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Lines Matching full:option

107 static gc::CollectorType ParseCollectorType(const std::string& option) {
108 if (option == "MS" || option == "nonconcurrent") {
110 } else if (option == "CMS" || option == "concurrent") {
112 } else if (option == "SS") {
114 } else if (option == "GSS") {
116 } else if (option == "CC") {
118 } else if (option == "MC") {
125 bool ParsedOptions::ParseXGcOption(const std::string& option) {
127 Split(option.substr(strlen("-Xgc:")), ',', gc_options);
162 Usage("Unknown -Xgc option %s\n", gc_option.c_str());
280 LOG(INFO) << "option[" << i << "]=" << options[i].first;
284 const std::string option(options[i].first);
285 if (StartsWith(option, "-help")) {
288 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-showversion")) {
291 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xbootclasspath:")) {
292 boot_class_path_string_ = option.substr(strlen("-Xbootclasspath:")).data();
294 } else if (option == "-classpath" || option == "-cp") {
298 Usage("Missing required class path value for %s\n", option.c_str());
303 } else if (option == "bootclasspath") {
306 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Ximage:")) {
307 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, ':', &image_)) {
310 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xcheck:jni")) {
312 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xrunjdwp:") || StartsWith(option, "-agentlib:jdwp=")) {
313 std::string tail(option.substr(option[1] == 'X' ? 10 : 15));
317 UsageMessage(stderr, "Failed to parse JDWP option %s\n", tail.c_str());
323 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xms")) {
324 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-Xms")).c_str(), 1024);
326 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
330 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xmx")) {
331 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-Xmx")).c_str(), 1024);
333 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
337 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=")) {
338 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=")).c_str(), 1024);
340 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
344 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:HeapMinFree=")) {
345 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-XX:HeapMinFree=")).c_str(), 1024);
347 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
351 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:HeapMaxFree=")) {
352 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-XX:HeapMaxFree=")).c_str(), 1024);
354 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
358 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:NonMovingSpaceCapacity=")) {
360 option.substr(strlen("-XX:NonMovingSpaceCapacity=")).c_str(), 1024);
362 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
366 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=")) {
367 if (!ParseDouble(option, '=', 0.1, 0.9, &heap_target_utilization_)) {
370 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier=")) {
371 if (!ParseDouble(option, '=', 0.1, 10.0, &foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_)) {
374 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=")) {
375 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, '=', &parallel_gc_threads_)) {
378 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:ConcGCThreads=")) {
379 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, '=', &conc_gc_threads_)) {
382 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xss")) {
383 size_t size = ParseMemoryOption(option.substr(strlen("-Xss")).c_str(), 1);
385 Usage("Failed to parse memory option %s\n", option.c_str());
389 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:MaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation=")) {
390 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, '=', &max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_)) {
393 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:LongPauseLogThreshold=")) {
395 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, '=', &value)) {
399 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:LongGCLogThreshold=")) {
401 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, '=', &value)) {
405 } else if (option == "-XX:DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown") {
407 } else if (option == "-XX:IgnoreMaxFootprint") {
409 } else if (option == "-XX:LowMemoryMode") {
412 } else if (option == "-XX:UseTLAB") {
414 } else if (option == "-XX:EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM") {
416 } else if (option == "-XX:DisableHSpaceCompactForOOM") {
418 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-D")) {
419 properties_.push_back(option.substr(strlen("-D")));
420 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xjnitrace:")) {
421 jni_trace_ = option.substr(strlen("-Xjnitrace:"));
422 } else if (option == "compilercallbacks") {
425 } else if (option == "imageinstructionset") {
432 } else if (option == "-Xzygote") {
434 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xpatchoat:")) {
435 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, ':', &patchoat_executable_)) {
438 } else if (option == "-Xrelocate") {
440 } else if (option == "-Xnorelocate") {
442 } else if (option == "-Xnodex2oat") {
444 } else if (option == "-Xdex2oat") {
446 } else if (option == "-Xnoimage-dex2oat") {
448 } else if (option == "-Ximage-dex2oat") {
450 } else if (option == "-Xint") {
452 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xgc:")) {
453 if (!ParseXGcOption(option)) {
456 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:BackgroundGC=")) {
458 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, '=', &substring)) {
469 Usage("Unknown -XX:BackgroundGC option %s\n", substring.c_str());
473 } else if (option == "-XX:+DisableExplicitGC") {
475 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-verbose:")) {
477 Split(option.substr(strlen("-verbose:")), ',', verbose_options);
506 Usage("Unknown -verbose option %s\n", verbose_options[i].c_str());
510 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-verbose-methods:")) {
512 Split(option.substr(strlen("-verbose-methods:")), ',', gVerboseMethods);
513 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xlockprofthreshold:")) {
514 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &lock_profiling_threshold_)) {
517 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xstacktracefile:")) {
518 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, ':', &stack_trace_file_)) {
521 } else if (option == "sensitiveThread") {
524 } else if (option == "vfprintf") {
532 } else if (option == "exit") {
539 } else if (option == "abort") {
546 } else if (option == "-Xmethod-trace") {
548 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xmethod-trace-file:")) {
549 method_trace_file_ = option.substr(strlen("-Xmethod-trace-file:"));
550 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xmethod-trace-file-size:")) {
551 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &method_trace_file_size_)) {
554 } else if (option == "-Xprofile:threadcpuclock") {
556 } else if (option == "-Xprofile:wallclock") {
558 } else if (option == "-Xprofile:dualclock") {
560 } else if (option == "-Xenable-profiler") {
562 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-filename:")) {
563 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, ':', &profile_output_filename_)) {
566 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-period:")) {
567 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &profiler_options_.period_s_)) {
570 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-duration:")) {
571 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &profiler_options_.duration_s_)) {
574 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-interval:")) {
575 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &profiler_options_.interval_us_)) {
578 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-backoff:")) {
579 if (!ParseDouble(option, ':', 1.0, 10.0, &profiler_options_.backoff_coefficient_)) {
582 } else if (option == "-Xprofile-start-immediately") {
584 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-top-k-threshold:")) {
585 if (!ParseDouble(option, ':', 0.0, 100.0, &profiler_options_.top_k_threshold_)) {
588 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-top-k-change-threshold:")) {
589 if (!ParseDouble(option, ':', 0.0, 100.0, &profiler_options_.top_k_change_threshold_)) {
592 } else if (option == "-Xprofile-type:method") {
594 } else if (option == "-Xprofile-type:stack") {
596 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xprofile-max-stack-depth:")) {
597 if (!ParseUnsignedInteger(option, ':', &profiler_options_.max_stack_depth_)) {
600 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xcompiler:")) {
601 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, ':', &compiler_executable_)) {
604 } else if (option == "-Xcompiler-option") {
607 Usage("Missing required compiler option for %s\n", option.c_str());
611 } else if (option == "-Ximage-compiler-option") {
614 Usage("Missing required compiler option for %s\n", option.c_str());
618 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-Xverify:")) {
619 std::string verify_mode = option.substr(strlen("-Xverify:"));
625 Usage("Unknown -Xverify option %s\n", verify_mode.c_str());
628 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-XX:NativeBridge=")) {
629 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, '=', &native_bridge_library_filename_)) {
632 } else if (StartsWith(option, "-ea") ||
633 StartsWith(option, "-da") ||
634 StartsWith(option, "-enableassertions") ||
635 StartsWith(option, "-disableassertions") ||
636 (option == "--runtime-arg") ||
637 (option == "-esa") ||
638 (option == "-dsa") ||
639 (option == "-enablesystemassertions") ||
640 (option == "-disablesystemassertions") ||
641 (option == "-Xrs") ||
642 StartsWith(option, "-Xint:") ||
643 StartsWith(option, "-Xdexopt:") ||
644 (option == "-Xnoquithandler") ||
645 StartsWith(option, "-Xjniopts:") ||
646 StartsWith(option, "-Xjnigreflimit:") ||
647 (option == "-Xgenregmap") ||
648 (option == "-Xnogenregmap") ||
649 StartsWith(option, "-Xverifyopt:") ||
650 (option == "-Xcheckdexsum") ||
651 (option == "-Xincludeselectedop") ||
652 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitop:") ||
653 (option == "-Xincludeselectedmethod") ||
654 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitthreshold:") ||
655 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitcodecachesize:") ||
656 (option == "-Xjitblocking") ||
657 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitmethod:") ||
658 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitclass:") ||
659 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitoffset:") ||
660 StartsWith(option, "-Xjitconfig:") ||
661 (option == "-Xjitcheckcg") ||
662 (option == "-Xjitverbose") ||
663 (option == "-Xjitprofile") ||
664 (option == "-Xjitdisableopt") ||
665 (option == "-Xjitsuspendpoll") ||
666 StartsWith(option, "-XX:mainThreadStackSize=")) {
669 Usage("Unrecognized option %s\n", option.c_str());
809 UsageMessage(stream, " -Xcompiler-option dex2oat-option\n");
810 UsageMessage(stream, " -Ximage-compiler-option dex2oat-option\n");
860 Usage("Missing char %c in option %s\n", c, s.c_str());
871 Usage("Missing char %c in option %s\n", after_char, s.c_str());
892 Usage("Negative value %d passed for unsigned option %s\n", i, s.c_str());
899 bool ParsedOptions::ParseDouble(const std::string& option, char after_char,
902 if (!ParseStringAfterChar(option, after_char, &substring)) {
919 Usage("Invalid double value %s for option %s\n", substring.c_str(), option.c_str());