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      2 /*
      3  * Author : Stephen Smalley, <sds (at) epoch.ncsc.mil>
      4  */
      6 /* Updated: David Caplan, <dac (at) tresys.com>
      7  *
      8  * 	Added conditional policy language extensions
      9  *
     10  *          Jason Tang    <jtang (at) tresys.com>
     11  *
     12  *	Added support for binary policy modules
     13  *
     14  * Copyright (C) 2003-5 Tresys Technology, LLC
     15  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     16  *  	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     17  *	the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
     18  */
     20 /* FLASK */
     22 %{
     23 #include <sys/types.h>
     24 #include <limits.h>
     25 #include <stdint.h>
     26 #include <string.h>
     28 typedef int (* require_func_t)();
     30 #ifdef ANDROID
     31 #include "policy_parse.h"
     32 #else
     33 #include "y.tab.h"
     34 #endif
     36 static char linebuf[2][255];
     37 static unsigned int lno = 0;
     38 int yywarn(char *msg);
     40 void set_source_file(const char *name);
     42 char source_file[PATH_MAX];
     43 unsigned long source_lineno = 1;
     45 unsigned long policydb_lineno = 1;
     47 unsigned int policydb_errors = 0;
     48 %}
     50 %option noinput nounput noyywrap
     52 %array
     53 letter  [A-Za-z]
     54 digit   [0-9]
     55 alnum   [a-zA-Z0-9]
     56 hexval	[0-9A-Fa-f]
     58 %%
     59 \n.*				{ strncpy(linebuf[lno], yytext+1, 255);
     60                                   linebuf[lno][254] = 0;
     61                                   lno = 1 - lno;
     62                                   policydb_lineno++;
     63 				  source_lineno++;
     64                                   yyless(1); }
     65 CLONE |
     66 clone				{ return(CLONE); }
     67 COMMON |
     68 common				{ return(COMMON); }
     69 CLASS |
     70 class				{ return(CLASS); }
     71 CONSTRAIN |
     72 constrain			{ return(CONSTRAIN); }
     74 validatetrans			{ return(VALIDATETRANS); }
     75 INHERITS |
     76 inherits			{ return(INHERITS); }
     77 SID |
     78 sid				{ return(SID); }
     79 ROLE |
     80 role				{ return(ROLE); }
     81 ROLES |
     82 roles				{ return(ROLES); }
     84 roleattribute			{ return(ROLEATTRIBUTE);}
     86 attribute_role			{ return(ATTRIBUTE_ROLE);}
     87 TYPES |
     88 types				{ return(TYPES); }
     89 TYPEALIAS |
     90 typealias			{ return(TYPEALIAS); }
     92 typeattribute			{ return(TYPEATTRIBUTE); }
     93 TYPEBOUNDS |
     94 typebounds			{ return(TYPEBOUNDS); }
     95 TYPE |
     96 type				{ return(TYPE); }
     97 BOOL |
     98 bool                            { return(BOOL); }
     99 TUNABLE |
    100 tunable				{ return(TUNABLE); }
    101 IF |
    102 if				{ return(IF); }
    103 ELSE |
    104 else				{ return(ELSE); }
    105 ALIAS |
    106 alias				{ return(ALIAS); }
    107 ATTRIBUTE |
    108 attribute			{ return(ATTRIBUTE); }
    110 type_transition			{ return(TYPE_TRANSITION); }
    111 TYPE_MEMBER |
    112 type_member			{ return(TYPE_MEMBER); }
    113 TYPE_CHANGE |
    114 type_change			{ return(TYPE_CHANGE); }
    116 role_transition			{ return(ROLE_TRANSITION); }
    118 range_transition		{ return(RANGE_TRANSITION); }
    120 sensitivity			{ return(SENSITIVITY); }
    121 DOMINANCE |
    122 dominance			{ return(DOMINANCE); }
    123 CATEGORY |
    124 category			{ return(CATEGORY); }
    125 LEVEL |
    126 level				{ return(LEVEL); }
    127 RANGE |
    128 range				{ return(RANGE); }
    130 mlsconstrain			{ return(MLSCONSTRAIN); }
    132 mlsvalidatetrans		{ return(MLSVALIDATETRANS); }
    133 USER |
    134 user				{ return(USER); }
    135 NEVERALLOW |
    136 neverallow		        { return(NEVERALLOW); }
    137 ALLOW |
    138 allow			        { return(ALLOW); }
    139 AUDITALLOW |
    140 auditallow		        { return(AUDITALLOW); }
    141 AUDITDENY |
    142 auditdeny		        { return(AUDITDENY); }
    143 DONTAUDIT |
    144 dontaudit                       { return(DONTAUDIT); }
    145 SOURCE |
    146 source			        { return(SOURCE); }
    147 TARGET |
    148 target			        { return(TARGET); }
    149 SAMEUSER |
    150 sameuser			{ return(SAMEUSER);}
    151 module|MODULE                   { return(MODULE); }
    152 require|REQUIRE                 { return(REQUIRE); }
    153 optional|OPTIONAL               { return(OPTIONAL); }
    154 OR |
    155 or     			        { return(OR);}
    156 AND |
    157 and				{ return(AND);}
    158 NOT |
    159 not				{ return(NOT);}
    160 xor |
    161 XOR                             { return(XOR); }
    162 eq |
    163 EQ				{ return(EQUALS);}
    164 true |
    165 TRUE                            { return(CTRUE); }
    166 false |
    167 FALSE                           { return(CFALSE); }
    168 dom |
    169 DOM				{ return(DOM);}
    170 domby |
    171 DOMBY				{ return(DOMBY);}
    172 INCOMP |
    173 incomp				{ return(INCOMP);}
    174 fscon |
    175 FSCON                           { return(FSCON);}
    176 portcon |
    177 PORTCON				{ return(PORTCON);}
    178 netifcon |
    179 NETIFCON			{ return(NETIFCON);}
    180 nodecon |
    181 NODECON				{ return(NODECON);}
    182 pirqcon |
    183 PIRQCON  		        { return(PIRQCON);}
    184 iomemcon |
    185 IOMEMCON            		{ return(IOMEMCON);}
    186 ioportcon |
    187 IOPORTCON           		{ return(IOPORTCON);}
    188 pcidevicecon |
    189 PCIDEVICECON           		{ return(PCIDEVICECON);}
    190 fs_use_xattr |
    191 FS_USE_XATTR			{ return(FSUSEXATTR);}
    192 fs_use_task |
    193 FS_USE_TASK                     { return(FSUSETASK);}
    194 fs_use_trans |
    195 FS_USE_TRANS                    { return(FSUSETRANS);}
    196 genfscon |
    197 GENFSCON                        { return(GENFSCON);}
    198 r1 |
    199 R1				{ return(R1); }
    200 r2 |
    201 R2				{ return(R2); }
    202 r3 |
    203 R3				{ return(R3); }
    204 u1 |
    205 U1				{ return(U1); }
    206 u2 |
    207 U2				{ return(U2); }
    208 u3 |
    209 U3				{ return(U3); }
    210 t1 |
    211 T1				{ return(T1); }
    212 t2 |
    213 T2				{ return(T2); }
    214 t3 |
    215 T3				{ return(T3); }
    216 l1 |
    217 L1				{ return(L1); }
    218 l2 |
    219 L2				{ return(L2); }
    220 h1 |
    221 H1				{ return(H1); }
    222 h2 |
    223 H2				{ return(H2); }
    224 policycap |
    225 POLICYCAP			{ return(POLICYCAP); }
    226 permissive |
    227 PERMISSIVE			{ return(PERMISSIVE); }
    228 default_user |
    229 DEFAULT_USER			{ return(DEFAULT_USER); }
    230 default_role |
    231 DEFAULT_ROLE			{ return(DEFAULT_ROLE); }
    232 default_type |
    233 DEFAULT_TYPE			{ return(DEFAULT_TYPE); }
    234 default_range |
    235 DEFAULT_RANGE			{ return(DEFAULT_RANGE); }
    236 low-high |
    237 LOW-HIGH			{ return(LOW_HIGH); }
    238 high |
    239 HIGH				{ return(HIGH); }
    240 low |
    241 LOW				{ return(LOW); }
    242 "/"({alnum}|[_\.\-/])*	        { return(PATH); }
    243 \"({alnum}|[_\.\-\+\~\: ])+\"	{ return(FILENAME); }
    244 {letter}({alnum}|[_\-])*([\.]?({alnum}|[_\-]))*	{ return(IDENTIFIER); }
    245 {alnum}*{letter}{alnum}*        { return(FILESYSTEM); }
    246 {digit}+|0x{hexval}+            { return(NUMBER); }
    247 {digit}{1,3}(\.{digit}{1,3}){3}    { return(IPV4_ADDR); }
    248 {hexval}{0,4}":"{hexval}{0,4}":"({hexval}|[:.])*  { return(IPV6_ADDR); }
    249 {digit}+(\.({alnum}|[_.])*)?    { return(VERSION_IDENTIFIER); }
    250 #line[ ]1[ ]\"[^\n]*\"		{ set_source_file(yytext+9); }
    251 #line[ ]{digit}+	        { source_lineno = atoi(yytext+6)-1; }
    252 #[^\n]*                         { /* delete comments */ }
    253 [ \t\f]+			{ /* delete whitespace */ }
    254 "==" 				{ return(EQUALS); }
    255 "!="				{ return (NOTEQUAL); }
    256 "&&"				{ return (AND); }
    257 "||"				{ return (OR); }
    258 "!"				{ return (NOT); }
    259 "^"                             { return (XOR); }
    260 "," |
    261 ":" |
    262 ";" |
    263 "(" |
    264 ")" |
    265 "{" |
    266 "}" |
    267 "[" |
    268 "-" |
    269 "." |
    270 "]" |
    271 "~" |
    272 "*"				{ return(yytext[0]); }
    273 .                               { yywarn("unrecognized character");}
    274 %%
    275 int yyerror(char *msg)
    276 {
    277 	if (source_file[0])
    278 		fprintf(stderr, "%s:%ld:",
    279 			source_file, source_lineno);
    280 	else
    281 		fprintf(stderr, "(unknown source)::");
    282 	fprintf(stderr, "ERROR '%s' at token '%s' on line %ld:\n%s\n%s\n",
    283 			msg,
    284 			yytext,
    285 			policydb_lineno,
    286 			linebuf[0], linebuf[1]);
    287 	policydb_errors++;
    288 	return -1;
    289 }
    291 int yywarn(char *msg)
    292 {
    293 	if (source_file[0])
    294 		fprintf(stderr, "%s:%ld:",
    295 			source_file, source_lineno);
    296 	else
    297 		fprintf(stderr, "(unknown source)::");
    298 	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING '%s' at token '%s' on line %ld:\n%s\n%s\n",
    299 			msg,
    300 			yytext,
    301 			policydb_lineno,
    302 			linebuf[0], linebuf[1]);
    303 	return 0;
    304 }
    306 void set_source_file(const char *name)
    307 {
    308 	source_lineno = 1;
    309 	strncpy(source_file, name, sizeof(source_file)-1);
    310 	source_file[sizeof(source_file)-1] = '\0';
    311 	if (strlen(source_file) && source_file[strlen(source_file)-1] == '"')
    312 		source_file[strlen(source_file)-1] = '\0';
    313 }