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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 cr.define('extensions', function() {
      6   'use strict';
      8   /**
      9    * Construct an ExtensionLoadError around the given |div|.
     10    * @param {HTMLDivElement} div The HTML div for the extension load error.
     11    * @constructor
     12    */
     13   function ExtensionLoadError(div) {
     14     div.__proto__ = ExtensionLoadError.prototype;
     15     div.init();
     16     return div;
     17   }
     19   ExtensionLoadError.prototype = {
     20     __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
     22     /**
     23      * Initialize the ExtensionLoadError div.
     24      */
     25     init: function() {
     26       /**
     27        * The element which displays the path of the extension.
     28        * @type {HTMLSpanElement}
     29        * @private
     30        */
     31       this.path_ = this.querySelector('#extension-load-error-path');
     33       /**
     34        * The element which displays the reason the extension failed to load.
     35        * @type {HTMLSpanElement}
     36        * @private
     37        */
     38       this.reason_ = this.querySelector('#extension-load-error-reason');
     40       /**
     41        * The element which displays the manifest code.
     42        * @type {ExtensionCode}
     43        * @private
     44        */
     45       this.manifest_ = new extensions.ExtensionCode(
     46           this.querySelector('#extension-load-error-manifest'));
     48       this.querySelector('#extension-load-error-retry-button').addEventListener(
     49           'click', function(e) {
     50         chrome.send('extensionLoaderRetry');
     51         this.hide_();
     52       }.bind(this));
     54       this.querySelector('#extension-load-error-give-up-button').
     55           addEventListener('click', function(e) {
     56         this.hide_();
     57       }.bind(this));
     58     },
     60     /**
     61      * Display the load error to the user.
     62      * @param {string} path The path from which the extension was loaded.
     63      * @param {string} reason The reason the extension failed to load.
     64      * @param {string} manifest The manifest object, with highlighted regions.
     65      */
     66     show: function(path, reason, manifest) {
     67       this.path_.textContent = path;
     68       this.reason_.textContent = reason;
     70       manifest.message = reason;
     71       this.manifest_.populate(
     72           manifest,
     73           loadTimeData.getString('extensionLoadCouldNotLoadManifest'));
     74       this.hidden = false;
     75       this.manifest_.scrollToError();
     76     },
     78     /**
     79      * Hide the extension load error.
     80      * @private
     81      */
     82     hide_: function() {
     83       this.hidden = true;
     84     }
     85   };
     87   /**
     88    * The ExtensionLoader is the class in charge of loading unpacked extensions.
     89    * @constructor
     90    */
     91   function ExtensionLoader() {
     92     /**
     93      * The ExtensionLoadError to show any errors from loading an unpacked
     94      * extension.
     95      * @type {ExtensionLoadError}
     96      * @private
     97      */
     98     this.loadError_ = new ExtensionLoadError($('extension-load-error'));
     99   }
    101   cr.addSingletonGetter(ExtensionLoader);
    103   ExtensionLoader.prototype = {
    104     /**
    105      * Begin the sequence of loading an unpacked extension. If an error is
    106      * encountered, this object will get notified via notifyFailed().
    107      */
    108     loadUnpacked: function() {
    109       chrome.send('extensionLoaderLoadUnpacked');
    110     },
    112     /**
    113      * Notify the ExtensionLoader that loading an unpacked extension failed.
    114      * Show the ExtensionLoadError.
    115      * @param {string} filePath The path to the unpacked extension.
    116      * @param {string} reason The reason the extension failed to load.
    117      * @param {Object} manifest An object with three strings: beforeHighlight,
    118      *     afterHighlight, and highlight. These represent three portions of the
    119      *     file's content to display - the portion which is most relevant and
    120      *     should be emphasized (highlight), and the parts both before and after
    121      *     this portion. These may be empty.
    122      */
    123     notifyFailed: function(filePath, reason, manifest) {
    124       this.loadError_.show(filePath, reason, manifest);
    125     }
    126   };
    128   /*
    129    * A static forwarding function for ExtensionLoader.notifyFailed.
    130    * @param {string} filePath The path to the unpacked extension.
    131    * @param {string} reason The reason the extension failed to load.
    132    * @param {Object} manifest The manifest of the failed extension.
    133    * @see ExtensionLoader.notifyFailed
    134    */
    135   ExtensionLoader.notifyLoadFailed = function(filePath, reason, manifest) {
    136     ExtensionLoader.getInstance().notifyFailed(filePath, reason, manifest);
    137   };
    139   return {
    140     ExtensionLoader: ExtensionLoader
    141   };
    142 });