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      1 // Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "src/profile-generator-inl.h"
     10 namespace v8 {
     11 namespace internal {
     13 class AllocationTracker;
     14 class AllocationTraceNode;
     15 class HeapEntry;
     16 class HeapSnapshot;
     17 class SnapshotFiller;
     19 class HeapGraphEdge BASE_EMBEDDED {
     20  public:
     21   enum Type {
     22     kContextVariable = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kContextVariable,
     23     kElement = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
     24     kProperty = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty,
     25     kInternal = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
     26     kHidden = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kHidden,
     27     kShortcut = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut,
     28     kWeak = v8::HeapGraphEdge::kWeak
     29   };
     31   HeapGraphEdge() { }
     32   HeapGraphEdge(Type type, const char* name, int from, int to);
     33   HeapGraphEdge(Type type, int index, int from, int to);
     34   void ReplaceToIndexWithEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot);
     36   Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(type_); }
     37   int index() const {
     38     ASSERT(type_ == kElement || type_ == kHidden);
     39     return index_;
     40   }
     41   const char* name() const {
     42     ASSERT(type_ == kContextVariable
     43         || type_ == kProperty
     44         || type_ == kInternal
     45         || type_ == kShortcut
     46         || type_ == kWeak);
     47     return name_;
     48   }
     49   INLINE(HeapEntry* from() const);
     50   HeapEntry* to() const { return to_entry_; }
     52  private:
     53   INLINE(HeapSnapshot* snapshot() const);
     55   unsigned type_ : 3;
     56   int from_index_ : 29;
     57   union {
     58     // During entries population |to_index_| is used for storing the index,
     59     // afterwards it is replaced with a pointer to the entry.
     60     int to_index_;
     61     HeapEntry* to_entry_;
     62   };
     63   union {
     64     int index_;
     65     const char* name_;
     66   };
     67 };
     70 // HeapEntry instances represent an entity from the heap (or a special
     71 // virtual node, e.g. root).
     72 class HeapEntry BASE_EMBEDDED {
     73  public:
     74   enum Type {
     75     kHidden = v8::HeapGraphNode::kHidden,
     76     kArray = v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray,
     77     kString = v8::HeapGraphNode::kString,
     78     kObject = v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject,
     79     kCode = v8::HeapGraphNode::kCode,
     80     kClosure = v8::HeapGraphNode::kClosure,
     81     kRegExp = v8::HeapGraphNode::kRegExp,
     82     kHeapNumber = v8::HeapGraphNode::kHeapNumber,
     83     kNative = v8::HeapGraphNode::kNative,
     84     kSynthetic = v8::HeapGraphNode::kSynthetic,
     85     kConsString = v8::HeapGraphNode::kConsString,
     86     kSlicedString = v8::HeapGraphNode::kSlicedString,
     87     kSymbol = v8::HeapGraphNode::kSymbol
     88   };
     89   static const int kNoEntry;
     91   HeapEntry() { }
     92   HeapEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
     93             Type type,
     94             const char* name,
     95             SnapshotObjectId id,
     96             size_t self_size,
     97             unsigned trace_node_id);
     99   HeapSnapshot* snapshot() { return snapshot_; }
    100   Type type() { return static_cast<Type>(type_); }
    101   const char* name() { return name_; }
    102   void set_name(const char* name) { name_ = name; }
    103   inline SnapshotObjectId id() { return id_; }
    104   size_t self_size() { return self_size_; }
    105   unsigned trace_node_id() const { return trace_node_id_; }
    106   INLINE(int index() const);
    107   int children_count() const { return children_count_; }
    108   INLINE(int set_children_index(int index));
    109   void add_child(HeapGraphEdge* edge) {
    110     children_arr()[children_count_++] = edge;
    111   }
    112   Vector<HeapGraphEdge*> children() {
    113     return Vector<HeapGraphEdge*>(children_arr(), children_count_); }
    115   void SetIndexedReference(
    116       HeapGraphEdge::Type type, int index, HeapEntry* entry);
    117   void SetNamedReference(
    118       HeapGraphEdge::Type type, const char* name, HeapEntry* entry);
    120   void Print(
    121       const char* prefix, const char* edge_name, int max_depth, int indent);
    123  private:
    124   INLINE(HeapGraphEdge** children_arr());
    125   const char* TypeAsString();
    127   unsigned type_: 4;
    128   int children_count_: 28;
    129   int children_index_;
    130   size_t self_size_;
    131   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    132   const char* name_;
    133   SnapshotObjectId id_;
    134   // id of allocation stack trace top node
    135   unsigned trace_node_id_;
    136 };
    139 // HeapSnapshot represents a single heap snapshot. It is stored in
    140 // HeapProfiler, which is also a factory for
    141 // HeapSnapshots. All HeapSnapshots share strings copied from JS heap
    142 // to be able to return them even if they were collected.
    143 // HeapSnapshotGenerator fills in a HeapSnapshot.
    144 class HeapSnapshot {
    145  public:
    146   HeapSnapshot(HeapProfiler* profiler,
    147                const char* title,
    148                unsigned uid);
    149   void Delete();
    151   HeapProfiler* profiler() { return profiler_; }
    152   const char* title() { return title_; }
    153   unsigned uid() { return uid_; }
    154   size_t RawSnapshotSize() const;
    155   HeapEntry* root() { return &entries_[root_index_]; }
    156   HeapEntry* gc_roots() { return &entries_[gc_roots_index_]; }
    157   HeapEntry* natives_root() { return &entries_[natives_root_index_]; }
    158   HeapEntry* gc_subroot(int index) {
    159     return &entries_[gc_subroot_indexes_[index]];
    160   }
    161   List<HeapEntry>& entries() { return entries_; }
    162   List<HeapGraphEdge>& edges() { return edges_; }
    163   List<HeapGraphEdge*>& children() { return children_; }
    164   void RememberLastJSObjectId();
    165   SnapshotObjectId max_snapshot_js_object_id() const {
    166     return max_snapshot_js_object_id_;
    167   }
    169   HeapEntry* AddEntry(HeapEntry::Type type,
    170                       const char* name,
    171                       SnapshotObjectId id,
    172                       size_t size,
    173                       unsigned trace_node_id);
    174   HeapEntry* AddRootEntry();
    175   HeapEntry* AddGcRootsEntry();
    176   HeapEntry* AddGcSubrootEntry(int tag);
    177   HeapEntry* AddNativesRootEntry();
    178   HeapEntry* GetEntryById(SnapshotObjectId id);
    179   List<HeapEntry*>* GetSortedEntriesList();
    180   void FillChildren();
    182   void Print(int max_depth);
    183   void PrintEntriesSize();
    185  private:
    186   HeapProfiler* profiler_;
    187   const char* title_;
    188   unsigned uid_;
    189   int root_index_;
    190   int gc_roots_index_;
    191   int natives_root_index_;
    192   int gc_subroot_indexes_[VisitorSynchronization::kNumberOfSyncTags];
    193   List<HeapEntry> entries_;
    194   List<HeapGraphEdge> edges_;
    195   List<HeapGraphEdge*> children_;
    196   List<HeapEntry*> sorted_entries_;
    197   SnapshotObjectId max_snapshot_js_object_id_;
    199   friend class HeapSnapshotTester;
    201   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshot);
    202 };
    205 class HeapObjectsMap {
    206  public:
    207   explicit HeapObjectsMap(Heap* heap);
    209   Heap* heap() const { return heap_; }
    211   SnapshotObjectId FindEntry(Address addr);
    212   SnapshotObjectId FindOrAddEntry(Address addr,
    213                                   unsigned int size,
    214                                   bool accessed = true);
    215   bool MoveObject(Address from, Address to, int size);
    216   void UpdateObjectSize(Address addr, int size);
    217   SnapshotObjectId last_assigned_id() const {
    218     return next_id_ - kObjectIdStep;
    219   }
    221   void StopHeapObjectsTracking();
    222   SnapshotObjectId PushHeapObjectsStats(OutputStream* stream);
    223   size_t GetUsedMemorySize() const;
    225   SnapshotObjectId GenerateId(v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info);
    226   static inline SnapshotObjectId GetNthGcSubrootId(int delta);
    228   static const int kObjectIdStep = 2;
    229   static const SnapshotObjectId kInternalRootObjectId;
    230   static const SnapshotObjectId kGcRootsObjectId;
    231   static const SnapshotObjectId kNativesRootObjectId;
    232   static const SnapshotObjectId kGcRootsFirstSubrootId;
    233   static const SnapshotObjectId kFirstAvailableObjectId;
    235   int FindUntrackedObjects();
    237   void UpdateHeapObjectsMap();
    238   void RemoveDeadEntries();
    240  private:
    241   struct EntryInfo {
    242   EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id, Address addr, unsigned int size)
    243       : id(id), addr(addr), size(size), accessed(true) { }
    244   EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id, Address addr, unsigned int size, bool accessed)
    245       : id(id), addr(addr), size(size), accessed(accessed) { }
    246     SnapshotObjectId id;
    247     Address addr;
    248     unsigned int size;
    249     bool accessed;
    250   };
    251   struct TimeInterval {
    252     explicit TimeInterval(SnapshotObjectId id) : id(id), size(0), count(0) { }
    253     SnapshotObjectId id;
    254     uint32_t size;
    255     uint32_t count;
    256   };
    258   SnapshotObjectId next_id_;
    259   HashMap entries_map_;
    260   List<EntryInfo> entries_;
    261   List<TimeInterval> time_intervals_;
    262   Heap* heap_;
    264   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapObjectsMap);
    265 };
    268 // A typedef for referencing anything that can be snapshotted living
    269 // in any kind of heap memory.
    270 typedef void* HeapThing;
    273 // An interface that creates HeapEntries by HeapThings.
    274 class HeapEntriesAllocator {
    275  public:
    276   virtual ~HeapEntriesAllocator() { }
    277   virtual HeapEntry* AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr) = 0;
    278 };
    281 // The HeapEntriesMap instance is used to track a mapping between
    282 // real heap objects and their representations in heap snapshots.
    283 class HeapEntriesMap {
    284  public:
    285   HeapEntriesMap();
    287   int Map(HeapThing thing);
    288   void Pair(HeapThing thing, int entry);
    290  private:
    291   static uint32_t Hash(HeapThing thing) {
    292     return ComputeIntegerHash(
    293         static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(thing)),
    294         v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
    295   }
    297   HashMap entries_;
    299   friend class HeapObjectsSet;
    301   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapEntriesMap);
    302 };
    305 class HeapObjectsSet {
    306  public:
    307   HeapObjectsSet();
    308   void Clear();
    309   bool Contains(Object* object);
    310   void Insert(Object* obj);
    311   const char* GetTag(Object* obj);
    312   void SetTag(Object* obj, const char* tag);
    313   bool is_empty() const { return entries_.occupancy() == 0; }
    315  private:
    316   HashMap entries_;
    318   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapObjectsSet);
    319 };
    322 class SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface {
    323  public:
    324   virtual ~SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface() { }
    325   virtual void ProgressStep() = 0;
    326   virtual bool ProgressReport(bool force) = 0;
    327 };
    330 // An implementation of V8 heap graph extractor.
    331 class V8HeapExplorer : public HeapEntriesAllocator {
    332  public:
    333   V8HeapExplorer(HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
    334                  SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress,
    335                  v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver* resolver);
    336   virtual ~V8HeapExplorer();
    337   virtual HeapEntry* AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr);
    338   void AddRootEntries(SnapshotFiller* filler);
    339   int EstimateObjectsCount(HeapIterator* iterator);
    340   bool IterateAndExtractReferences(SnapshotFiller* filler);
    341   void TagGlobalObjects();
    342   void TagCodeObject(Code* code);
    343   void TagBuiltinCodeObject(Code* code, const char* name);
    344   HeapEntry* AddEntry(Address address,
    345                       HeapEntry::Type type,
    346                       const char* name,
    347                       size_t size);
    349   static String* GetConstructorName(JSObject* object);
    351   static HeapObject* const kInternalRootObject;
    353  private:
    354   typedef bool (V8HeapExplorer::*ExtractReferencesMethod)(int entry,
    355                                                           HeapObject* object);
    357   HeapEntry* AddEntry(HeapObject* object);
    358   HeapEntry* AddEntry(HeapObject* object,
    359                       HeapEntry::Type type,
    360                       const char* name);
    362   const char* GetSystemEntryName(HeapObject* object);
    364   template<V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesMethod extractor>
    365   bool IterateAndExtractSinglePass();
    367   bool ExtractReferencesPass1(int entry, HeapObject* obj);
    368   bool ExtractReferencesPass2(int entry, HeapObject* obj);
    369   void ExtractJSGlobalProxyReferences(int entry, JSGlobalProxy* proxy);
    370   void ExtractJSObjectReferences(int entry, JSObject* js_obj);
    371   void ExtractStringReferences(int entry, String* obj);
    372   void ExtractSymbolReferences(int entry, Symbol* symbol);
    373   void ExtractJSWeakCollectionReferences(int entry,
    374                                          JSWeakCollection* collection);
    375   void ExtractContextReferences(int entry, Context* context);
    376   void ExtractMapReferences(int entry, Map* map);
    377   void ExtractSharedFunctionInfoReferences(int entry,
    378                                            SharedFunctionInfo* shared);
    379   void ExtractScriptReferences(int entry, Script* script);
    380   void ExtractAccessorPairReferences(int entry, AccessorPair* accessors);
    381   void ExtractCodeCacheReferences(int entry, CodeCache* code_cache);
    382   void ExtractCodeReferences(int entry, Code* code);
    383   void ExtractBoxReferences(int entry, Box* box);
    384   void ExtractCellReferences(int entry, Cell* cell);
    385   void ExtractPropertyCellReferences(int entry, PropertyCell* cell);
    386   void ExtractAllocationSiteReferences(int entry, AllocationSite* site);
    387   void ExtractJSArrayBufferReferences(int entry, JSArrayBuffer* buffer);
    388   void ExtractFixedArrayReferences(int entry, FixedArray* array);
    389   void ExtractClosureReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry);
    390   void ExtractPropertyReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry);
    391   bool ExtractAccessorPairProperty(JSObject* js_obj, int entry,
    392                                    Object* key, Object* callback_obj);
    393   void ExtractElementReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry);
    394   void ExtractInternalReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry);
    396   bool IsEssentialObject(Object* object);
    397   void SetContextReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    398                            int parent,
    399                            String* reference_name,
    400                            Object* child,
    401                            int field_offset);
    402   void SetNativeBindReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    403                               int parent,
    404                               const char* reference_name,
    405                               Object* child);
    406   void SetElementReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    407                            int parent,
    408                            int index,
    409                            Object* child);
    410   void SetInternalReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    411                             int parent,
    412                             const char* reference_name,
    413                             Object* child,
    414                             int field_offset = -1);
    415   void SetInternalReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    416                             int parent,
    417                             int index,
    418                             Object* child,
    419                             int field_offset = -1);
    420   void SetHiddenReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    421                           int parent,
    422                           int index,
    423                           Object* child);
    424   void SetWeakReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    425                         int parent,
    426                         const char* reference_name,
    427                         Object* child_obj,
    428                         int field_offset);
    429   void SetWeakReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    430                         int parent,
    431                         int index,
    432                         Object* child_obj,
    433                         int field_offset);
    434   void SetPropertyReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
    435                             int parent,
    436                             Name* reference_name,
    437                             Object* child,
    438                             const char* name_format_string = NULL,
    439                             int field_offset = -1);
    440   void SetUserGlobalReference(Object* user_global);
    441   void SetRootGcRootsReference();
    442   void SetGcRootsReference(VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag);
    443   void SetGcSubrootReference(
    444       VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag, bool is_weak, Object* child);
    445   const char* GetStrongGcSubrootName(Object* object);
    446   void TagObject(Object* obj, const char* tag);
    447   void MarkAsWeakContainer(Object* object);
    449   HeapEntry* GetEntry(Object* obj);
    451   static inline HeapObject* GetNthGcSubrootObject(int delta);
    452   static inline int GetGcSubrootOrder(HeapObject* subroot);
    454   Heap* heap_;
    455   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    456   StringsStorage* names_;
    457   HeapObjectsMap* heap_object_map_;
    458   SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress_;
    459   SnapshotFiller* filler_;
    460   HeapObjectsSet objects_tags_;
    461   HeapObjectsSet strong_gc_subroot_names_;
    462   HeapObjectsSet user_roots_;
    463   HeapObjectsSet weak_containers_;
    464   v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver* global_object_name_resolver_;
    466   static HeapObject* const kGcRootsObject;
    467   static HeapObject* const kFirstGcSubrootObject;
    468   static HeapObject* const kLastGcSubrootObject;
    470   friend class IndexedReferencesExtractor;
    471   friend class GcSubrootsEnumerator;
    472   friend class RootsReferencesExtractor;
    474   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(V8HeapExplorer);
    475 };
    478 class NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo;
    481 // An implementation of retained native objects extractor.
    482 class NativeObjectsExplorer {
    483  public:
    484   NativeObjectsExplorer(HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
    485                         SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress);
    486   virtual ~NativeObjectsExplorer();
    487   void AddRootEntries(SnapshotFiller* filler);
    488   int EstimateObjectsCount();
    489   bool IterateAndExtractReferences(SnapshotFiller* filler);
    491  private:
    492   void FillRetainedObjects();
    493   void FillImplicitReferences();
    494   List<HeapObject*>* GetListMaybeDisposeInfo(v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info);
    495   void SetNativeRootReference(v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info);
    496   void SetRootNativeRootsReference();
    497   void SetWrapperNativeReferences(HeapObject* wrapper,
    498                                       v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info);
    499   void VisitSubtreeWrapper(Object** p, uint16_t class_id);
    501   static uint32_t InfoHash(v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
    502     return ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(info->GetHash()),
    503                               v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
    504   }
    505   static bool RetainedInfosMatch(void* key1, void* key2) {
    506     return key1 == key2 ||
    507         (reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(key1))->IsEquivalent(
    508             reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(key2));
    509   }
    510   INLINE(static bool StringsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) {
    511     return strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key1),
    512                   reinterpret_cast<char*>(key2)) == 0;
    513   }
    515   NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo* FindOrAddGroupInfo(const char* label);
    517   Isolate* isolate_;
    518   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    519   StringsStorage* names_;
    520   SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress_;
    521   bool embedder_queried_;
    522   HeapObjectsSet in_groups_;
    523   // RetainedObjectInfo* -> List<HeapObject*>*
    524   HashMap objects_by_info_;
    525   HashMap native_groups_;
    526   HeapEntriesAllocator* synthetic_entries_allocator_;
    527   HeapEntriesAllocator* native_entries_allocator_;
    528   // Used during references extraction.
    529   SnapshotFiller* filler_;
    531   static HeapThing const kNativesRootObject;
    533   friend class GlobalHandlesExtractor;
    535   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NativeObjectsExplorer);
    536 };
    539 class HeapSnapshotGenerator : public SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface {
    540  public:
    541   HeapSnapshotGenerator(HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
    542                         v8::ActivityControl* control,
    543                         v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver* resolver,
    544                         Heap* heap);
    545   bool GenerateSnapshot();
    547  private:
    548   bool FillReferences();
    549   void ProgressStep();
    550   bool ProgressReport(bool force = false);
    551   void SetProgressTotal(int iterations_count);
    553   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    554   v8::ActivityControl* control_;
    555   V8HeapExplorer v8_heap_explorer_;
    556   NativeObjectsExplorer dom_explorer_;
    557   // Mapping from HeapThing pointers to HeapEntry* pointers.
    558   HeapEntriesMap entries_;
    559   // Used during snapshot generation.
    560   int progress_counter_;
    561   int progress_total_;
    562   Heap* heap_;
    564   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotGenerator);
    565 };
    567 class OutputStreamWriter;
    569 class HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer {
    570  public:
    571   explicit HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer(HeapSnapshot* snapshot)
    572       : snapshot_(snapshot),
    573         strings_(StringsMatch),
    574         next_node_id_(1),
    575         next_string_id_(1),
    576         writer_(NULL) {
    577   }
    578   void Serialize(v8::OutputStream* stream);
    580  private:
    581   INLINE(static bool StringsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) {
    582     return strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key1),
    583                   reinterpret_cast<char*>(key2)) == 0;
    584   }
    586   INLINE(static uint32_t StringHash(const void* string)) {
    587     const char* s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(string);
    588     int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(s));
    589     return StringHasher::HashSequentialString(
    590         s, len, v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
    591   }
    593   int GetStringId(const char* s);
    594   int entry_index(HeapEntry* e) { return e->index() * kNodeFieldsCount; }
    595   void SerializeEdge(HeapGraphEdge* edge, bool first_edge);
    596   void SerializeEdges();
    597   void SerializeImpl();
    598   void SerializeNode(HeapEntry* entry);
    599   void SerializeNodes();
    600   void SerializeSnapshot();
    601   void SerializeTraceTree();
    602   void SerializeTraceNode(AllocationTraceNode* node);
    603   void SerializeTraceNodeInfos();
    604   void SerializeString(const unsigned char* s);
    605   void SerializeStrings();
    607   static const int kEdgeFieldsCount;
    608   static const int kNodeFieldsCount;
    610   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    611   HashMap strings_;
    612   int next_node_id_;
    613   int next_string_id_;
    614   OutputStreamWriter* writer_;
    616   friend class HeapSnapshotJSONSerializerEnumerator;
    617   friend class HeapSnapshotJSONSerializerIterator;
    619   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer);
    620 };
    623 } }  // namespace v8::internal
    625 #endif  // V8_HEAP_SNAPSHOT_GENERATOR_H_