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      2 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      3 Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
      5  Copyright  1995 - 2013 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
      6   All rights reserved.
      8  1.    INTRODUCTION
      9 The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
     10 the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
     11 This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.
     13 AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
     14 audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
     15 independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
     16 of the MPEG specifications.
     18 Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
     19 may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners
     20 individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
     21 the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
     22 these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
     23 software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.
     25 Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
     26 are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
     27 applications information and documentation.
     31 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
     32 payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:
     34 You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
     35 your modifications thereto in source code form.
     37 You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
     38 provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
     39 You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
     40 modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
     42 The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
     43 prior written permission.
     45 You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
     46 software or your modifications thereto.
     48 Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
     49 and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
     50 "Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
     51 "Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."
     53 3.    NO PATENT LICENSE
     55 NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
     56 ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with
     57 respect to this software.
     59 You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
     60 by appropriate patent licenses.
     62 4.    DISCLAIMER
     64 This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
     65 "AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties
     66 of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
     67 CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages,
     68 including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits,
     69 or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
     70 liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
     71 advised of the possibility of such damage.
     75 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
     76 Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
     77 Am Wolfsmantel 33
     78 91058 Erlangen, Germany
     80 www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm
     81 amm-info (at) iis.fraunhofer.de
     82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     84 /*****************************  MPEG-4 AAC Decoder  **************************
     86    Author(s):   Manuel Jander
     88 ******************************************************************************/
     90 /**
     91  * \file   aacdecoder_lib.h
     92  * \brief  FDK AAC decoder library interface header file.
     93  *
     95 \page INTRO Introduction
     97 \section SCOPE Scope
     99 This document describes the high-level interface and usage of the ISO/MPEG-2/4 AAC Decoder
    100 library developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS).
    101 Depending on the library configuration, it implements decoding of AAC-LC (Low-Complexity),
    102 HE-AAC (High-Efficiency AAC, v1 and v2), AAC-LD (Low-Delay) and AAC-ELD (Enhanced Low-Delay).
    104 All references to SBR (Spectral Band Replication) are only applicable to HE-AAC and AAC-ELD
    105 versions of the library. All references to PS (Parametric Stereo) are only applicable to
    106 HE-AAC v2 versions of the library.
    108 \section DecoderBasics Decoder Basics
    110 This document can only give a rough overview about the ISO/MPEG-2 and ISO/MPEG-4 AAC audio
    111 coding standard. To understand all the terms in this document, you are encouraged to read
    112 the following documents.
    114 - ISO/IEC 13818-7 (MPEG-2 AAC), which defines the syntax of MPEG-2 AAC audio bitstreams.
    115 - ISO/IEC 14496-3 (MPEG-4 AAC, subpart 1 and 4), which defines the syntax of MPEG-4 AAC audio bitstreams.
    116 - Lutzky, Schuller, Gayer, Krämer, Wabnik, "A guideline to audio codec delay", 116th AES Convention, May 8, 2004
    118 MPEG Advanced Audio Coding is based on a time-to-frequency mapping of the signal. The signal
    119 is partitioned into overlapping portions and transformed into frequency domain. The spectral
    120 components are then quantized and coded.\n
    121 An MPEG2 or MPEG4 AAC audio bitstream is composed of frames. Contrary to MPEG-1/2 Layer-3 (mp3),
    122 the length of individual frames is not restricted to a fixed number of bytes, but can take on
    123 any length between 1 and 768 bytes.
    126 \page LIBUSE Library Usage
    128 \section InterfaceDescritpion API Description
    130 All API header files are located in the folder /include of the release package. They are described in
    131 detail in this document. All header files are provided for usage in C/C++ programs. The AAC decoder library
    132 API functions are located at aacdecoder_lib.h.
    134 In binary releases the decoder core resides in statically linkable libraries called for example libAACdec.a,
    135 (Linux) or FDK_aacDec_lib (Microsoft Visual C++).
    137 \section Calling_Sequence Calling Sequence
    139 For decoding of ISO/MPEG-2/4 AAC or HE-AAC v2 bitstreams the following sequence is mandatory. Input read
    140 and output write functions as well as the corresponding open and close functions are left out, since they
    141 may be implemented differently according to the user's specific requirements. The example implementation in
    142 main.cpp uses file-based input/output, and in such case call mpegFileRead_Open() to open an input file and
    143 to allocate memory for the required structures, and the corresponding mpegFileRead_Close() to close opened
    144 files and to de-allocate associated structures. mpegFileRead_Open() tries to detect the bitstream format and
    145 in case of MPEG-4 file format or Raw Packets file format (a Fraunhofer IIS proprietary format) reads the Audio
    146 Specific Config data (ASC). An unsuccessful attempt to recognize the bitstream format requires the user to
    147 provide this information manually. For any other bitstream formats that are usually applicable in streaming
    148 applications, the decoder itself will try to synchronize and parse the given bitstream fragment using the
    149 FDK transport library. Hence, for streaming applications (without file access) this step is not necessary.
    151 -# Call aacDecoder_Open() to open and retrieve a handle to a new AAC decoder instance.
    152 \dontinclude main.cpp
    153 \skipline aacDecoder_Open
    154 -# If out-of-band config data (Audio Specific Config (ASC) or Stream Mux Config (SMC)) is available, call
    155 aacDecoder_ConfigRaw() to pass it to the decoder and before the decoding process starts. If this data is
    156 not available in advance, the decoder will get it from the bitstream  and configure itself while decoding
    157 with aacDecoder_DecodeFrame().
    158 -# Begin decoding loop.
    159 \skipline do {
    160 -# Read data from bitstream file or stream into a client-supplied input buffer ("inBuffer" in main.cpp).
    161 If it is very small like just 4, aacDecoder_DecodeFrame() will
    162 repeatedly return ::AAC_DEC_NOT_ENOUGH_BITS until enough bits were fed by aacDecoder_Fill(). Only read data
    163 when this buffer has completely been processed and is then empty. For file-based input execute
    164 mpegFileRead_Read() or any other implementation with similar functionality.
    165 -# Call aacDecoder_Fill() to fill the decoder's internal bitstream input buffer with the client-supplied
    166 external bitstream input buffer.
    167 \skipline aacDecoder_Fill
    168 -# Call aacDecoder_DecodeFrame() which writes decoded PCM audio data to a client-supplied buffer. It is the
    169 client's responsibility to allocate a buffer which is large enough to hold this output data.
    170 \skipline aacDecoder_DecodeFrame
    171 If the bitstream's configuration (number of channels, sample rate, frame size) is not known in advance, you may
    172 call aacDecoder_GetStreamInfo() to retrieve a structure containing this information and then initialize an audio
    173 output device. In the example main.cpp, if the number of channels or the sample rate has changed since program
    174 start or since the previously decoded frame, the audio output device will be re-initialized. If WAVE file output
    175 is chosen, a new WAVE file for each new configuration will be created.
    176 \skipline aacDecoder_GetStreamInfo
    177 -# Repeat steps 5 to 7 until no data to decode is available anymore, or if an error occured.
    178 \skipline } while
    179 -# Call aacDecoder_Close() to de-allocate all AAC decoder and transport layer structures.
    180 \skipline aacDecoder_Close
    182 \section BufferSystem Buffer System
    184 There are three main buffers in an AAC decoder application. One external input buffer to hold bitstream
    185 data from file I/O or elsewhere, one decoder-internal input buffer, and one to hold the decoded output
    186 PCM sample data, whereas this output buffer may overlap with the external input buffer.
    188 The external input buffer is set in the example framework main.cpp and its size is defined by ::IN_BUF_SIZE.
    189 You may freely choose different sizes here. To feed the data to the decoder-internal input buffer, use the
    190 function aacDecoder_Fill(). This function returns important information about how many bytes in the
    191 external input buffer have not yet been copied into the internal input buffer (variable bytesValid).
    192 Once the external buffer has been fully copied, it can be re-filled again.
    193 In case you want to re-fill it when there are still unprocessed bytes (bytesValid is unequal 0), you
    194 would have to additionally perform a memcpy(), so that just means unnecessary computational overhead
    195 and therefore we recommend to re-fill the buffer only when bytesValid is 0.
    197 \image latex dec_buffer.png "Lifecycle of the external input buffer" width=9cm
    199 The size of the decoder-internal input buffer is set in tpdec_lib.h (see define ::TRANSPORTDEC_INBUF_SIZE).
    200 You may choose a smaller size under the following considerations:
    202 - each input channel requires 768 bytes
    203 - the whole buffer must be of size 2^n
    205 So for example a stereo decoder:
    207 \f[
    208 TRANSPORTDEC\_INBUF\_SIZE = 2 * 768 = 1536 => 2048
    209 \f]
    211 tpdec_lib.h and TRANSPORTDEC_INBUF_SIZE are not part of the decoder's library interface. Therefore
    212 only source-code clients may change this setting. If you received a library release, please ask us and
    213 we can change this in order to meet your memory requirements.
    215 \page OutputFormat Decoder audio output
    217 \section OutputFormatObtaining Obtaining channel mapping information
    219 The decoded audio output format is indicated by a set of variables of the CStreamInfo structure.
    220 While the members sampleRate, frameSize and numChannels might be quite self explaining,
    221 pChannelType and pChannelIndices might require some more detailed explanation.
    223 These two arrays indicate what is each output channel supposed to be. Both array have
    224 CStreamInfo::numChannels cells. Each cell of pChannelType indicates the channel type, described in
    225 the enum ::AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE defined in FDK_audio.h. The cells of pChannelIndices indicate the sub index
    226 among the channels starting with 0 among all channels of the same audio channel type.
    228 The indexing scheme is the same as for MPEG-2/4. Thus indices are counted upwards starting from the front
    229 direction (thus a center channel if any, will always be index 0). Then the indices count up, starting always
    230 with the left side, pairwise from front toward back. For detailed explanation, please refer to
    231 ISO/IEC 13818-7:2005(E), chapter
    233 In case a Program Config is included in the audio configuration, the channel mapping described within
    234 it will be adopted.
    236 In case of MPEG-D Surround the channel mapping will follow the same criteria described in ISO/IEC 13818-7:2005(E),
    237 but adding corresponding top channels to the channel types front, side and back, in order to avoid any
    238 loss of information.
    240 \section OutputFormatChange Changing the audio output format
    242 The channel interleaving scheme and the actual channel order can be changed at runtime through the
    243 parameters ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED and ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING. See the description of those
    244 parameters and the decoder library function aacDecoder_SetParam() for more detail.
    246 \section OutputFormatExample Channel mapping examples
    248 The following examples illustrate the location of individual audio samples in the audio buffer that
    249 is passed to aacDecoder_DecodeFrame() and the expected data in the CStreamInfo structure which can be obtained
    250 by calling aacDecoder_GetStreamInfo().
    252 \subsection ExamplesStereo Stereo
    254 In case of ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED set to 0 and ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING set to 1,
    255 a AAC-LC bit stream which has channelConfiguration = 2 in its audio specific config would lead
    256 to the following values in CStreamInfo:
    258 CStreamInfo::numChannels = 2
    260 CStreamInfo::pChannelType = { ::ACT_FRONT, ::ACT_FRONT }
    262 CStreamInfo::pChannelIndices = { 0, 1 }
    264 Since ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED is set to 0, the audio channels will be located as contiguous blocks
    265 in the output buffer as follows:
    267 \verbatim
    268   <left sample 0>  <left sample 1>  <left sample 2>  ... <left sample N>
    269   <right sample 0> <right sample 1> <right sample 2> ... <right sample N>
    270 \endverbatim
    272 Where N equals to CStreamInfo::frameSize .
    274 \subsection ExamplesSurround Surround 5.1
    276 In case of ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED set to 1 and ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING set to 1,
    277 a AAC-LC bit stream which has channelConfiguration = 6 in its audio specific config, would lead
    278 to the following values in CStreamInfo:
    280 CStreamInfo::numChannels = 6
    282 CStreamInfo::pChannelType = { ::ACT_FRONT, ::ACT_FRONT, ::ACT_FRONT, ::ACT_LFE, ::ACT_BACK, ::ACT_BACK }
    284 CStreamInfo::pChannelIndices = { 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 }
    286 Since ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING is 1, WAV file channel ordering will be used. For a 5.1 channel
    287 scheme, thus the channels would be: front left, front right, center, LFE, surround left, surround right.
    288 Thus the third channel is the center channel, receiving the index 0. The other front channels are
    289 front left, front right being placed as first and second channels with indices 1 and 2 correspondingly.
    290 There is only one LFE, placed as the fourth channel and index 0. Finally both surround
    291 channels get the type definition ACT_BACK, and the indices 0 and 1.
    293 Since ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED is set to 1, the audio channels will be placed in the output buffer
    294 as follows:
    296 \verbatim
    297 <front left sample 0> <front right sample 0>
    298 <center sample 0> <LFE sample 0>
    299 <surround left sample 0> <surround right sample 0>
    301 <front left sample 1> <front right sample 1>
    302 <center sample 1> <LFE sample 1>
    303 <surround left sample 1> <surround right sample 1>
    305 ...
    307 <front left sample N> <front right sample N>
    308 <center sample N> <LFE sample N>
    309 <surround left sample N> <surround right sample N>
    310 \endverbatim
    312 Where N equals to CStreamInfo::frameSize .
    314 \subsection ExamplesArib ARIB coding mode 2/1
    316 In case of ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED set to 1 and ::AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING set to 1,
    317 in case of a ARIB bit stream using coding mode 2/1 as described in ARIB STD-B32 Part 2 Version 2.1-E1, page 61,
    318 would lead to the following values in CStreamInfo:
    320 CStreamInfo::numChannels = 3
    322 CStreamInfo::pChannelType = { ::ACT_FRONT, ::ACT_FRONT,:: ACT_BACK }
    324 CStreamInfo::pChannelIndices = { 0, 1, 0 }
    326 The audio channels will be placed as follows in the audio output buffer:
    328 \verbatim
    329 <front left sample 0> <front right sample 0>  <mid surround sample 0>
    331 <front left sample 1> <front right sample 1> <mid surround sample 1>
    333 ...
    335 <front left sample N> <front right sample N> <mid surround sample N>
    337 Where N equals to CStreamInfo::frameSize .
    339 \endverbatim
    341 */
    343 #ifndef AACDECODER_LIB_H
    344 #define AACDECODER_LIB_H
    346 #include "machine_type.h"
    347 #include "FDK_audio.h"
    349 #include "genericStds.h"
    351 /**
    352  * \brief  AAC decoder error codes.
    353  */
    354 typedef enum {
    355   AAC_DEC_OK                             = 0x0000,  /*!< No error occured. Output buffer is valid and error free. */
    356   AAC_DEC_OUT_OF_MEMORY                  = 0x0002,  /*!< Heap returned NULL pointer. Output buffer is invalid. */
    357   AAC_DEC_UNKNOWN                        = 0x0005,  /*!< Error condition is of unknown reason, or from a another module. Output buffer is invalid. */
    359   /* Synchronization errors. Output buffer is invalid. */
    360   aac_dec_sync_error_start               = 0x1000,
    361   AAC_DEC_TRANSPORT_SYNC_ERROR           = 0x1001,  /*!< The transport decoder had syncronisation problems. Do not exit decoding. Just feed new
    362                                                          bitstream data. */
    363   AAC_DEC_NOT_ENOUGH_BITS                = 0x1002,  /*!< The input buffer ran out of bits. */
    364   aac_dec_sync_error_end                 = 0x1FFF,
    366   /* Initialization errors. Output buffer is invalid. */
    367   aac_dec_init_error_start               = 0x2000,
    368   AAC_DEC_INVALID_HANDLE                 = 0x2001,  /*!< The handle passed to the function call was invalid (NULL). */
    369   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_AOT                = 0x2002,  /*!< The AOT found in the configuration is not supported. */
    370   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT             = 0x2003,  /*!< The bitstream format is not supported.  */
    371   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_ER_FORMAT          = 0x2004,  /*!< The error resilience tool format is not supported. */
    372   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_EPCONFIG           = 0x2005,  /*!< The error protection format is not supported. */
    373   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_MULTILAYER         = 0x2006,  /*!< More than one layer for AAC scalable is not supported. */
    374   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNELCONFIG      = 0x2007,  /*!< The channel configuration (either number or arrangement) is not supported. */
    375   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLINGRATE       = 0x2008,  /*!< The sample rate specified in the configuration is not supported. */
    376   AAC_DEC_INVALID_SBR_CONFIG             = 0x2009,  /*!< The SBR configuration is not supported. */
    377   AAC_DEC_SET_PARAM_FAIL                 = 0x200A,  /*!< The parameter could not be set. Either the value was out of range or the parameter does
    378                                                          not exist. */
    379   AAC_DEC_NEED_TO_RESTART                = 0x200B,  /*!< The decoder needs to be restarted, since the requiered configuration change cannot be
    380                                                          performed. */
    381   aac_dec_init_error_end                 = 0x2FFF,
    383   /* Decode errors. Output buffer is valid but concealed. */
    384   aac_dec_decode_error_start             = 0x4000,
    385   AAC_DEC_TRANSPORT_ERROR                = 0x4001,  /*!< The transport decoder encountered an unexpected error. */
    386   AAC_DEC_PARSE_ERROR                    = 0x4002,  /*!< Error while parsing the bitstream. Most probably it is corrupted, or the system crashed. */
    387   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION_PAYLOAD  = 0x4003,  /*!< Error while parsing the extension payload of the bitstream. The extension payload type
    388                                                          found is not supported. */
    389   AAC_DEC_DECODE_FRAME_ERROR             = 0x4004,  /*!< The parsed bitstream value is out of range. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt, or
    390                                                          the system crashed. */
    391   AAC_DEC_CRC_ERROR                      = 0x4005,  /*!< The embedded CRC did not match. */
    392   AAC_DEC_INVALID_CODE_BOOK              = 0x4006,  /*!< An invalid codebook was signalled. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt, or the system
    393                                                          crashed. */
    394   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_PREDICTION         = 0x4007,  /*!< Predictor found, but not supported in the AAC Low Complexity profile. Most probably the
    395                                                          bitstream is corrupt, or has a wrong format. */
    396   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_CCE                = 0x4008,  /*!< A CCE element was found which is not supported. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt, or
    397                                                          has a wrong format. */
    398   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_LFE                = 0x4009,  /*!< A LFE element was found which is not supported. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt, or
    399                                                          has a wrong format. */
    400   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_GAIN_CONTROL_DATA  = 0x400A,  /*!< Gain control data found but not supported. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt, or has
    401                                                          a wrong format. */
    402   AAC_DEC_UNSUPPORTED_SBA                = 0x400B,  /*!< SBA found, but currently not supported in the BSAC profile. */
    403   AAC_DEC_TNS_READ_ERROR                 = 0x400C,  /*!< Error while reading TNS data. Most probably the bitstream is corrupt or the system
    404                                                          crashed. */
    405   AAC_DEC_RVLC_ERROR                     = 0x400D,  /*!< Error while decoding error resillient data. */
    406   aac_dec_decode_error_end               = 0x4FFF,
    408   /* Ancillary data errors. Output buffer is valid. */
    409   aac_dec_anc_data_error_start           = 0x8000,
    410   AAC_DEC_ANC_DATA_ERROR                 = 0x8001,  /*!< Non severe error concerning the ancillary data handling. */
    411   AAC_DEC_TOO_SMALL_ANC_BUFFER           = 0x8002,  /*!< The registered ancillary data buffer is too small to receive the parsed data. */
    412   AAC_DEC_TOO_MANY_ANC_ELEMENTS          = 0x8003,  /*!< More than the allowed number of ancillary data elements should be written to buffer. */
    413   aac_dec_anc_data_error_end             = 0x8FFF
    419 /** Macro to identify initialization errors. */
    420 #define IS_INIT_ERROR(err)   ( (((err)>=aac_dec_init_error_start)   && ((err)<=aac_dec_init_error_end))   ? 1 : 0)
    421 /** Macro to identify decode errors. */
    422 #define IS_DECODE_ERROR(err) ( (((err)>=aac_dec_decode_error_start) && ((err)<=aac_dec_decode_error_end)) ? 1 : 0)
    423 /** Macro to identify if the audio output buffer contains valid samples after calling aacDecoder_DecodeFrame(). */
    424 #define IS_OUTPUT_VALID(err) ( ((err) == AAC_DEC_OK) || IS_DECODE_ERROR(err) )
    426 /**
    427  * \brief AAC decoder setting parameters
    428  */
    429 typedef enum
    430 {
    431   AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_INTERLEAVED              = 0x0000,  /*!< PCM output mode (1: interleaved (default); 0: not interleaved). */
    432   AAC_PCM_DUAL_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_MODE        = 0x0002,  /*!< Defines how the decoder processes two channel signals: \n
    433                                                           0: Leave both signals as they are (default). \n
    434                                                           1: Create a dual mono output signal from channel 1. \n
    435                                                           2: Create a dual mono output signal from channel 2. \n
    436                                                           3: Create a dual mono output signal by mixing both channels (L' = R' = 0.5*Ch1 + 0.5*Ch2). */
    437   AAC_PCM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_MAPPING          = 0x0003,  /*!< Output buffer channel ordering. 0: MPEG PCE style order, 1: WAV file channel order (default). */
    438   AAC_PCM_LIMITER_ENABLE                  = 0x0004,  /*!< Enable signal level limiting. \n
    439                                                           -1: Auto-config. Enable limiter for all non-lowdelay configurations by default. \n
    440                                                            0: Disable limiter in general. \n
    441                                                            1: Enable limiter always.
    442                                                           It is recommended to call the decoder with a AACDEC_CLRHIST flag to reset all states when
    443                                                           the limiter switch is changed explicitly. */
    444   AAC_PCM_LIMITER_ATTACK_TIME             = 0x0005,  /*!< Signal level limiting attack time in ms.
    445                                                           Default confguration is 15 ms. Adjustable range from 1 ms to 15 ms. */
    446   AAC_PCM_LIMITER_RELEAS_TIME             = 0x0006,  /*!< Signal level limiting release time in ms.
    447                                                           Default configuration is 50 ms. Adjustable time must be larger than 0 ms. */
    448   AAC_PCM_MIN_OUTPUT_CHANNELS             = 0x0011,  /*!< Minimum number of PCM output channels. If higher than the number of encoded audio channels,
    449                                                           a simple channel extension is applied. \n
    450                                                           -1, 0: Disable channel extenstion feature. The decoder output contains the same number of
    451                                                                  channels as the encoded bitstream. \n
    452                                                            1:    This value is currently needed only together with the mix-down feature. See
    453                                                                  ::AAC_PCM_MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS and note 2 below. \n
    454                                                            2:    Encoded mono signals will be duplicated to achieve a 2/0/0.0 channel output
    455                                                                  configuration. \n
    456                                                            6:    The decoder trys to reorder encoded signals with less than six channels to achieve
    457                                                                  a 3/0/2.1 channel output signal. Missing channels will be filled with a zero signal.
    458                                                                  If reordering is not possible the empty channels will simply be appended. Only
    459                                                                  available if instance is configured to support multichannel output. \n
    460                                                            8:    The decoder trys to reorder encoded signals with less than eight channels to
    461                                                                  achieve a 3/0/4.1 channel output signal. Missing channels will be filled with a
    462                                                                  zero signal. If reordering is not possible the empty channels will simply be
    463                                                                  appended. Only available if instance is configured to support multichannel output.\n
    464                                                           NOTE: \n
    465                                                             1. The channel signalling (CStreamInfo::pChannelType and CStreamInfo::pChannelIndices)
    466                                                                will not be modified. Added empty channels will be signalled with channel type
    467                                                                AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE::ACT_NONE. \n
    468                                                             2. If the parameter value is greater than that of ::AAC_PCM_MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS both will
    469                                                                be set to the same value. \n
    470                                                             3. This parameter does not affect MPEG Surround processing. */
    471   AAC_PCM_MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS             = 0x0012,  /*!< Maximum number of PCM output channels. If lower than the number of encoded audio channels,
    472                                                           downmixing is applied accordingly. If dedicated metadata is available in the stream it
    473                                                           will be used to achieve better mixing results. \n
    474                                                           -1, 0: Disable downmixing feature. The decoder output contains the same number of channels
    475                                                                  as the encoded bitstream. \n
    476                                                            1:    All encoded audio configurations with more than one channel will be mixed down to
    477                                                                  one mono output signal. \n
    478                                                            2:    The decoder performs a stereo mix-down if the number encoded audio channels is
    479                                                                  greater than two. \n
    480                                                            6:    If the number of encoded audio channels is greater than six the decoder performs a
    481                                                                  mix-down to meet the target output configuration of 3/0/2.1 channels. Only
    482                                                                  available if instance is configured to support multichannel output. \n
    483                                                            8:    This value is currently needed only together with the channel extension feature.
    484                                                                  See ::AAC_PCM_MIN_OUTPUT_CHANNELS and note 2 below. Only available if instance is
    485                                                                  configured to support multichannel output. \n
    486                                                           NOTE: \n
    487                                                             1. Down-mixing of any seven or eight channel configuration not defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3
    488                                                                PDAM 4 is not supported by this software version. \n
    489                                                             2. If the parameter value is greater than zero but smaller than ::AAC_PCM_MIN_OUTPUT_CHANNELS
    490                                                                both will be set to same value. \n
    491                                                             3. The operating mode of the MPEG Surround module will be set accordingly. \n
    492                                                             4. Setting this param with any value will disable the binaural processing of the MPEG
    493                                                                Surround module (::AAC_MPEGS_BINAURAL_ENABLE=0). */
    495   AAC_CONCEAL_METHOD                      = 0x0100,  /*!< Error concealment: Processing method. \n
    496                                                           0: Spectral muting. \n
    497                                                           1: Noise substitution (see ::CONCEAL_NOISE). \n
    498                                                           2: Energy interpolation (adds additional signal delay of one frame, see ::CONCEAL_INTER). \n */
    500   AAC_DRC_BOOST_FACTOR                    = 0x0200,  /*!< Dynamic Range Control: Scaling factor for boosting gain values.
    501                                                           Defines how the boosting DRC factors (conveyed in the bitstream) will be applied to the
    502                                                           decoded signal. The valid values range from 0 (don't apply boost factors) to 127 (fully
    503                                                           apply all boosting factors). */
    504   AAC_DRC_ATTENUATION_FACTOR              = 0x0201,  /*!< Dynamic Range Control: Scaling factor for attenuating gain values. Same as
    505                                                           AAC_DRC_BOOST_FACTOR but for attenuating DRC factors. */
    506   AAC_DRC_REFERENCE_LEVEL                 = 0x0202,  /*!< Dynamic Range Control: Target reference level. Defines the level below full-scale
    507                                                           (quantized in steps of 0.25dB) to which the output audio signal will be normalized to by
    508                                                           the DRC module. The valid values range from 0 (full-scale) to 127 (31.75 dB below
    509                                                           full-scale). The value smaller than 0 switches off normalization. */
    510   AAC_DRC_HEAVY_COMPRESSION               = 0x0203,  /*!< Dynamic Range Control: En-/Disable DVB specific heavy compression (aka RF mode).
    511                                                           If set to 1, the decoder will apply the compression values from the DVB specific ancillary
    512                                                           data field. At the same time the MPEG-4 Dynamic Range Control tool will be disabled. By
    513                                                           default heavy compression is disabled. */
    515   AAC_QMF_LOWPOWER                        = 0x0300,  /*!< Quadrature Mirror Filter (QMF) Bank processing mode. \n
    516                                                           -1: Use internal default. Implies MPEG Surround partially complex accordingly. \n
    517                                                            0: Use complex QMF data mode. \n
    518                                                            1: Use real (low power) QMF data mode. \n */
    520   AAC_MPEGS_ENABLE                        = 0x0500,  /*!< MPEG Surround: Allow/Disable decoding of MPS content. Available only for decoders with MPEG
    521                                                           Surround support. */
    523   AAC_TPDEC_CLEAR_BUFFER                  = 0x0603   /*!< Clear internal bit stream buffer of transport layers. The decoder will start decoding
    524                                                           at new data passed after this event and any previous data is discarded. */
    526 } AACDEC_PARAM;
    528 /**
    529  * \brief This structure gives information about the currently decoded audio data.
    530  *        All fields are read-only.
    531  */
    532 typedef struct
    533 {
    534   /* These five members are the only really relevant ones for the user.                                                            */
    535   INT               sampleRate;          /*!< The samplerate in Hz of the fully decoded PCM audio signal (after SBR processing).   */
    536   INT               frameSize;           /*!< The frame size of the decoded PCM audio signal. \n
    537                                               1024 or 960 for AAC-LC \n
    538                                               2048 or 1920 for HE-AAC (v2) \n
    539                                               512 or 480 for AAC-LD and AAC-ELD                                                    */
    540   INT               numChannels;         /*!< The number of output audio channels in the decoded and interleaved PCM audio signal. */
    541   AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE *pChannelType;      /*!< Audio channel type of each output audio channel.                                     */
    542   UCHAR             *pChannelIndices;    /*!< Audio channel index for each output audio channel.
    543                                                See ISO/IEC 13818-7:2005(E), Explicit channel mapping using a program_config_element() */
    544   /* Decoder internal members. */
    545   INT               aacSampleRate;       /*!< Sampling rate in Hz without SBR (from configuration info).                           */
    546   INT               profile;             /*!< MPEG-2 profile (from file header) (-1: not applicable (e. g. MPEG-4)).               */
    547   AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot;                 /*!< Audio Object Type (from ASC): is set to the appropriate value for MPEG-2 bitstreams (e. g. 2 for AAC-LC). */
    548   INT               channelConfig;       /*!< Channel configuration (0: PCE defined, 1: mono, 2: stereo, ...                       */
    549   INT               bitRate;             /*!< Instantaneous bit rate.                   */
    550   INT               aacSamplesPerFrame;  /*!< Samples per frame for the AAC core (from ASC). \n
    551                                               1024 or 960 for AAC-LC \n
    552                                               512 or 480 for AAC-LD and AAC-ELD         */
    553   INT               aacNumChannels;      /*!< The number of audio channels after AAC core processing (before PS or MPS processing).
    554                                               CAUTION: This are not the final number of output channels! */
    555   AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE extAot;              /*!< Extension Audio Object Type (from ASC)   */
    556   INT               extSamplingRate;     /*!< Extension sampling rate in Hz (from ASC) */
    558   UINT              outputDelay;         /*!< The number of samples the output is additionally delayed by the decoder. */
    560   UINT              flags;               /*!< Copy of internal flags. Only to be written by the decoder, and only to be read externally. */
    562   SCHAR             epConfig;            /*!< epConfig level (from ASC): only level 0 supported, -1 means no ER (e. g. AOT=2, MPEG-2 AAC, etc.)  */
    564   /* Statistics */
    565   INT               numLostAccessUnits;  /*!< This integer will reflect the estimated amount of lost access units in case aacDecoder_DecodeFrame()
    566                                               returns AAC_DEC_TRANSPORT_SYNC_ERROR. It will be < 0 if the estimation failed. */
    568   UINT              numTotalBytes;       /*!< This is the number of total bytes that have passed through the decoder. */
    569   UINT              numBadBytes;         /*!< This is the number of total bytes that were considered with errors from numTotalBytes. */
    570   UINT              numTotalAccessUnits; /*!< This is the number of total access units that have passed through the decoder. */
    571   UINT              numBadAccessUnits;   /*!< This is the number of total access units that were considered with errors from numTotalBytes. */
    573   /* Metadata */
    574   SCHAR             drcProgRefLev;       /*!< DRC program reference level. Defines the reference level below full-scale.
    575                                               It is quantized in steps of 0.25dB. The valid values range from 0 (0 dBFS) to 127 (-31.75 dBFS).
    576                                               It is used to reflect the average loudness of the audio in LKFS accoring to ITU-R BS 1770.
    577                                               If no level has been found in the bitstream the value is -1. */
    578   SCHAR             drcPresMode;         /*!< DRC presentation mode. According to ETSI TS 101 154, this field indicates whether
    579                                               light (MPEG-4 Dynamic Range Control tool) or heavy compression (DVB heavy compression)
    580                                               dynamic range control shall take priority on the outputs.
    581                                               For details, see ETSI TS 101 154, table C.33. Possible values are: \n
    582                                               -1: No corresponding metadata found in the bitstream \n
    583                                                0: DRC presentation mode not indicated \n
    584                                                1: DRC presentation mode 1 \n
    585                                                2: DRC presentation mode 2 \n
    586                                                3: Reserved */
    588 } CStreamInfo;
    591 typedef struct AAC_DECODER_INSTANCE *HANDLE_AACDECODER;  /*!< Pointer to a AAC decoder instance. */
    593 #ifdef __cplusplus
    594 extern "C"
    595 {
    596 #endif
    598 /**
    599  * \brief Initialize ancillary data buffer.
    600  *
    601  * \param self    AAC decoder handle.
    602  * \param buffer  Pointer to (external) ancillary data buffer.
    603  * \param size    Size of the buffer pointed to by buffer.
    604  * \return        Error code.
    605  */
    607 aacDecoder_AncDataInit ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self,
    608                          UCHAR            *buffer,
    609                          int               size );
    611 /**
    612  * \brief Get one ancillary data element.
    613  *
    614  * \param self   AAC decoder handle.
    615  * \param index  Index of the ancillary data element to get.
    616  * \param ptr    Pointer to a buffer receiving a pointer to the requested ancillary data element.
    617  * \param size   Pointer to a buffer receiving the length of the requested ancillary data element.
    618  * \return       Error code.
    619  */
    621 aacDecoder_AncDataGet ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self,
    622                         int               index,
    623                         UCHAR           **ptr,
    624                         int              *size );
    626 /**
    627  * \brief Set one single decoder parameter.
    628  *
    629  * \param self   AAC decoder handle.
    630  * \param param  Parameter to be set.
    631  * \param value  Parameter value.
    632  * \return       Error code.
    633  */
    635 aacDecoder_SetParam ( const HANDLE_AACDECODER  self,
    636                       const AACDEC_PARAM       param,
    637                       const INT                value );
    640 /**
    641  * \brief              Get free bytes inside decoder internal buffer
    642  * \param self    Handle of AAC decoder instance
    643  * \param pFreeBytes Pointer to variable receving amount of free bytes inside decoder internal buffer
    644  * \return             Error code
    645  */
    647 aacDecoder_GetFreeBytes ( const HANDLE_AACDECODER  self,
    648                                             UINT *pFreeBytes);
    650 /**
    651  * \brief               Open an AAC decoder instance
    652  * \param transportFmt  The transport type to be used
    653  * \return              AAC decoder handle
    654  */
    656 aacDecoder_Open ( TRANSPORT_TYPE transportFmt, UINT nrOfLayers );
    658 /**
    659  * \brief Explicitly configure the decoder by passing a raw AudioSpecificConfig (ASC) or a StreamMuxConfig (SMC),
    660  *  contained in a binary buffer. This is required for MPEG-4 and Raw Packets file format bitstreams
    661  *  as well as for LATM bitstreams with no in-band SMC. If the transport format is LATM with or without
    662  *  LOAS, configuration is assumed to be an SMC, for all other file formats an ASC.
    663  *
    664  * \param self    AAC decoder handle.
    665  * \param conf    Pointer to an unsigned char buffer containing the binary configuration buffer (either ASC or SMC).
    666  * \param length  Length of the configuration buffer in bytes.
    667  * \return        Error code.
    668  */
    670 aacDecoder_ConfigRaw ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self,
    671                        UCHAR            *conf[],
    672                        const UINT        length[] );
    675 /**
    676  * \brief Fill AAC decoder's internal input buffer with bitstream data from the external input buffer.
    677  *  The function only copies such data as long as the decoder-internal input buffer is not full.
    678  *  So it grabs whatever it can from pBuffer and returns information (bytesValid) so that at a
    679  *  subsequent call of %aacDecoder_Fill(), the right position in pBuffer can be determined to
    680  *  grab the next data.
    681  *
    682  * \param self        AAC decoder handle.
    683  * \param pBuffer     Pointer to external input buffer.
    684  * \param bufferSize  Size of external input buffer. This argument is required because decoder-internally
    685  *                    we need the information to calculate the offset to pBuffer, where the next
    686  *                    available data is, which is then fed into the decoder-internal buffer (as much
    687  *                    as possible). Our example framework implementation fills the buffer at pBuffer
    688  *                    again, once it contains no available valid bytes anymore (meaning bytesValid equal 0).
    689  * \param bytesValid  Number of bitstream bytes in the external bitstream buffer that have not yet been
    690  *                    copied into the decoder's internal bitstream buffer by calling this function.
    691  *                    The value is updated according to the amount of newly copied bytes.
    692  * \return            Error code.
    693  */
    695 aacDecoder_Fill ( HANDLE_AACDECODER  self,
    696                   UCHAR             *pBuffer[],
    697                   const UINT         bufferSize[],
    698                   UINT              *bytesValid );
    700 #define AACDEC_CONCEAL  1 /*!< Flag for aacDecoder_DecodeFrame(): Trigger the built-in error concealment module \
    701                                  to generate a substitute signal for one lost frame. New input data will not be
    702                                  considered. */
    703 #define AACDEC_FLUSH    2 /*!< Flag for aacDecoder_DecodeFrame(): Flush all filterbanks to get all delayed audio \
    704                                  without having new input data. Thus new input data will not be considered.*/
    705 #define AACDEC_INTR     4 /*!< Flag for aacDecoder_DecodeFrame(): Signal an input bit stream data discontinuity. \
    706                                  Resync any internals as necessary. */
    707 #define AACDEC_CLRHIST  8 /*!< Flag for aacDecoder_DecodeFrame(): Clear all signal delay lines and history buffers.\
    708                                  CAUTION: This can cause discontinuities in the output signal. */
    710 /**
    711  * \brief            Decode one audio frame
    712  *
    713  * \param self       AAC decoder handle.
    714  * \param pTimeData  Pointer to external output buffer where the decoded PCM samples will be stored into.
    715  * \param flags      Bit field with flags for the decoder: \n
    716  *                   (flags & AACDEC_CONCEAL) == 1: Do concealment. \n
    717  *                   (flags & AACDEC_FLUSH) == 2: Discard input data. Flush filter banks (output delayed audio). \n
    718  *                   (flags & AACDEC_INTR) == 4: Input data is discontinuous. Resynchronize any internals as necessary.
    719  * \return           Error code.
    720  */
    722 aacDecoder_DecodeFrame ( HANDLE_AACDECODER  self,
    723                          INT_PCM           *pTimeData,
    724                          const INT          timeDataSize,
    725                          const UINT         flags );
    727 /**
    728  * \brief       De-allocate all resources of an AAC decoder instance.
    729  *
    730  * \param self  AAC decoder handle.
    731  * \return      void
    732  */
    733 LINKSPEC_H void aacDecoder_Close ( HANDLE_AACDECODER self );
    735 /**
    736  * \brief       Get CStreamInfo handle from decoder.
    737  *
    738  * \param self  AAC decoder handle.
    739  * \return      Reference to requested CStreamInfo.
    740  */
    741 LINKSPEC_H CStreamInfo* aacDecoder_GetStreamInfo( HANDLE_AACDECODER self );
    743 /**
    744  * \brief       Get decoder library info.
    745  *
    746  * \param info  Pointer to an allocated LIB_INFO structure.
    747  * \return      0 on success
    748  */
    749 LINKSPEC_H INT aacDecoder_GetLibInfo( LIB_INFO *info );
    752 #ifdef __cplusplus
    753 }
    754 #endif
    756 #endif /* AACDECODER_LIB_H */