/external/harfbuzz_ng/test/api/ |
test-font.c | 51 hb_blob_t *blob; local 53 blob = hb_blob_create (test_data, sizeof (test_data), HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, NULL, NULL); 54 face = hb_face_create (blob, 0); 55 hb_blob_destroy (blob); 88 hb_blob_t *blob; local 98 blob = hb_face_reference_table (face, HB_TAG ('a','b','c','d')); 99 g_assert (blob != hb_blob_get_empty ()); 101 data = hb_blob_get_data (blob, &len); 104 hb_blob_destroy (blob); 146 hb_blob_t *blob; local 251 hb_blob_t *blob; local 363 hb_blob_t *blob; local [all...] |
test-blob.c | 29 /* Unit tests for hb-blob.h */ 48 hb_blob_t *blob; local 57 blob = hb_blob_get_empty (); 58 g_assert (blob == hb_blob_get_empty ()); 60 len = hb_blob_get_length (blob); 63 data = hb_blob_get_data (blob, NULL); 66 data = hb_blob_get_data (blob, &len); 70 data_writable = hb_blob_get_data_writable (blob, NULL); 73 data_writable = hb_blob_get_data_writable (blob, &len); 91 hb_blob_t *blob; member in struct:__anon25491 [all...] |
test-shape.c | 86 hb_blob_t *blob; local 95 blob = hb_blob_create (test_data, sizeof (test_data), HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, NULL, NULL); 96 face = hb_face_create (blob, 0); 97 hb_blob_destroy (blob);
/system/keymaster/ |
authorization_set.cpp | 76 elems_[i].blob.data = new_data + (elems_[i].blob.data - indirect_data_); 164 size_t min_len = lhs->blob.data_length; 165 if (rhs->blob.data_length < min_len) 166 min_len = rhs->blob.data_length; 168 if (lhs->blob.data_length == rhs->blob.data_length && min_len > 0) 169 return memcmp(lhs->blob.data, rhs->blob.data, min_len); 170 int cmp_result = memcmp(lhs->blob.data, rhs->blob.data, min_len) [all...] |
google_keymaster.cpp | 180 UniquePtr<KeyBlob> blob( 182 if (blob.get() == NULL) 185 response->enforced.Reinitialize(blob->enforced()); 186 response->unenforced.Reinitialize(blob->unenforced()); 324 UniquePtr<KeyBlob> blob( 326 if (blob.get() == NULL) 328 if (blob->error() != KM_ERROR_OK) 329 return blob->error(); 331 size_t size = blob->SerializedSize(); 336 blob->Serialize(blob_bytes.get(), blob_bytes.get() + size) [all...] |
asymmetric_key.h | 32 AsymmetricKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger) : Key(blob, logger) {} 33 keymaster_error_t LoadKey(const KeyBlob& blob); 66 RsaKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger, keymaster_error_t* error); 92 DsaKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger, keymaster_error_t* error); 120 EcdsaKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger, keymaster_error_t* error);
asymmetric_key.cpp | 38 keymaster_error_t AsymmetricKey::LoadKey(const KeyBlob& blob) { 44 const uint8_t* key_material = blob.key_material(); 45 if (d2i_PrivateKey(evp_key_type(), &tmp_pkey, &key_material, blob.key_material_length()) == 221 RsaKey::RsaKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger, keymaster_error_t* error) 222 : AsymmetricKey(blob, logger) { 224 *error = LoadKey(blob); 256 keymaster_blob_t* blob) { 257 if (!auths.GetTagValue(tag, blob)) 258 blob->data = NULL; 264 keymaster_blob_t blob; local 339 keymaster_blob_t blob; local [all...] |
key.h | 31 static Key* CreateKey(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger, keymaster_error_t* error); 56 Key(const KeyBlob& blob, const Logger& logger);
/external/chromium_org/tools/deep_memory_profiler/visualizer/ |
app_unittest.py | 23 # Initialize blob dictionary to return. 24 blob = {} 27 blob['json_str'] = open(path, 'r').read() 32 f.write(blob['json_str']) 36 blob['blob_info'] = BlobInfo.get(files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name)) 38 return blob
/external/fonttools/Lib/fontTools/misc/ |
py23.py | 53 def transcode(blob): 54 if not isinstance(blob, str): 55 blob = blob.decode('latin-1') 56 return blob
/hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/mobicore/common/LogWrapper/ |
log.h | 57 /** LOG_I_BUF(szDescriptor, blob, sizeOfBlob) 134 const void * blob, 161 index += sprintf(&buffer[index], " (0x%08x, %d bytes)", (uint32_t)blob,sizeOfBlob); 167 index += sprintf(&buffer[index], "Data at 0x%08x: ", (uint32_t)blob); 191 index += sprintf(&buffer[index], "%02x ", ((const char *)blob)[i] ); 205 char c = ((const char *)blob)[i]; 209 blob = &(((const char *)blob)[blockLen]);
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/ |
d3dcompiler.h | 81 HRESULT WINAPI D3DStripShader(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, UINT flags, ID3DBlob **blob); 103 HRESULT WINAPI D3DGetBlobPart(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, D3D_BLOB_PART part, UINT flags, ID3DBlob **blob); 104 HRESULT WINAPI D3DGetInputSignatureBlob(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob); 105 HRESULT WINAPI D3DGetOutputSignatureBlob(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob); 106 HRESULT WINAPI D3DGetInputAndOutputSignatureBlob(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob); 107 HRESULT WINAPI D3DGetDebugInfo(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob); 111 HRESULT WINAPI D3DCreateBlob(SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob);
d3d10misc.h | 42 HRESULT WINAPI D3D10CreateBlob(SIZE_T data_size, ID3D10Blob **blob);
/external/chromium_org/content/browser/fileapi/ |
file_system_operation_impl_write_unittest.cc | 23 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_storage_context.h" 24 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_url_request_job.h" 30 #include "webkit/common/blob/blob_data.h" 180 ScopedTextBlob blob(url_request_context(), 181 "blob-id:success", 185 blob.GetBlobDataHandle(), 197 ScopedTextBlob blob(url_request_context(), "blob_id:zero", ""); 200 blob.GetBlobDataHandle(), 0, RecordWriteCallback()); 226 ScopedTextBlob blob(url_request_context(), "blob_id:writeinvalidfile", 231 blob.GetBlobDataHandle(), 0, RecordWriteCallback()) [all...] |
chrome_blob_storage_context.cc | 12 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_data_handle.h" 13 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_storage_context.h" 47 scoped_refptr<ChromeBlobStorageContext> blob = local 51 new UserDataAdapter<ChromeBlobStorageContext>(blob.get())); 56 base::Bind(&ChromeBlobStorageContext::InitializeOnIOThread, blob));
/system/keymaster/include/keymaster/ |
google_keymaster_messages.h | 140 void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) { 141 SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size); 166 void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) { 167 SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size); 250 void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) { 251 SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size); 268 void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) { [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/extensions/browser/ |
blob_holder.h | 35 // Causes BlobHolder to take ownership of |blob|. 36 void HoldBlobReference(scoped_ptr<content::BlobHandle> blob); 44 // BlobHolder will drop a blob handle for each element in blob_uuids. 45 // If caller wishes to drop multiple references to the same blob,
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/database/ |
CursorWindowTest.java | 102 // put blob 103 byte[] blob = new byte[1000]; 105 Arrays.fill(blob, value); 106 assertTrue(window.putBlob(blob, 0, 6)); 107 assertTrue(Arrays.equals(blob, window.getBlob(0, 6)));
/external/chromium_org/third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/ |
hb-graphite2.cc | 48 hb_blob_t *blob; member in struct:hb_graphite2_tablelist_t 63 hb_blob_t *blob = NULL; local 67 blob = p->blob; 71 if (unlikely (!blob)) 73 blob = face_data->face->reference_table (tag); 77 hb_blob_destroy (blob); 80 p->blob = blob; 90 const char *d = hb_blob_get_data (blob, &tlen) [all...] |
/external/harfbuzz_ng/src/ |
hb-graphite2.cc | 48 hb_blob_t *blob; member in struct:hb_graphite2_tablelist_t 63 hb_blob_t *blob = NULL; local 67 blob = p->blob; 71 if (unlikely (!blob)) 73 blob = face_data->face->reference_table (tag); 77 hb_blob_destroy (blob); 80 p->blob = blob; 90 const char *d = hb_blob_get_data (blob, &tlen) [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/common/extensions/docs/server2/ |
appengine_blobstore.py | 19 """A wrapper around the blobstore API, which stores the blob keys in 25 def Set(self, key, blob, namespace): 26 """Add a blob to the blobstore. |version| is used as part of the key so 32 f.write(blob) 38 """Get a blob with version |version|. 48 """Delete the blob with version |version| if it is found.
github_file_system.py | 44 blob = fetcher.Fetch(ZIP_KEY).content 46 blob = result.content 53 return_zip = ZipFile(StringIO(blob)) 58 blobstore.Set(_MakeBlobstoreKey(key_to_set), blob, BLOBSTORE_GITHUB) 98 blob = self._blobstore.Get(_MakeBlobstoreKey(version), BLOBSTORE_GITHUB) 102 if blob is not None: 104 self._zip_file = Future(value=ZipFile(StringIO(blob)))
/external/chromium_org/chrome/renderer/extensions/ |
page_capture_custom_bindings.cc | 33 blink::WebBlob blob = local 35 args.GetReturnValue().Set(blob.toV8Value(args.Holder(), args.GetIsolate()));
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
DatabaseUtils_InsertHelperTest.java | 79 " blob_value BLOB, null_value TEXT);"); 119 byte[] blob = new byte[] { '1', '2', '3' }; 120 mInsertHelper.bind(mInsertHelper.getColumnIndex("blob_value"), blob); 136 MoreAsserts.assertEquals(blob, value); 153 values.put("blob_value", blob); 168 MoreAsserts.assertEquals(blob, value); 181 " blob_value BLOB, null_value TEXT);"); 215 byte[] blob = new byte[] { '1', '2', '3' }; 216 mInsertHelper.bind(mInsertHelper.getColumnIndex("blob_value"), blob); 232 MoreAsserts.assertEquals(blob, value) [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/app/ |
signature_validator_win_unittest.cc | 77 CRYPT_BIT_BLOB blob = cert->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo.PublicKey; local 78 size_t public_key_length = blob.cbData; 79 uint8* public_key = blob.pbData;