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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_format_vp8.h"
     13 #include <assert.h>  // assert
     14 #include <string.h>  // memcpy
     16 #include <vector>
     18 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/vp8_partition_aggregator.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/logging.h"
     21 namespace webrtc {
     22 namespace {
     23 struct ParsedPayload {
     24   ParsedPayload() : data(NULL), data_length(0) {}
     26   const uint8_t* data;  // Start address of parsed payload data.
     27   int data_length;      // Length of parsed payload data.
     28 };
     30 int ParseVP8PictureID(RTPVideoHeaderVP8* vp8,
     31                       const uint8_t** data,
     32                       int* data_length,
     33                       int* parsed_bytes) {
     34   assert(vp8 != NULL);
     35   if (*data_length <= 0)
     36     return -1;
     38   vp8->pictureId = (**data & 0x7F);
     39   if (**data & 0x80) {
     40     (*data)++;
     41     (*parsed_bytes)++;
     42     if (--(*data_length) <= 0)
     43       return -1;
     44     // PictureId is 15 bits
     45     vp8->pictureId = (vp8->pictureId << 8) + **data;
     46   }
     47   (*data)++;
     48   (*parsed_bytes)++;
     49   (*data_length)--;
     50   return 0;
     51 }
     53 int ParseVP8Tl0PicIdx(RTPVideoHeaderVP8* vp8,
     54                       const uint8_t** data,
     55                       int* data_length,
     56                       int* parsed_bytes) {
     57   assert(vp8 != NULL);
     58   if (*data_length <= 0)
     59     return -1;
     61   vp8->tl0PicIdx = **data;
     62   (*data)++;
     63   (*parsed_bytes)++;
     64   (*data_length)--;
     65   return 0;
     66 }
     68 int ParseVP8TIDAndKeyIdx(RTPVideoHeaderVP8* vp8,
     69                          const uint8_t** data,
     70                          int* data_length,
     71                          int* parsed_bytes,
     72                          bool has_tid,
     73                          bool has_key_idx) {
     74   assert(vp8 != NULL);
     75   if (*data_length <= 0)
     76     return -1;
     78   if (has_tid) {
     79     vp8->temporalIdx = ((**data >> 6) & 0x03);
     80     vp8->layerSync = (**data & 0x20) ? true : false;  // Y bit
     81   }
     82   if (has_key_idx) {
     83     vp8->keyIdx = (**data & 0x1F);
     84   }
     85   (*data)++;
     86   (*parsed_bytes)++;
     87   (*data_length)--;
     88   return 0;
     89 }
     91 int ParseVP8Extension(RTPVideoHeaderVP8* vp8,
     92                       const uint8_t* data,
     93                       int data_length) {
     94   assert(vp8 != NULL);
     95   int parsed_bytes = 0;
     96   if (data_length <= 0)
     97     return -1;
     98   // Optional X field is present.
     99   bool has_picture_id = (*data & 0x80) ? true : false;   // I bit
    100   bool has_tl0_pic_idx = (*data & 0x40) ? true : false;  // L bit
    101   bool has_tid = (*data & 0x20) ? true : false;          // T bit
    102   bool has_key_idx = (*data & 0x10) ? true : false;      // K bit
    104   // Advance data and decrease remaining payload size.
    105   data++;
    106   parsed_bytes++;
    107   data_length--;
    109   if (has_picture_id) {
    110     if (ParseVP8PictureID(vp8, &data, &data_length, &parsed_bytes) != 0) {
    111       return -1;
    112     }
    113   }
    115   if (has_tl0_pic_idx) {
    116     if (ParseVP8Tl0PicIdx(vp8, &data, &data_length, &parsed_bytes) != 0) {
    117       return -1;
    118     }
    119   }
    121   if (has_tid || has_key_idx) {
    122     if (ParseVP8TIDAndKeyIdx(
    123             vp8, &data, &data_length, &parsed_bytes, has_tid, has_key_idx) !=
    124         0) {
    125       return -1;
    126     }
    127   }
    128   return parsed_bytes;
    129 }
    131 int ParseVP8FrameSize(WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header,
    132                       const uint8_t* data,
    133                       int data_length) {
    134   assert(rtp_header != NULL);
    135   if (rtp_header->frameType != kVideoFrameKey) {
    136     // Included in payload header for I-frames.
    137     return 0;
    138   }
    139   if (data_length < 10) {
    140     // For an I-frame we should always have the uncompressed VP8 header
    141     // in the beginning of the partition.
    142     return -1;
    143   }
    144   rtp_header->type.Video.width = ((data[7] << 8) + data[6]) & 0x3FFF;
    145   rtp_header->type.Video.height = ((data[9] << 8) + data[8]) & 0x3FFF;
    146   return 0;
    147 }
    149 //
    150 // VP8 format:
    151 //
    152 // Payload descriptor
    153 //       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    154 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    155 //      |X|R|N|S|PartID | (REQUIRED)
    156 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    157 // X:   |I|L|T|K|  RSV  | (OPTIONAL)
    158 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    159 // I:   |   PictureID   | (OPTIONAL)
    160 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    161 // L:   |   TL0PICIDX   | (OPTIONAL)
    162 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    163 // T/K: |TID:Y| KEYIDX  | (OPTIONAL)
    164 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    165 //
    166 // Payload header (considered part of the actual payload, sent to decoder)
    167 //       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    168 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    169 //      |Size0|H| VER |P|
    170 //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    171 //      |      ...      |
    172 //      +               +
    173 bool ParseVP8(WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header,
    174               const uint8_t* data,
    175               int data_length,
    176               ParsedPayload* payload) {
    177   assert(rtp_header != NULL);
    178   // Parse mandatory first byte of payload descriptor.
    179   bool extension = (*data & 0x80) ? true : false;               // X bit
    180   bool beginning_of_partition = (*data & 0x10) ? true : false;  // S bit
    181   int partition_id = (*data & 0x0F);                            // PartID field
    183   rtp_header->type.Video.isFirstPacket =
    184       beginning_of_partition && (partition_id == 0);
    186   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.nonReference =
    187       (*data & 0x20) ? true : false;  // N bit
    188   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.partitionId = partition_id;
    189   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.beginningOfPartition =
    190       beginning_of_partition;
    191   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.pictureId = kNoPictureId;
    192   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.tl0PicIdx = kNoTl0PicIdx;
    193   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.temporalIdx = kNoTemporalIdx;
    194   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.layerSync = false;
    195   rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.keyIdx = kNoKeyIdx;
    197   if (partition_id > 8) {
    198     // Weak check for corrupt data: PartID MUST NOT be larger than 8.
    199     return false;
    200   }
    202   // Advance data and decrease remaining payload size.
    203   data++;
    204   data_length--;
    206   if (extension) {
    207     const int parsed_bytes = ParseVP8Extension(
    208         &rtp_header->type.Video.codecHeader.VP8, data, data_length);
    209     if (parsed_bytes < 0)
    210       return false;
    211     data += parsed_bytes;
    212     data_length -= parsed_bytes;
    213   }
    215   if (data_length <= 0) {
    216     LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error parsing VP8 payload descriptor!";
    217     return false;
    218   }
    220   // Read P bit from payload header (only at beginning of first partition).
    221   if (data_length > 0 && beginning_of_partition && partition_id == 0) {
    222     rtp_header->frameType = (*data & 0x01) ? kVideoFrameDelta : kVideoFrameKey;
    223   } else {
    224     rtp_header->frameType = kVideoFrameDelta;
    225   }
    227   if (0 != ParseVP8FrameSize(rtp_header, data, data_length)) {
    228     return false;
    229   }
    230   payload->data = data;
    231   payload->data_length = data_length;
    232   return true;
    233 }
    234 }  // namespace
    236 // Define how the VP8PacketizerModes are implemented.
    237 // Modes are: kStrict, kAggregate, kEqualSize.
    238 const RtpPacketizerVp8::AggregationMode RtpPacketizerVp8::aggr_modes_
    239     [kNumModes] = {kAggrNone, kAggrPartitions, kAggrFragments};
    240 const bool RtpPacketizerVp8::balance_modes_[kNumModes] = {true, true, true};
    241 const bool RtpPacketizerVp8::separate_first_modes_[kNumModes] = {true, false,
    242                                                                  false};
    244 RtpPacketizerVp8::RtpPacketizerVp8(const RTPVideoHeaderVP8& hdr_info,
    245                                    int max_payload_len,
    246                                    VP8PacketizerMode mode)
    247     : payload_data_(NULL),
    248       payload_size_(0),
    249       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_(1),
    250       aggr_mode_(aggr_modes_[mode]),
    251       balance_(balance_modes_[mode]),
    252       separate_first_(separate_first_modes_[mode]),
    253       hdr_info_(hdr_info),
    254       num_partitions_(0),
    255       max_payload_len_(max_payload_len),
    256       packets_calculated_(false) {
    257 }
    259 RtpPacketizerVp8::RtpPacketizerVp8(const RTPVideoHeaderVP8& hdr_info,
    260                                    int max_payload_len)
    261     : payload_data_(NULL),
    262       payload_size_(0),
    263       part_info_(),
    264       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_(1),
    265       aggr_mode_(aggr_modes_[kEqualSize]),
    266       balance_(balance_modes_[kEqualSize]),
    267       separate_first_(separate_first_modes_[kEqualSize]),
    268       hdr_info_(hdr_info),
    269       num_partitions_(0),
    270       max_payload_len_(max_payload_len),
    271       packets_calculated_(false) {
    272 }
    274 RtpPacketizerVp8::~RtpPacketizerVp8() {
    275 }
    277 void RtpPacketizerVp8::SetPayloadData(
    278     const uint8_t* payload_data,
    279     size_t payload_size,
    280     const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) {
    281   payload_data_ = payload_data;
    282   payload_size_ = payload_size;
    283   if (fragmentation) {
    284     part_info_.CopyFrom(*fragmentation);
    285     num_partitions_ = fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize;
    286   } else {
    287     part_info_.VerifyAndAllocateFragmentationHeader(1);
    288     part_info_.fragmentationLength[0] = payload_size;
    289     part_info_.fragmentationOffset[0] = 0;
    290     num_partitions_ = part_info_.fragmentationVectorSize;
    291   }
    292 }
    294 bool RtpPacketizerVp8::NextPacket(uint8_t* buffer,
    295                                   size_t* bytes_to_send,
    296                                   bool* last_packet) {
    297   if (!packets_calculated_) {
    298     int ret = 0;
    299     if (aggr_mode_ == kAggrPartitions && balance_) {
    300       ret = GeneratePacketsBalancedAggregates();
    301     } else {
    302       ret = GeneratePackets();
    303     }
    304     if (ret < 0) {
    305       return false;
    306     }
    307   }
    308   if (packets_.empty()) {
    309     return false;
    310   }
    311   InfoStruct packet_info = packets_.front();
    312   packets_.pop();
    314   int bytes = WriteHeaderAndPayload(packet_info, buffer, max_payload_len_);
    315   if (bytes < 0) {
    316     return false;
    317   }
    318   *bytes_to_send = bytes;
    320   *last_packet = packets_.empty();
    321   return true;
    322 }
    324 ProtectionType RtpPacketizerVp8::GetProtectionType() {
    325   bool protect =
    326       hdr_info_.temporalIdx == 0 || hdr_info_.temporalIdx == kNoTemporalIdx;
    327   return protect ? kProtectedPacket : kUnprotectedPacket;
    328 }
    330 StorageType RtpPacketizerVp8::GetStorageType(uint32_t retransmission_settings) {
    331   StorageType storage = kAllowRetransmission;
    332   if (hdr_info_.temporalIdx == 0 &&
    333       !(retransmission_settings & kRetransmitBaseLayer)) {
    334     storage = kDontRetransmit;
    335   } else if (hdr_info_.temporalIdx != kNoTemporalIdx &&
    336              hdr_info_.temporalIdx > 0 &&
    337              !(retransmission_settings & kRetransmitHigherLayers)) {
    338     storage = kDontRetransmit;
    339   }
    340   return storage;
    341 }
    343 std::string RtpPacketizerVp8::ToString() {
    344   return "RtpPacketizerVp8";
    345 }
    347 int RtpPacketizerVp8::CalcNextSize(int max_payload_len,
    348                                    int remaining_bytes,
    349                                    bool split_payload) const {
    350   if (max_payload_len == 0 || remaining_bytes == 0) {
    351     return 0;
    352   }
    353   if (!split_payload) {
    354     return max_payload_len >= remaining_bytes ? remaining_bytes : 0;
    355   }
    357   if (balance_) {
    358     // Balance payload sizes to produce (almost) equal size
    359     // fragments.
    360     // Number of fragments for remaining_bytes:
    361     int num_frags = remaining_bytes / max_payload_len + 1;
    362     // Number of bytes in this fragment:
    363     return static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(remaining_bytes) / num_frags +
    364                             0.5);
    365   } else {
    366     return max_payload_len >= remaining_bytes ? remaining_bytes
    367                                               : max_payload_len;
    368   }
    369 }
    371 int RtpPacketizerVp8::GeneratePackets() {
    372   if (max_payload_len_ < vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ +
    373                              PayloadDescriptorExtraLength() + 1) {
    374     // The provided payload length is not long enough for the payload
    375     // descriptor and one payload byte. Return an error.
    376     return -1;
    377   }
    378   int total_bytes_processed = 0;
    379   bool start_on_new_fragment = true;
    380   bool beginning = true;
    381   int part_ix = 0;
    382   while (total_bytes_processed < payload_size_) {
    383     int packet_bytes = 0;       // How much data to send in this packet.
    384     bool split_payload = true;  // Splitting of partitions is initially allowed.
    385     int remaining_in_partition = part_info_.fragmentationOffset[part_ix] -
    386                                  total_bytes_processed +
    387                                  part_info_.fragmentationLength[part_ix];
    388     int rem_payload_len =
    389         max_payload_len_ -
    390         (vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + PayloadDescriptorExtraLength());
    391     int first_partition_in_packet = part_ix;
    393     while (int next_size = CalcNextSize(
    394                rem_payload_len, remaining_in_partition, split_payload)) {
    395       packet_bytes += next_size;
    396       rem_payload_len -= next_size;
    397       remaining_in_partition -= next_size;
    399       if (remaining_in_partition == 0 && !(beginning && separate_first_)) {
    400         // Advance to next partition?
    401         // Check that there are more partitions; verify that we are either
    402         // allowed to aggregate fragments, or that we are allowed to
    403         // aggregate intact partitions and that we started this packet
    404         // with an intact partition (indicated by first_fragment_ == true).
    405         if (part_ix + 1 < num_partitions_ &&
    406             ((aggr_mode_ == kAggrFragments) ||
    407              (aggr_mode_ == kAggrPartitions && start_on_new_fragment))) {
    408           assert(part_ix < num_partitions_);
    409           remaining_in_partition = part_info_.fragmentationLength[++part_ix];
    410           // Disallow splitting unless kAggrFragments. In kAggrPartitions,
    411           // we can only aggregate intact partitions.
    412           split_payload = (aggr_mode_ == kAggrFragments);
    413         }
    414       } else if (balance_ && remaining_in_partition > 0) {
    415         break;
    416       }
    417     }
    418     if (remaining_in_partition == 0) {
    419       ++part_ix;  // Advance to next partition.
    420     }
    421     assert(packet_bytes > 0);
    423     QueuePacket(total_bytes_processed,
    424                 packet_bytes,
    425                 first_partition_in_packet,
    426                 start_on_new_fragment);
    427     total_bytes_processed += packet_bytes;
    428     start_on_new_fragment = (remaining_in_partition == 0);
    429     beginning = false;  // Next packet cannot be first packet in frame.
    430   }
    431   packets_calculated_ = true;
    432   assert(total_bytes_processed == payload_size_);
    433   return 0;
    434 }
    436 int RtpPacketizerVp8::GeneratePacketsBalancedAggregates() {
    437   if (max_payload_len_ < vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ +
    438                              PayloadDescriptorExtraLength() + 1) {
    439     // The provided payload length is not long enough for the payload
    440     // descriptor and one payload byte. Return an error.
    441     return -1;
    442   }
    443   std::vector<int> partition_decision;
    444   const int overhead =
    445       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + PayloadDescriptorExtraLength();
    446   const uint32_t max_payload_len = max_payload_len_ - overhead;
    447   int min_size, max_size;
    448   AggregateSmallPartitions(&partition_decision, &min_size, &max_size);
    450   int total_bytes_processed = 0;
    451   int part_ix = 0;
    452   while (part_ix < num_partitions_) {
    453     if (partition_decision[part_ix] == -1) {
    454       // Split large partitions.
    455       int remaining_partition = part_info_.fragmentationLength[part_ix];
    456       int num_fragments = Vp8PartitionAggregator::CalcNumberOfFragments(
    457           remaining_partition, max_payload_len, overhead, min_size, max_size);
    458       const int packet_bytes =
    459           (remaining_partition + num_fragments - 1) / num_fragments;
    460       for (int n = 0; n < num_fragments; ++n) {
    461         const int this_packet_bytes = packet_bytes < remaining_partition
    462                                           ? packet_bytes
    463                                           : remaining_partition;
    464         QueuePacket(
    465             total_bytes_processed, this_packet_bytes, part_ix, (n == 0));
    466         remaining_partition -= this_packet_bytes;
    467         total_bytes_processed += this_packet_bytes;
    468         if (this_packet_bytes < min_size) {
    469           min_size = this_packet_bytes;
    470         }
    471         if (this_packet_bytes > max_size) {
    472           max_size = this_packet_bytes;
    473         }
    474       }
    475       assert(remaining_partition == 0);
    476       ++part_ix;
    477     } else {
    478       int this_packet_bytes = 0;
    479       const int first_partition_in_packet = part_ix;
    480       const int aggregation_index = partition_decision[part_ix];
    481       while (static_cast<size_t>(part_ix) < partition_decision.size() &&
    482              partition_decision[part_ix] == aggregation_index) {
    483         // Collect all partitions that were aggregated into the same packet.
    484         this_packet_bytes += part_info_.fragmentationLength[part_ix];
    485         ++part_ix;
    486       }
    487       QueuePacket(total_bytes_processed,
    488                   this_packet_bytes,
    489                   first_partition_in_packet,
    490                   true);
    491       total_bytes_processed += this_packet_bytes;
    492     }
    493   }
    494   packets_calculated_ = true;
    495   return 0;
    496 }
    498 void RtpPacketizerVp8::AggregateSmallPartitions(std::vector<int>* partition_vec,
    499                                                 int* min_size,
    500                                                 int* max_size) {
    501   assert(min_size && max_size);
    502   *min_size = -1;
    503   *max_size = -1;
    504   assert(partition_vec);
    505   partition_vec->assign(num_partitions_, -1);
    506   const int overhead =
    507       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + PayloadDescriptorExtraLength();
    508   const uint32_t max_payload_len = max_payload_len_ - overhead;
    509   int first_in_set = 0;
    510   int last_in_set = 0;
    511   int num_aggregate_packets = 0;
    512   // Find sets of partitions smaller than max_payload_len_.
    513   while (first_in_set < num_partitions_) {
    514     if (part_info_.fragmentationLength[first_in_set] < max_payload_len) {
    515       // Found start of a set.
    516       last_in_set = first_in_set;
    517       while (last_in_set + 1 < num_partitions_ &&
    518              part_info_.fragmentationLength[last_in_set + 1] <
    519                  max_payload_len) {
    520         ++last_in_set;
    521       }
    522       // Found end of a set. Run optimized aggregator. It is ok if start == end.
    523       Vp8PartitionAggregator aggregator(part_info_, first_in_set, last_in_set);
    524       if (*min_size >= 0 && *max_size >= 0) {
    525         aggregator.SetPriorMinMax(*min_size, *max_size);
    526       }
    527       Vp8PartitionAggregator::ConfigVec optimal_config =
    528           aggregator.FindOptimalConfiguration(max_payload_len, overhead);
    529       aggregator.CalcMinMax(optimal_config, min_size, max_size);
    530       for (int i = first_in_set, j = 0; i <= last_in_set; ++i, ++j) {
    531         // Transfer configuration for this set of partitions to the joint
    532         // partition vector representing all partitions in the frame.
    533         (*partition_vec)[i] = num_aggregate_packets + optimal_config[j];
    534       }
    535       num_aggregate_packets += optimal_config.back() + 1;
    536       first_in_set = last_in_set;
    537     }
    538     ++first_in_set;
    539   }
    540 }
    542 void RtpPacketizerVp8::QueuePacket(int start_pos,
    543                                    int packet_size,
    544                                    int first_partition_in_packet,
    545                                    bool start_on_new_fragment) {
    546   // Write info to packet info struct and store in packet info queue.
    547   InfoStruct packet_info;
    548   packet_info.payload_start_pos = start_pos;
    549   packet_info.size = packet_size;
    550   packet_info.first_partition_ix = first_partition_in_packet;
    551   packet_info.first_fragment = start_on_new_fragment;
    552   packets_.push(packet_info);
    553 }
    555 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WriteHeaderAndPayload(const InfoStruct& packet_info,
    556                                             uint8_t* buffer,
    557                                             int buffer_length) const {
    558   // Write the VP8 payload descriptor.
    559   //       0
    560   //       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    561   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    562   //      |X| |N|S| PART_ID |
    563   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    564   // X:   |I|L|T|K|         | (mandatory if any of the below are used)
    565   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    566   // I:   |PictureID (8/16b)| (optional)
    567   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    568   // L:   |   TL0PIC_IDX    | (optional)
    569   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    570   // T/K: |TID:Y|  KEYIDX   | (optional)
    571   //      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    573   assert(packet_info.size > 0);
    574   buffer[0] = 0;
    575   if (XFieldPresent())
    576     buffer[0] |= kXBit;
    577   if (hdr_info_.nonReference)
    578     buffer[0] |= kNBit;
    579   if (packet_info.first_fragment)
    580     buffer[0] |= kSBit;
    581   buffer[0] |= (packet_info.first_partition_ix & kPartIdField);
    583   const int extension_length = WriteExtensionFields(buffer, buffer_length);
    585   memcpy(&buffer[vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + extension_length],
    586          &payload_data_[packet_info.payload_start_pos],
    587          packet_info.size);
    589   // Return total length of written data.
    590   return packet_info.size + vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ +
    591          extension_length;
    592 }
    594 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WriteExtensionFields(uint8_t* buffer,
    595                                            int buffer_length) const {
    596   int extension_length = 0;
    597   if (XFieldPresent()) {
    598     uint8_t* x_field = buffer + vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_;
    599     *x_field = 0;
    600     extension_length = 1;  // One octet for the X field.
    601     if (PictureIdPresent()) {
    602       if (WritePictureIDFields(
    603               x_field, buffer, buffer_length, &extension_length) < 0) {
    604         return -1;
    605       }
    606     }
    607     if (TL0PicIdxFieldPresent()) {
    608       if (WriteTl0PicIdxFields(
    609               x_field, buffer, buffer_length, &extension_length) < 0) {
    610         return -1;
    611       }
    612     }
    613     if (TIDFieldPresent() || KeyIdxFieldPresent()) {
    614       if (WriteTIDAndKeyIdxFields(
    615               x_field, buffer, buffer_length, &extension_length) < 0) {
    616         return -1;
    617       }
    618     }
    619     assert(extension_length == PayloadDescriptorExtraLength());
    620   }
    621   return extension_length;
    622 }
    624 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WritePictureIDFields(uint8_t* x_field,
    625                                            uint8_t* buffer,
    626                                            int buffer_length,
    627                                            int* extension_length) const {
    628   *x_field |= kIBit;
    629   const int pic_id_length = WritePictureID(
    630       buffer + vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + *extension_length,
    631       buffer_length - vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ - *extension_length);
    632   if (pic_id_length < 0)
    633     return -1;
    634   *extension_length += pic_id_length;
    635   return 0;
    636 }
    638 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WritePictureID(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_length) const {
    639   const uint16_t pic_id = static_cast<uint16_t>(hdr_info_.pictureId);
    640   int picture_id_len = PictureIdLength();
    641   if (picture_id_len > buffer_length)
    642     return -1;
    643   if (picture_id_len == 2) {
    644     buffer[0] = 0x80 | ((pic_id >> 8) & 0x7F);
    645     buffer[1] = pic_id & 0xFF;
    646   } else if (picture_id_len == 1) {
    647     buffer[0] = pic_id & 0x7F;
    648   }
    649   return picture_id_len;
    650 }
    652 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WriteTl0PicIdxFields(uint8_t* x_field,
    653                                            uint8_t* buffer,
    654                                            int buffer_length,
    655                                            int* extension_length) const {
    656   if (buffer_length <
    657       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + *extension_length + 1) {
    658     return -1;
    659   }
    660   *x_field |= kLBit;
    661   buffer[vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + *extension_length] =
    662       hdr_info_.tl0PicIdx;
    663   ++*extension_length;
    664   return 0;
    665 }
    667 int RtpPacketizerVp8::WriteTIDAndKeyIdxFields(uint8_t* x_field,
    668                                               uint8_t* buffer,
    669                                               int buffer_length,
    670                                               int* extension_length) const {
    671   if (buffer_length <
    672       vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + *extension_length + 1) {
    673     return -1;
    674   }
    675   uint8_t* data_field =
    676       &buffer[vp8_fixed_payload_descriptor_bytes_ + *extension_length];
    677   *data_field = 0;
    678   if (TIDFieldPresent()) {
    679     *x_field |= kTBit;
    680     assert(hdr_info_.temporalIdx <= 3);
    681     *data_field |= hdr_info_.temporalIdx << 6;
    682     *data_field |= hdr_info_.layerSync ? kYBit : 0;
    683   }
    684   if (KeyIdxFieldPresent()) {
    685     *x_field |= kKBit;
    686     *data_field |= (hdr_info_.keyIdx & kKeyIdxField);
    687   }
    688   ++*extension_length;
    689   return 0;
    690 }
    692 int RtpPacketizerVp8::PayloadDescriptorExtraLength() const {
    693   int length_bytes = PictureIdLength();
    694   if (TL0PicIdxFieldPresent())
    695     ++length_bytes;
    696   if (TIDFieldPresent() || KeyIdxFieldPresent())
    697     ++length_bytes;
    698   if (length_bytes > 0)
    699     ++length_bytes;  // Include the extension field.
    700   return length_bytes;
    701 }
    703 int RtpPacketizerVp8::PictureIdLength() const {
    704   if (hdr_info_.pictureId == kNoPictureId) {
    705     return 0;
    706   }
    707   if (hdr_info_.pictureId <= 0x7F) {
    708     return 1;
    709   }
    710   return 2;
    711 }
    713 bool RtpPacketizerVp8::XFieldPresent() const {
    714   return (TIDFieldPresent() || TL0PicIdxFieldPresent() || PictureIdPresent() ||
    715           KeyIdxFieldPresent());
    716 }
    718 bool RtpPacketizerVp8::TIDFieldPresent() const {
    719   assert((hdr_info_.layerSync == false) ||
    720          (hdr_info_.temporalIdx != kNoTemporalIdx));
    721   return (hdr_info_.temporalIdx != kNoTemporalIdx);
    722 }
    724 bool RtpPacketizerVp8::KeyIdxFieldPresent() const {
    725   return (hdr_info_.keyIdx != kNoKeyIdx);
    726 }
    728 bool RtpPacketizerVp8::TL0PicIdxFieldPresent() const {
    729   return (hdr_info_.tl0PicIdx != kNoTl0PicIdx);
    730 }
    732 RtpDepacketizerVp8::RtpDepacketizerVp8(RtpData* const callback)
    733     : callback_(callback) {
    734 }
    736 bool RtpDepacketizerVp8::Parse(WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header,
    737                                const uint8_t* payload_data,
    738                                size_t payload_data_length) {
    739   ParsedPayload payload;
    740   if (!ParseVP8(rtp_header, payload_data, payload_data_length, &payload))
    741     return false;
    743   if (payload.data_length == 0)
    744     return true;
    746   if (callback_->OnReceivedPayloadData(
    747           payload.data, payload.data_length, rtp_header) != 0) {
    748     return false;
    749   }
    750   return true;
    751 }
    752 }  // namespace webrtc