    273       if (CurChar == '"') {
    274         StrVal.assign(TokStart+2, CurPtr-1);
    275         UnEscapeLexed(StrVal);
    276         if (StringRef(StrVal).find_first_of(0) != StringRef::npos) {
    277           Error("Null bytes are not allowed in names");
    278           return lltok::Error;
    279         }
    280         return lltok::GlobalVar;
    281       }
    282     }
    283   }
    285   // Handle GlobalVarName: @[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
    286   if (ReadVarName())
    287     return lltok::GlobalVar;
    289   // Handle GlobalVarID: @[0-9]+
    290   if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) {
    291     for (++CurPtr; isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])); ++CurPtr)
    292       /*empty*/;
    294     uint64_t Val = atoull(TokStart+1, CurPtr);
    295     if ((unsigned)Val != Val)
    296       Error("invalid value number (too large)!");
    297     UIntVal = unsigned(Val);
    298     return lltok::GlobalID;
    299   }
    301   return lltok::Error;
    302 }
    304 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexDollar() {
    305   if (const char *Ptr = isLabelTail(TokStart)) {
    306     CurPtr = Ptr;
    307     StrVal.assign(TokStart, CurPtr - 1);
    308     return lltok::LabelStr;
    309   }
    311   // Handle DollarStringConstant: $\"[^\"]*\"
    312   if (CurPtr[0] == '"') {
    313     ++CurPtr;
    315     while (1) {
    316       int CurChar = getNextChar();
    318       if (CurChar == EOF) {
    319         Error("end of file in COMDAT variable name");
    320         return lltok::Error;
    321       }
    322       if (CurChar == '"') {
    323         StrVal.assign(TokStart + 2, CurPtr - 1);
    324         UnEscapeLexed(StrVal);
    325         if (StringRef(StrVal).find_first_of(0) != StringRef::npos) {
    326           Error("Null bytes are not allowed in names");
    327           return lltok::Error;
    328         }
    329         return lltok::ComdatVar;
    330       }
    331     }
    332   }
    334   // Handle ComdatVarName: $[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
    335   if (ReadVarName())
    336     return lltok::ComdatVar;
    338   return lltok::Error;
    339 }
    341 /// ReadString - Read a string until the closing quote.
    342 lltok::Kind LLLexer::ReadString(lltok::Kind kind) {
    343   const char *Start = CurPtr;
    344   while (1) {
    345     int CurChar = getNextChar();
    347     if (CurChar == EOF) {
    348       Error("end of file in string constant");
    349       return lltok::Error;
    350     }
    351     if (CurChar == '"') {
    352       StrVal.assign(Start, CurPtr-1);
    353       UnEscapeLexed(StrVal);
    354       return kind;
    355     }
    356   }
    357 }
    359 /// ReadVarName - Read the rest of a token containing a variable name.
    360 bool LLLexer::ReadVarName() {
    361   const char *NameStart = CurPtr;
    362   if (isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])) ||
    363       CurPtr[0] == '-' || CurPtr[0] == '$' ||
    364       CurPtr[0] == '.' || CurPtr[0] == '_') {
    365     ++CurPtr;
    366     while (isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])) ||
    367            CurPtr[0] == '-' || CurPtr[0] == '$' ||
    368            CurPtr[0] == '.' || CurPtr[0] == '_')
    369       ++CurPtr;
    371     StrVal.assign(NameStart, CurPtr);
    372     return true;
    373   }
    374   return false;
    375 }
    377 /// LexPercent - Lex all tokens that start with a % character:
    378 ///   LocalVar   ::= %\"[^\"]*\"
    379 ///   LocalVar   ::= %[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
    380 ///   LocalVarID ::= %[0-9]+
    381 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexPercent() {
    382   // Handle LocalVarName: %\"[^\"]*\"
    383   if (CurPtr[0] == '"') {
    384     ++CurPtr;
    385     return ReadString(lltok::LocalVar);
    386   }
    388   // Handle LocalVarName: %[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
    389   if (ReadVarName())
    390     return lltok::LocalVar;
    392   // Handle LocalVarID: %[0-9]+
    393   if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) {
    394     for (++CurPtr; isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])); ++CurPtr)
    395       /*empty*/;
    397     uint64_t Val = atoull(TokStart+1, CurPtr);
    398     if ((unsigned)Val != Val)
    399       Error("invalid value number (too large)!");
    400     UIntVal = unsigned(Val);
    401     return lltok::LocalVarID;
    402   }
    404   return lltok::Error;
    405 }
    407 /// LexQuote - Lex all tokens that start with a " character:
    408 ///   QuoteLabel        "[^"]+":
    409 ///   StringConstant    "[^"]*"
    410 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexQuote() {
    411   lltok::Kind kind = ReadString(lltok::StringConstant);
    412   if (kind == lltok::Error || kind == lltok::Eof)
    413     return kind;
    415   if (CurPtr[0] == ':') {
    416     ++CurPtr;
    417     kind = lltok::LabelStr;
    418   }
    420   return kind;
    421 }
    423 /// LexExclaim:
    424 ///    !foo
    425 ///    !
    426 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexExclaim() {
    427   // Lex a metadata name as a MetadataVar.
    428   if (isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])) ||
    429       CurPtr[0] == '-' || CurPtr[0] == '$' ||
    430       CurPtr[0] == '.' || CurPtr[0] == '_' || CurPtr[0] == '\\') {
    431     ++CurPtr;
    432     while (isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])) ||
    433            CurPtr[0] == '-' || CurPtr[0] == '$' ||
    434            CurPtr[0] == '.' || CurPtr[0] == '_' || CurPtr[0] == '\\')
    435       ++CurPtr;
    437     StrVal.assign(TokStart+1, CurPtr);   // Skip !
    438     UnEscapeLexed(StrVal);
    439     return lltok::MetadataVar;
    440   }
    441   return lltok::exclaim;
    442 }
    444 /// LexHash - Lex all tokens that start with a # character:
    445 ///    AttrGrpID ::= #[0-9]+
    446 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexHash() {
    447   // Handle AttrGrpID: #[0-9]+
    448   if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) {
    449     for (++CurPtr; isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])); ++CurPtr)
    450       /*empty*/;
    452     uint64_t Val = atoull(TokStart+1, CurPtr);
    453     if ((unsigned)Val != Val)
    454       Error("invalid value number (too large)!");
    455     UIntVal = unsigned(Val);
    456     return lltok::AttrGrpID;
    457   }
    459   return lltok::Error;
    460 }
    462 /// LexIdentifier: Handle several related productions:
    463 ///    Label           [-a-zA-Z$._0-9]+:
    464 ///    IntegerType     i[0-9]+
    465 ///    Keyword         sdiv, float, ...
    466 ///    HexIntConstant  [us]0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    467 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexIdentifier() {
    468   const char *StartChar = CurPtr;
    469   const char *IntEnd = CurPtr[-1] == 'i' ? nullptr : StartChar;
    470   const char *KeywordEnd = nullptr;
    472   for (; isLabelChar(*CurPtr); ++CurPtr) {
    473     // If we decide this is an integer, remember the end of the sequence.
    474     if (!IntEnd && !isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*CurPtr)))
    475       IntEnd = CurPtr;
    476     if (!KeywordEnd && !isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(*CurPtr)) &&
    477         *CurPtr != '_')
    478       KeywordEnd = CurPtr;
    479   }
    481   // If we stopped due to a colon, this really is a label.
    482   if (*CurPtr == ':') {
    483     StrVal.assign(StartChar-1, CurPtr++);
    484     return lltok::LabelStr;
    485   }
    487   // Otherwise, this wasn't a label.  If this was valid as an integer type,
    488   // return it.
    489   if (!IntEnd) IntEnd = CurPtr;
    490   if (IntEnd != StartChar) {
    491     CurPtr = IntEnd;
    492     uint64_t NumBits = atoull(StartChar, CurPtr);
    493     if (NumBits < IntegerType::MIN_INT_BITS ||
    494         NumBits > IntegerType::MAX_INT_BITS) {
    495       Error("bitwidth for integer type out of range!");
    496       return lltok::Error;
    497     }
    498     TyVal = IntegerType::get(Context, NumBits);
    499     return lltok::Type;
    500   }
    502   // Otherwise, this was a letter sequence.  See which keyword this is.
    503   if (!KeywordEnd) KeywordEnd = CurPtr;
    504   CurPtr = KeywordEnd;
    505   --StartChar;
    506   unsigned Len = CurPtr-StartChar;
    507 #define KEYWORD(STR)                                                    \
    508   do {                                                                  \
    509     if (Len == strlen(#STR) && !memcmp(StartChar, #STR, strlen(#STR)))  \
    510       return lltok::kw_##STR;                                           \
    511   } while (0)
    513   KEYWORD(true);    KEYWORD(false);
    514   KEYWORD(declare); KEYWORD(define);
    515   KEYWORD(global);  KEYWORD(constant);
    517   KEYWORD(private);
    518   KEYWORD(internal);
    519   KEYWORD(linker_private);        // NOTE: deprecated, for parser compatibility
    520   KEYWORD(linker_private_weak);   // NOTE: deprecated, for parser compatibility
    521   KEYWORD(available_externally);
    522   KEYWORD(linkonce);
    523   KEYWORD(linkonce_odr);
    524   KEYWORD(weak); // Use as a linkage, and a modifier for "cmpxchg".
    525   KEYWORD(weak_odr);
    526   KEYWORD(appending);
    527   KEYWORD(dllimport);
    528   KEYWORD(dllexport);
    529   KEYWORD(common);
    530   KEYWORD(default);
    531   KEYWORD(hidden);
    532   KEYWORD(protected);
    533   KEYWORD(unnamed_addr);
    534   KEYWORD(externally_initialized);
    535   KEYWORD(extern_weak);
    536   KEYWORD(external);
    537   KEYWORD(thread_local);
    538   KEYWORD(localdynamic);
    539   KEYWORD(initialexec);
    540   KEYWORD(localexec);
    541   KEYWORD(zeroinitializer);
    542   KEYWORD(undef);
    543   KEYWORD(null);
    544   KEYWORD(to);
    545   KEYWORD(tail);
    546   KEYWORD(musttail);
    547   KEYWORD(target);
    548   KEYWORD(triple);
    549   KEYWORD(unwind);
    550   KEYWORD(deplibs);             // FIXME: Remove in 4.0.
    551   KEYWORD(datalayout);
    552   KEYWORD(volatile);
    553   KEYWORD(atomic);
    554   KEYWORD(unordered);
    555   KEYWORD(monotonic);
    556   KEYWORD(acquire);
    557   KEYWORD(release);
    558   KEYWORD(acq_rel);
    559   KEYWORD(seq_cst);
    560   KEYWORD(singlethread);
    562   KEYWORD(nnan);
    563   KEYWORD(ninf);
    564   KEYWORD(nsz);
    565   KEYWORD(arcp);
    566   KEYWORD(fast);
    567   KEYWORD(nuw);
    568   KEYWORD(nsw);
    569   KEYWORD(exact);
    570   KEYWORD(inbounds);
    571   KEYWORD(align);
    572   KEYWORD(addrspace);
    573   KEYWORD(section);
    574   KEYWORD(alias);
    575   KEYWORD(module);
    576   KEYWORD(asm);
    577   KEYWORD(sideeffect);
    578   KEYWORD(alignstack);
    579   KEYWORD(inteldialect);
    580   KEYWORD(gc);
    581   KEYWORD(prefix);
    583   KEYWORD(ccc);
    584   KEYWORD(fastcc);
    585   KEYWORD(coldcc);
    586   KEYWORD(x86_stdcallcc);
    587   KEYWORD(x86_fastcallcc);
    588   KEYWORD(x86_thiscallcc);
    589   KEYWORD(arm_apcscc);
    590   KEYWORD(arm_aapcscc);
    591   KEYWORD(arm_aapcs_vfpcc);
    592   KEYWORD(msp430_intrcc);
    593   KEYWORD(ptx_kernel);
    594   KEYWORD(ptx_device);
    595   KEYWORD(spir_kernel);
    596   KEYWORD(spir_func);
    597   KEYWORD(intel_ocl_bicc);
    598   KEYWORD(x86_64_sysvcc);
    599   KEYWORD(x86_64_win64cc);
    600   KEYWORD(webkit_jscc);
    601   KEYWORD(anyregcc);
    602   KEYWORD(preserve_mostcc);
    603   KEYWORD(preserve_allcc);
    605   KEYWORD(cc);
    606   KEYWORD(c);
    608   KEYWORD(attributes);
    610   KEYWORD(alwaysinline);
    611   KEYWORD(builtin);
    612   KEYWORD(byval);
    613   KEYWORD(inalloca);
    614   KEYWORD(cold);
    615   KEYWORD(inlinehint);
    616   KEYWORD(inreg);
    617   KEYWORD(jumptable);
    618   KEYWORD(minsize);
    619   KEYWORD(naked);
    620   KEYWORD(nest);
    621   KEYWORD(noalias);
    622   KEYWORD(nobuiltin);
    623   KEYWORD(nocapture);
    624   KEYWORD(noduplicate);
    625   KEYWORD(noimplicitfloat);
    626   KEYWORD(noinline);
    627   KEYWORD(nonlazybind);
    628   KEYWORD(nonnull);
    629   KEYWORD(noredzone);
    630   KEYWORD(noreturn);
    631   KEYWORD(nounwind);
    632   KEYWORD(optnone);
    633   KEYWORD(optsize);
    634   KEYWORD(readnone);
    635   KEYWORD(readonly);
    636   KEYWORD(returned);
    637   KEYWORD(returns_twice);
    638   KEYWORD(signext);
    639   KEYWORD(sret);
    640   KEYWORD(ssp);
    641   KEYWORD(sspreq);
    642   KEYWORD(sspstrong);
    643   KEYWORD(sanitize_address);
    644   KEYWORD(sanitize_thread);
    645   KEYWORD(sanitize_memory);
    646   KEYWORD(uwtable);
    647   KEYWORD(zeroext);
    649   KEYWORD(type);
    650   KEYWORD(opaque);
    652   KEYWORD(comdat);
    654   // Comdat types
    655   KEYWORD(any);
    656   KEYWORD(exactmatch);
    657   KEYWORD(largest);
    658   KEYWORD(noduplicates);
    659   KEYWORD(samesize);
    661   KEYWORD(eq); KEYWORD(ne); KEYWORD(slt); KEYWORD(sgt); KEYWORD(sle);
    662   KEYWORD(sge); KEYWORD(ult); KEYWORD(ugt); KEYWORD(ule); KEYWORD(uge);
    663   KEYWORD(oeq); KEYWORD(one); KEYWORD(olt); KEYWORD(ogt); KEYWORD(ole);
    664   KEYWORD(oge); KEYWORD(ord); KEYWORD(uno); KEYWORD(ueq); KEYWORD(une);
    666   KEYWORD(xchg); KEYWORD(nand); KEYWORD(max); KEYWORD(min); KEYWORD(umax);
    667   KEYWORD(umin);
    669   KEYWORD(x);
    670   KEYWORD(blockaddress);
    672   KEYWORD(personality);
    673   KEYWORD(cleanup);
    674   KEYWORD(catch);
    675   KEYWORD(filter);
    676 #undef KEYWORD
    678   // Keywords for types.
    679 #define TYPEKEYWORD(STR, LLVMTY) \
    680   if (Len == strlen(STR) && !memcmp(StartChar, STR, strlen(STR))) { \
    681     TyVal = LLVMTY; return lltok::Type; }
    682   TYPEKEYWORD("void",      Type::getVoidTy(Context));
    683   TYPEKEYWORD("half",      Type::getHalfTy(Context));
    684   TYPEKEYWORD("float",     Type::getFloatTy(Context));
    685   TYPEKEYWORD("double",    Type::getDoubleTy(Context));
    686   TYPEKEYWORD("x86_fp80",  Type::getX86_FP80Ty(Context));
    687   TYPEKEYWORD("fp128",     Type::getFP128Ty(Context));
    688   TYPEKEYWORD("ppc_fp128", Type::getPPC_FP128Ty(Context));
    689   TYPEKEYWORD("label",     Type::getLabelTy(Context));
    690   TYPEKEYWORD("metadata",  Type::getMetadataTy(Context));
    691   TYPEKEYWORD("x86_mmx",   Type::getX86_MMXTy(Context));
    692 #undef TYPEKEYWORD
    694   // Keywords for instructions.
    695 #define INSTKEYWORD(STR, Enum) \
    696   if (Len == strlen(#STR) && !memcmp(StartChar, #STR, strlen(#STR))) { \
    697     UIntVal = Instruction::Enum; return lltok::kw_##STR; }
    699   INSTKEYWORD(add,   Add);  INSTKEYWORD(fadd,   FAdd);
    700   INSTKEYWORD(sub,   Sub);  INSTKEYWORD(fsub,   FSub);
    701   INSTKEYWORD(mul,   Mul);  INSTKEYWORD(fmul,   FMul);
    702   INSTKEYWORD(udiv,  UDiv); INSTKEYWORD(sdiv,  SDiv); INSTKEYWORD(fdiv,  FDiv);
    703   INSTKEYWORD(urem,  URem); INSTKEYWORD(srem,  SRem); INSTKEYWORD(frem,  FRem);
    704   INSTKEYWORD(shl,   Shl);  INSTKEYWORD(lshr,  LShr); INSTKEYWORD(ashr,  AShr);
    705   INSTKEYWORD(and,   And);  INSTKEYWORD(or,    Or);   INSTKEYWORD(xor,   Xor);
    706   INSTKEYWORD(icmp,  ICmp); INSTKEYWORD(fcmp,  FCmp);
    708   INSTKEYWORD(phi,         PHI);
    709   INSTKEYWORD(call,        Call);
    710   INSTKEYWORD(trunc,       Trunc);
    711   INSTKEYWORD(zext,        ZExt);
    712   INSTKEYWORD(sext,        SExt);
    713   INSTKEYWORD(fptrunc,     FPTrunc);
    714   INSTKEYWORD(fpext,       FPExt);
    715   INSTKEYWORD(uitofp,      UIToFP);
    716   INSTKEYWORD(sitofp,      SIToFP);
    717   INSTKEYWORD(fptoui,      FPToUI);
    718   INSTKEYWORD(fptosi,      FPToSI);
    719   INSTKEYWORD(inttoptr,    IntToPtr);
    720   INSTKEYWORD(ptrtoint,    PtrToInt);
    721   INSTKEYWORD(bitcast,     BitCast);
    722   INSTKEYWORD(addrspacecast, AddrSpaceCast);
    723   INSTKEYWORD(select,      Select);
    724   INSTKEYWORD(va_arg,      VAArg);
    725   INSTKEYWORD(ret,         Ret);
    726   INSTKEYWORD(br,          Br);
    727   INSTKEYWORD(switch,      Switch);
    728   INSTKEYWORD(indirectbr,  IndirectBr);
    729   INSTKEYWORD(invoke,      Invoke);
    730   INSTKEYWORD(resume,      Resume);
    731   INSTKEYWORD(unreachable, Unreachable);
    733   INSTKEYWORD(alloca,      Alloca);
    734   INSTKEYWORD(load,        Load);
    735   INSTKEYWORD(store,       Store);
    736   INSTKEYWORD(cmpxchg,     AtomicCmpXchg);
    737   INSTKEYWORD(atomicrmw,   AtomicRMW);
    738   INSTKEYWORD(fence,       Fence);
    739   INSTKEYWORD(getelementptr, GetElementPtr);
    741   INSTKEYWORD(extractelement, ExtractElement);
    742   INSTKEYWORD(insertelement,  InsertElement);
    743   INSTKEYWORD(shufflevector,  ShuffleVector);
    744   INSTKEYWORD(extractvalue,   ExtractValue);
    745   INSTKEYWORD(insertvalue,    InsertValue);
    746   INSTKEYWORD(landingpad,     LandingPad);
    747 #undef INSTKEYWORD
    749   // Check for [us]0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ which are Hexadecimal constant generated by
    750   // the CFE to avoid forcing it to deal with 64-bit numbers.
    751   if ((TokStart[0] == 'u' || TokStart[0] == 's') &&
    752       TokStart[1] == '0' && TokStart[2] == 'x' &&
    753       isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(TokStart[3]))) {
    754     int len = CurPtr-TokStart-3;
    755     uint32_t bits = len * 4;
    756     APInt Tmp(bits, StringRef(TokStart+3, len), 16);
    757     uint32_t activeBits = Tmp.getActiveBits();
    758     if (activeBits > 0 && activeBits < bits)
    759       Tmp = Tmp.trunc(activeBits);
    760     APSIntVal = APSInt(Tmp, TokStart[0] == 'u');
    761     return lltok::APSInt;
    762   }
    764   // If this is "cc1234", return this as just "cc".
    765   if (TokStart[0] == 'c' && TokStart[1] == 'c') {
    766     CurPtr = TokStart+2;
    767     return lltok::kw_cc;
    768   }
    770   // Finally, if this isn't known, return an error.
    771   CurPtr = TokStart+1;
    772   return lltok::Error;
    773 }
    776 /// Lex0x: Handle productions that start with 0x, knowing that it matches and
    777 /// that this is not a label:
    778 ///    HexFPConstant     0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    779 ///    HexFP80Constant   0xK[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    780 ///    HexFP128Constant  0xL[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    781 ///    HexPPC128Constant 0xM[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    782 ///    HexHalfConstant   0xH[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    783 lltok::Kind LLLexer::Lex0x() {
    784   CurPtr = TokStart + 2;
    786   char Kind;
    787   if ((CurPtr[0] >= 'K' && CurPtr[0] <= 'M') || CurPtr[0] == 'H') {
    788     Kind = *CurPtr++;
    789   } else {
    790     Kind = 'J';
    791   }
    793   if (!isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) {
    794     // Bad token, return it as an error.
    795     CurPtr = TokStart+1;
    796     return lltok::Error;
    797   }
    799   while (isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])))
    800     ++CurPtr;
    802   if (Kind == 'J') {
    803     // HexFPConstant - Floating point constant represented in IEEE format as a
    804     // hexadecimal number for when exponential notation is not precise enough.
    805     // Half, Float, and double only.
    806     APFloatVal = APFloat(BitsToDouble(HexIntToVal(TokStart+2, CurPtr)));
    807     return lltok::APFloat;
    808   }
    810   uint64_t Pair[2];
    811   switch (Kind) {
    812   default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown kind!");
    813   case 'K':
    814     // F80HexFPConstant - x87 long double in hexadecimal format (10 bytes)
    815     FP80HexToIntPair(TokStart+3, CurPtr, Pair);
    816     APFloatVal = APFloat(APFloat::x87DoubleExtended, APInt(80, Pair));
    817     return lltok::APFloat;
    818   case 'L':
    819     // F128HexFPConstant - IEEE 128-bit in hexadecimal format (16 bytes)
    820     HexToIntPair(TokStart+3, CurPtr, Pair);
    821     APFloatVal = APFloat(APFloat::IEEEquad, APInt(128, Pair));
    822     return lltok::APFloat;
    823   case 'M':
    824     // PPC128HexFPConstant - PowerPC 128-bit in hexadecimal format (16 bytes)
    825     HexToIntPair(TokStart+3, CurPtr, Pair);
    826     APFloatVal = APFloat(APFloat::PPCDoubleDouble, APInt(128, Pair));
    827     return lltok::APFloat;
    828   case 'H':
    829     APFloatVal = APFloat(APFloat::IEEEhalf,
    830                          APInt(16,HexIntToVal(TokStart+3, CurPtr)));
    831     return lltok::APFloat;
    832   }
    833 }
    835 /// LexIdentifier: Handle several related productions:
    836 ///    Label             [-a-zA-Z$._0-9]+:
    837 ///    NInteger          -[0-9]+
    838 ///    FPConstant        [-+]?[0-9]+[.][0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
    839 ///    PInteger          [0-9]+
    840 ///    HexFPConstant     0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    841 ///    HexFP80Constant   0xK[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    842 ///    HexFP128Constant  0xL[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    843 ///    HexPPC128Constant 0xM[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    844 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexDigitOrNegative() {
    845   // If the letter after the negative is not a number, this is probably a label.
    846   if (!isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(TokStart[0])) &&
    847       !isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) {
    848     // Okay, this is not a number after the -, it's probably a label.
    849     if (const char *End = isLabelTail(CurPtr)) {
    850       StrVal.assign(TokStart, End-1);
    851       CurPtr = End;
    852       return lltok::LabelStr;
    853     }
    855     return lltok::Error;
    856   }
    858   // At this point, it is either a label, int or fp constant.
    860   // Skip digits, we have at least one.
    861   for (; isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])); ++CurPtr)
    862     /*empty*/;
    864   // Check to see if this really is a label afterall, e.g. "-1:".
    865   if (isLabelChar(CurPtr[0]) || CurPtr[0] == ':') {
    866     if (const char *End = isLabelTail(CurPtr)) {
    867       StrVal.assign(TokStart, End-1);
    868       CurPtr = End;
    869       return lltok::LabelStr;
    870     }
    871   }
    873   // If the next character is a '.', then it is a fp value, otherwise its
    874   // integer.
    875   if (CurPtr[0] != '.') {
    876     if (TokStart[0] == '0' && TokStart[1] == 'x')
    877       return Lex0x();
    878     unsigned Len = CurPtr-TokStart;
    879     uint32_t numBits = ((Len * 64) / 19) + 2;
    880     APInt Tmp(numBits, StringRef(TokStart, Len), 10);
    881     if (TokStart[0] == '-') {
    882       uint32_t minBits = Tmp.getMinSignedBits();
    883       if (minBits > 0 && minBits < numBits)
    884         Tmp = Tmp.trunc(minBits);
    885       APSIntVal = APSInt(Tmp, false);
    886     } else {
    887       uint32_t activeBits = Tmp.getActiveBits();
    888       if (activeBits > 0 && activeBits < numBits)
    889         Tmp = Tmp.trunc(activeBits);
    890       APSIntVal = APSInt(Tmp, true);
    891     }
    892     return lltok::APSInt;
    893   }
    895   ++CurPtr;
    897   // Skip over [0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
    898   while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) ++CurPtr;
    900   if (CurPtr[0] == 'e' || CurPtr[0] == 'E') {
    901     if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[1])) ||
    902         ((CurPtr[1] == '-' || CurPtr[1] == '+') &&
    903           isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[2])))) {
    904       CurPtr += 2;
    905       while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) ++CurPtr;
    906     }
    907   }
    909   APFloatVal = APFloat(std::atof(TokStart));
    910   return lltok::APFloat;
    911 }
    913 ///    FPConstant  [-+]?[0-9]+[.][0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
    914 lltok::Kind LLLexer::LexPositive() {
    915   // If the letter after the negative is a number, this is probably not a
    916   // label.
    917   if (!isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])))
    918     return lltok::Error;
    920   // Skip digits.
    921   for (++CurPtr; isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0])); ++CurPtr)
    922     /*empty*/;
    924   // At this point, we need a '.'.
    925   if (CurPtr[0] != '.') {
    926     CurPtr = TokStart+1;
    927     return lltok::Error;
    928   }
    930   ++CurPtr;
    932   // Skip over [0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
    933   while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) ++CurPtr;
    935   if (CurPtr[0] == 'e' || CurPtr[0] == 'E') {
    936     if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[1])) ||
    937         ((CurPtr[1] == '-' || CurPtr[1] == '+') &&
    938         isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[2])))) {
    939       CurPtr += 2;
    940       while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(CurPtr[0]))) ++CurPtr;
    941     }
    942   }
    944   APFloatVal = APFloat(std::atof(TokStart));
    945   return lltok::APFloat;
    946 }