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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 // running create_test_font generates ./tools/test_font_data.cpp
      9 // which is read by ./tools/sk_tool_utils_font.cpp
     11 #include "Resources.h"
     12 #include "SkOSFile.h"
     13 #include "SkPaint.h"
     14 #include "SkPath.h"
     15 #include "SkStream.h"
     16 #include "SkTArray.h"
     17 #include "SkTSort.h"
     18 #include "SkTypeface.h"
     19 #include "SkUtils.h"
     20 #include <stdio.h>
     22 // the folllowing include is generated by running dm with
     23 //   --portableFonts --reportUsedChars
     24 #include "test_font_data_chars.cpp"
     26 #define DEFAULT_FONT_NAME "Liberation Sans"
     28 static struct FontDesc {
     29     const char* fName;
     30     SkTypeface::Style fStyle;
     31     const char* fFont;
     32     const char* fFile;
     33     const char* fCharsUsed;
     34     int fFontIndex;
     35 } gFonts[] = {
     36     {"Courier New", SkTypeface::kNormal, "Courier New",     "Courier New.ttf",
     37             gCourierNew},
     38     {"Courier New", SkTypeface::kBold,   "Courier New",     "Courier New Bold.ttf",
     39             gCourierNew_Bold},
     40     {"Courier New", SkTypeface::kItalic, "Courier New",     "Courier New Italic.ttf",
     41             gCourierNew_Italic},
     42     {"Courier New", SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Courier New", "Courier New Bold Italic.ttf",
     43             gCourierNew_BoldItalic},
     44     {"Helvetica",   SkTypeface::kNormal, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
     45             gLiberationSans},
     46     {"Helvetica",  SkTypeface::kBold,    "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf",
     47             gLiberationSans_Bold},
     48     {"Helvetica",  SkTypeface::kItalic,  "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf",
     49             gLiberationSans_Italic},
     50     {"Helvetica",  SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf",
     51             gLiberationSans_BoldItalic},
     52     {"Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro", SkTypeface::kNormal, "Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro", "Pro W4.otf",
     53             gHiraginoMaruGothicPro},
     54     {"Liberation Sans", SkTypeface::kNormal, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
     55             gLiberationSans},
     56     {"Liberation Sans", SkTypeface::kBold,   "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf",
     57             gLiberationSans_Bold},
     58     {"Liberation Sans", SkTypeface::kItalic, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf",
     59             gLiberationSans_Italic},
     60     {"Liberation Sans", SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf",
     61             gLiberationSans_BoldItalic},
     62     {"monospace",   SkTypeface::kNormal, "Courier New",     "Courier New.ttf",
     63             gCourierNew},
     64     {"monospace",   SkTypeface::kBold,   "Courier New",     "Courier New Bold.ttf",
     65             gCourierNew_Bold},
     66     {"monospace",   SkTypeface::kItalic, "Courier New",     "Courier New Italic.ttf",
     67             gCourierNew_Italic},
     68     {"monospace",   SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Courier New", "Courier New Bold Italic.ttf",
     69             gCourierNew_BoldItalic},
     70     {"Papyrus",     SkTypeface::kNormal, "Papyrus",         "Papyrus.ttc",
     71             gPapyrus},
     72     {"sans-serif",  SkTypeface::kNormal, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
     73             gLiberationSans},
     74     {"sans-serif",  SkTypeface::kBold,   "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf",
     75             gLiberationSans_Bold},
     76     {"sans-serif",  SkTypeface::kItalic, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf",
     77             gLiberationSans_Italic},
     78     {"sans-serif", SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf",
     79             gLiberationSans_BoldItalic},
     80     {"serif",       SkTypeface::kNormal, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman.ttf",
     81             gTimesNewRoman},
     82     {"serif",       SkTypeface::kBold,   "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold.ttf",
     83             gTimesNewRoman_Bold},
     84     {"serif",       SkTypeface::kItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Italic.ttf",
     85             gTimesNewRoman_Italic},
     86     {"serif",   SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf",
     87             gTimesNewRoman_BoldItalic},
     88     {"Times",       SkTypeface::kNormal, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman.ttf",
     89             gTimesNewRoman},
     90     {"Times",       SkTypeface::kBold,   "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold.ttf",
     91             gTimesNewRoman_Bold},
     92     {"Times",       SkTypeface::kItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Italic.ttf",
     93             gTimesNewRoman_Italic},
     94     {"Times",   SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf",
     95             gTimesNewRoman_BoldItalic},
     96     {"Times New Roman", SkTypeface::kNormal, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman.ttf",
     97             gTimesNewRoman},
     98     {"Times New Roman", SkTypeface::kBold,   "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold.ttf",
     99             gTimesNewRoman_Bold},
    100     {"Times New Roman", SkTypeface::kItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Italic.ttf",
    101             gTimesNewRoman_Italic},
    102     {"Times New Roman", SkTypeface::kBoldItalic, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf",
    103             gTimesNewRoman_BoldItalic},
    104     {"Times Roman", SkTypeface::kNormal, "Liberation Sans", "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
    105             gLiberationSans},
    106 };
    108 const int gFontsCount = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gFonts);
    110 const char* gStyleName[] = {
    111     "kNormal",
    112     "kBold",
    113     "kItalic",
    114     "kBoldItalic",
    115 };
    117 const char gHeader[] =
    118 "/*\n"
    119 " * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.\n"
    120 " *\n"
    121 " * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n"
    122 " * found in the LICENSE file.\n"
    123 " */\n"
    124 "\n"
    125 "// Auto-generated by ";
    127 static FILE* font_header() {
    128     SkString outPath(SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(".", "tools"));
    129     outPath = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(outPath.c_str(), "test_font_data.cpp");
    130     FILE* out = fopen(outPath.c_str(), "w");
    131     fprintf(out, "%s%s\n\n", gHeader, SkOSPath::SkBasename(__FILE__).c_str());
    132     return out;
    133 }
    135 enum {
    136     kMaxLineLength = 80,
    137 };
    139 static ptrdiff_t last_line_length(const SkString& str) {
    140     const char* first = str.c_str();
    141     const char* last = first + str.size();
    142     const char* ptr = last;
    143     while (ptr > first && *--ptr != '\n')
    144         ;
    145     return last - ptr - 1;
    146 }
    148 static void output_fixed(SkScalar num, int emSize, SkString* out) {
    149     int hex = (int) (num * 65536 / emSize);
    150     out->appendf("0x%08x,", hex);
    151     *out += (int) last_line_length(*out) >= kMaxLineLength ? '\n' : ' ';
    152 }
    154 static void output_scalar(SkScalar num, int emSize, SkString* out) {
    155     num /= emSize;
    156     if (num == (int) num) {
    157        out->appendS32((int) num);
    158     } else {
    159         SkString str;
    160         str.printf("%1.6g", num);
    161         int width = (int) str.size();
    162         const char* cStr = str.c_str();
    163         while (cStr[width - 1] == '0') {
    164             --width;
    165         }
    166         str.remove(width, str.size() - width);
    167         out->appendf("%sf", str.c_str());
    168     }
    169     *out += ',';
    170     *out += (int) last_line_length(*out) >= kMaxLineLength ? '\n' : ' ';
    171 }
    173 static int output_points(const SkPoint* pts, int emSize, int count, SkString* ptsOut) {
    174     for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
    175 //        SkASSERT(floor(pts[index].fX) == pts[index].fX);
    176         output_scalar(pts[index].fX, emSize, ptsOut);
    177 //        SkASSERT(floor(pts[index].fY) == pts[index].fY);
    178         output_scalar(pts[index].fY, emSize, ptsOut);
    179     }
    180     return count;
    181 }
    183 static void output_path_data(const SkPaint& paint, const char* used,
    184         int emSize, SkString* ptsOut, SkTDArray<SkPath::Verb>* verbs,
    185         SkTDArray<unsigned>* charCodes, SkTDArray<SkScalar>* widths) {
    186    while (*used) {
    187         SkUnichar index = SkUTF8_NextUnichar(&used);
    188         SkPath path;
    189         paint.getTextPath((const void*) &index, 2, 0, 0, &path);
    190         SkPath::RawIter iter(path);
    191         SkPath::Verb verb;
    192         SkPoint pts[4];
    193         while ((verb = iter.next(pts)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
    194             *verbs->append() = verb;
    195             switch (verb) {
    196                 case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    197                     output_points(&pts[0], emSize, 1, ptsOut);
    198                     break;
    199                 case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    200                     output_points(&pts[1], emSize, 1, ptsOut);
    201                     break;
    202                 case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    203                     output_points(&pts[1], emSize, 2, ptsOut);
    204                     break;
    205                 case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    206                     output_points(&pts[1], emSize, 3, ptsOut);
    207                     break;
    208                 case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    209                     break;
    210                 default:
    211                     SkDEBUGFAIL("bad verb");
    212                     SkASSERT(0);
    213             }
    214         }
    215         *verbs->append() = SkPath::kDone_Verb;
    216         *charCodes->append() = index;
    217         SkScalar width;
    218         SkDEBUGCODE(int charCount =) paint.getTextWidths((const void*) &index, 2, &width);
    219         SkASSERT(charCount == 1);
    220 //        SkASSERT(floor(width) == width);  // not true for Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro
    221         *widths->append() = width;
    222     }
    223 }
    225 static int offset_str_len(unsigned num) {
    226     if (num == (unsigned) -1) {
    227         return 10;
    228     }
    229     unsigned result = 1;
    230     unsigned ref = 10;
    231     while (ref <= num) {
    232         ++result;
    233         ref *= 10;
    234     }
    235     return result;
    236 }
    238 static SkString strip_spaces(const SkString& str) {
    239     SkString result;
    240     int count = (int) str.size();
    241     for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
    242         char c = str[index];
    243         if (c != ' ' && c != '-') {
    244             result += c;
    245         }
    246     }
    247     return result;
    248 }
    250 static SkString strip_final(const SkString& str) {
    251     SkString result(str);
    252     if (result.endsWith("\n")) {
    253         result.remove(result.size() - 1, 1);
    254     }
    255     if (result.endsWith(" ")) {
    256         result.remove(result.size() - 1, 1);
    257     }
    258     if (result.endsWith(",")) {
    259         result.remove(result.size() - 1, 1);
    260     }
    261     return result;
    262 }
    264 static void output_font(SkTypeface* face, const char* name, SkTypeface::Style style,
    265         const char* used, FILE* out) {
    266     int emSize = face->getUnitsPerEm() * 2;
    267     SkPaint paint;
    268     paint.setAntiAlias(true);
    269     paint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kLeft_Align);
    270     paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding);
    271     paint.setTextSize(emSize);
    272     SkSafeUnref(paint.setTypeface(face));
    273     SkTDArray<SkPath::Verb> verbs;
    274     SkTDArray<unsigned> charCodes;
    275     SkTDArray<SkScalar> widths;
    276     SkString ptsOut;
    277     output_path_data(paint, used, emSize, &ptsOut, &verbs, &charCodes, &widths);
    278     SkString fontnameStr(name);
    279     SkString strippedStr = strip_spaces(fontnameStr);
    280     strippedStr.appendf("%s", gStyleName[style]);
    281     const char* fontname = strippedStr.c_str();
    282     fprintf(out, "const SkScalar %sPoints[] = {\n", fontname);
    283     ptsOut = strip_final(ptsOut);
    284     fprintf(out, "%s", ptsOut.c_str());
    285     fprintf(out, "\n};\n\n");
    286     fprintf(out, "const unsigned char %sVerbs[] = {\n", fontname);
    287     int verbCount = verbs.count();
    288     int outChCount = 0;
    289     for (int index = 0; index < verbCount;) {
    290         SkPath::Verb verb = verbs[index];
    291         SkASSERT(verb >= SkPath::kMove_Verb && verb <= SkPath::kDone_Verb);
    292         SkASSERT((unsigned) verb == (unsigned char) verb);
    293         fprintf(out, "%u", verb);
    294         if (++index < verbCount) {
    295             outChCount += 3;
    296             fprintf(out, "%c", ',');
    297             if (outChCount >= kMaxLineLength) {
    298                 outChCount = 0;
    299                 fprintf(out, "%c", '\n');
    300             } else {
    301                 fprintf(out, "%c", ' ');
    302             }
    303         }
    304     }
    305     fprintf(out, "\n};\n\n");
    307     fprintf(out, "const unsigned %sCharCodes[] = {\n", fontname);
    308     int offsetCount = charCodes.count();
    309     for (int index = 0; index < offsetCount;) {
    310         unsigned offset = charCodes[index];
    311         fprintf(out, "%u", offset);
    312         if (++index < offsetCount) {
    313             outChCount += offset_str_len(offset) + 2;
    314             fprintf(out, "%c", ',');
    315             if (outChCount >= kMaxLineLength) {
    316                 outChCount = 0;
    317                 fprintf(out, "%c", '\n');
    318             } else {
    319                 fprintf(out, "%c", ' ');
    320             }
    321         }
    322     }
    323     fprintf(out, "\n};\n\n");
    325     SkString widthsStr;
    326     fprintf(out, "const SkFixed %sWidths[] = {\n", fontname);
    327     for (int index = 0; index < offsetCount; ++index) {
    328         output_fixed(widths[index], emSize, &widthsStr);
    329     }
    330     widthsStr = strip_final(widthsStr);
    331     fprintf(out, "%s\n};\n\n", widthsStr.c_str());
    333     fprintf(out, "const int %sCharCodesCount = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(%sCharCodes);\n\n",
    334             fontname, fontname);
    336     SkPaint::FontMetrics metrics;
    337     paint.getFontMetrics(&metrics);
    338     fprintf(out, "const SkPaint::FontMetrics %sMetrics = {\n", fontname);
    339     SkString metricsStr;
    340     metricsStr.printf("0x%08x, ", metrics.fFlags);
    341     output_scalar(metrics.fTop, emSize, &metricsStr);
    342     output_scalar(metrics.fAscent, emSize, &metricsStr);
    343     output_scalar(metrics.fDescent, emSize, &metricsStr);
    344     output_scalar(metrics.fBottom, emSize, &metricsStr);
    345     output_scalar(metrics.fLeading, emSize, &metricsStr);
    346     output_scalar(metrics.fAvgCharWidth, emSize, &metricsStr);
    347     output_scalar(metrics.fMaxCharWidth, emSize, &metricsStr);
    348     output_scalar(metrics.fXMin, emSize, &metricsStr);
    349     output_scalar(metrics.fXMax, emSize, &metricsStr);
    350     output_scalar(metrics.fXHeight, emSize, &metricsStr);
    351     output_scalar(metrics.fCapHeight, emSize, &metricsStr);
    352     output_scalar(metrics.fUnderlineThickness, emSize, &metricsStr);
    353     output_scalar(metrics.fUnderlinePosition, emSize, &metricsStr);
    354     metricsStr = strip_final(metricsStr);
    355     fprintf(out, "%s\n};\n\n", metricsStr.c_str());
    356 }
    358 struct FontWritten {
    359     const char* fName;
    360     SkTypeface::Style fStyle;
    361 };
    363 static SkTDArray<FontWritten> gWritten;
    365 static int written_index(const FontDesc& fontDesc) {
    366     for (int index = 0; index < gWritten.count(); ++index) {
    367         const FontWritten& writ = gWritten[index];
    368         if (!strcmp(fontDesc.fFont, writ.fName) && fontDesc.fStyle == writ.fStyle) {
    369             return index;
    370         }
    371     }
    372     return -1;
    373 }
    375 static void generate_fonts(FILE* out) {
    376     for (int index = 0; index < gFontsCount; ++index) {
    377         FontDesc& fontDesc = gFonts[index];
    378         int fontIndex = written_index(fontDesc);
    379         if (fontIndex >= 0) {
    380             fontDesc.fFontIndex = fontIndex;
    381             continue;
    382         }
    383         SkTypeface* systemTypeface = SkTypeface::CreateFromName(fontDesc.fFont, fontDesc.fStyle);
    384         SkASSERT(systemTypeface);
    385         SkString filepath(GetResourcePath(fontDesc.fFile));
    386         SkASSERT(sk_exists(filepath.c_str()));
    387         SkTypeface* resourceTypeface = SkTypeface::CreateFromFile(filepath.c_str());
    388         SkASSERT(resourceTypeface);
    389         output_font(resourceTypeface, fontDesc.fFont, fontDesc.fStyle, fontDesc.fCharsUsed, out);
    390         fontDesc.fFontIndex = gWritten.count();
    391         FontWritten* writ = gWritten.append();
    392         writ->fName = fontDesc.fFont;
    393         writ->fStyle = fontDesc.fStyle;
    394     }
    395 }
    397 static void generate_index(const char* defaultName, FILE* out) {
    398     int fontCount = gWritten.count();
    399     fprintf(out,
    400             "static SkTestFontData gTestFonts[] = {\n");
    401     int fontIndex;
    402     for (fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < fontCount; ++fontIndex) {
    403         const FontWritten& writ = gWritten[fontIndex];
    404         const char* name = writ.fName;
    405         SkString strippedStr = strip_spaces(SkString(name));
    406         strippedStr.appendf("%s", gStyleName[writ.fStyle]);
    407         const char* strip = strippedStr.c_str();
    408         fprintf(out,
    409                 "    {    %sPoints, %sVerbs, %sCharCodes,\n"
    410                 "         %sCharCodesCount, %sWidths,\n"
    411                 "         %sMetrics, \"%s\", SkTypeface::%s, NULL\n"
    412                 "    },\n",
    413                 strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, name, gStyleName[writ.fStyle]);
    414     }
    415     fprintf(out, "};\n\n");
    416     fprintf(out, "const int gTestFontsCount = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gTestFonts);\n\n");
    417     fprintf(out,
    418                 "struct SubFont {\n"
    419                 "    const char* fName;\n"
    420                 "    SkTypeface::Style fStyle;\n"
    421                 "    SkTestFontData& fFont;\n"
    422                 "    const char* fFile;\n"
    423                 "};\n\n"
    424                 "const SubFont gSubFonts[] = {\n");
    425     int defaultIndex = -1;
    426     for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < gFontsCount; subIndex++) {
    427         const FontDesc& desc = gFonts[subIndex];
    428         if (!strcmp(defaultName, desc.fName)) {
    429             defaultIndex = subIndex;
    430         }
    431         fprintf(out,
    432                 "    { \"%s\", SkTypeface::%s, gTestFonts[%d], \"%s\"},\n", desc.fName,
    433                 gStyleName[desc.fStyle], desc.fFontIndex, desc.fFile);
    434     }
    435     fprintf(out, "};\n\n");
    436     fprintf(out, "const int gSubFontsCount = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gSubFonts);\n\n");
    437     SkASSERT(defaultIndex >= 0);
    438     fprintf(out, "const int gDefaultFontIndex = %d;\n", defaultIndex);
    439 }
    441 int main(int , char * const []) {
    442 #ifndef SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC
    443     #error "use fonts installed on Mac"
    444 #endif
    445     FILE* out = font_header();
    446     generate_fonts(out);
    447     generate_index(DEFAULT_FONT_NAME, out);
    448     fclose(out);
    449     return 0;
    450 }