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63 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__swig_setmethods__" title="lldb.SBValue.__swig_setmethods__" alt="" coords="17,31,571,49"/>
64 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__swig_getmethods__" title="lldb.SBValue.__swig_getmethods__" alt="" coords="17,49,571,68"/>
65 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#addr" title="A read only property that returns an lldb.SBAddress that represents the &#160;address of this value if it is in memory." alt="" coords="17,68,571,87"/>
66 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#address_of" title="A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that represents the &#160;address&#45;of this value." alt="" coords="17,87,571,105"/>
67 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#changed" title="A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this &#160;value has changed since it was last updated." alt="" coords="17,105,571,124"/>
68 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#data" title="A read only property that returns an lldb object (lldb.SBData) that &#160;represents the bytes that make up the value for this object." alt="" coords="17,124,571,143"/>
69 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#deref" title="A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that is created by &#160;dereferencing this value." alt="" coords="17,143,571,161"/>
70 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#description" title="A read only property that returns the language&#45;specific description of this value as a string" alt="" coords="17,161,571,180"/>
71 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#dynamic" title="A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that is created by &#160;finding the dynamic type of this value." alt="" coords="17,180,571,199"/>
72 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#error" title="A read only property that returns the lldb.SBError that represents the &#160;error from the last time the variable value was calculated." alt="" coords="17,199,571,217"/>
73 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#format" title="A read/write property that gets/sets the format used for &#160;lldb.SBValue().GetValue() for this value." alt="" coords="17,217,571,236"/>
74 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#frame" title="A read only property that returns the lldb.SBFrame that this value is &#160;associated with, the returned value might be invalid and should be tested." alt="" coords="17,236,571,255"/>
75 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#is_in_scope" title="A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates whether &#160;this value is currently lexically in scope." alt="" coords="17,255,571,273"/>
76 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#value_type" title="A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see &#160;enumerations that start with &quot;lldb.eValueType&quot;) that represents the type of this value (local, argument, global, register, etc.)." alt="" coords="17,292,571,311"/>
77 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__setattr__" title="x.__setattr__(&#39;name&#39;, value) &lt;==&gt; x.name = value" alt="" coords="17,313,571,332"/>
78 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__getattr__" title="lldb.SBValue.__getattr__" alt="" coords="17,332,571,351"/>
79 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__repr__" title="repr(x)" alt="" coords="17,351,571,369"/>
80 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__iter__" title="lldb.SBValue.__iter__" alt="" coords="17,369,571,388"/>
81 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__len__" title="lldb.SBValue.__len__" alt="" coords="17,388,571,407"/>
82 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__eol_test__" title="Default function for end of list test takes an SBValue object." alt="" coords="17,407,571,425"/>
83 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#linked_list_iter" title="Generator adaptor to support iteration for SBValue as a linked list." alt="" coords="17,425,571,444"/>
84 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__init__" title="__init__(lldb::SBValue self) &#45;&gt; SBValue __init__(lldb::SBValue self, &#160;SBValue rhs) &#45;&gt; SBValue" alt="" coords="17,444,571,463"/>
85 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__swig_destroy__" title="delete_SBValue(SBValue self)" alt="" coords="17,463,571,481"/>
86 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__del__" title="lldb.SBValue.__del__" alt="" coords="17,481,571,500"/>
87 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__nonzero__" title="lldb.SBValue.__nonzero__" alt="" coords="17,500,571,519"/>
88 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#IsValid" title="IsValid(SBValue self) &#45;&gt; bool" alt="" coords="17,519,571,537"/>
89 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#Clear" title="Clear(SBValue self)" alt="" coords="17,537,571,556"/>
90 <area shape="rect" id="node58" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html#__str__" title="__str__(SBValue self) &#45;&gt; PyObject *" alt="" coords="17,575,571,593"/>
91 <area shape="rect" id="node1" href="lldb.SBValue-class.html" title="Represents the value of a variable, a register, or an expression." alt="" coords="5,6,581,599"/>