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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 /**
      6  * Returns the area of the intersection of two rectangles.
      7  * @param {Object} rect1 the first rect
      8  * @param {Object} rect2 the second rect
      9  * @return {number} the area of the intersection of the rects
     10  */
     11 function getIntersectionArea(rect1, rect2) {
     12   var xOverlap = Math.max(0,
     13       Math.min(rect1.x + rect1.width, rect2.x + rect2.width) -
     14       Math.max(rect1.x, rect2.x));
     15   var yOverlap = Math.max(0,
     16       Math.min(rect1.y + rect1.height, rect2.y + rect2.height) -
     17       Math.max(rect1.y, rect2.y));
     18   return xOverlap * yOverlap;
     19 }
     21 /**
     22  * Create a new viewport.
     23  * @param {Window} window the window
     24  * @param {Object} sizer is the element which represents the size of the
     25  *     document in the viewport
     26  * @param {Function} viewportChangedCallback is run when the viewport changes
     27  * @param {number} scrollbarWidth the width of scrollbars on the page
     28  */
     29 function Viewport(window,
     30                   sizer,
     31                   viewportChangedCallback,
     32                   scrollbarWidth) {
     33   this.window_ = window;
     34   this.sizer_ = sizer;
     35   this.viewportChangedCallback_ = viewportChangedCallback;
     36   this.zoom_ = 1;
     37   this.documentDimensions_ = null;
     38   this.pageDimensions_ = [];
     39   this.scrollbarWidth_ = scrollbarWidth;
     40   this.fittingType_ = Viewport.FittingType.NONE;
     42   window.addEventListener('scroll', this.updateViewport_.bind(this));
     43   window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize_.bind(this));
     44 }
     46 /**
     47  * Enumeration of page fitting types.
     48  * @enum {string}
     49  */
     50 Viewport.FittingType = {
     51   NONE: 'none',
     52   FIT_TO_PAGE: 'fit-to-page',
     53   FIT_TO_WIDTH: 'fit-to-width'
     54 };
     56 /**
     57  * The increment to scroll a page by in pixels when up/down/left/right arrow
     58  * keys are pressed. Usually we just let the browser handle scrolling on the
     59  * window when these keys are pressed but in certain cases we need to simulate
     60  * these events.
     61  */
     62 Viewport.SCROLL_INCREMENT = 40;
     64 /**
     65  * Predefined zoom factors to be used when zooming in/out. These are in
     66  * ascending order.
     67  */
     68 Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS = [0.25, 0.333, 0.5, 0.666, 0.75, 0.9, 1,
     69                          1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5];
     71 /**
     72  * The width of the page shadow around pages in pixels.
     73  */
     74 Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW = {top: 3, bottom: 7, left: 5, right: 5};
     76 Viewport.prototype = {
     77   /**
     78    * @private
     79    * Returns true if the document needs scrollbars at the given zoom level.
     80    * @param {number} zoom compute whether scrollbars are needed at this zoom
     81    * @return {Object} with 'horizontal' and 'vertical' keys which map to bool
     82    *     values indicating if the horizontal and vertical scrollbars are needed
     83    *     respectively.
     84    */
     85   documentNeedsScrollbars_: function(zoom) {
     86     var documentWidth = this.documentDimensions_.width * zoom;
     87     var documentHeight = this.documentDimensions_.height * zoom;
     88     return {
     89       horizontal: documentWidth > this.window_.innerWidth,
     90       vertical: documentHeight > this.window_.innerHeight
     91     };
     92   },
     94   /**
     95    * Returns true if the document needs scrollbars at the current zoom level.
     96    * @return {Object} with 'x' and 'y' keys which map to bool values
     97    *     indicating if the horizontal and vertical scrollbars are needed
     98    *     respectively.
     99    */
    100   documentHasScrollbars: function() {
    101     return this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(this.zoom_);
    102   },
    104   /**
    105    * @private
    106    * Helper function called when the zoomed document size changes.
    107    */
    108   contentSizeChanged_: function() {
    109     if (this.documentDimensions_) {
    110       this.sizer_.style.width =
    111           this.documentDimensions_.width * this.zoom_ + 'px';
    112       this.sizer_.style.height =
    113           this.documentDimensions_.height * this.zoom_ + 'px';
    114     }
    115   },
    117   /**
    118    * @private
    119    * Called when the viewport should be updated.
    120    */
    121   updateViewport_: function() {
    122     this.viewportChangedCallback_();
    123   },
    125   /**
    126    * @private
    127    * Called when the viewport size changes.
    128    */
    129   resize_: function() {
    130     if (this.fittingType_ == Viewport.FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE)
    131       this.fitToPage();
    132     else if (this.fittingType_ == Viewport.FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH)
    133       this.fitToWidth();
    134     else
    135       this.updateViewport_();
    136   },
    138   /**
    139    * @type {Object} the scroll position of the viewport.
    140    */
    141   get position() {
    142     return {
    143       x: this.window_.pageXOffset,
    144       y: this.window_.pageYOffset
    145     };
    146   },
    148   /**
    149    * Scroll the viewport to the specified position.
    150    * @type {Object} position the position to scroll to.
    151    */
    152   set position(position) {
    153     this.window_.scrollTo(position.x, position.y);
    154   },
    156   /**
    157    * @type {Object} the size of the viewport excluding scrollbars.
    158    */
    159   get size() {
    160     var needsScrollbars = this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(this.zoom_);
    161     var scrollbarWidth = needsScrollbars.vertical ? this.scrollbarWidth_ : 0;
    162     var scrollbarHeight = needsScrollbars.horizontal ? this.scrollbarWidth_ : 0;
    163     return {
    164       width: this.window_.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth,
    165       height: this.window_.innerHeight - scrollbarHeight
    166     };
    167   },
    169   /**
    170    * @type {number} the zoom level of the viewport.
    171    */
    172   get zoom() {
    173     return this.zoom_;
    174   },
    176   /**
    177    * @private
    178    * Sets the zoom of the viewport.
    179    * @param {number} newZoom the zoom level to zoom to.
    180    */
    181   setZoom_: function(newZoom) {
    182     var oldZoom = this.zoom_;
    183     this.zoom_ = newZoom;
    184     // Record the scroll position (relative to the middle of the window).
    185     var currentScrollPos = [
    186       (this.window_.pageXOffset + this.window_.innerWidth / 2) / oldZoom,
    187       (this.window_.pageYOffset + this.window_.innerHeight / 2) / oldZoom
    188     ];
    189     this.contentSizeChanged_();
    190     // Scroll to the scaled scroll position.
    191     this.window_.scrollTo(
    192         currentScrollPos[0] * newZoom - this.window_.innerWidth / 2,
    193         currentScrollPos[1] * newZoom - this.window_.innerHeight / 2);
    194   },
    196   /**
    197    * @type {number} the width of scrollbars in the viewport in pixels.
    198    */
    199   get scrollbarWidth() {
    200     return this.scrollbarWidth_;
    201   },
    203   /**
    204    * @type {Viewport.FittingType} the fitting type the viewport is currently in.
    205    */
    206   get fittingType() {
    207     return this.fittingType_;
    208   },
    210   /**
    211    * @private
    212    * @param {integer} y the y-coordinate to get the page at.
    213    * @return {integer} the index of a page overlapping the given y-coordinate.
    214    */
    215   getPageAtY_: function(y) {
    216     var min = 0;
    217     var max = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
    218     while (max >= min) {
    219       var page = Math.floor(min + ((max - min) / 2));
    220       // There might be a gap between the pages, in which case use the bottom
    221       // of the previous page as the top for finding the page.
    222       var top = 0;
    223       if (page > 0) {
    224         top = this.pageDimensions_[page - 1].y +
    225             this.pageDimensions_[page - 1].height;
    226       }
    227       var bottom = this.pageDimensions_[page].y +
    228           this.pageDimensions_[page].height;
    230       if (top <= y && bottom > y)
    231         return page;
    232       else if (top > y)
    233         max = page - 1;
    234       else
    235         min = page + 1;
    236     }
    237     return 0;
    238   },
    240   /**
    241    * Returns the page with the most pixels in the current viewport.
    242    * @return {int} the index of the most visible page.
    243    */
    244   getMostVisiblePage: function() {
    245     var firstVisiblePage = this.getPageAtY_(this.position.y / this.zoom_);
    246     var mostVisiblePage = {number: 0, area: 0};
    247     var viewportRect = {
    248       x: this.position.x / this.zoom_,
    249       y: this.position.y / this.zoom_,
    250       width: this.size.width / this.zoom_,
    251       height: this.size.height / this.zoom_
    252     };
    253     for (var i = firstVisiblePage; i < this.pageDimensions_.length; i++) {
    254       var area = getIntersectionArea(this.pageDimensions_[i],
    255                                      viewportRect);
    256       // If we hit a page with 0 area overlap, we must have gone past the
    257       // pages visible in the viewport so we can break.
    258       if (area == 0)
    259         break;
    260       if (area > mostVisiblePage.area) {
    261         mostVisiblePage.area = area;
    262         mostVisiblePage.number = i;
    263       }
    264     }
    265     return mostVisiblePage.number;
    266   },
    268   /**
    269    * @private
    270    * Compute the zoom level for fit-to-page or fit-to-width. |pageDimensions| is
    271    * the dimensions for a given page and if |widthOnly| is true, it indicates
    272    * that fit-to-page zoom should be computed rather than fit-to-page.
    273    * @param {Object} pageDimensions the dimensions of a given page
    274    * @param {boolean} widthOnly a bool indicating whether fit-to-page or
    275    *     fit-to-width should be computed.
    276    * @return {number} the zoom to use
    277    */
    278   computeFittingZoom_: function(pageDimensions, widthOnly) {
    279     // First compute the zoom without scrollbars.
    280     var zoomWidth = this.window_.innerWidth / pageDimensions.width;
    281     var zoom;
    282     if (widthOnly) {
    283       zoom = zoomWidth;
    284     } else {
    285       var zoomHeight = this.window_.innerHeight / pageDimensions.height;
    286       zoom = Math.min(zoomWidth, zoomHeight);
    287     }
    288     // Check if there needs to be any scrollbars.
    289     var needsScrollbars = this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(zoom);
    291     // If the document fits, just return the zoom.
    292     if (!needsScrollbars.horizontal && !needsScrollbars.vertical)
    293       return zoom;
    295     var zoomedDimensions = {
    296       width: this.documentDimensions_.width * zoom,
    297       height: this.documentDimensions_.height * zoom
    298     };
    300     // Check if adding a scrollbar will result in needing the other scrollbar.
    301     var scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth_;
    302     if (needsScrollbars.horizontal &&
    303         zoomedDimensions.height > this.window_.innerHeight - scrollbarWidth) {
    304       needsScrollbars.vertical = true;
    305     }
    306     if (needsScrollbars.vertical &&
    307         zoomedDimensions.width > this.window_.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth) {
    308       needsScrollbars.horizontal = true;
    309     }
    311     // Compute available window space.
    312     var windowWithScrollbars = {
    313       width: this.window_.innerWidth,
    314       height: this.window_.innerHeight
    315     };
    316     if (needsScrollbars.horizontal)
    317       windowWithScrollbars.height -= scrollbarWidth;
    318     if (needsScrollbars.vertical)
    319       windowWithScrollbars.width -= scrollbarWidth;
    321     // Recompute the zoom.
    322     zoomWidth = windowWithScrollbars.width / pageDimensions.width;
    323     if (widthOnly) {
    324       zoom = zoomWidth;
    325     } else {
    326       var zoomHeight = windowWithScrollbars.height / pageDimensions.height;
    327       zoom = Math.min(zoomWidth, zoomHeight);
    328     }
    329     return zoom;
    330   },
    332   /**
    333    * Zoom the viewport so that the page-width consumes the entire viewport.
    334    */
    335   fitToWidth: function() {
    336     this.fittingType_ = Viewport.FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH;
    337     if (!this.documentDimensions_)
    338       return;
    339     // Track the last y-position so we stay at the same position after zooming.
    340     var oldY = this.window_.pageYOffset / this.zoom_;
    341     // When computing fit-to-width, the maximum width of a page in the document
    342     // is used, which is equal to the size of the document width.
    343     this.setZoom_(this.computeFittingZoom_(this.documentDimensions_, true));
    344     var page = this.getMostVisiblePage();
    345     this.window_.scrollTo(0, oldY * this.zoom_);
    346     this.updateViewport_();
    347   },
    349   /**
    350    * Zoom the viewport so that a page consumes the entire viewport. Also scrolls
    351    * to the top of the most visible page.
    352    */
    353   fitToPage: function() {
    354     this.fittingType_ = Viewport.FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE;
    355     if (!this.documentDimensions_)
    356       return;
    357     var page = this.getMostVisiblePage();
    358     this.setZoom_(this.computeFittingZoom_(this.pageDimensions_[page], false));
    359     // Center the document in the page by scrolling by the amount of empty
    360     // space to the left of the document.
    361     var xOffset =
    362         (this.documentDimensions_.width - this.pageDimensions_[page].width) *
    363         this.zoom_ / 2;
    364     this.window_.scrollTo(xOffset,
    365                           this.pageDimensions_[page].y * this.zoom_);
    366     this.updateViewport_();
    367   },
    369   /**
    370    * Zoom out to the next predefined zoom level.
    371    */
    372   zoomOut: function() {
    373     this.fittingType_ = Viewport.FittingType.NONE;
    374     var nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[0];
    375     for (var i = 0; i < Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length; i++) {
    376       if (Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i] < this.zoom_)
    377         nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i];
    378     }
    379     this.setZoom_(nextZoom);
    380     this.updateViewport_();
    381   },
    383   /**
    384    * Zoom in to the next predefined zoom level.
    385    */
    386   zoomIn: function() {
    387     this.fittingType_ = Viewport.FittingType.NONE;
    388     var nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length - 1];
    389     for (var i = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    390       if (Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i] > this.zoom_)
    391         nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i];
    392     }
    393     this.setZoom_(nextZoom);
    394     this.updateViewport_();
    395   },
    397   /**
    398    * Go to the given page index.
    399    * @param {number} page the index of the page to go to.
    400    */
    401   goToPage: function(page) {
    402     if (this.pageDimensions_.length == 0)
    403       return;
    404     if (page < 0)
    405       page = 0;
    406     if (page >= this.pageDimensions_.length)
    407       page = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
    408     var dimensions = this.pageDimensions_[page];
    409     this.window_.scrollTo(dimensions.x * this.zoom_, dimensions.y * this.zoom_);
    410   },
    412   /**
    413    * Set the dimensions of the document.
    414    * @param {Object} documentDimensions the dimensions of the document
    415    */
    416   setDocumentDimensions: function(documentDimensions) {
    417     var initialDimensions = !this.documentDimensions_;
    418     this.documentDimensions_ = documentDimensions;
    419     this.pageDimensions_ = this.documentDimensions_.pageDimensions;
    420     if (initialDimensions) {
    421       this.setZoom_(this.computeFittingZoom_(this.documentDimensions_, true));
    422       if (this.zoom_ > 1)
    423         this.setZoom_(1);
    424       this.window_.scrollTo(0, 0);
    425     }
    426     this.contentSizeChanged_();
    427     this.resize_();
    428   },
    430   /**
    431    * Get the coordinates of the page contents (excluding the page shadow)
    432    * relative to the screen.
    433    * @param {number} page the index of the page to get the rect for.
    434    * @return {Object} a rect representing the page in screen coordinates.
    435    */
    436   getPageScreenRect: function(page) {
    437     if (page >= this.pageDimensions_.length)
    438       page = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
    440     var pageDimensions = this.pageDimensions_[page];
    442     // Compute the page dimensions minus the shadows.
    443     var insetDimensions = {
    444       x: pageDimensions.x + Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.left,
    445       y: pageDimensions.y + Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.top,
    446       width: pageDimensions.width - Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.left -
    447           Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.right,
    448       height: pageDimensions.height - Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.top -
    449           Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.bottom
    450     };
    452     // Compute the x-coordinate of the page within the document.
    453     // TODO(raymes): This should really be set when the PDF plugin passes the
    454     // page coordinates, but it isn't yet.
    455     var x = (this.documentDimensions_.width - pageDimensions.width) / 2 +
    456         Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.left;
    457     // Compute the space on the left of the document if the document fits
    458     // completely in the screen.
    459     var spaceOnLeft = (this.size.width -
    460         this.documentDimensions_.width * this.zoom_) / 2;
    461     spaceOnLeft = Math.max(spaceOnLeft, 0);
    463     return {
    464       x: x * this.zoom_ + spaceOnLeft - this.window_.pageXOffset,
    465       y: insetDimensions.y * this.zoom_ - this.window_.pageYOffset,
    466       width: insetDimensions.width * this.zoom_,
    467       height: insetDimensions.height * this.zoom_
    468     };
    469   }
    470 };