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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ash/wm/immersive_fullscreen_controller.h"
      7 #include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
      8 #include "ash/display/mouse_cursor_event_filter.h"
      9 #include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
     10 #include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager.h"
     11 #include "ash/shelf/shelf_types.h"
     12 #include "ash/shell.h"
     13 #include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
     14 #include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
     15 #include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h"
     16 #include "ui/aura/client/cursor_client.h"
     17 #include "ui/aura/env.h"
     18 #include "ui/aura/test/event_generator.h"
     19 #include "ui/aura/test/test_window_delegate.h"
     20 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
     21 #include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
     22 #include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
     23 #include "ui/events/test/test_event_handler.h"
     24 #include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h"
     25 #include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_delegate.h"
     26 #include "ui/views/controls/native/native_view_host.h"
     27 #include "ui/views/view.h"
     28 #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
     30 namespace ash {
     32 namespace {
     34 class MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate
     35     : public ImmersiveFullscreenController::Delegate {
     36  public:
     37   MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate(views::View* top_container_view)
     38       : top_container_view_(top_container_view),
     39         enabled_(false),
     40         visible_fraction_(1) {
     41   }
     42   virtual ~MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate() {}
     44   // ImmersiveFullscreenController::Delegate overrides:
     45   virtual void OnImmersiveRevealStarted() OVERRIDE {
     46     enabled_ = true;
     47     visible_fraction_ = 0;
     48   }
     49   virtual void OnImmersiveRevealEnded() OVERRIDE {
     50     visible_fraction_ = 0;
     51   }
     52   virtual void OnImmersiveFullscreenExited() OVERRIDE {
     53     enabled_ = false;
     54     visible_fraction_ = 1;
     55   }
     56   virtual void SetVisibleFraction(double visible_fraction) OVERRIDE {
     57     visible_fraction_ = visible_fraction;
     58   }
     59   virtual std::vector<gfx::Rect> GetVisibleBoundsInScreen() const OVERRIDE {
     60     std::vector<gfx::Rect> bounds_in_screen;
     61     bounds_in_screen.push_back(top_container_view_->GetBoundsInScreen());
     62     return bounds_in_screen;
     63   }
     65   bool is_enabled() const {
     66     return enabled_;
     67   }
     69   double visible_fraction() const {
     70     return visible_fraction_;
     71   }
     73  private:
     74   views::View* top_container_view_;
     75   bool enabled_;
     76   double visible_fraction_;
     78   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate);
     79 };
     81 class ConsumeEventHandler : public ui::test::TestEventHandler {
     82  public:
     83   ConsumeEventHandler() {}
     84   virtual ~ConsumeEventHandler() {}
     86  private:
     87   virtual void OnEvent(ui::Event* event) OVERRIDE {
     88     ui::test::TestEventHandler::OnEvent(event);
     89     if (event->cancelable())
     90       event->SetHandled();
     91   }
     93   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ConsumeEventHandler);
     94 };
     96 }  // namespace
     98 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    100 class ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest : public ash::test::AshTestBase {
    101  public:
    102   enum Modality {
    103     MODALITY_MOUSE,
    106   };
    108   ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest()
    109       : widget_(NULL),
    110         top_container_(NULL),
    111         content_view_(NULL) {}
    112   virtual ~ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest() {}
    114   ImmersiveFullscreenController* controller() {
    115     return controller_.get();
    116   }
    118   views::NativeViewHost* content_view() {
    119     return content_view_;
    120   }
    122   views::View* top_container() {
    123     return top_container_;
    124   }
    126   views::Widget* widget() { return widget_; }
    128   aura::Window* window() {
    129     return widget_->GetNativeWindow();
    130   }
    132   MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate* delegate() {
    133     return delegate_.get();
    134   }
    136   // Access to private data from the controller.
    137   bool top_edge_hover_timer_running() const {
    138     return controller_->top_edge_hover_timer_.IsRunning();
    139   }
    140   int mouse_x_when_hit_top() const {
    141     return controller_->mouse_x_when_hit_top_in_screen_;
    142   }
    144   // ash::test::AshTestBase overrides:
    145   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
    146     ash::test::AshTestBase::SetUp();
    148     widget_ = new views::Widget();
    149     views::Widget::InitParams params;
    150     params.context = CurrentContext();
    151     widget_->Init(params);
    152     widget_->Show();
    154     window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey,
    155                           ui::SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN);
    157     gfx::Size window_size = widget_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().size();
    158     content_view_ = new views::NativeViewHost();
    159     content_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, window_size.width(), window_size.height());
    160     widget_->GetContentsView()->AddChildView(content_view_);
    162     top_container_ = new views::View();
    163     top_container_->SetBounds(
    164         0, 0, window_size.width(), 100);
    165     top_container_->SetFocusable(true);
    166     widget_->GetContentsView()->AddChildView(top_container_);
    168     delegate_.reset(
    169         new MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate(top_container_));
    170     controller_.reset(new ImmersiveFullscreenController);
    171     controller_->Init(delegate_.get(), widget_, top_container_);
    172     controller_->SetupForTest();
    174     // The mouse is moved so that it is not over |top_container_| by
    175     // AshTestBase.
    176   }
    178   // Enables / disables immersive fullscreen.
    179   void SetEnabled(bool enabled) {
    180     controller_->SetEnabled(ImmersiveFullscreenController::WINDOW_TYPE_OTHER,
    181                             enabled);
    182   }
    184   // Attempt to reveal the top-of-window views via |modality|.
    185   // The top-of-window views can only be revealed via mouse hover or a gesture.
    186   void AttemptReveal(Modality modality) {
    187     ASSERT_NE(modality, MODALITY_GESTURE_TAP);
    188     AttemptRevealStateChange(true, modality);
    189   }
    191   // Attempt to unreveal the top-of-window views via |modality|. The
    192   // top-of-window views can be unrevealed via any modality.
    193   void AttemptUnreveal(Modality modality) {
    194     AttemptRevealStateChange(false, modality);
    195   }
    197   // Sets whether the mouse is hovered above |top_container_|.
    198   // SetHovered(true) moves the mouse over the |top_container_| but does not
    199   // move it to the top of the screen so will not initiate a reveal.
    200   void SetHovered(bool is_mouse_hovered) {
    201     MoveMouse(0, is_mouse_hovered ? 10 : top_container_->height() + 100);
    202   }
    204   // Move the mouse to the given coordinates. The coordinates should be in
    205   // |top_container_| coordinates.
    206   void MoveMouse(int x, int y) {
    207     gfx::Point screen_position(x, y);
    208     views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(top_container_, &screen_position);
    209     GetEventGenerator().MoveMouseTo(screen_position.x(), screen_position.y());
    211     // If the top edge timer started running as a result of the mouse move, run
    212     // the task which occurs after the timer delay. This reveals the
    213     // top-of-window views synchronously if the mouse is hovered at the top of
    214     // the screen.
    215     if (controller()->top_edge_hover_timer_.IsRunning()) {
    216       controller()->top_edge_hover_timer_.user_task().Run();
    217       controller()->top_edge_hover_timer_.Stop();
    218     }
    219   }
    221  private:
    222   // Attempt to change the revealed state to |revealed| via |modality|.
    223   void AttemptRevealStateChange(bool revealed, Modality modality) {
    224     // Compute the event position in |top_container_| coordinates.
    225     gfx::Point event_position(0, revealed ? 0 : top_container_->height() + 100);
    226     switch (modality) {
    227       case MODALITY_MOUSE: {
    228         MoveMouse(event_position.x(), event_position.y());
    229         break;
    230       }
    231       case MODALITY_GESTURE_TAP: {
    232         gfx::Point screen_position = event_position;
    233         views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(top_container_, &screen_position);
    234         aura::test::EventGenerator& event_generator(GetEventGenerator());
    235         event_generator.MoveTouch(event_position);
    236         event_generator.PressTouch();
    237         event_generator.ReleaseTouch();
    238         break;
    239       }
    240       case MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL: {
    241         gfx::Point start(0, revealed ? 0 : top_container_->height() - 2);
    242         gfx::Vector2d scroll_delta(0, 40);
    243         gfx::Point end = revealed ? start + scroll_delta : start - scroll_delta;
    244         views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(top_container_, &start);
    245         views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(top_container_, &end);
    246         aura::test::EventGenerator& event_generator(GetEventGenerator());
    247         event_generator.GestureScrollSequence(
    248             start, end,
    249             base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(30), 1);
    250         break;
    251       }
    252     }
    253   }
    255   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveFullscreenController> controller_;
    256   scoped_ptr<MockImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate> delegate_;
    257   views::Widget* widget_;  // Owned by the native widget.
    258   views::View* top_container_;  // Owned by |widget_|'s root-view.
    259   views::NativeViewHost* content_view_;  // Owned by |widget_|'s root-view.
    261   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest);
    262 };
    264 // Test the initial state and that the delegate gets notified of the
    265 // top-of-window views getting hidden and revealed.
    266 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Delegate) {
    267   // Initial state.
    268   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    269   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    270   EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->is_enabled());
    272   // Enabling initially hides the top views.
    273   SetEnabled(true);
    274   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    275   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    276   EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->is_enabled());
    277   EXPECT_EQ(0, delegate()->visible_fraction());
    279   // Revealing shows the top views.
    280   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    281   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    282   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    283   EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->is_enabled());
    284   EXPECT_EQ(1, delegate()->visible_fraction());
    286   // Disabling ends the immersive reveal.
    287   SetEnabled(false);
    288   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    289   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    290   EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->is_enabled());
    291 }
    293 // GetRevealedLock() specific tests.
    294 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, RevealedLock) {
    295   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> lock1;
    296   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> lock2;
    298   // Immersive fullscreen is not on by default.
    299   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    301   // 1) Test acquiring and releasing a revealed state lock while immersive
    302   // fullscreen is disabled. Acquiring or releasing the lock should have no
    303   // effect till immersive fullscreen is enabled.
    304   lock1.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    305       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    306   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    307   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    309   // Immersive fullscreen should start in the revealed state due to the lock.
    310   SetEnabled(true);
    311   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    312   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    314   SetEnabled(false);
    315   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    316   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    318   lock1.reset();
    319   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    320   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    322   // Immersive fullscreen should start in the closed state because the lock is
    323   // no longer held.
    324   SetEnabled(true);
    325   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    326   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    328   // 2) Test that acquiring a lock reveals the top-of-window views if they are
    329   // hidden.
    330   lock1.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    331       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    332   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    334   // 3) Test that the top-of-window views are only hidden when all of the locks
    335   // are released.
    336   lock2.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    337       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    338   lock1.reset();
    339   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    341   lock2.reset();
    342   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    343 }
    345 // Test mouse event processing for top-of-screen reveal triggering.
    346 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, OnMouseEvent) {
    347   // Set up initial state.
    348   SetEnabled(true);
    349   ASSERT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    350   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    352   aura::test::EventGenerator& event_generator(GetEventGenerator());
    354   gfx::Rect top_container_bounds_in_screen =
    355       top_container()->GetBoundsInScreen();
    356   // A position along the top edge of TopContainerView in screen coordinates.
    357   gfx::Point top_edge_pos(top_container_bounds_in_screen.x() + 100,
    358                           top_container_bounds_in_screen.y());
    360   // Mouse wheel event does nothing.
    361   ui::MouseEvent wheel(
    362       ui::ET_MOUSEWHEEL, top_edge_pos, top_edge_pos, ui::EF_NONE, ui::EF_NONE);
    363   event_generator.Dispatch(&wheel);
    364   EXPECT_FALSE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    366   // Move to top edge of screen starts hover timer running. We cannot use
    367   // MoveMouse() because MoveMouse() stops the timer if it started running.
    368   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_edge_pos);
    369   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    370   EXPECT_EQ(top_edge_pos.x(), mouse_x_when_hit_top());
    372   // Moving |ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest::kMouseRevealBoundsHeight| down
    373   // from the top edge stops it.
    374   event_generator.MoveMouseBy(0,
    375       ImmersiveFullscreenController::kMouseRevealBoundsHeight);
    376   EXPECT_FALSE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    378   // Moving back to the top starts the timer again.
    379   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_edge_pos);
    380   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    381   EXPECT_EQ(top_edge_pos.x(), mouse_x_when_hit_top());
    383   // Slight move to the right keeps the timer running for the same hit point.
    384   event_generator.MoveMouseBy(1, 0);
    385   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    386   EXPECT_EQ(top_edge_pos.x(), mouse_x_when_hit_top());
    388   // Moving back to the left also keeps the timer running.
    389   event_generator.MoveMouseBy(-1, 0);
    390   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    391   EXPECT_EQ(top_edge_pos.x(), mouse_x_when_hit_top());
    393   // Large move right restarts the timer (so it is still running) and considers
    394   // this a new hit at the top.
    395   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_edge_pos.x() + 100, top_edge_pos.y());
    396   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    397   EXPECT_EQ(top_edge_pos.x() + 100, mouse_x_when_hit_top());
    399   // Moving off the top edge horizontally stops the timer.
    400   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right() + 1,
    401                               top_container_bounds_in_screen.y());
    402   EXPECT_FALSE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    404   // Once revealed, a move just a little below the top container doesn't end a
    405   // reveal.
    406   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    407   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_container_bounds_in_screen.x(),
    408                               top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() + 1);
    409   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    411   // Once revealed, clicking just below the top container ends the reveal.
    412   event_generator.ClickLeftButton();
    413   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    415   // Moving a lot below the top container ends a reveal.
    416   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    417   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    418   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_container_bounds_in_screen.x(),
    419                               top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() + 50);
    420   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    422   // The mouse position cannot cause a reveal when the top container's widget
    423   // has capture.
    424   views::Widget* widget = top_container()->GetWidget();
    425   widget->SetCapture(top_container());
    426   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    427   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    428   widget->ReleaseCapture();
    430   // The mouse position cannot end the reveal while the top container's widget
    431   // has capture.
    432   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    433   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    434   widget->SetCapture(top_container());
    435   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(top_container_bounds_in_screen.x(),
    436                               top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() + 51);
    437   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    439   // Releasing capture should end the reveal.
    440   widget->ReleaseCapture();
    441   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    442 }
    444 // Test mouse event processing for top-of-screen reveal triggering when the
    445 // top container's widget is inactive.
    446 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Inactive) {
    447   // Set up initial state.
    448   views::Widget* popup_widget = views::Widget::CreateWindowWithContextAndBounds(
    449       NULL,
    450       CurrentContext(),
    451       gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200));
    452   popup_widget->Show();
    453   ASSERT_FALSE(top_container()->GetWidget()->IsActive());
    455   SetEnabled(true);
    456   ASSERT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    457   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    459   gfx::Rect top_container_bounds_in_screen =
    460       top_container()->GetBoundsInScreen();
    461   gfx::Rect popup_bounds_in_screen = popup_widget->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
    462   ASSERT_EQ(top_container_bounds_in_screen.origin().ToString(),
    463             popup_bounds_in_screen.origin().ToString());
    464   ASSERT_GT(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right(),
    465             popup_bounds_in_screen.right());
    467   // The top-of-window views should stay hidden if the cursor is at the top edge
    468   // but above an obscured portion of the top-of-window views.
    469   MoveMouse(popup_bounds_in_screen.x(),
    470             top_container_bounds_in_screen.y());
    471   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    473   // The top-of-window views should reveal if the cursor is at the top edge and
    474   // above an unobscured portion of the top-of-window views.
    475   MoveMouse(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right() - 1,
    476             top_container_bounds_in_screen.y());
    477   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    479   // The top-of-window views should stay revealed if the cursor is moved off
    480   // of the top edge.
    481   MoveMouse(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right() - 1,
    482             top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() - 1);
    483   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    485   // Moving way off of the top-of-window views should end the immersive reveal.
    486   MoveMouse(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right() - 1,
    487             top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() + 50);
    488   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    490   // Moving way off of the top-of-window views in a region where the
    491   // top-of-window views are obscured should also end the immersive reveal.
    492   // Ideally, the immersive reveal would end immediately when the cursor moves
    493   // to an obscured portion of the top-of-window views.
    494   MoveMouse(top_container_bounds_in_screen.right() - 1,
    495             top_container_bounds_in_screen.y());
    496   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    497   MoveMouse(top_container_bounds_in_screen.x(),
    498             top_container_bounds_in_screen.bottom() + 50);
    499   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    500 }
    502 // Test mouse event processing for top-of-screen reveal triggering when the user
    503 // has a vertical display layout (primary display above/below secondary display)
    504 // and the immersive fullscreen window is on the bottom display.
    505 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, MouseEventsVerticalDisplayLayout) {
    506   if (!SupportsMultipleDisplays())
    507     return;
    509   // Set up initial state.
    510   UpdateDisplay("800x600,800x600");
    511   ash::DisplayLayout display_layout(ash::DisplayLayout::TOP, 0);
    512   ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager()->SetLayoutForCurrentDisplays(
    513       display_layout);
    515   SetEnabled(true);
    516   ASSERT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    517   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    519   aura::Window::Windows root_windows = ash::Shell::GetAllRootWindows();
    520   ASSERT_EQ(root_windows[0],
    521             top_container()->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow()->GetRootWindow());
    523   gfx::Rect primary_root_window_bounds_in_screen =
    524       root_windows[0]->GetBoundsInScreen();
    525   // Do not set |x| to the root window's x position because the display's
    526   // corners have special behavior.
    527   int x = primary_root_window_bounds_in_screen.x() + 10;
    528   // The y position of the top edge of the primary display.
    529   int y_top_edge = primary_root_window_bounds_in_screen.y();
    531   aura::test::EventGenerator& event_generator(GetEventGenerator());
    533   // Moving right below the top edge starts the hover timer running. We
    534   // cannot use MoveMouse() because MoveMouse() stops the timer if it started
    535   // running.
    536   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge + 1);
    537   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    538   EXPECT_EQ(y_top_edge + 1,
    539             aura::Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location().y());
    541   // The timer should continue running if the user moves the mouse to the top
    542   // edge even though the mouse is warped to the secondary display.
    543   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge);
    544   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    546   // TODO(oshima): Provide a test API to handle mouse warp more easily.
    547   if (!MouseCursorEventFilter::IsMouseWarpInNativeCoordsEnabled()) {
    548     EXPECT_NE(y_top_edge,
    549               aura::Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location().y());
    550   }
    552   // The timer should continue running if the user overshoots the top edge
    553   // a bit.
    554   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge - 2);
    555   EXPECT_TRUE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    557   // The timer should stop running if the user overshoots the top edge by
    558   // a lot.
    559   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge - 20);
    560   EXPECT_FALSE(top_edge_hover_timer_running());
    562   // The timer should not start if the user moves the mouse to the bottom of the
    563   // secondary display without crossing the top edge first.
    564   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge - 2);
    566   // Reveal the top-of-window views by overshooting the top edge slightly.
    567   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge + 1);
    568   // MoveMouse() runs the timer task.
    569   MoveMouse(x, y_top_edge - 2);
    570   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    572   // The top-of-window views should stay revealed if the user moves the mouse
    573   // around in the bottom region of the secondary display.
    574   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x + 10, y_top_edge - 3);
    575   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    577   // The top-of-window views should hide if the user moves the mouse away from
    578   // the bottom region of the secondary display.
    579   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge - 20);
    580   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    582   // Test that it is possible to reveal the top-of-window views by overshooting
    583   // the top edge slightly when the top container's widget is not active.
    584   views::Widget* popup_widget = views::Widget::CreateWindowWithContextAndBounds(
    585       NULL,
    586       CurrentContext(),
    587       gfx::Rect(0, 200, 100, 100));
    588   popup_widget->Show();
    589   ASSERT_FALSE(top_container()->GetWidget()->IsActive());
    590   ASSERT_FALSE(top_container()->GetBoundsInScreen().Intersects(
    591       popup_widget->GetWindowBoundsInScreen()));
    592   event_generator.MoveMouseTo(x, y_top_edge + 1);
    593   MoveMouse(x, y_top_edge - 2);
    594   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    595 }
    597 // Test behavior when the mouse becomes hovered without moving.
    598 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, MouseHoveredWithoutMoving) {
    599   SetEnabled(true);
    600   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> lock;
    602   // 1) Test that if the mouse becomes hovered without the mouse moving due to a
    603   // lock causing the top-of-window views to be revealed (and the mouse
    604   // happening to be near the top of the screen), the top-of-window views do not
    605   // hide till the mouse moves off of the top-of-window views.
    606   SetHovered(true);
    607   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    608   lock.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    609       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    610   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    611   lock.reset();
    612   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    613   SetHovered(false);
    614   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    616   // 2) Test that if the mouse becomes hovered without moving because of a
    617   // reveal in ImmersiveFullscreenController::SetEnabled(true) and there are no
    618   // locks keeping the top-of-window views revealed, that mouse hover does not
    619   // prevent the top-of-window views from closing.
    620   SetEnabled(false);
    621   SetHovered(true);
    622   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    623   SetEnabled(true);
    624   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    626   // 3) Test that if the mouse becomes hovered without moving because of a
    627   // reveal in ImmersiveFullscreenController::SetEnabled(true) and there is a
    628   // lock keeping the top-of-window views revealed, that the top-of-window views
    629   // do not hide till the mouse moves off of the top-of-window views.
    630   SetEnabled(false);
    631   SetHovered(true);
    632   lock.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    633       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    634   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    635   SetEnabled(true);
    636   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    637   lock.reset();
    638   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    639   SetHovered(false);
    640   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    641 }
    643 // Test revealing the top-of-window views using one modality and ending
    644 // the reveal via another. For instance, initiating the reveal via a SWIPE_OPEN
    645 // edge gesture, switching to using the mouse and ending the reveal by moving
    646 // the mouse off of the top-of-window views.
    647 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, DifferentModalityEnterExit) {
    648   SetEnabled(true);
    649   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    650   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    652   // Initiate reveal via gesture, end reveal via mouse.
    653   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    654   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    655   MoveMouse(1, 1);
    656   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    657   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    658   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    660   // Initiate reveal via gesture, end reveal via touch.
    661   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    662   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    663   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_TAP);
    664   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    666   // Initiate reveal via mouse, end reveal via gesture.
    667   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    668   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    669   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    670   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    672   // Initiate reveal via mouse, end reveal via touch.
    673   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    674   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    675   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_TAP);
    676   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    677 }
    679 // Test when the SWIPE_CLOSE edge gesture closes the top-of-window views.
    680 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    681 // On Windows, touch events do not result in mouse events being disabled.  As
    682 // a result, the last part of this test which ends the reveal via a gesture will
    683 // not work correctly.  See crbug.com/332430, and the function
    684 // ShouldHideCursorOnTouch() in compound_event_filter.cc.
    685 #define MAYBE_EndRevealViaGesture DISABLED_EndRevealViaGesture
    686 #else
    687 #define MAYBE_EndRevealViaGesture EndRevealViaGesture
    688 #endif
    689 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, MAYBE_EndRevealViaGesture) {
    690   SetEnabled(true);
    691   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    692   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    694   // A gesture should be able to close the top-of-window views when
    695   // top-of-window views have focus.
    696   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    697   top_container()->RequestFocus();
    698   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    699   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    700   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    702   // The top-of-window views should no longer have focus. Clearing focus is
    703   // important because it closes focus-related popup windows like the touch
    704   // selection handles.
    705   EXPECT_FALSE(top_container()->HasFocus());
    707   // If some other code is holding onto a lock, a gesture should not be able to
    708   // end the reveal.
    709   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    710   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> lock(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    711       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    712   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    713   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    714   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    715   lock.reset();
    716   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    717 }
    719 // Tests that touch-gesture can be used to reveal the top-of-window views when
    720 // the child window consumes all events.
    721 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, RevealViaGestureChildConsumesEvents) {
    722   // Enabling initially hides the top views.
    723   SetEnabled(true);
    724   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    725   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    727   aura::test::TestWindowDelegate child_delegate;
    728   scoped_ptr<aura::Window> child(
    729       CreateTestWindowInShellWithDelegateAndType(&child_delegate,
    730                                                  ui::wm::WINDOW_TYPE_CONTROL,
    731                                                  1234,
    732                                                  gfx::Rect()));
    733   content_view()->Attach(child.get());
    734   child->Show();
    736   ConsumeEventHandler handler;
    737   child->AddPreTargetHandler(&handler);
    739   // Reveal the top views using a touch-scroll gesture. The child window should
    740   // not receive the touch events.
    741   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_SCROLL);
    742   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    743   EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.num_touch_events());
    745   AttemptUnreveal(MODALITY_GESTURE_TAP);
    746   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    747   EXPECT_GT(handler.num_touch_events(), 0);
    748   child->RemovePreTargetHandler(&handler);
    749 }
    751 // Make sure touch events towards the top of the window do not leak through to
    752 // windows underneath.
    753 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, EventsDoNotLeakToWindowUnderneath) {
    754   gfx::Rect window_bounds = window()->GetBoundsInScreen();
    755   aura::test::TestWindowDelegate child_delegate;
    756   scoped_ptr<aura::Window> behind(CreateTestWindowInShellWithDelegate(
    757       &child_delegate, 1234, window_bounds));
    758   behind->Show();
    759   behind->SetBounds(window_bounds);
    760   widget()->StackAbove(behind.get());
    762   // Make sure the windows are aligned on top.
    763   EXPECT_EQ(behind->GetBoundsInScreen().y(), window()->GetBoundsInScreen().y());
    764   int top = behind->GetBoundsInScreen().y();
    766   ui::TouchEvent touch(ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED, gfx::Point(10, top), 0,
    767                        ui::EventTimeForNow());
    768   ui::EventTarget* root = window()->GetRootWindow();
    769   ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root->GetEventTargeter();
    770   EXPECT_EQ(window(), targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root, &touch));
    772   SetEnabled(true);
    773   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    774   // Make sure the windows are still aligned on top.
    775   EXPECT_EQ(behind->GetBoundsInScreen().y(), window()->GetBoundsInScreen().y());
    776   top = behind->GetBoundsInScreen().y();
    777   ui::TouchEvent touch2(ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED, gfx::Point(10, top), 0,
    778                         ui::EventTimeForNow());
    779   // The event should still be targeted to window().
    780   EXPECT_EQ(window(), targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root, &touch2));
    781 }
    783 // Check that the window state gets properly marked for immersive fullscreen.
    784 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, WindowStateImmersiveFullscreen) {
    785   ash::wm::WindowState* window_state = ash::wm::GetWindowState(window());
    787   EXPECT_FALSE(window_state->in_immersive_fullscreen());
    788   SetEnabled(true);
    789   ASSERT_TRUE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    790   EXPECT_TRUE(window_state->in_immersive_fullscreen());
    792   SetEnabled(false);
    793   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
    794   EXPECT_FALSE(window_state->in_immersive_fullscreen());
    795 }
    797 // Do not test under windows because focus testing is not reliable on
    798 // Windows. (crbug.com/79493)
    799 #if !defined(OS_WIN)
    801 // Test how focus and activation affects whether the top-of-window views are
    802 // revealed.
    803 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Focus) {
    804   // Add views to the view hierarchy which we will focus and unfocus during the
    805   // test.
    806   views::View* child_view = new views::View();
    807   child_view->SetBounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
    808   child_view->SetFocusable(true);
    809   top_container()->AddChildView(child_view);
    810   views::View* unrelated_view = new views::View();
    811   unrelated_view->SetBounds(0, 100, 10, 10);
    812   unrelated_view->SetFocusable(true);
    813   top_container()->parent()->AddChildView(unrelated_view);
    814   views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
    815       top_container()->GetWidget()->GetFocusManager();
    817   SetEnabled(true);
    819   // 1) Test that the top-of-window views stay revealed as long as either a
    820   // |child_view| has focus or the mouse is hovered above the top-of-window
    821   // views.
    822   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    823   child_view->RequestFocus();
    824   focus_manager->ClearFocus();
    825   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    826   child_view->RequestFocus();
    827   SetHovered(false);
    828   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    829   focus_manager->ClearFocus();
    830   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    832   // 2) Test that focusing |unrelated_view| hides the top-of-window views.
    833   // Note: In this test we can cheat and trigger a reveal via focus because
    834   // the top container does not hide when the top-of-window views are not
    835   // revealed.
    836   child_view->RequestFocus();
    837   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    838   unrelated_view->RequestFocus();
    839   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    841   // 3) Test that a loss of focus of |child_view| to |unrelated_view|
    842   // while immersive mode is disabled is properly registered.
    843   child_view->RequestFocus();
    844   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    845   SetEnabled(false);
    846   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    847   unrelated_view->RequestFocus();
    848   SetEnabled(true);
    849   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    851   // Repeat test but with a revealed lock acquired when immersive mode is
    852   // disabled because the code path is different.
    853   child_view->RequestFocus();
    854   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    855   SetEnabled(false);
    856   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> lock(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    857       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    858   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    859   unrelated_view->RequestFocus();
    860   SetEnabled(true);
    861   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    862   lock.reset();
    863   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    864 }
    866 // Test how transient windows affect whether the top-of-window views are
    867 // revealed.
    868 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Transient) {
    869   views::Widget* top_container_widget = top_container()->GetWidget();
    871   SetEnabled(true);
    872   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    874   // 1) Test that a transient window which is not a bubble does not trigger a
    875   // reveal but does keep the top-of-window views revealed if they are already
    876   // revealed.
    877   views::Widget::InitParams transient_params;
    878   transient_params.ownership =
    879       views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
    880   transient_params.parent = top_container_widget->GetNativeView();
    881   transient_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 100, 100, 100);
    882   scoped_ptr<views::Widget> transient_widget(new views::Widget());
    883   transient_widget->Init(transient_params);
    885   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    886   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    887   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    888   transient_widget->Show();
    889   SetHovered(false);
    890   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    891   transient_widget.reset();
    892   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    894   // 2) Test that activating a non-transient window does not keep the
    895   // top-of-window views revealed.
    896   views::Widget::InitParams non_transient_params;
    897   non_transient_params.ownership =
    898       views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
    899   non_transient_params.context = top_container_widget->GetNativeView();
    900   non_transient_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 100, 100, 100);
    901   scoped_ptr<views::Widget> non_transient_widget(new views::Widget());
    902   non_transient_widget->Init(non_transient_params);
    904   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    905   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    906   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    907   non_transient_widget->Show();
    908   SetHovered(false);
    909   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    910 }
    912 // Test how bubbles affect whether the top-of-window views are revealed.
    913 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Bubbles) {
    914   scoped_ptr<ImmersiveRevealedLock> revealed_lock;
    915   views::Widget* top_container_widget = top_container()->GetWidget();
    917   // Add views to the view hierarchy to which we will anchor bubbles.
    918   views::View* child_view = new views::View();
    919   child_view->SetBounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
    920   top_container()->AddChildView(child_view);
    921   views::View* unrelated_view = new views::View();
    922   unrelated_view->SetBounds(0, 100, 10, 10);
    923   top_container()->parent()->AddChildView(unrelated_view);
    925   SetEnabled(true);
    926   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    928   // 1) Test that a bubble anchored to a child of the top container triggers
    929   // a reveal and keeps the top-of-window views revealed for the duration of
    930   // its visibility.
    931   views::Widget* bubble_widget1(views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
    932       new views::BubbleDelegateView(child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE)));
    933   bubble_widget1->Show();
    934   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    936   // Activating |top_container_widget| will close |bubble_widget1|.
    937   top_container_widget->Activate();
    938   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
    939   revealed_lock.reset(controller()->GetRevealedLock(
    940       ImmersiveFullscreenController::ANIMATE_REVEAL_NO));
    941   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    943   views::Widget* bubble_widget2 = views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
    944       new views::BubbleDelegateView(child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
    945   bubble_widget2->Show();
    946   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    947   revealed_lock.reset();
    948   SetHovered(false);
    949   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    950   bubble_widget2->Close();
    951   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    953   // 2) Test that transitioning from keeping the top-of-window views revealed
    954   // because of a bubble to keeping the top-of-window views revealed because of
    955   // mouse hover by activating |top_container_widget| works.
    956   views::Widget* bubble_widget3 = views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
    957       new views::BubbleDelegateView(child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
    958   bubble_widget3->Show();
    959   SetHovered(true);
    960   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    961   top_container_widget->Activate();
    962   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    964   // 3) Test that the top-of-window views stay revealed as long as at least one
    965   // bubble anchored to a child of the top container is visible.
    966   SetHovered(false);
    967   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    969   views::BubbleDelegateView* bubble_delegate4(new views::BubbleDelegateView(
    970       child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
    971   bubble_delegate4->set_use_focusless(true);
    972   views::Widget* bubble_widget4(views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
    973       bubble_delegate4));
    974   bubble_widget4->Show();
    976   views::BubbleDelegateView* bubble_delegate5(new views::BubbleDelegateView(
    977       child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
    978   bubble_delegate5->set_use_focusless(true);
    979   views::Widget* bubble_widget5(views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
    980       bubble_delegate5));
    981   bubble_widget5->Show();
    983   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    984   bubble_widget4->Hide();
    985   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    986   bubble_widget5->Hide();
    987   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    988   bubble_widget5->Show();
    989   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    991   // 4) Test that visibility changes which occur while immersive fullscreen is
    992   // disabled are handled upon reenabling immersive fullscreen.
    993   SetEnabled(false);
    994   bubble_widget5->Hide();
    995   SetEnabled(true);
    996   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
    998   // We do not need |bubble_widget4| or |bubble_widget5| anymore, close them.
    999   bubble_widget4->Close();
   1000   bubble_widget5->Close();
   1002   // 5) Test that a bubble added while immersive fullscreen is disabled is
   1003   // handled upon reenabling immersive fullscreen.
   1004   SetEnabled(false);
   1006   views::Widget* bubble_widget6 = views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
   1007       new views::BubbleDelegateView(child_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
   1008   bubble_widget6->Show();
   1010   SetEnabled(true);
   1011   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
   1013   bubble_widget6->Close();
   1015   // 6) Test that a bubble which is not anchored to a child of the
   1016   // TopContainerView does not trigger a reveal or keep the
   1017   // top-of-window views revealed if they are already revealed.
   1018   views::Widget* bubble_widget7 = views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
   1019       new views::BubbleDelegateView(unrelated_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
   1020   bubble_widget7->Show();
   1021   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
   1023   // Activating |top_container_widget| will close |bubble_widget6|.
   1024   top_container_widget->Activate();
   1025   AttemptReveal(MODALITY_MOUSE);
   1026   EXPECT_TRUE(controller()->IsRevealed());
   1028   views::Widget* bubble_widget8 = views::BubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble(
   1029       new views::BubbleDelegateView(unrelated_view, views::BubbleBorder::NONE));
   1030   bubble_widget8->Show();
   1031   SetHovered(false);
   1032   EXPECT_FALSE(controller()->IsRevealed());
   1033   bubble_widget8->Close();
   1034 }
   1036 #endif  // defined(OS_WIN)
   1038 // Test that the shelf is set to auto hide as long as the window is in
   1039 // immersive fullscreen and that the shelf's state before entering immersive
   1040 // fullscreen is restored upon exiting immersive fullscreen.
   1041 TEST_F(ImmersiveFullscreenControllerTest, Shelf) {
   1042   ash::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf =
   1043       ash::Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindowController()->GetShelfLayoutManager();
   1045   // Shelf is visible by default.
   1046   window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL);
   1047   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
   1048   ASSERT_EQ(ash::SHELF_VISIBLE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1050   // Entering immersive fullscreen sets the shelf to auto hide.
   1051   window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN);
   1052   SetEnabled(true);
   1053   EXPECT_EQ(ash::SHELF_AUTO_HIDE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1055   // Disabling immersive fullscreen puts it back.
   1056   SetEnabled(false);
   1057   window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL);
   1058   ASSERT_FALSE(controller()->IsEnabled());
   1059   EXPECT_EQ(ash::SHELF_VISIBLE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1061   // The user could toggle the shelf auto-hide behavior.
   1062   shelf->SetAutoHideBehavior(ash::SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS);
   1063   EXPECT_EQ(ash::SHELF_AUTO_HIDE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1065   // Entering immersive fullscreen keeps auto-hide.
   1066   window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN);
   1067   SetEnabled(true);
   1068   EXPECT_EQ(ash::SHELF_AUTO_HIDE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1070   // Disabling immersive fullscreen maintains the user's auto-hide selection.
   1071   SetEnabled(false);
   1072   window()->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey,
   1073                         ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL);
   1074   EXPECT_EQ(ash::SHELF_AUTO_HIDE, shelf->visibility_state());
   1075 }
   1077 }  // namespase ash