/development/host/ |
Android.mk | 16 LOCAL_PATH := $(my-dir) 18 dir := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(HOST_PREBUILT_TAG)) macro 19 ifdef dir 20 include $(call first-makefiles-under,$(dir))
/external/compiler-rt/test/msan/ |
readdir64.cc | 19 DIR *dir = opendir("."); local 20 struct dirent *d = readdir(dir); 22 closedir(dir); 25 closedir(dir);
/cts/apps/CameraITS/ |
Android.mk | 16 its-dir-name := CameraITS 17 its-dir := $(HOST_OUT)/$(its-dir-name) 18 its-build-stamp := $(its-dir)/build_stamp 24 $(its-dir): $(its-build-stamp) 28 mkdir -p $(its-dir) 29 $(ACP) -rfp cts/apps/$(its-dir-name)/* $(its-dir) 30 rm $(its-dir)/Android.mk
/external/bison/lib/ |
dirname-lgpl.c | 78 char *dir = malloc (length + append_dot + 1); local 79 if (!dir) 81 memcpy (dir, file, length); 83 dir[length++] = '.'; 84 dir[length] = '\0'; 85 return dir;
/external/chromium_org/content/browser/fileapi/ |
sandbox_isolated_origin_database_unittest.cc | 21 base::ScopedTempDir dir; local 22 ASSERT_TRUE(dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()); 25 SandboxIsolatedOriginDatabase database(kOrigin, dir.path(),
/external/chromium_org/gin/shell/ |
gin_shell_unittest.cc | 13 base::FilePath dir; local 14 PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &dir); 15 return dir.AppendASCII("gin_shell");
/external/chromium_org/mojo/tools/package_manager/ |
unpacker.h | 28 const base::FilePath& dir() const { return dir_; } function in class:mojo::Unpacker
/external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/gm/ |
emboss.cpp | 45 const SkScalar dir[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; variable 46 paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::CreateEmboss(3, dir, 0.3f, 0.1f))->unref();
/external/droiddriver/src/com/google/android/droiddriver/util/ |
FileUtils.java | 50 * instead of "user.dir". 63 private static void mkdirs(File dir) { 64 if (dir == null || dir.exists()) { 68 mkdirs(dir.getParentFile()); 69 if (!dir.mkdir()) { 70 throw new DroidDriverException("failed to mkdir " + dir); 72 dir.setReadable(true /* readable */, false/* ownerOnly */); 73 dir.setWritable(true /* readable */, false/* ownerOnly */); 74 dir.setExecutable(true /* executable */, false/* ownerOnly */) [all...] |
/external/e2fsprogs/lib/e2p/ |
iod.c | 30 DIR * dir; local 55 dir = opendir (dir_name); 56 if (dir == NULL) { 60 while ((dep = readdir (dir))) { 73 closedir(dir);
/external/e2fsprogs/lib/ext2fs/ |
newdir.c | 31 struct ext2_dir_entry *dir = NULL; local 43 dir = (struct ext2_dir_entry *) buf; 45 retval = ext2fs_set_rec_len(fs, fs->blocksize, dir); 58 dir->inode = dir_ino; 59 dir->name_len = 1 | filetype; 60 dir->name[0] = '.'; 62 dir->rec_len = EXT2_DIR_REC_LEN(1); 67 dir = (struct ext2_dir_entry *) (buf + dir->rec_len); 68 retval = ext2fs_set_rec_len(fs, rec_len, dir); [all...] |
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/ |
Android.mk | 17 LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) 46 notification-bot := $(call intermediates-dir-for,APPS,NotificationBot)/package.apk 64 cts-dir := $(HOST_OUT)/cts-verifier 65 verifier-dir-name := android-cts-verifier 66 verifier-dir := $(cts-dir)/$(verifier-dir-name) 67 verifier-zip-name := $(verifier-dir-name).zip 68 verifier-zip := $(cts-dir)/$(verifier-zip-name) 71 #$(PRODUCT_OUT)/data/app/CtsVerifier.apk $(verifier-zip): $(verifier-dir)/power/execute_power_tests.p [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/base/files/ |
scoped_temp_dir_unittest.cc | 19 // Against an existing dir, it should get destroyed when leaving scope. 22 ScopedTempDir dir; local 23 EXPECT_TRUE(dir.Set(test_path)); 24 EXPECT_TRUE(dir.IsValid()); 29 ScopedTempDir dir; local 30 EXPECT_TRUE(dir.Set(test_path)); 31 // Now the dir doesn't exist, so ensure that it gets created. 34 FilePath path = dir.Take(); 36 EXPECT_FALSE(dir.IsValid()); 42 ScopedTempDir dir; local 53 ScopedTempDir dir; local 72 ScopedTempDir dir; local 84 ScopedTempDir dir; local 99 ScopedTempDir dir; local [all...] |
dir_reader_posix_unittest.cc | 28 char kDirTemplate[] = "/tmp/org.chromium.dir-reader-posix-XXXXXX"; 29 const char* dir = mkdtemp(kDirTemplate); local 30 ASSERT_TRUE(dir); 35 PCHECK(chdir(dir) == 0); 47 DirReaderPosix reader(dir); 82 PCHECK(rmdir(dir) == 0);
/external/chromium_org/content/browser/download/ |
save_package_browsertest.cc | 25 base::FilePath* dir) { 27 *dir = save_dir_.path().AppendASCII(prefix + "_files"); 40 base::FilePath full_file_name, dir; local 41 GetDestinationPaths("a", &full_file_name, &dir); 44 dir)); 54 base::FilePath full_file_name, dir; local 55 GetDestinationPaths("a", &full_file_name, &dir); 58 dir));
/external/chromium_org/extensions/browser/api/runtime/ |
runtime_apitest.cc | 88 TestExtensionDir dir; local 89 dir.WriteManifest(kManifest); 90 dir.WriteFile(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("background.js"), "console.log('loaded');"); 92 const Extension* extension = LoadExtension(dir.unpacked_path());
/external/chromium_org/extensions/browser/guest_view/extension_options/ |
extension_options_apitest.cc | 49 base::FilePath dir = test_data_dir_.AppendASCII("extension_options") local 52 const Extension* embedder = InstallExtension(dir.AppendASCII("embedder"), 1); 53 const Extension* embedded = InstallExtension(dir.AppendASCII("embedded"), 1);
/external/chromium_org/mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/ |
run_cpp_generator.py | 24 dir = None variable 26 dir = sys.argv[2] variable 27 cpp = mojom_cpp_generator.Generator(module, ".", dir)
/external/chromium_org/third_party/boringssl/src/crypto/ |
directory_posix.c | 41 int readdir_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result) { 55 DIR *dir; member in struct:OPENSSL_dir_context_st 76 (*ctx)->dir = opendir(directory); 77 if ((*ctx)->dir == NULL) { 86 if (readdir_r((*ctx)->dir, &(*ctx)->dirent, &dirent) != 0 || 96 int r = closedir((*ctx)->dir);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/webrtc/base/ |
linuxfdwalk.c | 39 DIR *dir = opendir("/proc/self/fd"); local 40 if (!dir) { 43 int opendirfd = dirfd(dir); 47 while (errno = 0, (ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { 65 if (closedir(dir) < 0) {
/external/openssl/apps/ |
version.c | 143 int cflags=0,version=0,date=0,options=0,platform=0,dir=0; local 165 dir=1; 167 date=version=cflags=options=platform=dir=1; 213 if (dir) printf("%s\n",SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_DIR));
/external/openssl/crypto/ |
LPdir_unix.c | 61 DIR *dir; member in struct:LP_dir_context_st 86 (*ctx)->dir = opendir(directory); 87 if ((*ctx)->dir == NULL) 97 direntry = readdir((*ctx)->dir); 112 int ret = closedir((*ctx)->dir);
/external/oprofile/daemon/ |
opd_stats.c | 40 DIR * dir; local 66 if (!(dir = opendir("/dev/oprofile/stats/"))) 68 while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) { 87 closedir(dir);
/external/chromium_org/base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs/ |
xdg_user_dir_lookup.cc | 193 char *dir, *home_dir, *user_dir; local 195 dir = xdg_user_dir_lookup_with_fallback (type, NULL); 196 if (dir != NULL) 197 return dir; 225 fprintf (stderr, "Usage %s <dir-type>\n", argv[0]);
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ |
platform_util_linux.cc | 57 base::FilePath dir = full_path.DirName(); local 58 if (!base::DirectoryExists(dir)) 61 XDGOpen(dir.value());