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Lines Matching refs:APP_IPRINT

155         #define APP_IPRINT(...)    fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__)			/* Information prints */
157 #define APP_IPRINT(...)
205 APP_IPRINT("Memory not available\n");
216 APP_IPRINT("Allocating %d bytes on address %p, line %d file %s pos %d\n", size, p, line, s, e);
224 APP_IPRINT("NULL can't be deleted\n");
229 APP_IPRINT("Deleting %d bytes on address %p, line %d file %s\n", bytes[q],dp, line, s);
238 APP_IPRINT("\n\nPointer not found. Line:%d File%s!!\n\n",line, s);
270 APP_IPRINT("***********************************\n"); \
271 APP_IPRINT("%d :: Malloc Failed\n",__LINE__); \
272 APP_IPRINT("***********************************\n"); \
437 APP_IPRINT("EventHandler: Invalid State!!!!\n");
562 APP_IPRINT("------------------------------------------------------\n");
563 APP_IPRINT("This is Main Thread In NBAMR ENCODER Test Application:\n");
564 APP_IPRINT("Test Core 1.5 - " __DATE__ ":" __TIME__ "\n");
565 APP_IPRINT("------------------------------------------------------\n");
568 APP_IPRINT("Line %d\n",__LINE__);
570 APP_IPRINT("Line %d\n",__LINE__);
571 APP_IPRINT("eError = %d\n",GTeError);
573 APP_IPRINT("Line %d\n",__LINE__);
578 APP_IPRINT("%d :: Usage: [TestApp] [O/P] [FUNC_ID_X] [FM/DM] [NBAMR/EFR] [BITRATE] [DTXON/OFF] [NONMIME/MIME/IF2] [ACDNON/OFF] [FRAMES] [1 to N] [1 to N] [MFON] [1 to N (optional)]\n",__LINE__);
604 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 1 PLAY TILL END ###\n",__LINE__);
609 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 2 STOP IN THE END ###\n",__LINE__);
614 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 3 PAUSE - RESUME IN BETWEEN ###\n",__LINE__);
619 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 4 STOP IN BETWEEN ###\n",__LINE__);
623 APP_IPRINT("######## testcnt = %d #########\n",testcnt);
626 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 5 ENCODE without Deleting component Here ###\n",__LINE__);
639 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 6 ENCODE with Deleting component Here ###\n",__LINE__);
652 APP_IPRINT("%d :: ### Testing TESTCASE 7 ENCODE with Volume Control ###\n",__LINE__);
668 APP_IPRINT("[AMRTEST] - failure to open WRITE pipe\n");
671 APP_IPRINT("[AMRTEST] - opened WRITE pipe\n");
675 APP_IPRINT("[AMRTEST] - failure to open READ pipe\n");
679 APP_IPRINT("[AMRTEST] - opened READ pipe\n");
722 APP_IPRINT ("%d :: Encoding the file for %d Time in TESTCASE 6\n",__LINE__,j+1);
807 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these Modes MIME, NONMIME\n",__LINE__);
867 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: audioinfo->dasfMode Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
868 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these Modes FM, DM\n",__LINE__);
875 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: No. of Frames Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
876 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: For FILE mode argv[10] Should Be --> 0\n",__LINE__);
877 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: For DASF mode argv[10] Should be greater than zero depends on number of frames user want to encode\n",__LINE__);
883 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: No. of Frames Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
884 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: For DASF mode argv[10] Should be greater than zero depends on number of frames user want to encode\n",__LINE__);
885 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: For FILE mode argv[10] Should Be --> 0\n",__LINE__);
898 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: audioinfo->acdnMode Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
899 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these Modes ACDNON, ACDNOFF\n",__LINE__);
975 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: pAmrParam->eAMRBandMode Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
976 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these BitRates BR122, BR102, BR795, BR74, BR67, BR59, BR515, BR475\n",__LINE__);
992 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: pAmrParam->eAMRDTXMode Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
993 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these Modes DTXON, DTXOFF\n",__LINE__);
1007 APP_IPRINT("\n%d :: App: pAmrParam->eAMRDTXMode Sending Bad Parameter\n",__LINE__);
1008 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Should Be One of these Modes NBAMR, EFR\n",__LINE__);
1106 APP_IPRINT("Using Acoustic Device Node Path\n");
1111 APP_IPRINT("Using Real Time Mixer Path\n");
1116 APP_IPRINT("Using Eteeden Path\n");
1138 APP_IPRINT("%d ::OMX_AmrDecoder.c ::[NBAMR Dec Component] - send command to audio manager\n", __LINE__);
1141 APP_IPRINT("%d ::OMX_AmrDecoder.c ::[NBAMR Dec Component] - failure to get data from the audio manager\n", __LINE__);
1157 APP_IPRINT("Error getting extension index\n");
1191 APP_IPRINT("Error getting extension index\n");
1203 APP_IPRINT("***************StreamId=%ld******************\n", streamId);
1211 APP_IPRINT("%d :: Encoding the file for %d Time in TESTCASE 5 OR TESTCSE 4\n",__LINE__,i+1);
1224 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Sending OMX_StateExecuting Command\n",__LINE__);
1230 APP_IPRINT("Error from SendCommand-Executing State function\n");
1244 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: No.of Frames Encoding = %d\n",__LINE__, atoi(argv[10]));
1309 APP_IPRINT("Stoping component since No data is read from the pipes\n");
1330 APP_IPRINT("App: Pausing Component for 5 Seconds\n");
1333 APP_IPRINT("App: Resume Component\n");
1346 APP_IPRINT("App: Pausing Component for 5 Seconds\n");
1349 APP_IPRINT("App: Resume Component\n");
1353 APP_IPRINT("Stoping the Component And Starting Again\n");
1361 APP_IPRINT("[NBAMR encoder] --- will set stream gain to high\n");
1373 APP_IPRINT("[NBAMR encoder] --- will set stream gain to low\n");
1403 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: MIME Supported:: FrameLen = %d\n",__LINE__, nFrameLen);
1414 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS is received\n",__LINE__);
1415 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Shutting down ---------- \n",__LINE__);
1433 APP_IPRINT("Test app received OMX_ErrorResourcesPreempted\n");
1475 APP_IPRINT("Test app received OMX_ErrorResourcesAcquired\n");
1560 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: The current state of the component = %d \n",__LINE__,state);
1567 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: NBAMR Encoded = %d Frames \n",__LINE__,(nOutBuff));
1571 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Freeing the Allocate OR Use Buffers in TestApp\n",__LINE__);
1594 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Freeing the App Allocated Buffers in TestApp\n",__LINE__);
1615 APP_IPRINT ("%d :: App: Sending the OMX_StateLoaded Command\n",__LINE__);
1629 APP_IPRINT("Error: WaitForState has timed out %d", eError);
1633 APP_IPRINT ("%d :: App: Sending the OMX_CommandPortDisable Command\n",__LINE__);
1655 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Freeing the Memory Allocated in TestApp\n",__LINE__);
1678 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Closing the Input and Output Pipes\n",__LINE__);
1718 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Free the Component handle\n",__LINE__);
1725 APP_IPRINT("%d :: App: Free Handle returned Successfully\n",__LINE__);
1732 APP_IPRINT("%d ::- send command to audio manager\n",__LINE__);
1747 APP_IPRINT("%d :: *********************************************************************\n",__LINE__);
1748 APP_IPRINT("%d :: NOTE: An output file %s has been created in file system\n",__LINE__,argv[2]);
1749 APP_IPRINT("%d :: *********************************************************************\n",__LINE__);
1772 APP_IPRINT("\n-Printing memory not deleted-\n");
1775 APP_IPRINT(" --->%d Bytes allocated on File:%s Line: %d\n",bytes[i],file[i],lines[i]);
1837 APP_IPRINT("Sending Last Input Buffer from App\n");
1933 APP_IPRINT("%d::Freeing all resources by state invalid \n",__LINE__);
1939 APP_IPRINT("%d :: APP: About to newfree pInputBufferHeader[%d]\n",__LINE__, i);
1948 APP_IPRINT("%d :: APP: About to newfree pOutputBufferHeader[%d]\n",__LINE__, i);
1982 APP_IPRINT("%d::Freeing all resources by state invalid \n",__LINE__);
1986 APP_IPRINT("%d :: [TESTAPPFREE] pInputBuffer[%d] = %p\n",__LINE__,i,(UseInpBuf[i]));
1995 APP_IPRINT("%d :: [TESTAPPFREE] pOutputBuffer[%d] = %p\n",__LINE__,i, UseOutBuf[i]);