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      1 // Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 // implied. See the License for the specific language governing
     13 // permissions and limitations under the License.
     14 /**
     15  * Author: Steffen Meschkat <mesch (a] google.com>
     16  *
     17  * @fileoverview A simple formatter to project JavaScript data into
     18  * HTML templates. The template is edited in place. I.e. in order to
     19  * instantiate a template, clone it from the DOM first, and then
     20  * process the cloned template. This allows for updating of templates:
     21  * If the templates is processed again, changed values are merely
     22  * updated.
     23  *
     24  * NOTE(mesch): IE DOM doesn't have importNode().
     25  *
     26  * NOTE(mesch): The property name "length" must not be used in input
     27  * data, see comment in jstSelect_().
     28  */
     31 /**
     32  * Names of jstemplate attributes. These attributes are attached to
     33  * normal HTML elements and bind expression context data to the HTML
     34  * fragment that is used as template.
     35  */
     36 var ATT_select = 'jsselect';
     37 var ATT_instance = 'jsinstance';
     38 var ATT_display = 'jsdisplay';
     39 var ATT_values = 'jsvalues';
     40 var ATT_vars = 'jsvars';
     41 var ATT_eval = 'jseval';
     42 var ATT_transclude = 'transclude';
     43 var ATT_content = 'jscontent';
     44 var ATT_skip = 'jsskip';
     47 /**
     48  * Name of the attribute that caches a reference to the parsed
     49  * template processing attribute values on a template node.
     50  */
     51 var ATT_jstcache = 'jstcache';
     54 /**
     55  * Name of the property that caches the parsed template processing
     56  * attribute values on a template node.
     57  */
     58 var PROP_jstcache = '__jstcache';
     61 /**
     62  * ID of the element that contains dynamically loaded jstemplates.
     63  */
     64 var STRING_jsts = 'jsts';
     67 /**
     68  * Un-inlined string literals, to avoid object creation in
     69  * IE6.
     70  */
     71 var CHAR_asterisk = '*';
     72 var CHAR_dollar = '$';
     73 var CHAR_period = '.';
     74 var CHAR_ampersand = '&';
     75 var STRING_div = 'div';
     76 var STRING_id = 'id';
     77 var STRING_asteriskzero = '*0';
     78 var STRING_zero = '0';
     81 /**
     82  * HTML template processor. Data values are bound to HTML templates
     83  * using the attributes transclude, jsselect, jsdisplay, jscontent,
     84  * jsvalues. The template is modifed in place. The values of those
     85  * attributes are JavaScript expressions that are evaluated in the
     86  * context of the data object fragment.
     87  *
     88  * @param {JsEvalContext} context Context created from the input data
     89  * object.
     90  *
     91  * @param {Element} template DOM node of the template. This will be
     92  * processed in place. After processing, it will still be a valid
     93  * template that, if processed again with the same data, will remain
     94  * unchanged.
     95  *
     96  * @param {boolean} opt_debugging Optional flag to collect debugging
     97  *     information while processing the template.  Only takes effect
     98  *     in MAPS_DEBUG.
     99  */
    100 function jstProcess(context, template, opt_debugging) {
    101   var processor = new JstProcessor;
    102   JstProcessor.prepareTemplate_(template);
    104   /**
    105    * Caches the document of the template node, so we don't have to
    106    * access it through ownerDocument.
    107    * @type Document
    108    */
    109   processor.document_ = ownerDocument(template);
    111   processor.run_(bindFully(processor, processor.jstProcessOuter_,
    112                            context, template));
    113 }
    116 /**
    117  * Internal class used by jstemplates to maintain context.  This is
    118  * necessary to process deep templates in Safari which has a
    119  * relatively shallow maximum recursion depth of 100.
    120  * @class
    121  * @constructor
    122  */
    123 function JstProcessor() {
    124 }
    127 /**
    128  * Counter to generate node ids. These ids will be stored in
    129  * ATT_jstcache and be used to lookup the preprocessed js attributes
    130  * from the jstcache_. The id is stored in an attribute so it
    131  * suvives cloneNode() and thus cloned template nodes can share the
    132  * same cache entry.
    133  * @type number
    134  */
    135 JstProcessor.jstid_ = 0;
    138 /**
    139  * Map from jstid to processed js attributes.
    140  * @type Object
    141  */
    142 JstProcessor.jstcache_ = {};
    144 /**
    145  * The neutral cache entry. Used for all nodes that don't have any
    146  * jst attributes. We still set the jsid attribute on those nodes so
    147  * we can avoid to look again for all the other jst attributes that
    148  * aren't there. Remember: not only the processing of the js
    149  * attribute values is expensive and we thus want to cache it. The
    150  * access to the attributes on the Node in the first place is
    151  * expensive too.
    152  */
    153 JstProcessor.jstcache_[0] = {};
    156 /**
    157  * Map from concatenated attribute string to jstid.
    158  * The key is the concatenation of all jst atributes found on a node
    159  * formatted as "name1=value1&name2=value2&...", in the order defined by
    160  * JST_ATTRIBUTES. The value is the id of the jstcache_ entry that can
    161  * be used for this node. This allows the reuse of cache entries in cases
    162  * when a cached entry already exists for a given combination of attribute
    163  * values. (For example when two different nodes in a template share the same
    164  * JST attributes.)
    165  * @type Object
    166  */
    167 JstProcessor.jstcacheattributes_ = {};
    170 /**
    171  * Map for storing temporary attribute values in prepareNode_() so they don't
    172  * have to be retrieved twice. (IE6 perf)
    173  * @type Object
    174  */
    175 JstProcessor.attributeValues_ = {};
    178 /**
    179  * A list for storing non-empty attributes found on a node in prepareNode_().
    180  * The array is global since it can be reused - this way there is no need to
    181  * construct a new array object for each invocation. (IE6 perf)
    182  * @type Array
    183  */
    184 JstProcessor.attributeList_ = [];
    187 /**
    188  * Prepares the template: preprocesses all jstemplate attributes.
    189  *
    190  * @param {Element} template
    191  */
    192 JstProcessor.prepareTemplate_ = function(template) {
    193   if (!template[PROP_jstcache]) {
    194     domTraverseElements(template, function(node) {
    195       JstProcessor.prepareNode_(node);
    196     });
    197   }
    198 };
    201 /**
    202  * A list of attributes we use to specify jst processing instructions,
    203  * and the functions used to parse their values.
    204  *
    205  * @type Array.<Array>
    206  */
    207 var JST_ATTRIBUTES = [
    208     [ ATT_select, jsEvalToFunction ],
    209     [ ATT_display, jsEvalToFunction ],
    210     [ ATT_values, jsEvalToValues ],
    211     [ ATT_vars, jsEvalToValues ],
    212     [ ATT_eval, jsEvalToExpressions ],
    213     [ ATT_transclude, jsEvalToSelf ],
    214     [ ATT_content, jsEvalToFunction ],
    215     [ ATT_skip, jsEvalToFunction ]
    216 ];
    219 /**
    220  * Prepares a single node: preprocesses all template attributes of the
    221  * node, and if there are any, assigns a jsid attribute and stores the
    222  * preprocessed attributes under the jsid in the jstcache.
    223  *
    224  * @param {Element} node
    225  *
    226  * @return {Object} The jstcache entry. The processed jst attributes
    227  * are properties of this object. If the node has no jst attributes,
    228  * returns an object with no properties (the jscache_[0] entry).
    229  */
    230 JstProcessor.prepareNode_ = function(node) {
    231   // If the node already has a cache property, return it.
    232   if (node[PROP_jstcache]) {
    233     return node[PROP_jstcache];
    234   }
    236   // If it is not found, we always set the PROP_jstcache property on the node.
    237   // Accessing the property is faster than executing getAttribute(). If we
    238   // don't find the property on a node that was cloned in jstSelect_(), we
    239   // will fall back to check for the attribute and set the property
    240   // from cache.
    242   // If the node has an attribute indexing a cache object, set it as a property
    243   // and return it.
    244   var jstid = domGetAttribute(node, ATT_jstcache);
    245   if (jstid != null) {
    246     return node[PROP_jstcache] = JstProcessor.jstcache_[jstid];
    247   }
    249   var attributeValues = JstProcessor.attributeValues_;
    250   var attributeList = JstProcessor.attributeList_;
    251   attributeList.length = 0;
    253   // Look for interesting attributes.
    254   for (var i = 0, I = jsLength(JST_ATTRIBUTES); i < I; ++i) {
    255     var name = JST_ATTRIBUTES[i][0];
    256     var value = domGetAttribute(node, name);
    257     attributeValues[name] = value;
    258     if (value != null) {
    259       attributeList.push(name + "=" + value);
    260     }
    261   }
    263   // If none found, mark this node to prevent further inspection, and return
    264   // an empty cache object.
    265   if (attributeList.length == 0) {
    266     domSetAttribute(node, ATT_jstcache, STRING_zero);
    267     return node[PROP_jstcache] = JstProcessor.jstcache_[0];
    268   }
    270   // If we already have a cache object corresponding to these attributes,
    271   // annotate the node with it, and return it.
    272   var attstring = attributeList.join(CHAR_ampersand);
    273   if (jstid = JstProcessor.jstcacheattributes_[attstring]) {
    274     domSetAttribute(node, ATT_jstcache, jstid);
    275     return node[PROP_jstcache] = JstProcessor.jstcache_[jstid];
    276   }
    278   // Otherwise, build a new cache object.
    279   var jstcache = {};
    280   for (var i = 0, I = jsLength(JST_ATTRIBUTES); i < I; ++i) {
    281     var att = JST_ATTRIBUTES[i];
    282     var name = att[0];
    283     var parse = att[1];
    284     var value = attributeValues[name];
    285     if (value != null) {
    286       jstcache[name] = parse(value);
    287     }
    288   }
    290   jstid = STRING_empty + ++JstProcessor.jstid_;
    291   domSetAttribute(node, ATT_jstcache, jstid);
    292   JstProcessor.jstcache_[jstid] = jstcache;
    293   JstProcessor.jstcacheattributes_[attstring] = jstid;
    295   return node[PROP_jstcache] = jstcache;
    296 };
    299 /**
    300  * Runs the given function in our state machine.
    301  *
    302  * It's informative to view the set of all function calls as a tree:
    303  * - nodes are states
    304  * - edges are state transitions, implemented as calls to the pending
    305  *   functions in the stack.
    306  *   - pre-order function calls are downward edges (recursion into call).
    307  *   - post-order function calls are upward edges (return from call).
    308  * - leaves are nodes which do not recurse.
    309  * We represent the call tree as an array of array of calls, indexed as
    310  * stack[depth][index].  Here [depth] indexes into the call stack, and
    311  * [index] indexes into the call queue at that depth.  We require a call
    312  * queue so that a node may branch to more than one child
    313  * (which will be called serially), typically due to a loop structure.
    314  *
    315  * @param {Function} f The first function to run.
    316  */
    317 JstProcessor.prototype.run_ = function(f) {
    318   var me = this;
    320   /**
    321    * A stack of queues of pre-order calls.
    322    * The inner arrays (constituent queues) are structured as
    323    * [ arg2, arg1, method, arg2, arg1, method, ...]
    324    * ie. a flattened array of methods with 2 arguments, in reverse order
    325    * for efficient push/pop.
    326    *
    327    * The outer array is a stack of such queues.
    328    *
    329    * @type Array.<Array>
    330    */
    331   var calls = me.calls_ = [];
    333   /**
    334    * The index into the queue for each depth. NOTE: Alternative would
    335    * be to maintain the queues in reverse order (popping off of the
    336    * end) but the repeated calls to .pop() consumed 90% of this
    337    * function's execution time.
    338    * @type Array.<number>
    339    */
    340   var queueIndices = me.queueIndices_ = [];
    342   /**
    343    * A pool of empty arrays.  Minimizes object allocation for IE6's benefit.
    344    * @type Array.<Array>
    345    */
    346   var arrayPool = me.arrayPool_ = [];
    348   f();
    349   var queue, queueIndex;
    350   var method, arg1, arg2;
    351   var temp;
    352   while (calls.length) {
    353     queue = calls[calls.length - 1];
    354     queueIndex = queueIndices[queueIndices.length - 1];
    355     if (queueIndex >= queue.length) {
    356       me.recycleArray_(calls.pop());
    357       queueIndices.pop();
    358       continue;
    359     }
    361     // Run the first function in the queue.
    362     method = queue[queueIndex++];
    363     arg1 = queue[queueIndex++];
    364     arg2 = queue[queueIndex++];
    365     queueIndices[queueIndices.length - 1] = queueIndex;
    366     method.call(me, arg1, arg2);
    367   }
    368 };
    371 /**
    372  * Pushes one or more functions onto the stack.  These will be run in sequence,
    373  * interspersed with any recursive calls that they make.
    374  *
    375  * This method takes ownership of the given array!
    376  *
    377  * @param {Array} args Array of method calls structured as
    378  *     [ method, arg1, arg2, method, arg1, arg2, ... ]
    379  */
    380 JstProcessor.prototype.push_ = function(args) {
    381   this.calls_.push(args);
    382   this.queueIndices_.push(0);
    383 };
    386 /**
    387  * Enable/disable debugging.
    388  * @param {boolean} debugging New state
    389  */
    390 JstProcessor.prototype.setDebugging = function(debugging) {
    391 };
    394 JstProcessor.prototype.createArray_ = function() {
    395   if (this.arrayPool_.length) {
    396     return this.arrayPool_.pop();
    397   } else {
    398     return [];
    399   }
    400 };
    403 JstProcessor.prototype.recycleArray_ = function(array) {
    404   arrayClear(array);
    405   this.arrayPool_.push(array);
    406 };
    408 /**
    409  * Implements internals of jstProcess. This processes the two
    410  * attributes transclude and jsselect, which replace or multiply
    411  * elements, hence the name "outer". The remainder of the attributes
    412  * is processed in jstProcessInner_(), below. That function
    413  * jsProcessInner_() only processes attributes that affect an existing
    414  * node, but doesn't create or destroy nodes, hence the name
    415  * "inner". jstProcessInner_() is called through jstSelect_() if there
    416  * is a jsselect attribute (possibly for newly created clones of the
    417  * current template node), or directly from here if there is none.
    418  *
    419  * @param {JsEvalContext} context
    420  *
    421  * @param {Element} template
    422  */
    423 JstProcessor.prototype.jstProcessOuter_ = function(context, template) {
    424   var me = this;
    426   var jstAttributes = me.jstAttributes_(template);
    428   var transclude = jstAttributes[ATT_transclude];
    429   if (transclude) {
    430     var tr = jstGetTemplate(transclude);
    431     if (tr) {
    432       domReplaceChild(tr, template);
    433       var call = me.createArray_();
    434       call.push(me.jstProcessOuter_, context, tr);
    435       me.push_(call);
    436     } else {
    437       domRemoveNode(template);
    438     }
    439     return;
    440   }
    442   var select = jstAttributes[ATT_select];
    443   if (select) {
    444     me.jstSelect_(context, template, select);
    445   } else {
    446     me.jstProcessInner_(context, template);
    447   }
    448 };
    451 /**
    452  * Implements internals of jstProcess. This processes all attributes
    453  * except transclude and jsselect. It is called either from
    454  * jstSelect_() for nodes that have a jsselect attribute so that the
    455  * jsselect attribute will not be processed again, or else directly
    456  * from jstProcessOuter_(). See the comment on jstProcessOuter_() for
    457  * an explanation of the name.
    458  *
    459  * @param {JsEvalContext} context
    460  *
    461  * @param {Element} template
    462  */
    463 JstProcessor.prototype.jstProcessInner_ = function(context, template) {
    464   var me = this;
    466   var jstAttributes = me.jstAttributes_(template);
    468   // NOTE(mesch): See NOTE on ATT_content why this is a separate
    469   // attribute, and not a special value in ATT_values.
    470   var display = jstAttributes[ATT_display];
    471   if (display) {
    472     var shouldDisplay = context.jsexec(display, template);
    473     if (!shouldDisplay) {
    474       displayNone(template);
    475       return;
    476     }
    477     displayDefault(template);
    478   }
    480   // NOTE(mesch): jsvars is evaluated before jsvalues, because it's
    481   // more useful to be able to use var values in attribute value
    482   // expressions than vice versa.
    483   var values = jstAttributes[ATT_vars];
    484   if (values) {
    485     me.jstVars_(context, template, values);
    486   }
    488   values = jstAttributes[ATT_values];
    489   if (values) {
    490     me.jstValues_(context, template, values);
    491   }
    493   // Evaluate expressions immediately. Useful for hooking callbacks
    494   // into jstemplates.
    495   //
    496   // NOTE(mesch): Evaluation order is sometimes significant, e.g. when
    497   // the expression evaluated in jseval relies on the values set in
    498   // jsvalues, so it needs to be evaluated *after*
    499   // jsvalues. TODO(mesch): This is quite arbitrary, it would be
    500   // better if this would have more necessity to it.
    501   var expressions = jstAttributes[ATT_eval];
    502   if (expressions) {
    503     for (var i = 0, I = jsLength(expressions); i < I; ++i) {
    504       context.jsexec(expressions[i], template);
    505     }
    506   }
    508   var skip = jstAttributes[ATT_skip];
    509   if (skip) {
    510     var shouldSkip = context.jsexec(skip, template);
    511     if (shouldSkip) return;
    512   }
    514   // NOTE(mesch): content is a separate attribute, instead of just a
    515   // special value mentioned in values, for two reasons: (1) it is
    516   // fairly common to have only mapped content, and writing
    517   // content="expr" is shorter than writing values="content:expr", and
    518   // (2) the presence of content actually terminates traversal, and we
    519   // need to check for that. Display is a separate attribute for a
    520   // reason similar to the second, in that its presence *may*
    521   // terminate traversal.
    522   var content = jstAttributes[ATT_content];
    523   if (content) {
    524     me.jstContent_(context, template, content);
    526   } else {
    527     // Newly generated children should be ignored, so we explicitly
    528     // store the children to be processed.
    529     var queue = me.createArray_();
    530     for (var c = template.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
    531       if (c.nodeType == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) {
    532         queue.push(me.jstProcessOuter_, context, c);
    533       }
    534     }
    535     if (queue.length) me.push_(queue);
    536   }
    537 };
    540 /**
    541  * Implements the jsselect attribute: evalutes the value of the
    542  * jsselect attribute in the current context, with the current
    543  * variable bindings (see JsEvalContext.jseval()). If the value is an
    544  * array, the current template node is multiplied once for every
    545  * element in the array, with the array element being the context
    546  * object. If the array is empty, or the value is undefined, then the
    547  * current template node is dropped. If the value is not an array,
    548  * then it is just made the context object.
    549  *
    550  * @param {JsEvalContext} context The current evaluation context.
    551  *
    552  * @param {Element} template The currently processed node of the template.
    553  *
    554  * @param {Function} select The javascript expression to evaluate.
    555  *
    556  * @notypecheck FIXME(hmitchell): See OCL6434950. instance and value need
    557  * type checks.
    558  */
    559 JstProcessor.prototype.jstSelect_ = function(context, template, select) {
    560   var me = this;
    562   var value = context.jsexec(select, template);
    564   // Enable reprocessing: if this template is reprocessed, then only
    565   // fill the section instance here. Otherwise do the cardinal
    566   // processing of a new template.
    567   var instance = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_instance);
    569   var instanceLast = false;
    570   if (instance) {
    571     if (instance.charAt(0) == CHAR_asterisk) {
    572       instance = parseInt10(instance.substr(1));
    573       instanceLast = true;
    574     } else {
    575       instance = parseInt10(/** @type string */(instance));
    576     }
    577   }
    579   // The expression value instanceof Array is occasionally false for
    580   // arrays, seen in Firefox. Thus we recognize an array as an object
    581   // which is not null that has a length property. Notice that this
    582   // also matches input data with a length property, so this property
    583   // name should be avoided in input data.
    584   var multiple = isArray(value);
    585   var count = multiple ? jsLength(value) : 1;
    586   var multipleEmpty = (multiple && count == 0);
    588   if (multiple) {
    589     if (multipleEmpty) {
    590       // For an empty array, keep the first template instance and mark
    591       // it last. Remove all other template instances.
    592       if (!instance) {
    593         domSetAttribute(template, ATT_instance, STRING_asteriskzero);
    594         displayNone(template);
    595       } else {
    596         domRemoveNode(template);
    597       }
    599     } else {
    600       displayDefault(template);
    601       // For a non empty array, create as many template instances as
    602       // are needed. If the template is first processed, as many
    603       // template instances are needed as there are values in the
    604       // array. If the template is reprocessed, new template instances
    605       // are only needed if there are more array values than template
    606       // instances. Those additional instances are created by
    607       // replicating the last template instance.
    608       //
    609       // When the template is first processed, there is no jsinstance
    610       // attribute. This is indicated by instance === null, except in
    611       // opera it is instance === "". Notice also that the === is
    612       // essential, because 0 == "", presumably via type coercion to
    613       // boolean.
    614       if (instance === null || instance === STRING_empty ||
    615           (instanceLast && instance < count - 1)) {
    616         // A queue of calls to push.
    617         var queue = me.createArray_();
    619         var instancesStart = instance || 0;
    620         var i, I, clone;
    621         for (i = instancesStart, I = count - 1; i < I; ++i) {
    622           var node = domCloneNode(template);
    623           domInsertBefore(node, template);
    625           jstSetInstance(/** @type Element */(node), value, i);
    626           clone = context.clone(value[i], i, count);
    628           queue.push(me.jstProcessInner_, clone, node,
    629                      JsEvalContext.recycle, clone, null);
    631         }
    632         // Push the originally present template instance last to keep
    633         // the order aligned with the DOM order, because the newly
    634         // created template instances are inserted *before* the
    635         // original instance.
    636         jstSetInstance(template, value, i);
    637         clone = context.clone(value[i], i, count);
    638         queue.push(me.jstProcessInner_, clone, template,
    639                    JsEvalContext.recycle, clone, null);
    640         me.push_(queue);
    641       } else if (instance < count) {
    642         var v = value[instance];
    644         jstSetInstance(template, value, instance);
    645         var clone = context.clone(v, instance, count);
    646         var queue = me.createArray_();
    647         queue.push(me.jstProcessInner_, clone, template,
    648                    JsEvalContext.recycle, clone, null);
    649         me.push_(queue);
    650       } else {
    651         domRemoveNode(template);
    652       }
    653     }
    654   } else {
    655     if (value == null) {
    656       displayNone(template);
    657     } else {
    658       displayDefault(template);
    659       var clone = context.clone(value, 0, 1);
    660       var queue = me.createArray_();
    661       queue.push(me.jstProcessInner_, clone, template,
    662                  JsEvalContext.recycle, clone, null);
    663       me.push_(queue);
    664     }
    665   }
    666 };
    669 /**
    670  * Implements the jsvars attribute: evaluates each of the values and
    671  * assigns them to variables in the current context. Similar to
    672  * jsvalues, except that all values are treated as vars, independent
    673  * of their names.
    674  *
    675  * @param {JsEvalContext} context Current evaluation context.
    676  *
    677  * @param {Element} template Currently processed template node.
    678  *
    679  * @param {Array} values Processed value of the jsvalues attribute: a
    680  * flattened array of pairs. The second element in the pair is a
    681  * function that can be passed to jsexec() for evaluation in the
    682  * current jscontext, and the first element is the variable name that
    683  * the value returned by jsexec is assigned to.
    684  */
    685 JstProcessor.prototype.jstVars_ = function(context, template, values) {
    686   for (var i = 0, I = jsLength(values); i < I; i += 2) {
    687     var label = values[i];
    688     var value = context.jsexec(values[i+1], template);
    689     context.setVariable(label, value);
    690   }
    691 };
    694 /**
    695  * Implements the jsvalues attribute: evaluates each of the values and
    696  * assigns them to variables in the current context (if the name
    697  * starts with '$', javascript properties of the current template node
    698  * (if the name starts with '.'), or DOM attributes of the current
    699  * template node (otherwise). Since DOM attribute values are always
    700  * strings, the value is coerced to string in the latter case,
    701  * otherwise it's the uncoerced javascript value.
    702  *
    703  * @param {JsEvalContext} context Current evaluation context.
    704  *
    705  * @param {Element} template Currently processed template node.
    706  *
    707  * @param {Array} values Processed value of the jsvalues attribute: a
    708  * flattened array of pairs. The second element in the pair is a
    709  * function that can be passed to jsexec() for evaluation in the
    710  * current jscontext, and the first element is the label that
    711  * determines where the value returned by jsexec is assigned to.
    712  */
    713 JstProcessor.prototype.jstValues_ = function(context, template, values) {
    714   for (var i = 0, I = jsLength(values); i < I; i += 2) {
    715     var label = values[i];
    716     var value = context.jsexec(values[i+1], template);
    718     if (label.charAt(0) == CHAR_dollar) {
    719       // A jsvalues entry whose name starts with $ sets a local
    720       // variable.
    721       context.setVariable(label, value);
    723     } else if (label.charAt(0) == CHAR_period) {
    724       // A jsvalues entry whose name starts with . sets a property of
    725       // the current template node. The name may have further dot
    726       // separated components, which are translated into namespace
    727       // objects. This specifically allows to set properties on .style
    728       // using jsvalues. NOTE(mesch): Setting the style attribute has
    729       // no effect in IE and hence should not be done anyway.
    730       var nameSpaceLabel = label.substr(1).split(CHAR_period);
    731       var nameSpaceObject = template;
    732       var nameSpaceDepth = jsLength(nameSpaceLabel);
    733       for (var j = 0, J = nameSpaceDepth - 1; j < J; ++j) {
    734         var jLabel = nameSpaceLabel[j];
    735         if (!nameSpaceObject[jLabel]) {
    736           nameSpaceObject[jLabel] = {};
    737         }
    738         nameSpaceObject = nameSpaceObject[jLabel];
    739       }
    740       nameSpaceObject[nameSpaceLabel[nameSpaceDepth - 1]] = value;
    742     } else if (label) {
    743       // Any other jsvalues entry sets an attribute of the current
    744       // template node.
    745       if (typeof value == TYPE_boolean) {
    746         // Handle boolean values that are set as attributes specially,
    747         // according to the XML/HTML convention.
    748         if (value) {
    749           domSetAttribute(template, label, label);
    750         } else {
    751           domRemoveAttribute(template, label);
    752         }
    753       } else {
    754         domSetAttribute(template, label, STRING_empty + value);
    755       }
    756     }
    757   }
    758 };
    761 /**
    762  * Implements the jscontent attribute. Evalutes the expression in
    763  * jscontent in the current context and with the current variables,
    764  * and assigns its string value to the content of the current template
    765  * node.
    766  *
    767  * @param {JsEvalContext} context Current evaluation context.
    768  *
    769  * @param {Element} template Currently processed template node.
    770  *
    771  * @param {Function} content Processed value of the jscontent
    772  * attribute.
    773  */
    774 JstProcessor.prototype.jstContent_ = function(context, template, content) {
    775   // NOTE(mesch): Profiling shows that this method costs significant
    776   // time. In jstemplate_perf.html, it's about 50%. I tried to replace
    777   // by HTML escaping and assignment to innerHTML, but that was even
    778   // slower.
    779   var value = STRING_empty + context.jsexec(content, template);
    780   // Prevent flicker when refreshing a template and the value doesn't
    781   // change.
    782   if (template.innerHTML == value) {
    783     return;
    784   }
    785   while (template.firstChild) {
    786     domRemoveNode(template.firstChild);
    787   }
    788   var t = domCreateTextNode(this.document_, value);
    789   domAppendChild(template, t);
    790 };
    793 /**
    794  * Caches access to and parsing of template processing attributes. If
    795  * domGetAttribute() is called every time a template attribute value
    796  * is used, it takes more than 10% of the time.
    797  *
    798  * @param {Element} template A DOM element node of the template.
    799  *
    800  * @return {Object} A javascript object that has all js template
    801  * processing attribute values of the node as properties.
    802  */
    803 JstProcessor.prototype.jstAttributes_ = function(template) {
    804   if (template[PROP_jstcache]) {
    805     return template[PROP_jstcache];
    806   }
    808   var jstid = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_jstcache);
    809   if (jstid) {
    810     return template[PROP_jstcache] = JstProcessor.jstcache_[jstid];
    811   }
    813   return JstProcessor.prepareNode_(template);
    814 };
    817 /**
    818  * Helps to implement the transclude attribute, and is the initial
    819  * call to get hold of a template from its ID.
    820  *
    821  * If the ID is not present in the DOM, and opt_loadHtmlFn is specified, this
    822  * function will call that function and add the result to the DOM, before
    823  * returning the template.
    824  *
    825  * @param {string} name The ID of the HTML element used as template.
    826  * @param {Function=} opt_loadHtmlFn A function which, when called, will return
    827  *   HTML that contains an element whose ID is 'name'.
    828  *
    829  * @return {Element|null} The DOM node of the template. (Only element nodes
    830  * can be found by ID, hence it's a Element.)
    831  */
    832 function jstGetTemplate(name, opt_loadHtmlFn) {
    833   var doc = document;
    834   var section;
    835   if (opt_loadHtmlFn) {
    836     section = jstLoadTemplateIfNotPresent(doc, name, opt_loadHtmlFn);
    837   } else {
    838     section = domGetElementById(doc, name);
    839   }
    840   if (section) {
    841     JstProcessor.prepareTemplate_(section);
    842     var ret = domCloneElement(section);
    843     domRemoveAttribute(ret, STRING_id);
    844     return ret;
    845   } else {
    846     return null;
    847   }
    848 }
    850 /**
    851  * This function is the same as 'jstGetTemplate' but, if the template
    852  * does not exist, throw an exception.
    853  *
    854  * @param {string} name The ID of the HTML element used as template.
    855  * @param {Function} opt_loadHtmlFn A function which, when called, will return
    856  *   HTML that contains an element whose ID is 'name'.
    857  *
    858  * @return {Element} The DOM node of the template. (Only element nodes
    859  * can be found by ID, hence it's a Element.)
    860  */
    861 function jstGetTemplateOrDie(name, opt_loadHtmlFn) {
    862   var x = jstGetTemplate(name, opt_loadHtmlFn);
    863   if (x === null) {
    864     throw new Error('jstGetTemplate() returned null');
    865   }
    866   return /** @type {Element} */(x);
    867 }
    870 /**
    871  * If an element with id 'name' is not present in the document, call loadHtmlFn
    872  * and insert the result into the DOM.
    873  *
    874  * @param {Document} doc
    875  * @param {string} name
    876  * @param {Function} loadHtmlFn A function that returns HTML to be inserted
    877  * into the DOM.
    878  * @param {string=} opt_target The id of a DOM object under which to attach the
    879  *   HTML once it's inserted.  An object with this id is created if it does not
    880  *   exist.
    881  * @return {Element} The node whose id is 'name'
    882  */
    883 function jstLoadTemplateIfNotPresent(doc, name, loadHtmlFn, opt_target) {
    884   var section = domGetElementById(doc, name);
    885   if (section) {
    886     return section;
    887   }
    888   // Load any necessary HTML and try again.
    889   jstLoadTemplate_(doc, loadHtmlFn(), opt_target || STRING_jsts);
    890   var section = domGetElementById(doc, name);
    891   if (!section) {
    892     log("Error: jstGetTemplate was provided with opt_loadHtmlFn, " +
    893 	"but that function did not provide the id '" + name + "'.");
    894   }
    895   return /** @type Element */(section);
    896 }
    899 /**
    900  * Loads the given HTML text into the given document, so that
    901  * jstGetTemplate can find it.
    902  *
    903  * We append it to the element identified by targetId, which is hidden.
    904  * If it doesn't exist, it is created.
    905  *
    906  * @param {Document} doc The document to create the template in.
    907  *
    908  * @param {string} html HTML text to be inserted into the document.
    909  *
    910  * @param {string} targetId The id of a DOM object under which to attach the
    911  *   HTML once it's inserted.  An object with this id is created if it does not
    912  *   exist.
    913  */
    914 function jstLoadTemplate_(doc, html, targetId) {
    915   var existing_target = domGetElementById(doc, targetId);
    916   var target;
    917   if (!existing_target) {
    918     target = domCreateElement(doc, STRING_div);
    919     target.id = targetId;
    920     displayNone(target);
    921     positionAbsolute(target);
    922     domAppendChild(doc.body, target);
    923   } else {
    924     target = existing_target;
    925   }
    926   var div = domCreateElement(doc, STRING_div);
    927   target.appendChild(div);
    928   div.innerHTML = html;
    929 }
    932 /**
    933  * Sets the jsinstance attribute on a node according to its context.
    934  *
    935  * @param {Element} template The template DOM node to set the instance
    936  * attribute on.
    937  *
    938  * @param {Array} values The current input context, the array of
    939  * values of which the template node will render one instance.
    940  *
    941  * @param {number} index The index of this template node in values.
    942  */
    943 function jstSetInstance(template, values, index) {
    944   if (index == jsLength(values) - 1) {
    945     domSetAttribute(template, ATT_instance, CHAR_asterisk + index);
    946   } else {
    947     domSetAttribute(template, ATT_instance, STRING_empty + index);
    948   }
    949 }
    952 /**
    953  * Log the current state.
    954  * @param {string} caller An identifier for the caller of .log_.
    955  * @param {Element} template The template node being processed.
    956  * @param {Object} jstAttributeValues The jst attributes of the template node.
    957  */
    958 JstProcessor.prototype.logState_ = function(
    959     caller, template, jstAttributeValues) {
    960 };