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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "content/common/plugin_list.h"
      7 #include <set>
      9 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     10 #include "base/file_util.h"
     11 #include "base/file_version_info.h"
     12 #include "base/file_version_info_win.h"
     13 #include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     15 #include "base/path_service.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     17 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     18 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     19 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     20 #include "base/win/pe_image.h"
     21 #include "base/win/registry.h"
     22 #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
     23 #include "base/win/windows_version.h"
     24 #include "content/common/plugin_constants_win.h"
     26 namespace content {
     27 namespace {
     29 const base::char16 kRegistryApps[] =
     30     L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths";
     31 const base::char16 kRegistryFirefox[] = L"firefox.exe";
     32 const base::char16 kRegistryAcrobat[] = L"Acrobat.exe";
     33 const base::char16 kRegistryAcrobatReader[] = L"AcroRd32.exe";
     34 const base::char16 kRegistryWindowsMedia[] = L"wmplayer.exe";
     35 const base::char16 kRegistryQuickTime[] = L"QuickTimePlayer.exe";
     36 const base::char16 kRegistryPath[] = L"Path";
     37 const base::char16 kRegistryFirefoxInstalled[] =
     38     L"SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox";
     39 const base::char16 kRegistryJava[] =
     40     L"Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment";
     41 const base::char16 kRegistryBrowserJavaVersion[] = L"BrowserJavaVersion";
     42 const base::char16 kRegistryCurrentJavaVersion[] = L"CurrentVersion";
     43 const base::char16 kRegistryJavaHome[] = L"JavaHome";
     44 const base::char16 kJavaDeploy1[] = L"npdeploytk.dll";
     45 const base::char16 kJavaDeploy2[] = L"npdeployjava1.dll";
     47 base::FilePath AppendPluginsDir(const base::FilePath& path) {
     48   return path.AppendASCII("plugins");
     49 }
     51 // Gets the directory where the application data and libraries exist.  This
     52 // may be a versioned subdirectory, or it may be the same directory as the
     53 // GetExeDirectory(), depending on the embedder's implementation.
     54 // Path is an output parameter to receive the path.
     55 void GetAppDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
     56   base::FilePath app_path;
     57   if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_MODULE, &app_path))
     58     return;
     59   plugin_dirs->insert(AppendPluginsDir(app_path));
     60 }
     62 // Gets the directory where the launching executable resides on disk.
     63 // Path is an output parameter to receive the path.
     64 void GetExeDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
     65   base::FilePath exe_path;
     66   if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &exe_path))
     67     return;
     68   plugin_dirs->insert(AppendPluginsDir(exe_path));
     69 }
     71 // Gets the installed path for a registered app.
     72 bool GetInstalledPath(const base::char16* app, base::FilePath* out) {
     73   base::string16 reg_path(kRegistryApps);
     74   reg_path.append(L"\\");
     75   reg_path.append(app);
     77   base::win::RegKey hkcu_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
     78   base::string16 path;
     79   // As of Win7 AppPaths can also be registered in HKCU: http://goo.gl/UgFOf.
     80   if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7 &&
     81       hkcu_key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, &path) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
     82     *out = base::FilePath(path);
     83     return true;
     84   } else {
     85     base::win::RegKey hklm_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
     86     if (hklm_key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, &path) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
     87       *out = base::FilePath(path);
     88       return true;
     89     }
     90   }
     92   return false;
     93 }
     95 // Search the registry at the given path and detect plugin directories.
     96 void GetPluginsInRegistryDirectory(
     97     HKEY root_key,
     98     const base::string16& registry_folder,
     99     std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    100   for (base::win::RegistryKeyIterator iter(root_key, registry_folder.c_str());
    101        iter.Valid(); ++iter) {
    102     // Use the registry to gather plugin across the file system.
    103     base::string16 reg_path = registry_folder;
    104     reg_path.append(L"\\");
    105     reg_path.append(iter.Name());
    106     base::win::RegKey key(root_key, reg_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
    108     base::string16 path;
    109     if (key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, &path) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
    110       plugin_dirs->insert(base::FilePath(path));
    111   }
    112 }
    114 // Enumerate through the registry key to find all installed FireFox paths.
    115 // FireFox 3 beta and version 2 can coexist. See bug: 1025003
    116 void GetFirefoxInstalledPaths(std::vector<base::FilePath>* out) {
    117   base::win::RegistryKeyIterator it(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
    118                                     kRegistryFirefoxInstalled);
    119   for (; it.Valid(); ++it) {
    120     base::string16 full_path = base::string16(kRegistryFirefoxInstalled) +
    121         L"\\" + it.Name() + L"\\Main";
    122     base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, full_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
    123     base::string16 install_dir;
    124     if (key.ReadValue(L"Install Directory", &install_dir) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    125       continue;
    126     out->push_back(base::FilePath(install_dir));
    127   }
    128 }
    130 // Get plugin directory locations from the Firefox install path.  This is kind
    131 // of a kludge, but it helps us locate the flash player for users that
    132 // already have it for firefox.  Not having to download yet-another-plugin
    133 // is a good thing.
    134 void GetFirefoxDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    135   std::vector<base::FilePath> paths;
    136   GetFirefoxInstalledPaths(&paths);
    137   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
    138     plugin_dirs->insert(AppendPluginsDir(paths[i]));
    139   }
    141   base::FilePath firefox_app_data_plugin_path;
    142   if (PathService::Get(base::DIR_APP_DATA, &firefox_app_data_plugin_path)) {
    143     firefox_app_data_plugin_path =
    144         firefox_app_data_plugin_path.AppendASCII("Mozilla");
    145     plugin_dirs->insert(AppendPluginsDir(firefox_app_data_plugin_path));
    146   }
    147 }
    149 // Hardcoded logic to detect Acrobat plugins locations.
    150 void GetAcrobatDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    151   base::FilePath path;
    152   if (!GetInstalledPath(kRegistryAcrobatReader, &path) &&
    153       !GetInstalledPath(kRegistryAcrobat, &path)) {
    154     return;
    155   }
    157   plugin_dirs->insert(path.Append(L"Browser"));
    158 }
    160 // Hardcoded logic to detect QuickTime plugin location.
    161 void GetQuicktimeDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    162   base::FilePath path;
    163   if (GetInstalledPath(kRegistryQuickTime, &path))
    164     plugin_dirs->insert(AppendPluginsDir(path));
    165 }
    167 // Hardcoded logic to detect Windows Media Player plugin location.
    168 void GetWindowsMediaDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    169   base::FilePath path;
    170   if (GetInstalledPath(kRegistryWindowsMedia, &path))
    171     plugin_dirs->insert(path);
    172 }
    174 // Hardcoded logic to detect Java plugin location.
    175 void GetJavaDirectory(std::set<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    176   // Load the new NPAPI Java plugin
    177   // 1. Open the main JRE key under HKLM
    178   base::win::RegKey java_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kRegistryJava,
    179                              KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
    181   // 2. Read the current Java version
    182   base::string16 java_version;
    183   if (java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryBrowserJavaVersion, &java_version) !=
    184       ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    185     java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryCurrentJavaVersion, &java_version);
    186   }
    188   if (!java_version.empty()) {
    189     java_key.OpenKey(java_version.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
    191     // 3. Install path of the JRE binaries is specified in "JavaHome"
    192     //    value under the Java version key.
    193     base::string16 java_plugin_directory;
    194     if (java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryJavaHome, &java_plugin_directory) ==
    195         ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    196       // 4. The new plugin resides under the 'bin/new_plugin'
    197       //    subdirectory.
    198       DCHECK(!java_plugin_directory.empty());
    199       java_plugin_directory.append(L"\\bin\\new_plugin");
    201       // 5. We don't know the exact name of the DLL but it's in the form
    202       //    NP*.dll so just invoke LoadPlugins on this path.
    203       plugin_dirs->insert(base::FilePath(java_plugin_directory));
    204     }
    205   }
    206 }
    208 bool IsValid32BitImage(const base::FilePath& path) {
    209   base::MemoryMappedFile plugin_image;
    211   if (!plugin_image.InitializeAsImageSection(path))
    212     return false;
    214   base::win::PEImage image(plugin_image.data());
    216   PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt_headers = image.GetNTHeaders();
    217   return (nt_headers->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386);
    218 }
    220 // Returns true if the given plugins share at least one mime type.  This is used
    221 // to differentiate newer versions of a plugin vs two plugins which happen to
    222 // have the same filename.
    223 bool HaveSharedMimeType(const WebPluginInfo& plugin1,
    224                         const WebPluginInfo& plugin2) {
    225   for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin1.mime_types.size(); ++i) {
    226     for (size_t j = 0; j < plugin2.mime_types.size(); ++j) {
    227       if (plugin1.mime_types[i].mime_type == plugin2.mime_types[j].mime_type)
    228         return true;
    229     }
    230   }
    232   return false;
    233 }
    235 // Compares Windows style version strings (i.e. 1,2,3,4).  Returns true if b's
    236 // version is newer than a's, or false if it's equal or older.
    237 bool IsNewerVersion(const base::string16& a, const base::string16& b) {
    238   std::vector<base::string16> a_ver, b_ver;
    239   base::SplitString(a, ',', &a_ver);
    240   base::SplitString(b, ',', &b_ver);
    241   if (a_ver.size() == 1 && b_ver.size() == 1) {
    242     base::SplitString(a, '.', &a_ver);
    243     base::SplitString(b, '.', &b_ver);
    244   }
    245   if (a_ver.size() != b_ver.size())
    246     return false;
    247   for (size_t i = 0; i < a_ver.size(); i++) {
    248     int cur_a, cur_b;
    249     base::StringToInt(a_ver[i], &cur_a);
    250     base::StringToInt(b_ver[i], &cur_b);
    252     if (cur_a > cur_b)
    253       return false;
    254     if (cur_a < cur_b)
    255       return true;
    256   }
    257   return false;
    258 }
    260 }  // namespace
    262 bool PluginList::ReadWebPluginInfo(const base::FilePath& filename,
    263                                    WebPluginInfo* info) {
    264   // On windows, the way we get the mime types for the library is
    265   // to check the version information in the DLL itself.  This
    266   // will be a string of the format:  <type1>|<type2>|<type3>|...
    267   // For example:
    268   //     video/quicktime|audio/aiff|image/jpeg
    269   scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info(
    270       FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(filename));
    271   if (!version_info) {
    272     LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
    273         << "Could not get version info for plugin "
    274         << filename.value();
    275     return false;
    276   }
    278   FileVersionInfoWin* version_info_win =
    279       static_cast<FileVersionInfoWin*>(version_info.get());
    281   info->name = version_info->product_name();
    282   info->desc = version_info->file_description();
    283   info->version = version_info->file_version();
    284   info->path = filename;
    286   // TODO(evan): Move the ParseMimeTypes code inline once Pepper is updated.
    287   if (!PluginList::ParseMimeTypes(
    288           base::UTF16ToASCII(version_info_win->GetStringValue(L"MIMEType")),
    289           base::UTF16ToASCII(version_info_win->GetStringValue(L"FileExtents")),
    290           version_info_win->GetStringValue(L"FileOpenName"),
    291           &info->mime_types)) {
    292     LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
    293         << "Plugin " << info->name << " has bad MIME types, skipping";
    294     return false;
    295   }
    297   return true;
    298 }
    300 void PluginList::GetPluginDirectories(
    301     std::vector<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
    302   if (PluginList::plugins_discovery_disabled_)
    303     return;
    305   // We use a set for uniqueness, which we require, over order, which we do not.
    306   std::set<base::FilePath> dirs;
    308   // Load from the application-specific area
    309   GetAppDirectory(&dirs);
    311   // Load from the executable area
    312   GetExeDirectory(&dirs);
    314   // Load Java
    315   GetJavaDirectory(&dirs);
    317   // Load firefox plugins too.  This is mainly to try to locate
    318   // a pre-installed Flash player.
    319   GetFirefoxDirectory(&dirs);
    321   // Firefox hard-codes the paths of some popular plugins to ensure that
    322   // the plugins are found.  We are going to copy this as well.
    323   GetAcrobatDirectory(&dirs);
    324   GetQuicktimeDirectory(&dirs);
    325   GetWindowsMediaDirectory(&dirs);
    327   for (std::set<base::FilePath>::iterator i = dirs.begin(); i != dirs.end(); ++i)
    328     plugin_dirs->push_back(*i);
    329 }
    331 void PluginList::GetPluginsInDir(
    332     const base::FilePath& path, std::vector<base::FilePath>* plugins) {
    333   WIN32_FIND_DATA find_file_data;
    334   HANDLE find_handle;
    336   base::string16 dir = path.value();
    337   // FindFirstFile requires that you specify a wildcard for directories.
    338   dir.append(L"\\NP*.DLL");
    340   find_handle = FindFirstFile(dir.c_str(), &find_file_data);
    341   if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    342     return;
    344   do {
    345     if (!(find_file_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
    346       base::FilePath filename = path.Append(find_file_data.cFileName);
    347       plugins->push_back(filename);
    348     }
    349   } while (FindNextFile(find_handle, &find_file_data) != 0);
    351   DCHECK(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);
    352   FindClose(find_handle);
    353 }
    355 void PluginList::GetPluginPathsFromRegistry(
    356     std::vector<base::FilePath>* plugins) {
    357   if (PluginList::plugins_discovery_disabled_)
    358     return;
    360   std::set<base::FilePath> plugin_dirs;
    362   GetPluginsInRegistryDirectory(
    363       HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kRegistryMozillaPlugins, &plugin_dirs);
    364   GetPluginsInRegistryDirectory(
    365       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kRegistryMozillaPlugins, &plugin_dirs);
    367   for (std::set<base::FilePath>::iterator i = plugin_dirs.begin();
    368        i != plugin_dirs.end(); ++i) {
    369     plugins->push_back(*i);
    370   }
    371 }
    373 bool PluginList::ShouldLoadPluginUsingPluginList(
    374     const WebPluginInfo& info,
    375     std::vector<WebPluginInfo>* plugins) {
    376   bool should_check_version = true;
    377   {
    378     base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
    379     should_check_version =
    380         std::find(extra_plugin_paths_.begin(), extra_plugin_paths_.end(),
    381                   info.path) == extra_plugin_paths_.end();
    382   }
    383   // Version check for plugins that are not coming from |extra_plugin_paths_|.
    384   if (should_check_version) {
    385     for (size_t j = 0; j < plugins->size(); ++j) {
    386       base::FilePath::StringType plugin1 =
    387           StringToLowerASCII((*plugins)[j].path.BaseName().value());
    388       base::FilePath::StringType plugin2 =
    389           StringToLowerASCII(info.path.BaseName().value());
    390       if ((plugin1 == plugin2 && HaveSharedMimeType((*plugins)[j], info)) ||
    391           (plugin1 == kJavaDeploy1 && plugin2 == kJavaDeploy2) ||
    392           (plugin1 == kJavaDeploy2 && plugin2 == kJavaDeploy1)) {
    393         if (IsNewerVersion(info.version, (*plugins)[j].version))
    394           return false;  // We have loaded a plugin whose version is newer.
    395         plugins->erase(plugins->begin() + j);
    396         break;
    397       }
    398     }
    399   }
    401   // The checks below only apply to NPAPI plugins.
    402   if (info.type != WebPluginInfo::PLUGIN_TYPE_NPAPI)
    403     return true;
    405   {
    406     base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
    407     // If the plugin is in our internal list we should load it.
    408     for (size_t i = 0; i < internal_plugins_.size(); ++i) {
    409       if (info.path == internal_plugins_[i].path)
    410         return true;
    411     }
    412   }
    414   // Troublemakers.
    415   base::FilePath::StringType filename =
    416       StringToLowerASCII(info.path.BaseName().value());
    417   // Depends on XPCOM.
    418   if (filename == kMozillaActiveXPlugin)
    419     return false;
    421   // Disable the Yahoo Application State plugin as it crashes the plugin
    422   // process on return from NPObjectStub::OnInvoke. Please refer to
    423   // http://b/issue?id=1372124 for more information.
    424   if (filename == kYahooApplicationStatePlugin)
    425     return false;
    427   // Disable the WangWang protocol handler plugin (npww.dll) as it crashes
    428   // chrome during shutdown. Firefox also disables this plugin.
    429   // Please refer to http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3953
    430   // for more information.
    431   if (filename == kWanWangProtocolHandlerPlugin)
    432     return false;
    434   // We only work with newer versions of the Java plugin which use NPAPI only
    435   // and don't depend on XPCOM.
    436   if (filename == kJavaPlugin1 || filename == kJavaPlugin2) {
    437     std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> ver;
    438     base::SplitString(info.version, '.', &ver);
    439     int major, minor, update;
    440     if (ver.size() == 4 &&
    441         base::StringToInt(ver[0], &major) &&
    442         base::StringToInt(ver[1], &minor) &&
    443         base::StringToInt(ver[2], &update)) {
    444       if (major == 6 && minor == 0 && update < 120)
    445         return false;  // Java SE6 Update 11 or older.
    446     }
    447   }
    449   // Special WMP handling:
    450   // If both the new and old WMP plugins exist, only load the new one.
    451   if (filename == kNewWMPPlugin) {
    452     for (size_t j = 0; j < plugins->size(); ++j) {
    453       if ((*plugins)[j].path.BaseName().value() == kOldWMPPlugin) {
    454         plugins->erase(plugins->begin() + j);
    455         break;
    456       }
    457     }
    459   } else if (filename == kOldWMPPlugin) {
    460     for (size_t j = 0; j < plugins->size(); ++j) {
    461       if ((*plugins)[j].path.BaseName().value() == kNewWMPPlugin)
    462         return false;
    463     }
    464   }
    466   base::FilePath plugin_path(info.path);
    467 #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
    468   // The plugin in question could be a 32 bit plugin which we cannot load.
    469   if (IsValid32BitImage(base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(plugin_path)))
    470     return false;
    471 #else
    472   // The plugin in question could be a 64 bit plugin which we cannot load.
    473   if (!IsValid32BitImage(base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(plugin_path)))
    474     return false;
    475 #endif
    476   return true;
    477 }
    479 }  // namespace content