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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/favicon_cache.h"
      7 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
      8 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
      9 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     10 #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service.h"
     11 #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h"
     12 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
     14 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
     15 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
     16 #include "sync/api/time.h"
     17 #include "sync/protocol/favicon_image_specifics.pb.h"
     18 #include "sync/protocol/favicon_tracking_specifics.pb.h"
     19 #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
     20 #include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h"
     22 namespace browser_sync {
     24 // Synced favicon storage and tracking.
     25 // Note: we don't use the favicon service for storing these because these
     26 // favicons are not necessarily associated with any local navigation, and
     27 // hence would not work with the current expiration logic. We have custom
     28 // expiration logic based on visit time/bookmark status/etc.
     29 // See crbug.com/122890.
     30 struct SyncedFaviconInfo {
     31   explicit SyncedFaviconInfo(const GURL& favicon_url)
     32       : favicon_url(favicon_url),
     33         is_bookmarked(false),
     34         received_local_update(false) {}
     36   // The actual favicon data.
     37   // TODO(zea): don't keep around the actual data for locally sourced
     38   // favicons (UI can access those directly).
     39   favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult bitmap_data[NUM_SIZES];
     40   // The URL this favicon was loaded from.
     41   const GURL favicon_url;
     42   // Is the favicon for a bookmarked page?
     43   bool is_bookmarked;
     44   // The last time a tab needed this favicon.
     45   // Note: Do not modify this directly! It should only be modified via
     46   // UpdateFaviconVisitTime(..).
     47   base::Time last_visit_time;
     48   // Whether we've received a local update for this favicon since starting up.
     49   bool received_local_update;
     51  private:
     52   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SyncedFaviconInfo);
     53 };
     55 // Information for handling local favicon updates. Used in
     56 // OnFaviconDataAvailable.
     57 struct LocalFaviconUpdateInfo {
     58   LocalFaviconUpdateInfo()
     59       : new_image(false),
     60         new_tracking(false),
     61         image_needs_rewrite(false),
     62         favicon_info(NULL) {}
     64   bool new_image;
     65   bool new_tracking;
     66   bool image_needs_rewrite;
     67   SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info;
     68 };
     70 namespace {
     72 // Maximum number of favicons to keep in memory (0 means no limit).
     73 const size_t kMaxFaviconsInMem = 0;
     75 // Maximum width/height resolution supported.
     76 const int kMaxFaviconResolution = 16;
     78 // Returns a mask of the supported favicon types.
     79 // TODO(zea): Supporting other favicons types will involve some work in the
     80 // favicon service and navigation controller. See crbug.com/181068.
     81 int SupportedFaviconTypes() { return favicon_base::FAVICON; }
     83 // Returns the appropriate IconSize to use for a given gfx::Size pixel
     84 // dimensions.
     85 IconSize GetIconSizeBinFromBitmapResult(const gfx::Size& pixel_size) {
     86   int max_size =
     87       (pixel_size.width() > pixel_size.height() ?
     88        pixel_size.width() : pixel_size.height());
     89   // TODO(zea): re-enable 64p and 32p resolutions once we support them.
     90   if (max_size > 64)
     91     return SIZE_INVALID;
     92   else if (max_size > 32)
     93     return SIZE_INVALID;
     94   else if (max_size > 16)
     95     return SIZE_INVALID;
     96   else
     97     return SIZE_16;
     98 }
    100 // Helper for debug statements.
    101 std::string IconSizeToString(IconSize icon_size) {
    102   switch (icon_size) {
    103     case SIZE_16:
    104       return "16";
    105     case SIZE_32:
    106       return "32";
    107     case SIZE_64:
    108       return "64";
    109     default:
    110       return "INVALID";
    111   }
    112 }
    114 // Extract the favicon url from either of the favicon types.
    115 GURL GetFaviconURLFromSpecifics(const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics) {
    116   if (specifics.has_favicon_tracking())
    117     return GURL(specifics.favicon_tracking().favicon_url());
    118   else
    119     return GURL(specifics.favicon_image().favicon_url());
    120 }
    122 // Convert protobuf image data into a FaviconRawBitmapResult.
    123 favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    124     const sync_pb::FaviconData& favicon_data) {
    125   base::RefCountedString* temp_string =
    126       new base::RefCountedString();
    127   temp_string->data() = favicon_data.favicon();
    128   favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult bitmap_result;
    129   bitmap_result.bitmap_data = temp_string;
    130   bitmap_result.pixel_size.set_height(favicon_data.height());
    131   bitmap_result.pixel_size.set_width(favicon_data.width());
    132   return bitmap_result;
    133 }
    135 // Convert a FaviconRawBitmapResult into protobuf image data.
    136 void FillSpecificsWithImageData(
    137     const favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult& bitmap_result,
    138     sync_pb::FaviconData* favicon_data) {
    139   if (!bitmap_result.bitmap_data.get())
    140     return;
    141   favicon_data->set_height(bitmap_result.pixel_size.height());
    142   favicon_data->set_width(bitmap_result.pixel_size.width());
    143   favicon_data->set_favicon(bitmap_result.bitmap_data->front(),
    144                             bitmap_result.bitmap_data->size());
    145 }
    147 // Build a FaviconImageSpecifics from a SyncedFaviconInfo.
    148 void BuildImageSpecifics(
    149     const SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info,
    150     sync_pb::FaviconImageSpecifics* image_specifics) {
    151   image_specifics->set_favicon_url(favicon_info->favicon_url.spec());
    152   FillSpecificsWithImageData(favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16],
    153                              image_specifics->mutable_favicon_web());
    154   // TODO(zea): bring this back if we can handle the load.
    155   // FillSpecificsWithImageData(favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_32],
    156   //                            image_specifics->mutable_favicon_web_32());
    157   // FillSpecificsWithImageData(favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_64],
    158   //                            image_specifics->mutable_favicon_touch_64());
    159 }
    161 // Build a FaviconTrackingSpecifics from a SyncedFaviconInfo.
    162 void BuildTrackingSpecifics(
    163     const SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info,
    164     sync_pb::FaviconTrackingSpecifics* tracking_specifics) {
    165   tracking_specifics->set_favicon_url(favicon_info->favicon_url.spec());
    166   tracking_specifics->set_last_visit_time_ms(
    167       syncer::TimeToProtoTime(favicon_info->last_visit_time));
    168   tracking_specifics->set_is_bookmarked(favicon_info->is_bookmarked);
    169 }
    171 // Updates |favicon_info| with the image data in |bitmap_result|.
    172 bool UpdateFaviconFromBitmapResult(
    173     const favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult& bitmap_result,
    174     SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info) {
    175   DCHECK_EQ(favicon_info->favicon_url, bitmap_result.icon_url);
    176   if (!bitmap_result.is_valid()) {
    177     DVLOG(1) << "Received invalid favicon at " << bitmap_result.icon_url.spec();
    178     return false;
    179   }
    181   IconSize icon_size = GetIconSizeBinFromBitmapResult(
    182       bitmap_result.pixel_size);
    183   if (icon_size == SIZE_INVALID) {
    184     DVLOG(1) << "Ignoring unsupported resolution "
    185              << bitmap_result.pixel_size.height() << "x"
    186              << bitmap_result.pixel_size.width();
    187     return false;
    188   } else if (!favicon_info->bitmap_data[icon_size].bitmap_data.get() ||
    189              !favicon_info->received_local_update) {
    190     DVLOG(1) << "Storing " << IconSizeToString(icon_size) << "p"
    191              << " favicon for " << favicon_info->favicon_url.spec()
    192              << " with size " << bitmap_result.bitmap_data->size()
    193              << " bytes.";
    194     favicon_info->bitmap_data[icon_size] = bitmap_result;
    195     favicon_info->received_local_update = true;
    196     return true;
    197   } else {
    198     // We only allow updating the image data once per restart.
    199     DVLOG(2) << "Ignoring local update for " << bitmap_result.icon_url.spec();
    200     return false;
    201   }
    202 }
    204 bool FaviconInfoHasImages(const SyncedFaviconInfo& favicon_info) {
    205   return favicon_info.bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data.get() ||
    206          favicon_info.bitmap_data[SIZE_32].bitmap_data.get() ||
    207          favicon_info.bitmap_data[SIZE_64].bitmap_data.get();
    208 }
    210 bool FaviconInfoHasTracking(const SyncedFaviconInfo& favicon_info) {
    211   return !favicon_info.last_visit_time.is_null();
    212 }
    214 bool FaviconInfoHasValidTypeData(const SyncedFaviconInfo& favicon_info,
    215                              syncer::ModelType type) {
    216   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES)
    217     return FaviconInfoHasImages(favicon_info);
    218   else if (type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING)
    219     return FaviconInfoHasTracking(favicon_info);
    220   NOTREACHED();
    221   return false;
    222 }
    224 }  // namespace
    226 FaviconCache::FaviconCache(Profile* profile, int max_sync_favicon_limit)
    227     : profile_(profile),
    228       max_sync_favicon_limit_(max_sync_favicon_limit),
    229       weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
    230   notification_registrar_.Add(this,
    231                               chrome::NOTIFICATION_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED,
    232                               content::Source<Profile>(profile_));
    233   DVLOG(1) << "Setting favicon limit to " << max_sync_favicon_limit;
    234 }
    236 FaviconCache::~FaviconCache() {}
    238 syncer::SyncMergeResult FaviconCache::MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
    239     syncer::ModelType type,
    240     const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
    241     scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
    242     scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler) {
    243   DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    244   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES)
    245     favicon_images_sync_processor_ = sync_processor.Pass();
    246   else
    247     favicon_tracking_sync_processor_ = sync_processor.Pass();
    249   syncer::SyncMergeResult merge_result(type);
    250   merge_result.set_num_items_before_association(synced_favicons_.size());
    251   std::set<GURL> unsynced_favicon_urls;
    252   for (FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.begin();
    253        iter != synced_favicons_.end(); ++iter) {
    254     if (FaviconInfoHasValidTypeData(*(iter->second), type))
    255       unsynced_favicon_urls.insert(iter->first);
    256   }
    258   syncer::SyncChangeList local_changes;
    259   for (syncer::SyncDataList::const_iterator iter = initial_sync_data.begin();
    260        iter != initial_sync_data.end(); ++iter) {
    261     GURL remote_url = GetFaviconURLFromSpecifics(iter->GetSpecifics());
    262     GURL favicon_url = GetLocalFaviconFromSyncedData(*iter);
    263     if (favicon_url.is_valid()) {
    264       unsynced_favicon_urls.erase(favicon_url);
    265       MergeSyncFavicon(*iter, &local_changes);
    266       merge_result.set_num_items_modified(
    267           merge_result.num_items_modified() + 1);
    268     } else {
    269       AddLocalFaviconFromSyncedData(*iter);
    270       merge_result.set_num_items_added(merge_result.num_items_added() + 1);
    271     }
    272   }
    274   // Rather than trigger a bunch of deletions when we set up sync, we drop
    275   // local favicons. Those pages that are currently open are likely to result in
    276   // loading new favicons/refreshing old favicons anyways, at which point
    277   // they'll be re-added and the appropriate synced favicons will be evicted.
    278   // TODO(zea): implement a smarter ordering of the which favicons to drop.
    279   int available_favicons = max_sync_favicon_limit_ - initial_sync_data.size();
    280   UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.FaviconsAvailableAtMerge",
    281                         available_favicons > 0);
    282   for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator iter = unsynced_favicon_urls.begin();
    283        iter != unsynced_favicon_urls.end(); ++iter) {
    284     if (available_favicons > 0) {
    285       local_changes.push_back(
    286           syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
    287                              syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD,
    288                              CreateSyncDataFromLocalFavicon(type, *iter)));
    289       available_favicons--;
    290     } else {
    291       FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter = synced_favicons_.find(*iter);
    292       DVLOG(1) << "Dropping local favicon "
    293                << favicon_iter->second->favicon_url.spec();
    294       DropPartialFavicon(favicon_iter, type);
    295       merge_result.set_num_items_deleted(merge_result.num_items_deleted() + 1);
    296     }
    297   }
    298   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Sync.FaviconCount", synced_favicons_.size());
    299   merge_result.set_num_items_after_association(synced_favicons_.size());
    301   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
    302     favicon_images_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    303                                                        local_changes);
    304   } else {
    305     favicon_tracking_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    306                                                          local_changes);
    307   }
    308   return merge_result;
    309 }
    311 void FaviconCache::StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) {
    312   favicon_images_sync_processor_.reset();
    313   favicon_tracking_sync_processor_.reset();
    314   cancelable_task_tracker_.TryCancelAll();
    315   page_task_map_.clear();
    316 }
    318 syncer::SyncDataList FaviconCache::GetAllSyncData(syncer::ModelType type)
    319     const {
    320   syncer::SyncDataList data_list;
    321   for (FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.begin();
    322        iter != synced_favicons_.end(); ++iter) {
    323     if ((type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES &&
    324          FaviconInfoHasImages(*iter->second)) ||
    325         (type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING &&
    326          FaviconInfoHasTracking(*iter->second))) {
    327       data_list.push_back(CreateSyncDataFromLocalFavicon(type, iter->first));
    328     }
    329   }
    330   return data_list;
    331 }
    333 syncer::SyncError FaviconCache::ProcessSyncChanges(
    334     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    335     const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) {
    336   if (!favicon_images_sync_processor_.get() ||
    337       !favicon_tracking_sync_processor_.get()) {
    338     return syncer::SyncError(FROM_HERE,
    339                              syncer::SyncError::DATATYPE_ERROR,
    340                              "One or both favicon types disabled.",
    341                              change_list[0].sync_data().GetDataType());
    342   }
    344   syncer::SyncChangeList new_changes;
    345   syncer::SyncError error;
    346   syncer::ModelType type = syncer::UNSPECIFIED;
    347   for (syncer::SyncChangeList::const_iterator iter = change_list.begin();
    348       iter != change_list.end(); ++iter) {
    349     type = iter->sync_data().GetDataType();
    350     DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    351     GURL favicon_url =
    352         GetFaviconURLFromSpecifics(iter->sync_data().GetSpecifics());
    353     if (!favicon_url.is_valid()) {
    354       error.Reset(FROM_HERE, "Received invalid favicon url.", type);
    355       break;
    356     }
    357     FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter = synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url);
    358     if (iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE) {
    359       if (favicon_iter == synced_favicons_.end()) {
    360         // Two clients might wind up deleting different parts of the same
    361         // favicon, so ignore this.
    362         continue;
    363       } else {
    364         DVLOG(1) << "Deleting favicon at " << favicon_url.spec();
    365         // If we only have partial data for the favicon (which implies orphaned
    366         // nodes), delete the local favicon only if the type corresponds to the
    367         // partial data we have. If we do have orphaned nodes, we rely on the
    368         // expiration logic to remove them eventually.
    369         DropPartialFavicon(favicon_iter, type);
    370       }
    371     } else if (iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE ||
    372                iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD) {
    373       // Adds and updates are treated the same due to the lack of strong
    374       // consistency (it's possible we'll receive an update for a tracking info
    375       // before we've received the add for the image, and should handle both
    376       // gracefully).
    377       if (favicon_iter == synced_favicons_.end()) {
    378         DVLOG(1) << "Adding favicon at " << favicon_url.spec();
    379         AddLocalFaviconFromSyncedData(iter->sync_data());
    380       } else {
    381         DVLOG(1) << "Updating favicon at " << favicon_url.spec();
    382         MergeSyncFavicon(iter->sync_data(), &new_changes);
    383       }
    384     } else {
    385       error.Reset(FROM_HERE, "Invalid action received.", type);
    386       break;
    387     }
    388   }
    390   // Note: we deliberately do not expire favicons here. If we received new
    391   // favicons and are now over the limit, the next local favicon change will
    392   // trigger the necessary expiration.
    393   if (!error.IsSet() && !new_changes.empty()) {
    394     if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
    395         favicon_images_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    396                                                            new_changes);
    397     } else {
    398         favicon_tracking_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    399                                                              new_changes);
    400     }
    401   }
    403   return error;
    404 }
    406 void FaviconCache::OnPageFaviconUpdated(const GURL& page_url) {
    407   DCHECK(page_url.is_valid());
    409   // If a favicon load is already happening for this url, let it finish.
    410   if (page_task_map_.find(page_url) != page_task_map_.end())
    411     return;
    413   PageFaviconMap::const_iterator url_iter = page_favicon_map_.find(page_url);
    414   if (url_iter != page_favicon_map_.end()) {
    415     FaviconMap::const_iterator icon_iter =
    416         synced_favicons_.find(url_iter->second);
    417     // TODO(zea): consider what to do when only a subset of supported
    418     // resolutions are available.
    419     if (icon_iter != synced_favicons_.end() &&
    420         icon_iter->second->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data.get()) {
    421       DVLOG(2) << "Using cached favicon url for " << page_url.spec()
    422                << ": " << icon_iter->second->favicon_url.spec();
    423       UpdateFaviconVisitTime(icon_iter->second->favicon_url, base::Time::Now());
    424       UpdateSyncState(icon_iter->second->favicon_url,
    425                       syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID,
    426                       syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE);
    427       return;
    428     }
    429   }
    431   DVLOG(1) << "Triggering favicon load for url " << page_url.spec();
    433   if (!profile_) {
    434     page_task_map_[page_url] = 0;  // For testing only.
    435     return;
    436   }
    437   FaviconService* favicon_service =
    438       FaviconServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
    439   if (!favicon_service)
    440     return;
    441   // TODO(zea): This appears to only fetch one favicon (best match based on
    442   // desired_size_in_dip). Figure out a way to fetch all favicons we support.
    443   // See crbug.com/181068.
    444   base::CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId id =
    445       favicon_service->GetFaviconForPageURL(
    446           FaviconService::FaviconForPageURLParams(
    447               page_url, SupportedFaviconTypes(), kMaxFaviconResolution),
    448           base::Bind(&FaviconCache::OnFaviconDataAvailable,
    449                      weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
    450                      page_url),
    451           &cancelable_task_tracker_);
    452   page_task_map_[page_url] = id;
    453 }
    455 void FaviconCache::OnFaviconVisited(const GURL& page_url,
    456                                     const GURL& favicon_url) {
    457   DCHECK(page_url.is_valid());
    458   if (!favicon_url.is_valid() ||
    459       synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url) == synced_favicons_.end()) {
    460     // TODO(zea): consider triggering a favicon load if we have some but not
    461     // all desired resolutions?
    462     OnPageFaviconUpdated(page_url);
    463     return;
    464   }
    466   DVLOG(1) << "Associating " << page_url.spec() << " with favicon at "
    467            << favicon_url.spec() << " and marking visited.";
    468   page_favicon_map_[page_url] = favicon_url;
    469   bool had_tracking = FaviconInfoHasTracking(
    470       *synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url)->second);
    471   UpdateFaviconVisitTime(favicon_url, base::Time::Now());
    473   UpdateSyncState(favicon_url,
    474                   syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID,
    475                   (had_tracking ?
    476                    syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE :
    477                    syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD));
    478 }
    480 bool FaviconCache::GetSyncedFaviconForFaviconURL(
    481     const GURL& favicon_url,
    482     scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* favicon_png) const {
    483   if (!favicon_url.is_valid())
    484     return false;
    485   FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url);
    487   UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.FaviconCacheLookupSucceeded",
    488                         iter != synced_favicons_.end());
    489   if (iter == synced_favicons_.end())
    490     return false;
    492   // TODO(zea): support getting other resolutions.
    493   if (!iter->second->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data.get())
    494     return false;
    496   *favicon_png = iter->second->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data;
    497   return true;
    498 }
    500 bool FaviconCache::GetSyncedFaviconForPageURL(
    501     const GURL& page_url,
    502     scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* favicon_png) const {
    503   if (!page_url.is_valid())
    504     return false;
    505   PageFaviconMap::const_iterator iter = page_favicon_map_.find(page_url);
    507   if (iter == page_favicon_map_.end())
    508     return false;
    510   return GetSyncedFaviconForFaviconURL(iter->second, favicon_png);
    511 }
    513 void FaviconCache::OnReceivedSyncFavicon(const GURL& page_url,
    514                                          const GURL& icon_url,
    515                                          const std::string& icon_bytes,
    516                                          int64 visit_time_ms) {
    517   if (!icon_url.is_valid() || !page_url.is_valid() || icon_url.SchemeIs("data"))
    518     return;
    519   DVLOG(1) << "Associating " << page_url.spec() << " with favicon at "
    520            << icon_url.spec();
    521   page_favicon_map_[page_url] = icon_url;
    523   // If there is no actual image, it means there either is no synced
    524   // favicon, or it's on its way (race condition).
    525   // TODO(zea): potentially trigger a favicon web download here (delayed?).
    526   if (icon_bytes.size() == 0)
    527     return;
    529   // Post a task to do the actual association because this method may have been
    530   // called while in a transaction.
    531   base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
    532       FROM_HERE,
    533       base::Bind(&FaviconCache::OnReceivedSyncFaviconImpl,
    534                  weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
    535                  icon_url,
    536                  icon_bytes,
    537                  visit_time_ms));
    538 }
    540 void FaviconCache::OnReceivedSyncFaviconImpl(
    541     const GURL& icon_url,
    542     const std::string& icon_bytes,
    543     int64 visit_time_ms) {
    544   // If this favicon is already synced, do nothing else.
    545   if (synced_favicons_.find(icon_url) != synced_favicons_.end())
    546     return;
    548   // Don't add any more favicons once we hit our in memory limit.
    549   // TODO(zea): UMA this.
    550   if (kMaxFaviconsInMem != 0 && synced_favicons_.size() > kMaxFaviconsInMem)
    551     return;
    553   SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = GetFaviconInfo(icon_url);
    554   if (!favicon_info)
    555     return;  // We reached the in-memory limit.
    556   base::RefCountedString* temp_string = new base::RefCountedString();
    557   temp_string->data() = icon_bytes;
    558   favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data = temp_string;
    559   // We assume legacy favicons are 16x16.
    560   favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].pixel_size.set_width(16);
    561   favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].pixel_size.set_height(16);
    562   bool added_tracking = !FaviconInfoHasTracking(*favicon_info);
    563   UpdateFaviconVisitTime(icon_url,
    564                          syncer::ProtoTimeToTime(visit_time_ms));
    566   UpdateSyncState(icon_url,
    567                   syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD,
    568                   (added_tracking ?
    569                    syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD :
    570                    syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE));
    571 }
    573 void FaviconCache::Observe(int type,
    574                            const content::NotificationSource& source,
    575                            const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
    578   content::Details<history::URLsDeletedDetails> deleted_details(details);
    580   // We only care about actual user (or sync) deletions.
    581   if (deleted_details->expired)
    582     return;
    584   if (!deleted_details->all_history) {
    585     DeleteSyncedFavicons(deleted_details->favicon_urls);
    586     return;
    587   }
    589   // All history was cleared: just delete all favicons.
    590   DVLOG(1) << "History clear detected, deleting all synced favicons.";
    591   syncer::SyncChangeList image_deletions, tracking_deletions;
    592   while (!synced_favicons_.empty()) {
    593     DeleteSyncedFavicon(synced_favicons_.begin(),
    594                         &image_deletions,
    595                         &tracking_deletions);
    596   }
    598   if (favicon_images_sync_processor_.get()) {
    599     favicon_images_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    600                                                        image_deletions);
    601   }
    602   if (favicon_tracking_sync_processor_.get()) {
    603     favicon_tracking_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    604                                                          tracking_deletions);
    605   }
    606 }
    608 bool FaviconCache::FaviconRecencyFunctor::operator()(
    609     const linked_ptr<SyncedFaviconInfo>& lhs,
    610     const linked_ptr<SyncedFaviconInfo>& rhs) const {
    611   // TODO(zea): incorporate bookmarked status here once we care about it.
    612   if (lhs->last_visit_time < rhs->last_visit_time)
    613     return true;
    614   else if (lhs->last_visit_time == rhs->last_visit_time)
    615     return lhs->favicon_url.spec() < rhs->favicon_url.spec();
    616   return false;
    617 }
    619 void FaviconCache::OnFaviconDataAvailable(
    620     const GURL& page_url,
    621     const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>& bitmap_results) {
    622   PageTaskMap::iterator page_iter = page_task_map_.find(page_url);
    623   if (page_iter == page_task_map_.end())
    624     return;
    625   page_task_map_.erase(page_iter);
    627   if (bitmap_results.size() == 0) {
    628     // Either the favicon isn't loaded yet or there is no valid favicon.
    629     // We already cleared the task id, so just return.
    630     DVLOG(1) << "Favicon load failed for page " << page_url.spec();
    631     return;
    632   }
    634   base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
    635   std::map<GURL, LocalFaviconUpdateInfo> favicon_updates;
    636   for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmap_results.size(); ++i) {
    637     const favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult& bitmap_result =
    638         bitmap_results[i];
    639     GURL favicon_url = bitmap_result.icon_url;
    640     if (!favicon_url.is_valid() || favicon_url.SchemeIs("data"))
    641       continue;  // Can happen if the page is still loading.
    643     SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = GetFaviconInfo(favicon_url);
    644     if (!favicon_info)
    645       return;  // We reached the in-memory limit.
    647     favicon_updates[favicon_url].new_image |=
    648         !FaviconInfoHasImages(*favicon_info);
    649     favicon_updates[favicon_url].new_tracking |=
    650         !FaviconInfoHasTracking(*favicon_info);
    651     favicon_updates[favicon_url].image_needs_rewrite |=
    652         UpdateFaviconFromBitmapResult(bitmap_result, favicon_info);
    653     favicon_updates[favicon_url].favicon_info = favicon_info;
    654   }
    656   for (std::map<GURL, LocalFaviconUpdateInfo>::const_iterator
    657            iter = favicon_updates.begin(); iter != favicon_updates.end();
    658        ++iter) {
    659     SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = iter->second.favicon_info;
    660     const GURL& favicon_url = favicon_info->favicon_url;
    662     // TODO(zea): support multiple favicon urls per page.
    663     page_favicon_map_[page_url] = favicon_url;
    665     if (!favicon_info->last_visit_time.is_null()) {
    666       UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000(
    667           "Sync.FaviconVisitPeriod",
    668           (now - favicon_info->last_visit_time).InHours());
    669     }
    670     favicon_info->received_local_update = true;
    671     UpdateFaviconVisitTime(favicon_url, now);
    673     syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType image_change =
    674         syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID;
    675     if (iter->second.new_image)
    676       image_change = syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD;
    677     else if (iter->second.image_needs_rewrite)
    678       image_change = syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
    679     syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType tracking_change =
    680         syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
    681     if (iter->second.new_tracking)
    682       tracking_change = syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD;
    683     UpdateSyncState(favicon_url, image_change, tracking_change);
    684   }
    685 }
    687 void FaviconCache::UpdateSyncState(
    688     const GURL& icon_url,
    689     syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType image_change_type,
    690     syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType tracking_change_type) {
    691   DCHECK(icon_url.is_valid());
    692   // It's possible that we'll receive a favicon update before both types
    693   // have finished setting up. In that case ignore the update.
    694   // TODO(zea): consider tracking these skipped updates somehow?
    695   if (!favicon_images_sync_processor_.get() ||
    696       !favicon_tracking_sync_processor_.get()) {
    697     return;
    698   }
    700   FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.find(icon_url);
    701   DCHECK(iter != synced_favicons_.end());
    702   const SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = iter->second.get();
    704   syncer::SyncChangeList image_changes;
    705   syncer::SyncChangeList tracking_changes;
    706   if (image_change_type != syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID) {
    707     sync_pb::EntitySpecifics new_specifics;
    708     sync_pb::FaviconImageSpecifics* image_specifics =
    709         new_specifics.mutable_favicon_image();
    710     BuildImageSpecifics(favicon_info, image_specifics);
    712     image_changes.push_back(
    713         syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
    714                            image_change_type,
    715                            syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(
    716                                icon_url.spec(),
    717                                icon_url.spec(),
    718                                new_specifics)));
    719   }
    720   if (tracking_change_type != syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID) {
    721     sync_pb::EntitySpecifics new_specifics;
    722     sync_pb::FaviconTrackingSpecifics* tracking_specifics =
    723         new_specifics.mutable_favicon_tracking();
    724     BuildTrackingSpecifics(favicon_info, tracking_specifics);
    726     tracking_changes.push_back(
    727         syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
    728                            tracking_change_type,
    729                            syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(
    730                                icon_url.spec(),
    731                                icon_url.spec(),
    732                                new_specifics)));
    733   }
    734   ExpireFaviconsIfNecessary(&image_changes, &tracking_changes);
    735   if (!image_changes.empty()) {
    736     favicon_images_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    737                                                        image_changes);
    738   }
    739   if (!tracking_changes.empty()) {
    740     favicon_tracking_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    741                                                          tracking_changes);
    742   }
    743 }
    745 SyncedFaviconInfo* FaviconCache::GetFaviconInfo(
    746     const GURL& icon_url) {
    747   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    748   if (synced_favicons_.count(icon_url) != 0)
    749     return synced_favicons_[icon_url].get();
    751   // TODO(zea): implement in-memory eviction.
    752   DVLOG(1) << "Adding favicon info for " << icon_url.spec();
    753   SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = new SyncedFaviconInfo(icon_url);
    754   synced_favicons_[icon_url] = make_linked_ptr(favicon_info);
    755   recent_favicons_.insert(synced_favicons_[icon_url]);
    756   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    757   return favicon_info;
    758 }
    760 void FaviconCache::UpdateFaviconVisitTime(const GURL& icon_url,
    761                                           base::Time time) {
    762   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    763   FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.find(icon_url);
    764   DCHECK(iter != synced_favicons_.end());
    765   if (iter->second->last_visit_time >= time)
    766     return;
    767   // Erase, update the time, then re-insert to maintain ordering.
    768   recent_favicons_.erase(iter->second);
    769   DVLOG(1) << "Updating " << icon_url.spec() << " visit time to "
    770            << syncer::GetTimeDebugString(time);
    771   iter->second->last_visit_time = time;
    772   recent_favicons_.insert(iter->second);
    774   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
    775     for (RecencySet::const_iterator iter = recent_favicons_.begin();
    776          iter != recent_favicons_.end(); ++iter) {
    777       DVLOG(2) << "Favicon " << iter->get()->favicon_url.spec() << ": "
    778                << syncer::GetTimeDebugString(iter->get()->last_visit_time);
    779     }
    780   }
    781   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    782 }
    784 void FaviconCache::ExpireFaviconsIfNecessary(
    785     syncer::SyncChangeList* image_changes,
    786     syncer::SyncChangeList* tracking_changes) {
    787   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    788   // TODO(zea): once we have in-memory eviction, we'll need to track sync
    789   // favicon count separately from the synced_favicons_/recent_favicons_.
    791   // Iterate until we've removed the necessary amount. |recent_favicons_| is
    792   // already in recency order, so just start from the beginning.
    793   // TODO(zea): to reduce thrashing, consider removing more than the minimum.
    794   while (recent_favicons_.size() > max_sync_favicon_limit_) {
    795     linked_ptr<SyncedFaviconInfo> candidate = *recent_favicons_.begin();
    796     DVLOG(1) << "Expiring favicon " << candidate->favicon_url.spec();
    797     DeleteSyncedFavicon(synced_favicons_.find(candidate->favicon_url),
    798                         image_changes,
    799                         tracking_changes);
    800   }
    801   DCHECK_EQ(recent_favicons_.size(), synced_favicons_.size());
    802 }
    804 GURL FaviconCache::GetLocalFaviconFromSyncedData(
    805     const syncer::SyncData& sync_favicon) const {
    806   syncer::ModelType type = sync_favicon.GetDataType();
    807   DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    808   GURL favicon_url = GetFaviconURLFromSpecifics(sync_favicon.GetSpecifics());
    809   return (synced_favicons_.count(favicon_url) > 0 ? favicon_url : GURL());
    810 }
    812 void FaviconCache::MergeSyncFavicon(const syncer::SyncData& sync_favicon,
    813                                     syncer::SyncChangeList* sync_changes) {
    814   syncer::ModelType type = sync_favicon.GetDataType();
    815   DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    816   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics new_specifics;
    817   GURL favicon_url = GetFaviconURLFromSpecifics(sync_favicon.GetSpecifics());
    818   FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url);
    819   DCHECK(iter != synced_favicons_.end());
    820   SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = iter->second.get();
    821   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
    822     sync_pb::FaviconImageSpecifics image_specifics =
    823         sync_favicon.GetSpecifics().favicon_image();
    825     // Remote image data always clobbers local image data.
    826     bool needs_update = false;
    827     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_web()) {
    828       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    829           image_specifics.favicon_web());
    830     } else if (favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16].bitmap_data.get()) {
    831       needs_update = true;
    832     }
    833     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_web_32()) {
    834       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_32] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    835           image_specifics.favicon_web_32());
    836     } else if (favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_32].bitmap_data.get()) {
    837       needs_update = true;
    838     }
    839     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_touch_64()) {
    840       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_64] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    841           image_specifics.favicon_touch_64());
    842     } else if (favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_64].bitmap_data.get()) {
    843       needs_update = true;
    844     }
    846     if (needs_update)
    847       BuildImageSpecifics(favicon_info, new_specifics.mutable_favicon_image());
    848   } else {
    849     sync_pb::FaviconTrackingSpecifics tracking_specifics =
    850         sync_favicon.GetSpecifics().favicon_tracking();
    852     // Tracking data is merged, such that bookmark data is the logical OR
    853     // of the two, and last visit time is the most recent.
    855     base::Time last_visit =  syncer::ProtoTimeToTime(
    856         tracking_specifics.last_visit_time_ms());
    857     // Due to crbug.com/258196, there are tracking nodes out there with
    858     // null visit times. If this is one of those, artificially make it a valid
    859     // visit time, so we know the node exists and update it properly on the next
    860     // real visit.
    861     if (last_visit.is_null())
    862       last_visit = last_visit + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
    863     UpdateFaviconVisitTime(favicon_url, last_visit);
    864     favicon_info->is_bookmarked = (favicon_info->is_bookmarked ||
    865                                    tracking_specifics.is_bookmarked());
    867     if (syncer::TimeToProtoTime(favicon_info->last_visit_time) !=
    868             tracking_specifics.last_visit_time_ms() ||
    869         favicon_info->is_bookmarked != tracking_specifics.is_bookmarked()) {
    870       BuildTrackingSpecifics(favicon_info,
    871                              new_specifics.mutable_favicon_tracking());
    872     }
    873     DCHECK(!favicon_info->last_visit_time.is_null());
    874   }
    876   if (new_specifics.has_favicon_image() ||
    877       new_specifics.has_favicon_tracking()) {
    878     sync_changes->push_back(syncer::SyncChange(
    879         FROM_HERE,
    880         syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE,
    881         syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(favicon_url.spec(),
    882                                           favicon_url.spec(),
    883                                           new_specifics)));
    884   }
    885 }
    887 void FaviconCache::AddLocalFaviconFromSyncedData(
    888     const syncer::SyncData& sync_favicon) {
    889   syncer::ModelType type = sync_favicon.GetDataType();
    890   DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    891   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
    892     sync_pb::FaviconImageSpecifics image_specifics =
    893         sync_favicon.GetSpecifics().favicon_image();
    894     GURL favicon_url = GURL(image_specifics.favicon_url());
    895     DCHECK(favicon_url.is_valid());
    896     DCHECK(!synced_favicons_.count(favicon_url));
    898     SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = GetFaviconInfo(favicon_url);
    899     if (!favicon_info)
    900       return;  // We reached the in-memory limit.
    901     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_web()) {
    902       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_16] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    903           image_specifics.favicon_web());
    904     }
    905     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_web_32()) {
    906       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_32] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    907           image_specifics.favicon_web_32());
    908     }
    909     if (image_specifics.has_favicon_touch_64()) {
    910       favicon_info->bitmap_data[SIZE_64] = GetImageDataFromSpecifics(
    911           image_specifics.favicon_touch_64());
    912     }
    913   } else {
    914     sync_pb::FaviconTrackingSpecifics tracking_specifics =
    915         sync_favicon.GetSpecifics().favicon_tracking();
    916     GURL favicon_url = GURL(tracking_specifics.favicon_url());
    917     DCHECK(favicon_url.is_valid());
    918     DCHECK(!synced_favicons_.count(favicon_url));
    920     SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = GetFaviconInfo(favicon_url);
    921     if (!favicon_info)
    922       return;  // We reached the in-memory limit.
    923     base::Time last_visit =  syncer::ProtoTimeToTime(
    924         tracking_specifics.last_visit_time_ms());
    925     // Due to crbug.com/258196, there are tracking nodes out there with
    926     // null visit times. If this is one of those, artificially make it a valid
    927     // visit time, so we know the node exists and update it properly on the next
    928     // real visit.
    929     if (last_visit.is_null())
    930       last_visit = last_visit + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
    931     UpdateFaviconVisitTime(favicon_url, last_visit);
    932     favicon_info->is_bookmarked = tracking_specifics.is_bookmarked();
    933     DCHECK(!favicon_info->last_visit_time.is_null());
    934   }
    935 }
    937 syncer::SyncData FaviconCache::CreateSyncDataFromLocalFavicon(
    938     syncer::ModelType type,
    939     const GURL& favicon_url) const {
    940   DCHECK(type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES || type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
    941   DCHECK(favicon_url.is_valid());
    942   FaviconMap::const_iterator iter = synced_favicons_.find(favicon_url);
    943   DCHECK(iter != synced_favicons_.end());
    944   SyncedFaviconInfo* favicon_info = iter->second.get();
    946   syncer::SyncData data;
    947   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
    948   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
    949     sync_pb::FaviconImageSpecifics* image_specifics =
    950         specifics.mutable_favicon_image();
    951     BuildImageSpecifics(favicon_info, image_specifics);
    952   } else {
    953     sync_pb::FaviconTrackingSpecifics* tracking_specifics =
    954         specifics.mutable_favicon_tracking();
    955     BuildTrackingSpecifics(favicon_info, tracking_specifics);
    956   }
    957   data = syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(favicon_url.spec(),
    958                                            favicon_url.spec(),
    959                                            specifics);
    960   return data;
    961 }
    963 void FaviconCache::DeleteSyncedFavicons(const std::set<GURL>& favicon_urls) {
    964   syncer::SyncChangeList image_deletions, tracking_deletions;
    965   for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator iter = favicon_urls.begin();
    966        iter != favicon_urls.end(); ++iter) {
    967     FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter = synced_favicons_.find(*iter);
    968     if (favicon_iter == synced_favicons_.end())
    969       continue;
    970     DeleteSyncedFavicon(favicon_iter,
    971                         &image_deletions,
    972                         &tracking_deletions);
    973   }
    974   DVLOG(1) << "Deleting " << image_deletions.size() << " synced favicons.";
    975   if (favicon_images_sync_processor_.get()) {
    976     favicon_images_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    977                                                        image_deletions);
    978   }
    979   if (favicon_tracking_sync_processor_.get()) {
    980     favicon_tracking_sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE,
    981                                                          tracking_deletions);
    982   }
    983 }
    985 void FaviconCache::DeleteSyncedFavicon(
    986     FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter,
    987     syncer::SyncChangeList* image_changes,
    988     syncer::SyncChangeList* tracking_changes) {
    989   linked_ptr<SyncedFaviconInfo> favicon_info = favicon_iter->second;
    990   if (FaviconInfoHasImages(*(favicon_iter->second))) {
    991     DVLOG(1) << "Deleting image for "
    992              << favicon_iter->second.get()->favicon_url;
    993     image_changes->push_back(
    994         syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
    995                            syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE,
    996                            syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalDelete(
    997                                favicon_info->favicon_url.spec(),
    998                                syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES)));
    999   }
   1000   if (FaviconInfoHasTracking(*(favicon_iter->second))) {
   1001     DVLOG(1) << "Deleting tracking for "
   1002              << favicon_iter->second.get()->favicon_url;
   1003     tracking_changes->push_back(
   1004         syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
   1005                            syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE,
   1006                            syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalDelete(
   1007                                favicon_info->favicon_url.spec(),
   1008                                syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING)));
   1009   }
   1010   DropSyncedFavicon(favicon_iter);
   1011 }
   1013 void FaviconCache::DropSyncedFavicon(FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter) {
   1014   DVLOG(1) << "Dropping favicon " << favicon_iter->second.get()->favicon_url;
   1015   recent_favicons_.erase(favicon_iter->second);
   1016   synced_favicons_.erase(favicon_iter);
   1017 }
   1019 void FaviconCache::DropPartialFavicon(FaviconMap::iterator favicon_iter,
   1020                                       syncer::ModelType type) {
   1021   // If the type being dropped has no valid data, do nothing.
   1022   if ((type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING &&
   1023        !FaviconInfoHasTracking(*favicon_iter->second)) ||
   1024       (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES &&
   1025        !FaviconInfoHasImages(*favicon_iter->second))) {
   1026     return;
   1027   }
   1029   // If the type being dropped is the only type with valid data, just delete
   1030   // the favicon altogether.
   1031   if ((type == syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING &&
   1032        !FaviconInfoHasImages(*favicon_iter->second)) ||
   1033       (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES &&
   1034        !FaviconInfoHasTracking(*favicon_iter->second))) {
   1035     DropSyncedFavicon(favicon_iter);
   1036     return;
   1037   }
   1039   if (type == syncer::FAVICON_IMAGES) {
   1040     DVLOG(1) << "Dropping favicon image "
   1041              << favicon_iter->second.get()->favicon_url;
   1042     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SIZES; ++i) {
   1043       favicon_iter->second->bitmap_data[i] =
   1044           favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult();
   1045     }
   1046     DCHECK(!FaviconInfoHasImages(*favicon_iter->second));
   1047   } else {
   1048     DCHECK_EQ(type, syncer::FAVICON_TRACKING);
   1049     DVLOG(1) << "Dropping favicon tracking "
   1050              << favicon_iter->second.get()->favicon_url;
   1051     recent_favicons_.erase(favicon_iter->second);
   1052     favicon_iter->second->last_visit_time = base::Time();
   1053     favicon_iter->second->is_bookmarked = false;
   1054     recent_favicons_.insert(favicon_iter->second);
   1055     DCHECK(!FaviconInfoHasTracking(*favicon_iter->second));
   1056   }
   1057 }
   1059 size_t FaviconCache::NumFaviconsForTest() const {
   1060   return synced_favicons_.size();
   1061 }
   1063 size_t FaviconCache::NumTasksForTest() const {
   1064   return page_task_map_.size();
   1065 }
   1067 }  // namespace browser_sync