Context menu items can appear in any document (or frame within a document), even those with file:// or chrome:// URLs. To control which documents your items can appear in, specify the documentUrlPatterns field when you call the create() or update() method.
You can create as many context menu items as you need, but if more than one from your extension is visible at once, Google Chrome automatically collapses them into a single parent menu.
You must declare the "contextMenus" permission in your {{platform}}'s manifest to use the API. {{^is_apps}} Also, you should specify a 16x16-pixel icon for display next to your menu item. {{/is_apps}} For example:
{ "name": "My extension", ... "permissions": [ "contextMenus" ], {{^is_apps}} "icons": { "16": "icon-bitty.png", "48": "icon-small.png", "128": "icon-large.png" }, {{/is_apps}} ... }
You can find samples of this API on the sample page.