Lines Matching full:optional
56 optional int64 meta_data_write_time = 1;
57 optional int64 file_data_write_time = 2;
58 optional int64 user_lookup_time = 3;
59 optional int64 meta_data_read_time = 4;
60 optional int64 file_data_read_time = 5;
61 optional int64 total_request_time = 6;
70 optional EncryptedData encrypted = 1;
76 // definition, define your message type, and add an optional field
79 // optional MyDatatypeSpecifics my_datatype = 32222;
101 optional AutofillSpecifics autofill = 31729;
102 optional BookmarkSpecifics bookmark = 32904;
103 optional PreferenceSpecifics preference = 37702;
104 optional TypedUrlSpecifics typed_url = 40781;
105 optional ThemeSpecifics theme = 41210;
106 optional AppNotification app_notification = 45184;
107 optional PasswordSpecifics password = 45873;
108 optional NigoriSpecifics nigori = 47745;
109 optional ExtensionSpecifics extension = 48119;
110 optional AppSpecifics app = 48364;
111 optional SessionSpecifics session = 50119;
112 optional AutofillProfileSpecifics autofill_profile = 63951;
113 optional SearchEngineSpecifics search_engine = 88610;
114 optional ExtensionSettingSpecifics extension_setting = 96159;
115 optional AppSettingSpecifics app_setting = 103656;
116 optional HistoryDeleteDirectiveSpecifics history_delete_directive = 150251;
117 optional SyncedNotificationSpecifics synced_notification = 153108;
118 optional SyncedNotificationAppInfoSpecifics synced_notification_app_info =
120 optional DeviceInfoSpecifics device_info = 154522;
121 optional ExperimentsSpecifics experiments = 161496;
122 optional PriorityPreferenceSpecifics priority_preference = 163425;
123 optional DictionarySpecifics dictionary = 170540;
124 optional FaviconTrackingSpecifics favicon_tracking = 181534;
125 optional FaviconImageSpecifics favicon_image = 182019;
126 optional ManagedUserSettingSpecifics managed_user_setting = 186662;
127 optional ManagedUserSpecifics managed_user = 194582;
128 optional ManagedUserSharedSettingSpecifics managed_user_shared_setting =
130 optional ArticleSpecifics article = 223759;
131 optional AppListSpecifics app_list = 229170;
142 optional string id_string = 1;
149 optional string parent_id_string = 2;
155 optional string old_parent_id = 3;
173 optional int64 mtime = 5;
177 optional int64 ctime = 6;
194 optional string non_unique_name = 8;
200 optional int64 sync_timestamp = 9;
218 optional string server_defined_unique_tag = 10;
225 optional group BookmarkData = 11 {
233 optional string bookmark_url = 13;
238 optional bytes bookmark_favicon = 14;
267 optional int64 position_in_parent = 15;
280 optional string insert_after_item_id = 16;
285 // optional ExtendedAttributes extended_attributes = 17;
289 optional bool deleted = 18 [default = false];
302 optional string originator_cache_guid = 19;
310 optional string originator_client_item_id = 20;
314 optional EntitySpecifics specifics = 21;
317 optional bool folder = 22 [default = false];
346 optional string client_defined_unique_tag = 23;
353 optional bytes ordinal_in_parent = 24;
369 optional UniquePosition unique_position = 25;
382 optional string extension_id = 1;
386 optional uint32 bookmark_writes_since_last_commit = 2;
397 optional bool tabs_datatype_enabled = 2;
405 optional string cache_guid = 2;
414 optional ClientConfigParams config_params = 4;
416 // Set of optional per-client datatype contexts.
429 // Note that this will eventually replace the 'optional' field of the same
439 optional bool client_dropped_hints = 2;
457 optional bool invalidations_out_of_sync = 3;
465 optional int64 local_modification_nudges = 4;
475 optional int64 datatype_refresh_nudges = 5;
479 optional bool server_dropped_hints = 6;
490 optional bool initial_sync_in_progress = 7;
501 optional Type type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
506 optional int64 version_watermark = 2;
511 optional int32 age_watermark_in_days = 3;
516 optional int32 max_number_of_items = 4;
524 optional int32 data_type_id = 1;
547 optional bytes token = 2;
554 optional int64 timestamp_token_for_migration = 3;
562 optional string notification_hint = 4;
565 optional GetUpdateTriggers get_update_triggers = 5;
571 optional GarbageCollectionDirective gc_directive = 6;
582 optional int64 from_timestamp = 1;
587 optional GetUpdatesCallerInfo caller_info = 2;
590 optional bool fetch_folders = 3 [default = true];
604 optional EntitySpecifics requested_types = 4;
609 optional int32 batch_size = 5;
625 optional bool streaming = 7 [default = false];
633 optional bool need_encryption_key = 8 [default = false];
637 optional bool create_mobile_bookmarks_folder = 1000 [default = false];
642 optional SyncEnums.GetUpdatesOrigin get_updates_origin = 9;
646 optional bool is_retry = 10 [default = false];
648 // Set of optional per-client datatype contexts.
678 optional bytes server_chips = 1;
690 optional bool hierarchy_conflict_detected = 1;
697 optional int32 data_type_id = 1;
699 optional bytes context = 2;
701 optional int64 version = 3;
706 optional int32 protocol_version = 2 [default = 34];
715 optional CommitMessage commit = 4;
716 optional GetUpdatesMessage get_updates = 5;
717 optional AuthenticateMessage authenticate = 6;
720 optional ClearUserDataMessage clear_user_data = 9;
722 optional string store_birthday = 7; // Opaque store ID; if it changes, duck!
725 optional bool sync_problem_detected = 8 [default = false];
730 optional DebugInfo debug_info = 10;
734 optional ChipBag bag_of_chips = 11;
737 optional string api_key = 12;
742 optional ClientStatus client_status = 13;
747 optional string invalidator_client_id = 14;
755 optional string crash_id = 1;
758 optional int64 crash_time_millis = 2;
764 optional string stack_id = 1;
768 optional int64 crash_time_millis = 2;
787 optional string id_string = 3;
790 optional string parent_id_string = 4;
797 optional int64 position_in_parent = 5;
800 optional int64 version = 6;
805 optional string name = 7;
809 optional string non_unique_name = 8;
811 optional string error_message = 9;
815 optional int64 mtime = 10;
831 optional int64 new_timestamp = 2;
834 optional int64 deprecated_newest_timestamp = 3;
839 optional int64 changes_remaining = 4;
868 // Set of optional datatype contexts server mutations.
878 optional int64 changes_remaining = 1;
897 // The obfuscated id is optional because at least one planned use of the proto
901 optional string display_name = 2; // the user's display name.
902 optional string obfuscated_id = 3; // an obfuscated, opaque user id.
906 // Optional only for backward compatibility.
907 optional UserIdentification user = 1;
920 optional CommitResponse commit = 1;
921 optional GetUpdatesResponse get_updates = 2;
922 optional AuthenticateResponse authenticate = 3;
931 optional SyncEnums.ErrorType error_code = 4 [default = UNKNOWN];
932 optional string error_message = 5;
938 optional string store_birthday = 6;
940 optional ClientCommand client_command = 7;
941 optional ProfilingData profiling_data = 8;
942 optional ClearUserDataResponse clear_user_data = 9;
943 optional GetUpdatesMetadataResponse stream_metadata = 10;
946 optional GetUpdatesStreamingResponse stream_data = 11;
953 optional SyncEnums.ErrorType error_type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
954 optional string error_description = 2;
955 optional string url = 3;
956 optional SyncEnums.Action action = 4 [default = UNKNOWN_ACTION];
962 optional Error error = 13;
966 optional ChipBag new_bag_of_chips = 14;