1 /* 2 ******************************************************************************* 3 * 4 * Copyright (C) 1998-2013, International Business Machines 5 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. 6 * 7 ******************************************************************************* 8 * 9 * Private implementation header for C collation 10 * file name: ucol_imp.h 11 * encoding: US-ASCII 12 * tab size: 8 (not used) 13 * indentation:4 14 * 15 * created on: 2000dec11 16 * created by: Vladimir Weinstein 17 * 18 * Modification history 19 * Date Name Comments 20 * 02/16/2001 synwee Added UCOL_GETPREVCE for the use in ucoleitr 21 * 02/27/2001 synwee Added getMaxExpansion data structure in UCollator 22 * 03/02/2001 synwee Added UCOL_IMPLICIT_CE 23 * 03/12/2001 synwee Added pointer start to collIterate. 24 */ 25 26 #ifndef UCOL_IMP_H 27 #define UCOL_IMP_H 28 29 #include "unicode/utypes.h" 30 #ifdef __cplusplus 31 # include "unicode/utf16.h" 32 #endif 33 34 #define UCA_DATA_TYPE "icu" 35 #define UCA_DATA_NAME "ucadata" 36 #define INVC_DATA_TYPE "icu" 37 #define INVC_DATA_NAME "invuca" 38 39 /** 40 * Convenience string denoting the Collation data tree 41 * @internal ICU 3.0 42 */ 43 #define U_ICUDATA_COLL U_ICUDATA_NAME U_TREE_SEPARATOR_STRING "coll" 44 45 #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION 46 47 #ifdef __cplusplus 48 #include "unicode/normalizer2.h" 49 #include "unicode/unistr.h" 50 #endif 51 #include "unicode/ucol.h" 52 #include "ucol_data.h" 53 #include "utrie.h" 54 #include "cmemory.h" 55 56 /* This is the internal header file which contains important declarations for 57 * the collation framework. 58 * Ready to use collators are stored as binary images. Both UCA and tailorings 59 * share the same binary format. Individual files (currently only UCA) have a 60 * udata header in front of the image and should be opened using udata_open. 61 * Tailoring images are currently stored inside resource bundles and are intialized 62 * through ucol_open API. 63 * 64 * The following describes the formats for collation binaries 65 * (UCA & tailorings) and for the inverse UCA table. 66 * Substructures are described in the collation design document at 67 * http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/collation/ICU_collation_design.htm 68 * 69 * ------------------------------------------------------------- 70 * 71 * Here is the format of binary collation image. 72 * 73 * Physical order of structures: 74 * - header (UCATableHeader) 75 * - options (UColOptionSet) 76 * - expansions (CE[]) 77 * - contractions (UChar[contractionSize] + CE[contractionSize]) 78 * - serialized UTrie with mappings of code points to CEs 79 * - max expansion tables (CE[endExpansionCECount] + uint8_t[endExpansionCECount]) 80 * - two bit sets for backward processing in strcoll (identical prefixes) 81 * and for backward CE iteration (each set is uint8_t[UCOL_UNSAFECP_TABLE_SIZE]) 82 * - UCA constants (UCAConstants) 83 * - UCA contractions (UChar[contractionUCACombosSize][contractionUCACombosWidth]) 84 * 85 * UCATableHeader fields: 86 * 87 * int32_t size; - image size in bytes 88 * 89 * Offsets to interesting data. All offsets are in bytes. 90 * to get the address add to the header address and cast properly. 91 * Some offsets are zero if the corresponding structures are empty. 92 * 93 * Tailoring binaries that only set options and contain no mappings etc. 94 * will have all offsets 0 except for the options and expansion offsets, 95 * which give the position and length of the options array. 96 * 97 * uint32_t options; - offset to default collator options (UColOptionSet *), 98 * a set of 32-bit values. See declaration of UColOptionSet for more details 99 * 100 * uint32_t UCAConsts; - only used (!=0) in UCA image - structure which holds values for indirect positioning and implicit ranges 101 * See declaration of UCAConstants structure. This is a set of unsigned 32-bit values used to store 102 * important constant values that are defined in the UCA and used for building and runtime. 103 * 104 * uint32_t contractionUCACombos; - only used (!=0) in UCA image - list of UCA contractions. This is a zero terminated array of UChar[contractionUCACombosWidth], 105 * containing contractions from the UCA. These are needed in the build process to copy UCA contractions 106 * in case the base contraction symbol is tailored. 107 * 108 * uint32_t magic; - must contain UCOL_HEADER_MAGIC (formatVersion 2.3) 109 * 110 * uint32_t mappingPosition; - offset to UTrie (const uint8_t *mappingPosition). This is a serialized UTrie and should be treated as such. 111 * Used as a primary lookup table for collation elements. 112 * 113 * uint32_t expansion; - offset to expansion table (uint32_t *expansion). This is an array of expansion CEs. Never 0. 114 * 115 * uint32_t contractionIndex; - offset to contraction table (UChar *contractionIndex). Used to look up contraction sequences. Contents 116 * are aligned with the contents of contractionCEs table. 0 if no contractions. 117 * 118 * uint32_t contractionCEs; - offset to resulting contraction CEs (uint32_t *contractionCEs). When a contraction is resolved in the 119 * in the contractionIndex table, the resulting index is used to look up corresponding CE in this table. 120 * 0 if no contractions. 121 * uint32_t contractionSize; - size of contraction table in elements (both Index and CEs). 122 * 123 * Tables described below are used for Boyer-Moore searching algorithm - they define the size of longest expansion 124 * and last CEs in expansions. 125 * uint32_t endExpansionCE; - offset to array of last collation element in expansion (uint32_t *). 126 * Never 0. 127 * uint32_t expansionCESize; - array of maximum expansion sizes (uint8_t *) 128 * int32_t endExpansionCECount; - size of endExpansionCE. See UCOL_GETMAXEXPANSION 129 * for the usage model 130 * 131 * These two offsets point to byte tables that are used in the backup heuristics. 132 * uint32_t unsafeCP; - hash table of unsafe code points (uint8_t *). See ucol_unsafeCP function. 133 * uint32_t contrEndCP; - hash table of final code points in contractions (uint8_t *). See ucol_contractionEndCP. 134 * 135 * int32_t contractionUCACombosSize; - number of UChar[contractionUCACombosWidth] in contractionUCACombos 136 * (formatVersion 2.3) 137 * UBool jamoSpecial; - Jamo special indicator (uint8_t). If TRUE, Jamos are special, so we cannot use simple Hangul decomposition. 138 * UBool isBigEndian; - endianness of this collation binary (formatVersion 2.3) 139 * uint8_t charSetFamily; - charset family of this collation binary (formatVersion 2.3) 140 * uint8_t contractionUCACombosWidth; - number of UChars per UCA contraction in contractionUCACombos (formatVersion 2.3) 141 * 142 * Various version fields 143 * UVersionInfo version; - version 4 uint8_t 144 * UVersionInfo UCAVersion; - version 4 uint8_t 145 * UVersionInfo UCDVersion; - version 4 uint8_t 146 * UVersionInfo formatVersion; - version of the format of the collation binary 147 * same formatVersion as in ucadata.icu's UDataInfo header 148 * (formatVersion 2.3) 149 * 150 * uint32_t offset to the reordering code to lead CE byte remapping table 151 * uint32_t offset to the lead CE byte to reordering code mapping table 152 * 153 * uint8_t reserved[76]; - currently unused 154 * 155 * ------------------------------------------------------------- 156 * 157 * Inverse UCA is used for constructing collators from rules. It is always an individual file 158 * and always has a UDataInfo header. 159 * here is the structure: 160 * 161 * uint32_t byteSize; - size of inverse UCA image in bytes 162 * uint32_t tableSize; - length of inverse table (number of uint32_t[3] rows) 163 * uint32_t contsSize; - size of continuation table (number of UChars in table) 164 * 165 * uint32_t table; - offset to inverse table (uint32_t *) 166 * Inverse table contains of rows of 3 uint32_t values. First two values are CE and a possible continuation 167 * the third value is either a code unit (if there is only one code unit for element) or an index to continuation 168 * (number of code units combined with an index). 169 * table. If more than one codepoint have the same CE, continuation table contains code units separated by FFFF and final 170 * code unit sequence for a CE is terminated by FFFE. 171 * uint32_t conts; - offset to continuation table (uint16_t *). Contains code units that transform to a same CE. 172 * 173 * UVersionInfo UCAVersion; - version of the UCA, read from file 4 uint8_t 174 * uint8_t padding[8]; - padding 8 uint8_t 175 * Header is followed by the table and continuation table. 176 */ 177 178 /* definition of UCOL_HEADER_MAGIC moved to common/ucol_data.h */ 179 180 /* UDataInfo for UCA mapping table */ 181 /* dataFormat="UCol" */ 182 #define UCA_DATA_FORMAT_0 ((uint8_t)0x55) 183 #define UCA_DATA_FORMAT_1 ((uint8_t)0x43) 184 #define UCA_DATA_FORMAT_2 ((uint8_t)0x6f) 185 #define UCA_DATA_FORMAT_3 ((uint8_t)0x6c) 186 187 #define UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_0 ((uint8_t)3) 188 #define UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_1 0 189 #define UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_2 ((uint8_t)0) 190 #define UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_3 ((uint8_t)0) 191 192 /* UDataInfo for inverse UCA table */ 193 /* dataFormat="InvC" */ 194 #define INVUCA_DATA_FORMAT_0 ((uint8_t)0x49) 195 #define INVUCA_DATA_FORMAT_1 ((uint8_t)0x6E) 196 #define INVUCA_DATA_FORMAT_2 ((uint8_t)0x76) 197 #define INVUCA_DATA_FORMAT_3 ((uint8_t)0x43) 198 199 #define INVUCA_FORMAT_VERSION_0 ((uint8_t)2) 200 #define INVUCA_FORMAT_VERSION_1 ((uint8_t)1) 201 #define INVUCA_FORMAT_VERSION_2 ((uint8_t)0) 202 #define INVUCA_FORMAT_VERSION_3 ((uint8_t)0) 203 204 /* This is the size of the stack allocated buffer for sortkey generation and similar operations */ 205 /* if it is too small, heap allocation will occur.*/ 206 /* you can change this value if you need memory - it will affect the performance, though, since we're going to malloc */ 207 #define UCOL_MAX_BUFFER 128 208 209 #define UCOL_NORMALIZATION_GROWTH 2 210 #define UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MAX_BUFFER UCOL_MAX_BUFFER*UCOL_NORMALIZATION_GROWTH 211 212 /* This writable buffer is used if we encounter Thai and need to reorder the string on the fly */ 213 /* Sometimes we already have a writable buffer (like in case of normalized strings). */ 214 /* 215 you can change this value to any value >= 4 if you need memory - 216 it will affect the performance, though, since we're going to malloc. 217 Note 3 is the minimum value for Thai collation and 4 is the 218 minimum number for special Jamo 219 */ 220 #define UCOL_WRITABLE_BUFFER_SIZE 256 221 222 /* This is the size of the buffer for expansion CE's */ 223 /* In reality we should not have to deal with expm sequences longer then 16 */ 224 /* you can change this value if you need memory */ 225 /* WARNING THIS BUFFER DOES HAVE MALLOC FALLBACK. If you make it too small, you'll get into performance trouble */ 226 /* Reasonable small value is around 10, if you don't do Arabic or other funky collations that have long expansion sequence */ 227 /* This is the longest expansion sequence we can handle without bombing out */ 228 #define UCOL_EXPAND_CE_BUFFER_SIZE 64 229 230 /* This is the size to increase the buffer for expansion CE's */ 231 #define UCOL_EXPAND_CE_BUFFER_EXTEND_SIZE 64 232 233 234 /* Unsafe UChar hash table table size. */ 235 /* size is 32 bytes for 1 bit for each latin 1 char + some power of two for */ 236 /* hashing the rest of the chars. Size in bytes */ 237 #define UCOL_UNSAFECP_TABLE_SIZE 1056 238 /* mask value down to "some power of two"-1 */ 239 /* number of bits, not num of bytes. */ 240 #define UCOL_UNSAFECP_TABLE_MASK 0x1fff 241 242 243 /* flags bits for collIterate.flags */ 244 /* */ 245 /* NORM - set for incremental normalize of source string */ 246 #define UCOL_ITER_NORM 1 247 248 #define UCOL_ITER_HASLEN 2 249 250 /* UCOL_ITER_INNORMBUF - set if the "pos" is in */ 251 /* the writable side buffer, handling */ 252 /* incrementally normalized characters. */ 253 #define UCOL_ITER_INNORMBUF 4 254 255 /* UCOL_ITER_ALLOCATED - set if this iterator has */ 256 /* malloced storage to expand a buffer. */ 257 #define UCOL_ITER_ALLOCATED 8 258 /* UCOL_HIRAGANA_Q - note if the codepoint was hiragana */ 259 #define UCOL_HIRAGANA_Q 16 260 /* UCOL_WAS_HIRAGANA - set to TRUE if there was a Hiragana */ 261 /* otherwise set to false */ 262 #define UCOL_WAS_HIRAGANA 32 263 /* UCOL_USE_ITERATOR - set this if collIterate uses a */ 264 /* character iterator instead of simply accessing string */ 265 /* by index */ 266 #define UCOL_USE_ITERATOR 64 267 268 #define UCOL_FORCE_HAN_IMPLICIT 128 269 270 #define NFC_ZERO_CC_BLOCK_LIMIT_ 0x300 271 272 #ifdef __cplusplus 273 274 U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN 275 276 typedef struct collIterate : public UMemory { 277 const UChar *string; /* Original string */ 278 /* UChar *start; Pointer to the start of the source string. Either points to string 279 or to writableBuffer */ 280 const UChar *endp; /* string end ptr. Is undefined for null terminated strings */ 281 const UChar *pos; /* This is position in the string. Can be to original or writable buf */ 282 283 uint32_t *toReturn; /* This is the CE from CEs buffer that should be returned */ 284 uint32_t *CEpos; /* This is the position to which we have stored processed CEs */ 285 286 int32_t *offsetReturn; /* This is the offset to return, if non-NULL */ 287 int32_t *offsetStore; /* This is the pointer for storing offsets */ 288 int32_t offsetRepeatCount; /* Repeat stored offset if non-zero */ 289 int32_t offsetRepeatValue; /* offset value to repeat */ 290 291 UnicodeString writableBuffer; 292 const UChar *fcdPosition; /* Position in the original string to continue FCD check from. */ 293 const UCollator *coll; 294 const Normalizer2 *nfd; 295 uint8_t flags; 296 uint8_t origFlags; 297 uint32_t *extendCEs; /* This is use if CEs is not big enough */ 298 int32_t extendCEsSize; /* Holds the size of the dynamic CEs buffer */ 299 uint32_t CEs[UCOL_EXPAND_CE_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* This is where we store CEs */ 300 301 int32_t *offsetBuffer; /* A dynamic buffer to hold offsets */ 302 int32_t offsetBufferSize; /* The size of the offset buffer */ 303 304 UCharIterator *iterator; 305 /*int32_t iteratorIndex;*/ 306 307 // The offsetBuffer should probably be a UVector32, but helper functions 308 // are an improvement over duplicated code. 309 void appendOffset(int32_t offset, UErrorCode &errorCode); 310 } collIterate; 311 312 U_NAMESPACE_END 313 314 #else 315 316 typedef struct collIterate collIterate; 317 318 #endif 319 320 #define paddedsize(something) ((something)+((((something)%4)!=0)?(4-(something)%4):0)) 321 #define headersize (paddedsize(sizeof(UCATableHeader))+paddedsize(sizeof(UColOptionSet))) 322 323 /* 324 struct used internally in getSpecial*CE. 325 data similar to collIterate. 326 */ 327 struct collIterateState { 328 const UChar *pos; /* This is position in the string. Can be to original or writable buf */ 329 const UChar *returnPos; 330 const UChar *fcdPosition; /* Position in the original string to continue FCD check from. */ 331 const UChar *bufferaddress; /* address of the normalization buffer */ 332 int32_t buffersize; 333 uint8_t flags; 334 uint8_t origFlags; 335 uint32_t iteratorIndex; 336 int32_t iteratorMove; 337 }; 338 339 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 340 uprv_init_collIterate(const UCollator *collator, 341 const UChar *sourceString, int32_t sourceLen, 342 U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *s, UErrorCode *status); 343 344 /* Internal functions for C test code. */ 345 U_CAPI U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate * U_EXPORT2 346 uprv_new_collIterate(UErrorCode *status); 347 348 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 349 uprv_delete_collIterate(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *s); 350 351 /* @return s->pos == s->endp */ 352 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 353 uprv_collIterateAtEnd(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *s); 354 355 #ifdef __cplusplus 356 357 U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN 358 359 struct UCollationPCE; 360 typedef struct UCollationPCE UCollationPCE; 361 362 U_NAMESPACE_END 363 364 struct UCollationElements : public icu::UMemory 365 { 366 /** 367 * Struct wrapper for source data 368 */ 369 icu::collIterate iteratordata_; 370 /** 371 * Indicates if this data has been reset. 372 */ 373 UBool reset_; 374 /** 375 * Indicates if the data should be deleted. 376 */ 377 UBool isWritable; 378 379 /** 380 * Data for getNextProcessed, getPreviousProcessed. 381 */ 382 icu::UCollationPCE *pce; 383 }; 384 385 #else 386 /*opaque type*/ 387 struct UCollationElements; 388 #endif 389 390 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 391 uprv_init_pce(const struct UCollationElements *elems); 392 393 #define UCOL_LEVELTERMINATOR 1 394 395 /* mask off anything but primary order */ 396 #define UCOL_PRIMARYORDERMASK 0xffff0000 397 /* mask off anything but secondary order */ 398 #define UCOL_SECONDARYORDERMASK 0x0000ff00 399 /* mask off anything but tertiary order */ 400 #define UCOL_TERTIARYORDERMASK 0x000000ff 401 /* primary order shift */ 402 #define UCOL_PRIMARYORDERSHIFT 16 403 /* secondary order shift */ 404 #define UCOL_SECONDARYORDERSHIFT 8 405 406 #define UCOL_BYTE_SIZE_MASK 0xFF 407 408 #define UCOL_CASE_BYTE_START 0x80 409 #define UCOL_CASE_SHIFT_START 7 410 411 #define UCOL_IGNORABLE 0 412 413 /* get weights from a CE */ 414 #define UCOL_PRIMARYORDER(order) (((order) & UCOL_PRIMARYORDERMASK)>> UCOL_PRIMARYORDERSHIFT) 415 #define UCOL_SECONDARYORDER(order) (((order) & UCOL_SECONDARYORDERMASK)>> UCOL_SECONDARYORDERSHIFT) 416 #define UCOL_TERTIARYORDER(order) ((order) & UCOL_TERTIARYORDERMASK) 417 418 /** 419 * Determine if a character is a Thai vowel (which sorts after 420 * its base consonant). 421 */ 422 #define UCOL_ISTHAIPREVOWEL(ch) ((((uint32_t)(ch) - 0xe40) <= (0xe44 - 0xe40)) || \ 423 (((uint32_t)(ch) - 0xec0) <= (0xec4 - 0xec0))) 424 425 /** 426 * Determine if a character is a Thai base consonant 427 */ 428 #define UCOL_ISTHAIBASECONSONANT(ch) ((uint32_t)(ch) - 0xe01) <= (0xe2e - 0xe01) 429 430 #define UCOL_ISJAMO(ch) ((((uint32_t)(ch) - 0x1100) <= (0x1112 - 0x1100)) || \ 431 (((uint32_t)(ch) - 0x1161) <= (0x1175 - 0x1161)) || \ 432 (((uint32_t)(ch) - 0x11A8) <= (0x11C2 - 0x11A8))) 433 434 /* Han character ranges */ 435 #define UCOL_FIRST_HAN 0x4E00 436 #define UCOL_LAST_HAN 0x9FFF 437 #define UCOL_FIRST_HAN_A 0x3400 438 #define UCOL_LAST_HAN_A 0x4DBF 439 #define UCOL_FIRST_HAN_COMPAT 0xFAE0 440 #define UCOL_LAST_HAN_COMPAT 0xFA2F 441 442 /* Han extension B is in plane 2 */ 443 #define UCOL_FIRST_HAN_B 0x20000 444 #define UCOL_LAST_HAN_B 0x2A6DF 445 446 /* Hangul range */ 447 #define UCOL_FIRST_HANGUL 0xAC00 448 #define UCOL_LAST_HANGUL 0xD7AF 449 450 /* Jamo ranges */ 451 #define UCOL_FIRST_L_JAMO 0x1100 452 #define UCOL_FIRST_V_JAMO 0x1161 453 #define UCOL_FIRST_T_JAMO 0x11A8 454 #define UCOL_LAST_T_JAMO 0x11F9 455 456 457 #if 0 458 /* initializes collIterate structure */ 459 /* made as macro to speed up things */ 460 #define init_collIterate(collator, sourceString, sourceLen, s) { \ 461 (s)->start = (s)->string = (s)->pos = (UChar *)(sourceString); \ 462 (s)->endp = (sourceLen) == -1 ? NULL :(UChar *)(sourceString)+(sourceLen); \ 463 (s)->CEpos = (s)->toReturn = (s)->CEs; \ 464 (s)->isThai = TRUE; \ 465 (s)->writableBuffer = (s)->stackWritableBuffer; \ 466 (s)->writableBufSize = UCOL_WRITABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; \ 467 (s)->coll = (collator); \ 468 (s)->fcdPosition = 0; \ 469 (s)->flags = 0; \ 470 if(((collator)->normalizationMode == UCOL_ON)) (s)->flags |= UCOL_ITER_NORM; \ 471 } 472 #endif 473 474 475 476 /* 477 * Macro to get the maximum size of an expansion ending with the argument ce. 478 * Used in the Boyer Moore algorithm. 479 * Note for tailoring, the UCA maxexpansion table has been merged. 480 * Hence we only have to search the tailored collator only. 481 * @param coll const UCollator pointer 482 * @param order last collation element of the expansion sequence 483 * @param result size of the longest expansion with argument collation element 484 * as the last element 485 */ 486 #define UCOL_GETMAXEXPANSION(coll, order, result) { \ 487 const uint32_t *start; \ 488 const uint32_t *limit; \ 489 const uint32_t *mid; \ 490 start = (coll)->endExpansionCE; \ 491 limit = (coll)->lastEndExpansionCE; \ 492 while (start < limit - 1) { \ 493 mid = start + ((limit - start) >> 1); \ 494 if ((order) <= *mid) { \ 495 limit = mid; \ 496 } \ 497 else { \ 498 start = mid; \ 499 } \ 500 } \ 501 if (*start == order) { \ 502 result = *((coll)->expansionCESize + (start - (coll)->endExpansionCE)); \ 503 } \ 504 else if (*limit == order) { \ 505 result = *(coll->expansionCESize + (limit - coll->endExpansionCE)); \ 506 } \ 507 else if ((order & 0xFFFF) == 0x00C0) { \ 508 result = 2; \ 509 } \ 510 else { \ 511 result = 1; \ 512 } \ 513 } 514 515 U_CFUNC 516 uint32_t ucol_prv_getSpecialCE(const UCollator *coll, UChar ch, uint32_t CE, 517 U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *source, UErrorCode *status); 518 519 U_CFUNC 520 uint32_t ucol_prv_getSpecialPrevCE(const UCollator *coll, UChar ch, uint32_t CE, 521 U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *source, UErrorCode *status); 522 U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 ucol_getNextCE(const UCollator *coll, 523 U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *collationSource, UErrorCode *status); 524 U_CFUNC uint32_t U_EXPORT2 ucol_getPrevCE(const UCollator *coll, 525 U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *collationSource, 526 UErrorCode *status); 527 /* get some memory */ 528 void *ucol_getABuffer(const UCollator *coll, uint32_t size); 529 530 #ifdef __cplusplus 531 532 U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN 533 534 class CollationKey; 535 class SortKeyByteSink; 536 537 U_NAMESPACE_END 538 539 /* function used by C++ getCollationKey to prevent restarting the calculation */ 540 U_CFUNC int32_t 541 ucol_getCollationKey(const UCollator *coll, 542 const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLength, 543 icu::CollationKey &key, 544 UErrorCode &errorCode); 545 546 typedef void U_CALLCONV 547 SortKeyGenerator(const UCollator *coll, 548 const UChar *source, 549 int32_t sourceLength, 550 icu::SortKeyByteSink &result, 551 UErrorCode *status); 552 553 /* worker function for generating sortkeys */ 554 U_CFUNC 555 void U_CALLCONV 556 ucol_calcSortKey(const UCollator *coll, 557 const UChar *source, 558 int32_t sourceLength, 559 icu::SortKeyByteSink &result, 560 UErrorCode *status); 561 562 U_CFUNC 563 void U_CALLCONV 564 ucol_calcSortKeySimpleTertiary(const UCollator *coll, 565 const UChar *source, 566 int32_t sourceLength, 567 icu::SortKeyByteSink &result, 568 UErrorCode *status); 569 570 #else 571 572 typedef void U_CALLCONV 573 SortKeyGenerator(const UCollator *coll, 574 const UChar *source, 575 int32_t sourceLength, 576 void *result, 577 UErrorCode *status); 578 579 #endif 580 581 /** 582 * Used to set requested and valid locales on a collator returned by the collator 583 * service. 584 */ 585 U_CFUNC void U_EXPORT2 586 ucol_setReqValidLocales(UCollator *coll, char *requestedLocaleToAdopt, char *validLocaleToAdopt, char *actualLocaleToAdopt); 587 588 #define UCOL_SPECIAL_FLAG 0xF0000000 589 #define UCOL_TAG_SHIFT 24 590 #define UCOL_TAG_MASK 0x0F000000 591 #define INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE 1024 592 #define UCOL_NOT_FOUND 0xF0000000 593 #define UCOL_EXPANSION 0xF1000000 594 #define UCOL_CONTRACTION 0xF2000000 595 #define UCOL_THAI 0xF3000000 596 #define UCOL_UNMARKED 0x03 597 #define UCOL_NEW_TERTIARYORDERMASK 0x0000003f 598 599 /* Bit mask for primary collation strength. */ 600 #define UCOL_PRIMARYMASK 0xFFFF0000 601 602 /* Bit mask for secondary collation strength. */ 603 #define UCOL_SECONDARYMASK 0x0000FF00 604 605 /* Bit mask for tertiary collation strength. */ 606 #define UCOL_TERTIARYMASK 0x000000FF 607 608 /** 609 * Internal. 610 * This indicates the last element in a UCollationElements has been consumed. 611 * Compare with the UCOL_NULLORDER, UCOL_NULLORDER is returned if error occurs. 612 */ 613 #define UCOL_NO_MORE_CES 0x00010101 614 #define UCOL_NO_MORE_CES_PRIMARY 0x00010000 615 #define UCOL_NO_MORE_CES_SECONDARY 0x00000100 616 #define UCOL_NO_MORE_CES_TERTIARY 0x00000001 617 618 #define isSpecial(CE) ((((CE)&UCOL_SPECIAL_FLAG)>>28)==0xF) 619 620 #define UCOL_UPPER_CASE 0x80 621 #define UCOL_MIXED_CASE 0x40 622 #define UCOL_LOWER_CASE 0x00 623 624 #define UCOL_CONTINUATION_MARKER 0xC0 625 #define UCOL_REMOVE_CONTINUATION 0xFFFFFF3F 626 627 #define isContinuation(CE) (((CE) & UCOL_CONTINUATION_MARKER) == UCOL_CONTINUATION_MARKER) 628 #define isFlagged(CE) (((CE) & 0x80) == 0x80) 629 #define isLongPrimary(CE) (((CE) & 0xC0) == 0xC0) 630 631 #define getCETag(CE) (((CE)&UCOL_TAG_MASK)>>UCOL_TAG_SHIFT) 632 #define isContraction(CE) (isSpecial((CE)) && (getCETag((CE)) == CONTRACTION_TAG)) 633 #define isPrefix(CE) (isSpecial((CE)) && (getCETag((CE)) == SPEC_PROC_TAG)) 634 #define constructContractCE(tag, CE) (UCOL_SPECIAL_FLAG | ((tag)<<UCOL_TAG_SHIFT) | ((CE)&0xFFFFFF)) 635 #define constructSpecProcCE(CE) (UCOL_SPECIAL_FLAG | (SPEC_PROC_TAG<<UCOL_TAG_SHIFT) | ((CE)&0xFFFFFF)) 636 #define getContractOffset(CE) ((CE)&0xFFFFFF) 637 #define getExpansionOffset(CE) (((CE)&0x00FFFFF0)>>4) 638 #define getExpansionCount(CE) ((CE)&0xF) 639 #define isCEIgnorable(CE) (((CE) & 0xFFFFFFBF) == 0) 640 641 /* StringSearch internal use */ 642 #define inNormBuf(coleiter) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.flags & UCOL_ITER_INNORMBUF) 643 #define isFCDPointerNull(coleiter) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.fcdPosition == NULL) 644 #define hasExpansion(coleiter) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEpos != (coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEs) 645 #define getExpansionPrefix(coleiter) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.toReturn - (coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEs) 646 #define setExpansionPrefix(coleiter, offset) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEs + offset) 647 #define getExpansionSuffix(coleiter) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEpos - (coleiter)->iteratordata_.toReturn) 648 #define setExpansionSuffix(coleiter, offset) ((coleiter)->iteratordata_.toReturn = (coleiter)->iteratordata_.CEpos - leftoverces) 649 650 /* This is an enum that lists magic special byte values from the fractional UCA. 651 * See also http://site.icu-project.org/design/collation/bytes */ 652 /* TODO: all the #defines that refer to special byte values from the UCA should be changed to point here */ 653 654 enum { 655 UCOL_BYTE_ZERO = 0x00, 656 UCOL_BYTE_LEVEL_SEPARATOR = 0x01, 657 UCOL_BYTE_SORTKEY_GLUE = 0x02, 658 UCOL_BYTE_SHIFT_PREFIX = 0x03, 659 UCOL_BYTE_UNSHIFTED_MIN = UCOL_BYTE_SHIFT_PREFIX, 660 UCOL_BYTE_FIRST_TAILORED = 0x04, 661 UCOL_BYTE_COMMON = 0x05, 662 UCOL_BYTE_FIRST_UCA = UCOL_BYTE_COMMON, 663 /* TODO: Make the following values dynamic since they change with almost every UCA version. */ 664 UCOL_CODAN_PLACEHOLDER = 0x12, 665 UCOL_BYTE_FIRST_NON_LATIN_PRIMARY = 0x5B, 666 UCOL_BYTE_UNSHIFTED_MAX = 0xFF 667 }; 668 669 #if 0 670 #define UCOL_RESET_TOP_VALUE 0x9F000303 671 #define UCOL_FIRST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE 0x00008705 672 #define UCOL_LAST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE 0x0000DD05 673 #define UCOL_LAST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE_CONT 0x000051C0 674 #define UCOL_FIRST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000000 675 #define UCOL_LAST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000500 676 #define UCOL_FIRST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000000 677 #define UCOL_LAST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000000 678 #define UCOL_FIRST_VARIABLE 0x05070505 679 #define UCOL_LAST_VARIABLE 0x179B0505 680 #define UCOL_FIRST_NON_VARIABLE 0x1A200505 681 #define UCOL_LAST_NON_VARIABLE 0x7B41058F 682 683 #define UCOL_NEXT_TOP_VALUE 0xE8960303 684 #define UCOL_NEXT_FIRST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE 0x00008905 685 #define UCOL_NEXT_LAST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE 0x03000303 686 #define UCOL_NEXT_FIRST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE 0x00008705 687 #define UCOL_NEXT_LAST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000500 688 #define UCOL_NEXT_FIRST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000000 689 #define UCOL_NEXT_LAST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE 0x00000000 690 #define UCOL_NEXT_FIRST_VARIABLE 0x05090505 691 #define UCOL_NEXT_LAST_VARIABLE 0x1A200505 692 693 #define PRIMARY_IMPLICIT_MIN 0xE8000000 694 #define PRIMARY_IMPLICIT_MAX 0xF0000000 695 #endif 696 697 /* These constants can be changed - sortkey size is affected by them */ 698 #define UCOL_PROPORTION2 0.5 699 #define UCOL_PROPORTION3 0.667 700 701 /* These values come from the UCA */ 702 #define UCOL_COMMON_BOT2 UCOL_BYTE_COMMON 703 #define UCOL_COMMON_TOP2 0x86u 704 #define UCOL_TOTAL2 (UCOL_COMMON_TOP2-UCOL_COMMON_BOT2-1) 705 706 #define UCOL_FLAG_BIT_MASK_CASE_SW_OFF 0x80 707 #define UCOL_FLAG_BIT_MASK_CASE_SW_ON 0x40 708 #define UCOL_COMMON_TOP3_CASE_SW_OFF 0x85 709 #define UCOL_COMMON_TOP3_CASE_SW_LOWER 0x45 710 #define UCOL_COMMON_TOP3_CASE_SW_UPPER 0xC5 711 712 /* These values come from the UCA */ 713 #define UCOL_COMMON_BOT3 0x05 714 715 #define UCOL_COMMON_BOTTOM3_CASE_SW_UPPER 0x86; 716 #define UCOL_COMMON_BOTTOM3_CASE_SW_LOWER UCOL_COMMON_BOT3; 717 718 #define UCOL_TOP_COUNT2 (UCOL_PROPORTION2*UCOL_TOTAL2) 719 #define UCOL_BOT_COUNT2 (UCOL_TOTAL2-UCOL_TOP_COUNT2) 720 721 722 #define UCOL_COMMON2 UCOL_COMMON_BOT2 723 #define UCOL_COMMON3_UPPERFIRST 0xC5 724 #define UCOL_COMMON3_NORMAL UCOL_COMMON_BOT3 725 726 #define UCOL_COMMON4 0xFF 727 728 /* constants for case level/case first handling */ 729 /* used to instantiate UCollators fields in ucol_updateInternalState */ 730 #define UCOL_CASE_SWITCH 0xC0 731 #define UCOL_NO_CASE_SWITCH 0x00 732 733 #define UCOL_REMOVE_CASE 0x3F 734 #define UCOL_KEEP_CASE 0xFF 735 736 #define UCOL_CASE_BIT_MASK 0xC0 737 738 #define UCOL_TERT_CASE_MASK 0xFF 739 740 #define UCOL_ENDOFLATINONERANGE 0xFF 741 #define UCOL_LATINONETABLELEN (UCOL_ENDOFLATINONERANGE+50) 742 #define UCOL_BAIL_OUT_CE 0xFF000000 743 744 745 typedef enum { 746 NOT_FOUND_TAG = 0, 747 EXPANSION_TAG = 1, /* This code point results in an expansion */ 748 CONTRACTION_TAG = 2, /* Start of a contraction */ 749 THAI_TAG = 3, /* Thai character - do the reordering */ 750 CHARSET_TAG = 4, /* Charset processing, not yet implemented */ 751 SURROGATE_TAG = 5, /* Lead surrogate that is tailored and doesn't start a contraction */ 752 HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TAG = 6, /* AC00-D7AF*/ 753 LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG = 7, /* D800-DBFF*/ 754 TRAIL_SURROGATE_TAG = 8, /* DC00-DFFF*/ 755 CJK_IMPLICIT_TAG = 9, /* 0x3400-0x4DB5, 0x4E00-0x9FA5, 0xF900-0xFA2D*/ 756 IMPLICIT_TAG = 10, 757 SPEC_PROC_TAG = 11, 758 /* ICU 2.1 */ 759 LONG_PRIMARY_TAG = 12, /* This is a three byte primary with starting secondaries and tertiaries */ 760 /* It fits in a single 32 bit CE and is used instead of expansion to save */ 761 /* space without affecting the performance (hopefully) */ 762 763 DIGIT_TAG = 13, /* COllate Digits As Numbers (CODAN) implementation */ 764 765 CE_TAGS_COUNT 766 } UColCETags; 767 768 /* 769 ***************************************************************************************** 770 * set to zero 771 * NON_CHARACTER FDD0 - FDEF, FFFE, FFFF, 1FFFE, 1FFFF, 2FFFE, 2FFFF,...e.g. **FFFE, **FFFF 772 ****************************************************************************************** 773 */ 774 775 typedef struct { 776 uint32_t variableTopValue; 777 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t frenchCollation; 778 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t alternateHandling; /* attribute for handling variable elements*/ 779 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t caseFirst; /* who goes first, lower case or uppercase */ 780 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t caseLevel; /* do we have an extra case level */ 781 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t normalizationMode; /* attribute for normalization */ 782 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t strength; /* attribute for strength */ 783 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t hiraganaQ; /* attribute for special Hiragana */ 784 /*UColAttributeValue*/ int32_t numericCollation; /* attribute for numeric collation */ 785 uint32_t reserved[15]; /* for future use */ 786 } UColOptionSet; 787 788 typedef struct { 789 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x00000000*/ 790 uint32_t UCA_LAST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x00000000*/ 791 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x00008705*/ 792 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x00000000*/ 793 uint32_t UCA_LAST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x00000500*/ 794 uint32_t UCA_LAST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE[2]; /*0x0000DD05*/ 795 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_VARIABLE[2]; /*0x05070505*/ 796 uint32_t UCA_LAST_VARIABLE[2]; /*0x13CF0505*/ 797 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_NON_VARIABLE[2]; /*0x16200505*/ 798 uint32_t UCA_LAST_NON_VARIABLE[2]; /*0x767C0505*/ 799 uint32_t UCA_RESET_TOP_VALUE[2]; /*0x9F000303*/ 800 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_IMPLICIT[2]; 801 uint32_t UCA_LAST_IMPLICIT[2]; 802 uint32_t UCA_FIRST_TRAILING[2]; 803 uint32_t UCA_LAST_TRAILING[2]; 804 805 #if 0 806 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_TOP_VALUE[2]; /*0xE8960303*/ 807 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_FIRST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x00008905*/ 808 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_LAST_PRIMARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x03000303*/ 809 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_FIRST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x00008705*/ 810 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_LAST_SECONDARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x00000500*/ 811 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_FIRST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x00000000*/ 812 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_LAST_TERTIARY_IGNORABLE; /*0x00000000*/ 813 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_FIRST_VARIABLE; /*0x05090505*/ 814 uint32_t UCA_NEXT_LAST_VARIABLE; /*0x16200505*/ 815 #endif 816 817 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_TOP_MIN; 818 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_IMPLICIT_MIN; /*0xE8000000*/ 819 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_IMPLICIT_MAX; /*0xF0000000*/ 820 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_TRAILING_MIN; /*0xE8000000*/ 821 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_TRAILING_MAX; /*0xF0000000*/ 822 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_SPECIAL_MIN; /*0xE8000000*/ 823 uint32_t UCA_PRIMARY_SPECIAL_MAX; /*0xF0000000*/ 824 } UCAConstants; 825 826 /* definition of UCATableHeader moved to common/ucol_data.h */ 827 828 #define U_UNKNOWN_STATE 0 829 #define U_COLLATOR_STATE 0x01 830 #define U_STATE_LIMIT 0x02 831 832 /* This is the first structure in a state */ 833 /* it should be machine independent */ 834 typedef struct { 835 /* this structure is supposed to be readable on all the platforms.*/ 836 /* first 2 fields hold the size of the structure in a platform independent way */ 837 uint8_t sizeLo; 838 uint8_t sizeHi; 839 /* identifying the writing platform */ 840 uint8_t isBigEndian; 841 /* see U_CHARSET_FAMILY values in utypes.h */ 842 uint8_t charsetFamily; 843 /* version of ICU this state structure comes from */ 844 uint8_t icuVersion[4]; 845 /* What is the data following this state */ 846 uint8_t type; 847 /* more stuff to come, keep it on 16 byte boundary */ 848 uint8_t reserved[7]; 849 } UStateStruct; 850 851 /* This structure follows UStatusStruct */ 852 /* and contains data specific for the collators */ 853 /* Endianess needs to be decided before accessing this structure */ 854 /* However, it's size IS endianess independent */ 855 typedef struct { 856 /* size of this structure */ 857 uint8_t sizeLo; 858 uint8_t sizeHi; 859 /* This state is followed by the frozen tailoring */ 860 uint8_t containsTailoring; 861 /* This state is followed by the frozen UCA */ 862 uint8_t containsUCA; 863 /* Version info - the same one */ 864 uint8_t versionInfo[4]; 865 866 /* for charset CEs */ 867 uint8_t charsetName[32]; 868 /* this is the resolved locale name*/ 869 uint8_t locale[32]; 870 871 /* Attributes. Open ended */ 872 /* all the following will be moved to uint32_t because of portability */ 873 /* variable top value */ 874 uint32_t variableTopValue; 875 /* attribute for handling variable elements*/ 876 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ alternateHandling; 877 /* how to handle secondary weights */ 878 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ frenchCollation; 879 /* who goes first, lower case or uppercase */ 880 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ caseFirst; 881 /* do we have an extra case level */ 882 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ caseLevel; 883 /* attribute for normalization */ 884 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ normalizationMode; 885 /* attribute for strength */ 886 uint32_t /*UColAttributeValue*/ strength; 887 /* to be immediately 16 byte aligned */ 888 uint8_t reserved[12]; 889 } UColStateStruct; 890 891 #define UCOL_INV_SIZEMASK 0xFFF00000 892 #define UCOL_INV_OFFSETMASK 0x000FFFFF 893 #define UCOL_INV_SHIFTVALUE 20 894 895 U_CDECL_BEGIN 896 897 /* definition of InverseUCATableHeader moved to common/ucol_data.h */ 898 899 typedef void U_CALLCONV 900 ResourceCleaner(UCollator *coll); 901 902 903 struct UCollator { 904 UColOptionSet *options; 905 SortKeyGenerator *sortKeyGen; 906 uint32_t *latinOneCEs; 907 char* actualLocale; 908 char* validLocale; 909 char* requestedLocale; 910 const UChar *rules; 911 const UChar *ucaRules; 912 const UCollator *UCA; 913 const UCATableHeader *image; 914 UTrie mapping; 915 const uint32_t *latinOneMapping; 916 const uint32_t *expansion; 917 const UChar *contractionIndex; 918 const uint32_t *contractionCEs; 919 920 const uint32_t *endExpansionCE; /* array of last ces in an expansion ce. 921 corresponds to expansionCESize */ 922 const uint32_t *lastEndExpansionCE;/* pointer to the last element in endExpansionCE */ 923 const uint8_t *expansionCESize; /* array of the maximum size of a 924 expansion ce with the last ce 925 corresponding to endExpansionCE, 926 terminated with a null */ 927 const uint8_t *unsafeCP; /* unsafe code points hashtable */ 928 const uint8_t *contrEndCP; /* Contraction ending chars hash table */ 929 UChar minUnsafeCP; /* Smallest unsafe Code Point. */ 930 UChar minContrEndCP; /* Smallest code point at end of a contraction */ 931 932 int32_t rulesLength; 933 int32_t latinOneTableLen; 934 935 uint32_t variableTopValue; 936 UColAttributeValue frenchCollation; 937 UColAttributeValue alternateHandling; /* attribute for handling variable elements*/ 938 UColAttributeValue caseFirst; /* who goes first, lower case or uppercase */ 939 UColAttributeValue caseLevel; /* do we have an extra case level */ 940 UColAttributeValue normalizationMode; /* attribute for normalization */ 941 UColAttributeValue strength; /* attribute for strength */ 942 UColAttributeValue hiraganaQ; /* attribute for Hiragana */ 943 UColAttributeValue numericCollation; 944 UBool variableTopValueisDefault; 945 UBool frenchCollationisDefault; 946 UBool alternateHandlingisDefault; /* attribute for handling variable elements*/ 947 UBool caseFirstisDefault; /* who goes first, lower case or uppercase */ 948 UBool caseLevelisDefault; /* do we have an extra case level */ 949 UBool normalizationModeisDefault; /* attribute for normalization */ 950 UBool strengthisDefault; /* attribute for strength */ 951 UBool hiraganaQisDefault; /* attribute for Hiragana */ 952 UBool numericCollationisDefault; 953 UBool hasRealData; /* some collators have only options, like French, no rules */ 954 /* to speed up things, we use the UCA image, but we don't want it */ 955 /* to run around */ 956 957 UBool freeOnClose; 958 UBool freeOptionsOnClose; 959 UBool freeRulesOnClose; 960 UBool freeImageOnClose; 961 UBool freeDefaultReorderCodesOnClose; 962 UBool freeReorderCodesOnClose; 963 UBool freeLeadBytePermutationTableOnClose; 964 965 UBool latinOneUse; 966 UBool latinOneRegenTable; 967 UBool latinOneFailed; 968 969 int8_t tertiaryAddition; /* when switching case, we need to add or subtract different values */ 970 uint8_t caseSwitch; 971 uint8_t tertiaryCommon; 972 uint8_t tertiaryMask; 973 uint8_t tertiaryTop; /* Upper range when compressing */ 974 uint8_t tertiaryBottom; /* Upper range when compressing */ 975 uint8_t tertiaryTopCount; 976 uint8_t tertiaryBottomCount; 977 978 UVersionInfo dataVersion; /* Data info of UCA table */ 979 int32_t* defaultReorderCodes; 980 int32_t defaultReorderCodesLength; 981 int32_t* reorderCodes; 982 int32_t reorderCodesLength; 983 uint8_t* leadBytePermutationTable; 984 void *delegate; /* if non-null: C++ object to delegate all API calls to. */ 985 }; 986 987 U_CDECL_END 988 989 /* various internal functions */ 990 991 /* do not close UCA returned by ucol_initUCA! */ 992 U_CFUNC 993 UCollator* ucol_initUCA(UErrorCode *status); 994 995 U_CFUNC 996 UCollator* ucol_initCollator(const UCATableHeader *image, UCollator *fillIn, const UCollator *UCA, UErrorCode *status); 997 998 U_CFUNC 999 void ucol_setOptionsFromHeader(UCollator* result, UColOptionSet * opts, UErrorCode *status); 1000 1001 U_CFUNC 1002 UCollator* ucol_open_internal(const char* loc, UErrorCode* status); 1003 1004 #if 0 1005 U_CFUNC 1006 void ucol_putOptionsToHeader(UCollator* result, UColOptionSet * opts, UErrorCode *status); 1007 #endif 1008 1009 U_CFUNC 1010 void ucol_updateInternalState(UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status); 1011 1012 U_CFUNC uint32_t U_EXPORT2 ucol_getFirstCE(const UCollator *coll, UChar u, UErrorCode *status); 1013 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ucol_isTailored(const UCollator *coll, const UChar u, UErrorCode *status); 1014 1015 U_CAPI const InverseUCATableHeader* U_EXPORT2 ucol_initInverseUCA(UErrorCode *status); 1016 1017 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 1018 uprv_uca_initImplicitConstants(UErrorCode *status); 1019 1020 U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 1021 uprv_uca_getImplicitFromRaw(UChar32 cp); 1022 1023 /*U_CFUNC uint32_t U_EXPORT2 1024 uprv_uca_getImplicitPrimary(UChar32 cp);*/ 1025 1026 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2 1027 uprv_uca_getRawFromImplicit(uint32_t implicit); 1028 1029 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2 1030 uprv_uca_getRawFromCodePoint(UChar32 i); 1031 1032 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2 1033 uprv_uca_getCodePointFromRaw(UChar32 i); 1034 1035 typedef const UChar* GetCollationRulesFunction(void* context, const char* locale, const char* type, int32_t* pLength, UErrorCode* status); 1036 1037 U_CAPI UCollator* U_EXPORT2 1038 ucol_openRulesForImport( const UChar *rules, 1039 int32_t rulesLength, 1040 UColAttributeValue normalizationMode, 1041 UCollationStrength strength, 1042 UParseError *parseError, 1043 GetCollationRulesFunction importFunc, 1044 void* context, 1045 UErrorCode *status); 1046 1047 1048 U_CFUNC void U_EXPORT2 1049 ucol_buildPermutationTable(UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status); 1050 1051 U_CFUNC int U_EXPORT2 1052 ucol_getLeadBytesForReorderCode(const UCollator *uca, int reorderCode, uint16_t* returnLeadBytes, int returnCapacity); 1053 1054 U_CFUNC int U_EXPORT2 1055 ucol_getReorderCodesForLeadByte(const UCollator *uca, int leadByte, int16_t* returnReorderCodes, int returnCapacity); 1056 1057 #ifdef __cplusplus 1058 /* 1059 * Test whether a character is potentially "unsafe" for use as a collation 1060 * starting point. Unsafe chars are those with combining class != 0 plus 1061 * those that are the 2nd thru nth character in a contraction sequence. 1062 * 1063 * Function is in header file because it's used in both collation and string search, 1064 * and needs to be inline for performance. 1065 */ 1066 static inline UBool ucol_unsafeCP(UChar c, const UCollator *coll) { 1067 int32_t hash; 1068 uint8_t htbyte; 1069 1070 if (c < coll->minUnsafeCP) { 1071 return FALSE; 1072 } 1073 1074 hash = c; 1075 if (hash >= UCOL_UNSAFECP_TABLE_SIZE*8) { 1076 if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { 1077 /* Lead or trail surrogate */ 1078 /* These are always considered unsafe. */ 1079 return TRUE; 1080 } 1081 hash = (hash & UCOL_UNSAFECP_TABLE_MASK) + 256; 1082 } 1083 htbyte = coll->unsafeCP[hash>>3]; 1084 return ((htbyte >> (hash & 7)) & 1); 1085 } 1086 #endif /* __cplusplus */ 1087 1088 /* The offsetBuffer in collIterate might need to be freed to avoid memory leaks. */ 1089 void ucol_freeOffsetBuffer(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER collIterate *s); 1090 1091 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */ 1092 1093 #endif 1094