Lines Matching refs:common
12 import common
15 adbCmd = common.shellquote(common.ADB_BIN)
62 debugDir = os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "debug")
73 common.execute("%s shell am start -W -D -n com.drawelements.deqp/ -e cmdLine \"unused %s\"" % (adbCmd, deqpCmdLine.replace("\"", "\\\"")))
81 common.execute("%s shell run-as com.drawelements.deqp kill -9 %i" % (adbCmd, gdbPid))
90 common.die("Couldn't get PID of testercore")
103 common.die("gdbserver returned unexpectly with return code %i see gdbserver-stdout.txt for more info" % gdbServerProcess.returncode)
107 common.execute("%s forward tcp:%i tcp:%i" % (adbCmd, hostGDBPort, targetGDBPort))
111 common.execute("%s pull /system/bin/app_process" % adbCmd)
114 common.execute("%s pull /system/bin/linker" % adbCmd)
118 common.execute("%s pull %s" % (adbCmd, lib))
125 common.execute("%s forward tcp:%i jdwp:%i" % (adbCmd, jdbPort, programPid))
148 gdbProcess = subprocess.Popen("%s -x gdb.setup" % common.shellquote(gdbCmd), shell=True)
167 common.execute("%s shell run-as com.drawelements.deqp -9 %i" % (adbCmd, programPid))
190 common.execute("%s shell run-as com.drawelements.deqp kill -9 %i" % (adbCmd, programPid))
212 parser.add_argument('--adb', dest='adbCmd', default=common.shellquote(common.ADB_BIN), help="Path to adb command. Use absolute paths.")
215 if common.getPlatform() == "linux":
216 parser.add_argument('--gdb', dest='gdbCmd', default=common.shellquote(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, "toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gdb")), help="gdb command used by script. Use absolute paths")
218 parser.add_argument('--gdb', dest='gdbCmd', default=common.shellquote(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, "toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/windows/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gdb")), help="gdb command used by script. Use absolute paths")