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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/app_window_launcher_controller.h"
      7 #include "ash/shelf/shelf_util.h"
      8 #include "ash/shell.h"
      9 #include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
     10 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     11 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     12 #include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/app_window_launcher_item_controller.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/chrome_launcher_controller.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/multi_user/multi_user_window_manager.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/ui/host_desktop.h"
     16 #include "extensions/browser/app_window/app_window.h"
     17 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
     18 #include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
     19 #include "ui/wm/public/activation_client.h"
     21 using extensions::AppWindow;
     22 using extensions::AppWindowRegistry;
     24 namespace {
     26 std::string GetAppShelfId(AppWindow* app_window) {
     27   if (app_window->window_type_is_panel())
     28     return base::StringPrintf("panel:%d", app_window->session_id().id());
     29   return app_window->extension_id();
     30 }
     32 bool ControlsWindow(aura::Window* window) {
     33   return chrome::GetHostDesktopTypeForNativeWindow(window) ==
     34          chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH;
     35 }
     37 }  // namespace
     39 AppWindowLauncherController::AppWindowLauncherController(
     40     ChromeLauncherController* owner)
     41     : owner_(owner), activation_client_(NULL) {
     42 AppWindowRegistry* registry = AppWindowRegistry::Get(owner->profile());
     43   registry_.insert(registry);
     44   registry->AddObserver(this);
     45   if (ash::Shell::HasInstance()) {
     46     if (ash::Shell::GetInstance()->GetPrimaryRootWindow()) {
     47       activation_client_ = aura::client::GetActivationClient(
     48           ash::Shell::GetInstance()->GetPrimaryRootWindow());
     49       if (activation_client_)
     50         activation_client_->AddObserver(this);
     51     }
     52   }
     53 }
     55 AppWindowLauncherController::~AppWindowLauncherController() {
     56   for (std::set<AppWindowRegistry*>::iterator it = registry_.begin();
     57        it != registry_.end();
     58        ++it)
     59     (*it)->RemoveObserver(this);
     61   if (activation_client_)
     62     activation_client_->RemoveObserver(this);
     63   for (WindowToAppShelfIdMap::iterator iter =
     64            window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.begin();
     65        iter != window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.end();
     66        ++iter) {
     67     iter->first->RemoveObserver(this);
     68   }
     69 }
     71 void AppWindowLauncherController::AdditionalUserAddedToSession(
     72     Profile* profile) {
     73   // TODO(skuhne): This was added for the legacy side by side mode in M32. If
     74   // this mode gets no longer pursued this special case can be removed.
     75   if (chrome::MultiUserWindowManager::GetMultiProfileMode() !=
     76       chrome::MultiUserWindowManager::MULTI_PROFILE_MODE_MIXED)
     77     return;
     79   AppWindowRegistry* registry = AppWindowRegistry::Get(profile);
     80   if (registry_.find(registry) != registry_.end())
     81     return;
     83   registry->AddObserver(this);
     84   registry_.insert(registry);
     85 }
     87 void AppWindowLauncherController::OnAppWindowIconChanged(
     88     AppWindow* app_window) {
     89   if (!ControlsWindow(app_window->GetNativeWindow()))
     90     return;
     92   const std::string app_shelf_id = GetAppShelfId(app_window);
     93   AppControllerMap::iterator iter = app_controller_map_.find(app_shelf_id);
     94   if (iter == app_controller_map_.end())
     95     return;
     96   AppWindowLauncherItemController* controller = iter->second;
     97   controller->set_image_set_by_controller(true);
     98   owner_->SetLauncherItemImage(controller->shelf_id(),
     99                                app_window->app_icon().AsImageSkia());
    100 }
    102 void AppWindowLauncherController::OnAppWindowShown(AppWindow* app_window) {
    103   aura::Window* window = app_window->GetNativeWindow();
    104   if (!ControlsWindow(window))
    105     return;
    107   if (!IsRegisteredApp(window))
    108     RegisterApp(app_window);
    109 }
    111 void AppWindowLauncherController::OnAppWindowHidden(AppWindow* app_window) {
    112   aura::Window* window = app_window->GetNativeWindow();
    113   if (!ControlsWindow(window))
    114     return;
    116   if (IsRegisteredApp(window))
    117     UnregisterApp(window);
    118 }
    120 // Called from aura::Window::~Window(), before delegate_->OnWindowDestroyed()
    121 // which destroys AppWindow, so both |window| and the associated AppWindow
    122 // are valid here.
    123 void AppWindowLauncherController::OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) {
    124   if (!ControlsWindow(window))
    125     return;
    126   UnregisterApp(window);
    127 }
    129 void AppWindowLauncherController::OnWindowActivated(aura::Window* new_active,
    130                                                     aura::Window* old_active) {
    131   // Make the newly active window the active (first) entry in the controller.
    132   AppWindowLauncherItemController* new_controller =
    133       ControllerForWindow(new_active);
    134   if (new_controller) {
    135     new_controller->SetActiveWindow(new_active);
    136     owner_->SetItemStatus(new_controller->shelf_id(), ash::STATUS_ACTIVE);
    137   }
    139   // Mark the old active window's launcher item as running (if different).
    140   AppWindowLauncherItemController* old_controller =
    141       ControllerForWindow(old_active);
    142   if (old_controller && old_controller != new_controller)
    143     owner_->SetItemStatus(old_controller->shelf_id(), ash::STATUS_RUNNING);
    144 }
    146 void AppWindowLauncherController::RegisterApp(AppWindow* app_window) {
    147   aura::Window* window = app_window->GetNativeWindow();
    148   // Get the app's shelf identifier and add an entry to the map.
    149   DCHECK(window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.find(window) ==
    150          window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.end());
    151   const std::string app_shelf_id = GetAppShelfId(app_window);
    152   window_to_app_shelf_id_map_[window] = app_shelf_id;
    153   window->AddObserver(this);
    155   // Find or create an item controller and launcher item.
    156   std::string app_id = app_window->extension_id();
    157   ash::ShelfItemStatus status = ash::wm::IsActiveWindow(window)
    158                                     ? ash::STATUS_ACTIVE
    159                                     : ash::STATUS_RUNNING;
    160   AppControllerMap::iterator iter = app_controller_map_.find(app_shelf_id);
    161   ash::ShelfID shelf_id = 0;
    162   if (iter != app_controller_map_.end()) {
    163     AppWindowLauncherItemController* controller = iter->second;
    164     DCHECK(controller->app_id() == app_id);
    165     shelf_id = controller->shelf_id();
    166     controller->AddAppWindow(app_window, status);
    167   } else {
    168     LauncherItemController::Type type =
    169         app_window->window_type_is_panel()
    170             ? LauncherItemController::TYPE_APP_PANEL
    171             : LauncherItemController::TYPE_APP;
    172     AppWindowLauncherItemController* controller =
    173         new AppWindowLauncherItemController(type, app_shelf_id, app_id, owner_);
    174     controller->AddAppWindow(app_window, status);
    175     // If the app shelf id is not unique, and there is already a shelf
    176     // item for this app id (e.g. pinned), use that shelf item.
    177     if (app_shelf_id == app_id)
    178       shelf_id = owner_->GetShelfIDForAppID(app_id);
    179     if (shelf_id == 0) {
    180       shelf_id = owner_->CreateAppLauncherItem(controller, app_id, status);
    181       // Restore any existing app icon and flag as set.
    182       const gfx::Image& app_icon = app_window->app_icon();
    183       if (!app_icon.IsEmpty()) {
    184         owner_->SetLauncherItemImage(shelf_id, app_icon.AsImageSkia());
    185         controller->set_image_set_by_controller(true);
    186       }
    187     } else {
    188       owner_->SetItemController(shelf_id, controller);
    189     }
    190     const std::string app_shelf_id = GetAppShelfId(app_window);
    191     app_controller_map_[app_shelf_id] = controller;
    192   }
    193   owner_->SetItemStatus(shelf_id, status);
    194   ash::SetShelfIDForWindow(shelf_id, window);
    195 }
    197 void AppWindowLauncherController::UnregisterApp(aura::Window* window) {
    198   WindowToAppShelfIdMap::iterator iter1 =
    199       window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.find(window);
    200   DCHECK(iter1 != window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.end());
    201   std::string app_shelf_id = iter1->second;
    202   window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.erase(iter1);
    203   window->RemoveObserver(this);
    205   AppControllerMap::iterator iter2 = app_controller_map_.find(app_shelf_id);
    206   DCHECK(iter2 != app_controller_map_.end());
    207   AppWindowLauncherItemController* controller = iter2->second;
    208   controller->RemoveAppWindowForWindow(window);
    209   if (controller->app_window_count() == 0) {
    210     // If this is the last window associated with the app shelf id, close the
    211     // shelf item.
    212     ash::ShelfID shelf_id = controller->shelf_id();
    213     owner_->CloseLauncherItem(shelf_id);
    214     app_controller_map_.erase(iter2);
    215   }
    216 }
    218 bool AppWindowLauncherController::IsRegisteredApp(aura::Window* window) {
    219   return window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.find(window) !=
    220          window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.end();
    221 }
    223 // Private Methods
    225 AppWindowLauncherItemController*
    226 AppWindowLauncherController::ControllerForWindow(aura::Window* window) {
    227   WindowToAppShelfIdMap::iterator iter1 =
    228       window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.find(window);
    229   if (iter1 == window_to_app_shelf_id_map_.end())
    230     return NULL;
    231   std::string app_shelf_id = iter1->second;
    232   AppControllerMap::iterator iter2 = app_controller_map_.find(app_shelf_id);
    233   if (iter2 == app_controller_map_.end())
    234     return NULL;
    235   return iter2->second;
    236 }