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      1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <string>
      9 #include <vector>
     11 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
     12 #include "sync/base/sync_export.h"
     13 #include "sync/engine/all_status.h"
     14 #include "sync/engine/net/server_connection_manager.h"
     15 #include "sync/engine/nudge_handler.h"
     16 #include "sync/engine/sync_engine_event_listener.h"
     17 #include "sync/internal_api/change_reorder_buffer.h"
     18 #include "sync/internal_api/debug_info_event_listener.h"
     19 #include "sync/internal_api/js_mutation_event_observer.h"
     20 #include "sync/internal_api/js_sync_encryption_handler_observer.h"
     21 #include "sync/internal_api/js_sync_manager_observer.h"
     22 #include "sync/internal_api/protocol_event_buffer.h"
     23 #include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_context_proxy.h"
     24 #include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h"
     25 #include "sync/internal_api/public/user_share.h"
     26 #include "sync/internal_api/sync_encryption_handler_impl.h"
     27 #include "sync/js/js_backend.h"
     28 #include "sync/syncable/directory_change_delegate.h"
     29 #include "sync/util/cryptographer.h"
     30 #include "sync/util/time.h"
     32 class GURL;
     34 namespace syncer {
     36 class ModelTypeRegistry;
     37 class SyncAPIServerConnectionManager;
     38 class SyncContext;
     39 class TypeDebugInfoObserver;
     40 class WriteNode;
     41 class WriteTransaction;
     43 namespace sessions {
     44 class SyncSessionContext;
     45 }
     47 // SyncManager encapsulates syncable::Directory and serves as the parent of all
     48 // other objects in the sync API.  If multiple threads interact with the same
     49 // local sync repository (i.e. the same sqlite database), they should share a
     50 // single SyncManager instance.  The caller should typically create one
     51 // SyncManager for the lifetime of a user session.
     52 //
     53 // Unless stated otherwise, all methods of SyncManager should be called on the
     54 // same thread.
     55 class SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE SyncManagerImpl
     56     : public SyncManager,
     57       public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver,
     58       public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver,
     59       public JsBackend,
     60       public SyncEngineEventListener,
     61       public ServerConnectionEventListener,
     62       public syncable::DirectoryChangeDelegate,
     63       public SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer,
     64       public NudgeHandler {
     65  public:
     66   // Create an uninitialized SyncManager.  Callers must Init() before using.
     67   explicit SyncManagerImpl(const std::string& name);
     68   virtual ~SyncManagerImpl();
     70   // SyncManager implementation.
     71   virtual void Init(InitArgs* args) OVERRIDE;
     72   virtual ModelTypeSet InitialSyncEndedTypes() OVERRIDE;
     73   virtual ModelTypeSet GetTypesWithEmptyProgressMarkerToken(
     74       ModelTypeSet types) OVERRIDE;
     75   virtual bool PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() OVERRIDE;
     76   virtual void UpdateCredentials(const SyncCredentials& credentials) OVERRIDE;
     77   virtual void StartSyncingNormally(
     78       const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info) OVERRIDE;
     79   virtual void ConfigureSyncer(
     80       ConfigureReason reason,
     81       ModelTypeSet to_download,
     82       ModelTypeSet to_purge,
     83       ModelTypeSet to_journal,
     84       ModelTypeSet to_unapply,
     85       const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& new_routing_info,
     86       const base::Closure& ready_task,
     87       const base::Closure& retry_task) OVERRIDE;
     88   virtual void SetInvalidatorEnabled(bool invalidator_enabled) OVERRIDE;
     89   virtual void OnIncomingInvalidation(
     90       syncer::ModelType type,
     91       scoped_ptr<InvalidationInterface> invalidation) OVERRIDE;
     92   virtual void AddObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
     93   virtual void RemoveObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
     94   virtual SyncStatus GetDetailedStatus() const OVERRIDE;
     95   virtual void SaveChanges() OVERRIDE;
     96   virtual void ShutdownOnSyncThread(ShutdownReason reason) OVERRIDE;
     97   virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() OVERRIDE;
     98   virtual syncer::SyncContextProxy* GetSyncContextProxy() OVERRIDE;
     99   virtual const std::string cache_guid() OVERRIDE;
    100   virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(Experiments* experiments) OVERRIDE;
    101   virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() OVERRIDE;
    102   virtual SyncEncryptionHandler* GetEncryptionHandler() OVERRIDE;
    103   virtual ScopedVector<syncer::ProtocolEvent>
    104       GetBufferedProtocolEvents() OVERRIDE;
    105   virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetAllNodesForType(
    106       syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
    107   virtual void RegisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    108       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
    109   virtual void UnregisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    110       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
    111   virtual bool HasDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
    112       syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
    113   virtual void RequestEmitDebugInfo() OVERRIDE;
    115   // SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer implementation.
    116   virtual void OnPassphraseRequired(
    117       PassphraseRequiredReason reason,
    118       const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) OVERRIDE;
    119   virtual void OnPassphraseAccepted() OVERRIDE;
    120   virtual void OnBootstrapTokenUpdated(
    121       const std::string& bootstrap_token,
    122       BootstrapTokenType type) OVERRIDE;
    123   virtual void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
    124       ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
    125       bool encrypt_everything) OVERRIDE;
    126   virtual void OnEncryptionComplete() OVERRIDE;
    127   virtual void OnCryptographerStateChanged(
    128       Cryptographer* cryptographer) OVERRIDE;
    129   virtual void OnPassphraseTypeChanged(
    130       PassphraseType type,
    131       base::Time explicit_passphrase_time) OVERRIDE;
    133   // SyncEngineEventListener implementation.
    134   virtual void OnSyncCycleEvent(const SyncCycleEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
    135   virtual void OnActionableError(const SyncProtocolError& error) OVERRIDE;
    136   virtual void OnRetryTimeChanged(base::Time retry_time) OVERRIDE;
    137   virtual void OnThrottledTypesChanged(ModelTypeSet throttled_types) OVERRIDE;
    138   virtual void OnMigrationRequested(ModelTypeSet types) OVERRIDE;
    139   virtual void OnProtocolEvent(const ProtocolEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
    141   // ServerConnectionEventListener implementation.
    142   virtual void OnServerConnectionEvent(
    143       const ServerConnectionEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
    145   // JsBackend implementation.
    146   virtual void SetJsEventHandler(
    147       const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler) OVERRIDE;
    149   // DirectoryChangeDelegate implementation.
    150   // This listener is called upon completion of a syncable transaction, and
    151   // builds the list of sync-engine initiated changes that will be forwarded to
    152   // the SyncManager's Observers.
    153   virtual void HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
    154       ModelTypeSet models_with_changes) OVERRIDE;
    155   virtual ModelTypeSet HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(
    156       const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
    157       syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
    158   virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
    159       const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
    160       syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    161       std::vector<int64>* entries_changed) OVERRIDE;
    162   virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
    163       const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
    164       syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
    165       std::vector<int64>* entries_changed) OVERRIDE;
    167   // Handle explicit requests to fetch updates for the given types.
    168   virtual void RefreshTypes(ModelTypeSet types) OVERRIDE;
    170   // These OnYYYChanged() methods are only called by our NetworkChangeNotifier.
    171   // Called when IP address of primary interface changes.
    172   virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
    173   // Called when the connection type of the system has changed.
    174   virtual void OnConnectionTypeChanged(
    175       net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType) OVERRIDE;
    177   // NudgeHandler implementation.
    178   virtual void NudgeForInitialDownload(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
    179   virtual void NudgeForCommit(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
    180   virtual void NudgeForRefresh(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
    182   const SyncScheduler* scheduler() const;
    184   bool GetHasInvalidAuthTokenForTest() const;
    186  protected:
    187   // Helper functions.  Virtual for testing.
    188   virtual void NotifyInitializationSuccess();
    189   virtual void NotifyInitializationFailure();
    191  private:
    192   friend class SyncManagerTest;
    193   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, NudgeDelayTest);
    194   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, PurgeDisabledTypes);
    195   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, PurgeUnappliedTypes);
    197   struct NotificationInfo {
    198     NotificationInfo();
    199     ~NotificationInfo();
    201     int total_count;
    202     std::string payload;
    204     // Returned pointer owned by the caller.
    205     base::DictionaryValue* ToValue() const;
    206   };
    208   base::TimeDelta GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(const ModelType& model_type);
    210   typedef std::map<ModelType, NotificationInfo> NotificationInfoMap;
    212   // Determine if the parents or predecessors differ between the old and new
    213   // versions of an entry.  Note that a node's index may change without its
    214   // UNIQUE_POSITION changing if its sibling nodes were changed.  To handle such
    215   // cases, we rely on the caller to treat a position update on any sibling as
    216   // updating the positions of all siblings.
    217   bool VisiblePositionsDiffer(
    218       const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation) const;
    220   // Determine if any of the fields made visible to clients of the Sync API
    221   // differ between the versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. A return
    222   // value of false means that it should be OK to ignore this change.
    223   bool VisiblePropertiesDiffer(
    224       const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation,
    225       Cryptographer* cryptographer) const;
    227   // Open the directory named with |username|.
    228   bool OpenDirectory(const std::string& username);
    230   // Purge those disabled types as specified by |to_purge|. |to_journal| and
    231   // |to_unapply| specify subsets that require special handling. |to_journal|
    232   // types are saved into the delete journal, while |to_unapply| have only
    233   // their local data deleted, while their server data is preserved.
    234   bool PurgeDisabledTypes(ModelTypeSet to_purge,
    235                           ModelTypeSet to_journal,
    236                           ModelTypeSet to_unapply);
    238   void RequestNudgeForDataTypes(
    239       const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location,
    240       ModelTypeSet type);
    242   // If this is a deletion for a password, sets the legacy
    243   // ExtraPasswordChangeRecordData field of |buffer|. Otherwise sets
    244   // |buffer|'s specifics field to contain the unencrypted data.
    245   void SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
    246                                 ModelType type,
    247                                 ChangeReorderBuffer* buffer,
    248                                 Cryptographer* cryptographer,
    249                                 const syncable::EntryKernel& original,
    250                                 bool existed_before,
    251                                 bool exists_now);
    253   // Checks for server reachabilty and requests a nudge.
    254   void OnNetworkConnectivityChangedImpl();
    256   syncable::Directory* directory();
    258   base::FilePath database_path_;
    260   const std::string name_;
    262   base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
    264   // Thread-safe handle used by
    265   // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(), which can be
    266   // called from any thread.  Valid only between between calls to
    267   // Init() and Shutdown().
    268   //
    269   // TODO(akalin): Ideally, we wouldn't need to store this; instead,
    270   // we'd have another worker class which implements
    271   // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi() and we'd pass it a
    272   // WeakHandle when we construct it.
    273   WeakHandle<SyncManagerImpl> weak_handle_this_;
    275   // We give a handle to share_ to clients of the API for use when constructing
    276   // any transaction type.
    277   UserShare share_;
    279   // This can be called from any thread, but only between calls to
    280   // OpenDirectory() and ShutdownOnSyncThread().
    281   WeakHandle<SyncManager::ChangeObserver> change_observer_;
    283   ObserverList<SyncManager::Observer> observers_;
    285   // The ServerConnectionManager used to abstract communication between the
    286   // client (the Syncer) and the sync server.
    287   scoped_ptr<SyncAPIServerConnectionManager> connection_manager_;
    289   // Maintains state that affects the way we interact with different sync types.
    290   // This state changes when entering or exiting a configuration cycle.
    291   scoped_ptr<ModelTypeRegistry> model_type_registry_;
    293   // The main interface for non-blocking sync types and a thread-safe wrapper.
    294   scoped_ptr<SyncContext> sync_context_;
    295   scoped_ptr<SyncContextProxy> sync_context_proxy_;
    297   // A container of various bits of information used by the SyncScheduler to
    298   // create SyncSessions.  Must outlive the SyncScheduler.
    299   scoped_ptr<sessions::SyncSessionContext> session_context_;
    301   // The scheduler that runs the Syncer. Needs to be explicitly
    302   // Start()ed.
    303   scoped_ptr<SyncScheduler> scheduler_;
    305   // A multi-purpose status watch object that aggregates stats from various
    306   // sync components.
    307   AllStatus allstatus_;
    309   // Each element of this map is a store of change records produced by
    310   // HandleChangeEventFromSyncer during the CALCULATE_CHANGES step. The changes
    311   // are grouped by model type, and are stored here in tree order to be
    312   // forwarded to the observer slightly later, at the TRANSACTION_ENDING step
    313   // by HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent. The list is cleared after observer
    314   // finishes processing.
    315   typedef std::map<int, ImmutableChangeRecordList> ChangeRecordMap;
    316   ChangeRecordMap change_records_;
    318   SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate_;
    320   // Set to true once Init has been called.
    321   bool initialized_;
    323   bool observing_network_connectivity_changes_;
    325   // Map used to store the notification info to be displayed in
    326   // about:sync page.
    327   NotificationInfoMap notification_info_map_;
    329   // These are for interacting with chrome://sync-internals.
    330   JsSyncManagerObserver js_sync_manager_observer_;
    331   JsMutationEventObserver js_mutation_event_observer_;
    332   JsSyncEncryptionHandlerObserver js_sync_encryption_handler_observer_;
    334   // This is for keeping track of client events to send to the server.
    335   DebugInfoEventListener debug_info_event_listener_;
    337   ProtocolEventBuffer protocol_event_buffer_;
    339   scoped_ptr<UnrecoverableErrorHandler> unrecoverable_error_handler_;
    340   ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function_;
    342   // Sync's encryption handler. It tracks the set of encrypted types, manages
    343   // changing passphrases, and in general handles sync-specific interactions
    344   // with the cryptographer.
    345   scoped_ptr<SyncEncryptionHandlerImpl> sync_encryption_handler_;
    347   base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncManagerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
    349   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SyncManagerImpl);
    350 };
    352 }  // namespace syncer