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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "Camera2-JpegProcessor"
     19 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     21 #include <netinet/in.h>
     23 #include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
     24 #include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
     25 #include <utils/Log.h>
     26 #include <utils/Trace.h>
     27 #include <gui/Surface.h>
     29 #include "common/CameraDeviceBase.h"
     30 #include "api1/Camera2Client.h"
     31 #include "api1/client2/Camera2Heap.h"
     32 #include "api1/client2/CaptureSequencer.h"
     33 #include "api1/client2/JpegProcessor.h"
     35 namespace android {
     36 namespace camera2 {
     38 JpegProcessor::JpegProcessor(
     39     sp<Camera2Client> client,
     40     wp<CaptureSequencer> sequencer):
     41         Thread(false),
     42         mDevice(client->getCameraDevice()),
     43         mSequencer(sequencer),
     44         mId(client->getCameraId()),
     45         mCaptureAvailable(false),
     46         mCaptureStreamId(NO_STREAM) {
     47 }
     49 JpegProcessor::~JpegProcessor() {
     50     ALOGV("%s: Exit", __FUNCTION__);
     51     deleteStream();
     52 }
     54 void JpegProcessor::onFrameAvailable() {
     55     Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
     56     if (!mCaptureAvailable) {
     57         mCaptureAvailable = true;
     58         mCaptureAvailableSignal.signal();
     59     }
     60 }
     62 status_t JpegProcessor::updateStream(const Parameters &params) {
     63     ATRACE_CALL();
     64     ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
     65     status_t res;
     67     Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
     69     sp<CameraDeviceBase> device = mDevice.promote();
     70     if (device == 0) {
     71         ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Device does not exist", __FUNCTION__, mId);
     72         return INVALID_OPERATION;
     73     }
     75     // Find out buffer size for JPEG
     76     ssize_t maxJpegSize = device->getJpegBufferSize(params.pictureWidth, params.pictureHeight);
     77     if (maxJpegSize <= 0) {
     78         ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Jpeg buffer size (%zu) is invalid ",
     79                 __FUNCTION__, mId, maxJpegSize);
     80         return INVALID_OPERATION;
     81     }
     83     if (mCaptureConsumer == 0) {
     84         // Create CPU buffer queue endpoint
     85         sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer;
     86         sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> consumer;
     87         BufferQueue::createBufferQueue(&producer, &consumer);
     88         mCaptureConsumer = new CpuConsumer(consumer, 1);
     89         mCaptureConsumer->setFrameAvailableListener(this);
     90         mCaptureConsumer->setName(String8("Camera2Client::CaptureConsumer"));
     91         mCaptureWindow = new Surface(producer);
     92     }
     94     // Since ashmem heaps are rounded up to page size, don't reallocate if
     95     // the capture heap isn't exactly the same size as the required JPEG buffer
     96     const size_t HEAP_SLACK_FACTOR = 2;
     97     if (mCaptureHeap == 0 ||
     98             (mCaptureHeap->getSize() < static_cast<size_t>(maxJpegSize)) ||
     99             (mCaptureHeap->getSize() >
    100                     static_cast<size_t>(maxJpegSize) * HEAP_SLACK_FACTOR) ) {
    101         // Create memory for API consumption
    102         mCaptureHeap.clear();
    103         mCaptureHeap =
    104                 new MemoryHeapBase(maxJpegSize, 0, "Camera2Client::CaptureHeap");
    105         if (mCaptureHeap->getSize() == 0) {
    106             ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to allocate memory for capture",
    107                     __FUNCTION__, mId);
    108             return NO_MEMORY;
    109         }
    110     }
    111     ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: JPEG capture heap now %d bytes; requested %d bytes",
    112             __FUNCTION__, mId, mCaptureHeap->getSize(), maxJpegSize);
    114     if (mCaptureStreamId != NO_STREAM) {
    115         // Check if stream parameters have to change
    116         uint32_t currentWidth, currentHeight;
    117         res = device->getStreamInfo(mCaptureStreamId,
    118                 &currentWidth, &currentHeight, 0);
    119         if (res != OK) {
    120             ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Error querying capture output stream info: "
    121                     "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__,
    122                     mId, strerror(-res), res);
    123             return res;
    124         }
    125         if (currentWidth != (uint32_t)params.pictureWidth ||
    126                 currentHeight != (uint32_t)params.pictureHeight) {
    127             ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: Deleting stream %d since the buffer dimensions changed",
    128                 __FUNCTION__, mId, mCaptureStreamId);
    129             res = device->deleteStream(mCaptureStreamId);
    130             if (res == -EBUSY) {
    131                 ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: Device is busy, call updateStream again "
    132                       " after it becomes idle", __FUNCTION__, mId);
    133                 return res;
    134             } else if (res != OK) {
    135                 ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to delete old output stream "
    136                         "for capture: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__,
    137                         mId, strerror(-res), res);
    138                 return res;
    139             }
    140             mCaptureStreamId = NO_STREAM;
    141         }
    142     }
    144     if (mCaptureStreamId == NO_STREAM) {
    145         // Create stream for HAL production
    146         res = device->createStream(mCaptureWindow,
    147                 params.pictureWidth, params.pictureHeight,
    148                 HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB, &mCaptureStreamId);
    149         if (res != OK) {
    150             ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Can't create output stream for capture: "
    151                     "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, mId,
    152                     strerror(-res), res);
    153             return res;
    154         }
    156     }
    157     return OK;
    158 }
    160 status_t JpegProcessor::deleteStream() {
    161     ATRACE_CALL();
    163     Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
    165     if (mCaptureStreamId != NO_STREAM) {
    166         sp<CameraDeviceBase> device = mDevice.promote();
    167         if (device == 0) {
    168             ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Device does not exist", __FUNCTION__, mId);
    169             return INVALID_OPERATION;
    170         }
    172         device->deleteStream(mCaptureStreamId);
    174         mCaptureHeap.clear();
    175         mCaptureWindow.clear();
    176         mCaptureConsumer.clear();
    178         mCaptureStreamId = NO_STREAM;
    179     }
    180     return OK;
    181 }
    183 int JpegProcessor::getStreamId() const {
    184     Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
    185     return mCaptureStreamId;
    186 }
    188 void JpegProcessor::dump(int /*fd*/, const Vector<String16>& /*args*/) const {
    189 }
    191 bool JpegProcessor::threadLoop() {
    192     status_t res;
    194     {
    195         Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
    196         while (!mCaptureAvailable) {
    197             res = mCaptureAvailableSignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex,
    198                     kWaitDuration);
    199             if (res == TIMED_OUT) return true;
    200         }
    201         mCaptureAvailable = false;
    202     }
    204     do {
    205         res = processNewCapture();
    206     } while (res == OK);
    208     return true;
    209 }
    211 status_t JpegProcessor::processNewCapture() {
    212     ATRACE_CALL();
    213     status_t res;
    214     sp<Camera2Heap> captureHeap;
    215     sp<MemoryBase> captureBuffer;
    217     CpuConsumer::LockedBuffer imgBuffer;
    219     {
    220         Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex);
    221         if (mCaptureStreamId == NO_STREAM) {
    222             ALOGW("%s: Camera %d: No stream is available", __FUNCTION__, mId);
    223             return INVALID_OPERATION;
    224         }
    226         res = mCaptureConsumer->lockNextBuffer(&imgBuffer);
    227         if (res != OK) {
    228             if (res != BAD_VALUE) {
    229                 ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Error receiving still image buffer: "
    230                         "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__,
    231                         mId, strerror(-res), res);
    232             }
    233             return res;
    234         }
    236         ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: Still capture available", __FUNCTION__,
    237                 mId);
    239         if (imgBuffer.format != HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB) {
    240             ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unexpected format for still image: "
    241                     "%x, expected %x", __FUNCTION__, mId,
    242                     imgBuffer.format,
    243                     HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB);
    244             mCaptureConsumer->unlockBuffer(imgBuffer);
    245             return OK;
    246         }
    248         // Find size of JPEG image
    249         size_t jpegSize = findJpegSize(imgBuffer.data, imgBuffer.width);
    250         if (jpegSize == 0) { // failed to find size, default to whole buffer
    251             jpegSize = imgBuffer.width;
    252         }
    253         size_t heapSize = mCaptureHeap->getSize();
    254         if (jpegSize > heapSize) {
    255             ALOGW("%s: JPEG image is larger than expected, truncating "
    256                     "(got %zu, expected at most %zu bytes)",
    257                     __FUNCTION__, jpegSize, heapSize);
    258             jpegSize = heapSize;
    259         }
    261         // TODO: Optimize this to avoid memcopy
    262         captureBuffer = new MemoryBase(mCaptureHeap, 0, jpegSize);
    263         void* captureMemory = mCaptureHeap->getBase();
    264         memcpy(captureMemory, imgBuffer.data, jpegSize);
    266         mCaptureConsumer->unlockBuffer(imgBuffer);
    267     }
    269     sp<CaptureSequencer> sequencer = mSequencer.promote();
    270     if (sequencer != 0) {
    271         sequencer->onCaptureAvailable(imgBuffer.timestamp, captureBuffer);
    272     }
    274     return OK;
    275 }
    277 /*
    279  * http://www.jpeg.org/public/jfif.pdf
    280  * (JPEG is the image compression algorithm, actual file format is called JFIF)
    281  *
    282  * "Markers" are 2-byte patterns used to distinguish parts of JFIF files.  The
    283  * first byte is always 0xFF, and the second byte is between 0x01 and 0xFE
    284  * (inclusive).  Because every marker begins with the same byte, they are
    285  * referred to by the second byte's value.
    286  *
    287  * JFIF files all begin with the Start of Image (SOI) marker, which is 0xD8.
    288  * Following it, "segment" sections begin with other markers, followed by a
    289  * 2-byte length (in network byte order), then the segment data.
    290  *
    291  * For our purposes we will ignore the data, and just use the length to skip to
    292  * the next segment.  This is necessary because the data inside segments are
    293  * allowed to contain the End of Image marker (0xFF 0xD9), preventing us from
    294  * naievely scanning until the end.
    295  *
    296  * After all the segments are processed, the jpeg compressed image stream begins.
    297  * This can be considered an opaque format with one requirement: all 0xFF bytes
    298  * in this stream must be followed with a 0x00 byte.  This prevents any of the
    299  * image data to be interpreted as a segment.  The only exception to this is at
    300  * the end of the image stream there is an End of Image (EOI) marker, which is
    301  * 0xFF followed by a non-zero (0xD9) byte.
    302  */
    304 const uint8_t MARK = 0xFF; // First byte of marker
    305 const uint8_t SOI = 0xD8; // Start of Image
    306 const uint8_t EOI = 0xD9; // End of Image
    307 const size_t MARKER_LENGTH = 2; // length of a marker
    309 #pragma pack(push)
    310 #pragma pack(1)
    311 typedef struct segment {
    312     uint8_t marker[MARKER_LENGTH];
    313     uint16_t length;
    314 } segment_t;
    315 #pragma pack(pop)
    317 /* HELPER FUNCTIONS */
    319 // check for Start of Image marker
    320 bool checkJpegStart(uint8_t* buf) {
    321     return buf[0] == MARK && buf[1] == SOI;
    322 }
    323 // check for End of Image marker
    324 bool checkJpegEnd(uint8_t *buf) {
    325     return buf[0] == MARK && buf[1] == EOI;
    326 }
    327 // check for arbitrary marker, returns marker type (second byte)
    328 // returns 0 if no marker found. Note: 0x00 is not a valid marker type
    329 uint8_t checkJpegMarker(uint8_t *buf) {
    330     if (buf[0] == MARK && buf[1] > 0 && buf[1] < 0xFF) {
    331         return buf[1];
    332     }
    333     return 0;
    334 }
    336 // Return the size of the JPEG, 0 indicates failure
    337 size_t JpegProcessor::findJpegSize(uint8_t* jpegBuffer, size_t maxSize) {
    338     size_t size;
    340     // First check for JPEG transport header at the end of the buffer
    341     uint8_t *header = jpegBuffer + (maxSize - sizeof(struct camera2_jpeg_blob));
    342     struct camera2_jpeg_blob *blob = (struct camera2_jpeg_blob*)(header);
    343     if (blob->jpeg_blob_id == CAMERA2_JPEG_BLOB_ID) {
    344         size = blob->jpeg_size;
    345         if (size > 0 && size <= maxSize - sizeof(struct camera2_jpeg_blob)) {
    346             // Verify SOI and EOI markers
    347             size_t offset = size - MARKER_LENGTH;
    348             uint8_t *end = jpegBuffer + offset;
    349             if (checkJpegStart(jpegBuffer) && checkJpegEnd(end)) {
    350                 ALOGV("Found JPEG transport header, img size %zu", size);
    351                 return size;
    352             } else {
    353                 ALOGW("Found JPEG transport header with bad Image Start/End");
    354             }
    355         } else {
    356             ALOGW("Found JPEG transport header with bad size %zu", size);
    357         }
    358     }
    360     // Check Start of Image
    361     if ( !checkJpegStart(jpegBuffer) ) {
    362         ALOGE("Could not find start of JPEG marker");
    363         return 0;
    364     }
    366     // Read JFIF segment markers, skip over segment data
    367     size = 0;
    368     while (size <= maxSize - MARKER_LENGTH) {
    369         segment_t *segment = (segment_t*)(jpegBuffer + size);
    370         uint8_t type = checkJpegMarker(segment->marker);
    371         if (type == 0) { // invalid marker, no more segments, begin JPEG data
    372             ALOGV("JPEG stream found beginning at offset %zu", size);
    373             break;
    374         }
    375         if (type == EOI || size > maxSize - sizeof(segment_t)) {
    376             ALOGE("Got premature End before JPEG data, offset %zu", size);
    377             return 0;
    378         }
    379         size_t length = ntohs(segment->length);
    380         ALOGV("JFIF Segment, type %x length %zx", type, length);
    381         size += length + MARKER_LENGTH;
    382     }
    384     // Find End of Image
    385     // Scan JPEG buffer until End of Image (EOI)
    386     bool foundEnd = false;
    387     for ( ; size <= maxSize - MARKER_LENGTH; size++) {
    388         if ( checkJpegEnd(jpegBuffer + size) ) {
    389             foundEnd = true;
    390             size += MARKER_LENGTH;
    391             break;
    392         }
    393     }
    394     if (!foundEnd) {
    395         ALOGE("Could not find end of JPEG marker");
    396         return 0;
    397     }
    399     if (size > maxSize) {
    400         ALOGW("JPEG size %zu too large, reducing to maxSize %zu", size, maxSize);
    401         size = maxSize;
    402     }
    403     ALOGV("Final JPEG size %zu", size);
    404     return size;
    405 }
    407 }; // namespace camera2
    408 }; // namespace android