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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
      7 #include <list>
      8 #include <map>
      9 #include <set>
     10 #include <utility>
     11 #include <vector>
     13 #include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
     14 #include "base/callback.h"
     15 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     16 #include "base/critical_closure.h"
     17 #include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
     18 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
     19 #include "base/logging.h"
     20 #include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
     21 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
     22 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     23 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     24 #include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
     25 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
     26 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
     27 #include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
     28 #include "base/threading/thread_local.h"
     29 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     30 #include "base/time/time.h"
     31 #include "base/tracked_objects.h"
     33 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
     34 #include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
     35 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
     36 #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
     37 #endif
     39 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
     40 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     41 #endif
     43 namespace base {
     45 namespace {
     47 struct SequencedTask : public TrackingInfo  {
     48   SequencedTask()
     49       : sequence_token_id(0),
     50         trace_id(0),
     51         sequence_task_number(0),
     52         shutdown_behavior(SequencedWorkerPool::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {}
     54   explicit SequencedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here)
     55       : base::TrackingInfo(from_here, TimeTicks()),
     56         sequence_token_id(0),
     57         trace_id(0),
     58         sequence_task_number(0),
     59         shutdown_behavior(SequencedWorkerPool::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {}
     61   ~SequencedTask() {}
     63   int sequence_token_id;
     64   int trace_id;
     65   int64 sequence_task_number;
     66   SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior;
     67   tracked_objects::Location posted_from;
     68   Closure task;
     70   // Non-delayed tasks and delayed tasks are managed together by time-to-run
     71   // order. We calculate the time by adding the posted time and the given delay.
     72   TimeTicks time_to_run;
     73 };
     75 struct SequencedTaskLessThan {
     76  public:
     77   bool operator()(const SequencedTask& lhs, const SequencedTask& rhs) const {
     78     if (lhs.time_to_run < rhs.time_to_run)
     79       return true;
     81     if (lhs.time_to_run > rhs.time_to_run)
     82       return false;
     84     // If the time happen to match, then we use the sequence number to decide.
     85     return lhs.sequence_task_number < rhs.sequence_task_number;
     86   }
     87 };
     89 // SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner ---------------------------------------------
     90 // A TaskRunner which posts tasks to a SequencedWorkerPool with a
     91 // fixed ShutdownBehavior.
     92 //
     93 // Note that this class is RefCountedThreadSafe (inherited from TaskRunner).
     94 class SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner : public TaskRunner {
     95  public:
     96   SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner(
     97       const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
     98       SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
    100   // TaskRunner implementation
    101   virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    102                                const Closure& task,
    103                                TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
    104   virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE;
    106  private:
    107   virtual ~SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner();
    109   const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> pool_;
    111   const SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior_;
    113   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner);
    114 };
    116 SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner(
    117     const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
    118     SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior)
    119     : pool_(pool),
    120       shutdown_behavior_(shutdown_behavior) {
    121 }
    123 SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::~SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner() {
    124 }
    126 bool SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(
    127     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    128     const Closure& task,
    129     TimeDelta delay) {
    130   if (delay == TimeDelta()) {
    131     return pool_->PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
    132         from_here, task, shutdown_behavior_);
    133   }
    134   return pool_->PostDelayedWorkerTask(from_here, task, delay);
    135 }
    137 bool SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
    138   return pool_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread();
    139 }
    141 // SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner ------------------------------------
    142 // A SequencedTaskRunner which posts tasks to a SequencedWorkerPool with a
    143 // fixed sequence token.
    144 //
    145 // Note that this class is RefCountedThreadSafe (inherited from TaskRunner).
    146 class SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner : public SequencedTaskRunner {
    147  public:
    148   SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner(
    149       const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
    150       SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token,
    151       SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
    153   // TaskRunner implementation
    154   virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    155                                const Closure& task,
    156                                TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
    157   virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE;
    159   // SequencedTaskRunner implementation
    160   virtual bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
    161       const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    162       const Closure& task,
    163       TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
    165  private:
    166   virtual ~SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner();
    168   const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> pool_;
    170   const SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token_;
    172   const SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior_;
    174   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner);
    175 };
    177 SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner(
    178     const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
    179     SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token,
    180     SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior)
    181     : pool_(pool),
    182       token_(token),
    183       shutdown_behavior_(shutdown_behavior) {
    184 }
    186 SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::
    187 ~SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner() {
    188 }
    190 bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(
    191     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    192     const Closure& task,
    193     TimeDelta delay) {
    194   if (delay == TimeDelta()) {
    195     return pool_->PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
    196         token_, from_here, task, shutdown_behavior_);
    197   }
    198   return pool_->PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(token_, from_here, task, delay);
    199 }
    201 bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
    202   return pool_->IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(token_);
    203 }
    205 bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
    206     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    207     const Closure& task,
    208     TimeDelta delay) {
    209   // There's no way to run nested tasks, so simply forward to
    210   // PostDelayedTask.
    211   return PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);
    212 }
    214 // Create a process-wide unique ID to represent this task in trace events. This
    215 // will be mangled with a Process ID hash to reduce the likelyhood of colliding
    216 // with MessageLoop pointers on other processes.
    217 uint64 GetTaskTraceID(const SequencedTask& task,
    218                       void* pool) {
    219   return (static_cast<uint64>(task.trace_id) << 32) |
    220          static_cast<uint64>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pool));
    221 }
    223 base::LazyInstance<base::ThreadLocalPointer<
    224     SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken> >::Leaky g_lazy_tls_ptr =
    227 }  // namespace
    229 // Worker ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    231 class SequencedWorkerPool::Worker : public SimpleThread {
    232  public:
    233   // Hold a (cyclic) ref to |worker_pool|, since we want to keep it
    234   // around as long as we are running.
    235   Worker(const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool,
    236          int thread_number,
    237          const std::string& thread_name_prefix);
    238   virtual ~Worker();
    240   // SimpleThread implementation. This actually runs the background thread.
    241   virtual void Run() OVERRIDE;
    243   void set_running_task_info(SequenceToken token,
    244                              WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
    245     running_sequence_ = token;
    246     running_shutdown_behavior_ = shutdown_behavior;
    247   }
    249   SequenceToken running_sequence() const {
    250     return running_sequence_;
    251   }
    253   WorkerShutdown running_shutdown_behavior() const {
    254     return running_shutdown_behavior_;
    255   }
    257  private:
    258   scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> worker_pool_;
    259   SequenceToken running_sequence_;
    260   WorkerShutdown running_shutdown_behavior_;
    263 };
    265 // Inner ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    267 class SequencedWorkerPool::Inner {
    268  public:
    269   // Take a raw pointer to |worker| to avoid cycles (since we're owned
    270   // by it).
    271   Inner(SequencedWorkerPool* worker_pool, size_t max_threads,
    272         const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
    273         TestingObserver* observer);
    275   ~Inner();
    277   SequenceToken GetSequenceToken();
    279   SequenceToken GetNamedSequenceToken(const std::string& name);
    281   // This function accepts a name and an ID. If the name is null, the
    282   // token ID is used. This allows us to implement the optional name lookup
    283   // from a single function without having to enter the lock a separate time.
    284   bool PostTask(const std::string* optional_token_name,
    285                 SequenceToken sequence_token,
    286                 WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior,
    287                 const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    288                 const Closure& task,
    289                 TimeDelta delay);
    291   bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const;
    293   bool IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(SequenceToken sequence_token) const;
    295   void CleanupForTesting();
    297   void SignalHasWorkForTesting();
    299   int GetWorkSignalCountForTesting() const;
    301   void Shutdown(int max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown);
    303   bool IsShutdownInProgress();
    305   // Runs the worker loop on the background thread.
    306   void ThreadLoop(Worker* this_worker);
    308  private:
    309   enum GetWorkStatus {
    310     GET_WORK_FOUND,
    311     GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND,
    312     GET_WORK_WAIT,
    313   };
    315   enum CleanupState {
    318     CLEANUP_RUNNING,
    320     CLEANUP_DONE,
    321   };
    323   // Called from within the lock, this converts the given token name into a
    324   // token ID, creating a new one if necessary.
    325   int LockedGetNamedTokenID(const std::string& name);
    327   // Called from within the lock, this returns the next sequence task number.
    328   int64 LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber();
    330   // Called from within the lock, returns the shutdown behavior of the task
    331   // running on the currently executing worker thread. If invoked from a thread
    332   // that is not one of the workers, returns CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN.
    333   WorkerShutdown LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() const;
    335   // Gets new task. There are 3 cases depending on the return value:
    336   //
    337   // 1) If the return value is |GET_WORK_FOUND|, |task| is filled in and should
    338   //    be run immediately.
    339   // 2) If the return value is |GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND|, there are no tasks to run,
    340   //    and |task| is not filled in. In this case, the caller should wait until
    341   //    a task is posted.
    342   // 3) If the return value is |GET_WORK_WAIT|, there are no tasks to run
    343   //    immediately, and |task| is not filled in. Likewise, |wait_time| is
    344   //    filled in the time to wait until the next task to run. In this case, the
    345   //    caller should wait the time.
    346   //
    347   // In any case, the calling code should clear the given
    348   // delete_these_outside_lock vector the next time the lock is released.
    349   // See the implementation for a more detailed description.
    350   GetWorkStatus GetWork(SequencedTask* task,
    351                         TimeDelta* wait_time,
    352                         std::vector<Closure>* delete_these_outside_lock);
    354   void HandleCleanup();
    356   // Peforms init and cleanup around running the given task. WillRun...
    357   // returns the value from PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfNecessary.
    358   // The calling code should call FinishStartingAdditionalThread once the
    359   // lock is released if the return values is nonzero.
    360   int WillRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task);
    361   void DidRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task);
    363   // Returns true if there are no threads currently running the given
    364   // sequence token.
    365   bool IsSequenceTokenRunnable(int sequence_token_id) const;
    367   // Checks if all threads are busy and the addition of one more could run an
    368   // additional task waiting in the queue. This must be called from within
    369   // the lock.
    370   //
    371   // If another thread is helpful, this will mark the thread as being in the
    372   // process of starting and returns the index of the new thread which will be
    373   // 0 or more. The caller should then call FinishStartingAdditionalThread to
    374   // complete initialization once the lock is released.
    375   //
    376   // If another thread is not necessary, returne 0;
    377   //
    378   // See the implementedion for more.
    379   int PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();
    381   // The second part of thread creation after
    382   // PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful with the thread number it
    383   // generated. This actually creates the thread and should be called outside
    384   // the lock to avoid blocking important work starting a thread in the lock.
    385   void FinishStartingAdditionalThread(int thread_number);
    387   // Signal |has_work_| and increment |has_work_signal_count_|.
    388   void SignalHasWork();
    390   // Checks whether there is work left that's blocking shutdown. Must be
    391   // called inside the lock.
    392   bool CanShutdown() const;
    394   SequencedWorkerPool* const worker_pool_;
    396   // The last sequence number used. Managed by GetSequenceToken, since this
    397   // only does threadsafe increment operations, you do not need to hold the
    398   // lock. This is class-static to make SequenceTokens issued by
    399   // GetSequenceToken unique across SequencedWorkerPool instances.
    400   static base::StaticAtomicSequenceNumber g_last_sequence_number_;
    402   // This lock protects |everything in this class|. Do not read or modify
    403   // anything without holding this lock. Do not block while holding this
    404   // lock.
    405   mutable Lock lock_;
    407   // Condition variable that is waited on by worker threads until new
    408   // tasks are posted or shutdown starts.
    409   ConditionVariable has_work_cv_;
    411   // Condition variable that is waited on by non-worker threads (in
    412   // Shutdown()) until CanShutdown() goes to true.
    413   ConditionVariable can_shutdown_cv_;
    415   // The maximum number of worker threads we'll create.
    416   const size_t max_threads_;
    418   const std::string thread_name_prefix_;
    420   // Associates all known sequence token names with their IDs.
    421   std::map<std::string, int> named_sequence_tokens_;
    423   // Owning pointers to all threads we've created so far, indexed by
    424   // ID. Since we lazily create threads, this may be less than
    425   // max_threads_ and will be initially empty.
    426   typedef std::map<PlatformThreadId, linked_ptr<Worker> > ThreadMap;
    427   ThreadMap threads_;
    429   // Set to true when we're in the process of creating another thread.
    430   // See PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful for more.
    431   bool thread_being_created_;
    433   // Number of threads currently waiting for work.
    434   size_t waiting_thread_count_;
    436   // Number of threads currently running tasks that have the BLOCK_SHUTDOWN
    437   // or SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN flag set.
    438   size_t blocking_shutdown_thread_count_;
    440   // A set of all pending tasks in time-to-run order. These are tasks that are
    441   // either waiting for a thread to run on, waiting for their time to run,
    442   // or blocked on a previous task in their sequence. We have to iterate over
    443   // the tasks by time-to-run order, so we use the set instead of the
    444   // traditional priority_queue.
    445   typedef std::set<SequencedTask, SequencedTaskLessThan> PendingTaskSet;
    446   PendingTaskSet pending_tasks_;
    448   // The next sequence number for a new sequenced task.
    449   int64 next_sequence_task_number_;
    451   // Number of tasks in the pending_tasks_ list that are marked as blocking
    452   // shutdown.
    453   size_t blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_;
    455   // Lists all sequence tokens currently executing.
    456   std::set<int> current_sequences_;
    458   // An ID for each posted task to distinguish the task from others in traces.
    459   int trace_id_;
    461   // Set when Shutdown is called and no further tasks should be
    462   // allowed, though we may still be running existing tasks.
    463   bool shutdown_called_;
    465   // The number of new BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks that may be posted after Shudown()
    466   // has been called.
    467   int max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_;
    469   // State used to cleanup for testing, all guarded by lock_.
    470   CleanupState cleanup_state_;
    471   size_t cleanup_idlers_;
    472   ConditionVariable cleanup_cv_;
    474   TestingObserver* const testing_observer_;
    477 };
    479 // Worker definitions ---------------------------------------------------------
    481 SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::Worker(
    482     const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool,
    483     int thread_number,
    484     const std::string& prefix)
    485     : SimpleThread(prefix + StringPrintf("Worker%d", thread_number)),
    486       worker_pool_(worker_pool),
    487       running_shutdown_behavior_(CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
    488   Start();
    489 }
    491 SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::~Worker() {
    492 }
    494 void SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::Run() {
    495 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    496   win::ScopedCOMInitializer com_initializer;
    497 #endif
    499   // Store a pointer to the running sequence in thread local storage for
    500   // static function access.
    501   g_lazy_tls_ptr.Get().Set(&running_sequence_);
    503   // Just jump back to the Inner object to run the thread, since it has all the
    504   // tracking information and queues. It might be more natural to implement
    505   // using DelegateSimpleThread and have Inner implement the Delegate to avoid
    506   // having these worker objects at all, but that method lacks the ability to
    507   // send thread-specific information easily to the thread loop.
    508   worker_pool_->inner_->ThreadLoop(this);
    509   // Release our cyclic reference once we're done.
    510   worker_pool_ = NULL;
    511 }
    513 // Inner definitions ---------------------------------------------------------
    515 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::Inner(
    516     SequencedWorkerPool* worker_pool,
    517     size_t max_threads,
    518     const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
    519     TestingObserver* observer)
    520     : worker_pool_(worker_pool),
    521       lock_(),
    522       has_work_cv_(&lock_),
    523       can_shutdown_cv_(&lock_),
    524       max_threads_(max_threads),
    525       thread_name_prefix_(thread_name_prefix),
    526       thread_being_created_(false),
    527       waiting_thread_count_(0),
    528       blocking_shutdown_thread_count_(0),
    529       next_sequence_task_number_(0),
    530       blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_(0),
    531       trace_id_(0),
    532       shutdown_called_(false),
    533       max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_(0),
    534       cleanup_state_(CLEANUP_DONE),
    535       cleanup_idlers_(0),
    536       cleanup_cv_(&lock_),
    537       testing_observer_(observer) {}
    539 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::~Inner() {
    540   // You must call Shutdown() before destroying the pool.
    541   DCHECK(shutdown_called_);
    543   // Need to explicitly join with the threads before they're destroyed or else
    544   // they will be running when our object is half torn down.
    545   for (ThreadMap::iterator it = threads_.begin(); it != threads_.end(); ++it)
    546     it->second->Join();
    547   threads_.clear();
    549   if (testing_observer_)
    550     testing_observer_->OnDestruct();
    551 }
    553 SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken
    554 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetSequenceToken() {
    555   // Need to add one because StaticAtomicSequenceNumber starts at zero, which
    556   // is used as a sentinel value in SequenceTokens.
    557   return SequenceToken(g_last_sequence_number_.GetNext() + 1);
    558 }
    560 SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken
    561 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetNamedSequenceToken(const std::string& name) {
    562   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    563   return SequenceToken(LockedGetNamedTokenID(name));
    564 }
    566 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::PostTask(
    567     const std::string* optional_token_name,
    568     SequenceToken sequence_token,
    569     WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior,
    570     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    571     const Closure& task,
    572     TimeDelta delay) {
    573   DCHECK(delay == TimeDelta() || shutdown_behavior == SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN);
    574   SequencedTask sequenced(from_here);
    575   sequenced.sequence_token_id = sequence_token.id_;
    576   sequenced.shutdown_behavior = shutdown_behavior;
    577   sequenced.posted_from = from_here;
    578   sequenced.task =
    579       shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN ?
    580       base::MakeCriticalClosure(task) : task;
    581   sequenced.time_to_run = TimeTicks::Now() + delay;
    583   int create_thread_id = 0;
    584   {
    585     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    586     if (shutdown_called_) {
    587       if (shutdown_behavior != BLOCK_SHUTDOWN ||
    588           LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() == CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
    589         return false;
    590       }
    591       if (max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ <= 0) {
    592         DLOG(WARNING) << "BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task disallowed";
    593         return false;
    594       }
    595       max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ -= 1;
    596     }
    598     // The trace_id is used for identifying the task in about:tracing.
    599     sequenced.trace_id = trace_id_++;
    602         "SequencedWorkerPool::PostTask",
    603         TRACE_ID_MANGLE(GetTaskTraceID(sequenced, static_cast<void*>(this))));
    605     sequenced.sequence_task_number = LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber();
    607     // Now that we have the lock, apply the named token rules.
    608     if (optional_token_name)
    609       sequenced.sequence_token_id = LockedGetNamedTokenID(*optional_token_name);
    611     pending_tasks_.insert(sequenced);
    612     if (shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN)
    613       blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_++;
    615     create_thread_id = PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();
    616   }
    618   // Actually start the additional thread or signal an existing one now that
    619   // we're outside the lock.
    620   if (create_thread_id)
    621     FinishStartingAdditionalThread(create_thread_id);
    622   else
    623     SignalHasWork();
    625   return true;
    626 }
    628 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
    629   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    630   return ContainsKey(threads_, PlatformThread::CurrentId());
    631 }
    633 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(
    634     SequenceToken sequence_token) const {
    635   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    636   ThreadMap::const_iterator found = threads_.find(PlatformThread::CurrentId());
    637   if (found == threads_.end())
    638     return false;
    639   return sequence_token.Equals(found->second->running_sequence());
    640 }
    642 // See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=168415
    643 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::CleanupForTesting() {
    644   DCHECK(!RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
    645   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
    646   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    647   CHECK_EQ(CLEANUP_DONE, cleanup_state_);
    648   if (shutdown_called_)
    649     return;
    650   if (pending_tasks_.empty() && waiting_thread_count_ == threads_.size())
    651     return;
    652   cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_REQUESTED;
    653   cleanup_idlers_ = 0;
    654   has_work_cv_.Signal();
    655   while (cleanup_state_ != CLEANUP_DONE)
    656     cleanup_cv_.Wait();
    657 }
    659 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::SignalHasWorkForTesting() {
    660   SignalHasWork();
    661 }
    663 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::Shutdown(
    664     int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown) {
    665   DCHECK_GE(max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown, 0);
    666   {
    667     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    668     // Cleanup and Shutdown should not be called concurrently.
    669     CHECK_EQ(CLEANUP_DONE, cleanup_state_);
    670     if (shutdown_called_)
    671       return;
    672     shutdown_called_ = true;
    673     max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ = max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown;
    675     // Tickle the threads. This will wake up a waiting one so it will know that
    676     // it can exit, which in turn will wake up any other waiting ones.
    677     SignalHasWork();
    679     // There are no pending or running tasks blocking shutdown, we're done.
    680     if (CanShutdown())
    681       return;
    682   }
    684   // If we're here, then something is blocking shutdown.  So wait for
    685   // CanShutdown() to go to true.
    687   if (testing_observer_)
    688     testing_observer_->WillWaitForShutdown();
    690 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
    691   TimeTicks shutdown_wait_begin = TimeTicks::Now();
    692 #endif
    694   {
    695     base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
    696     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    697     while (!CanShutdown())
    698       can_shutdown_cv_.Wait();
    699   }
    700 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
    701   UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SequencedWorkerPool.ShutdownDelayTime",
    702                       TimeTicks::Now() - shutdown_wait_begin);
    703 #endif
    704 }
    706 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsShutdownInProgress() {
    707     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    708     return shutdown_called_;
    709 }
    711 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::ThreadLoop(Worker* this_worker) {
    712   {
    713     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    714     DCHECK(thread_being_created_);
    715     thread_being_created_ = false;
    716     std::pair<ThreadMap::iterator, bool> result =
    717         threads_.insert(
    718             std::make_pair(this_worker->tid(), make_linked_ptr(this_worker)));
    719     DCHECK(result.second);
    721     while (true) {
    722 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    723       base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool;
    724 #endif
    726       HandleCleanup();
    728       // See GetWork for what delete_these_outside_lock is doing.
    729       SequencedTask task;
    730       TimeDelta wait_time;
    731       std::vector<Closure> delete_these_outside_lock;
    732       GetWorkStatus status =
    733           GetWork(&task, &wait_time, &delete_these_outside_lock);
    734       if (status == GET_WORK_FOUND) {
    735         TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_END0(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("toplevel.flow"),
    736             "SequencedWorkerPool::PostTask",
    737             TRACE_ID_MANGLE(GetTaskTraceID(task, static_cast<void*>(this))));
    738         TRACE_EVENT2("toplevel", "SequencedWorkerPool::ThreadLoop",
    739                      "src_file", task.posted_from.file_name(),
    740                      "src_func", task.posted_from.function_name());
    741         int new_thread_id = WillRunWorkerTask(task);
    742         {
    743           AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
    744           // There may be more work available, so wake up another
    745           // worker thread. (Technically not required, since we
    746           // already get a signal for each new task, but it doesn't
    747           // hurt.)
    748           SignalHasWork();
    749           delete_these_outside_lock.clear();
    751           // Complete thread creation outside the lock if necessary.
    752           if (new_thread_id)
    753             FinishStartingAdditionalThread(new_thread_id);
    755           this_worker->set_running_task_info(
    756               SequenceToken(task.sequence_token_id), task.shutdown_behavior);
    758           tracked_objects::ThreadData::PrepareForStartOfRun(task.birth_tally);
    759           tracked_objects::TaskStopwatch stopwatch;
    760           task.task.Run();
    761           stopwatch.Stop();
    763           tracked_objects::ThreadData::TallyRunOnNamedThreadIfTracking(
    764               task, stopwatch);
    766           // Make sure our task is erased outside the lock for the
    767           // same reason we do this with delete_these_oustide_lock.
    768           // Also, do it before calling set_running_task_info() so
    769           // that sequence-checking from within the task's destructor
    770           // still works.
    771           task.task = Closure();
    773           this_worker->set_running_task_info(
    774               SequenceToken(), CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN);
    775         }
    776         DidRunWorkerTask(task);  // Must be done inside the lock.
    777       } else if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_RUNNING) {
    778         switch (status) {
    779           case GET_WORK_WAIT: {
    780               AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
    781               delete_these_outside_lock.clear();
    782             }
    783             break;
    784           case GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND:
    785             CHECK(delete_these_outside_lock.empty());
    786             cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_FINISHING;
    787             cleanup_cv_.Broadcast();
    788             break;
    789           default:
    790             NOTREACHED();
    791         }
    792       } else {
    793         // When we're terminating and there's no more work, we can
    794         // shut down, other workers can complete any pending or new tasks.
    795         // We can get additional tasks posted after shutdown_called_ is set
    796         // but only worker threads are allowed to post tasks at that time, and
    797         // the workers responsible for posting those tasks will be available
    798         // to run them. Also, there may be some tasks stuck behind running
    799         // ones with the same sequence token, but additional threads won't
    800         // help this case.
    801         if (shutdown_called_ &&
    802             blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_ == 0)
    803           break;
    804         waiting_thread_count_++;
    806         switch (status) {
    807           case GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND:
    808             has_work_cv_.Wait();
    809             break;
    810           case GET_WORK_WAIT:
    811             has_work_cv_.TimedWait(wait_time);
    812             break;
    813           default:
    814             NOTREACHED();
    815         }
    816         waiting_thread_count_--;
    817       }
    818     }
    819   }  // Release lock_.
    821   // We noticed we should exit. Wake up the next worker so it knows it should
    822   // exit as well (because the Shutdown() code only signals once).
    823   SignalHasWork();
    825   // Possibly unblock shutdown.
    826   can_shutdown_cv_.Signal();
    827 }
    829 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::HandleCleanup() {
    830   lock_.AssertAcquired();
    831   if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_DONE)
    832     return;
    833   if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_REQUESTED) {
    834     // We win, we get to do the cleanup as soon as the others wise up and idle.
    835     cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_STARTING;
    836     while (thread_being_created_ ||
    837            cleanup_idlers_ != threads_.size() - 1) {
    838       has_work_cv_.Signal();
    839       cleanup_cv_.Wait();
    840     }
    841     cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_RUNNING;
    842     return;
    843   }
    844   if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_STARTING) {
    845     // Another worker thread is cleaning up, we idle here until thats done.
    846     ++cleanup_idlers_;
    847     cleanup_cv_.Broadcast();
    848     while (cleanup_state_ != CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
    849       cleanup_cv_.Wait();
    850     }
    851     --cleanup_idlers_;
    852     cleanup_cv_.Broadcast();
    853     return;
    854   }
    855   if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
    856     // We wait for all idlers to wake up prior to being DONE.
    857     while (cleanup_idlers_ != 0) {
    858       cleanup_cv_.Broadcast();
    859       cleanup_cv_.Wait();
    860     }
    861     if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
    862       cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_DONE;
    863       cleanup_cv_.Signal();
    864     }
    865     return;
    866   }
    867 }
    869 int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedGetNamedTokenID(
    870     const std::string& name) {
    871   lock_.AssertAcquired();
    872   DCHECK(!name.empty());
    874   std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator found =
    875       named_sequence_tokens_.find(name);
    876   if (found != named_sequence_tokens_.end())
    877     return found->second;  // Got an existing one.
    879   // Create a new one for this name.
    880   SequenceToken result = GetSequenceToken();
    881   named_sequence_tokens_.insert(std::make_pair(name, result.id_));
    882   return result.id_;
    883 }
    885 int64 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber() {
    886   lock_.AssertAcquired();
    887   // We assume that we never create enough tasks to wrap around.
    888   return next_sequence_task_number_++;
    889 }
    891 SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown
    892 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() const {
    893   lock_.AssertAcquired();
    894   ThreadMap::const_iterator found = threads_.find(PlatformThread::CurrentId());
    895   if (found == threads_.end())
    896     return CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN;
    897   return found->second->running_shutdown_behavior();
    898 }
    900 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetWorkStatus SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetWork(
    901     SequencedTask* task,
    902     TimeDelta* wait_time,
    903     std::vector<Closure>* delete_these_outside_lock) {
    904   lock_.AssertAcquired();
    906 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
    907   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("SequencedWorkerPool.TaskCount",
    908                            static_cast<int>(pending_tasks_.size()));
    909 #endif
    911   // Find the next task with a sequence token that's not currently in use.
    912   // If the token is in use, that means another thread is running something
    913   // in that sequence, and we can't run it without going out-of-order.
    914   //
    915   // This algorithm is simple and fair, but inefficient in some cases. For
    916   // example, say somebody schedules 1000 slow tasks with the same sequence
    917   // number. We'll have to go through all those tasks each time we feel like
    918   // there might be work to schedule. If this proves to be a problem, we
    919   // should make this more efficient.
    920   //
    921   // One possible enhancement would be to keep a map from sequence ID to a
    922   // list of pending but currently blocked SequencedTasks for that ID.
    923   // When a worker finishes a task of one sequence token, it can pick up the
    924   // next one from that token right away.
    925   //
    926   // This may lead to starvation if there are sufficient numbers of sequences
    927   // in use. To alleviate this, we could add an incrementing priority counter
    928   // to each SequencedTask. Then maintain a priority_queue of all runnable
    929   // tasks, sorted by priority counter. When a sequenced task is completed
    930   // we would pop the head element off of that tasks pending list and add it
    931   // to the priority queue. Then we would run the first item in the priority
    932   // queue.
    934   GetWorkStatus status = GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND;
    935   int unrunnable_tasks = 0;
    936   PendingTaskSet::iterator i = pending_tasks_.begin();
    937   // We assume that the loop below doesn't take too long and so we can just do
    938   // a single call to TimeTicks::Now().
    939   const TimeTicks current_time = TimeTicks::Now();
    940   while (i != pending_tasks_.end()) {
    941     if (!IsSequenceTokenRunnable(i->sequence_token_id)) {
    942       unrunnable_tasks++;
    943       ++i;
    944       continue;
    945     }
    947     if (shutdown_called_ && i->shutdown_behavior != BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {
    948       // We're shutting down and the task we just found isn't blocking
    949       // shutdown. Delete it and get more work.
    950       //
    951       // Note that we do not want to delete unrunnable tasks. Deleting a task
    952       // can have side effects (like freeing some objects) and deleting a
    953       // task that's supposed to run after one that's currently running could
    954       // cause an obscure crash.
    955       //
    956       // We really want to delete these tasks outside the lock in case the
    957       // closures are holding refs to objects that want to post work from
    958       // their destructorss (which would deadlock). The closures are
    959       // internally refcounted, so we just need to keep a copy of them alive
    960       // until the lock is exited. The calling code can just clear() the
    961       // vector they passed to us once the lock is exited to make this
    962       // happen.
    963       delete_these_outside_lock->push_back(i->task);
    964       pending_tasks_.erase(i++);
    965       continue;
    966     }
    968     if (i->time_to_run > current_time) {
    969       // The time to run has not come yet.
    970       *wait_time = i->time_to_run - current_time;
    971       status = GET_WORK_WAIT;
    972       if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_RUNNING) {
    973         // Deferred tasks are deleted when cleaning up, see Inner::ThreadLoop.
    974         delete_these_outside_lock->push_back(i->task);
    975         pending_tasks_.erase(i);
    976       }
    977       break;
    978     }
    980     // Found a runnable task.
    981     *task = *i;
    982     pending_tasks_.erase(i);
    983     if (task->shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {
    984       blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_--;
    985     }
    987     status = GET_WORK_FOUND;
    988     break;
    989   }
    991   // Track the number of tasks we had to skip over to see if we should be
    992   // making this more efficient. If this number ever becomes large or is
    993   // frequently "some", we should consider the optimization above.
    994 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
    995   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("SequencedWorkerPool.UnrunnableTaskCount",
    996                            unrunnable_tasks);
    997 #endif
    998   return status;
    999 }
   1001 int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::WillRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task) {
   1002   lock_.AssertAcquired();
   1004   // Mark the task's sequence number as in use.
   1005   if (task.sequence_token_id)
   1006     current_sequences_.insert(task.sequence_token_id);
   1008   // Ensure that threads running tasks posted with either SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN
   1009   // or BLOCK_SHUTDOWN will prevent shutdown until that task or thread
   1010   // completes.
   1011   if (task.shutdown_behavior != CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN)
   1012     blocking_shutdown_thread_count_++;
   1014   // We just picked up a task. Since StartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful only
   1015   // creates a new thread if there is no free one, there is a race when posting
   1016   // tasks that many tasks could have been posted before a thread started
   1017   // running them, so only one thread would have been created. So we also check
   1018   // whether we should create more threads after removing our task from the
   1019   // queue, which also has the nice side effect of creating the workers from
   1020   // background threads rather than the main thread of the app.
   1021   //
   1022   // If another thread wasn't created, we want to wake up an existing thread
   1023   // if there is one waiting to pick up the next task.
   1024   //
   1025   // Note that we really need to do this *before* running the task, not
   1026   // after. Otherwise, if more than one task is posted, the creation of the
   1027   // second thread (since we only create one at a time) will be blocked by
   1028   // the execution of the first task, which could be arbitrarily long.
   1029   return PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();
   1030 }
   1032 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::DidRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task) {
   1033   lock_.AssertAcquired();
   1035   if (task.shutdown_behavior != CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
   1036     DCHECK_GT(blocking_shutdown_thread_count_, 0u);
   1037     blocking_shutdown_thread_count_--;
   1038   }
   1040   if (task.sequence_token_id)
   1041     current_sequences_.erase(task.sequence_token_id);
   1042 }
   1044 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsSequenceTokenRunnable(
   1045     int sequence_token_id) const {
   1046   lock_.AssertAcquired();
   1047   return !sequence_token_id ||
   1048       current_sequences_.find(sequence_token_id) ==
   1049           current_sequences_.end();
   1050 }
   1052 int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful() {
   1053   lock_.AssertAcquired();
   1054   // How thread creation works:
   1055   //
   1056   // We'de like to avoid creating threads with the lock held. However, we
   1057   // need to be sure that we have an accurate accounting of the threads for
   1058   // proper Joining and deltion on shutdown.
   1059   //
   1060   // We need to figure out if we need another thread with the lock held, which
   1061   // is what this function does. It then marks us as in the process of creating
   1062   // a thread. When we do shutdown, we wait until the thread_being_created_
   1063   // flag is cleared, which ensures that the new thread is properly added to
   1064   // all the data structures and we can't leak it. Once shutdown starts, we'll
   1065   // refuse to create more threads or they would be leaked.
   1066   //
   1067   // Note that this creates a mostly benign race condition on shutdown that
   1068   // will cause fewer workers to be created than one would expect. It isn't
   1069   // much of an issue in real life, but affects some tests. Since we only spawn
   1070   // one worker at a time, the following sequence of events can happen:
   1071   //
   1072   //  1. Main thread posts a bunch of unrelated tasks that would normally be
   1073   //     run on separate threads.
   1074   //  2. The first task post causes us to start a worker. Other tasks do not
   1075   //     cause a worker to start since one is pending.
   1076   //  3. Main thread initiates shutdown.
   1077   //  4. No more threads are created since the shutdown_called_ flag is set.
   1078   //
   1079   // The result is that one may expect that max_threads_ workers to be created
   1080   // given the workload, but in reality fewer may be created because the
   1081   // sequence of thread creation on the background threads is racing with the
   1082   // shutdown call.
   1083   if (!shutdown_called_ &&
   1084       !thread_being_created_ &&
   1085       cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_DONE &&
   1086       threads_.size() < max_threads_ &&
   1087       waiting_thread_count_ == 0) {
   1088     // We could use an additional thread if there's work to be done.
   1089     for (PendingTaskSet::const_iterator i = pending_tasks_.begin();
   1090          i != pending_tasks_.end(); ++i) {
   1091       if (IsSequenceTokenRunnable(i->sequence_token_id)) {
   1092         // Found a runnable task, mark the thread as being started.
   1093         thread_being_created_ = true;
   1094         return static_cast<int>(threads_.size() + 1);
   1095       }
   1096     }
   1097   }
   1098   return 0;
   1099 }
   1101 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::FinishStartingAdditionalThread(
   1102     int thread_number) {
   1103   // Called outside of the lock.
   1104   DCHECK(thread_number > 0);
   1106   // The worker is assigned to the list when the thread actually starts, which
   1107   // will manage the memory of the pointer.
   1108   new Worker(worker_pool_, thread_number, thread_name_prefix_);
   1109 }
   1111 void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::SignalHasWork() {
   1112   has_work_cv_.Signal();
   1113   if (testing_observer_) {
   1114     testing_observer_->OnHasWork();
   1115   }
   1116 }
   1118 bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::CanShutdown() const {
   1119   lock_.AssertAcquired();
   1120   // See PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful for how thread creation works.
   1121   return !thread_being_created_ &&
   1122          blocking_shutdown_thread_count_ == 0 &&
   1123          blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_ == 0;
   1124 }
   1126 base::StaticAtomicSequenceNumber
   1127 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::g_last_sequence_number_;
   1129 // SequencedWorkerPool --------------------------------------------------------
   1131 // static
   1132 SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken
   1133 SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequenceTokenForCurrentThread() {
   1134   // Don't construct lazy instance on check.
   1135   if (g_lazy_tls_ptr == NULL)
   1136     return SequenceToken();
   1138   SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken* token = g_lazy_tls_ptr.Get().Get();
   1139   if (!token)
   1140     return SequenceToken();
   1141   return *token;
   1142 }
   1144 SequencedWorkerPool::SequencedWorkerPool(
   1145     size_t max_threads,
   1146     const std::string& thread_name_prefix)
   1147     : constructor_message_loop_(MessageLoopProxy::current()),
   1148       inner_(new Inner(this, max_threads, thread_name_prefix, NULL)) {
   1149 }
   1151 SequencedWorkerPool::SequencedWorkerPool(
   1152     size_t max_threads,
   1153     const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
   1154     TestingObserver* observer)
   1155     : constructor_message_loop_(MessageLoopProxy::current()),
   1156       inner_(new Inner(this, max_threads, thread_name_prefix, observer)) {
   1157 }
   1159 SequencedWorkerPool::~SequencedWorkerPool() {}
   1161 void SequencedWorkerPool::OnDestruct() const {
   1162   DCHECK(constructor_message_loop_.get());
   1163   // Avoid deleting ourselves on a worker thread (which would
   1164   // deadlock).
   1165   if (RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) {
   1166     constructor_message_loop_->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
   1167   } else {
   1168     delete this;
   1169   }
   1170 }
   1172 SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequenceToken() {
   1173   return inner_->GetSequenceToken();
   1174 }
   1176 SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken SequencedWorkerPool::GetNamedSequenceToken(
   1177     const std::string& name) {
   1178   return inner_->GetNamedSequenceToken(name);
   1179 }
   1181 scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequencedTaskRunner(
   1182     SequenceToken token) {
   1183   return GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(token, BLOCK_SHUTDOWN);
   1184 }
   1186 scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner>
   1187 SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
   1188     SequenceToken token, WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
   1189   return new SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner(
   1190       this, token, shutdown_behavior);
   1191 }
   1193 scoped_refptr<TaskRunner>
   1194 SequencedWorkerPool::GetTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
   1195     WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
   1196   return new SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner(this, shutdown_behavior);
   1197 }
   1199 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostWorkerTask(
   1200     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1201     const Closure& task) {
   1202   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
   1203                           from_here, task, TimeDelta());
   1204 }
   1206 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedWorkerTask(
   1207     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1208     const Closure& task,
   1209     TimeDelta delay) {
   1210   WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior =
   1211       delay == TimeDelta() ? BLOCK_SHUTDOWN : SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN;
   1212   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), shutdown_behavior,
   1213                           from_here, task, delay);
   1214 }
   1216 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
   1217     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1218     const Closure& task,
   1219     WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
   1220   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), shutdown_behavior,
   1221                           from_here, task, TimeDelta());
   1222 }
   1224 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostSequencedWorkerTask(
   1225     SequenceToken sequence_token,
   1226     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1227     const Closure& task) {
   1228   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
   1229                           from_here, task, TimeDelta());
   1230 }
   1232 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(
   1233     SequenceToken sequence_token,
   1234     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1235     const Closure& task,
   1236     TimeDelta delay) {
   1237   WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior =
   1238       delay == TimeDelta() ? BLOCK_SHUTDOWN : SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN;
   1239   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, shutdown_behavior,
   1240                           from_here, task, delay);
   1241 }
   1243 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask(
   1244     const std::string& token_name,
   1245     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1246     const Closure& task) {
   1247   DCHECK(!token_name.empty());
   1248   return inner_->PostTask(&token_name, SequenceToken(), BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
   1249                           from_here, task, TimeDelta());
   1250 }
   1252 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
   1253     SequenceToken sequence_token,
   1254     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1255     const Closure& task,
   1256     WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
   1257   return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, shutdown_behavior,
   1258                           from_here, task, TimeDelta());
   1259 }
   1261 bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedTask(
   1262     const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
   1263     const Closure& task,
   1264     TimeDelta delay) {
   1265   return PostDelayedWorkerTask(from_here, task, delay);
   1266 }
   1268 bool SequencedWorkerPool::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
   1269   return inner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread();
   1270 }
   1272 bool SequencedWorkerPool::IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(
   1273     SequenceToken sequence_token) const {
   1274   return inner_->IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(sequence_token);
   1275 }
   1277 void SequencedWorkerPool::FlushForTesting() {
   1278   inner_->CleanupForTesting();
   1279 }
   1281 void SequencedWorkerPool::SignalHasWorkForTesting() {
   1282   inner_->SignalHasWorkForTesting();
   1283 }
   1285 void SequencedWorkerPool::Shutdown(int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown) {
   1286   DCHECK(constructor_message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
   1287   inner_->Shutdown(max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown);
   1288 }
   1290 bool SequencedWorkerPool::IsShutdownInProgress() {
   1291   return inner_->IsShutdownInProgress();
   1292 }
   1294 }  // namespace base