Lines Matching full:uint16
8 ('uint16', 'ScriptCount', None, None, 'Number of ScriptRecords'),
19 ('uint16', 'LangSysCount', None, None, 'Number of LangSysRecords for this script-excluding the DefaultLangSys'),
30 ('uint16', 'ReqFeatureIndex', None, None, 'Index of a feature required for this language system- if no required features = 0xFFFF'),
31 ('uint16', 'FeatureCount', None, None, 'Number of FeatureIndex values for this language system-excludes the required feature'),
32 ('uint16', 'FeatureIndex', 'FeatureCount', 0, 'Array of indices into the FeatureList-in arbitrary order'),
36 ('uint16', 'FeatureCount', None, None, 'Number of FeatureRecords in this table'),
47 ('uint16', 'LookupCount', None, None, 'Number of LookupList indices for this feature'),
48 ('uint16', 'LookupListIndex', 'LookupCount', 0, 'Array of LookupList indices for this feature -zero-based (first lookup is LookupListIndex = 0)'),
56 ('uint16', 'SubfamilyID', None, None, 'Serves as an identifier that associates fonts in a subfamily.'),
57 ('uint16', 'SubfamilyNameID', None, None, 'Subfamily NameID.'),
63 ('uint16', 'Version', None, None, 'Set to 0.'),
64 ('uint16', 'UINameID', None, None, 'UI NameID.'),
68 ('uint16', 'Format', None, None, 'Set to 0.'),
69 ('uint16', 'FeatUILabelNameID', None, None, 'Feature UI label NameID.'),
70 ('uint16', 'FeatUITooltipTextNameID', None, None, 'Feature UI tooltip text NameID.'),
71 ('uint16', 'SampleTextNameID', None, None, 'Sample text NameID.'),
72 ('uint16', 'NumNamedParameters', None, None, 'Number of named parameters.'),
73 ('uint16', 'FirstParamUILabelNameID', None, None, 'First NameID of UI feature parameters.'),
74 ('uint16', 'CharCount', None, None, 'Count of characters this feature provides glyph variants for.'),
79 ('uint16', 'LookupCount', None, None, 'Number of lookups in this table'),
84 ('uint16', 'LookupType', None, None, 'Different enumerations for GSUB and GPOS'),
85 ('uint16', 'LookupFlag', None, None, 'Lookup qualifiers'),
86 ('uint16', 'SubTableCount', None, None, 'Number of SubTables for this lookup'),
88 ('uint16', 'MarkFilteringSet', None, 'LookupFlag & 0x0010', 'If set, indicates that the lookup table structure is followed by a MarkFilteringSet field. The layout engine skips over all mark glyphs not in the mark filtering set indicated.'),
92 ('uint16', 'CoverageFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
93 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the GlyphArray'),
98 ('uint16', 'CoverageFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
99 ('uint16', 'RangeCount', None, None, 'Number of RangeRecords'),
106 ('uint16', 'StartCoverageIndex', None, None, 'Coverage Index of first GlyphID in range'),
110 ('uint16', 'ClassFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
112 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Size of the ClassValueArray'),
113 ('uint16', 'ClassValueArray', 'GlyphCount', 0, 'Array of Class Values-one per GlyphID'),
117 ('uint16', 'ClassFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
118 ('uint16', 'ClassRangeCount', None, None, 'Number of ClassRangeRecords'),
125 ('uint16', 'Class', None, None, 'Applied to all glyphs in the range'),
129 ('uint16', 'StartSize', None, None, 'Smallest size to correct-in ppem'),
130 ('uint16', 'EndSize', None, None, 'Largest size to correct-in ppem'),
131 ('uint16', 'DeltaFormat', None, None, 'Format of DeltaValue array data: 1, 2, or 3'),
148 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
150 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat', None, None, 'Defines the types of data in the ValueRecord'),
155 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
157 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat', None, None, 'Defines the types of data in the ValueRecord'),
158 ('uint16', 'ValueCount', None, None, 'Number of ValueRecords'),
163 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
165 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat1', None, None, 'Defines the types of data in ValueRecord1-for the first glyph in the pair -may be zero (0)'),
166 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat2', None, None, 'Defines the types of data in ValueRecord2-for the second glyph in the pair -may be zero (0)'),
167 ('uint16', 'PairSetCount', None, None, 'Number of PairSet tables'),
172 ('uint16', 'PairValueCount', None, None, 'Number of PairValueRecords'),
183 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
185 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat1', None, None, 'ValueRecord definition-for the first glyph of the pair-may be zero (0)'),
186 ('uint16', 'ValueFormat2', None, None, 'ValueRecord definition-for the second glyph of the pair-may be zero (0)'),
189 ('uint16', 'Class1Count', None, None, 'Number of classes in ClassDef1 table-includes Class0'),
190 ('uint16', 'Class2Count', None, None, 'Number of classes in ClassDef2 table-includes Class0'),
204 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
206 ('uint16', 'EntryExitCount', None, None, 'Number of EntryExit records'),
216 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
219 ('uint16', 'ClassCount', None, None, 'Number of classes defined for marks'),
225 ('uint16', 'BaseCount', None, None, 'Number of BaseRecords'),
234 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
237 ('uint16', 'ClassCount', None, None, 'Number of defined mark classes'),
243 ('uint16', 'LigatureCount', None, None, 'Number of LigatureAttach table offsets'),
248 ('uint16', 'ComponentCount', None, None, 'Number of ComponentRecords in this ligature'),
257 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
260 ('uint16', 'ClassCount', None, None, 'Number of Combining Mark classes defined'),
266 ('uint16', 'Mark2Count', None, None, 'Number of Mark2 records'),
275 ('uint16', 'SequenceIndex', None, None, 'Index to input glyph sequence-first glyph = 0'),
276 ('uint16', 'LookupListIndex', None, None, 'Lookup to apply to that position-zero-based'),
280 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
282 ('uint16', 'PosRuleSetCount', None, None, 'Number of PosRuleSet tables'),
287 ('uint16', 'PosRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of PosRule tables'),
292 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the Input glyph sequence'),
293 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
299 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
302 ('uint16', 'PosClassSetCount', None, None, 'Number of PosClassSet tables'),
307 ('uint16
312 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs to be matched'),
313 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
314 ('uint16', 'Class', 'GlyphCount', -1, 'Array of classes-beginning with the second class-to be matched to the input glyph sequence'),
319 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
320 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the input sequence'),
321 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
327 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
329 ('uint16', 'ChainPosRuleSetCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainPosRuleSet tables'),
334 ('uint16', 'ChainPosRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainPosRule tables'),
339 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the backtrack sequence (number of glyphs to be matched before the first glyph)'),
341 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the input sequence (includes the first glyph)'),
343 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the look ahead sequence (number of glyphs to be matched after the input sequence)'),
345 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
350 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
355 ('uint16', 'ChainPosClassSetCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainPosClassSet tables'),
360 ('uint16', 'ChainPosClassRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainPosClassRule tables'),
365 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the backtrack sequence (number of glyphs to be matched before the first glyph)'),
366 ('uint16', 'Backtrack', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', 0, 'Array of backtracking classes(to be matched before the input sequence)'),
367 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of classes in the input sequence (includes the first class)'),
368 ('uint16', 'Input', 'InputGlyphCount', -1, 'Array of input classes(start with second class; to be matched with the input glyph sequence)'),
369 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of classes in the look ahead sequence (number of classes to be matched after the input sequence)'),
370 ('uint16', 'LookAhead', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', 0, 'Array of lookahead classes(to be matched after the input sequence)'),
371 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
376 ('uint16', 'PosFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
377 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the backtracking sequence'),
379 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in input sequence'),
381 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in lookahead sequence'),
383 ('uint16', 'PosCount', None, None, 'Number of PosLookupRecords'),
388 ('uint16', 'ExtFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier. Set to 1.'),
389 ('uint16', 'ExtensionLookupType', None, None, 'Lookup type of subtable referenced by ExtensionOffset (i.e. the extension subtable).'),
405 ('uint16', 'AnchorFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
411 ('uint16', 'AnchorFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
414 ('uint16', 'AnchorPoint', None, None, 'Index to glyph contour point'),
418 ('uint16', 'AnchorFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
426 ('uint16', 'MarkCount', None, None, 'Number of MarkRecords'),
431 ('uint16', 'Class', None, None, 'Class defined for this mark'),
448 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
454 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
456 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of GlyphIDs in the Substitute array'),
461 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
463 ('uint16', 'SequenceCount', None, None, 'Number of Sequence table offsets in the Sequence array'),
468 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of GlyphIDs in the Substitute array. This should always be greater than 0.'),
473 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
475 ('uint16', 'AlternateSetCount', None, None, 'Number of AlternateSet tables'),
480 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of GlyphIDs in the Alternate array'),
485 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
487 ('uint16', 'LigSetCount', None, None, 'Number of LigatureSet tables'),
492 ('uint16', 'LigatureCount', None, None, 'Number of Ligature tables'),
498 ('uint16', 'CompCount', None, None, 'Number of components in the ligature'),
503 ('uint16', 'SequenceIndex', None, None, 'Index into current glyph sequence-first glyph = 0'),
504 ('uint16', 'LookupListIndex', None, None, 'Lookup to apply to that position-zero-based'),
508 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
510 ('uint16', 'SubRuleSetCount', None, None, 'Number of SubRuleSet tables-must equal GlyphCount in Coverage table'),
515 ('uint16', 'SubRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of SubRule tables'),
520 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in input glyph sequence-includes the first glyph'),
521 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
527 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
530 ('uint16', 'SubClassSetCount', None, None, 'Number of SubClassSet tables'),
535 ('uint16', 'SubClassRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of SubClassRule tables'),
540 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of classes specified for the context in the rule-includes the first class'),
541 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
542 ('uint16', 'Class', 'GlyphCount', -1, 'Array of classes-beginning with the second class-to be matched to the input glyph class sequence'),
547 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
548 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the input glyph sequence'),
549 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
555 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
557 ('uint16', 'ChainSubRuleSetCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainSubRuleSet tables-must equal GlyphCount in Coverage table'),
562 ('uint16', 'ChainSubRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainSubRule tables'),
567 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the backtrack sequence (number of glyphs to be matched before the first glyph)'),
569 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the input sequence (includes the first glyph)'),
571 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the look ahead sequence (number of glyphs to be matched after the input sequence)'),
573 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
578 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
583 ('uint16', 'ChainSubClassSetCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainSubClassSet tables'),
588 ('uint16', 'ChainSubClassRuleCount', None, None, 'Number of ChainSubClassRule tables'),
593 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of glyphs in the backtrack sequence (number of glyphs to be matched before the first glyph)'),
594 ('uint16', 'Backtrack', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', 0, 'Array of backtracking classes(to be matched before the input sequence)'),
595 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of classes in the input sequence (includes the first class)'),
596 ('uint16', 'Input', 'InputGlyphCount', -1, 'Array of input classes(start with second class; to be matched with the input glyph sequence)'),
597 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Total number of classes in the look ahead sequence (number of classes to be matched after the input sequence)'),
598 ('uint16', 'LookAhead', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', 0, 'Array of lookahead classes(to be matched after the input sequence)'),
599 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
604 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
605 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the backtracking sequence'),
607 ('uint16', 'InputGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in input sequence'),
609 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in lookahead sequence'),
611 ('uint16', 'SubstCount', None, None, 'Number of SubstLookupRecords'),
616 ('uint16', 'ExtFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier. Set to 1.'),
617 ('uint16', 'ExtensionLookupType', None, None, 'Lookup type of subtable referenced by ExtensionOffset (i.e. the extension subtable).'),
622 ('uint16', 'SubstFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
624 ('uint16', 'BacktrackGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in the backtracking sequence'),
626 ('uint16', 'LookAheadGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs in lookahead sequence'),
628 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of GlyphIDs in the Substitute array'),
647 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs with attachment points'),
652 ('uint16', 'PointCount', None, None, 'Number of attachment points on this glyph'),
653 ('uint16', 'PointIndex', 'PointCount', 0, 'Array of contour point indices -in increasing numerical order'),
658 ('uint16', 'LigGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of ligature glyphs'),
663 ('uint16', 'CaretCount', None, None, 'Number of CaretValues for this ligature (components - 1)'),
668 ('uint16', 'CaretValueFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
673 ('uint16', 'CaretValueFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
674 ('uint16', 'CaretValuePoint', None, None, 'Contour point index on glyph'),
678 ('uint16', 'CaretValueFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
684 ('uint16', 'MarkSetTableFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier == 1'),
685 ('uint16', 'MarkSetCount', None, None, 'Number of mark sets defined'),
705 ('uint16', 'BaseTagCount', None, None, 'Number of baseline identification tags in this text direction-may be zero (0)'),
710 ('uint16', 'BaseScriptCount', None, None, 'Number of BaseScriptRecords defined'),
722 ('uint16', 'BaseLangSysCount', None, None, 'Number of BaseLangSysRecords defined-may be zero (0)'),
732 ('uint16', 'DefaultIndex', None, None, 'Index number of default baseline for this script-equals index position of baseline tag in BaselineArray of the BaseTagList'),
733 ('uint16', 'BaseCoordCount', None, None, 'Number of BaseCoord tables defined-should equal BaseTagCount in the BaseTagList'),
740 ('uint16', 'FeatMinMaxCount', None, None, 'Number of FeatMinMaxRecords-may be zero (0)'),
751 ('uint16', 'BaseCoordFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 1'),
756 ('uint16', 'BaseCoordFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 2'),
759 ('uint16', 'BaseCoordPoint', None, None, 'Index of contour point on the ReferenceGlyph'),
763 ('uint16', 'BaseCoordFormat', None, None, 'Format identifier-format = 3'),
775 ('uint16', 'JstfScriptCount', None, None, 'Number of JstfScriptRecords in this table'),
787 ('uint16', 'JstfLangSysCount', None, None, 'Number of JstfLangSysRecords in this table- may be zero (0)'),
797 ('uint16', 'GlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of Extender Glyphs in this script'),
802 ('uint16', 'JstfPriorityCount', None, None, 'Number of JstfPriority tables'),
820 ('uint16', 'LookupCount', None, None, 'Number of lookups for this modification'),
821 ('uint16', 'GSUBLookupIndex', 'LookupCount', 0, 'Array of LookupIndex identifiers in GSUB-in increasing numerical order'),
825 ('uint16', 'LookupCount', None, None, 'Number of lookups for this modification'),
826 ('uint16', 'GPOSLookupIndex', 'LookupCount', 0, 'Array of LookupIndex identifiers in GPOS-in increasing numerical order'),
830 ('uint16', 'LookupCount', None, None, 'Number of lookup Indices for this modification'),
853 ('uint16', 'DelimitedSubFormulaMinHeight', None, None, 'Minimum height required for a delimited expression to be treated as a subformula. Suggested value: normal line height x1.5.'),
854 ('uint16', 'DisplayOperatorMinHeight', None, None, 'Minimum height of n-ary operators (such as integral and summation) for formulas in display mode.'),
906 ('uint16', 'RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent', None, None, 'Height of the bottom of the radical degree, if such is present, in proportion to the ascender of the radical sign. Suggested: 60%.'),
918 ('uint16', 'ItalicsCorrectionCount', None, None, 'Number of italics correction values. Should coincide with the number of covered glyphs.'),
924 ('uint16', 'TopAccentAttachmentCount', None, None, 'Number of top accent attachment point values. Should coincide with the number of covered glyphs'),
930 ('uint16', 'MathKernCount', None, None, 'Number of MathKernInfoRecords.'),
942 ('uint16', 'HeightCount', None, None, 'Number of heights on which the kern value changes.'),
948 ('uint16', 'MinConnectorOverlap', None, None, 'Minimum overlap of connecting glyphs during glyph construction, in design units.'),
951 ('uint16', 'VertGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs for which information is provided for vertically growing variants.'),
952 ('uint16', 'HorizGlyphCount', None, None, 'Number of glyphs for which information is provided for horizontally growing variants.'),
959 ('uint16', 'VariantCount', None, None, 'Count of glyph growing variants for this glyph.'),
965 ('uint16', 'AdvanceMeasurement', None, None, 'Advance width/height, in design units, of the variant, in the direction of requested glyph extension.'),
970 ('uint16', 'PartCount', None, None, 'Number of parts in this assembly.'),
976 uint16', 'StartConnectorLength', None, None, 'Advance width/ height of the straight bar connector material, in design units, is at the beginning of the glyph, in the direction of the extension.'),
977 ('uint16', 'EndConnectorLength', None, None, 'Advance width/ height of the straight bar connector material, in design units, is at the end of the glyph, in the direction of the extension.'),
978 ('uint16', 'FullAdvance', None, None, 'Full advance width/height for this part, in the direction of the extension. In design units.'),
979 ('uint16', 'PartFlags', None, None, 'Part qualifiers. PartFlags enumeration currently uses only one bit: 0x0001 fExtender: If set, the part can be skipped or repeated. 0xFFFE Reserved'),