1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * 4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 6 * met: 7 * 8 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 11 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer 12 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 13 * distribution. 14 * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its 15 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 16 * this software without specific prior written permission. 17 * 18 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 19 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 20 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR 21 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT 22 * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 23 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 25 * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 26 * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 27 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 28 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 29 */ 30 31 #include "config.h" 32 #include "bindings/core/v8/PageScriptDebugServer.h" 33 34 #include "bindings/core/v8/DOMWrapperWorld.h" 35 #include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptController.h" 36 #include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptSourceCode.h" 37 #include "bindings/core/v8/V8Binding.h" 38 #include "bindings/core/v8/V8ScriptRunner.h" 39 #include "bindings/core/v8/V8Window.h" 40 #include "bindings/core/v8/WindowProxy.h" 41 #include "core/frame/FrameConsole.h" 42 #include "core/frame/FrameHost.h" 43 #include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h" 44 #include "core/frame/UseCounter.h" 45 #include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h" 46 #include "core/inspector/InspectorTraceEvents.h" 47 #include "core/inspector/ScriptDebugListener.h" 48 #include "core/page/Page.h" 49 #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h" 50 #include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h" 51 #include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h" 52 #include "wtf/TemporaryChange.h" 53 #include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h" 54 55 namespace blink { 56 57 static LocalFrame* retrieveFrameWithGlobalObjectCheck(v8::Handle<v8::Context> context) 58 { 59 if (context.IsEmpty()) 60 return 0; 61 62 // FIXME: This is a temporary hack for crbug.com/345014. 63 // Currently it's possible that V8 can trigger Debugger::ProcessDebugEvent for a context 64 // that is being initialized (i.e., inside Context::New() of the context). 65 // We should fix the V8 side so that it won't trigger the event for a half-baked context 66 // because there is no way in the embedder side to check if the context is half-baked or not. 67 if (isMainThread() && DOMWrapperWorld::windowIsBeingInitialized()) 68 return 0; 69 70 v8::Handle<v8::Value> global = V8Window::findInstanceInPrototypeChain(context->Global(), context->GetIsolate()); 71 if (global.IsEmpty()) 72 return 0; 73 74 return toFrameIfNotDetached(context); 75 } 76 77 void PageScriptDebugServer::setPreprocessorSource(const String& preprocessorSource) 78 { 79 if (preprocessorSource.isEmpty()) 80 m_preprocessorSourceCode.clear(); 81 else 82 m_preprocessorSourceCode = adoptPtr(new ScriptSourceCode(preprocessorSource)); 83 m_scriptPreprocessor.clear(); 84 } 85 86 PageScriptDebugServer& PageScriptDebugServer::shared() 87 { 88 DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(PageScriptDebugServer, server, ()); 89 return server; 90 } 91 92 v8::Isolate* PageScriptDebugServer::s_mainThreadIsolate = 0; 93 94 void PageScriptDebugServer::setMainThreadIsolate(v8::Isolate* isolate) 95 { 96 s_mainThreadIsolate = isolate; 97 } 98 99 PageScriptDebugServer::PageScriptDebugServer() 100 : ScriptDebugServer(s_mainThreadIsolate) 101 , m_pausedPage(0) 102 { 103 } 104 105 PageScriptDebugServer::~PageScriptDebugServer() 106 { 107 } 108 109 void PageScriptDebugServer::addListener(ScriptDebugListener* listener, Page* page) 110 { 111 ScriptController& scriptController = page->deprecatedLocalMainFrame()->script(); 112 if (!scriptController.canExecuteScripts(NotAboutToExecuteScript)) 113 return; 114 115 v8::HandleScope scope(m_isolate); 116 117 if (!m_listenersMap.size()) { 118 v8::Debug::SetDebugEventListener(&PageScriptDebugServer::v8DebugEventCallback, v8::External::New(m_isolate, this)); 119 ensureDebuggerScriptCompiled(); 120 } 121 122 v8::Local<v8::Context> debuggerContext = v8::Debug::GetDebugContext(); 123 v8::Context::Scope contextScope(debuggerContext); 124 125 v8::Local<v8::Object> debuggerScript = m_debuggerScript.newLocal(m_isolate); 126 ASSERT(!debuggerScript->IsUndefined()); 127 m_listenersMap.set(page, listener); 128 129 WindowProxy* windowProxy = scriptController.existingWindowProxy(DOMWrapperWorld::mainWorld()); 130 if (!windowProxy || !windowProxy->isContextInitialized()) 131 return; 132 v8::Local<v8::Context> context = windowProxy->context(); 133 v8::Handle<v8::Function> getScriptsFunction = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(debuggerScript->Get(v8AtomicString(m_isolate, "getScripts"))); 134 v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[] = { context->GetEmbedderData(0) }; 135 v8::Handle<v8::Value> value = V8ScriptRunner::callInternalFunction(getScriptsFunction, debuggerScript, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(argv), argv, m_isolate); 136 if (value.IsEmpty()) 137 return; 138 ASSERT(!value->IsUndefined() && value->IsArray()); 139 v8::Handle<v8::Array> scriptsArray = v8::Handle<v8::Array>::Cast(value); 140 for (unsigned i = 0; i < scriptsArray->Length(); ++i) 141 dispatchDidParseSource(listener, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(scriptsArray->Get(v8::Integer::New(m_isolate, i))), CompileSuccess); 142 } 143 144 void PageScriptDebugServer::removeListener(ScriptDebugListener* listener, Page* page) 145 { 146 if (!m_listenersMap.contains(page)) 147 return; 148 149 if (m_pausedPage == page) 150 continueProgram(); 151 152 m_listenersMap.remove(page); 153 154 if (m_listenersMap.isEmpty()) { 155 discardDebuggerScript(); 156 v8::Debug::SetDebugEventListener(0); 157 // FIXME: Remove all breakpoints set by the agent. 158 } 159 } 160 161 void PageScriptDebugServer::interruptAndRun(PassOwnPtr<Task> task) 162 { 163 ScriptDebugServer::interruptAndRun(task, s_mainThreadIsolate); 164 } 165 166 void PageScriptDebugServer::setClientMessageLoop(PassOwnPtr<ClientMessageLoop> clientMessageLoop) 167 { 168 m_clientMessageLoop = clientMessageLoop; 169 } 170 171 void PageScriptDebugServer::compileScript(ScriptState* scriptState, const String& expression, const String& sourceURL, String* scriptId, String* exceptionDetailsText, int* lineNumber, int* columnNumber, RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ScriptCallStack>* stackTrace) 172 { 173 ExecutionContext* executionContext = scriptState->executionContext(); 174 RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<LocalFrame> protect(toDocument(executionContext)->frame()); 175 ScriptDebugServer::compileScript(scriptState, expression, sourceURL, scriptId, exceptionDetailsText, lineNumber, columnNumber, stackTrace); 176 if (!scriptId->isNull()) 177 m_compiledScriptURLs.set(*scriptId, sourceURL); 178 } 179 180 void PageScriptDebugServer::clearCompiledScripts() 181 { 182 ScriptDebugServer::clearCompiledScripts(); 183 m_compiledScriptURLs.clear(); 184 } 185 186 void PageScriptDebugServer::runScript(ScriptState* scriptState, const String& scriptId, ScriptValue* result, bool* wasThrown, String* exceptionDetailsText, int* lineNumber, int* columnNumber, RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ScriptCallStack>* stackTrace) 187 { 188 String sourceURL = m_compiledScriptURLs.take(scriptId); 189 190 ExecutionContext* executionContext = scriptState->executionContext(); 191 LocalFrame* frame = toDocument(executionContext)->frame(); 192 TRACE_EVENT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "EvaluateScript", "data", InspectorEvaluateScriptEvent::data(frame, sourceURL, TextPosition::minimumPosition().m_line.oneBasedInt())); 193 TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline.stack"), "CallStack", "stack", InspectorCallStackEvent::currentCallStack()); 194 // FIXME(361045): remove InspectorInstrumentation calls once DevTools Timeline migrates to tracing. 195 InspectorInstrumentationCookie cookie; 196 if (frame) 197 cookie = InspectorInstrumentation::willEvaluateScript(frame, sourceURL, TextPosition::minimumPosition().m_line.oneBasedInt()); 198 199 RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<LocalFrame> protect(frame); 200 ScriptDebugServer::runScript(scriptState, scriptId, result, wasThrown, exceptionDetailsText, lineNumber, columnNumber, stackTrace); 201 202 if (frame) 203 InspectorInstrumentation::didEvaluateScript(cookie); 204 TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "UpdateCounters", "data", InspectorUpdateCountersEvent::data()); 205 } 206 207 ScriptDebugListener* PageScriptDebugServer::getDebugListenerForContext(v8::Handle<v8::Context> context) 208 { 209 v8::HandleScope scope(m_isolate); 210 LocalFrame* frame = retrieveFrameWithGlobalObjectCheck(context); 211 if (!frame) 212 return 0; 213 return m_listenersMap.get(frame->page()); 214 } 215 216 void PageScriptDebugServer::runMessageLoopOnPause(v8::Handle<v8::Context> context) 217 { 218 v8::HandleScope scope(m_isolate); 219 LocalFrame* frame = retrieveFrameWithGlobalObjectCheck(context); 220 m_pausedPage = frame->page(); 221 222 // Wait for continue or step command. 223 m_clientMessageLoop->run(m_pausedPage); 224 225 // The listener may have been removed in the nested loop. 226 if (ScriptDebugListener* listener = m_listenersMap.get(m_pausedPage)) 227 listener->didContinue(); 228 229 m_pausedPage = 0; 230 } 231 232 void PageScriptDebugServer::quitMessageLoopOnPause() 233 { 234 m_clientMessageLoop->quitNow(); 235 } 236 237 void PageScriptDebugServer::preprocessBeforeCompile(const v8::Debug::EventDetails& eventDetails) 238 { 239 v8::Handle<v8::Context> eventContext = eventDetails.GetEventContext(); 240 LocalFrame* frame = retrieveFrameWithGlobalObjectCheck(eventContext); 241 if (!frame) 242 return; 243 244 if (!canPreprocess(frame)) 245 return; 246 247 v8::Handle<v8::Object> eventData = eventDetails.GetEventData(); 248 v8::Local<v8::Context> debugContext = v8::Debug::GetDebugContext(); 249 v8::Context::Scope contextScope(debugContext); 250 v8::TryCatch tryCatch; 251 // <script> tag source and attribute value source are preprocessed before we enter V8. 252 // Avoid preprocessing any internal scripts by processing only eval source in this V8 event handler. 253 v8::Handle<v8::Value> argvEventData[] = { eventData }; 254 v8::Handle<v8::Value> v8Value = callDebuggerMethod("isEvalCompilation", WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(argvEventData), argvEventData); 255 if (v8Value.IsEmpty() || !v8Value->ToBoolean()->Value()) 256 return; 257 258 // The name and source are in the JS event data. 259 String scriptName = toCoreStringWithUndefinedOrNullCheck(callDebuggerMethod("getScriptName", WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(argvEventData), argvEventData)); 260 String script = toCoreStringWithUndefinedOrNullCheck(callDebuggerMethod("getScriptSource", WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(argvEventData), argvEventData)); 261 262 String preprocessedSource = m_scriptPreprocessor->preprocessSourceCode(script, scriptName); 263 264 v8::Handle<v8::Value> argvPreprocessedScript[] = { eventData, v8String(debugContext->GetIsolate(), preprocessedSource) }; 265 callDebuggerMethod("setScriptSource", WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(argvPreprocessedScript), argvPreprocessedScript); 266 } 267 268 static bool isCreatingPreprocessor = false; 269 270 bool PageScriptDebugServer::canPreprocess(LocalFrame* frame) 271 { 272 ASSERT(frame); 273 274 if (!m_preprocessorSourceCode || !frame->page() || isCreatingPreprocessor) 275 return false; 276 277 // We delay the creation of the preprocessor until just before the first JS from the 278 // Web page to ensure that the debugger's console initialization code has completed. 279 if (!m_scriptPreprocessor) { 280 TemporaryChange<bool> isPreprocessing(isCreatingPreprocessor, true); 281 m_scriptPreprocessor = adoptPtr(new ScriptPreprocessor(*m_preprocessorSourceCode.get(), frame)); 282 } 283 284 if (m_scriptPreprocessor->isValid()) 285 return true; 286 287 m_scriptPreprocessor.clear(); 288 // Don't retry the compile if we fail one time. 289 m_preprocessorSourceCode.clear(); 290 return false; 291 } 292 293 // Source to Source processing iff debugger enabled and it has loaded a preprocessor. 294 PassOwnPtr<ScriptSourceCode> PageScriptDebugServer::preprocess(LocalFrame* frame, const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode) 295 { 296 if (!canPreprocess(frame)) 297 return PassOwnPtr<ScriptSourceCode>(); 298 299 String preprocessedSource = m_scriptPreprocessor->preprocessSourceCode(sourceCode.source(), sourceCode.url()); 300 return adoptPtr(new ScriptSourceCode(preprocessedSource, sourceCode.url())); 301 } 302 303 String PageScriptDebugServer::preprocessEventListener(LocalFrame* frame, const String& source, const String& url, const String& functionName) 304 { 305 if (!canPreprocess(frame)) 306 return source; 307 308 return m_scriptPreprocessor->preprocessSourceCode(source, url, functionName); 309 } 310 311 void PageScriptDebugServer::clearPreprocessor() 312 { 313 m_scriptPreprocessor.clear(); 314 } 315 316 void PageScriptDebugServer::muteWarningsAndDeprecations() 317 { 318 FrameConsole::mute(); 319 UseCounter::muteForInspector(); 320 } 321 322 void PageScriptDebugServer::unmuteWarningsAndDeprecations() 323 { 324 FrameConsole::unmute(); 325 UseCounter::unmuteForInspector(); 326 } 327 328 } // namespace blink 329