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      1 /***
      2 *sal.h - markers for documenting the semantics of APIs
      3 *
      4 *       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
      5 *
      6 *Purpose:
      7 *       sal.h provides a set of annotations to describe how a function uses its
      8 *       parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, and the guarantees it makes
      9 *       upon finishing.
     10 *
     11 *       [Public]
     12 *
     13 ****/
     15 /*
     16  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     17  Introduction
     19  sal.h provides a set of annotations to describe how a function uses its
     20  parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, and the guarantees it makes
     21  upon finishing.
     23  Annotations may be placed before either a function parameter's type or its return
     24  type, and describe the function's behavior regarding the parameter or return value.
     25  There are two classes of annotations: buffer annotations and advanced annotations.
     26  Buffer annotations describe how functions use their pointer parameters, and
     27  advanced annotations either describe complex/unusual buffer behavior, or provide
     28  additional information about a parameter that is not otherwise expressible.
     30  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     31  Buffer Annotations
     33  The most important annotations in sal.h provide a consistent way to annotate
     34  buffer parameters or return values for a function. Each of these annotations describes
     35  a single buffer (which could be a string, a fixed-length or variable-length array,
     36  or just a pointer) that the function interacts with: where it is, how large it is,
     37  how much is initialized, and what the function does with it.
     39  The appropriate macro for a given buffer can be constructed using the table below.
     40  Just pick the appropriate values from each category, and combine them together
     41  with a leading underscore. Some combinations of values do not make sense as buffer
     42  annotations. Only meaningful annotations can be added to your code; for a list of
     43  these, see the buffer annotation definitions section.
     45  Only a single buffer annotation should be used for each parameter.
     47  |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
     48  |   Level    |   Usage    |  Size   | Output | NullTerm | Optional |  Parameters   |
     49  |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
     50  | <>         | <>         | <>      | <>     | _z       | <>       | <>            |
     51  | _deref     | _in        | _ecount | _full  | _nz      | _opt     | (size)        |
     52  | _deref_opt | _out       | _bcount | _part  |          |          | (size,length) |
     53  |            | _inout     |         |        |          |          |               |
     54  |            |            |         |        |          |          |               |
     55  |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
     57  Level: Describes the buffer pointer's level of indirection from the parameter or
     58           return value 'p'.
     60  <>         : p is the buffer pointer.
     61  _deref     : *p is the buffer pointer. p must not be NULL.
     62  _deref_opt : *p may be the buffer pointer. p may be NULL, in which case the rest of
     63                 the annotation is ignored.
     65  Usage: Describes how the function uses the buffer.
     67  <>     : The buffer is not accessed. If used on the return value or with _deref, the
     68             function will provide the buffer, and it will be uninitialized at exit.
     69             Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer. This should only be used
     70             for alloc and free functions.
     71  _in    : The function will only read from the buffer. The caller must provide the
     72             buffer and initialize it. Cannot be used with _deref.
     73  _out   : The function will only write to the buffer. If used on the return value or
     74             with _deref, the function will provide the buffer and initialize it.
     75             Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer, and the function will
     76             initialize it.
     77  _inout : The function may freely read from and write to the buffer. The caller must
     78             provide the buffer and initialize it. If used with _deref, the buffer may
     79             be reallocated by the function.
     81  Size: Describes the total size of the buffer. This may be less than the space actually
     82          allocated for the buffer, in which case it describes the accessible amount.
     84  <>      : No buffer size is given. If the type specifies the buffer size (such as
     85              with LPSTR and LPWSTR), that amount is used. Otherwise, the buffer is one
     86              element long. Must be used with _in, _out, or _inout.
     87  _ecount : The buffer size is an explicit element count.
     88  _bcount : The buffer size is an explicit byte count.
     90  Output: Describes how much of the buffer will be initialized by the function. For
     91            _inout buffers, this also describes how much is initialized at entry. Omit this
     92            category for _in buffers; they must be fully initialized by the caller.
     94  <>    : The type specifies how much is initialized. For instance, a function initializing
     95            an LPWSTR must NULL-terminate the string.
     96  _full : The function initializes the entire buffer.
     97  _part : The function initializes part of the buffer, and explicitly indicates how much.
     99  NullTerm: States if the present of a '\0' marks the end of valid elements in the buffer.
    100  _z    : A '\0' indicated the end of the buffer
    101  _nz	 : The buffer may not be null terminated and a '\0' does not indicate the end of the
    102           buffer.
    103  Optional: Describes if the buffer itself is optional.
    105  <>   : The pointer to the buffer must not be NULL.
    106  _opt : The pointer to the buffer might be NULL. It will be checked before being dereferenced.
    108  Parameters: Gives explicit counts for the size and length of the buffer.
    110  <>            : There is no explicit count. Use when neither _ecount nor _bcount is used.
    111  (size)        : Only the buffer's total size is given. Use with _ecount or _bcount but not _part.
    112  (size,length) : The buffer's total size and initialized length are given. Use with _ecount_part
    113                    and _bcount_part.
    115  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    116  Buffer Annotation Examples
    118  LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrToIntExA(
    119      LPCSTR pszString,                    -- No annotation required, const implies __in.
    120      DWORD dwFlags,
    121      __out int *piRet                     -- A pointer whose dereference will be filled in.
    122  );
    124  void MyPaintingFunction(
    125      __in HWND hwndControl,               -- An initialized read-only parameter.
    126      __in_opt HDC hdcOptional,            -- An initialized read-only parameter that might be NULL.
    127      __inout IPropertyStore *ppsStore     -- An initialized parameter that may be freely used
    128                                           --   and modified.
    129  );
    131  LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathExA(
    132      __out_ecount(cchMax) LPSTR pszOut,   -- A string buffer with cch elements that will
    133                                           --   be NULL terminated on exit.
    134      LPCSTR pszSrc,                       -- No annotation required, const implies __in.
    135      UINT cchMax,
    136      DWORD dwFlags
    137  );
    139  HRESULT SHLocalAllocBytes(
    140      size_t cb,
    141      __deref_bcount(cb) T **ppv           -- A pointer whose dereference will be set to an
    142                                           --   uninitialized buffer with cb bytes.
    143  );
    145  __inout_bcount_full(cb) : A buffer with cb elements that is fully initialized at
    146      entry and exit, and may be written to by this function.
    148  __out_ecount_part(count, *countOut) : A buffer with count elements that will be
    149      partially initialized by this function. The function indicates how much it
    150      initialized by setting *countOut.
    152  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    153  Advanced Annotations
    155  Advanced annotations describe behavior that is not expressible with the regular
    156  buffer macros. These may be used either to annotate buffer parameters that involve
    157  complex or conditional behavior, or to enrich existing annotations with additional
    158  information.
    160  __success(expr) f :
    161      <expr> indicates whether function f succeeded or not. If <expr> is true at exit,
    162      all the function's guarantees (as given by other annotations) must hold. If <expr>
    163      is false at exit, the caller should not expect any of the function's guarantees
    164      to hold. If not used, the function must always satisfy its guarantees. Added
    165      automatically to functions that indicate success in standard ways, such as by
    166      returning an HRESULT.
    168  __nullterminated p :
    169      Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
    170      NULL character or pointer. May be used on typedefs, which marks valid (properly
    171      initialized) instances of that type as being NULL-terminated.
    173  __nullnullterminated p :
    174      Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
    175      sequence of two NULL characters or pointers. May be used on typedefs, which marks
    176      valid instances of that type as being double-NULL terminated.
    178  __reserved v :
    179      Value v must be 0/NULL, reserved for future use.
    181  __checkReturn v :
    182      Return value v must not be ignored by callers of this function.
    184  __typefix(ctype) v :
    185      Value v should be treated as an instance of ctype, rather than its declared type.
    187  __override f :
    188      Specify C#-style 'override' behaviour for overriding virtual methods.
    190  __callback f :
    191      Function f can be used as a function pointer.
    193  __format_string p :
    194      Pointer p is a string that contains % markers in the style of printf.
    196  __blocksOn(resource) f :
    197      Function f blocks on the resource 'resource'.
    199  __fallthrough :
    200      Annotates switch statement labels where fall-through is desired, to distinguish
    201      from forgotten break statements.
    203  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    204  Advanced Annotation Examples
    206  __success(return == TRUE) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL)
    207  PathCanonicalizeA(__out_ecount(MAX_PATH) LPSTR pszBuf, LPCSTR pszPath) :
    208      pszBuf is only guaranteed to be NULL-terminated when TRUE is returned.
    210  typedef __nullterminated WCHAR* LPWSTR : Initialized LPWSTRs are NULL-terminated strings.
    212  __out_ecount(cch) __typefix(LPWSTR) void *psz : psz is a buffer parameter which will be
    213      a NULL-terminated WCHAR string at exit, and which initially contains cch WCHARs.
    215  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    216 */
    218 #pragma once
    220 #define __specstrings
    222 #ifdef  __cplusplus
    223 #ifndef __nothrow
    224 # define __nothrow __declspec(nothrow)
    225 #endif
    226 extern "C" {
    227 #else
    228 #ifndef __nothrow
    229 # define __nothrow
    230 #endif
    231 #endif  /* #ifdef __cplusplus */
    233 /*
    234  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    235  Helper Macro Definitions
    237  These express behavior common to many of the high-level annotations.
    239  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    240 */
    242 /*
    243 The helper annotations are only understood by the compiler version used by various
    244 defect detection tools. When the regular compiler is running, they are defined into
    245 nothing, and do not affect the compiled code.
    246 */
    248 #if !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_)
    250     /*
    251      In the primitive __declspec("SAL_*") annotations "SAL" stands for Standard
    252      Annotation Language.  These __declspec("SAL_*") annotations are the
    253      primitives the compiler understands and all high-level SpecString MACROs
    254      will decompose into these primivates.
    255     */
    257     #define SPECSTRINGIZE( x ) #x
    259     /*
    260      __null p
    261      __notnull p
    262      __maybenull p
    264      Annotates a pointer p. States that pointer p is null. Commonly used
    265      in the negated form __notnull or the possibly null form __maybenull.
    266     */
    268     #define __null                  __declspec("SAL_null")
    269     #define __notnull               __declspec("SAL_notnull")
    270     #define __maybenull             __declspec("SAL_maybenull")
    272     /*
    273      __readonly l
    274      __notreadonly l
    275      __mabyereadonly l
    277      Annotates a location l. States that location l is not modified after
    278      this point.  If the annotation is placed on the precondition state of
    279      a function, the restriction only applies until the postcondition state
    280      of the function.  __maybereadonly states that the annotated location
    281      may be modified, whereas __notreadonly states that a location must be
    282      modified.
    283     */
    285     #define __readonly              __declspec("SAL_readonly")
    286     #define __notreadonly           __declspec("SAL_notreadonly")
    287     #define __maybereadonly         __declspec("SAL_maybereadonly")
    289     /*
    290      __valid v
    291      __notvalid v
    292      __maybevalid v
    294      Annotates any value v. States that the value satisfies all properties of
    295      valid values of its type. For example, for a string buffer, valid means
    296      that the buffer pointer is either NULL or points to a NULL-terminated string.
    297     */
    299     #define __valid                 __declspec("SAL_valid")
    300     #define __notvalid              __declspec("SAL_notvalid")
    301     #define __maybevalid            __declspec("SAL_maybevalid")
    303     /*
    304      __readableTo(extent) p
    306      Annotates a buffer pointer p.  If the buffer can be read, extent describes
    307      how much of the buffer is readable. For a reader of the buffer, this is
    308      an explicit permission to read up to that amount, rather than a restriction to
    309      read only up to it.
    310     */
    312     #define __readableTo(extent)    __declspec("SAL_readableTo("SPECSTRINGIZE(extent)")")
    314     /*
    316      __elem_readableTo(size)
    318      Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size elements.
    319     */
    321     #define __elem_readableTo(size)   __declspec("SAL_readableTo(elementCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
    323     /*
    324      __byte_readableTo(size)
    326      Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size bytes.
    327     */
    328     #define __byte_readableTo(size)   __declspec("SAL_readableTo(byteCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
    330     /*
    331      __writableTo(extent) p
    333      Annotates a buffer pointer p. If the buffer can be modified, extent
    334      describes how much of the buffer is writable (usually the allocation
    335      size). For a writer of the buffer, this is an explicit permission to
    336      write up to that amount, rather than a restriction to write only up to it.
    337     */
    338     #define __writableTo(size)   __declspec("SAL_writableTo("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)")")
    340     /*
    341      __elem_writableTo(size)
    343      Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size elements.
    344     */
    345     #define __elem_writableTo(size)   __declspec("SAL_writableTo(elementCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
    347     /*
    348      __byte_writableTo(size)
    350      Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size bytes.
    351     */
    352     #define __byte_writableTo(size)   __declspec("SAL_writableTo(byteCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
    354     /*
    355      __deref p
    357      Annotates a pointer p. The next annotation applies one dereference down
    358      in the type. If readableTo(p, size) then the next annotation applies to
    359      all elements *(p+i) for which i satisfies the size. If p is a pointer
    360      to a struct, the next annotation applies to all fields of the struct.
    361     */
    362     #define __deref                 __declspec("SAL_deref")
    364     /*
    365      __pre __next_annotation
    367      The next annotation applies in the precondition state
    368     */
    369     #define __pre                   __declspec("SAL_pre")
    371     /*
    372      __post __next_annotation
    374      The next annotation applies in the postcondition state
    375     */
    376     #define __post                  __declspec("SAL_post")
    378     /*
    379      __precond(<expr>)
    381      When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the precondition state
    382      (currently not enabled)
    383     */
    384     #define __precond(expr)         __pre
    386     /*
    387      __postcond(<expr>)
    389      When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the postcondition state
    390      (currently not enabled)
    391     */
    392     #define __postcond(expr)        __post
    394     /*
    395      __exceptthat
    397      Given a set of annotations Q containing __exceptthat maybeP, the effect of
    398      the except clause is to erase any P or notP annotations (explicit or
    399      implied) within Q at the same level of dereferencing that the except
    400      clause appears, and to replace it with maybeP.
    402       Example 1: __valid __exceptthat __maybenull on a pointer p means that the
    403                  pointer may be null, and is otherwise valid, thus overriding
    404                  the implicit notnull annotation implied by __valid on
    405                  pointers.
    407       Example 2: __valid __deref __exceptthat __maybenull on an int **p means
    408                  that p is not null (implied by valid), but the elements
    409                  pointed to by p could be null, and are otherwise valid.
    410     */
    411     #define __exceptthat                __declspec("SAL_except")
    412     #define __execeptthat               __exceptthat
    414     /*
    415      _refparam
    417      Added to all out parameter macros to indicate that they are all reference
    418      parameters.
    419     */
    420     #define __refparam                  __deref __notreadonly
    422     /*
    423      __inner_*
    425      Helper macros that directly correspond to certain high-level annotations.
    427     */
    429     /*
    430      Macros to classify the entrypoints and indicate their category.
    432      Pre-defined control point categories include: RPC, LPC, DeviceDriver, UserToKernel, ISAPI, COM.
    434     */
    435     #define __inner_control_entrypoint(category) __declspec("SAL_entrypoint(controlEntry, "SPECSTRINGIZE(category)")")
    437     /*
    438      Pre-defined data entry point categories include: Registry, File, Network.
    439     */
    440     #define __inner_data_entrypoint(category)    __declspec("SAL_entrypoint(dataEntry, "SPECSTRINGIZE(category)")")
    442     #define __inner_success(expr)               __declspec("SAL_success("SPECSTRINGIZE(expr)")")
    443     #define __inner_checkReturn                 __declspec("SAL_checkReturn")
    444     #define __inner_typefix(ctype)              __declspec("SAL_typefix("SPECSTRINGIZE(ctype)")")
    445     #define __inner_override                    __declspec("__override")
    446     #define __inner_callback                    __declspec("__callback")
    447     #define __inner_blocksOn(resource)          __declspec("SAL_blocksOn("SPECSTRINGIZE(resource)")")
    448     #define __inner_fallthrough_dec             __inline __nothrow void __FallThrough() {}
    449     #define __inner_fallthrough                 __FallThrough();
    451 #else
    452     #define __null
    453     #define __notnull
    454     #define __maybenull
    455     #define __readonly
    456     #define __notreadonly
    457     #define __maybereadonly
    458     #define __valid
    459     #define __notvalid
    460     #define __maybevalid
    461     #define __readableTo(extent)
    462     #define __elem_readableTo(size)
    463     #define __byte_readableTo(size)
    464     #define __writableTo(size)
    465     #define __elem_writableTo(size)
    466     #define __byte_writableTo(size)
    467     #define __deref
    468     #define __pre
    469     #define __post
    470     #define __precond(expr)
    471     #define __postcond(expr)
    472     #define __exceptthat
    473     #define __execeptthat
    474     #define __inner_success(expr)
    475     #define __inner_checkReturn
    476     #define __inner_typefix(ctype)
    477     #define __inner_override
    478     #define __inner_callback
    479     #define __inner_blocksOn(resource)
    480     #define __inner_fallthrough_dec
    481     #define __inner_fallthrough
    482     #define __refparam
    483     #define __inner_control_entrypoint(category)
    484     #define __inner_data_entrypoint(category)
    485 #endif /* #if !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_) */
    487 /*
    488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    489 Buffer Annotation Definitions
    491 Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, but only one should
    492 be used for each parameter. To determine which annotation to use for a given
    493 buffer, use the table in the buffer annotations section.
    494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    495 */
    497 #define __ecount(size)                                          __notnull __elem_writableTo(size)
    498 #define __bcount(size)                                          __notnull __byte_writableTo(size)
    499 #define __in                                                    __pre __valid __pre __deref __readonly
    500 #define __in_ecount(size)                                       __in __pre __elem_readableTo(size)
    501 #define __in_bcount(size)                                       __in __pre __byte_readableTo(size)
    502 #define __in_z                                                  __in __pre __nullterminated
    503 #define __in_ecount_z(size)                                     __in_ecount(size) __pre __nullterminated
    504 #define __in_bcount_z(size)                                     __in_bcount(size) __pre __nullterminated
    505 #define __in_nz                                                 __in
    506 #define __in_ecount_nz(size)                                    __in_ecount(size)
    507 #define __in_bcount_nz(size)                                    __in_bcount(size)
    508 #define __out                                                   __ecount(1) __post __valid __refparam
    509 #define __out_ecount(size)                                      __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam
    510 #define __out_bcount(size)                                      __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam
    511 #define __out_ecount_part(size,length)                          __out_ecount(size) __post __elem_readableTo(length)
    512 #define __out_bcount_part(size,length)                          __out_bcount(size) __post __byte_readableTo(length)
    513 #define __out_ecount_full(size)                                 __out_ecount_part(size,size)
    514 #define __out_bcount_full(size)                                 __out_bcount_part(size,size)
    515 #define __out_z                                                 __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated
    516 #define __out_z_opt                                             __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated __exceptthat __maybenull
    517 #define __out_ecount_z(size)                                    __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated
    518 #define __out_bcount_z(size)                                    __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated
    519 #define __out_ecount_part_z(size,length)                        __out_ecount_part(size,length) __post __nullterminated
    520 #define __out_bcount_part_z(size,length)                        __out_bcount_part(size,length) __post __nullterminated
    521 #define __out_ecount_full_z(size)                               __out_ecount_full(size) __post __nullterminated
    522 #define __out_bcount_full_z(size)                               __out_bcount_full(size) __post __nullterminated
    523 #define __out_nz                                                __post __valid __refparam __post
    524 #define __out_nz_opt                                            __post __valid __refparam __post __exceptthat __maybenull
    525 #define __out_ecount_nz(size)                                   __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam
    526 #define __out_bcount_nz(size)                                   __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam
    527 #define __inout                                                 __pre __valid __post __valid __refparam
    528 #define __inout_ecount(size)                                    __out_ecount(size) __pre __valid
    529 #define __inout_bcount(size)                                    __out_bcount(size) __pre __valid
    530 #define __inout_ecount_part(size,length)                        __out_ecount_part(size,length) __pre __valid __pre __elem_readableTo(length)
    531 #define __inout_bcount_part(size,length)                        __out_bcount_part(size,length) __pre __valid __pre __byte_readableTo(length)
    532 #define __inout_ecount_full(size)                               __inout_ecount_part(size,size)
    533 #define __inout_bcount_full(size)                               __inout_bcount_part(size,size)
    534 #define __inout_z                                               __inout __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    535 #define __inout_ecount_z(size)                                  __inout_ecount(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    536 #define __inout_bcount_z(size)                                  __inout_bcount(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    537 #define __inout_nz                                              __inout
    538 #define __inout_ecount_nz(size)                                 __inout_ecount(size)
    539 #define __inout_bcount_nz(size)                                 __inout_bcount(size)
    540 #define __ecount_opt(size)                                      __ecount(size)                              __exceptthat __maybenull
    541 #define __bcount_opt(size)                                      __bcount(size)                              __exceptthat __maybenull
    542 #define __in_opt                                                __in                                        __exceptthat __maybenull
    543 #define __in_ecount_opt(size)                                   __in_ecount(size)                           __exceptthat __maybenull
    544 #define __in_bcount_opt(size)                                   __in_bcount(size)                           __exceptthat __maybenull
    545 #define __in_z_opt                                              __in_opt __pre __nullterminated
    546 #define __in_ecount_z_opt(size)                                 __in_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated
    547 #define __in_bcount_z_opt(size)                                 __in_bcount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated
    548 #define __in_nz_opt                                             __in_opt
    549 #define __in_ecount_nz_opt(size)                                __in_ecount_opt(size)
    550 #define __in_bcount_nz_opt(size)                                __in_bcount_opt(size)
    551 #define __out_opt                                               __out                                       __exceptthat __maybenull
    552 #define __out_ecount_opt(size)                                  __out_ecount(size)                          __exceptthat __maybenull
    553 #define __out_bcount_opt(size)                                  __out_bcount(size)                          __exceptthat __maybenull
    554 #define __out_ecount_part_opt(size,length)                      __out_ecount_part(size,length)              __exceptthat __maybenull
    555 #define __out_bcount_part_opt(size,length)                      __out_bcount_part(size,length)              __exceptthat __maybenull
    556 #define __out_ecount_full_opt(size)                             __out_ecount_full(size)                     __exceptthat __maybenull
    557 #define __out_bcount_full_opt(size)                             __out_bcount_full(size)                     __exceptthat __maybenull
    558 #define __out_ecount_z_opt(size)                                __out_ecount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    559 #define __out_bcount_z_opt(size)                                __out_bcount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    560 #define __out_ecount_part_z_opt(size,length)                    __out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __post __nullterminated
    561 #define __out_bcount_part_z_opt(size,length)                    __out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __post __nullterminated
    562 #define __out_ecount_full_z_opt(size)                           __out_ecount_full_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    563 #define __out_bcount_full_z_opt(size)                           __out_bcount_full_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    564 #define __out_ecount_nz_opt(size)                               __out_ecount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    565 #define __out_bcount_nz_opt(size)                               __out_bcount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated
    566 #define __inout_opt                                             __inout                                     __exceptthat __maybenull
    567 #define __inout_ecount_opt(size)                                __inout_ecount(size)                        __exceptthat __maybenull
    568 #define __inout_bcount_opt(size)                                __inout_bcount(size)                        __exceptthat __maybenull
    569 #define __inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length)                    __inout_ecount_part(size,length)            __exceptthat __maybenull
    570 #define __inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length)                    __inout_bcount_part(size,length)            __exceptthat __maybenull
    571 #define __inout_ecount_full_opt(size)                           __inout_ecount_full(size)                   __exceptthat __maybenull
    572 #define __inout_bcount_full_opt(size)                           __inout_bcount_full(size)                   __exceptthat __maybenull
    573 #define __inout_z_opt                                           __inout_opt __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    574 #define __inout_ecount_z_opt(size)                              __inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    575 #define __inout_ecount_z_opt(size)                              __inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated
    576 #define __inout_bcount_z_opt(size)                              __inout_bcount_opt(size)
    577 #define __inout_nz_opt                                          __inout_opt
    578 #define __inout_ecount_nz_opt(size)                             __inout_ecount_opt(size)
    579 #define __inout_bcount_nz_opt(size)                             __inout_bcount_opt(size)
    580 #define __deref_ecount(size)                                    __ecount(1) __post __elem_readableTo(1) __post __deref __notnull __post __deref __elem_writableTo(size)
    581 #define __deref_bcount(size)                                    __ecount(1) __post __elem_readableTo(1) __post __deref __notnull __post __deref __byte_writableTo(size)
    582 #define __deref_out                                             __deref_ecount(1) __post __deref __valid __refparam
    583 #define __deref_out_ecount(size)                                __deref_ecount(size) __post __deref __valid __refparam
    584 #define __deref_out_bcount(size)                                __deref_bcount(size) __post __deref __valid __refparam
    585 #define __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length)                    __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __elem_readableTo(length)
    586 #define __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length)                    __deref_out_bcount(size) __post __deref __byte_readableTo(length)
    587 #define __deref_out_ecount_full(size)                           __deref_out_ecount_part(size,size)
    588 #define __deref_out_bcount_full(size)                           __deref_out_bcount_part(size,size)
    589 #define __deref_out_z                                           __post __deref __valid __refparam __post __deref __nullterminated
    590 #define __deref_out_ecount_z(size)                              __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    591 #define __deref_out_bcount_z(size)                              __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    592 #define __deref_out_nz                                          __deref_out
    593 #define __deref_out_ecount_nz(size)                             __deref_out_ecount(size)
    594 #define __deref_out_bcount_nz(size)                             __deref_out_ecount(size)
    595 #define __deref_inout                                           __notnull __elem_readableTo(1) __pre __deref __valid __post __deref __valid __refparam
    596 #define __deref_inout_z                                         __deref_inout __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    597 #define __deref_inout_ecount(size)                              __deref_inout __pre __deref __elem_writableTo(size) __post __deref __elem_writableTo(size)
    598 #define __deref_inout_bcount(size)                              __deref_inout __pre __deref __byte_writableTo(size) __post __deref __byte_writableTo(size)
    599 #define __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length)                  __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __elem_readableTo(length) __post __deref __elem_readableTo(length)
    600 #define __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length)                  __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __byte_readableTo(length) __post __deref __byte_readableTo(length)
    601 #define __deref_inout_ecount_full(size)                         __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,size)
    602 #define __deref_inout_bcount_full(size)                         __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,size)
    603 #define __deref_inout_z                                         __deref_inout __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    604 #define __deref_inout_ecount_z(size)                            __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    605 #define __deref_inout_bcount_z(size)                            __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    606 #define __deref_inout_nz                                        __deref_inout
    607 #define __deref_inout_ecount_nz(size)                           __deref_inout_ecount(size)
    608 #define __deref_inout_bcount_nz(size)                           __deref_inout_ecount(size)
    609 #define __deref_ecount_opt(size)                                __deref_ecount(size)                        __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    610 #define __deref_bcount_opt(size)                                __deref_bcount(size)                        __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    611 #define __deref_out_opt                                         __deref_out                                 __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    612 #define __deref_out_ecount_opt(size)                            __deref_out_ecount(size)                    __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    613 #define __deref_out_bcount_opt(size)                            __deref_out_bcount(size)                    __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    614 #define __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length)                __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length)        __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    615 #define __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length)                __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length)        __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    616 #define __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size)                       __deref_out_ecount_full(size)               __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    617 #define __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size)                       __deref_out_bcount_full(size)               __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    618 #define __deref_out_z_opt                                       __post __deref __valid __refparam __execeptthat __maybenull __post __deref __nullterminated
    619 #define __deref_out_ecount_z_opt(size)                          __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    620 #define __deref_out_bcount_z_opt(size)                          __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    621 #define __deref_out_nz_opt                                      __deref_out_opt
    622 #define __deref_out_ecount_nz_opt(size)                         __deref_out_ecount_opt(size)
    623 #define __deref_out_bcount_nz_opt(size)                         __deref_out_bcount_opt(size)
    624 #define __deref_inout_opt                                       __deref_inout                               __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    625 #define __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size)                          __deref_inout_ecount(size)                  __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    626 #define __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size)                          __deref_inout_bcount(size)                  __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    627 #define __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length)              __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length)      __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    628 #define __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length)              __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length)      __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    629 #define __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size)                     __deref_inout_ecount_full(size)             __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    630 #define __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size)                     __deref_inout_bcount_full(size)             __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
    631 #define __deref_inout_z_opt                                     __deref_inout_opt __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    632 #define __deref_inout_ecount_z_opt(size)                        __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    633 #define __deref_inout_bcount_z_opt(size)                        __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    634 #define __deref_inout_nz_opt                                    __deref_inout_opt
    635 #define __deref_inout_ecount_nz_opt(size)                       __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size)
    636 #define __deref_inout_bcount_nz_opt(size)                       __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size)
    637 #define __deref_opt_ecount(size)                                __deref_ecount(size)                        __exceptthat __maybenull
    638 #define __deref_opt_bcount(size)                                __deref_bcount(size)                        __exceptthat __maybenull
    639 #define __deref_opt_out                                         __deref_out                                 __exceptthat __maybenull
    640 #define __deref_opt_out_z                                       __deref_opt_out __post __deref __nullterminated
    641 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount(size)                            __deref_out_ecount(size)                    __exceptthat __maybenull
    642 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount(size)                            __deref_out_bcount(size)                    __exceptthat __maybenull
    643 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part(size,length)                __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length)        __exceptthat __maybenull
    644 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part(size,length)                __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length)        __exceptthat __maybenull
    645 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full(size)                       __deref_out_ecount_full(size)               __exceptthat __maybenull
    646 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full(size)                       __deref_out_bcount_full(size)               __exceptthat __maybenull
    647 #define __deref_opt_inout                                       __deref_inout                               __exceptthat __maybenull
    648 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size)                          __deref_inout_ecount(size)                  __exceptthat __maybenull
    649 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size)                          __deref_inout_bcount(size)                  __exceptthat __maybenull
    650 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part(size,length)              __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length)      __exceptthat __maybenull
    651 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part(size,length)              __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length)      __exceptthat __maybenull
    652 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full(size)                     __deref_inout_ecount_full(size)             __exceptthat __maybenull
    653 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full(size)                     __deref_inout_bcount_full(size)             __exceptthat __maybenull
    654 #define __deref_opt_inout_z                                     __deref_opt_inout __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    655 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_z(size)                        __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    656 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_z(size)                        __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    657 #define __deref_opt_inout_nz                                    __deref_opt_inout
    658 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz(size)                       __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size)
    659 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz(size)                       __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size)
    660 #define __deref_opt_ecount_opt(size)                            __deref_ecount_opt(size)                    __exceptthat __maybenull
    661 #define __deref_opt_bcount_opt(size)                            __deref_bcount_opt(size)                    __exceptthat __maybenull
    662 #define __deref_opt_out_opt                                     __deref_out_opt                             __exceptthat __maybenull
    663 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size)                        __deref_out_ecount_opt(size)                __exceptthat __maybenull
    664 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size)                        __deref_out_bcount_opt(size)                __exceptthat __maybenull
    665 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length)            __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length)    __exceptthat __maybenull
    666 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length)            __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length)    __exceptthat __maybenull
    667 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full_opt(size)                   __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size)           __exceptthat __maybenull
    668 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full_opt(size)                   __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size)           __exceptthat __maybenull
    669 #define __deref_opt_out_z_opt                                   __post __deref __valid __refparam __exceptthat __maybenull __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __nullterminated
    670 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_z_opt(size)                      __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    671 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_z_opt(size)                      __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated
    672 #define __deref_opt_out_nz_opt                                  __deref_opt_out_opt
    673 #define __deref_opt_out_ecount_nz_opt(size)                     __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size)
    674 #define __deref_opt_out_bcount_nz_opt(size)                     __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size)
    675 #define __deref_opt_inout_opt                                   __deref_inout_opt                           __exceptthat __maybenull
    676 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size)                      __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size)              __exceptthat __maybenull
    677 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size)                      __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size)              __exceptthat __maybenull
    678 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length)          __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length)  __exceptthat __maybenull
    679 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length)          __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length)  __exceptthat __maybenull
    680 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt(size)                 __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size)         __exceptthat __maybenull
    681 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full_opt(size)                 __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size)         __exceptthat __maybenull
    682 #define __deref_opt_inout_z_opt                                 __deref_opt_inout_opt  __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    683 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_z_opt(size)                    __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size)  __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    684 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_z_opt(size)                    __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size)  __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated
    685 #define __deref_opt_inout_nz_opt                                __deref_opt_inout_opt
    686 #define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz_opt(size)                   __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size)
    687 #define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz_opt(size)                   __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size)
    689 /*
    690 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    691 Advanced Annotation Definitions
    693 Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, and may be used in
    694 combination with each other or with regular buffer macros. For an explanation
    695 of each annotation, see the advanced annotations section.
    696 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    697 */
    699 #define __success(expr)                     __inner_success(expr)
    700 #define __nullterminated                    __readableTo(sentinel(0))
    701 #define __nullnullterminated
    702 #define __reserved                          __pre __null
    703 #define __checkReturn                       __inner_checkReturn
    704 #define __typefix(ctype)                    __inner_typefix(ctype)
    705 #define __override                          __inner_override
    706 #define __callback                          __inner_callback
    707 #define __format_string
    708 #define __blocksOn(resource)                __inner_blocksOn(resource)
    709 #define __control_entrypoint(category)      __inner_control_entrypoint(category)
    710 #define __data_entrypoint(category)         __inner_data_entrypoint(category)
    712 #ifndef __fallthrough
    713     __inner_fallthrough_dec
    714     #define __fallthrough __inner_fallthrough
    715 #endif
    717 #ifndef __analysis_assume
    718 #ifdef _PREFAST_
    719 #define __analysis_assume(expr) __assume(expr)
    720 #else
    721 #define __analysis_assume(expr)
    722 #endif
    723 #endif
    725 #ifdef  __cplusplus
    726 }
    727 #endif