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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "extensions/renderer/dispatcher.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/callback.h"
      9 #include "base/command_line.h"
     10 #include "base/debug/alias.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/metrics/user_metrics_action.h"
     13 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
     14 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     16 #include "base/values.h"
     17 #include "content/grit/content_resources.h"
     18 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
     19 #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
     20 #include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h"
     21 #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h"
     22 #include "content/public/renderer/v8_value_converter.h"
     23 #include "extensions/common/api/messaging/message.h"
     24 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
     25 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
     26 #include "extensions/common/extension_api.h"
     27 #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h"
     28 #include "extensions/common/extension_urls.h"
     29 #include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
     30 #include "extensions/common/features/feature_provider.h"
     31 #include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
     32 #include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
     33 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/background_info.h"
     34 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/externally_connectable.h"
     35 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/options_page_info.h"
     36 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/sandboxed_page_info.h"
     37 #include "extensions/common/message_bundle.h"
     38 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_set.h"
     39 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
     40 #include "extensions/common/switches.h"
     41 #include "extensions/common/view_type.h"
     42 #include "extensions/renderer/api_activity_logger.h"
     43 #include "extensions/renderer/api_definitions_natives.h"
     44 #include "extensions/renderer/app_runtime_custom_bindings.h"
     45 #include "extensions/renderer/app_window_custom_bindings.h"
     46 #include "extensions/renderer/binding_generating_native_handler.h"
     47 #include "extensions/renderer/blob_native_handler.h"
     48 #include "extensions/renderer/content_watcher.h"
     49 #include "extensions/renderer/context_menus_custom_bindings.h"
     50 #include "extensions/renderer/css_native_handler.h"
     51 #include "extensions/renderer/dispatcher_delegate.h"
     52 #include "extensions/renderer/document_custom_bindings.h"
     53 #include "extensions/renderer/dom_activity_logger.h"
     54 #include "extensions/renderer/event_bindings.h"
     55 #include "extensions/renderer/extension_groups.h"
     56 #include "extensions/renderer/extension_helper.h"
     57 #include "extensions/renderer/extensions_renderer_client.h"
     58 #include "extensions/renderer/file_system_natives.h"
     59 #include "extensions/renderer/guest_view/guest_view_internal_custom_bindings.h"
     60 #include "extensions/renderer/i18n_custom_bindings.h"
     61 #include "extensions/renderer/id_generator_custom_bindings.h"
     62 #include "extensions/renderer/lazy_background_page_native_handler.h"
     63 #include "extensions/renderer/logging_native_handler.h"
     64 #include "extensions/renderer/messaging_bindings.h"
     65 #include "extensions/renderer/module_system.h"
     66 #include "extensions/renderer/print_native_handler.h"
     67 #include "extensions/renderer/process_info_native_handler.h"
     68 #include "extensions/renderer/render_view_observer_natives.h"
     69 #include "extensions/renderer/request_sender.h"
     70 #include "extensions/renderer/runtime_custom_bindings.h"
     71 #include "extensions/renderer/safe_builtins.h"
     72 #include "extensions/renderer/script_context.h"
     73 #include "extensions/renderer/script_context_set.h"
     74 #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection.h"
     75 #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection_manager.h"
     76 #include "extensions/renderer/send_request_natives.h"
     77 #include "extensions/renderer/set_icon_natives.h"
     78 #include "extensions/renderer/test_features_native_handler.h"
     79 #include "extensions/renderer/user_gestures_native_handler.h"
     80 #include "extensions/renderer/utils_native_handler.h"
     81 #include "extensions/renderer/v8_context_native_handler.h"
     82 #include "grit/extensions_renderer_resources.h"
     83 #include "mojo/public/js/bindings/constants.h"
     84 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
     85 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
     86 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebCustomElement.h"
     87 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDataSource.h"
     88 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
     89 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
     90 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebRuntimeFeatures.h"
     91 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebScopedUserGesture.h"
     92 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSecurityPolicy.h"
     93 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h"
     94 #include "ui/base/layout.h"
     95 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     96 #include "v8/include/v8.h"
     98 using base::UserMetricsAction;
     99 using blink::WebDataSource;
    100 using blink::WebDocument;
    101 using blink::WebFrame;
    102 using blink::WebScopedUserGesture;
    103 using blink::WebSecurityPolicy;
    104 using blink::WebString;
    105 using blink::WebVector;
    106 using blink::WebView;
    107 using content::RenderThread;
    108 using content::RenderView;
    110 namespace extensions {
    112 namespace {
    114 static const int64 kInitialExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs = 5 * 1000;
    115 static const int64 kMaxExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs = 5 * 60 * 1000;
    116 static const char kEventDispatchFunction[] = "dispatchEvent";
    117 static const char kOnSuspendEvent[] = "runtime.onSuspend";
    118 static const char kOnSuspendCanceledEvent[] = "runtime.onSuspendCanceled";
    120 // Returns the global value for "chrome" from |context|. If one doesn't exist
    121 // creates a new object for it.
    122 //
    123 // Note that this isn't necessarily an object, since webpages can write, for
    124 // example, "window.chrome = true".
    125 v8::Handle<v8::Value> GetOrCreateChrome(ScriptContext* context) {
    126   v8::Handle<v8::String> chrome_string(
    127       v8::String::NewFromUtf8(context->isolate(), "chrome"));
    128   v8::Handle<v8::Object> global(context->v8_context()->Global());
    129   v8::Handle<v8::Value> chrome(global->Get(chrome_string));
    130   if (chrome->IsUndefined()) {
    131     chrome = v8::Object::New(context->isolate());
    132     global->Set(chrome_string, chrome);
    133   }
    134   return chrome;
    135 }
    137 // Returns |value| cast to an object if possible, else an empty handle.
    138 v8::Handle<v8::Object> AsObjectOrEmpty(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value) {
    139   return value->IsObject() ? value.As<v8::Object>() : v8::Handle<v8::Object>();
    140 }
    142 // Calls a method |method_name| in a module |module_name| belonging to the
    143 // module system from |context|. Intended as a callback target from
    144 // ScriptContextSet::ForEach.
    145 void CallModuleMethod(const std::string& module_name,
    146                       const std::string& method_name,
    147                       const base::ListValue* args,
    148                       ScriptContext* context) {
    149   v8::HandleScope handle_scope(context->isolate());
    150   v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context->v8_context());
    152   scoped_ptr<content::V8ValueConverter> converter(
    153       content::V8ValueConverter::create());
    155   std::vector<v8::Handle<v8::Value> > arguments;
    156   for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = args->begin(); it != args->end();
    157        ++it) {
    158     arguments.push_back(converter->ToV8Value(*it, context->v8_context()));
    159   }
    161   context->module_system()->CallModuleMethod(
    162       module_name, method_name, &arguments);
    163 }
    165 // This handles the "chrome." root API object in script contexts.
    166 class ChromeNativeHandler : public ObjectBackedNativeHandler {
    167  public:
    168   explicit ChromeNativeHandler(ScriptContext* context)
    169       : ObjectBackedNativeHandler(context) {
    170     RouteFunction(
    171         "GetChrome",
    172         base::Bind(&ChromeNativeHandler::GetChrome, base::Unretained(this)));
    173   }
    175   void GetChrome(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
    176     args.GetReturnValue().Set(GetOrCreateChrome(context()));
    177   }
    178 };
    180 }  // namespace
    182 Dispatcher::Dispatcher(DispatcherDelegate* delegate)
    183     : delegate_(delegate),
    184       content_watcher_(new ContentWatcher()),
    185       source_map_(&ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance()),
    186       v8_schema_registry_(new V8SchemaRegistry),
    187       is_webkit_initialized_(false),
    188       user_script_set_manager_observer_(this),
    189       webrequest_used_(false) {
    190   const CommandLine& command_line = *(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess());
    191   is_extension_process_ =
    192       command_line.HasSwitch(extensions::switches::kExtensionProcess) ||
    193       command_line.HasSwitch(::switches::kSingleProcess);
    195   if (is_extension_process_) {
    196     RenderThread::Get()->SetIdleNotificationDelayInMs(
    197         kInitialExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs);
    198   }
    200   RenderThread::Get()->RegisterExtension(SafeBuiltins::CreateV8Extension());
    202   user_script_set_manager_.reset(new UserScriptSetManager(&extensions_));
    203   script_injection_manager_.reset(
    204       new ScriptInjectionManager(&extensions_, user_script_set_manager_.get()));
    205   user_script_set_manager_observer_.Add(user_script_set_manager_.get());
    206   request_sender_.reset(new RequestSender(this));
    207   PopulateSourceMap();
    208 }
    210 Dispatcher::~Dispatcher() {
    211 }
    213 void Dispatcher::OnRenderViewCreated(content::RenderView* render_view) {
    214   script_injection_manager_->OnRenderViewCreated(render_view);
    215 }
    217 bool Dispatcher::IsExtensionActive(const std::string& extension_id) const {
    218   bool is_active =
    219       active_extension_ids_.find(extension_id) != active_extension_ids_.end();
    220   if (is_active)
    221     CHECK(extensions_.Contains(extension_id));
    222   return is_active;
    223 }
    225 const Extension* Dispatcher::GetExtensionFromFrameAndWorld(
    226     const WebFrame* frame,
    227     int world_id,
    228     bool use_effective_url) {
    229   std::string extension_id;
    230   if (world_id != 0) {
    231     // Isolated worlds (content script).
    232     extension_id = ScriptInjection::GetExtensionIdForIsolatedWorld(world_id);
    233   } else if (!frame->document().securityOrigin().isUnique()) {
    234     // TODO(kalman): Delete the above check.
    236     // Extension pages (chrome-extension:// URLs).
    237     GURL frame_url = ScriptContext::GetDataSourceURLForFrame(frame);
    238     frame_url = ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURL(
    239         frame, frame_url, use_effective_url);
    240     extension_id = extensions_.GetExtensionOrAppIDByURL(frame_url);
    241   }
    243   const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(extension_id);
    244   if (!extension && !extension_id.empty()) {
    245     // There are conditions where despite a context being associated with an
    246     // extension, no extension actually gets found.  Ignore "invalid" because
    247     // CSP blocks extension page loading by switching the extension ID to
    248     // "invalid". This isn't interesting.
    249     if (extension_id != "invalid") {
    250       LOG(ERROR) << "Extension \"" << extension_id << "\" not found";
    251       RenderThread::Get()->RecordAction(
    252           UserMetricsAction("ExtensionNotFound_ED"));
    253     }
    254   }
    255   return extension;
    256 }
    258 void Dispatcher::DidCreateScriptContext(
    259     WebFrame* frame,
    260     const v8::Handle<v8::Context>& v8_context,
    261     int extension_group,
    262     int world_id) {
    263 #if !defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    264   return;
    265 #endif
    267   const Extension* extension =
    268       GetExtensionFromFrameAndWorld(frame, world_id, false);
    269   const Extension* effective_extension =
    270       GetExtensionFromFrameAndWorld(frame, world_id, true);
    272   GURL frame_url = ScriptContext::GetDataSourceURLForFrame(frame);
    273   Feature::Context context_type =
    274       ClassifyJavaScriptContext(extension,
    275                                 extension_group,
    276                                 frame_url,
    277                                 frame->document().securityOrigin());
    278   Feature::Context effective_context_type = ClassifyJavaScriptContext(
    279       effective_extension,
    280       extension_group,
    281       ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURL(frame, frame_url, true),
    282       frame->document().securityOrigin());
    284   ScriptContext* context =
    285       delegate_->CreateScriptContext(v8_context,
    286                                      frame,
    287                                      extension,
    288                                      context_type,
    289                                      effective_extension,
    290                                      effective_context_type).release();
    291   script_context_set_.Add(context);
    293   // Initialize origin permissions for content scripts, which can't be
    294   // initialized in |OnActivateExtension|.
    295   if (context_type == Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT)
    296     InitOriginPermissions(extension);
    298   {
    299     scoped_ptr<ModuleSystem> module_system(
    300         new ModuleSystem(context, &source_map_));
    301     context->set_module_system(module_system.Pass());
    302   }
    303   ModuleSystem* module_system = context->module_system();
    305   // Enable natives in startup.
    306   ModuleSystem::NativesEnabledScope natives_enabled_scope(module_system);
    308   RegisterNativeHandlers(module_system, context);
    310   // chrome.Event is part of the public API (although undocumented). Make it
    311   // lazily evalulate to Event from event_bindings.js. For extensions only
    312   // though, not all webpages!
    313   if (context->extension()) {
    314     v8::Handle<v8::Object> chrome = AsObjectOrEmpty(GetOrCreateChrome(context));
    315     if (!chrome.IsEmpty())
    316       module_system->SetLazyField(chrome, "Event", kEventBindings, "Event");
    317   }
    319   UpdateBindingsForContext(context);
    321   bool is_within_platform_app = IsWithinPlatformApp();
    322   // Inject custom JS into the platform app context.
    323   if (is_within_platform_app) {
    324     module_system->Require("platformApp");
    325   }
    327   // Note: setting up the WebView class here, not the chrome.webview API.
    328   // The API will be automatically set up when first used.
    329   if (context->GetAvailability("webViewInternal").is_available()) {
    330     module_system->Require("webView");
    331     if (context->GetAvailability("webViewExperimentalInternal")
    332             .is_available()) {
    333       module_system->Require("webViewExperimental");
    334     }
    335   } else if (context_type == extensions::Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT) {
    336     module_system->Require("denyWebView");
    337   }
    339   delegate_->RequireAdditionalModules(context, is_within_platform_app);
    341   VLOG(1) << "Num tracked contexts: " << script_context_set_.size();
    342 }
    344 void Dispatcher::WillReleaseScriptContext(
    345     WebFrame* frame,
    346     const v8::Handle<v8::Context>& v8_context,
    347     int world_id) {
    348   ScriptContext* context = script_context_set_.GetByV8Context(v8_context);
    349   if (!context)
    350     return;
    352   context->DispatchOnUnloadEvent();
    353   // TODO(kalman): add an invalidation observer interface to ScriptContext.
    354   request_sender_->InvalidateSource(context);
    356   script_context_set_.Remove(context);
    357   VLOG(1) << "Num tracked contexts: " << script_context_set_.size();
    358 }
    360 void Dispatcher::DidCreateDocumentElement(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    361   // Note: use GetEffectiveDocumentURL not just frame->document()->url()
    362   // so that this also injects the stylesheet on about:blank frames that
    363   // are hosted in the extension process.
    364   GURL effective_document_url = ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURL(
    365       frame, frame->document().url(), true /* match_about_blank */);
    367   const Extension* extension =
    368       extensions_.GetExtensionOrAppByURL(effective_document_url);
    370   if (extension &&
    371       (extension->is_extension() || extension->is_platform_app())) {
    372     int resource_id = extension->is_platform_app() ? IDR_PLATFORM_APP_CSS
    373                                                    : IDR_EXTENSION_FONTS_CSS;
    374     std::string stylesheet = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance()
    375                                  .GetRawDataResource(resource_id)
    376                                  .as_string();
    377     ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(
    378         &stylesheet, 0, "$FONTFAMILY", system_font_family_);
    379     ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(
    380         &stylesheet, 0, "$FONTSIZE", system_font_size_);
    382     // Blink doesn't let us define an additional user agent stylesheet, so
    383     // we insert the default platform app or extension stylesheet into all
    384     // documents that are loaded in each app or extension.
    385     frame->document().insertStyleSheet(WebString::fromUTF8(stylesheet));
    386   }
    388   // This preprocessor directive is because this file is still built in Android
    389   // builds, but OptionsPageInfo is not. For Android builds, exclude this block
    390   // of code to prevent link errors.
    391 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    392   // If this is an extension options page, and the extension has opted into
    393   // using Chrome styles, then insert the Chrome extension stylesheet.
    394   if (extension && extension->is_extension() &&
    395       OptionsPageInfo::ShouldUseChromeStyle(extension) &&
    396       effective_document_url == OptionsPageInfo::GetOptionsPage(extension)) {
    397     frame->document().insertStyleSheet(
    398         WebString::fromUTF8(ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance()
    399                                 .GetRawDataResource(IDR_EXTENSION_CSS)
    400                                 .as_string()));
    401   }
    402 #endif
    404   content_watcher_->DidCreateDocumentElement(frame);
    405 }
    407 void Dispatcher::DidMatchCSS(
    408     blink::WebFrame* frame,
    409     const blink::WebVector<blink::WebString>& newly_matching_selectors,
    410     const blink::WebVector<blink::WebString>& stopped_matching_selectors) {
    411   content_watcher_->DidMatchCSS(
    412       frame, newly_matching_selectors, stopped_matching_selectors);
    413 }
    415 void Dispatcher::OnExtensionResponse(int request_id,
    416                                      bool success,
    417                                      const base::ListValue& response,
    418                                      const std::string& error) {
    419   request_sender_->HandleResponse(request_id, success, response, error);
    420 }
    422 bool Dispatcher::CheckContextAccessToExtensionAPI(
    423     const std::string& function_name,
    424     ScriptContext* context) const {
    425   if (!context) {
    426     DLOG(ERROR) << "Not in a v8::Context";
    427     return false;
    428   }
    430   // Theoretically we could end up with bindings being injected into sandboxed
    431   // frames, for example content scripts. Don't let them execute API functions.
    432   blink::WebFrame* frame = context->web_frame();
    433   if (IsSandboxedPage(ScriptContext::GetDataSourceURLForFrame(frame))) {
    434     static const char kMessage[] =
    435         "%s cannot be used within a sandboxed frame.";
    436     std::string error_msg = base::StringPrintf(kMessage, function_name.c_str());
    437     context->isolate()->ThrowException(v8::Exception::Error(
    438         v8::String::NewFromUtf8(context->isolate(), error_msg.c_str())));
    439     return false;
    440   }
    442   Feature::Availability availability = context->GetAvailability(function_name);
    443   if (!availability.is_available()) {
    444     context->isolate()->ThrowException(
    445         v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(
    446             context->isolate(), availability.message().c_str())));
    447   }
    449   return availability.is_available();
    450 }
    452 void Dispatcher::DispatchEvent(const std::string& extension_id,
    453                                const std::string& event_name) const {
    454   base::ListValue args;
    455   args.Set(0, new base::StringValue(event_name));
    456   args.Set(1, new base::ListValue());
    458   // Needed for Windows compilation, since kEventBindings is declared extern.
    459   const char* local_event_bindings = kEventBindings;
    460   script_context_set_.ForEach(extension_id,
    461                               base::Bind(&CallModuleMethod,
    462                                          local_event_bindings,
    463                                          kEventDispatchFunction,
    464                                          &args));
    465 }
    467 void Dispatcher::InvokeModuleSystemMethod(content::RenderView* render_view,
    468                                           const std::string& extension_id,
    469                                           const std::string& module_name,
    470                                           const std::string& function_name,
    471                                           const base::ListValue& args,
    472                                           bool user_gesture) {
    473   scoped_ptr<WebScopedUserGesture> web_user_gesture;
    474   if (user_gesture)
    475     web_user_gesture.reset(new WebScopedUserGesture);
    477   script_context_set_.ForEach(
    478       extension_id,
    479       render_view,
    480       base::Bind(&CallModuleMethod, module_name, function_name, &args));
    482   // Reset the idle handler each time there's any activity like event or message
    483   // dispatch, for which Invoke is the chokepoint.
    484   if (is_extension_process_) {
    485     RenderThread::Get()->ScheduleIdleHandler(
    486         kInitialExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs);
    487   }
    489   // Tell the browser process when an event has been dispatched with a lazy
    490   // background page active.
    491   const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(extension_id);
    492   if (extension && BackgroundInfo::HasLazyBackgroundPage(extension) &&
    493       module_name == kEventBindings &&
    494       function_name == kEventDispatchFunction) {
    495     RenderView* background_view =
    496         ExtensionHelper::GetBackgroundPage(extension_id);
    497     if (background_view) {
    498       background_view->Send(
    499           new ExtensionHostMsg_EventAck(background_view->GetRoutingID()));
    500     }
    501   }
    502 }
    504 void Dispatcher::ClearPortData(int port_id) {
    505   // Only the target port side has entries in |port_to_tab_id_map_|. If
    506   // |port_id| is a source port, std::map::erase() will just silently fail
    507   // here as a no-op.
    508   port_to_tab_id_map_.erase(port_id);
    509 }
    511 // static
    512 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > Dispatcher::GetJsResources() {
    513   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > resources;
    515   // Libraries.
    516   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("entryIdManager", IDR_ENTRY_ID_MANAGER));
    517   resources.push_back(std::make_pair(kEventBindings, IDR_EVENT_BINDINGS_JS));
    518   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("imageUtil", IDR_IMAGE_UTIL_JS));
    519   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("json_schema", IDR_JSON_SCHEMA_JS));
    520   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("lastError", IDR_LAST_ERROR_JS));
    521   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("messaging", IDR_MESSAGING_JS));
    522   resources.push_back(
    523       std::make_pair("messaging_utils", IDR_MESSAGING_UTILS_JS));
    524   resources.push_back(std::make_pair(kSchemaUtils, IDR_SCHEMA_UTILS_JS));
    525   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("sendRequest", IDR_SEND_REQUEST_JS));
    526   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("setIcon", IDR_SET_ICON_JS));
    527   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("test", IDR_TEST_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    528   resources.push_back(
    529       std::make_pair("test_environment_specific_bindings",
    531   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("uncaught_exception_handler",
    532                                      IDR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_JS));
    533   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("unload_event", IDR_UNLOAD_EVENT_JS));
    534   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("utils", IDR_UTILS_JS));
    535   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("webRequest",
    536                                      IDR_WEB_REQUEST_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    537   resources.push_back(
    538        std::make_pair("webRequestInternal",
    539                       IDR_WEB_REQUEST_INTERNAL_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    540   // Note: webView not webview so that this doesn't interfere with the
    541   // chrome.webview API bindings.
    542   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("webView", IDR_WEB_VIEW_JS));
    543   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("webViewEvents", IDR_WEB_VIEW_EVENTS_JS));
    544   resources.push_back(
    545       std::make_pair("webViewExperimental", IDR_WEB_VIEW_EXPERIMENTAL_JS));
    546   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("webViewInternal",
    547                                      IDR_WEB_VIEW_INTERNAL_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    548   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("denyWebView", IDR_WEB_VIEW_DENY_JS));
    549   resources.push_back(
    550       std::make_pair(mojo::kBufferModuleName, IDR_MOJO_BUFFER_JS));
    551   resources.push_back(
    552       std::make_pair(mojo::kCodecModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CODEC_JS));
    553   resources.push_back(
    554       std::make_pair(mojo::kConnectionModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CONNECTION_JS));
    555   resources.push_back(
    556       std::make_pair(mojo::kConnectorModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CONNECTOR_JS));
    557   resources.push_back(
    558       std::make_pair(mojo::kRouterModuleName, IDR_MOJO_ROUTER_JS));
    559   resources.push_back(
    560       std::make_pair(mojo::kUnicodeModuleName, IDR_MOJO_UNICODE_JS));
    561   resources.push_back(
    562       std::make_pair(mojo::kValidatorModuleName, IDR_MOJO_VALIDATOR_JS));
    564   // Custom bindings.
    565   resources.push_back(
    566       std::make_pair("app.runtime", IDR_APP_RUNTIME_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    567   resources.push_back(
    568       std::make_pair("app.window", IDR_APP_WINDOW_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    569   resources.push_back(
    570       std::make_pair("declarativeWebRequest",
    572   resources.push_back(
    573       std::make_pair("contextMenus", IDR_CONTEXT_MENUS_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    574   resources.push_back(
    575       std::make_pair("extension", IDR_EXTENSION_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    576   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("i18n", IDR_I18N_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    577   resources.push_back(
    578       std::make_pair("permissions", IDR_PERMISSIONS_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    579   resources.push_back(
    580       std::make_pair("runtime", IDR_RUNTIME_CUSTOM_BINDINGS_JS));
    581   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("windowControls", IDR_WINDOW_CONTROLS_JS));
    582   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("binding", IDR_BINDING_JS));
    584   // Custom types sources.
    585   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("StorageArea", IDR_STORAGE_AREA_JS));
    587   // Platform app sources that are not API-specific..
    588   resources.push_back(std::make_pair("platformApp", IDR_PLATFORM_APP_JS));
    590   return resources;
    591 }
    593 // NOTE: please use the naming convention "foo_natives" for these.
    594 // static
    595 void Dispatcher::RegisterNativeHandlers(ModuleSystem* module_system,
    596                                         ScriptContext* context,
    597                                         Dispatcher* dispatcher,
    598                                         RequestSender* request_sender,
    599                                         V8SchemaRegistry* v8_schema_registry) {
    600   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    601       "chrome", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new ChromeNativeHandler(context)));
    602   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    603       "lazy_background_page",
    604       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new LazyBackgroundPageNativeHandler(context)));
    605   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    606       "logging", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new LoggingNativeHandler(context)));
    607   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler("schema_registry",
    608                                        v8_schema_registry->AsNativeHandler());
    609   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    610       "print", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new PrintNativeHandler(context)));
    611   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    612       "test_features",
    613       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new TestFeaturesNativeHandler(context)));
    614   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    615       "user_gestures",
    616       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new UserGesturesNativeHandler(context)));
    617   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    618       "utils", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new UtilsNativeHandler(context)));
    619   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    620       "v8_context",
    621       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(
    622           new V8ContextNativeHandler(context, dispatcher)));
    623   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    624       "event_natives",
    625       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new EventBindings(dispatcher, context)));
    626   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    627       "messaging_natives",
    628       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(MessagingBindings::Get(dispatcher, context)));
    629   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    630       "apiDefinitions",
    631       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(
    632           new ApiDefinitionsNatives(dispatcher, context)));
    633   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    634       "sendRequest",
    635       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(
    636           new SendRequestNatives(request_sender, context)));
    637   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    638       "setIcon",
    639       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new SetIconNatives(request_sender, context)));
    640   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    641       "activityLogger",
    642       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new APIActivityLogger(context)));
    643   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    644       "renderViewObserverNatives",
    645       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new RenderViewObserverNatives(context)));
    647   // Natives used by multiple APIs.
    648   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    649       "file_system_natives",
    650       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new FileSystemNatives(context)));
    652   // Custom bindings.
    653   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    654       "app_runtime",
    655       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new AppRuntimeCustomBindings(context)));
    656   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    657       "app_window_natives",
    658       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(
    659           new AppWindowCustomBindings(dispatcher, context)));
    660   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    661       "blob_natives",
    662       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new BlobNativeHandler(context)));
    663   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    664       "context_menus",
    665       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new ContextMenusCustomBindings(context)));
    666   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    667       "css_natives", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new CssNativeHandler(context)));
    668   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    669       "document_natives",
    670       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new DocumentCustomBindings(context)));
    671   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    672       "guest_view_internal",
    673       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(
    674           new GuestViewInternalCustomBindings(context)));
    675   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    676       "i18n", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new I18NCustomBindings(context)));
    677   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    678       "id_generator",
    679       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new IdGeneratorCustomBindings(context)));
    680   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
    681       "runtime", scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new RuntimeCustomBindings(context)));
    682 }
    684 bool Dispatcher::OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) {
    685   bool handled = true;
    686   IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Dispatcher, message)
    687   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_ActivateExtension, OnActivateExtension)
    688   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_CancelSuspend, OnCancelSuspend)
    689   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_ClearTabSpecificPermissions,
    690                       OnClearTabSpecificPermissions)
    691   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_DeliverMessage, OnDeliverMessage)
    692   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_DispatchOnConnect, OnDispatchOnConnect)
    693   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_DispatchOnDisconnect, OnDispatchOnDisconnect)
    694   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_Loaded, OnLoaded)
    695   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_MessageInvoke, OnMessageInvoke)
    696   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_SetChannel, OnSetChannel)
    697   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_SetFunctionNames, OnSetFunctionNames)
    698   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_SetScriptingWhitelist,
    699                       OnSetScriptingWhitelist)
    700   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_SetSystemFont, OnSetSystemFont)
    701   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_ShouldSuspend, OnShouldSuspend)
    702   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_Suspend, OnSuspend)
    703   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_TransferBlobs, OnTransferBlobs)
    704   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_Unloaded, OnUnloaded)
    705   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_UpdatePermissions, OnUpdatePermissions)
    706   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_UpdateTabSpecificPermissions,
    707                       OnUpdateTabSpecificPermissions)
    708   IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_UsingWebRequestAPI, OnUsingWebRequestAPI)
    709   IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(ExtensionMsg_WatchPages,
    710                       content_watcher_.get(),
    711                       ContentWatcher::OnWatchPages)
    712   IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
    715   return handled;
    716 }
    718 void Dispatcher::WebKitInitialized() {
    719   // For extensions, we want to ensure we call the IdleHandler every so often,
    720   // even if the extension keeps up activity.
    721   if (is_extension_process_) {
    722     forced_idle_timer_.reset(new base::RepeatingTimer<content::RenderThread>);
    723     forced_idle_timer_->Start(
    724         FROM_HERE,
    725         base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs),
    726         RenderThread::Get(),
    727         &RenderThread::IdleHandler);
    728   }
    730   // Initialize host permissions for any extensions that were activated before
    731   // WebKit was initialized.
    732   for (std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = active_extension_ids_.begin();
    733        iter != active_extension_ids_.end();
    734        ++iter) {
    735     const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(*iter);
    736     CHECK(extension);
    738     InitOriginPermissions(extension);
    739   }
    741   EnableCustomElementWhiteList();
    743   is_webkit_initialized_ = true;
    744 }
    746 void Dispatcher::IdleNotification() {
    747   if (is_extension_process_ && forced_idle_timer_) {
    748     // Dampen the forced delay as well if the extension stays idle for long
    749     // periods of time. (forced_idle_timer_ can be NULL after
    750     // OnRenderProcessShutdown has been called.)
    751     int64 forced_delay_ms =
    752         std::max(RenderThread::Get()->GetIdleNotificationDelayInMs(),
    753                  kMaxExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs);
    754     forced_idle_timer_->Stop();
    755     forced_idle_timer_->Start(
    756         FROM_HERE,
    757         base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(forced_delay_ms),
    758         RenderThread::Get(),
    759         &RenderThread::IdleHandler);
    760   }
    761 }
    763 void Dispatcher::OnRenderProcessShutdown() {
    764   v8_schema_registry_.reset();
    765   forced_idle_timer_.reset();
    766 }
    768 void Dispatcher::OnActivateExtension(const std::string& extension_id) {
    769   const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(extension_id);
    770   if (!extension) {
    771     // Extension was activated but was never loaded. This probably means that
    772     // the renderer failed to load it (or the browser failed to tell us when it
    773     // did). Failures shouldn't happen, but instead of crashing there (which
    774     // executes on all renderers) be conservative and only crash in the renderer
    775     // of the extension which failed to load; this one.
    776     std::string& error = extension_load_errors_[extension_id];
    777     char minidump[256];
    778     base::debug::Alias(&minidump);
    779     base::snprintf(minidump,
    780                    arraysize(minidump),
    781                    "e::dispatcher:%s:%s",
    782                    extension_id.c_str(),
    783                    error.c_str());
    784     CHECK(extension) << extension_id << " was never loaded: " << error;
    785   }
    787   active_extension_ids_.insert(extension_id);
    789   // This is called when starting a new extension page, so start the idle
    790   // handler ticking.
    791   RenderThread::Get()->ScheduleIdleHandler(kInitialExtensionIdleHandlerDelayMs);
    793   if (is_webkit_initialized_) {
    794     extensions::DOMActivityLogger::AttachToWorld(
    795         extensions::DOMActivityLogger::kMainWorldId, extension_id);
    797     InitOriginPermissions(extension);
    798   }
    800   UpdateActiveExtensions();
    801 }
    803 void Dispatcher::OnCancelSuspend(const std::string& extension_id) {
    804   DispatchEvent(extension_id, kOnSuspendCanceledEvent);
    805 }
    807 void Dispatcher::OnClearTabSpecificPermissions(
    808     int tab_id,
    809     const std::vector<std::string>& extension_ids) {
    810   delegate_->ClearTabSpecificPermissions(this, tab_id, extension_ids);
    811 }
    813 void Dispatcher::OnDeliverMessage(int target_port_id, const Message& message) {
    814   scoped_ptr<RequestSender::ScopedTabID> scoped_tab_id;
    815   std::map<int, int>::const_iterator it =
    816       port_to_tab_id_map_.find(target_port_id);
    817   if (it != port_to_tab_id_map_.end()) {
    818     scoped_tab_id.reset(
    819         new RequestSender::ScopedTabID(request_sender(), it->second));
    820   }
    822   MessagingBindings::DeliverMessage(script_context_set_,
    823                                     target_port_id,
    824                                     message,
    825                                     NULL);  // All render views.
    826 }
    828 void Dispatcher::OnDispatchOnConnect(
    829     int target_port_id,
    830     const std::string& channel_name,
    831     const base::DictionaryValue& source_tab,
    832     const ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo& info,
    833     const std::string& tls_channel_id) {
    834   DCHECK(!ContainsKey(port_to_tab_id_map_, target_port_id));
    835   DCHECK_EQ(1, target_port_id % 2);  // target renderer ports have odd IDs.
    836   int sender_tab_id = -1;
    837   source_tab.GetInteger("id", &sender_tab_id);
    838   port_to_tab_id_map_[target_port_id] = sender_tab_id;
    840   MessagingBindings::DispatchOnConnect(script_context_set_,
    841                                        target_port_id,
    842                                        channel_name,
    843                                        source_tab,
    844                                        info,
    845                                        tls_channel_id,
    846                                        NULL);  // All render views.
    847 }
    849 void Dispatcher::OnDispatchOnDisconnect(int port_id,
    850                                         const std::string& error_message) {
    851   MessagingBindings::DispatchOnDisconnect(script_context_set_,
    852                                           port_id,
    853                                           error_message,
    854                                           NULL);  // All render views.
    855 }
    857 void Dispatcher::OnLoaded(
    858     const std::vector<ExtensionMsg_Loaded_Params>& loaded_extensions) {
    859   std::vector<ExtensionMsg_Loaded_Params>::const_iterator i;
    860   for (i = loaded_extensions.begin(); i != loaded_extensions.end(); ++i) {
    861     std::string error;
    862     scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension = i->ConvertToExtension(&error);
    863     if (!extension.get()) {
    864       extension_load_errors_[i->id] = error;
    865       continue;
    866     }
    867     OnLoadedInternal(extension);
    868   }
    869   // Update the available bindings for all contexts. These may have changed if
    870   // an externally_connectable extension was loaded that can connect to an
    871   // open webpage.
    872   UpdateBindings("");
    873 }
    875 void Dispatcher::OnLoadedInternal(scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension) {
    876   extensions_.Insert(extension);
    877 }
    879 void Dispatcher::OnMessageInvoke(const std::string& extension_id,
    880                                  const std::string& module_name,
    881                                  const std::string& function_name,
    882                                  const base::ListValue& args,
    883                                  bool user_gesture) {
    884   InvokeModuleSystemMethod(
    885       NULL, extension_id, module_name, function_name, args, user_gesture);
    886 }
    888 void Dispatcher::OnSetChannel(int channel) {
    889   delegate_->SetChannel(channel);
    890 }
    892 void Dispatcher::OnSetFunctionNames(const std::vector<std::string>& names) {
    893   function_names_.clear();
    894   for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
    895     function_names_.insert(names[i]);
    896 }
    898 void Dispatcher::OnSetScriptingWhitelist(
    899     const ExtensionsClient::ScriptingWhitelist& extension_ids) {
    900   ExtensionsClient::Get()->SetScriptingWhitelist(extension_ids);
    901 }
    903 void Dispatcher::OnSetSystemFont(const std::string& font_family,
    904                                  const std::string& font_size) {
    905   system_font_family_ = font_family;
    906   system_font_size_ = font_size;
    907 }
    909 void Dispatcher::OnShouldSuspend(const std::string& extension_id,
    910                                  uint64 sequence_id) {
    911   RenderThread::Get()->Send(
    912       new ExtensionHostMsg_ShouldSuspendAck(extension_id, sequence_id));
    913 }
    915 void Dispatcher::OnSuspend(const std::string& extension_id) {
    916   // Dispatch the suspend event. This doesn't go through the standard event
    917   // dispatch machinery because it requires special handling. We need to let
    918   // the browser know when we are starting and stopping the event dispatch, so
    919   // that it still considers the extension idle despite any activity the suspend
    920   // event creates.
    921   DispatchEvent(extension_id, kOnSuspendEvent);
    922   RenderThread::Get()->Send(new ExtensionHostMsg_SuspendAck(extension_id));
    923 }
    925 void Dispatcher::OnTransferBlobs(const std::vector<std::string>& blob_uuids) {
    926   RenderThread::Get()->Send(new ExtensionHostMsg_TransferBlobsAck(blob_uuids));
    927 }
    929 void Dispatcher::OnUnloaded(const std::string& id) {
    930   extensions_.Remove(id);
    931   active_extension_ids_.erase(id);
    933   // If the extension is later reloaded with a different set of permissions,
    934   // we'd like it to get a new isolated world ID, so that it can pick up the
    935   // changed origin whitelist.
    936   ScriptInjection::RemoveIsolatedWorld(id);
    938   // Invalidate all of the contexts that were removed.
    939   // TODO(kalman): add an invalidation observer interface to ScriptContext.
    940   ScriptContextSet::ContextSet removed_contexts =
    941       script_context_set_.OnExtensionUnloaded(id);
    942   for (ScriptContextSet::ContextSet::iterator it = removed_contexts.begin();
    943        it != removed_contexts.end();
    944        ++it) {
    945     request_sender_->InvalidateSource(*it);
    946   }
    948   // Update the available bindings for the remaining contexts. These may have
    949   // changed if an externally_connectable extension is unloaded and a webpage
    950   // is no longer accessible.
    951   UpdateBindings("");
    953   // Invalidates the messages map for the extension in case the extension is
    954   // reloaded with a new messages map.
    955   EraseL10nMessagesMap(id);
    957   // We don't do anything with existing platform-app stylesheets. They will
    958   // stay resident, but the URL pattern corresponding to the unloaded
    959   // extension's URL just won't match anything anymore.
    960 }
    962 void Dispatcher::OnUpdatePermissions(
    963     const ExtensionMsg_UpdatePermissions_Params& params) {
    964   const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(params.extension_id);
    965   if (!extension)
    966     return;
    968   scoped_refptr<const PermissionSet> active =
    969       params.active_permissions.ToPermissionSet();
    970   scoped_refptr<const PermissionSet> withheld =
    971       params.withheld_permissions.ToPermissionSet();
    973   if (is_webkit_initialized_) {
    974     UpdateOriginPermissions(
    975         extension,
    976         extension->permissions_data()->GetEffectiveHostPermissions(),
    977         active->effective_hosts());
    978   }
    980   extension->permissions_data()->SetPermissions(active, withheld);
    981   UpdateBindings(extension->id());
    982 }
    984 void Dispatcher::OnUpdateTabSpecificPermissions(
    985     const GURL& url,
    986     int tab_id,
    987     const std::string& extension_id,
    988     const URLPatternSet& origin_set) {
    989   delegate_->UpdateTabSpecificPermissions(
    990       this, url, tab_id, extension_id, origin_set);
    991 }
    993 void Dispatcher::OnUsingWebRequestAPI(bool webrequest_used) {
    994   webrequest_used_ = webrequest_used;
    995 }
    997 void Dispatcher::OnUserScriptsUpdated(
    998       const std::set<std::string>& changed_extensions,
    999       const std::vector<UserScript*>& scripts) {
   1000   UpdateActiveExtensions();
   1001 }
   1003 void Dispatcher::UpdateActiveExtensions() {
   1004   std::set<std::string> active_extensions = active_extension_ids_;
   1005   user_script_set_manager_->GetAllActiveExtensionIds(&active_extensions);
   1006   delegate_->OnActiveExtensionsUpdated(active_extensions);
   1007 }
   1009 void Dispatcher::InitOriginPermissions(const Extension* extension) {
   1010   delegate_->InitOriginPermissions(extension,
   1011                                    IsExtensionActive(extension->id()));
   1012   UpdateOriginPermissions(
   1013       extension,
   1014       URLPatternSet(),  // No old permissions.
   1015       extension->permissions_data()->GetEffectiveHostPermissions());
   1016 }
   1018 void Dispatcher::UpdateOriginPermissions(
   1019     const Extension* extension,
   1020     const URLPatternSet& old_patterns,
   1021     const URLPatternSet& new_patterns) {
   1022   static const char* kSchemes[] = {
   1023       url::kHttpScheme,
   1024       url::kHttpsScheme,
   1025       url::kFileScheme,
   1026       content::kChromeUIScheme,
   1027       url::kFtpScheme,
   1028   };
   1029   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSchemes); ++i) {
   1030     const char* scheme = kSchemes[i];
   1031     // Remove all old patterns...
   1032     for (URLPatternSet::const_iterator pattern = old_patterns.begin();
   1033          pattern != old_patterns.end(); ++pattern) {
   1034       if (pattern->MatchesScheme(scheme)) {
   1035         WebSecurityPolicy::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(
   1036             extension->url(),
   1037             WebString::fromUTF8(scheme),
   1038             WebString::fromUTF8(pattern->host()),
   1039             pattern->match_subdomains());
   1040       }
   1041     }
   1042     // ...And add the new ones.
   1043     for (URLPatternSet::const_iterator pattern = new_patterns.begin();
   1044          pattern != new_patterns.end(); ++pattern) {
   1045       if (pattern->MatchesScheme(scheme)) {
   1046         WebSecurityPolicy::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(
   1047             extension->url(),
   1048             WebString::fromUTF8(scheme),
   1049             WebString::fromUTF8(pattern->host()),
   1050             pattern->match_subdomains());
   1051       }
   1052     }
   1053   }
   1054 }
   1056 void Dispatcher::EnableCustomElementWhiteList() {
   1057   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName("appplugin");
   1058   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName("appview");
   1059   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName("browserplugin");
   1060   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName("extensionoptions");
   1061   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName(
   1062       "extensionoptionsplugin");
   1063   blink::WebCustomElement::addEmbedderCustomElementName("webview");
   1064 }
   1066 void Dispatcher::UpdateBindings(const std::string& extension_id) {
   1067   script_context_set().ForEach(extension_id,
   1068                                base::Bind(&Dispatcher::UpdateBindingsForContext,
   1069                                           base::Unretained(this)));
   1070 }
   1072 void Dispatcher::UpdateBindingsForContext(ScriptContext* context) {
   1073   v8::HandleScope handle_scope(context->isolate());
   1074   v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context->v8_context());
   1076   // TODO(kalman): Make the bindings registration have zero overhead then run
   1077   // the same code regardless of context type.
   1078   switch (context->context_type()) {
   1079     case Feature::UNSPECIFIED_CONTEXT:
   1080     case Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT:
   1081     case Feature::BLESSED_WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT: {
   1082       // Web page context; it's too expensive to run the full bindings code.
   1083       // Hard-code that the app and webstore APIs are available...
   1084       if (context->GetAvailability("app").is_available())
   1085         RegisterBinding("app", context);
   1087       if (context->GetAvailability("webstore").is_available())
   1088         RegisterBinding("webstore", context);
   1090       // ... and that the runtime API might be available if any extension can
   1091       // connect to it.
   1092       bool runtime_is_available = false;
   1093       for (ExtensionSet::const_iterator it = extensions_.begin();
   1094            it != extensions_.end();
   1095            ++it) {
   1096         ExternallyConnectableInfo* info =
   1097             static_cast<ExternallyConnectableInfo*>(
   1098                 (*it)->GetManifestData(manifest_keys::kExternallyConnectable));
   1099         if (info && info->matches.MatchesURL(context->GetURL())) {
   1100           runtime_is_available = true;
   1101           break;
   1102         }
   1103       }
   1104       if (runtime_is_available)
   1105         RegisterBinding("runtime", context);
   1106       break;
   1107     }
   1109     case Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT:
   1110     case Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT:
   1111     case Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT:
   1112     case Feature::WEBUI_CONTEXT: {
   1113       // Extension context; iterate through all the APIs and bind the available
   1114       // ones.
   1115       const FeatureProvider* api_feature_provider =
   1116           FeatureProvider::GetAPIFeatures();
   1117       const std::vector<std::string>& apis =
   1118           api_feature_provider->GetAllFeatureNames();
   1119       for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = apis.begin();
   1120            it != apis.end();
   1121            ++it) {
   1122         const std::string& api_name = *it;
   1123         Feature* feature = api_feature_provider->GetFeature(api_name);
   1124         DCHECK(feature);
   1126         // Internal APIs are included via require(api_name) from internal code
   1127         // rather than chrome[api_name].
   1128         if (feature->IsInternal())
   1129           continue;
   1131         // If this API has a parent feature (and isn't marked 'noparent'),
   1132         // then this must be a function or event, so we should not register.
   1133         if (api_feature_provider->GetParent(feature) != NULL)
   1134           continue;
   1136         // Skip chrome.test if this isn't a test.
   1137         if (api_name == "test" &&
   1138             !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
   1139                 ::switches::kTestType)) {
   1140           continue;
   1141         }
   1143         if (context->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(*feature))
   1144           RegisterBinding(api_name, context);
   1145       }
   1146       break;
   1147     }
   1148   }
   1149 }
   1151 void Dispatcher::RegisterBinding(const std::string& api_name,
   1152                                  ScriptContext* context) {
   1153   std::string bind_name;
   1154   v8::Handle<v8::Object> bind_object =
   1155       GetOrCreateBindObjectIfAvailable(api_name, &bind_name, context);
   1157   // Empty if the bind object failed to be created, probably because the
   1158   // extension overrode chrome with a non-object, e.g. window.chrome = true.
   1159   if (bind_object.IsEmpty())
   1160     return;
   1162   v8::Local<v8::String> v8_api_name =
   1163       v8::String::NewFromUtf8(context->isolate(), api_name.c_str());
   1164   if (bind_object->HasRealNamedProperty(v8_api_name)) {
   1165     // The bind object may already have the property if the API has been
   1166     // registered before (or if the extension has put something there already,
   1167     // but, whatevs).
   1168     //
   1169     // In the former case, we need to re-register the bindings for the APIs
   1170     // which the extension now has permissions for (if any), but not touch any
   1171     // others so that we don't destroy state such as event listeners.
   1172     //
   1173     // TODO(kalman): Only register available APIs to make this all moot.
   1174     if (bind_object->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(v8_api_name))
   1175       return;  // lazy binding still there, nothing to do
   1176     if (bind_object->Get(v8_api_name)->IsObject())
   1177       return;  // binding has already been fully installed
   1178   }
   1180   ModuleSystem* module_system = context->module_system();
   1181   if (!source_map_.Contains(api_name)) {
   1182     module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
   1183         api_name,
   1184         scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new BindingGeneratingNativeHandler(
   1185             module_system, api_name, "binding")));
   1186     module_system->SetNativeLazyField(
   1187         bind_object, bind_name, api_name, "binding");
   1188   } else {
   1189     module_system->SetLazyField(bind_object, bind_name, api_name, "binding");
   1190   }
   1191 }
   1193 // NOTE: please use the naming convention "foo_natives" for these.
   1194 void Dispatcher::RegisterNativeHandlers(ModuleSystem* module_system,
   1195                                         ScriptContext* context) {
   1196   RegisterNativeHandlers(module_system,
   1197                          context,
   1198                          this,
   1199                          request_sender_.get(),
   1200                          v8_schema_registry_.get());
   1201   const Extension* extension = context->extension();
   1202   int manifest_version = extension ? extension->manifest_version() : 1;
   1203   bool send_request_disabled =
   1204       (extension && Manifest::IsUnpackedLocation(extension->location()) &&
   1205        BackgroundInfo::HasLazyBackgroundPage(extension));
   1206   module_system->RegisterNativeHandler(
   1207       "process",
   1208       scoped_ptr<NativeHandler>(new ProcessInfoNativeHandler(
   1209           context,
   1210           context->GetExtensionID(),
   1211           context->GetContextTypeDescription(),
   1212           ExtensionsRendererClient::Get()->IsIncognitoProcess(),
   1213           manifest_version,
   1214           send_request_disabled)));
   1216   delegate_->RegisterNativeHandlers(this, module_system, context);
   1217 }
   1219 void Dispatcher::PopulateSourceMap() {
   1220   const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > resources = GetJsResources();
   1221   for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >::const_iterator resource =
   1222            resources.begin();
   1223        resource != resources.end();
   1224        ++resource) {
   1225     source_map_.RegisterSource(resource->first, resource->second);
   1226   }
   1227   delegate_->PopulateSourceMap(&source_map_);
   1228 }
   1230 bool Dispatcher::IsWithinPlatformApp() {
   1231   for (std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = active_extension_ids_.begin();
   1232        iter != active_extension_ids_.end();
   1233        ++iter) {
   1234     const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(*iter);
   1235     if (extension && extension->is_platform_app())
   1236       return true;
   1237   }
   1238   return false;
   1239 }
   1241 // TODO(kalman): This is checking for the wrong thing, it should be checking if
   1242 // the frame's security origin is unique. The extension sandbox directive is
   1243 // checked for in extensions/common/manifest_handlers/csp_info.cc.
   1244 bool Dispatcher::IsSandboxedPage(const GURL& url) const {
   1245   if (url.SchemeIs(kExtensionScheme)) {
   1246     const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(url.host());
   1247     if (extension) {
   1248       return SandboxedPageInfo::IsSandboxedPage(extension, url.path());
   1249     }
   1250   }
   1251   return false;
   1252 }
   1254 Feature::Context Dispatcher::ClassifyJavaScriptContext(
   1255     const Extension* extension,
   1256     int extension_group,
   1257     const GURL& url,
   1258     const blink::WebSecurityOrigin& origin) {
   1259   // WARNING: This logic must match ProcessMap::GetContextType, as much as
   1260   // possible.
   1262   DCHECK_GE(extension_group, 0);
   1263   if (extension_group == EXTENSION_GROUP_CONTENT_SCRIPTS) {
   1264     return extension ?  // TODO(kalman): when does this happen?
   1265                Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT
   1266                      : Feature::UNSPECIFIED_CONTEXT;
   1267   }
   1269   // We have an explicit check for sandboxed pages before checking whether the
   1270   // extension is active in this process because:
   1271   // 1. Sandboxed pages run in the same process as regular extension pages, so
   1272   //    the extension is considered active.
   1273   // 2. ScriptContext creation (which triggers bindings injection) happens
   1274   //    before the SecurityContext is updated with the sandbox flags (after
   1275   //    reading the CSP header), so the caller can't check if the context's
   1276   //    security origin is unique yet.
   1277   if (IsSandboxedPage(url))
   1278     return Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT;
   1280   if (extension && IsExtensionActive(extension->id())) {
   1281     // |extension| is active in this process, but it could be either a true
   1282     // extension process or within the extent of a hosted app. In the latter
   1283     // case this would usually be considered a (blessed) web page context,
   1284     // unless the extension in question is a component extension, in which case
   1285     // we cheat and call it blessed.
   1286     return (extension->is_hosted_app() &&
   1287             extension->location() != Manifest::COMPONENT)
   1288                ? Feature::BLESSED_WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT
   1289                : Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT;
   1290   }
   1292   // TODO(kalman): This isUnique() check is wrong, it should be performed as
   1293   // part of IsSandboxedPage().
   1294   if (!origin.isUnique() && extensions_.ExtensionBindingsAllowed(url)) {
   1295     if (!extension)  // TODO(kalman): when does this happen?
   1296       return Feature::UNSPECIFIED_CONTEXT;
   1297     return extension->is_hosted_app() ? Feature::BLESSED_WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT
   1298                                       : Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT;
   1299   }
   1301   if (!url.is_valid())
   1302     return Feature::UNSPECIFIED_CONTEXT;
   1304   if (url.SchemeIs(content::kChromeUIScheme))
   1305     return Feature::WEBUI_CONTEXT;
   1307   return Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT;
   1308 }
   1310 v8::Handle<v8::Object> Dispatcher::GetOrCreateObject(
   1311     const v8::Handle<v8::Object>& object,
   1312     const std::string& field,
   1313     v8::Isolate* isolate) {
   1314   v8::Handle<v8::String> key = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, field.c_str());
   1315   // If the object has a callback property, it is assumed it is an unavailable
   1316   // API, so it is safe to delete. This is checked before GetOrCreateObject is
   1317   // called.
   1318   if (object->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(key)) {
   1319     object->Delete(key);
   1320   } else if (object->HasRealNamedProperty(key)) {
   1321     v8::Handle<v8::Value> value = object->Get(key);
   1322     CHECK(value->IsObject());
   1323     return v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(value);
   1324   }
   1326   v8::Handle<v8::Object> new_object = v8::Object::New(isolate);
   1327   object->Set(key, new_object);
   1328   return new_object;
   1329 }
   1331 v8::Handle<v8::Object> Dispatcher::GetOrCreateBindObjectIfAvailable(
   1332     const std::string& api_name,
   1333     std::string* bind_name,
   1334     ScriptContext* context) {
   1335   std::vector<std::string> split;
   1336   base::SplitString(api_name, '.', &split);
   1338   v8::Handle<v8::Object> bind_object;
   1340   // Check if this API has an ancestor. If the API's ancestor is available and
   1341   // the API is not available, don't install the bindings for this API. If
   1342   // the API is available and its ancestor is not, delete the ancestor and
   1343   // install the bindings for the API. This is to prevent loading the ancestor
   1344   // API schema if it will not be needed.
   1345   //
   1346   // For example:
   1347   //  If app is available and app.window is not, just install app.
   1348   //  If app.window is available and app is not, delete app and install
   1349   //  app.window on a new object so app does not have to be loaded.
   1350   const FeatureProvider* api_feature_provider =
   1351       FeatureProvider::GetAPIFeatures();
   1352   std::string ancestor_name;
   1353   bool only_ancestor_available = false;
   1355   for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size() - 1; ++i) {
   1356     ancestor_name += (i ? "." : "") + split[i];
   1357     if (api_feature_provider->GetFeature(ancestor_name) &&
   1358         context->GetAvailability(ancestor_name).is_available() &&
   1359         !context->GetAvailability(api_name).is_available()) {
   1360       only_ancestor_available = true;
   1361       break;
   1362     }
   1364     if (bind_object.IsEmpty()) {
   1365       bind_object = AsObjectOrEmpty(GetOrCreateChrome(context));
   1366       if (bind_object.IsEmpty())
   1367         return v8::Handle<v8::Object>();
   1368     }
   1369     bind_object = GetOrCreateObject(bind_object, split[i], context->isolate());
   1370   }
   1372   if (only_ancestor_available)
   1373     return v8::Handle<v8::Object>();
   1375   if (bind_name)
   1376     *bind_name = split.back();
   1378   return bind_object.IsEmpty() ? AsObjectOrEmpty(GetOrCreateChrome(context))
   1379                                : bind_object;
   1380 }
   1382 }  // namespace extensions