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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #ifndef __JEM_DEFS_H__
     18 #define __JEM_DEFS_H__
     20 #ifndef __cplusplus
     21 #error "This is a C++ header file; it requires C++ to compile."
     22 #endif
     24 /**
     25   \file jem_defs.hpp
     26   \brief Contains JemBaseObject class and JemSmartPtr template class definition
     28        The jem_defs.hpp header file contains JemBaseObject class and  JemSmartPtr \n
     29        template class definition. \n
     30        This is the utility definition for the Dmt C++ API. It defineds Basic types as byte and boolean.\n
     31        Also some standard collection helper class as Date that are used in the API.\n
     32        The <b>JemSmartPtr</b> class is a Smart pointer; works with classes derived from JemBaseObject. \n
     33        The Smart pointer class keeps tracking counter references to the object and deletes it  (via "DecRef" method) \n
     34        if no one longer keeps a pointer to this object.\n
     35        The <b>JemBaseObject</b> class  is a base object for any ref-counted object.
     36 */
     38 #include "dmtDefs.h"
     39 #include "dmstring.h"
     40 #include "dmvector.h"
     42  /**Definition for the "byte" as unsigned char*/
     43 typedef UINT8 byte;
     44  /**Definition for the "boolean" as unsigned char*/
     45 typedef BOOLEAN boolean;
     46  /**Definition for the "JemDate" as INT64*/
     47 typedef INT64 JemDate;
     49   /**
     50   * Gets "safe" string. If string is NULL then an empy string will be returned.
     51   * \par Sync (or) Async:
     52   * This is a Synchronous function.
     53   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
     54   * This is a Non-Secure function.
     55   * \par API Migration State:  FINAL
     56   * \param str [in] - string to be evaluated
     57   * \return original (if not null) or an empty string
     58   * \par Prospective Clients:
     59   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
     60   */
     61 inline CPCHAR DmtGetSafeStrPtr( CPCHAR str )
     62 {
     63   return (str ? str : "" );
     64 }
     66 /**
     67 * Smart pointer; works with classes derived from JemBaseObject.
     68 * Smartpointer class keeps tracking refcounter of the object and deletes it
     69 * (via "DecRef" method) if no one longer keeps a pointer to this object.
     70 * \par Category: General
     71 * \par Persistence: Transient
     72 * \par Security: Non-Secure
     73 * \par Migration State: FINAL
     74 */
     75 template<typename T> class JemSmartPtr
     76 {
     77   T * m_pData;
     78 public:
     79  /**Definition for the element_type*/
     80     typedef T element_type;
     82   /**
     83   * Default constructor - no memory allocation performed.
     84   */
     85     JemSmartPtr(): m_pData(NULL) {}
     87 /**
     88  * Copy constructor. The memory for the "cp"  will be allocated.
     89  * \param cp [in] - source object
     90  */
     92     JemSmartPtr( const JemSmartPtr<element_type> & cp): m_pData(cp.m_pData) { _AddRef();}
     94 /**
     95  * Constructor. The memory will be allocated.
     96  * \param p [in] - pointer to an element
     97  */
     98     JemSmartPtr( element_type * p): m_pData( p ) { _AddRef(); }
    100   /**
    101   * Assignment  operator
    102   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    103   * This is a Synchronous function.
    104   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    105   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    106   * \param pData [in] - pointer to object
    107   * \return constant reference to Smart pointer
    108   * \par Prospective Clients:
    109   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    110   */
    111     const JemSmartPtr<element_type>& operator=( element_type * pData)
    112     {
    113         if (m_pData != pData){
    114             element_type* pOldData = m_pData;
    115             m_pData = pData;
    116             _AddRef();
    117             pOldData->DecRef();
    118         }
    119         return *this;
    120     }
    122   /**
    123   * Assignment  operator
    124   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    125   * This is a Synchronous function.
    126   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    127   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    128   * \param cp [in] - constant reference to object
    129   * \return constant reference to Smart pointer
    130   * \par Prospective Clients:
    131   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    132   */
    133     const JemSmartPtr<element_type>& operator=(const JemSmartPtr<element_type>& cp)
    134     {
    135         return operator=(cp.m_pData);
    136     }
    138   /**
    139   * Destructor - freeing all dynamic resources
    140   */
    141     ~JemSmartPtr()
    142     {
    143         _Release();
    144     }
    146   /**
    147   * Casting to type operator
    148   * \return pointer to an element
    149   */
    150     operator element_type*() const { return m_pData; }
    152   /**
    153   * Casting to type operator
    154   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    155   * This is a Synchronous function.
    156   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    157   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    158   * \return reference to an element
    159   * \par Prospective Clients:
    160   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    161   */
    162     element_type& operator*() const
    163     {
    164         return *m_pData;
    165     }
    167   /**
    168   * Member selection via pointer operator
    169   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    170   * This is a Synchronous function.
    171   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    172   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    173   * \return pointer to an element
    174   * \par Prospective Clients:
    175   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    176   */
    177     element_type* operator->() const
    178     {
    179         return m_pData;
    180     }
    182   /**
    183   * Comparison operator (equally)
    184   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    185   * This is a Synchronous function.
    186   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    187   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    188   * \param p [in] - pointer to an element for comparison
    189   * \return boolean result of comparison
    190   * \par Prospective Clients:
    191   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    192   */
    193     BOOLEAN operator==(element_type* p) const { return m_pData == p; }
    195   /**
    196   * Comparison operator (equally)
    197   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    198   * This is a Synchronous function.
    199   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    200   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    201   * \param ptr [in] - constant reference to Smart pointer for comparison
    202   * \return boolean result of comparison
    203   * \par Prospective Clients:
    204   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    205   */
    206     BOOLEAN operator==(const JemSmartPtr<element_type>& ptr) const { return operator==(ptr.m_pData);}
    208   /**
    209   * Comparison operator (unequally)
    210   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    211   * This is a Synchronous function.
    212   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    213   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    214   * \param p [in] - pointer to an element for comparison
    215   * \return boolean result of comparison
    216   * \par Prospective Clients:
    217   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    218   */
    219     BOOLEAN operator!=(element_type* p) const { return !(operator==(p));}
    221   /**
    222   * Comparison operator (unequally)
    223   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    224   * This is a Synchronous function.
    225   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    226   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    227   * \param ptr [in] - constant reference to Smart pointer for comparison
    228   * \return boolean result of comparison
    229   * \par Prospective Clients:
    230   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    231   */
    232     BOOLEAN operator!=(const JemSmartPtr<element_type> & ptr) const { return !(operator==(ptr));}
    234   /**
    235   * Retrieves pointer to an element
    236   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    237   * This is a Synchronous function.
    238   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    239   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    240   * \return pointer to an element
    241   * \par Prospective Clients:
    242   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    243   */
    244     element_type* GetPtr() const { return m_pData; }
    248 private:
    249   void _Release() { m_pData->DecRef(); }
    250   void _AddRef()  { m_pData->AddRef(); }
    251 };
    253   /**
    254   * Reverse comparison operators for JemSmartPtr (equally)
    255   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    256   * This is a Synchronous function.
    257   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    258   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    259   * \param  p [in] - Smart pointer
    260   * \param  ptr [in] - reference to Smart pointer
    261   * \return boolean result of comparison
    262   * \par Prospective Clients:
    263   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    264   */
    265 template<typename T> inline BOOLEAN operator==(T* p, const JemSmartPtr<T>& ptr)
    266 {
    267   return ptr == p;
    268 }
    270   /**
    271   * Reverse comparison operators for JemSmartPtr (unequally)
    272   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    273   * This is a Synchronous function.
    274   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    275   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    276   * \param  p [in] - Smart pointer
    277   * \param  ptr [in] - reference to Smart pointer
    278   * \return boolean result of comparison
    279   * \par Prospective Clients:
    280   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    281   */
    282 template<typename T> inline BOOLEAN operator!=(T* p, const JemSmartPtr<T>& ptr)
    283 {
    284 	return ptr != p;
    285 }
    288 /**
    289 * Base object for any ref-counted object.
    290 * \par Category: General
    291 * \par Persistence: Transient
    292 * \par Security: Non-Secure
    293 * \par Migration State: FINAL
    294 */
    295 class JemBaseObject
    296 {
    297   INT64 m_nRefCount;
    299 protected:
    300   /**
    301   * Protected destructor, since this is reference counted object and nobody should delete it manually.
    302   */
    303   virtual ~JemBaseObject(){}
    305 public:
    307   /**
    308   * Default constructor - no memory allocation performed.
    309   */
    310   JemBaseObject();
    312   /**
    313   * Operator New
    314   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    315   * This is a Synchronous function.
    316   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    317   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    318   * \param nSize [in] - requested size
    319   * \return void pointer
    320   * \par Prospective Clients:
    321   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    322   */
    323   void* operator new( size_t nSize )
    324     { return DmtMemAlloc( nSize ); }
    326   /**
    327   * Operator Delete
    328   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    329   * This is a Synchronous function.
    330   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    331   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    332   * \param p [in] - void pointer
    333   * \par Prospective Clients:
    334   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    335   */
    336   inline void  operator delete( void* p )
    337     { DmtMemFree( p ); }
    339   /**
    340   * Increments reference counter
    341   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    342   * This is a Synchronous function.
    343   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    344   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    345   * \par API Migration State: FINAL
    346   * \par Prospective Clients:
    347   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    348   */
    349   void AddRef();
    351   /**
    352   * Decrements reference counter; deletes object if it's the last reference
    353   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    354   * This is a Synchronous function.
    355   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    356   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    357   * \par API Migration State: FINAL
    358   * \par Prospective Clients:
    359   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    360   */
    361   void DecRef();
    362 };
    364 /**  Defines PJemBaseObject  as  a smart pointer for DmtNode class */
    365 typedef JemSmartPtr<JemBaseObject> PJemBaseObject;
    367 // some additional smart pointers:
    368 class DmtTree;
    369 class DmtNode;
    371 /**  Defines PDmtNode  as  a smart pointer for DmtNode class */
    372 typedef JemSmartPtr<DmtTree> PDmtTree;
    374 /** Defines PDmtTree as a smartpointer type for DmtTree class*/
    375 typedef JemSmartPtr<DmtNode> PDmtNode;
    378 #ifndef NULL
    379  /** Define NULL */
    380   #define NULL ((void*) 0)
    381 #endif
    383 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    384 // inline functions for JemBaseObject
    386   /**
    387   * Default constructor for the class JemBaseObject - no memory allocation performed.
    388   */
    389 inline JemBaseObject::JemBaseObject()
    390 {
    391   m_nRefCount = 0;
    392 }
    394   /**
    395   * Increments reference counter
    396   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    397   * This is a Synchronous function.
    398   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    399   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    400   * \par Prospective Clients:
    401   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    402   */
    403 inline void JemBaseObject::AddRef()
    404 {
    405   if ( this == NULL )
    406     return;
    408   m_nRefCount++;
    409 }
    411 //decrement reference (if == 0 then delete object).
    412   /**
    413   * Decrements reference counter; delete object if it's the last reference
    414   * \par Sync (or) Async:
    415   * This is a Synchronous function.
    416   * \par Secure (or) Non-Secure (or) N/A:
    417   * This is a Non-Secure function.
    418   * \par Prospective Clients:
    419   * All potential applications that require configuration settings and Internal Classes.
    420   */
    422 inline void JemBaseObject::DecRef()
    423 {
    424   if ( this == NULL )
    425     return;
    427   if ( --m_nRefCount <= 0 )
    428     delete this;
    429 }
    431 #endif