Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in browser
      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager.h"
      7 #include <stddef.h>
      9 #include <limits>
     10 #include <map>
     11 #include <set>
     12 #include <utility>
     14 #include "base/bind.h"
     15 #include "base/command_line.h"
     16 #include "base/guid.h"
     17 #include "base/logging.h"
     18 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     19 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     20 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     21 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     22 #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
     23 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h"
     24 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
     25 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_data_model.h"
     26 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_external_delegate.h"
     27 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_field.h"
     28 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager_test_delegate.h"
     29 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h"
     30 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile.h"
     31 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h"
     32 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/credit_card.h"
     33 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
     34 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
     35 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number.h"
     36 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number_i18n.h"
     37 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/popup_item_ids.h"
     38 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_data_validation.h"
     39 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_pref_names.h"
     40 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_switches.h"
     41 #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
     42 #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data_predictions.h"
     43 #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
     44 #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form_fill_data.h"
     45 #include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
     46 #include "grit/components_strings.h"
     47 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     48 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
     49 #include "url/gurl.h"
     51 namespace autofill {
     53 typedef PersonalDataManager::GUIDPair GUIDPair;
     55 using base::TimeTicks;
     57 namespace {
     59 // We only send a fraction of the forms to upload server.
     60 // The rate for positive/negative matches potentially could be different.
     61 const double kAutofillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.20;
     62 const double kAutofillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.20;
     64 const size_t kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember = 3;
     66 // Set a conservative upper bound on the number of forms we are willing to
     67 // cache, simply to prevent unbounded memory consumption.
     68 const size_t kMaxFormCacheSize = 100;
     70 // Removes duplicate suggestions whilst preserving their original order.
     71 void RemoveDuplicateSuggestions(std::vector<base::string16>* values,
     72                                 std::vector<base::string16>* labels,
     73                                 std::vector<base::string16>* icons,
     74                                 std::vector<int>* unique_ids) {
     75   DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), labels->size());
     76   DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), icons->size());
     77   DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), unique_ids->size());
     79   std::set<std::pair<base::string16, base::string16> > seen_suggestions;
     80   std::vector<base::string16> values_copy;
     81   std::vector<base::string16> labels_copy;
     82   std::vector<base::string16> icons_copy;
     83   std::vector<int> unique_ids_copy;
     85   for (size_t i = 0; i < values->size(); ++i) {
     86     const std::pair<base::string16, base::string16> suggestion(
     87         (*values)[i], (*labels)[i]);
     88     if (seen_suggestions.insert(suggestion).second) {
     89       values_copy.push_back((*values)[i]);
     90       labels_copy.push_back((*labels)[i]);
     91       icons_copy.push_back((*icons)[i]);
     92       unique_ids_copy.push_back((*unique_ids)[i]);
     93     }
     94   }
     96   values->swap(values_copy);
     97   labels->swap(labels_copy);
     98   icons->swap(icons_copy);
     99   unique_ids->swap(unique_ids_copy);
    100 }
    102 // Precondition: |form_structure| and |form| should correspond to the same
    103 // logical form.  Returns true if any field in the given |section| within |form|
    104 // is auto-filled.
    105 bool SectionIsAutofilled(const FormStructure& form_structure,
    106                          const FormData& form,
    107                          const std::string& section) {
    108   DCHECK_EQ(form_structure.field_count(), form.fields.size());
    109   for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure.field_count(); ++i) {
    110     if (form_structure.field(i)->section() == section &&
    111         form.fields[i].is_autofilled) {
    112       return true;
    113     }
    114   }
    116   return false;
    117 }
    119 bool FormIsHTTPS(const FormStructure& form) {
    120   // TODO(blundell): Change this to use a constant once crbug.com/306258 is
    121   // fixed.
    122   return form.source_url().SchemeIs("https");
    123 }
    125 // Uses the existing personal data in |profiles| and |credit_cards| to determine
    126 // possible field types for the |submitted_form|.  This is potentially
    127 // expensive -- on the order of 50ms even for a small set of |stored_data|.
    128 // Hence, it should not run on the UI thread -- to avoid locking up the UI --
    129 // nor on the IO thread -- to avoid blocking IPC calls.
    130 void DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload(
    131     const std::vector<AutofillProfile>& profiles,
    132     const std::vector<CreditCard>& credit_cards,
    133     const std::string& app_locale,
    134     FormStructure* submitted_form) {
    135   // For each field in the |submitted_form|, extract the value.  Then for each
    136   // profile or credit card, identify any stored types that match the value.
    137   for (size_t i = 0; i < submitted_form->field_count(); ++i) {
    138     AutofillField* field = submitted_form->field(i);
    139     ServerFieldTypeSet matching_types;
    141     base::string16 value;
    142     base::TrimWhitespace(field->value, base::TRIM_ALL, &value);
    143     for (std::vector<AutofillProfile>::const_iterator it = profiles.begin();
    144          it != profiles.end(); ++it) {
    145       it->GetMatchingTypes(value, app_locale, &matching_types);
    146     }
    147     for (std::vector<CreditCard>::const_iterator it = credit_cards.begin();
    148          it != credit_cards.end(); ++it) {
    149       it->GetMatchingTypes(value, app_locale, &matching_types);
    150     }
    152     if (matching_types.empty())
    153       matching_types.insert(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
    155     field->set_possible_types(matching_types);
    156   }
    157 }
    159 }  // namespace
    161 AutofillManager::AutofillManager(
    162     AutofillDriver* driver,
    163     AutofillClient* client,
    164     const std::string& app_locale,
    165     AutofillDownloadManagerState enable_download_manager)
    166     : driver_(driver),
    167       client_(client),
    168       app_locale_(app_locale),
    169       personal_data_(client->GetPersonalDataManager()),
    170       autocomplete_history_manager_(
    171           new AutocompleteHistoryManager(driver, client)),
    172       metric_logger_(new AutofillMetrics),
    173       has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false),
    174       has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false),
    175       did_show_suggestions_(false),
    176       user_did_type_(false),
    177       user_did_autofill_(false),
    178       user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false),
    179       external_delegate_(NULL),
    180       test_delegate_(NULL),
    181       weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
    182   if (enable_download_manager == ENABLE_AUTOFILL_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER) {
    183     download_manager_.reset(
    184         new AutofillDownloadManager(driver, client_->GetPrefs(), this));
    185   }
    186 }
    188 AutofillManager::~AutofillManager() {}
    190 // static
    191 void AutofillManager::RegisterProfilePrefs(
    192     user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
    193   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
    194       prefs::kAutofillEnabled,
    195       true,
    196       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF);
    197 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    198   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
    199       prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled,
    200       true,
    201       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF);
    202 #else  // defined(OS_MACOSX)
    203   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
    204       prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled,
    205       false,
    206       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    207 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX)
    208 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    209   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
    210       prefs::kAutofillMacAddressBookQueried,
    211       false,
    212       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    213 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX)
    214   registry->RegisterDoublePref(
    215       prefs::kAutofillPositiveUploadRate,
    216       kAutofillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue,
    217       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    218   registry->RegisterDoublePref(
    219       prefs::kAutofillNegativeUploadRate,
    220       kAutofillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue,
    221       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    223 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    224   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
    225       prefs::kAutofillUseMacAddressBook,
    226       false,
    227       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    228   registry->RegisterIntegerPref(
    229       prefs::kAutofillMacAddressBookShowedCount,
    230       0,
    231       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    232 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    233 }
    235 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    236 void AutofillManager::MigrateUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) {
    237   const PrefService::Preference* pref =
    238       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kAutofillUseMacAddressBook);
    240   // If the pref is not its default value, then the migration has already been
    241   // performed.
    242   if (!pref->IsDefaultValue())
    243     return;
    245   // Whether Chrome has already tried to access the user's Address Book.
    246   const PrefService::Preference* pref_accessed =
    247       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kAutofillMacAddressBookQueried);
    248   // Whether the user wants to use the Address Book to populate Autofill.
    249   const PrefService::Preference* pref_enabled =
    250       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled);
    252   if (pref_accessed->IsDefaultValue() && pref_enabled->IsDefaultValue()) {
    253     // This is likely a new user. Reset the default value to prevent the
    254     // migration from happening again.
    255     prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillUseMacAddressBook,
    256                       prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillUseMacAddressBook));
    257     return;
    258   }
    260   bool accessed;
    261   bool enabled;
    262   bool success = pref_accessed->GetValue()->GetAsBoolean(&accessed);
    263   DCHECK(success);
    264   success = pref_enabled->GetValue()->GetAsBoolean(&enabled);
    265   DCHECK(success);
    267   prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillUseMacAddressBook, accessed && enabled);
    268 }
    269 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    271 void AutofillManager::SetExternalDelegate(AutofillExternalDelegate* delegate) {
    272   // TODO(jrg): consider passing delegate into the ctor.  That won't
    273   // work if the delegate has a pointer to the AutofillManager, but
    274   // future directions may not need such a pointer.
    275   external_delegate_ = delegate;
    276   autocomplete_history_manager_->SetExternalDelegate(delegate);
    277 }
    279 void AutofillManager::ShowAutofillSettings() {
    280   client_->ShowAutofillSettings();
    281 }
    283 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    284 bool AutofillManager::ShouldShowAccessAddressBookSuggestion(
    285     const FormData& form,
    286     const FormFieldData& field) {
    287   if (!personal_data_ || !field.should_autocomplete)
    288     return false;
    290   FormStructure* form_structure = NULL;
    291   AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL;
    292   if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field))
    293     return false;
    295   if (!form_structure->IsAutofillable())
    296     return false;
    298   return personal_data_->ShouldShowAccessAddressBookSuggestion(
    299       autofill_field->Type());
    300 }
    302 bool AutofillManager::AccessAddressBook() {
    303   if (!personal_data_)
    304     return false;
    305   return personal_data_->AccessAddressBook();
    306 }
    308 void AutofillManager::ShowedAccessAddressBookPrompt() {
    309   if (!personal_data_)
    310     return;
    311   return personal_data_->ShowedAccessAddressBookPrompt();
    312 }
    314 int AutofillManager::AccessAddressBookPromptCount() {
    315   if (!personal_data_)
    316     return 0;
    317   return personal_data_->AccessAddressBookPromptCount();
    318 }
    319 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    321 bool AutofillManager::OnFormSubmitted(const FormData& form,
    322                                       const TimeTicks& timestamp) {
    323   if (!IsValidFormData(form))
    324     return false;
    326   // Let Autocomplete know as well.
    327   autocomplete_history_manager_->OnFormSubmitted(form);
    329   // Grab a copy of the form data.
    330   scoped_ptr<FormStructure> submitted_form(new FormStructure(form));
    332   if (!ShouldUploadForm(*submitted_form))
    333     return false;
    335   // Don't save data that was submitted through JavaScript.
    336   if (!form.user_submitted)
    337     return false;
    339   // Ignore forms not present in our cache.  These are typically forms with
    340   // wonky JavaScript that also makes them not auto-fillable.
    341   FormStructure* cached_submitted_form;
    342   if (!FindCachedForm(form, &cached_submitted_form))
    343     return false;
    345   submitted_form->UpdateFromCache(*cached_submitted_form);
    346   if (submitted_form->IsAutofillable())
    347     ImportFormData(*submitted_form);
    349   // Only upload server statistics and UMA metrics if at least some local data
    350   // is available to use as a baseline.
    351   const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles = personal_data_->GetProfiles();
    352   const std::vector<CreditCard*>& credit_cards =
    353       personal_data_->GetCreditCards();
    354   if (!profiles.empty() || !credit_cards.empty()) {
    355     // Copy the profile and credit card data, so that it can be accessed on a
    356     // separate thread.
    357     std::vector<AutofillProfile> copied_profiles;
    358     copied_profiles.reserve(profiles.size());
    359     for (std::vector<AutofillProfile*>::const_iterator it = profiles.begin();
    360          it != profiles.end(); ++it) {
    361       copied_profiles.push_back(**it);
    362     }
    364     std::vector<CreditCard> copied_credit_cards;
    365     copied_credit_cards.reserve(credit_cards.size());
    366     for (std::vector<CreditCard*>::const_iterator it = credit_cards.begin();
    367          it != credit_cards.end(); ++it) {
    368       copied_credit_cards.push_back(**it);
    369     }
    371     // Note that ownership of |submitted_form| is passed to the second task,
    372     // using |base::Owned|.
    373     FormStructure* raw_submitted_form = submitted_form.get();
    374     driver_->GetBlockingPool()->PostTaskAndReply(
    375         FROM_HERE,
    376         base::Bind(&DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload,
    377                    copied_profiles,
    378                    copied_credit_cards,
    379                    app_locale_,
    380                    raw_submitted_form),
    381         base::Bind(&AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback,
    382                    weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
    383                    base::Owned(submitted_form.release()),
    384                    forms_loaded_timestamps_[form],
    385                    initial_interaction_timestamp_,
    386                    timestamp));
    387   }
    389   return true;
    390 }
    392 void AutofillManager::OnFormsSeen(const std::vector<FormData>& forms,
    393                                   const TimeTicks& timestamp) {
    394   if (!IsValidFormDataVector(forms))
    395     return;
    397   if (!driver_->RendererIsAvailable())
    398     return;
    400   bool enabled = IsAutofillEnabled();
    401   if (!has_logged_autofill_enabled_) {
    402     metric_logger_->LogIsAutofillEnabledAtPageLoad(enabled);
    403     has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = true;
    404   }
    406   if (!enabled)
    407     return;
    409   for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) {
    410     forms_loaded_timestamps_[forms[i]] = timestamp;
    411   }
    413   ParseForms(forms);
    414 }
    416 void AutofillManager::OnTextFieldDidChange(const FormData& form,
    417                                            const FormFieldData& field,
    418                                            const TimeTicks& timestamp) {
    419   if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
    420     return;
    422   FormStructure* form_structure = NULL;
    423   AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL;
    424   if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field))
    425     return;
    427   if (!user_did_type_) {
    428     user_did_type_ = true;
    429     metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_TYPE);
    430   }
    432   if (autofill_field->is_autofilled) {
    433     autofill_field->is_autofilled = false;
    434     metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(
    435         AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD);
    437     if (!user_did_edit_autofilled_field_) {
    438       user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = true;
    439       metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(
    440           AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD_ONCE);
    441     }
    442   }
    444   UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp);
    445 }
    447 void AutofillManager::OnQueryFormFieldAutofill(int query_id,
    448                                                const FormData& form,
    449                                                const FormFieldData& field,
    450                                                const gfx::RectF& bounding_box,
    451                                                bool display_warning) {
    452   if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
    453     return;
    455   std::vector<base::string16> values;
    456   std::vector<base::string16> labels;
    457   std::vector<base::string16> icons;
    458   std::vector<int> unique_ids;
    460   external_delegate_->OnQuery(query_id,
    461                               form,
    462                               field,
    463                               bounding_box,
    464                               display_warning);
    465   FormStructure* form_structure = NULL;
    466   AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL;
    467   if (RefreshDataModels() &&
    468       driver_->RendererIsAvailable() &&
    469       GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field) &&
    470       // Don't send suggestions for forms that aren't auto-fillable.
    471       form_structure->IsAutofillable()) {
    472     AutofillType type = autofill_field->Type();
    473     bool is_filling_credit_card = (type.group() == CREDIT_CARD);
    474     if (is_filling_credit_card) {
    475       GetCreditCardSuggestions(
    476           field, type, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids);
    477     } else {
    478       GetProfileSuggestions(*form_structure,
    479                             field,
    480                             *autofill_field,
    481                             &values,
    482                             &labels,
    483                             &icons,
    484                             &unique_ids);
    485     }
    487     DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), labels.size());
    488     DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), icons.size());
    489     DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), unique_ids.size());
    491     if (!values.empty()) {
    492       // Don't provide Autofill suggestions when Autofill is disabled, and don't
    493       // provide credit card suggestions for non-HTTPS pages. However, provide a
    494       // warning to the user in these cases.
    495       int warning = 0;
    496       if (is_filling_credit_card && !FormIsHTTPS(*form_structure))
    498       if (warning) {
    499         values.assign(1, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(warning));
    500         labels.assign(1, base::string16());
    501         icons.assign(1, base::string16());
    502         unique_ids.assign(1, POPUP_ITEM_ID_WARNING_MESSAGE);
    503       } else {
    504         bool section_is_autofilled =
    505             SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form,
    506                                 autofill_field->section());
    507         if (section_is_autofilled) {
    508           // If the relevant section is auto-filled and the renderer is querying
    509           // for suggestions, then the user is editing the value of a field.
    510           // In this case, mimic autocomplete: don't display labels or icons,
    511           // as that information is redundant.
    512           labels.assign(labels.size(), base::string16());
    513           icons.assign(icons.size(), base::string16());
    514         }
    516         // When filling credit card suggestions, the values and labels are
    517         // typically obfuscated, which makes detecting duplicates hard.  Since
    518         // duplicates only tend to be a problem when filling address forms
    519         // anyway, only don't de-dup credit card suggestions.
    520         if (!is_filling_credit_card)
    521           RemoveDuplicateSuggestions(&values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids);
    523         // The first time we show suggestions on this page, log the number of
    524         // suggestions shown.
    525         if (!has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ && !section_is_autofilled) {
    526           metric_logger_->LogAddressSuggestionsCount(values.size());
    527           has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = true;
    528         }
    529       }
    530     }
    531   }
    533   // Add the results from AutoComplete.  They come back asynchronously, so we
    534   // hand off what we generated and they will send the results back to the
    535   // renderer.
    536   autocomplete_history_manager_->OnGetAutocompleteSuggestions(
    537       query_id, field.name, field.value, field.form_control_type, values,
    538       labels, icons, unique_ids);
    539 }
    541 void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewForm(
    542     AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action,
    543     int query_id,
    544     const FormData& form,
    545     const FormFieldData& field,
    546     int unique_id) {
    547   if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
    548     return;
    550   const AutofillDataModel* data_model = NULL;
    551   size_t variant = 0;
    552   FormStructure* form_structure = NULL;
    553   AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL;
    554   bool is_credit_card = false;
    555   // NOTE: RefreshDataModels may invalidate |data_model| because it causes the
    556   // PersonalDataManager to reload Mac address book entries. Thus it must come
    557   // before GetProfileOrCreditCard.
    558   if (!RefreshDataModels() ||
    559       !driver_->RendererIsAvailable() ||
    560       !GetProfileOrCreditCard(
    561           unique_id, &data_model, &variant, &is_credit_card) ||
    562       !GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field))
    563     return;
    565   DCHECK(form_structure);
    566   DCHECK(autofill_field);
    568   FormData result = form;
    570   base::string16 profile_full_name;
    571   std::string profile_language_code;
    572   if (!is_credit_card) {
    573     profile_full_name = data_model->GetInfo(
    574         AutofillType(NAME_FULL), app_locale_);
    575     profile_language_code =
    576         static_cast<const AutofillProfile*>(data_model)->language_code();
    577   }
    579   // If the relevant section is auto-filled, we should fill |field| but not the
    580   // rest of the form.
    581   if (SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form, autofill_field->section())) {
    582     for (std::vector<FormFieldData>::iterator iter = result.fields.begin();
    583          iter != result.fields.end(); ++iter) {
    584       if ((*iter) == field) {
    585         base::string16 value = data_model->GetInfoForVariant(
    586             autofill_field->Type(), variant, app_locale_);
    587         if (AutofillField::FillFormField(*autofill_field,
    588                                          value,
    589                                          profile_language_code,
    590                                          app_locale_,
    591                                          &(*iter))) {
    592           // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a
    593           // user edits an autofilled field (for metrics).
    594           autofill_field->is_autofilled = true;
    596           // Mark the field as autofilled when a non-empty value is assigned to
    597           // it. This allows the renderer to distinguish autofilled fields from
    598           // fields with non-empty values, such as select-one fields.
    599           iter->is_autofilled = true;
    601           if (!is_credit_card && !value.empty())
    602             client_->DidFillOrPreviewField(value, profile_full_name);
    603         }
    604         break;
    605       }
    606     }
    608     driver_->SendFormDataToRenderer(query_id, action, result);
    609     return;
    610   }
    612   // Cache the field type for the field from which the user initiated autofill.
    613   FieldTypeGroup initiating_group_type = autofill_field->Type().group();
    614   DCHECK_EQ(form_structure->field_count(), form.fields.size());
    615   for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); ++i) {
    616     if (form_structure->field(i)->section() != autofill_field->section())
    617       continue;
    619     DCHECK_EQ(*form_structure->field(i), result.fields[i]);
    621     const AutofillField* cached_field = form_structure->field(i);
    622     FieldTypeGroup field_group_type = cached_field->Type().group();
    623     if (field_group_type != NO_GROUP) {
    624       // If the field being filled is either
    625       //   (a) the field that the user initiated the fill from, or
    626       //   (b) part of the same logical unit, e.g. name or phone number,
    627       // then take the multi-profile "variant" into account.
    628       // Otherwise fill with the default (zeroth) variant.
    629       size_t use_variant = 0;
    630       if (result.fields[i] == field ||
    631           field_group_type == initiating_group_type) {
    632         use_variant = variant;
    633       }
    634       base::string16 value = data_model->GetInfoForVariant(
    635           cached_field->Type(), use_variant, app_locale_);
    637       // Must match ForEachMatchingFormField() in form_autofill_util.cc.
    638       // Only notify autofilling of empty fields and the field that initiated
    639       // the filling (note that "select-one" controls may not be empty but will
    640       // still be autofilled).
    641       bool should_notify =
    642           !is_credit_card &&
    643           !value.empty() &&
    644           (result.fields[i] == field ||
    645            result.fields[i].form_control_type == "select-one" ||
    646            result.fields[i].value.empty());
    647       if (AutofillField::FillFormField(*cached_field,
    648                                        value,
    649                                        profile_language_code,
    650                                        app_locale_,
    651                                        &result.fields[i])) {
    652         // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a
    653         // user edits an autofilled field (for metrics).
    654         form_structure->field(i)->is_autofilled = true;
    656         // Mark the field as autofilled when a non-empty value is assigned to
    657         // it. This allows the renderer to distinguish autofilled fields from
    658         // fields with non-empty values, such as select-one fields.
    659         result.fields[i].is_autofilled = true;
    661         if (should_notify)
    662           client_->DidFillOrPreviewField(value, profile_full_name);
    663       }
    664     }
    665   }
    667   autofilled_form_signatures_.push_front(form_structure->FormSignature());
    668   // Only remember the last few forms that we've seen, both to avoid false
    669   // positives and to avoid wasting memory.
    670   if (autofilled_form_signatures_.size() > kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember)
    671     autofilled_form_signatures_.pop_back();
    673   driver_->SendFormDataToRenderer(query_id, action, result);
    674 }
    676 void AutofillManager::OnDidPreviewAutofillFormData() {
    677   if (test_delegate_)
    678     test_delegate_->DidPreviewFormData();
    679 }
    681 void AutofillManager::OnDidFillAutofillFormData(const TimeTicks& timestamp) {
    682   if (test_delegate_)
    683     test_delegate_->DidFillFormData();
    685   metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL);
    686   if (!user_did_autofill_) {
    687     user_did_autofill_ = true;
    688     metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(
    689         AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL_ONCE);
    690   }
    692   UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp);
    693 }
    695 void AutofillManager::DidShowSuggestions(bool is_new_popup) {
    696   if (test_delegate_)
    697     test_delegate_->DidShowSuggestions();
    699   if (is_new_popup) {
    700     metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN);
    702     if (!did_show_suggestions_) {
    703       did_show_suggestions_ = true;
    704       metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(
    705           AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN_ONCE);
    706     }
    707   }
    708 }
    710 void AutofillManager::OnHidePopup() {
    711   if (!IsAutofillEnabled())
    712     return;
    714   autocomplete_history_manager_->CancelPendingQuery();
    715   client_->HideAutofillPopup();
    716 }
    718 void AutofillManager::RemoveAutofillProfileOrCreditCard(int unique_id) {
    719   const AutofillDataModel* data_model = NULL;
    720   size_t variant = 0;
    721   bool unused_is_credit_card = false;
    722   if (!GetProfileOrCreditCard(
    723           unique_id, &data_model, &variant, &unused_is_credit_card)) {
    724     NOTREACHED();
    725     return;
    726   }
    728   // TODO(csharp): If we are dealing with a variant only the variant should
    729   // be deleted, instead of doing nothing.
    730   // http://crbug.com/124211
    731   if (variant != 0)
    732     return;
    734   personal_data_->RemoveByGUID(data_model->guid());
    735 }
    737 void AutofillManager::RemoveAutocompleteEntry(const base::string16& name,
    738                                               const base::string16& value) {
    739   autocomplete_history_manager_->OnRemoveAutocompleteEntry(name, value);
    740 }
    742 const std::vector<FormStructure*>& AutofillManager::GetFormStructures() {
    743   return form_structures_.get();
    744 }
    746 void AutofillManager::SetTestDelegate(AutofillManagerTestDelegate* delegate) {
    747   test_delegate_ = delegate;
    748 }
    750 void AutofillManager::OnSetDataList(const std::vector<base::string16>& values,
    751                                     const std::vector<base::string16>& labels) {
    752   if (!IsValidString16Vector(values) ||
    753       !IsValidString16Vector(labels) ||
    754       values.size() != labels.size())
    755     return;
    757   external_delegate_->SetCurrentDataListValues(values, labels);
    758 }
    760 void AutofillManager::OnLoadedServerPredictions(
    761     const std::string& response_xml) {
    762   // Parse and store the server predictions.
    763   FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(response_xml,
    764                                     form_structures_.get(),
    765                                     *metric_logger_);
    767   // Forward form structures to the password generation manager to detect
    768   // account creation forms.
    769   client_->DetectAccountCreationForms(form_structures_.get());
    771   // If the corresponding flag is set, annotate forms with the predicted types.
    772   driver_->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(form_structures_.get());
    773 }
    775 void AutofillManager::OnDidEndTextFieldEditing() {
    776   external_delegate_->DidEndTextFieldEditing();
    777 }
    779 bool AutofillManager::IsAutofillEnabled() const {
    780   return client_->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillEnabled);
    781 }
    783 void AutofillManager::ImportFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) {
    784   scoped_ptr<CreditCard> imported_credit_card;
    785   if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData(submitted_form, &imported_credit_card))
    786     return;
    788   // If credit card information was submitted, we need to confirm whether to
    789   // save it.
    790   if (imported_credit_card) {
    791     client_->ConfirmSaveCreditCard(
    792         *metric_logger_,
    793         base::Bind(
    794             base::IgnoreResult(&PersonalDataManager::SaveImportedCreditCard),
    795             base::Unretained(personal_data_),
    796             *imported_credit_card));
    797   }
    798 }
    800 // Note that |submitted_form| is passed as a pointer rather than as a reference
    801 // so that we can get memory management right across threads.  Note also that we
    802 // explicitly pass in all the time stamps of interest, as the cached ones might
    803 // get reset before this method executes.
    804 void AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback(
    805     const FormStructure* submitted_form,
    806     const TimeTicks& load_time,
    807     const TimeTicks& interaction_time,
    808     const TimeTicks& submission_time) {
    809   submitted_form->LogQualityMetrics(*metric_logger_,
    810                                     load_time,
    811                                     interaction_time,
    812                                     submission_time);
    814   if (submitted_form->ShouldBeCrowdsourced())
    815     UploadFormData(*submitted_form);
    816 }
    818 void AutofillManager::UploadFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) {
    819   if (!download_manager_)
    820     return;
    822   // Check if the form is among the forms that were recently auto-filled.
    823   bool was_autofilled = false;
    824   std::string form_signature = submitted_form.FormSignature();
    825   for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it =
    826            autofilled_form_signatures_.begin();
    827        it != autofilled_form_signatures_.end() && !was_autofilled;
    828        ++it) {
    829     if (*it == form_signature)
    830       was_autofilled = true;
    831   }
    833   ServerFieldTypeSet non_empty_types;
    834   personal_data_->GetNonEmptyTypes(&non_empty_types);
    836   download_manager_->StartUploadRequest(submitted_form, was_autofilled,
    837                                         non_empty_types);
    838 }
    840 bool AutofillManager::UploadPasswordForm(
    841     const FormData& form,
    842     const ServerFieldType& password_type) {
    843   FormStructure form_structure(form);
    845   if (!ShouldUploadForm(form_structure))
    846     return false;
    848   if (!form_structure.ShouldBeCrowdsourced())
    849     return false;
    851   // Find the first password field to label. We don't try to label anything
    852   // else.
    853   bool found_password_field = false;
    854   for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure.field_count(); ++i) {
    855     AutofillField* field = form_structure.field(i);
    857     ServerFieldTypeSet types;
    858     if (!found_password_field && field->form_control_type == "password") {
    859       types.insert(password_type);
    860       found_password_field = true;
    861     } else {
    862       types.insert(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
    863     }
    864     field->set_possible_types(types);
    865   }
    866   DCHECK(found_password_field);
    868   // Only one field type should be present.
    869   ServerFieldTypeSet available_field_types;
    870   available_field_types.insert(password_type);
    872   // Force uploading as these events are relatively rare and we want to make
    873   // sure to receive them. It also makes testing easier if these requests
    874   // always pass.
    875   form_structure.set_upload_required(UPLOAD_REQUIRED);
    877   if (!download_manager_)
    878     return false;
    880   return download_manager_->StartUploadRequest(form_structure,
    881                                                false /* was_autofilled */,
    882                                                available_field_types);
    883 }
    885 void AutofillManager::Reset() {
    886   form_structures_.clear();
    887   has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = false;
    888   has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = false;
    889   did_show_suggestions_ = false;
    890   user_did_type_ = false;
    891   user_did_autofill_ = false;
    892   user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = false;
    893   forms_loaded_timestamps_.clear();
    894   initial_interaction_timestamp_ = TimeTicks();
    895   external_delegate_->Reset();
    896 }
    898 AutofillManager::AutofillManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
    899                                  AutofillClient* client,
    900                                  PersonalDataManager* personal_data)
    901     : driver_(driver),
    902       client_(client),
    903       app_locale_("en-US"),
    904       personal_data_(personal_data),
    905       autocomplete_history_manager_(
    906           new AutocompleteHistoryManager(driver, client)),
    907       metric_logger_(new AutofillMetrics),
    908       has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false),
    909       has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false),
    910       did_show_suggestions_(false),
    911       user_did_type_(false),
    912       user_did_autofill_(false),
    913       user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false),
    914       external_delegate_(NULL),
    915       test_delegate_(NULL),
    916       weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
    917   DCHECK(driver_);
    918   DCHECK(client_);
    919 }
    921 void AutofillManager::set_metric_logger(const AutofillMetrics* metric_logger) {
    922   metric_logger_.reset(metric_logger);
    923 }
    925 bool AutofillManager::RefreshDataModels() const {
    926   if (!IsAutofillEnabled())
    927     return false;
    929   // No autofill data to return if the profiles are empty.
    930   if (personal_data_->GetProfiles().empty() &&
    931       personal_data_->GetCreditCards().empty()) {
    932     return false;
    933   }
    935   return true;
    936 }
    938 bool AutofillManager::GetProfileOrCreditCard(
    939     int unique_id,
    940     const AutofillDataModel** data_model,
    941     size_t* variant,
    942     bool* is_credit_card) const {
    943   // Unpack the |unique_id| into component parts.
    944   GUIDPair credit_card_guid;
    945   GUIDPair profile_guid;
    946   UnpackGUIDs(unique_id, &credit_card_guid, &profile_guid);
    947   DCHECK(!base::IsValidGUID(credit_card_guid.first) ||
    948          !base::IsValidGUID(profile_guid.first));
    949   *is_credit_card = false;
    951   // Find the profile that matches the |profile_guid|, if one is specified.
    952   // Otherwise find the credit card that matches the |credit_card_guid|,
    953   // if specified.
    954   if (base::IsValidGUID(profile_guid.first)) {
    955     *data_model = personal_data_->GetProfileByGUID(profile_guid.first);
    956     *variant = profile_guid.second;
    957   } else if (base::IsValidGUID(credit_card_guid.first)) {
    958     *data_model = personal_data_->GetCreditCardByGUID(credit_card_guid.first);
    959     *variant = credit_card_guid.second;
    960     *is_credit_card = true;
    961   }
    963   return !!*data_model;
    964 }
    966 bool AutofillManager::FindCachedForm(const FormData& form,
    967                                      FormStructure** form_structure) const {
    968   // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|.
    969   // Scan backward through the cached |form_structures_|, as updated versions of
    970   // forms are added to the back of the list, whereas original versions of these
    971   // forms might appear toward the beginning of the list.  The communication
    972   // protocol with the crowdsourcing server does not permit us to discard the
    973   // original versions of the forms.
    974   *form_structure = NULL;
    975   for (std::vector<FormStructure*>::const_reverse_iterator iter =
    976            form_structures_.rbegin();
    977        iter != form_structures_.rend(); ++iter) {
    978     if (**iter == form) {
    979       *form_structure = *iter;
    981       // The same form might be cached with multiple field counts: in some
    982       // cases, non-autofillable fields are filtered out, whereas in other cases
    983       // they are not.  To avoid thrashing the cache, keep scanning until we
    984       // find a cached version with the same number of fields, if there is one.
    985       if ((*iter)->field_count() == form.fields.size())
    986         break;
    987     }
    988   }
    990   if (!(*form_structure))
    991     return false;
    993   return true;
    994 }
    996 bool AutofillManager::GetCachedFormAndField(const FormData& form,
    997                                             const FormFieldData& field,
    998                                             FormStructure** form_structure,
    999                                             AutofillField** autofill_field) {
   1000   // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|.
   1001   // If we do not have this form in our cache but it is parseable, we'll add it
   1002   // in the call to |UpdateCachedForm()|.
   1003   if (!FindCachedForm(form, form_structure) &&
   1004       !FormStructure(form).ShouldBeParsed()) {
   1005     return false;
   1006   }
   1008   // Update the cached form to reflect any dynamic changes to the form data, if
   1009   // necessary.
   1010   if (!UpdateCachedForm(form, *form_structure, form_structure))
   1011     return false;
   1013   // No data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields.
   1014   if (!(*form_structure)->autofill_count())
   1015     return false;
   1017   // Find the AutofillField that corresponds to |field|.
   1018   *autofill_field = NULL;
   1019   for (std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator iter =
   1020            (*form_structure)->begin();
   1021        iter != (*form_structure)->end(); ++iter) {
   1022     if ((**iter) == field) {
   1023       *autofill_field = *iter;
   1024       break;
   1025     }
   1026   }
   1028   // Even though we always update the cache, the field might not exist if the
   1029   // website disables autocomplete while the user is interacting with the form.
   1030   // See http://crbug.com/160476
   1031   return *autofill_field != NULL;
   1032 }
   1034 bool AutofillManager::UpdateCachedForm(const FormData& live_form,
   1035                                        const FormStructure* cached_form,
   1036                                        FormStructure** updated_form) {
   1037   bool needs_update =
   1038       (!cached_form ||
   1039        live_form.fields.size() != cached_form->field_count());
   1040   for (size_t i = 0; !needs_update && i < cached_form->field_count(); ++i) {
   1041     needs_update = *cached_form->field(i) != live_form.fields[i];
   1042   }
   1044   if (!needs_update)
   1045     return true;
   1047   if (form_structures_.size() >= kMaxFormCacheSize)
   1048     return false;
   1050   // Add the new or updated form to our cache.
   1051   form_structures_.push_back(new FormStructure(live_form));
   1052   *updated_form = *form_structures_.rbegin();
   1053   (*updated_form)->DetermineHeuristicTypes(*metric_logger_);
   1055   // If we have cached data, propagate it to the updated form.
   1056   if (cached_form) {
   1057     std::map<base::string16, const AutofillField*> cached_fields;
   1058     for (size_t i = 0; i < cached_form->field_count(); ++i) {
   1059       const AutofillField* field = cached_form->field(i);
   1060       cached_fields[field->unique_name()] = field;
   1061     }
   1063     for (size_t i = 0; i < (*updated_form)->field_count(); ++i) {
   1064       AutofillField* field = (*updated_form)->field(i);
   1065       std::map<base::string16, const AutofillField*>::iterator cached_field =
   1066           cached_fields.find(field->unique_name());
   1067       if (cached_field != cached_fields.end()) {
   1068         field->set_server_type(cached_field->second->server_type());
   1069         field->is_autofilled = cached_field->second->is_autofilled;
   1070       }
   1071     }
   1073     // Note: We _must not_ remove the original version of the cached form from
   1074     // the list of |form_structures_|.  Otherwise, we break parsing of the
   1075     // crowdsourcing server's response to our query.
   1076   }
   1078   // Annotate the updated form with its predicted types.
   1079   std::vector<FormStructure*> forms(1, *updated_form);
   1080   driver_->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(forms);
   1082   return true;
   1083 }
   1085 void AutofillManager::GetProfileSuggestions(
   1086     const FormStructure& form,
   1087     const FormFieldData& field,
   1088     const AutofillField& autofill_field,
   1089     std::vector<base::string16>* values,
   1090     std::vector<base::string16>* labels,
   1091     std::vector<base::string16>* icons,
   1092     std::vector<int>* unique_ids) const {
   1093   std::vector<ServerFieldType> field_types(form.field_count());
   1094   for (size_t i = 0; i < form.field_count(); ++i) {
   1095     field_types.push_back(form.field(i)->Type().GetStorableType());
   1096   }
   1097   std::vector<GUIDPair> guid_pairs;
   1099   personal_data_->GetProfileSuggestions(
   1100       autofill_field.Type(), field.value, field.is_autofilled, field_types,
   1101       base::Callback<bool(const AutofillProfile&)>(),
   1102       values, labels, icons, &guid_pairs);
   1104   // Adjust phone number to display in prefix/suffix case.
   1105   if (autofill_field.Type().GetStorableType() == PHONE_HOME_NUMBER) {
   1106     for (size_t i = 0; i < values->size(); ++i) {
   1107       (*values)[i] = AutofillField::GetPhoneNumberValue(
   1108           autofill_field, (*values)[i], field);
   1109     }
   1110   }
   1112   for (size_t i = 0; i < guid_pairs.size(); ++i) {
   1113     unique_ids->push_back(PackGUIDs(GUIDPair(std::string(), 0),
   1114                                     guid_pairs[i]));
   1115   }
   1116 }
   1118 void AutofillManager::GetCreditCardSuggestions(
   1119     const FormFieldData& field,
   1120     const AutofillType& type,
   1121     std::vector<base::string16>* values,
   1122     std::vector<base::string16>* labels,
   1123     std::vector<base::string16>* icons,
   1124     std::vector<int>* unique_ids) const {
   1125   std::vector<GUIDPair> guid_pairs;
   1126   personal_data_->GetCreditCardSuggestions(
   1127       type, field.value, values, labels, icons, &guid_pairs);
   1129   for (size_t i = 0; i < guid_pairs.size(); ++i) {
   1130     unique_ids->push_back(PackGUIDs(guid_pairs[i], GUIDPair(std::string(), 0)));
   1131   }
   1132 }
   1134 void AutofillManager::ParseForms(const std::vector<FormData>& forms) {
   1135   std::vector<FormStructure*> non_queryable_forms;
   1136   for (std::vector<FormData>::const_iterator iter = forms.begin();
   1137        iter != forms.end(); ++iter) {
   1138     scoped_ptr<FormStructure> form_structure(new FormStructure(*iter));
   1139     if (!form_structure->ShouldBeParsed())
   1140       continue;
   1142     form_structure->DetermineHeuristicTypes(*metric_logger_);
   1144     // Set aside forms with method GET or author-specified types, so that they
   1145     // are not included in the query to the server.
   1146     if (form_structure->ShouldBeCrowdsourced())
   1147       form_structures_.push_back(form_structure.release());
   1148     else
   1149       non_queryable_forms.push_back(form_structure.release());
   1150   }
   1152   if (!form_structures_.empty() && download_manager_) {
   1153     // Query the server if we have at least one of the forms were parsed.
   1154     download_manager_->StartQueryRequest(form_structures_.get(),
   1155                                         *metric_logger_);
   1156   }
   1158   for (std::vector<FormStructure*>::const_iterator iter =
   1159            non_queryable_forms.begin();
   1160        iter != non_queryable_forms.end(); ++iter) {
   1161     form_structures_.push_back(*iter);
   1162   }
   1164   if (!form_structures_.empty())
   1165     metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::FORMS_LOADED);
   1167   // For the |non_queryable_forms|, we have all the field type info we're ever
   1168   // going to get about them.  For the other forms, we'll wait until we get a
   1169   // response from the server.
   1170   driver_->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(non_queryable_forms);
   1171 }
   1173 int AutofillManager::GUIDToID(const GUIDPair& guid) const {
   1174   if (!base::IsValidGUID(guid.first))
   1175     return 0;
   1177   std::map<GUIDPair, int>::const_iterator iter = guid_id_map_.find(guid);
   1178   if (iter == guid_id_map_.end()) {
   1179     int id = guid_id_map_.size() + 1;
   1180     guid_id_map_[guid] = id;
   1181     id_guid_map_[id] = guid;
   1182     return id;
   1183   } else {
   1184     return iter->second;
   1185   }
   1186 }
   1188 const GUIDPair AutofillManager::IDToGUID(int id) const {
   1189   if (id == 0)
   1190     return GUIDPair(std::string(), 0);
   1192   std::map<int, GUIDPair>::const_iterator iter = id_guid_map_.find(id);
   1193   if (iter == id_guid_map_.end()) {
   1194     NOTREACHED();
   1195     return GUIDPair(std::string(), 0);
   1196   }
   1198   return iter->second;
   1199 }
   1201 // When sending IDs (across processes) to the renderer we pack credit card and
   1202 // profile IDs into a single integer.  Credit card IDs are sent in the high
   1203 // word and profile IDs are sent in the low word.
   1204 int AutofillManager::PackGUIDs(const GUIDPair& cc_guid,
   1205                                const GUIDPair& profile_guid) const {
   1206   int cc_id = GUIDToID(cc_guid);
   1207   int profile_id = GUIDToID(profile_guid);
   1209   DCHECK(cc_id <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max());
   1210   DCHECK(profile_id <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max());
   1212   return cc_id << std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::digits | profile_id;
   1213 }
   1215 // When receiving IDs (across processes) from the renderer we unpack credit card
   1216 // and profile IDs from a single integer.  Credit card IDs are stored in the
   1217 // high word and profile IDs are stored in the low word.
   1218 void AutofillManager::UnpackGUIDs(int id,
   1219                                   GUIDPair* cc_guid,
   1220                                   GUIDPair* profile_guid) const {
   1221   int cc_id = id >> std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::digits &
   1222       std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
   1223   int profile_id = id & std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
   1225   *cc_guid = IDToGUID(cc_id);
   1226   *profile_guid = IDToGUID(profile_id);
   1227 }
   1229 void AutofillManager::UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(
   1230     const TimeTicks& interaction_timestamp) {
   1231   if (initial_interaction_timestamp_.is_null() ||
   1232       interaction_timestamp < initial_interaction_timestamp_) {
   1233     initial_interaction_timestamp_ = interaction_timestamp;
   1234   }
   1235 }
   1237 bool AutofillManager::ShouldUploadForm(const FormStructure& form) {
   1238   if (!IsAutofillEnabled())
   1239     return false;
   1241   if (driver_->IsOffTheRecord())
   1242     return false;
   1244   // Disregard forms that we wouldn't ever autofill in the first place.
   1245   if (!form.ShouldBeParsed())
   1246     return false;
   1248   return true;
   1249 }
   1251 }  // namespace autofill