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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "GrGLBufferImpl.h"
      9 #include "GrGpuGL.h"
     11 #define GL_CALL(GPU, X) GR_GL_CALL(GPU->glInterface(), X)
     13 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
     14 #define VALIDATE() this->validate()
     15 #else
     16 #define VALIDATE() do {} while(false)
     17 #endif
     19 // GL_STREAM_DRAW triggers an optimization in Chromium's GPU process where a client's vertex buffer
     20 // objects are implemented as client-side-arrays on tile-deferred architectures.
     23 GrGLBufferImpl::GrGLBufferImpl(GrGpuGL* gpu, const Desc& desc, GrGLenum bufferType)
     24     : fDesc(desc)
     25     , fBufferType(bufferType)
     26     , fMapPtr(NULL) {
     27     if (0 == desc.fID) {
     28         fCPUData = sk_malloc_flags(desc.fSizeInBytes, SK_MALLOC_THROW);
     29         fGLSizeInBytes = 0;
     30     } else {
     31         fCPUData = NULL;
     32         // We assume that the GL buffer was created at the desc's size initially.
     33         fGLSizeInBytes = fDesc.fSizeInBytes;
     34     }
     35     VALIDATE();
     36 }
     38 void GrGLBufferImpl::release(GrGpuGL* gpu) {
     39     VALIDATE();
     40     // make sure we've not been abandoned or already released
     41     if (fCPUData) {
     42         sk_free(fCPUData);
     43         fCPUData = NULL;
     44     } else if (fDesc.fID && !fDesc.fIsWrapped) {
     45         GL_CALL(gpu, DeleteBuffers(1, &fDesc.fID));
     46         if (GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType) {
     47             gpu->notifyVertexBufferDelete(fDesc.fID);
     48         } else {
     49             SkASSERT(GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType);
     50             gpu->notifyIndexBufferDelete(fDesc.fID);
     51         }
     52         fDesc.fID = 0;
     53         fGLSizeInBytes = 0;
     54     }
     55     fMapPtr = NULL;
     56     VALIDATE();
     57 }
     59 void GrGLBufferImpl::abandon() {
     60     fDesc.fID = 0;
     61     fGLSizeInBytes = 0;
     62     fMapPtr = NULL;
     63     sk_free(fCPUData);
     64     fCPUData = NULL;
     65     VALIDATE();
     66 }
     68 void GrGLBufferImpl::bind(GrGpuGL* gpu) const {
     69     VALIDATE();
     70     if (GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType) {
     71         gpu->bindVertexBuffer(fDesc.fID);
     72     } else {
     73         SkASSERT(GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType);
     74         gpu->bindIndexBufferAndDefaultVertexArray(fDesc.fID);
     75     }
     76     VALIDATE();
     77 }
     79 void* GrGLBufferImpl::map(GrGpuGL* gpu) {
     80     VALIDATE();
     81     SkASSERT(!this->isMapped());
     82     if (0 == fDesc.fID) {
     83         fMapPtr = fCPUData;
     84     } else {
     85         switch (gpu->glCaps().mapBufferType()) {
     86             case GrGLCaps::kNone_MapBufferType:
     87                 VALIDATE();
     88                 return NULL;
     89             case GrGLCaps::kMapBuffer_MapBufferType:
     90                 this->bind(gpu);
     91                 // Let driver know it can discard the old data
     92                 if (GR_GL_USE_BUFFER_DATA_NULL_HINT || fDesc.fSizeInBytes != fGLSizeInBytes) {
     93                     fGLSizeInBytes = fDesc.fSizeInBytes;
     94                     GL_CALL(gpu,
     95                             BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, NULL,
     96                                        fDesc.fDynamic ? DYNAMIC_USAGE_PARAM : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW));
     97                 }
     98                 GR_GL_CALL_RET(gpu->glInterface(), fMapPtr,
     99                                MapBuffer(fBufferType, GR_GL_WRITE_ONLY));
    100                 break;
    101             case GrGLCaps::kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType: {
    102                 this->bind(gpu);
    103                 // Make sure the GL buffer size agrees with fDesc before mapping.
    104                 if (fDesc.fSizeInBytes != fGLSizeInBytes) {
    105                     fGLSizeInBytes = fDesc.fSizeInBytes;
    106                     GL_CALL(gpu,
    107                             BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, NULL,
    108                                        fDesc.fDynamic ? DYNAMIC_USAGE_PARAM : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW));
    109                 }
    110                 static const GrGLbitfield kAccess = GR_GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT |
    111                                                     GR_GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT;
    112                 GR_GL_CALL_RET(gpu->glInterface(),
    113                                fMapPtr,
    114                                MapBufferRange(fBufferType, 0, fGLSizeInBytes, kAccess));
    115                 break;
    116             }
    117             case GrGLCaps::kChromium_MapBufferType:
    118                 this->bind(gpu);
    119                 // Make sure the GL buffer size agrees with fDesc before mapping.
    120                 if (fDesc.fSizeInBytes != fGLSizeInBytes) {
    121                     fGLSizeInBytes = fDesc.fSizeInBytes;
    122                     GL_CALL(gpu,
    123                             BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, NULL,
    124                                        fDesc.fDynamic ? DYNAMIC_USAGE_PARAM : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW));
    125                 }
    126                 GR_GL_CALL_RET(gpu->glInterface(),
    127                                fMapPtr,
    128                                MapBufferSubData(fBufferType, 0, fGLSizeInBytes, GR_GL_WRITE_ONLY));
    129                 break;
    130         }
    131     }
    132     VALIDATE();
    133     return fMapPtr;
    134 }
    136 void GrGLBufferImpl::unmap(GrGpuGL* gpu) {
    137     VALIDATE();
    138     SkASSERT(this->isMapped());
    139     if (0 != fDesc.fID) {
    140         switch (gpu->glCaps().mapBufferType()) {
    141             case GrGLCaps::kNone_MapBufferType:
    142                 SkDEBUGFAIL("Shouldn't get here.");
    143                 return;
    144             case GrGLCaps::kMapBuffer_MapBufferType: // fall through
    145             case GrGLCaps::kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType:
    146                 this->bind(gpu);
    147                 GL_CALL(gpu, UnmapBuffer(fBufferType));
    148                 break;
    149             case GrGLCaps::kChromium_MapBufferType:
    150                 this->bind(gpu);
    151                 GR_GL_CALL(gpu->glInterface(), UnmapBufferSubData(fMapPtr));
    152                 break;
    153         }
    154     }
    155     fMapPtr = NULL;
    156 }
    158 bool GrGLBufferImpl::isMapped() const {
    159     VALIDATE();
    160     return SkToBool(fMapPtr);
    161 }
    163 bool GrGLBufferImpl::updateData(GrGpuGL* gpu, const void* src, size_t srcSizeInBytes) {
    164     SkASSERT(!this->isMapped());
    165     VALIDATE();
    166     if (srcSizeInBytes > fDesc.fSizeInBytes) {
    167         return false;
    168     }
    169     if (0 == fDesc.fID) {
    170         memcpy(fCPUData, src, srcSizeInBytes);
    171         return true;
    172     }
    173     this->bind(gpu);
    174     GrGLenum usage = fDesc.fDynamic ? DYNAMIC_USAGE_PARAM : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW;
    177     if (fDesc.fSizeInBytes == srcSizeInBytes) {
    178         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferData(fBufferType, (GrGLsizeiptr) srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
    179     } else {
    180         // Before we call glBufferSubData we give the driver a hint using
    181         // glBufferData with NULL. This makes the old buffer contents
    182         // inaccessible to future draws. The GPU may still be processing
    183         // draws that reference the old contents. With this hint it can
    184         // assign a different allocation for the new contents to avoid
    185         // flushing the gpu past draws consuming the old contents.
    186         fGLSizeInBytes = fDesc.fSizeInBytes;
    187         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, NULL, usage));
    188         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferSubData(fBufferType, 0, (GrGLsizeiptr) srcSizeInBytes, src));
    189     }
    190 #else
    191     // Note that we're cheating on the size here. Currently no methods
    192     // allow a partial update that preserves contents of non-updated
    193     // portions of the buffer (map() does a glBufferData(..size, NULL..))
    194     bool doSubData = false;
    196     static int N = 0;
    197     // 128 was chosen experimentally. At 256 a slight hitchiness was noticed
    198     // when dragging a Chromium window around with a canvas tab backgrounded.
    199     doSubData = 0 == (N % 128);
    200     ++N;
    201 #endif
    202     if (doSubData) {
    203         // The workaround is to do a glBufferData followed by glBufferSubData.
    204         // Chromium's command buffer may turn a glBufferSubData where the size
    205         // exactly matches the buffer size into a glBufferData. So we tack 1
    206         // extra byte onto the glBufferData.
    207         fGLSizeInBytes = srcSizeInBytes + 1;
    208         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, NULL, usage));
    209         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferSubData(fBufferType, 0, srcSizeInBytes, src));
    210     } else {
    211         fGLSizeInBytes = srcSizeInBytes;
    212         GL_CALL(gpu, BufferData(fBufferType, fGLSizeInBytes, src, usage));
    213     }
    214 #endif
    215     return true;
    216 }
    218 void GrGLBufferImpl::validate() const {
    219     SkASSERT(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == fBufferType);
    220     // The following assert isn't valid when the buffer has been abandoned:
    221     // SkASSERT((0 == fDesc.fID) == (fCPUData));
    222     SkASSERT(0 != fDesc.fID || !fDesc.fIsWrapped);
    223     SkASSERT(NULL == fCPUData || 0 == fGLSizeInBytes);
    224     SkASSERT(NULL == fMapPtr || fCPUData || fGLSizeInBytes == fDesc.fSizeInBytes);
    225     SkASSERT(NULL == fCPUData || NULL == fMapPtr || fCPUData == fMapPtr);
    226 }