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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      5  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
      6  * met:
      7  *
      8  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      9  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     10  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
     11  * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
     12  * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     13  * distribution.
     14  *     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
     15  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
     16  * this software without specific prior written permission.
     17  *
     29  */
     31 #ifndef Heap_h
     32 #define Heap_h
     34 #include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
     35 #include "platform/heap/AddressSanitizer.h"
     36 #include "platform/heap/ThreadState.h"
     37 #include "platform/heap/Visitor.h"
     39 #include "wtf/Assertions.h"
     40 #include "wtf/HashCountedSet.h"
     41 #include "wtf/LinkedHashSet.h"
     42 #include "wtf/ListHashSet.h"
     43 #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
     44 #include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
     45 #include "wtf/ThreadSafeRefCounted.h"
     47 #include <stdint.h>
     49 namespace WebCore {
     51 const size_t blinkPageSizeLog2 = 17;
     52 const size_t blinkPageSize = 1 << blinkPageSizeLog2;
     53 const size_t blinkPageOffsetMask = blinkPageSize - 1;
     54 const size_t blinkPageBaseMask = ~blinkPageOffsetMask;
     55 // Double precision floats are more efficient when 8 byte aligned, so we 8 byte
     56 // align all allocations even on 32 bit.
     57 const size_t allocationGranularity = 8;
     58 const size_t allocationMask = allocationGranularity - 1;
     59 const size_t objectStartBitMapSize = (blinkPageSize + ((8 * allocationGranularity) - 1)) / (8 * allocationGranularity);
     60 const size_t reservedForObjectBitMap = ((objectStartBitMapSize + allocationMask) & ~allocationMask);
     61 const size_t maxHeapObjectSize = 1 << 27;
     63 const size_t markBitMask = 1;
     64 const size_t freeListMask = 2;
     65 const size_t debugBitMask = 4;
     66 const size_t sizeMask = ~7;
     67 const uint8_t freelistZapValue = 42;
     68 const uint8_t finalizedZapValue = 24;
     70 class HeapStats;
     71 class PageMemory;
     72 template<ThreadAffinity affinity> class ThreadLocalPersistents;
     73 template<typename T, typename RootsAccessor = ThreadLocalPersistents<ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity > > class Persistent;
     74 template<typename T> class CrossThreadPersistent;
     76 PLATFORM_EXPORT size_t osPageSize();
     78 // Blink heap pages are set up with a guard page before and after the
     79 // payload.
     80 inline size_t blinkPagePayloadSize()
     81 {
     82     return blinkPageSize - 2 * osPageSize();
     83 }
     85 // Blink heap pages are aligned to the Blink heap page size.
     86 // Therefore, the start of a Blink page can be obtained by
     87 // rounding down to the Blink page size.
     88 inline Address roundToBlinkPageStart(Address address)
     89 {
     90     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address) & blinkPageBaseMask);
     91 }
     93 inline Address roundToBlinkPageEnd(Address address)
     94 {
     95     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address - 1) & blinkPageBaseMask) + blinkPageSize;
     96 }
     98 // Compute the amount of padding we have to add to a header to make
     99 // the size of the header plus the padding a multiple of 8 bytes.
    100 template<typename Header>
    101 inline size_t headerPadding()
    102 {
    103     return (allocationGranularity - (sizeof(Header) % allocationGranularity)) % allocationGranularity;
    104 }
    106 // Masks an address down to the enclosing blink page base address.
    107 inline Address blinkPageAddress(Address address)
    108 {
    109     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address) & blinkPageBaseMask);
    110 }
    112 #ifndef NDEBUG
    114 // Sanity check for a page header address: the address of the page
    115 // header should be OS page size away from being Blink page size
    116 // aligned.
    117 inline bool isPageHeaderAddress(Address address)
    118 {
    119     return !((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address) & blinkPageOffsetMask) - osPageSize());
    120 }
    121 #endif
    123 // Mask an address down to the enclosing oilpan heap page base address.
    124 // All oilpan heap pages are aligned at blinkPageBase plus an OS page size.
    125 // FIXME: Remove PLATFORM_EXPORT once we get a proper public interface to our typed heaps.
    126 // This is only exported to enable tests in HeapTest.cpp.
    127 PLATFORM_EXPORT inline Address pageHeaderAddress(Address address)
    128 {
    129     return blinkPageAddress(address) + osPageSize();
    130 }
    132 // Common header for heap pages.
    133 class BaseHeapPage {
    134 public:
    135     BaseHeapPage(PageMemory* storage, const GCInfo* gcInfo, ThreadState* state)
    136         : m_storage(storage)
    137         , m_gcInfo(gcInfo)
    138         , m_threadState(state)
    139         , m_padding(0)
    140     {
    141         ASSERT(isPageHeaderAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(this)));
    142     }
    144     // Check if the given address points to an object in this
    145     // heap page. If so, find the start of that object and mark it
    146     // using the given Visitor. Otherwise do nothing. The pointer must
    147     // be within the same aligned blinkPageSize as the this-pointer.
    148     //
    149     // This is used during conservative stack scanning to
    150     // conservatively mark all objects that could be referenced from
    151     // the stack.
    152     virtual void checkAndMarkPointer(Visitor*, Address) = 0;
    154 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    155     virtual const GCInfo* findGCInfo(Address) = 0;
    156 #endif
    158     Address address() { return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this); }
    159     PageMemory* storage() const { return m_storage; }
    160     ThreadState* threadState() const { return m_threadState; }
    161     const GCInfo* gcInfo() { return m_gcInfo; }
    162     virtual bool isLargeObject() { return false; }
    164 private:
    165     // Accessor to silence unused warnings for the m_padding field.
    166     intptr_t padding() const { return m_padding; }
    168     PageMemory* m_storage;
    169     const GCInfo* m_gcInfo;
    170     ThreadState* m_threadState;
    171     // Pointer sized integer to ensure proper alignment of the
    172     // HeapPage header. This can be used as a bit field if we need
    173     // to associate more information with pages.
    174     intptr_t m_padding;
    175 };
    177 // Large allocations are allocated as separate objects and linked in a
    178 // list.
    179 //
    180 // In order to use the same memory allocation routines for everything
    181 // allocated in the heap, large objects are considered heap pages
    182 // containing only one object.
    183 //
    184 // The layout of a large heap object is as follows:
    185 //
    186 // | BaseHeapPage | next pointer | FinalizedHeapObjectHeader or HeapObjectHeader | payload |
    187 template<typename Header>
    188 class LargeHeapObject : public BaseHeapPage {
    189 public:
    190     LargeHeapObject(PageMemory* storage, const GCInfo* gcInfo, ThreadState* state) : BaseHeapPage(storage, gcInfo, state)
    191     {
    192         COMPILE_ASSERT(!(sizeof(LargeHeapObject<Header>) & allocationMask), large_heap_object_header_misaligned);
    193     }
    195     virtual void checkAndMarkPointer(Visitor*, Address) OVERRIDE;
    196     virtual bool isLargeObject() OVERRIDE { return true; }
    198 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    199     virtual const GCInfo* findGCInfo(Address address)
    200     {
    201         if (!objectContains(address))
    202             return 0;
    203         return gcInfo();
    204     }
    205 #endif
    207     void link(LargeHeapObject<Header>** previousNext)
    208     {
    209         m_next = *previousNext;
    210         *previousNext = this;
    211     }
    213     void unlink(LargeHeapObject<Header>** previousNext)
    214     {
    215         *previousNext = m_next;
    216     }
    218     // The LargeHeapObject pseudo-page contains one actual object. Determine
    219     // whether the pointer is within that object.
    220     bool objectContains(Address object)
    221     {
    222         return (payload() <= object) && (object < address() + size());
    223     }
    225     // Returns true for any address that is on one of the pages that this
    226     // large object uses. That ensures that we can use a negative result to
    227     // populate the negative page cache.
    228     bool contains(Address object)
    229     {
    230         return roundToBlinkPageStart(address()) <= object && object < roundToBlinkPageEnd(address() + size());
    231     }
    233     LargeHeapObject<Header>* next()
    234     {
    235         return m_next;
    236     }
    238     size_t size()
    239     {
    240         return heapObjectHeader()->size() + sizeof(LargeHeapObject<Header>) + headerPadding<Header>();
    241     }
    243     Address payload() { return heapObjectHeader()->payload(); }
    244     size_t payloadSize() { return heapObjectHeader()->payloadSize(); }
    246     Header* heapObjectHeader()
    247     {
    248         Address headerAddress = address() + sizeof(LargeHeapObject<Header>) + headerPadding<Header>();
    249         return reinterpret_cast<Header*>(headerAddress);
    250     }
    252     bool isMarked();
    253     void unmark();
    254     void getStats(HeapStats&);
    255     void mark(Visitor*);
    256     void finalize();
    258 private:
    259     friend class ThreadHeap<Header>;
    261     LargeHeapObject<Header>* m_next;
    262 };
    264 // The BasicObjectHeader is the minimal object header. It is used when
    265 // encountering heap space of size allocationGranularity to mark it as
    266 // as freelist entry.
    267 class PLATFORM_EXPORT BasicObjectHeader {
    268 public:
    270     explicit BasicObjectHeader(size_t encodedSize)
    271         : m_size(encodedSize) { }
    273     static size_t freeListEncodedSize(size_t size) { return size | freeListMask; }
    276     bool isFree() { return m_size & freeListMask; }
    279     size_t size() const { return m_size & sizeMask; }
    281 protected:
    282     size_t m_size;
    283 };
    285 // Our heap object layout is layered with the HeapObjectHeader closest
    286 // to the payload, this can be wrapped in a FinalizedObjectHeader if the
    287 // object is on the GeneralHeap and not on a specific TypedHeap.
    288 // Finally if the object is a large object (> blinkPageSize/2) then it is
    289 // wrapped with a LargeObjectHeader.
    290 //
    291 // Object memory layout:
    292 // [ LargeObjectHeader | ] [ FinalizedObjectHeader | ] HeapObjectHeader | payload
    293 // The [ ] notation denotes that the LargeObjectHeader and the FinalizedObjectHeader
    294 // are independently optional.
    295 class PLATFORM_EXPORT HeapObjectHeader : public BasicObjectHeader {
    296 public:
    298     explicit HeapObjectHeader(size_t encodedSize)
    299         : BasicObjectHeader(encodedSize)
    300 #ifndef NDEBUG
    301         , m_magic(magic)
    302 #endif
    303     { }
    306     HeapObjectHeader(size_t encodedSize, const GCInfo*)
    307         : BasicObjectHeader(encodedSize)
    308 #ifndef NDEBUG
    309         , m_magic(magic)
    310 #endif
    311     { }
    313     inline void checkHeader() const;
    314     inline bool isMarked() const;
    316     inline void mark();
    317     inline void unmark();
    319     inline const GCInfo* gcInfo() { return 0; }
    321     inline Address payload();
    322     inline size_t payloadSize();
    323     inline Address payloadEnd();
    325     inline void setDebugMark();
    326     inline void clearDebugMark();
    327     inline bool hasDebugMark() const;
    329     // Zap magic number with a new magic number that means there was once an
    330     // object allocated here, but it was freed because nobody marked it during
    331     // GC.
    332     void zapMagic();
    334     static void finalize(const GCInfo*, Address, size_t);
    335     static HeapObjectHeader* fromPayload(const void*);
    337     static const intptr_t magic = 0xc0de247;
    338     static const intptr_t zappedMagic = 0xC0DEdead;
    339     // The zap value for vtables should be < 4K to ensure it cannot be
    340     // used for dispatch.
    341     static const intptr_t zappedVTable = 0xd0d;
    343 private:
    344 #ifndef NDEBUG
    345     intptr_t m_magic;
    346 #endif
    347 };
    349 const size_t objectHeaderSize = sizeof(HeapObjectHeader);
    351 // Each object on the GeneralHeap needs to carry a pointer to its
    352 // own GCInfo structure for tracing and potential finalization.
    353 class PLATFORM_EXPORT FinalizedHeapObjectHeader : public HeapObjectHeader {
    354 public:
    356     FinalizedHeapObjectHeader(size_t encodedSize, const GCInfo* gcInfo)
    357         : HeapObjectHeader(encodedSize)
    358         , m_gcInfo(gcInfo)
    359     {
    360     }
    362     inline Address payload();
    363     inline size_t payloadSize();
    366     const GCInfo* gcInfo() { return m_gcInfo; }
    369     TraceCallback traceCallback() { return m_gcInfo->m_trace; }
    371     void finalize();
    374     inline bool hasFinalizer() { return m_gcInfo->hasFinalizer(); }
    376     static FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* fromPayload(const void*);
    379     bool hasVTable() { return m_gcInfo->hasVTable(); }
    381 private:
    382     const GCInfo* m_gcInfo;
    383 };
    385 const size_t finalizedHeaderSize = sizeof(FinalizedHeapObjectHeader);
    387 class FreeListEntry : public HeapObjectHeader {
    388 public:
    390     explicit FreeListEntry(size_t size)
    391         : HeapObjectHeader(freeListEncodedSize(size))
    392         , m_next(0)
    393     {
    394 #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !ASAN
    395         // Zap free area with asterisks, aka 0x2a2a2a2a.
    396         // For ASAN don't zap since we keep accounting in the freelist entry.
    397         for (size_t i = sizeof(*this); i < size; i++)
    398             reinterpret_cast<Address>(this)[i] = freelistZapValue;
    399         ASSERT(size >= objectHeaderSize);
    400         zapMagic();
    401 #endif
    402     }
    404     Address address() { return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this); }
    407     void unlink(FreeListEntry** prevNext)
    408     {
    409         *prevNext = m_next;
    410         m_next = 0;
    411     }
    414     void link(FreeListEntry** prevNext)
    415     {
    416         m_next = *prevNext;
    417         *prevNext = this;
    418     }
    420 #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
    422     bool shouldAddToFreeList()
    423     {
    424         // Init if not already magic.
    425         if ((m_asanMagic & ~asanDeferMemoryReuseMask) != asanMagic) {
    426             m_asanMagic = asanMagic | asanDeferMemoryReuseCount;
    427             return false;
    428         }
    429         // Decrement if count part of asanMagic > 0.
    430         if (m_asanMagic & asanDeferMemoryReuseMask)
    431             m_asanMagic--;
    432         return !(m_asanMagic & asanDeferMemoryReuseMask);
    433     }
    434 #endif
    436 private:
    437     FreeListEntry* m_next;
    438 #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
    439     unsigned m_asanMagic;
    440 #endif
    441 };
    443 // Representation of Blink heap pages.
    444 //
    445 // Pages are specialized on the type of header on the object they
    446 // contain. If a heap page only contains a certain type of object all
    447 // of the objects will have the same GCInfo pointer and therefore that
    448 // pointer can be stored in the HeapPage instead of in the header of
    449 // each object. In that case objects have only a HeapObjectHeader and
    450 // not a FinalizedHeapObjectHeader saving a word per object.
    451 template<typename Header>
    452 class HeapPage : public BaseHeapPage {
    453 public:
    454     HeapPage(PageMemory*, ThreadHeap<Header>*, const GCInfo*);
    456     void link(HeapPage**);
    457     static void unlink(HeapPage*, HeapPage**);
    459     bool isEmpty();
    461     // Returns true for the whole blinkPageSize page that the page is on, even
    462     // for the header, and the unmapped guard page at the start. That ensures
    463     // the result can be used to populate the negative page cache.
    464     bool contains(Address addr)
    465     {
    466         Address blinkPageStart = roundToBlinkPageStart(address());
    467         ASSERT(blinkPageStart == address() - osPageSize()); // Page is at aligned address plus guard page size.
    468         return blinkPageStart <= addr && addr < blinkPageStart + blinkPageSize;
    469     }
    471     HeapPage* next() { return m_next; }
    473     Address payload()
    474     {
    475         return address() + sizeof(*this) + headerPadding<Header>();
    476     }
    478     static size_t payloadSize()
    479     {
    480         return (blinkPagePayloadSize() - sizeof(HeapPage) - headerPadding<Header>()) & ~allocationMask;
    481     }
    483     Address end() { return payload() + payloadSize(); }
    485     void getStats(HeapStats&);
    486     void clearMarks();
    487     void sweep();
    488     void clearObjectStartBitMap();
    489     void finalize(Header*);
    490     virtual void checkAndMarkPointer(Visitor*, Address) OVERRIDE;
    491 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    492     const GCInfo* findGCInfo(Address) OVERRIDE;
    493 #endif
    494     ThreadHeap<Header>* heap() { return m_heap; }
    495 #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
    496     void poisonUnmarkedObjects();
    497 #endif
    499 protected:
    500     Header* findHeaderFromAddress(Address);
    501     void populateObjectStartBitMap();
    502     bool isObjectStartBitMapComputed() { return m_objectStartBitMapComputed; }
    503     TraceCallback traceCallback(Header*);
    504     bool hasVTable(Header*);
    506     HeapPage<Header>* m_next;
    507     ThreadHeap<Header>* m_heap;
    508     bool m_objectStartBitMapComputed;
    509     uint8_t m_objectStartBitMap[reservedForObjectBitMap];
    511     friend class ThreadHeap<Header>;
    512 };
    514 class AddressEntry {
    515 public:
    516     AddressEntry() : m_address(0) { }
    518     explicit AddressEntry(Address address) : m_address(address) { }
    520     Address address() const { return m_address; }
    522 private:
    523     Address m_address;
    524 };
    526 class PositiveEntry : public AddressEntry {
    527 public:
    528     PositiveEntry()
    529         : AddressEntry()
    530         , m_containingPage(0)
    531     {
    532     }
    534     PositiveEntry(Address address, BaseHeapPage* containingPage)
    535         : AddressEntry(address)
    536         , m_containingPage(containingPage)
    537     {
    538     }
    540     BaseHeapPage* result() const { return m_containingPage; }
    542     typedef BaseHeapPage* LookupResult;
    544 private:
    545     BaseHeapPage* m_containingPage;
    546 };
    548 class NegativeEntry : public AddressEntry {
    549 public:
    550     NegativeEntry() : AddressEntry() { }
    552     NegativeEntry(Address address, bool) : AddressEntry(address) { }
    554     bool result() const { return true; }
    556     typedef bool LookupResult;
    557 };
    559 // A HeapExtentCache provides a fast way of taking an arbitrary
    560 // pointer-sized word, and determining whether it can be interpreted
    561 // as a pointer to an area that is managed by the garbage collected
    562 // Blink heap. There is a cache of 'pages' that have previously been
    563 // determined to be wholly inside the heap. The size of these pages must be
    564 // smaller than the allocation alignment of the heap pages. We determine
    565 // on-heap-ness by rounding down the pointer to the nearest page and looking up
    566 // the page in the cache. If there is a miss in the cache we can ask the heap
    567 // to determine the status of the pointer by iterating over all of the heap.
    568 // The result is then cached in the two-way associative page cache.
    569 //
    570 // A HeapContainsCache is a positive cache. Therefore, it must be flushed when
    571 // memory is removed from the Blink heap. The HeapDoesNotContainCache is a
    572 // negative cache, so it must be flushed when memory is added to the heap.
    573 template<typename Entry>
    574 class HeapExtentCache {
    575 public:
    576     HeapExtentCache()
    577         : m_entries(adoptArrayPtr(new Entry[HeapExtentCache::numberOfEntries]))
    578         , m_hasEntries(false)
    579     {
    580     }
    582     void flush();
    583     bool contains(Address);
    584     bool isEmpty() { return !m_hasEntries; }
    586     // Perform a lookup in the cache.
    587     //
    588     // If lookup returns null/false the argument address was not found in
    589     // the cache and it is unknown if the address is in the Blink
    590     // heap.
    591     //
    592     // If lookup returns true/a page, the argument address was found in the
    593     // cache. For the HeapContainsCache this means the address is in the heap.
    594     // For the HeapDoesNotContainCache this means the address is not in the
    595     // heap.
    596     PLATFORM_EXPORT typename Entry::LookupResult lookup(Address);
    598     // Add an entry to the cache.
    599     PLATFORM_EXPORT void addEntry(Address, typename Entry::LookupResult);
    601 private:
    602     static const int numberOfEntriesLog2 = 12;
    603     static const int numberOfEntries = 1 << numberOfEntriesLog2;
    605     static size_t hash(Address);
    607     WTF::OwnPtr<Entry[]> m_entries;
    608     bool m_hasEntries;
    610     friend class ThreadState;
    611 };
    613 // Normally these would be typedefs instead of subclasses, but that makes them
    614 // very hard to forward declare.
    615 class HeapContainsCache : public HeapExtentCache<PositiveEntry> {
    616 public:
    617     BaseHeapPage* lookup(Address);
    618     void addEntry(Address, BaseHeapPage*);
    619 };
    621 class HeapDoesNotContainCache : public HeapExtentCache<NegativeEntry> { };
    623 // FIXME: This is currently used by the WebAudio code.
    624 // We should attempt to restructure the WebAudio code so that the main thread
    625 // alone determines life-time and receives messages about life-time from the
    626 // audio thread.
    627 template<typename T>
    628 class ThreadSafeRefCountedGarbageCollected : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<T>, public WTF::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase {
    629     WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(ThreadSafeRefCountedGarbageCollected);
    631 public:
    632     ThreadSafeRefCountedGarbageCollected()
    633     {
    634         m_keepAlive = adoptPtr(new CrossThreadPersistent<T>(static_cast<T*>(this)));
    635     }
    637     // Override ref to deal with a case where a reference count goes up
    638     // from 0 to 1. This can happen in the following scenario:
    639     // (1) The reference count becomes 0, but on-stack pointers keep references to the object.
    640     // (2) The on-stack pointer is assigned to a RefPtr. The reference count becomes 1.
    641     // In this case, we have to resurrect m_keepAlive.
    642     void ref()
    643     {
    644         MutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
    645         if (UNLIKELY(!refCount())) {
    646             ASSERT(!m_keepAlive);
    647             m_keepAlive = adoptPtr(new CrossThreadPersistent<T>(static_cast<T*>(this)));
    648         }
    649         WTF::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase::ref();
    650     }
    652     // Override deref to deal with our own deallocation based on ref counting.
    653     void deref()
    654     {
    655         MutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
    656         if (derefBase()) {
    657             ASSERT(m_keepAlive);
    658             m_keepAlive.clear();
    659         }
    660     }
    662     using GarbageCollectedFinalized<T>::operator new;
    663     using GarbageCollectedFinalized<T>::operator delete;
    665 protected:
    666     ~ThreadSafeRefCountedGarbageCollected() { }
    668 private:
    669     OwnPtr<CrossThreadPersistent<T> > m_keepAlive;
    670     mutable Mutex m_mutex;
    671 };
    673 // The CallbackStack contains all the visitor callbacks used to trace and mark
    674 // objects. A specific CallbackStack instance contains at most bufferSize elements.
    675 // If more space is needed a new CallbackStack instance is created and chained
    676 // together with the former instance. I.e. a logical CallbackStack can be made of
    677 // multiple chained CallbackStack object instances.
    678 // There are two logical callback stacks. One containing all the marking callbacks and
    679 // one containing the weak pointer callbacks.
    680 class CallbackStack {
    681 public:
    682     CallbackStack(CallbackStack** first)
    683         : m_limit(&(m_buffer[bufferSize]))
    684         , m_current(&(m_buffer[0]))
    685         , m_next(*first)
    686     {
    687 #ifndef NDEBUG
    688         clearUnused();
    689 #endif
    690         *first = this;
    691     }
    693     ~CallbackStack();
    694     void clearUnused();
    696     void assertIsEmpty();
    698     class Item {
    699     public:
    700         Item() { }
    701         Item(void* object, VisitorCallback callback)
    702             : m_object(object)
    703             , m_callback(callback)
    704         {
    705         }
    706         void* object() { return m_object; }
    707         VisitorCallback callback() { return m_callback; }
    709     private:
    710         void* m_object;
    711         VisitorCallback m_callback;
    712     };
    714     static void init(CallbackStack** first);
    715     static void shutdown(CallbackStack** first);
    716     bool popAndInvokeCallback(CallbackStack** first, Visitor*);
    718     Item* allocateEntry(CallbackStack** first)
    719     {
    720         if (m_current < m_limit)
    721             return m_current++;
    722         return (new CallbackStack(first))->allocateEntry(first);
    723     }
    725 private:
    726     static const size_t bufferSize = 8000;
    727     Item m_buffer[bufferSize];
    728     Item* m_limit;
    729     Item* m_current;
    730     CallbackStack* m_next;
    731 };
    733 // Non-template super class used to pass a heap around to other classes.
    734 class BaseHeap {
    735 public:
    736     virtual ~BaseHeap() { }
    738     // Find the page in this thread heap containing the given
    739     // address. Returns 0 if the address is not contained in any
    740     // page in this thread heap.
    741     virtual BaseHeapPage* heapPageFromAddress(Address) = 0;
    743 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    744     virtual const GCInfo* findGCInfoOfLargeHeapObject(Address) = 0;
    745 #endif
    747     // Sweep this part of the Blink heap. This finalizes dead objects
    748     // and builds freelists for all the unused memory.
    749     virtual void sweep() = 0;
    751     // Forcefully finalize all objects in this part of the Blink heap
    752     // (potentially with the exception of one object). This is used
    753     // during thread termination to make sure that all objects for the
    754     // dying thread are finalized.
    755     virtual void assertEmpty() = 0;
    757     virtual void clearFreeLists() = 0;
    758     virtual void clearMarks() = 0;
    759 #ifndef NDEBUG
    760     virtual void getScannedStats(HeapStats&) = 0;
    761 #endif
    763     virtual void makeConsistentForGC() = 0;
    764     virtual bool isConsistentForGC() = 0;
    766     // Returns a bucket number for inserting a FreeListEntry of a
    767     // given size. All FreeListEntries in the given bucket, n, have
    768     // size >= 2^n.
    769     static int bucketIndexForSize(size_t);
    770 };
    772 // Thread heaps represent a part of the per-thread Blink heap.
    773 //
    774 // Each Blink thread has a number of thread heaps: one general heap
    775 // that contains any type of object and a number of heaps specialized
    776 // for specific object types (such as Node).
    777 //
    778 // Each thread heap contains the functionality to allocate new objects
    779 // (potentially adding new pages to the heap), to find and mark
    780 // objects during conservative stack scanning and to sweep the set of
    781 // pages after a GC.
    782 template<typename Header>
    783 class ThreadHeap : public BaseHeap {
    784 public:
    785     ThreadHeap(ThreadState*);
    786     virtual ~ThreadHeap();
    788     virtual BaseHeapPage* heapPageFromAddress(Address);
    789 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    790     virtual const GCInfo* findGCInfoOfLargeHeapObject(Address);
    791 #endif
    792     virtual void sweep();
    793     virtual void assertEmpty();
    794     virtual void clearFreeLists();
    795     virtual void clearMarks();
    796 #ifndef NDEBUG
    797     virtual void getScannedStats(HeapStats&);
    798 #endif
    800     virtual void makeConsistentForGC();
    801     virtual bool isConsistentForGC();
    803     ThreadState* threadState() { return m_threadState; }
    804     HeapStats& stats() { return m_threadState->stats(); }
    805     void flushHeapContainsCache()
    806     {
    807         m_threadState->heapContainsCache()->flush();
    808     }
    810     inline Address allocate(size_t, const GCInfo*);
    811     void addToFreeList(Address, size_t);
    812     void addPageToPool(HeapPage<Header>*);
    813     inline static size_t roundedAllocationSize(size_t size)
    814     {
    815         return allocationSizeFromSize(size) - sizeof(Header);
    816     }
    818 private:
    819     // Once pages have been used for one thread heap they will never
    820     // be reused for another thread heap. Instead of unmapping, we add
    821     // the pages to a pool of pages to be reused later by this thread
    822     // heap. This is done as a security feature to avoid type
    823     // confusion. The heap is type segregated by having separate
    824     // thread heaps for various types of objects. Holding on to pages
    825     // ensures that the same virtual address space cannot be used for
    826     // objects of another type than the type contained in this thread
    827     // heap.
    828     class PagePoolEntry {
    829     public:
    830         PagePoolEntry(PageMemory* storage, PagePoolEntry* next)
    831             : m_storage(storage)
    832             , m_next(next)
    833         { }
    835         PageMemory* storage() { return m_storage; }
    836         PagePoolEntry* next() { return m_next; }
    838     private:
    839         PageMemory* m_storage;
    840         PagePoolEntry* m_next;
    841     };
    843     PLATFORM_EXPORT Address outOfLineAllocate(size_t, const GCInfo*);
    844     static size_t allocationSizeFromSize(size_t);
    845     void addPageToHeap(const GCInfo*);
    846     PLATFORM_EXPORT Address allocateLargeObject(size_t, const GCInfo*);
    847     Address currentAllocationPoint() const { return m_currentAllocationPoint; }
    848     size_t remainingAllocationSize() const { return m_remainingAllocationSize; }
    849     bool ownsNonEmptyAllocationArea() const { return currentAllocationPoint() && remainingAllocationSize(); }
    850     void setAllocationPoint(Address point, size_t size)
    851     {
    852         ASSERT(!point || heapPageFromAddress(point));
    853         ASSERT(size <= HeapPage<Header>::payloadSize());
    854         m_currentAllocationPoint = point;
    855         m_remainingAllocationSize = size;
    856     }
    857     void ensureCurrentAllocation(size_t, const GCInfo*);
    858     bool allocateFromFreeList(size_t);
    860     void freeLargeObject(LargeHeapObject<Header>*, LargeHeapObject<Header>**);
    862     void allocatePage(const GCInfo*);
    863     PageMemory* takePageFromPool();
    864     void clearPagePool();
    865     void deletePages();
    867     Address m_currentAllocationPoint;
    868     size_t m_remainingAllocationSize;
    870     HeapPage<Header>* m_firstPage;
    871     LargeHeapObject<Header>* m_firstLargeHeapObject;
    873     int m_biggestFreeListIndex;
    874     ThreadState* m_threadState;
    876     // All FreeListEntries in the nth list have size >= 2^n.
    877     FreeListEntry* m_freeLists[blinkPageSizeLog2];
    879     // List of pages that have been previously allocated, but are now
    880     // unused.
    881     PagePoolEntry* m_pagePool;
    882 };
    884 class PLATFORM_EXPORT Heap {
    885 public:
    886     static void init();
    887     static void shutdown();
    888     static void doShutdown();
    890     static BaseHeapPage* contains(Address);
    891     static BaseHeapPage* contains(void* pointer) { return contains(reinterpret_cast<Address>(pointer)); }
    892     static BaseHeapPage* contains(const void* pointer) { return contains(const_cast<void*>(pointer)); }
    894     // Push a trace callback on the marking stack.
    895     static void pushTraceCallback(void* containerObject, TraceCallback);
    897     // Add a weak pointer callback to the weak callback work list. General
    898     // object pointer callbacks are added to a thread local weak callback work
    899     // list and the callback is called on the thread that owns the object, with
    900     // the closure pointer as an argument. Most of the time, the closure and
    901     // the containerObject can be the same thing, but the containerObject is
    902     // constrained to be on the heap, since the heap is used to identify the
    903     // correct thread.
    904     static void pushWeakObjectPointerCallback(void* closure, void* containerObject, WeakPointerCallback);
    906     // Similar to the more general pushWeakObjectPointerCallback, but cell
    907     // pointer callbacks are added to a static callback work list and the weak
    908     // callback is performed on the thread performing garbage collection. This
    909     // is OK because cells are just cleared and no deallocation can happen.
    910     static void pushWeakCellPointerCallback(void** cell, WeakPointerCallback);
    912     // Pop the top of the marking stack and call the callback with the visitor
    913     // and the object. Returns false when there is nothing more to do.
    914     static bool popAndInvokeTraceCallback(Visitor*);
    916     // Remove an item from the weak callback work list and call the callback
    917     // with the visitor and the closure pointer. Returns false when there is
    918     // nothing more to do.
    919     static bool popAndInvokeWeakPointerCallback(Visitor*);
    921     template<typename T> static Address allocate(size_t);
    922     template<typename T> static Address reallocate(void* previous, size_t);
    924     static void collectGarbage(ThreadState::StackState);
    925     static void collectAllGarbage();
    926     static void setForcePreciseGCForTesting();
    928     static void prepareForGC();
    930     // Conservatively checks whether an address is a pointer in any of the thread
    931     // heaps. If so marks the object pointed to as live.
    932     static Address checkAndMarkPointer(Visitor*, Address);
    934 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
    935     // Dump the path to specified object on the next GC. This method is to be invoked from GDB.
    936     static void dumpPathToObjectOnNextGC(void* p);
    938     // Forcibly find GCInfo of the object at Address.
    939     // This is slow and should only be used for debug purposes.
    940     // It involves finding the heap page and scanning the heap page for an object header.
    941     static const GCInfo* findGCInfo(Address);
    943     static String createBacktraceString();
    944 #endif
    946     // Collect heap stats for all threads attached to the Blink
    947     // garbage collector. Should only be called during garbage
    948     // collection where threads are known to be at safe points.
    949     static void getStats(HeapStats*);
    951     static void getHeapSpaceSize(uint64_t*, uint64_t*);
    953     static bool isConsistentForGC();
    954     static void makeConsistentForGC();
    956     static void flushHeapDoesNotContainCache();
    957     static bool heapDoesNotContainCacheIsEmpty() { return s_heapDoesNotContainCache->isEmpty(); }
    959     // Return true if the last GC found a pointer into a heap page
    960     // during conservative scanning.
    961     static bool lastGCWasConservative() { return s_lastGCWasConservative; }
    963 private:
    964     static Visitor* s_markingVisitor;
    966     static CallbackStack* s_markingStack;
    967     static CallbackStack* s_weakCallbackStack;
    968     static HeapDoesNotContainCache* s_heapDoesNotContainCache;
    969     static bool s_shutdownCalled;
    970     static bool s_lastGCWasConservative;
    971     friend class ThreadState;
    972 };
    974 // The NoAllocationScope class is used in debug mode to catch unwanted
    975 // allocations. E.g. allocations during GC.
    976 template<ThreadAffinity Affinity>
    977 class NoAllocationScope {
    978 public:
    979     NoAllocationScope() : m_active(true) { enter(); }
    981     explicit NoAllocationScope(bool active) : m_active(active) { enter(); }
    983     NoAllocationScope(const NoAllocationScope& other) : m_active(other.m_active) { enter(); }
    985     NoAllocationScope& operator=(const NoAllocationScope& other)
    986     {
    987         release();
    988         m_active = other.m_active;
    989         enter();
    990         return *this;
    991     }
    993     ~NoAllocationScope() { release(); }
    995     void release()
    996     {
    997         if (m_active) {
    998             ThreadStateFor<Affinity>::state()->leaveNoAllocationScope();
    999             m_active = false;
   1000         }
   1001     }
   1003 private:
   1004     void enter() const
   1005     {
   1006         if (m_active)
   1007             ThreadStateFor<Affinity>::state()->enterNoAllocationScope();
   1008     }
   1010     bool m_active;
   1011 };
   1013 // Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected
   1014 // heap.
   1015 //
   1016 // Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the
   1017 // heap. 'delete' should not be called on objects that inherit from
   1018 // GarbageCollected.
   1019 //
   1020 // Instances of GarbageCollected will *NOT* get finalized. Their
   1021 // destructor will not be called. Therefore, only classes that have
   1022 // trivial destructors with no semantic meaning (including all their
   1023 // subclasses) should inherit from GarbageCollected. If there are
   1024 // non-trival destructors in a given class or any of its subclasses,
   1025 // GarbageCollectedFinalized should be used which guarantees that the
   1026 // destructor is called on an instance when the garbage collector
   1027 // determines that it is no longer reachable.
   1028 template<typename T>
   1029 class GarbageCollected {
   1030     WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(GarbageCollected);
   1032     // For now direct allocation of arrays on the heap is not allowed.
   1033     void* operator new[](size_t size);
   1034 #if OS(WIN) && COMPILER(MSVC)
   1035     // Due to some quirkiness in the MSVC compiler we have to provide
   1036     // the delete[] operator in the GarbageCollected subclasses as it
   1037     // is called when a class is exported in a DLL.
   1038 protected:
   1039     void operator delete[](void* p)
   1040     {
   1041         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   1042     }
   1043 #else
   1044     void operator delete[](void* p);
   1045 #endif
   1046 public:
   1047     typedef T GarbageCollectedBase;
   1049     void* operator new(size_t size)
   1050     {
   1051         return Heap::allocate<T>(size);
   1052     }
   1054     void operator delete(void* p)
   1055     {
   1056         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   1057     }
   1059 protected:
   1060     GarbageCollected()
   1061     {
   1062     }
   1063 };
   1065 // Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected
   1066 // heap.
   1067 //
   1068 // Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the
   1069 // heap. 'delete' should not be called on objects that inherit from
   1070 // GarbageCollected.
   1071 //
   1072 // Instances of GarbageCollectedFinalized will have their destructor
   1073 // called when the garbage collector determines that the object is no
   1074 // longer reachable.
   1075 template<typename T>
   1076 class GarbageCollectedFinalized : public GarbageCollected<T> {
   1077     WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(GarbageCollectedFinalized);
   1079 protected:
   1080     // finalizeGarbageCollectedObject is called when the object is
   1081     // freed from the heap. By default finalization means calling the
   1082     // destructor on the object. finalizeGarbageCollectedObject can be
   1083     // overridden to support calling the destructor of a
   1084     // subclass. This is useful for objects without vtables that
   1085     // require explicit dispatching. The name is intentionally a bit
   1086     // long to make name conflicts less likely.
   1087     void finalizeGarbageCollectedObject()
   1088     {
   1089         static_cast<T*>(this)->~T();
   1090     }
   1092     GarbageCollectedFinalized() { }
   1093     ~GarbageCollectedFinalized() { }
   1095     template<typename U> friend struct HasFinalizer;
   1096     template<typename U, bool> friend struct FinalizerTraitImpl;
   1097 };
   1099 // Base class for objects that are in the Blink garbage-collected heap
   1100 // and are still reference counted.
   1101 //
   1102 // This class should be used sparingly and only to gradually move
   1103 // objects from being reference counted to being managed by the blink
   1104 // garbage collector.
   1105 //
   1106 // While the current reference counting keeps one of these objects
   1107 // alive it will have a Persistent handle to itself allocated so we
   1108 // will not reclaim the memory. When the reference count reaches 0 the
   1109 // persistent handle will be deleted. When the garbage collector
   1110 // determines that there are no other references to the object it will
   1111 // be reclaimed and the destructor of the reclaimed object will be
   1112 // called at that time.
   1113 template<typename T>
   1114 class RefCountedGarbageCollected : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<T> {
   1115     WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(RefCountedGarbageCollected);
   1117 public:
   1118     RefCountedGarbageCollected()
   1119         : m_refCount(1)
   1120     {
   1121         makeKeepAlive();
   1122     }
   1124     // Implement method to increase reference count for use with
   1125     // RefPtrs.
   1126     //
   1127     // In contrast to the normal WTF::RefCounted, the reference count
   1128     // can reach 0 and increase again. This happens in the following
   1129     // scenario:
   1130     //
   1131     // (1) The reference count becomes 0, but members, persistents, or
   1132     //     on-stack pointers keep references to the object.
   1133     //
   1134     // (2) The pointer is assigned to a RefPtr again and the reference
   1135     //     count becomes 1.
   1136     //
   1137     // In this case, we have to resurrect m_keepAlive.
   1138     void ref()
   1139     {
   1140         if (UNLIKELY(!m_refCount)) {
   1141             ASSERT(ThreadStateFor<ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity>::state()->contains(reinterpret_cast<Address>(this)));
   1142             makeKeepAlive();
   1143         }
   1144         ++m_refCount;
   1145     }
   1147     // Implement method to decrease reference count for use with
   1148     // RefPtrs.
   1149     //
   1150     // In contrast to the normal WTF::RefCounted implementation, the
   1151     // object itself is not deleted when the reference count reaches
   1152     // 0. Instead, the keep-alive persistent handle is deallocated so
   1153     // that the object can be reclaimed when the garbage collector
   1154     // determines that there are no other references to the object.
   1155     void deref()
   1156     {
   1157         ASSERT(m_refCount > 0);
   1158         if (!--m_refCount) {
   1159             delete m_keepAlive;
   1160             m_keepAlive = 0;
   1161         }
   1162     }
   1164     bool hasOneRef()
   1165     {
   1166         return m_refCount == 1;
   1167     }
   1169 protected:
   1170     ~RefCountedGarbageCollected() { }
   1172 private:
   1173     void makeKeepAlive()
   1174     {
   1175         ASSERT(!m_keepAlive);
   1176         m_keepAlive = new Persistent<T>(static_cast<T*>(this));
   1177     }
   1179     int m_refCount;
   1180     Persistent<T>* m_keepAlive;
   1181 };
   1183 template<typename T>
   1184 T* adoptRefCountedGarbageCollected(T* ptr)
   1185 {
   1186     ASSERT(ptr->hasOneRef());
   1187     ptr->deref();
   1188     WTF::adopted(ptr);
   1189     return ptr;
   1190 }
   1192 // Classes that contain heap references but aren't themselves heap
   1193 // allocated, have some extra macros available which allows their use
   1194 // to be restricted to cases where the garbage collector is able
   1195 // to discover their heap references.
   1196 //
   1197 // STACK_ALLOCATED(): Use if the object is only stack allocated. Heap objects
   1198 // should be in Members but you do not need the trace method as they are on
   1199 // the stack. (Down the line these might turn in to raw pointers, but for
   1200 // now Members indicates that we have thought about them and explicitly
   1201 // taken care of them.)
   1202 //
   1203 // DISALLOW_ALLOCATION(): Cannot be allocated with new operators but can
   1204 // be a part object. If it has Members you need a trace method and the
   1205 // containing object needs to call that trace method.
   1206 //
   1207 // ALLOW_ONLY_INLINE_ALLOCATION(): Allows only placement new operator.
   1208 // This disallows general allocation of this object but allows to put
   1209 // the object as a value object in collections. If these have Members you
   1210 // need to have a trace method. That trace method will be called
   1211 // automatically by the Heap collections.
   1212 //
   1214 #define DISALLOW_ALLOCATION()                                   \
   1215     private:                                                    \
   1216         void* operator new(size_t) = delete;                    \
   1217         void* operator new(size_t, NotNullTag, void*) = delete; \
   1218         void* operator new(size_t, void*) = delete;
   1220 #define ALLOW_ONLY_INLINE_ALLOCATION()                                              \
   1221     public:                                                                         \
   1222         void* operator new(size_t, NotNullTag, void* location) { return location; } \
   1223         void* operator new(size_t, void* location) { return location; }             \
   1224     private:                                                                        \
   1225         void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
   1227 #define STATIC_ONLY(Type) \
   1228     private:              \
   1229         Type() = delete;
   1231 #else
   1233 #define DISALLOW_ALLOCATION()                          \
   1234     private:                                           \
   1235         void* operator new(size_t);                    \
   1236         void* operator new(size_t, NotNullTag, void*); \
   1237         void* operator new(size_t, void*)
   1239 #define ALLOW_ONLY_INLINE_ALLOCATION()                                              \
   1240     public:                                                                         \
   1241         void* operator new(size_t, NotNullTag, void* location) { return location; } \
   1242         void* operator new(size_t, void* location) { return location; }             \
   1243     private:                                                                        \
   1244         void* operator new(size_t);
   1246 #define STATIC_ONLY(Type)  \
   1247     private:               \
   1248         Type();
   1250 #endif
   1253 // These macros insert annotations that the Blink GC plugin for clang uses for
   1254 // verification. STACK_ALLOCATED is used to declare that objects of this type
   1255 // are always stack allocated. GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE is used to make the plugin
   1256 // ignore a particular class or field when checking for proper usage. When using
   1257 // GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE a bug-number should be provided as an argument where the
   1258 // bug describes what needs to happen to remove the GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE again.
   1259 #if COMPILER(CLANG)
   1260 #define STACK_ALLOCATED()                                       \
   1261     private:                                                    \
   1262         __attribute__((annotate("blink_stack_allocated")))      \
   1263         void* operator new(size_t) = delete;                    \
   1264         void* operator new(size_t, NotNullTag, void*) = delete; \
   1265         void* operator new(size_t, void*) = delete;
   1267 #define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug)                           \
   1268     __attribute__((annotate("blink_gc_plugin_ignore")))
   1269 #else
   1271 #define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug)
   1272 #endif
   1275 void HeapObjectHeader::checkHeader() const
   1276 {
   1277     ASSERT(m_magic == magic);
   1278 }
   1280 Address HeapObjectHeader::payload()
   1281 {
   1282     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this) + objectHeaderSize;
   1283 }
   1285 size_t HeapObjectHeader::payloadSize()
   1286 {
   1287     return size() - objectHeaderSize;
   1288 }
   1290 Address HeapObjectHeader::payloadEnd()
   1291 {
   1292     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this) + size();
   1293 }
   1296 void HeapObjectHeader::mark()
   1297 {
   1298     checkHeader();
   1299     m_size |= markBitMask;
   1300 }
   1302 Address FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::payload()
   1303 {
   1304     return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this) + finalizedHeaderSize;
   1305 }
   1307 size_t FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::payloadSize()
   1308 {
   1309     return size() - finalizedHeaderSize;
   1310 }
   1312 template<typename Header>
   1313 size_t ThreadHeap<Header>::allocationSizeFromSize(size_t size)
   1314 {
   1315     // Check the size before computing the actual allocation size. The
   1316     // allocation size calculation can overflow for large sizes and
   1317     // the check therefore has to happen before any calculation on the
   1318     // size.
   1319     RELEASE_ASSERT(size < maxHeapObjectSize);
   1321     // Add space for header.
   1322     size_t allocationSize = size + sizeof(Header);
   1323     // Align size with allocation granularity.
   1324     allocationSize = (allocationSize + allocationMask) & ~allocationMask;
   1325     return allocationSize;
   1326 }
   1328 template<typename Header>
   1329 Address ThreadHeap<Header>::allocate(size_t size, const GCInfo* gcInfo)
   1330 {
   1331     size_t allocationSize = allocationSizeFromSize(size);
   1332     bool isLargeObject = allocationSize > blinkPageSize / 2;
   1333     if (isLargeObject)
   1334         return allocateLargeObject(allocationSize, gcInfo);
   1335     if (m_remainingAllocationSize < allocationSize)
   1336         return outOfLineAllocate(size, gcInfo);
   1337     Address headerAddress = m_currentAllocationPoint;
   1338     m_currentAllocationPoint += allocationSize;
   1339     m_remainingAllocationSize -= allocationSize;
   1340     Header* header = new (NotNull, headerAddress) Header(allocationSize, gcInfo);
   1341     size_t payloadSize = allocationSize - sizeof(Header);
   1342     stats().increaseObjectSpace(payloadSize);
   1343     Address result = headerAddress + sizeof(*header);
   1344     ASSERT(!(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(result) & allocationMask));
   1345     // Unpoison the memory used for the object (payload).
   1346     ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(result, payloadSize);
   1347     memset(result, 0, payloadSize);
   1348     ASSERT(heapPageFromAddress(headerAddress + allocationSize - 1));
   1349     return result;
   1350 }
   1352 // FIXME: Allocate objects that do not need finalization separately
   1353 // and use separate sweeping to not have to check for finalizers.
   1354 template<typename T>
   1355 Address Heap::allocate(size_t size)
   1356 {
   1357     ThreadState* state = ThreadStateFor<ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity>::state();
   1358     ASSERT(state->isAllocationAllowed());
   1359     BaseHeap* heap = state->heap(HeapTrait<T>::index);
   1360     Address addr =
   1361         static_cast<typename HeapTrait<T>::HeapType*>(heap)->allocate(size, GCInfoTrait<T>::get());
   1362     return addr;
   1363 }
   1365 // FIXME: Allocate objects that do not need finalization separately
   1366 // and use separate sweeping to not have to check for finalizers.
   1367 template<typename T>
   1368 Address Heap::reallocate(void* previous, size_t size)
   1369 {
   1370     if (!size) {
   1371         // If the new size is 0 this is equivalent to either
   1372         // free(previous) or malloc(0). In both cases we do
   1373         // nothing and return 0.
   1374         return 0;
   1375     }
   1376     ThreadState* state = ThreadStateFor<ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity>::state();
   1377     ASSERT(state->isAllocationAllowed());
   1378     // FIXME: Currently only supports raw allocation on the
   1379     // GeneralHeap. Hence we assume the header is a
   1380     // FinalizedHeapObjectHeader.
   1381     ASSERT(HeapTrait<T>::index == GeneralHeap);
   1382     BaseHeap* heap = state->heap(HeapTrait<T>::index);
   1383     Address address = static_cast<typename HeapTrait<T>::HeapType*>(heap)->allocate(size, GCInfoTrait<T>::get());
   1384     if (!previous) {
   1385         // This is equivalent to malloc(size).
   1386         return address;
   1387     }
   1388     FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* previousHeader = FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(previous);
   1389     ASSERT(!previousHeader->hasFinalizer());
   1390     ASSERT(previousHeader->gcInfo() == GCInfoTrait<T>::get());
   1391     size_t copySize = previousHeader->payloadSize();
   1392     if (copySize > size)
   1393         copySize = size;
   1394     memcpy(address, previous, copySize);
   1395     return address;
   1396 }
   1398 class HeapAllocatorQuantizer {
   1399 public:
   1400     template<typename T>
   1401     static size_t quantizedSize(size_t count)
   1402     {
   1403         RELEASE_ASSERT(count <= kMaxUnquantizedAllocation / sizeof(T));
   1404         return HeapTrait<T>::HeapType::roundedAllocationSize(count * sizeof(T));
   1405     }
   1406     static const size_t kMaxUnquantizedAllocation = maxHeapObjectSize;
   1407 };
   1409 // This is a static-only class used as a trait on collections to make them heap allocated.
   1410 // However see also HeapListHashSetAllocator.
   1411 class HeapAllocator {
   1412 public:
   1413     typedef HeapAllocatorQuantizer Quantizer;
   1414     typedef WebCore::Visitor Visitor;
   1415     static const bool isGarbageCollected = true;
   1417     template <typename Return, typename Metadata>
   1418     static Return backingMalloc(size_t size)
   1419     {
   1420         return malloc<Return, Metadata>(size);
   1421     }
   1422     template <typename Return, typename Metadata>
   1423     static Return zeroedBackingMalloc(size_t size)
   1424     {
   1425         return malloc<Return, Metadata>(size);
   1426     }
   1427     template <typename Return, typename Metadata>
   1428     static Return malloc(size_t size)
   1429     {
   1430         return reinterpret_cast<Return>(Heap::allocate<Metadata>(size));
   1431     }
   1432     static void backingFree(void* address) { }
   1433     static void free(void* address) { }
   1434     template<typename T>
   1435     static void* newArray(size_t bytes)
   1436     {
   1437         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   1438         return 0;
   1439     }
   1441     static void deleteArray(void* ptr)
   1442     {
   1443         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   1444     }
   1446     static void markUsingGCInfo(Visitor* visitor, const void* buffer)
   1447     {
   1448         visitor->mark(buffer, FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(buffer)->traceCallback());
   1449     }
   1451     static void markNoTracing(Visitor* visitor, const void* t) { visitor->markNoTracing(t); }
   1453     template<typename T, typename Traits>
   1454     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, T& t)
   1455     {
   1456         CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value, Traits::weakHandlingFlag, WeakPointersActWeak, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, t);
   1457     }
   1459     static void registerWeakMembers(Visitor* visitor, const void* closure, const void* object, WeakPointerCallback callback)
   1460     {
   1461         visitor->registerWeakMembers(closure, object, callback);
   1462     }
   1464     template<typename T>
   1465     struct ResultType {
   1466         typedef T* Type;
   1467     };
   1469     // The WTF classes use Allocator::VectorBackingHelper in order to find a
   1470     // class to template their backing allocation operation on. For off-heap
   1471     // allocations the VectorBackingHelper is a dummy class, since the class is
   1472     // not used during allocation of backing. For on-heap allocations this
   1473     // typedef ensures that the allocation is done with the correct templated
   1474     // instantiation of the allocation function. This ensures the correct GC
   1475     // map is written when backing allocations take place.
   1476     template<typename T, typename Traits>
   1477     struct VectorBackingHelper {
   1478         typedef HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> Type;
   1479     };
   1481     // Like the VectorBackingHelper, but this type is used for HashSet and
   1482     // HashMap, both of which are implemented using HashTable.
   1483     template<typename Table>
   1484     struct HashTableBackingHelper {
   1485         typedef HeapHashTableBacking<Table> Type;
   1486     };
   1488     template<typename T>
   1489     struct OtherType {
   1490         typedef T* Type;
   1491     };
   1493     template<typename T>
   1494     static T& getOther(T* other)
   1495     {
   1496         return *other;
   1497     }
   1499     static bool isAlive(Visitor* visitor, void* pointer) { return visitor->isAlive(pointer); }
   1501 private:
   1502     template<typename T, size_t u, typename V> friend class WTF::Vector;
   1503     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> friend class WTF::HashSet;
   1504     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y> friend class WTF::HashMap;
   1505 };
   1507 template<typename Value>
   1508 static void traceListHashSetValue(Visitor* visitor, Value& value)
   1509 {
   1510     // We use the default hash traits for the value in the node, because
   1511     // ListHashSet does not let you specify any specific ones.
   1512     // We don't allow ListHashSet of WeakMember, so we set that one false
   1513     // (there's an assert elsewhere), but we have to specify some value for the
   1514     // strongify template argument, so we specify WeakPointersActWeak,
   1515     // arbitrarily.
   1516     CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<WTF::HashTraits<Value> >::value, WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActWeak, Value, WTF::HashTraits<Value> >::trace(visitor, value);
   1517 }
   1519 // The inline capacity is just a dummy template argument to match the off-heap
   1520 // allocator.
   1521 // This inherits from the static-only HeapAllocator trait class, but we do
   1522 // declare pointers to instances. These pointers are always null, and no
   1523 // objects are instantiated.
   1524 template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1525 struct HeapListHashSetAllocator : public HeapAllocator {
   1526     typedef HeapAllocator TableAllocator;
   1527     typedef WTF::ListHashSetNode<ValueArg, HeapListHashSetAllocator> Node;
   1529 public:
   1530     class AllocatorProvider {
   1531     public:
   1532         // For the heap allocation we don't need an actual allocator object, so we just
   1533         // return null.
   1534         HeapListHashSetAllocator* get() const { return 0; }
   1536         // No allocator object is needed.
   1537         void createAllocatorIfNeeded() { }
   1539         // There is no allocator object in the HeapListHashSet (unlike in
   1540         // the regular ListHashSet) so there is nothing to swap.
   1541         void swap(AllocatorProvider& other) { }
   1542     };
   1544     void deallocate(void* dummy) { }
   1546     // This is not a static method even though it could be, because it
   1547     // needs to match the one that the (off-heap) ListHashSetAllocator
   1548     // has. The 'this' pointer will always be null.
   1549     void* allocateNode()
   1550     {
   1551         COMPILE_ASSERT(!WTF::IsWeak<ValueArg>::value, WeakPointersInAListHashSetWillJustResultInNullEntriesInTheSetThatsNotWhatYouWantConsiderUsingLinkedHashSetInstead);
   1552         return malloc<void*, Node>(sizeof(Node));
   1553     }
   1555     static void traceValue(Visitor* visitor, Node* node)
   1556     {
   1557         traceListHashSetValue(visitor, node->m_value);
   1558     }
   1559 };
   1561 // FIXME: These should just be template aliases:
   1562 //
   1563 // template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity = 0>
   1564 // using HeapVector = Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>;
   1565 //
   1566 // as soon as all the compilers we care about support that.
   1567 // MSVC supports it only in MSVC 2013.
   1568 template<
   1569     typename KeyArg,
   1570     typename MappedArg,
   1571     typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<KeyArg>::Hash,
   1572     typename KeyTraitsArg = HashTraits<KeyArg>,
   1573     typename MappedTraitsArg = HashTraits<MappedArg> >
   1574 class HeapHashMap : public HashMap<KeyArg, MappedArg, HashArg, KeyTraitsArg, MappedTraitsArg, HeapAllocator> { };
   1576 template<
   1577     typename ValueArg,
   1578     typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
   1579     typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg> >
   1580 class HeapHashSet : public HashSet<ValueArg, HashArg, TraitsArg, HeapAllocator> { };
   1582 template<
   1583     typename ValueArg,
   1584     typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
   1585     typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg> >
   1586 class HeapLinkedHashSet : public LinkedHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg, TraitsArg, HeapAllocator> { };
   1588 template<
   1589     typename ValueArg,
   1590     size_t inlineCapacity = 0, // The inlineCapacity is just a dummy to match ListHashSet (off-heap).
   1591     typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash>
   1592 class HeapListHashSet : public ListHashSet<ValueArg, inlineCapacity, HashArg, HeapListHashSetAllocator<ValueArg, inlineCapacity> > { };
   1594 template<
   1595     typename Value,
   1596     typename HashFunctions = typename DefaultHash<Value>::Hash,
   1597     typename Traits = HashTraits<Value> >
   1598 class HeapHashCountedSet : public HashCountedSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, HeapAllocator> { };
   1600 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity = 0>
   1601 class HeapVector : public Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> {
   1602 public:
   1603     HeapVector() { }
   1605     explicit HeapVector(size_t size) : Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size)
   1606     {
   1607     }
   1609     HeapVector(size_t size, const T& val) : Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size, val)
   1610     {
   1611     }
   1613     template<size_t otherCapacity>
   1614     HeapVector(const HeapVector<T, otherCapacity>& other)
   1615         : Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(other)
   1616     {
   1617     }
   1619     template<typename U>
   1620     void append(const U& other)
   1621     {
   1622         Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>::append(other);
   1623     }
   1625     template<typename U, size_t otherCapacity>
   1626     void appendVector(const HeapVector<U, otherCapacity>& other)
   1627     {
   1628         const Vector<U, otherCapacity, HeapAllocator>& otherVector = other;
   1629         Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>::appendVector(otherVector);
   1630     }
   1631 };
   1633 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity = 0>
   1634 class HeapDeque : public Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> {
   1635 public:
   1636     HeapDeque() { }
   1638     explicit HeapDeque(size_t size) : Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size)
   1639     {
   1640     }
   1642     HeapDeque(size_t size, const T& val) : Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size, val)
   1643     {
   1644     }
   1646     // FIXME: Doesn't work if there is an inline buffer, due to crbug.com/360572
   1647     HeapDeque<T, 0>& operator=(const HeapDeque& other)
   1648     {
   1649         HeapDeque<T> copy(other);
   1650         swap(copy);
   1651         return *this;
   1652     }
   1654     // FIXME: Doesn't work if there is an inline buffer, due to crbug.com/360572
   1655     inline void swap(HeapDeque& other)
   1656     {
   1657         Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>::swap(other);
   1658     }
   1660     template<size_t otherCapacity>
   1661     HeapDeque(const HeapDeque<T, otherCapacity>& other)
   1662         : Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(other)
   1663     {
   1664     }
   1666     template<typename U>
   1667     void append(const U& other)
   1668     {
   1669         Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>::append(other);
   1670     }
   1671 };
   1673 template<typename T>
   1674 struct ThreadingTrait<Member<T> > {
   1675     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1676 };
   1678 template<typename T>
   1679 struct ThreadingTrait<WeakMember<T> > {
   1680     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1681 };
   1683 template<typename Key, typename Value, typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1684 struct ThreadingTrait<HashMap<Key, Value, T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1685     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity =
   1686         (ThreadingTrait<Key>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly)
   1687         && (ThreadingTrait<Value>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly) ? MainThreadOnly : AnyThread;
   1688 };
   1690 template<typename First, typename Second>
   1691 struct ThreadingTrait<WTF::KeyValuePair<First, Second> > {
   1692     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity =
   1693         (ThreadingTrait<First>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly)
   1694         && (ThreadingTrait<Second>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly) ? MainThreadOnly : AnyThread;
   1695 };
   1697 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1698 struct ThreadingTrait<HashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1699     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1700 };
   1703 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1704 struct ThreadingTrait<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > {
   1705     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1706 };
   1708 template<typename T, typename Traits>
   1709 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> > {
   1710     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1711 };
   1713 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1714 struct ThreadingTrait<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > {
   1715     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1716 };
   1718 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1719 struct ThreadingTrait<HashCountedSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1720     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity = ThreadingTrait<T>::Affinity;
   1721 };
   1723 template<typename Table>
   1724 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table> > {
   1725     typedef typename Table::KeyType Key;
   1726     typedef typename Table::ValueType Value;
   1727     static const ThreadAffinity Affinity =
   1728         (ThreadingTrait<Key>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly)
   1729         && (ThreadingTrait<Value>::Affinity == MainThreadOnly) ? MainThreadOnly : AnyThread;
   1730 };
   1732 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X>
   1733 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapHashMap<T, U, V, W, X> > : public ThreadingTrait<HashMap<T, U, V, W, X, HeapAllocator> > { };
   1735 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1736 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapHashSet<T, U, V> > : public ThreadingTrait<HashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > { };
   1738 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1739 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapVector<T, inlineCapacity> > : public ThreadingTrait<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > { };
   1741 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1742 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapDeque<T, inlineCapacity> > : public ThreadingTrait<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > { };
   1744 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1745 struct ThreadingTrait<HeapHashCountedSet<T, U, V> > : public ThreadingTrait<HashCountedSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > { };
   1747 // The standard implementation of GCInfoTrait<T>::get() just returns a static
   1748 // from the class T, but we can't do that for HashMap, HashSet, Vector, etc.
   1749 // because they are in WTF and know nothing of GCInfos. Instead we have a
   1750 // specialization of GCInfoTrait for these four classes here.
   1752 template<typename Key, typename Value, typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1753 struct GCInfoTrait<HashMap<Key, Value, T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1754     static const GCInfo* get()
   1755     {
   1756         typedef HashMap<Key, Value, T, U, V, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1757         static const GCInfo info = {
   1758             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1759             0,
   1760             false, // HashMap needs no finalizer.
   1761             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1762 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1763             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1764 #endif
   1765         };
   1766         return &info;
   1767     }
   1768 };
   1770 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1771 struct GCInfoTrait<HashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1772     static const GCInfo* get()
   1773     {
   1774         typedef HashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1775         static const GCInfo info = {
   1776             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1777             0,
   1778             false, // HashSet needs no finalizer.
   1779             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1780 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1781             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1782 #endif
   1783         };
   1784         return &info;
   1785     }
   1786 };
   1788 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1789 struct GCInfoTrait<LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1790     static const GCInfo* get()
   1791     {
   1792         typedef LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1793         static const GCInfo info = {
   1794             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1795             LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator>::finalize,
   1796             true, // Needs finalization. The anchor needs to unlink itself from the chain.
   1797             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1798 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1799             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1800 #endif
   1801         };
   1802         return &info;
   1803     }
   1804 };
   1806 template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U>
   1807 struct GCInfoTrait<ListHashSet<ValueArg, inlineCapacity, U, HeapListHashSetAllocator<ValueArg, inlineCapacity> > > {
   1808     static const GCInfo* get()
   1809     {
   1810         typedef WTF::ListHashSet<ValueArg, inlineCapacity, U, HeapListHashSetAllocator<ValueArg, inlineCapacity> > TargetType;
   1811         static const GCInfo info = {
   1812             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1813             0,
   1814             false, // ListHashSet needs no finalization though its backing might.
   1815             false, // no vtable.
   1816 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1817             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1818 #endif
   1819         };
   1820         return &info;
   1821     }
   1822 };
   1824 template<typename T, typename Allocator>
   1825 struct GCInfoTrait<WTF::ListHashSetNode<T, Allocator> > {
   1826     static const GCInfo* get()
   1827     {
   1828         typedef WTF::ListHashSetNode<T, Allocator> TargetType;
   1829         static const GCInfo info = {
   1830             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1831             TargetType::finalize,
   1832             WTF::HashTraits<T>::needsDestruction, // The node needs destruction if its data does.
   1833             false, // no vtable.
   1834 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1835             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1836 #endif
   1837         };
   1838         return &info;
   1839     }
   1840 };
   1842 template<typename T>
   1843 struct GCInfoTrait<Vector<T, 0, HeapAllocator> > {
   1844     static const GCInfo* get()
   1845     {
   1846 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1847         typedef Vector<T, 0, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1848 #endif
   1849         static const GCInfo info = {
   1850             TraceTrait<Vector<T, 0, HeapAllocator> >::trace,
   1851             0,
   1852             false, // Vector needs no finalizer if it has no inline capacity.
   1853             WTF::IsPolymorphic<Vector<T, 0, HeapAllocator> >::value,
   1854 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1855             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1856 #endif
   1857         };
   1858         return &info;
   1859     }
   1860 };
   1862 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1863 struct FinalizerTrait<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > : public FinalizerTraitImpl<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>, true> { };
   1865 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1866 struct GCInfoTrait<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > {
   1867     static const GCInfo* get()
   1868     {
   1869         typedef Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1870         static const GCInfo info = {
   1871             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1872             FinalizerTrait<TargetType>::finalize,
   1873             // Finalizer is needed to destruct things stored in the inline capacity.
   1874             inlineCapacity && VectorTraits<T>::needsDestruction,
   1875             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1876 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1877             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1878 #endif
   1879         };
   1880         return &info;
   1881     }
   1882 };
   1884 template<typename T>
   1885 struct GCInfoTrait<Deque<T, 0, HeapAllocator> > {
   1886     static const GCInfo* get()
   1887     {
   1888         typedef Deque<T, 0, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1889         static const GCInfo info = {
   1890             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1891             0,
   1892             false, // Deque needs no finalizer if it has no inline capacity.
   1893             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1894 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1895             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1896 #endif
   1897         };
   1898         return &info;
   1899     }
   1900     static const GCInfo info;
   1901 };
   1903 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   1904 struct GCInfoTrait<HashCountedSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > {
   1905     static const GCInfo* get()
   1906     {
   1907         typedef HashCountedSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1908         static const GCInfo info = {
   1909             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1910             0,
   1911             false, // HashCountedSet is just a HashTable, and needs no finalizer.
   1912             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1913 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1914             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1915 #endif
   1916         };
   1917         return &info;
   1918     }
   1919     static const GCInfo info;
   1920 };
   1922 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1923 struct FinalizerTrait<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > : public FinalizerTraitImpl<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>, true> { };
   1925 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   1926 struct GCInfoTrait<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > {
   1927     static const GCInfo* get()
   1928     {
   1929         typedef Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> TargetType;
   1930         static const GCInfo info = {
   1931             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1932             FinalizerTrait<TargetType>::finalize,
   1933             // Finalizer is needed to destruct things stored in the inline capacity.
   1934             inlineCapacity && VectorTraits<T>::needsDestruction,
   1935             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1936 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1937             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1938 #endif
   1939         };
   1940         return &info;
   1941     }
   1942     static const GCInfo info;
   1943 };
   1945 template<typename T, typename Traits>
   1946 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> > {
   1947     static const GCInfo* get()
   1948     {
   1949         typedef HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> TargetType;
   1950         static const GCInfo info = {
   1951             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1952             FinalizerTrait<TargetType>::finalize,
   1953             Traits::needsDestruction,
   1954             false, // We don't support embedded objects in HeapVectors with vtables.
   1955 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1956             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1957 #endif
   1958         };
   1959         return &info;
   1960     }
   1961 };
   1963 template<typename Table>
   1964 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table> > {
   1965     static const GCInfo* get()
   1966     {
   1967         typedef HeapHashTableBacking<Table> TargetType;
   1968         static const GCInfo info = {
   1969             TraceTrait<TargetType>::trace,
   1970             HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::finalize,
   1971             Table::ValueTraits::needsDestruction,
   1972             WTF::IsPolymorphic<TargetType>::value,
   1973 #if ENABLE(GC_TRACING)
   1974             TypenameStringTrait<TargetType>::get()
   1975 #endif
   1976         };
   1977         return &info;
   1978     }
   1979 };
   1981 // This is for tracing inside collections that have special support for weak
   1982 // pointers. This is normally handled through the HashTraits, but it is not
   1983 // feasible to add methods for handling tracing to the hash traits of WTF
   1984 // classes like KeyValuePair, which is used to implement HashMap. This trait
   1985 // lets us add custom handling for such classes.
   1986 template<WTF::WeakHandlingFlag weakHandlingFlag, ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename Traits>
   1987 struct TraceInCollectionTrait;
   1989 // Catch-all for types that have a way to trace that don't have special
   1990 // handling for weakness in collections. This means that if this type
   1991 // contains WeakMember fields, they will simply be zeroed, but the entry
   1992 // will not be removed from the collection. This always happens for
   1993 // things in vectors, which don't currently support special handling of
   1994 // weak elements.
   1995 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename Traits>
   1996 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, T, Traits> {
   1997     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, T& t)
   1998     {
   1999         TraceTrait<T>::trace(visitor, &t);
   2000     }
   2001 };
   2003 // Catch-all for things that have HashTrait support for tracing with weakness.
   2004 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename Traits>
   2005 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, T, Traits> {
   2006     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, T& t)
   2007     {
   2008         Traits::traceInCollection(visitor, t, strongify);
   2009     }
   2010 };
   2012 // Vector backing that needs marking. We don't support weak members in vectors.
   2013 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename Traits>
   2014 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits>, void> {
   2015     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* self)
   2016     {
   2017         // The allocator can oversize the allocation a little, according to
   2018         // the allocation granularity. The extra size is included in the
   2019         // payloadSize call below, since there is nowhere to store the
   2020         // originally allocated memory. This assert ensures that visiting the
   2021         // last bit of memory can't cause trouble.
   2022         COMPILE_ASSERT(!WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value || sizeof(T) > allocationGranularity || Traits::canInitializeWithMemset, HeapOverallocationCanCauseSpuriousVisits);
   2024         T* array = reinterpret_cast<T*>(self);
   2025         WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* header = WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(self);
   2026         // Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
   2027         // elements to mark.
   2028         size_t length = header->payloadSize() / sizeof(T);
   2029         for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
   2030             CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value, Traits::weakHandlingFlag, WeakPointersActStrong, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, array[i]);
   2031     }
   2032 };
   2034 // Almost all hash table backings are visited with this specialization.
   2035 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Table>
   2036 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, HeapHashTableBacking<Table>, void> {
   2037     typedef typename Table::ValueType Value;
   2038     typedef typename Table::ValueTraits Traits;
   2039     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* self)
   2040     {
   2041         Value* array = reinterpret_cast<Value*>(self);
   2042         WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* header = WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(self);
   2043         size_t length = header->payloadSize() / sizeof(Value);
   2044         for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2045             if (!WTF::HashTableHelper<Value, typename Table::ExtractorType, typename Table::KeyTraitsType>::isEmptyOrDeletedBucket(array[i]))
   2046                 CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value, Traits::weakHandlingFlag, strongify, Value, Traits>::trace(visitor, array[i]);
   2047         }
   2048     }
   2049 };
   2051 // This specialization of TraceInCollectionTrait is for the backing of
   2052 // HeapListHashSet. This is for the case that we find a reference to the
   2053 // backing from the stack. That probably means we have a GC while we are in a
   2054 // ListHashSet method since normal API use does not put pointers to the backing
   2055 // on the stack.
   2056 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename NodeContents, size_t inlineCapacity, typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X, typename Y>
   2057 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, HeapHashTableBacking<WTF::HashTable<WTF::ListHashSetNode<NodeContents, HeapListHashSetAllocator<T, inlineCapacity> >*, U, V, W, X, Y, HeapAllocator> >, void> {
   2058     typedef WTF::ListHashSetNode<NodeContents, HeapListHashSetAllocator<T, inlineCapacity> > Node;
   2059     typedef WTF::HashTable<Node*, U, V, W, X, Y, HeapAllocator> Table;
   2060     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* self)
   2061     {
   2062         Node** array = reinterpret_cast<Node**>(self);
   2063         WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* header = WebCore::FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(self);
   2064         size_t length = header->payloadSize() / sizeof(Node*);
   2065         for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2066             if (!WTF::HashTableHelper<Node*, typename Table::ExtractorType, typename Table::KeyTraitsType>::isEmptyOrDeletedBucket(array[i])) {
   2067                 traceListHashSetValue(visitor, array[i]->m_value);
   2068                 // Just mark the node without tracing because we already traced
   2069                 // the contents, and there is no need to trace the next and
   2070                 // prev fields since iterating over the hash table backing will
   2071                 // find the whole chain.
   2072                 visitor->markNoTracing(array[i]);
   2073             }
   2074         }
   2075     }
   2076 };
   2078 // Key value pairs, as used in HashMap. To disambiguate template choice we have
   2079 // to have two versions, first the one with no special weak handling, then the
   2080 // one with weak handling.
   2081 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
   2082 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, WTF::KeyValuePair<Key, Value>, Traits>  {
   2083     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, WTF::KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& self)
   2084     {
   2085         ASSERT(WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value);
   2086         CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<typename Traits::KeyTraits>::value, WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, Key, typename Traits::KeyTraits>::trace(visitor, self.key);
   2087         CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<typename Traits::ValueTraits>::value, WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, Value, typename Traits::ValueTraits>::trace(visitor, self.value);
   2088     }
   2089 };
   2091 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
   2092 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, WTF::KeyValuePair<Key, Value>, Traits> {
   2093     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, WTF::KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& self)
   2094     {
   2095         ASSERT(WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value || strongify == WeakPointersActStrong);
   2096         CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<typename Traits::KeyTraits>::value, Traits::KeyTraits::weakHandlingFlag, strongify, Key, typename Traits::KeyTraits>::trace(visitor, self.key);
   2097         CollectionBackingTraceTrait<WTF::ShouldBeTraced<typename Traits::ValueTraits>::value, Traits::ValueTraits::weakHandlingFlag, strongify, Value, typename Traits::ValueTraits>::trace(visitor, self.value);
   2098     }
   2099 };
   2101 // Nodes used by LinkedHashSet. Again we need two versions to disambiguate the
   2102 // template.
   2103 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Value, typename Traits>
   2104 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, WTF::LinkedHashSetNode<Value>, Traits> {
   2105     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, WTF::LinkedHashSetNode<Value>& self)
   2106     {
   2107         ASSERT(WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value);
   2108         TraceTrait<Value>::trace(visitor, &self.m_value);
   2109     }
   2110 };
   2112 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Value, typename Traits>
   2113 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, WTF::LinkedHashSetNode<Value>, Traits> {
   2114     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, WTF::LinkedHashSetNode<Value>& self)
   2115     {
   2116         ASSERT(WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value || strongify == WeakPointersActStrong);
   2117         TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, Value, typename Traits::ValueTraits>::trace(visitor, self.m_value);
   2118     }
   2119 };
   2121 // ListHashSetNode pointers (a ListHashSet is implemented as a hash table of these pointers).
   2122 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename Value, size_t inlineCapacity, typename Traits>
   2123 struct TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, WTF::ListHashSetNode<Value, HeapListHashSetAllocator<Value, inlineCapacity> >*, Traits> {
   2124     typedef WTF::ListHashSetNode<Value, HeapListHashSetAllocator<Value, inlineCapacity> > Node;
   2125     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, Node* node)
   2126     {
   2127         traceListHashSetValue(visitor, node->m_value);
   2128         // Just mark the node without tracing because we already traced the
   2129         // contents, and there is no need to trace the next and prev fields
   2130         // since iterating over the hash table backing will find the whole
   2131         // chain.
   2132         visitor->markNoTracing(node);
   2133     }
   2134 };
   2136 // FIXME: oilpan: Perhaps we don't need this any more.
   2137 // Catch-all for things that don't need marking and have no weak pointers. We
   2138 // do nothing, even if WeakPointersActStrong.
   2139 template<ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename U>
   2140 struct CollectionBackingTraceTrait<false, WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, strongify, T, U> {
   2141     static void trace(Visitor*, T&) { }
   2142 };
   2144 // Catch-all for things that don't need marking. They have weak pointers, but
   2145 // we are not marking weak pointers in this object in this GC.
   2146 template<typename T, typename U>
   2147 struct CollectionBackingTraceTrait<false, WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActWeak, T, U> {
   2148     static void trace(Visitor*, T&) { }
   2149 };
   2151 // Things that need marking because they contain weak pointers that we are making
   2152 // strong for this GC because there is an outstanding iterator that would be
   2153 // disturbed if we started removing entries from the colletion.
   2154 template<typename T, typename Traits>
   2155 struct CollectionBackingTraceTrait<false, WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActStrong, T, Traits> {
   2156     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, T& t) { TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActStrong, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, t); }
   2157     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* t) { TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActStrong, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, t); }
   2158 };
   2160 // Things that need marking because they contain strong pointers
   2161 template<WTF::WeakHandlingFlag weakHandlingFlag, ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify, typename T, typename Traits>
   2162 struct CollectionBackingTraceTrait<true, weakHandlingFlag, strongify, T, Traits> {
   2163     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, T& t) { TraceInCollectionTrait<weakHandlingFlag, strongify, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, t); }
   2164     template <typename U>
   2165     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, U* t) { TraceInCollectionTrait<weakHandlingFlag, strongify, T, Traits>::trace(visitor, T(t)); }
   2166 };
   2168 template<typename T> struct WeakHandlingHashTraits : WTF::SimpleClassHashTraits<T> {
   2169     // We want to treat the object as a weak object in the sense that it can
   2170     // disappear from hash sets and hash maps.
   2171     static const WTF::WeakHandlingFlag weakHandlingFlag = WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections;
   2172     // Normally whether or not an object needs tracing is inferred
   2173     // automatically from the presence of the trace method, but we don't
   2174     // necessarily have a trace method, and we may not need one because T
   2175     // can perhaps only be allocated inside collections, never as indpendent
   2176     // objects. Explicitly mark this as needing tracing and it will be traced
   2177     // in collections using the traceInCollection method, which it must have.
   2178     template<typename U = void> struct NeedsTracingLazily {
   2179         static const bool value = true;
   2180     };
   2181     // This method is called at the end of GC to test which elements should be
   2182     // removed from the collection. It returns true if the object contains
   2183     // non-live pointers. If this method incorrectly returns false, then we can
   2184     // have dangerous dangling pointers!
   2185     template<typename Visitor> static bool shouldRemoveFromCollection(Visitor* visitor, T& t)
   2186     {
   2187         return t.shouldRemoveFromCollection(visitor);
   2188     }
   2189     // The traceInCollection method traces differently depending on whether we
   2190     // are strongifying the trace operation. We strongify the trace operation
   2191     // when there are active iterators on the object. In this case all
   2192     // WeakMembers are marked like strong members so that elements do not
   2193     // suddenly disappear during iteration.
   2194     static void traceInCollection(WebCore::Visitor* visitor, T& t, WebCore::ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify)
   2195     {
   2196         t.traceInCollection(visitor, strongify);
   2197     }
   2198 };
   2200 template<typename T, typename Traits>
   2201 struct TraceTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> > {
   2202     typedef HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits> Backing;
   2203     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* self)
   2204     {
   2205         COMPILE_ASSERT(!WTF::IsWeak<T>::value, WeDontSupportWeaknessInHeapVectorsOrDeques);
   2206         if (WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value)
   2207             TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActWeak, HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits>, void>::trace(visitor, self);
   2208     }
   2209     static void mark(Visitor* visitor, const Backing* backing)
   2210     {
   2211         visitor->mark(backing, &trace);
   2212     }
   2213     static void checkGCInfo(Visitor* visitor, const Backing* backing)
   2214     {
   2215 #ifndef NDEBUG
   2216         visitor->checkGCInfo(const_cast<Backing*>(backing), GCInfoTrait<Backing>::get());
   2217 #endif
   2218     }
   2219 };
   2221 // The trace trait for the heap hashtable backing is used when we find a
   2222 // direct pointer to the backing from the conservative stack scanner. This
   2223 // normally indicates that there is an ongoing iteration over the table, and so
   2224 // we disable weak processing of table entries. When the backing is found
   2225 // through the owning hash table we mark differently, in order to do weak
   2226 // processing.
   2227 template<typename Table>
   2228 struct TraceTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table> > {
   2229     typedef HeapHashTableBacking<Table> Backing;
   2230     typedef typename Table::ValueTraits Traits;
   2231     static void trace(Visitor* visitor, void* self)
   2232     {
   2233         if (WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value || Traits::weakHandlingFlag == WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections)
   2234             TraceInCollectionTrait<WTF::NoWeakHandlingInCollections, WeakPointersActStrong, Backing, void>::trace(visitor, self);
   2235     }
   2236     static void mark(Visitor* visitor, const Backing* backing)
   2237     {
   2238         if (WTF::ShouldBeTraced<Traits>::value || Traits::weakHandlingFlag == WTF::WeakHandlingInCollections)
   2239             visitor->mark(backing, &trace);
   2240         else
   2241             visitor->markNoTracing(backing); // If we know the trace function will do nothing there is no need to call it.
   2242     }
   2243     static void checkGCInfo(Visitor* visitor, const Backing* backing)
   2244     {
   2245 #ifndef NDEBUG
   2246         visitor->checkGCInfo(const_cast<Backing*>(backing), GCInfoTrait<Backing>::get());
   2247 #endif
   2248     }
   2249 };
   2251 template<typename Table>
   2252 void HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::finalize(void* pointer)
   2253 {
   2254     typedef typename Table::ValueType Value;
   2255     ASSERT(Table::ValueTraits::needsDestruction);
   2256     FinalizedHeapObjectHeader* header = FinalizedHeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(pointer);
   2257     // Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
   2258     // elements to finalize.
   2259     size_t length = header->payloadSize() / sizeof(Value);
   2260     Value* table = reinterpret_cast<Value*>(pointer);
   2261     for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2262         if (!Table::isEmptyOrDeletedBucket(table[i]))
   2263             table[i].~Value();
   2264     }
   2265 }
   2267 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X>
   2268 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapHashMap<T, U, V, W, X> > : public GCInfoTrait<HashMap<T, U, V, W, X, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2269 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   2270 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapHashSet<T, U, V> > : public GCInfoTrait<HashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2271 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   2272 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapLinkedHashSet<T, U, V> > : public GCInfoTrait<LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2273 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U>
   2274 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U> > : public GCInfoTrait<ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, HeapListHashSetAllocator<T, inlineCapacity> > > { };
   2275 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   2276 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapVector<T, inlineCapacity> > : public GCInfoTrait<Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2277 template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
   2278 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapDeque<T, inlineCapacity> > : public GCInfoTrait<Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2279 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
   2280 struct GCInfoTrait<HeapHashCountedSet<T, U, V> > : public GCInfoTrait<HashCountedSet<T, U, V, HeapAllocator> > { };
   2282 template<typename T>
   2283 struct IfWeakMember;
   2285 template<typename T>
   2286 struct IfWeakMember {
   2287     template<typename U>
   2288     static bool isDead(Visitor*, const U&) { return false; }
   2289 };
   2291 template<typename T>
   2292 struct IfWeakMember<WeakMember<T> > {
   2293     static bool isDead(Visitor* visitor, const WeakMember<T>& t) { return !visitor->isAlive(t.get()); }
   2294 };
   2296 #if COMPILER(CLANG)
   2297 // Clang does not export the symbols that we have explicitly asked it
   2298 // to export. This forces it to export all the methods from ThreadHeap.
   2299 template<> void ThreadHeap<FinalizedHeapObjectHeader>::addPageToHeap(const GCInfo*);
   2300 template<> void ThreadHeap<HeapObjectHeader>::addPageToHeap(const GCInfo*);
   2301 extern template class PLATFORM_EXPORT ThreadHeap<FinalizedHeapObjectHeader>;
   2302 extern template class PLATFORM_EXPORT ThreadHeap<HeapObjectHeader>;
   2303 #endif
   2305 }
   2307 #endif // Heap_h