/external/chromium_org/components/rappor/ |
rappor_pref_names.h | 12 // component. Keep alphabetized, and document each in the .cc file.
/external/chromium_org/components/variations/ |
pref_names.h | 12 // Keep alphabetized, and document each in the .cc file.
/external/chromium_org/components/variations/proto/ |
permuted_entropy_cache.proto | 11 // Represents a cache of permuted entropy mappings, where each entry maps from
/external/chromium_org/extensions/common/ |
common_manifest_handlers.h | 11 // Should be called once in each process. Embedders may also wish to register
/external/chromium_org/mojo/public/c/ |
DEPS | 2 # Require explicit dependencies in each directory.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/inspector/ |
debugger-status-bar-buttons-state.html | 2 <p>To test, open the Inspector and go to the Scripts panel. Check that the tool tips for the debugger's two status bar buttons make sense when each button is toggled on and off.</p>
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/build/ |
gn_list_to_space_separated_string.py | 7 # Converts its arguments to a single GN-style string, with each element
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx/tools/ |
author_first_release.sh | 3 ## List the release each author first contributed to.
/external/chromium_org/ui/base/cocoa/ |
view_description.h | 14 // Returns a description of all the subviews and each's frame for debugging.
/external/clang/test/CodeGen/ |
clear_cache.c | 6 // each back-end produces is different, and this is tested in LLVM
/external/doclava/res/assets/templates/ |
sampleindex.cs | 25 <?cs each:dir=subdirs ?> 28 <?cs /each ?> 35 <?cs each:file=files ?> 38 <?cs /each ?>
yaml_navtree.cs | 16 each:child = page.children?> 23 /each ?><?cs 33 toc:<?cs each:page = docs.pages?><?cs 40 /each ?>
/external/eigen/doc/examples/ |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple.cpp | 16 //add v to each column of m
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple_rowwise.cpp | 15 //add v to each row of m
/external/glide/third_party/gif_decoder/src/main/java/com/bumptech/glide/gifdecoder/ |
GifFrame.java | 4 * Inner model class housing metadata for each frame
/external/libvpx/libvpx/tools/ |
author_first_release.sh | 3 ## List the release each author first contributed to.
/external/ltrace/testsuite/ltrace.minor/ |
time-record.c | 3 time inside each call.
/external/owasp/sanitizer/tools/findbugs/doc/ |
plugins.txt | 8 * You can define properties findbugs.plugin.*. Each such property defines a URL
/external/robolectric/src/main/java/com/xtremelabs/robolectric/shadows/ |
ShadowLocalBroadcastManager.java | 8 * reset its state after each test run.
/external/wpa_supplicant_8/ |
Android.mk | 6 # end of each Android.mk, so that one Android.mk doesn't depend on variables
/frameworks/base/graphics/java/android/graphics/ |
PathDashPathEffect.java | 22 TRANSLATE(0), //!< translate the shape to each position 24 MORPH(2); //!< transform each point, and turn lines into curves 38 * @param advance spacing between each stamp of shape 40 * @param style how to transform the shape at each position as it is stamped
/frameworks/base/tools/layoutlib/bridge/resources/bars/ |
README | 4 They are stored per API. However, to prevent duplication of resources, each API
/hardware/intel/common/omx-components/videocodec/libvpx_internal/libvpx/tools/ |
author_first_release.sh | 3 ## List the release each author first contributed to.
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.11-4.6/sysroot/usr/include/gnu/ |
stubs-32.h | 2 It defines a symbol `__stub_FUNCTION' for each function
stubs-64.h | 2 It defines a symbol `__stub_FUNCTION' for each function