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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include <gui/BufferQueueDefs.h>
     21 #include <gui/BufferSlot.h>
     23 #include <utils/Condition.h>
     24 #include <utils/Mutex.h>
     25 #include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
     26 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
     27 #include <utils/String8.h>
     28 #include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
     29 #include <utils/Trace.h>
     30 #include <utils/Vector.h>
     32 #define BQ_LOGV(x, ...) ALOGV("[%s] "x, mConsumerName.string(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     33 #define BQ_LOGD(x, ...) ALOGD("[%s] "x, mConsumerName.string(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     34 #define BQ_LOGI(x, ...) ALOGI("[%s] "x, mConsumerName.string(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     35 #define BQ_LOGW(x, ...) ALOGW("[%s] "x, mConsumerName.string(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     36 #define BQ_LOGE(x, ...) ALOGE("[%s] "x, mConsumerName.string(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     38 #define ATRACE_BUFFER_INDEX(index)                                   \
     39     if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {                                          \
     40         char ___traceBuf[1024];                                      \
     41         snprintf(___traceBuf, 1024, "%s: %d",                        \
     42                 mCore->mConsumerName.string(), (index));             \
     43         android::ScopedTrace ___bufTracer(ATRACE_TAG, ___traceBuf);  \
     44     }
     46 namespace android {
     48 class BufferItem;
     49 class IConsumerListener;
     50 class IGraphicBufferAlloc;
     51 class IProducerListener;
     53 class BufferQueueCore : public virtual RefBase {
     55     friend class BufferQueueProducer;
     56     friend class BufferQueueConsumer;
     58 public:
     59     // Used as a placeholder slot number when the value isn't pointing to an
     60     // existing buffer.
     61     enum { INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT = -1 }; // TODO: Extract from IGBC::BufferItem
     63     // We reserve two slots in order to guarantee that the producer and
     64     // consumer can run asynchronously.
     65     enum { MAX_MAX_ACQUIRED_BUFFERS = BufferQueueDefs::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS - 2 };
     67     // The default API number used to indicate that no producer is connected
     68     enum { NO_CONNECTED_API = 0 };
     70     typedef Vector<BufferItem> Fifo;
     72     // BufferQueueCore manages a pool of gralloc memory slots to be used by
     73     // producers and consumers. allocator is used to allocate all the needed
     74     // gralloc buffers.
     75     BufferQueueCore(const sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc>& allocator = NULL);
     76     virtual ~BufferQueueCore();
     78 private:
     79     // Dump our state in a string
     80     void dump(String8& result, const char* prefix) const;
     82     // getMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked returns the minimum number of buffers
     83     // that must remain in a state other than DEQUEUED. The async parameter
     84     // tells whether we're in asynchronous mode.
     85     int getMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
     87     // getMinMaxBufferCountLocked returns the minimum number of buffers allowed
     88     // given the current BufferQueue state. The async parameter tells whether
     89     // we're in asynchonous mode.
     90     int getMinMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
     92     // getMaxBufferCountLocked returns the maximum number of buffers that can be
     93     // allocated at once. This value depends on the following member variables:
     94     //
     95     //     mDequeueBufferCannotBlock
     96     //     mMaxAcquiredBufferCount
     97     //     mDefaultMaxBufferCount
     98     //     mOverrideMaxBufferCount
     99     //     async parameter
    100     //
    101     // Any time one of these member variables is changed while a producer is
    102     // connected, mDequeueCondition must be broadcast.
    103     int getMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
    105     // setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked sets the maximum number of buffer slots
    106     // that will be used if the producer does not override the buffer slot
    107     // count. The count must be between 2 and NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS, inclusive. The
    108     // initial default is 2.
    109     status_t setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked(int count);
    111     // freeBufferLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for the
    112     // given slot.
    113     void freeBufferLocked(int slot);
    115     // freeAllBuffersLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for
    116     // all slots.
    117     void freeAllBuffersLocked();
    119     // stillTracking returns true iff the buffer item is still being tracked
    120     // in one of the slots.
    121     bool stillTracking(const BufferItem* item) const;
    123     // waitWhileAllocatingLocked blocks until mIsAllocating is false.
    124     void waitWhileAllocatingLocked() const;
    126     // mAllocator is the connection to SurfaceFlinger that is used to allocate
    127     // new GraphicBuffer objects.
    128     sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> mAllocator;
    130     // mMutex is the mutex used to prevent concurrent access to the member
    131     // variables of BufferQueueCore objects. It must be locked whenever any
    132     // member variable is accessed.
    133     mutable Mutex mMutex;
    135     // mIsAbandoned indicates that the BufferQueue will no longer be used to
    136     // consume image buffers pushed to it using the IGraphicBufferProducer
    137     // interface. It is initialized to false, and set to true in the
    138     // consumerDisconnect method. A BufferQueue that is abandoned will return
    139     // the NO_INIT error from all IGraphicBufferProducer methods capable of
    140     // returning an error.
    141     bool mIsAbandoned;
    143     // mConsumerControlledByApp indicates whether the connected consumer is
    144     // controlled by the application.
    145     bool mConsumerControlledByApp;
    147     // mConsumerName is a string used to identify the BufferQueue in log
    148     // messages. It is set by the IGraphicBufferConsumer::setConsumerName
    149     // method.
    150     String8 mConsumerName;
    152     // mConsumerListener is used to notify the connected consumer of
    153     // asynchronous events that it may wish to react to. It is initially
    154     // set to NULL and is written by consumerConnect and consumerDisconnect.
    155     sp<IConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
    157     // mConsumerUsageBits contains flags that the consumer wants for
    158     // GraphicBuffers.
    159     uint32_t mConsumerUsageBits;
    161     // mConnectedApi indicates the producer API that is currently connected
    162     // to this BufferQueue. It defaults to NO_CONNECTED_API, and gets updated
    163     // by the connect and disconnect methods.
    164     int mConnectedApi;
    166     // mConnectedProducerToken is used to set a binder death notification on
    167     // the producer.
    168     sp<IProducerListener> mConnectedProducerListener;
    170     // mSlots is an array of buffer slots that must be mirrored on the producer
    171     // side. This allows buffer ownership to be transferred between the producer
    172     // and consumer without sending a GraphicBuffer over Binder. The entire
    173     // array is initialized to NULL at construction time, and buffers are
    174     // allocated for a slot when requestBuffer is called with that slot's index.
    175     BufferQueueDefs::SlotsType mSlots;
    177     // mQueue is a FIFO of queued buffers used in synchronous mode.
    178     Fifo mQueue;
    180     // mOverrideMaxBufferCount is the limit on the number of buffers that will
    181     // be allocated at one time. This value is set by the producer by calling
    182     // setBufferCount. The default is 0, which means that the producer doesn't
    183     // care about the number of buffers in the pool. In that case,
    184     // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is used as the limit.
    185     int mOverrideMaxBufferCount;
    187     // mDequeueCondition is a condition variable used for dequeueBuffer in
    188     // synchronous mode.
    189     mutable Condition mDequeueCondition;
    191     // mUseAsyncBuffer indicates whether an extra buffer is used in async mode
    192     // to prevent dequeueBuffer from blocking.
    193     bool mUseAsyncBuffer;
    195     // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock indicates whether dequeueBuffer is allowed to
    196     // block. This flag is set during connect when both the producer and
    197     // consumer are controlled by the application.
    198     bool mDequeueBufferCannotBlock;
    200     // mDefaultBufferFormat can be set so it will override the buffer format
    201     // when it isn't specified in dequeueBuffer.
    202     uint32_t mDefaultBufferFormat;
    204     // mDefaultWidth holds the default width of allocated buffers. It is used
    205     // in dequeueBuffer if a width and height of 0 are specified.
    206     int mDefaultWidth;
    208     // mDefaultHeight holds the default height of allocated buffers. It is used
    209     // in dequeueBuffer if a width and height of 0 are specified.
    210     int mDefaultHeight;
    212     // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is the default limit on the number of buffers that
    213     // will be allocated at one time. This default limit is set by the consumer.
    214     // The limit (as opposed to the default limit) may be overriden by the
    215     // producer.
    216     int mDefaultMaxBufferCount;
    218     // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount is the number of buffers that the consumer may
    219     // acquire at one time. It defaults to 1, and can be changed by the consumer
    220     // via setMaxAcquiredBufferCount, but this may only be done while no
    221     // producer is connected to the BufferQueue. This value is used to derive
    222     // the value returned for the MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query to the producer.
    223     int mMaxAcquiredBufferCount;
    225     // mBufferHasBeenQueued is true once a buffer has been queued. It is reset
    226     // when something causes all buffers to be freed (e.g., changing the buffer
    227     // count).
    228     bool mBufferHasBeenQueued;
    230     // mFrameCounter is the free running counter, incremented on every
    231     // successful queueBuffer call and buffer allocation.
    232     uint64_t mFrameCounter;
    234     // mTransformHint is used to optimize for screen rotations.
    235     uint32_t mTransformHint;
    237     // mSidebandStream is a handle to the sideband buffer stream, if any
    238     sp<NativeHandle> mSidebandStream;
    240     // mIsAllocating indicates whether a producer is currently trying to allocate buffers (which
    241     // releases mMutex while doing the allocation proper). Producers should not modify any of the
    242     // FREE slots while this is true. mIsAllocatingCondition is signaled when this value changes to
    243     // false.
    244     bool mIsAllocating;
    246     // mIsAllocatingCondition is a condition variable used by producers to wait until mIsAllocating
    247     // becomes false.
    248     mutable Condition mIsAllocatingCondition;
    249 }; // class BufferQueueCore
    251 } // namespace android
    253 #endif