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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     13 #include "webrtc/common_audio/resampler/include/resampler.h"
     15 // TODO(andrew): this is a work-in-progress. Many more tests are needed.
     17 namespace webrtc {
     18 namespace {
     19 const ResamplerType kTypes[] = {
     20   kResamplerSynchronous,
     21   kResamplerAsynchronous,
     22   kResamplerSynchronousStereo,
     23   kResamplerAsynchronousStereo
     24   // kResamplerInvalid excluded
     25 };
     26 const size_t kTypesSize = sizeof(kTypes) / sizeof(*kTypes);
     28 // Rates we must support.
     29 const int kMaxRate = 96000;
     30 const int kRates[] = {
     31   8000,
     32   16000,
     33   32000,
     34   44000,
     35   48000,
     36   kMaxRate
     37 };
     38 const size_t kRatesSize = sizeof(kRates) / sizeof(*kRates);
     39 const int kMaxChannels = 2;
     40 const size_t kDataSize = static_cast<size_t> (kMaxChannels * kMaxRate / 100);
     42 // TODO(andrew): should we be supporting these combinations?
     43 bool ValidRates(int in_rate, int out_rate) {
     44   // Not the most compact notation, for clarity.
     45   if ((in_rate == 44000 && (out_rate == 48000 || out_rate == 96000)) ||
     46       (out_rate == 44000 && (in_rate == 48000 || in_rate == 96000))) {
     47     return false;
     48   }
     50   return true;
     51 }
     53 class ResamplerTest : public testing::Test {
     54  protected:
     55   ResamplerTest();
     56   virtual void SetUp();
     57   virtual void TearDown();
     59   Resampler rs_;
     60   int16_t data_in_[kDataSize];
     61   int16_t data_out_[kDataSize];
     62 };
     64 ResamplerTest::ResamplerTest() {}
     66 void ResamplerTest::SetUp() {
     67   // Initialize input data with anything. The tests are content independent.
     68   memset(data_in_, 1, sizeof(data_in_));
     69 }
     71 void ResamplerTest::TearDown() {}
     73 TEST_F(ResamplerTest, Reset) {
     74   // The only failure mode for the constructor is if Reset() fails. For the
     75   // time being then (until an Init function is added), we rely on Reset()
     76   // to test the constructor.
     78   // Check that all required combinations are supported.
     79   for (size_t i = 0; i < kRatesSize; ++i) {
     80     for (size_t j = 0; j < kRatesSize; ++j) {
     81       for (size_t k = 0; k < kTypesSize; ++k) {
     82         std::ostringstream ss;
     83         ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j]
     84             << ", type: " << kTypes[k];
     85         SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str());
     86         if (ValidRates(kRates[i], kRates[j]))
     87           EXPECT_EQ(0, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j], kTypes[k]));
     88         else
     89           EXPECT_EQ(-1, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j], kTypes[k]));
     90       }
     91     }
     92   }
     93 }
     95 // TODO(tlegrand): Replace code inside the two tests below with a function
     96 // with number of channels and ResamplerType as input.
     97 TEST_F(ResamplerTest, Synchronous) {
     98   for (size_t i = 0; i < kRatesSize; ++i) {
     99     for (size_t j = 0; j < kRatesSize; ++j) {
    100       std::ostringstream ss;
    101       ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j];
    102       SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str());
    104       if (ValidRates(kRates[i], kRates[j])) {
    105         int in_length = kRates[i] / 100;
    106         int out_length = 0;
    107         EXPECT_EQ(0, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j], kResamplerSynchronous));
    108         EXPECT_EQ(0, rs_.Push(data_in_, in_length, data_out_, kDataSize,
    109                               out_length));
    110         EXPECT_EQ(kRates[j] / 100, out_length);
    111       } else {
    112         EXPECT_EQ(-1, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j], kResamplerSynchronous));
    113       }
    114     }
    115   }
    116 }
    118 TEST_F(ResamplerTest, SynchronousStereo) {
    119   // Number of channels is 2, stereo mode.
    120   const int kChannels = 2;
    121   for (size_t i = 0; i < kRatesSize; ++i) {
    122     for (size_t j = 0; j < kRatesSize; ++j) {
    123       std::ostringstream ss;
    124       ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j];
    125       SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str());
    127       if (ValidRates(kRates[i], kRates[j])) {
    128         int in_length = kChannels * kRates[i] / 100;
    129         int out_length = 0;
    130         EXPECT_EQ(0, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j],
    131                                kResamplerSynchronousStereo));
    132         EXPECT_EQ(0, rs_.Push(data_in_, in_length, data_out_, kDataSize,
    133                               out_length));
    134         EXPECT_EQ(kChannels * kRates[j] / 100, out_length);
    135       } else {
    136         EXPECT_EQ(-1, rs_.Reset(kRates[i], kRates[j],
    137                                 kResamplerSynchronousStereo));
    138       }
    139     }
    140   }
    141 }
    142 }  // namespace
    143 }  // namespace webrtc