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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      9 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
     10 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/time/time.h"
     13 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/captive_portal/captive_portal_service.h"
     16 class Profile;
     18 namespace content {
     19 class WebContents;
     20 }
     22 namespace net {
     23 class SSLInfo;
     24 }
     26 // Keeps track of whether a tab has encountered a navigation error caused by a
     27 // captive portal.  Also triggers captive portal checks when a page load may
     28 // have been broken or be taking longer due to a captive portal.  All methods
     29 // may only be called on the UI thread.
     30 //
     31 // Only supports SSL main frames which end at error pages as a result of
     32 // captive portals, since these make for a particularly bad user experience.
     33 // Non-SSL requests are intercepted by captive portals, which take users to the
     34 // login page.  SSL requests, however, may be silently blackholed, or result
     35 // in a variety of error pages, and will continue to do so if a user tries to
     36 // reload them.
     37 class CaptivePortalTabReloader {
     38  public:
     39   enum State {
     40     STATE_NONE,
     41     // The slow load timer is running.  Only started on SSL provisional loads.
     42     // If the timer triggers before the page has been committed, a captive
     43     // portal test will be requested.
     45     // The tab may have been broken by a captive portal.  A tab switches to
     46     // this state either on a main frame SSL error that may be caused by a
     47     // captive portal, or when an SSL request takes too long to commit.  The
     48     // tab will remain in this state until the current load succeeds, a new
     49     // provisional load starts, it gets a captive portal result, or the load
     50     // fails with error that indicates the page was not broken by a captive
     51     // portal.
     53     // The TabHelper switches to this state from STATE_MAYBE_BROKEN_BY_PORTAL in
     54     // response to a RESULT_BEHIND_CAPTIVE_PORTAL.  The tab will remain in this
     55     // state until a new provisional load starts, the original load successfully
     56     // commits, the current load is aborted, or the tab reloads the page in
     57     // response to receiving a captive portal result other than
     60     // The page may need to be reloaded.  The tab will be reloaded if the page
     61     // fails the next load with a timeout, or immediately upon switching to this
     62     // state, if the page already timed out.  If anything else happens
     63     // when in this state (Another error, successful navigation, or the original
     64     // navigation was aborted), the TabHelper transitions to STATE_NONE without
     65     // reloading.
     67   };
     69   // Function to open a login tab, if there isn't one already.
     70   typedef base::Callback<void()> OpenLoginTabCallback;
     72   // |profile| and |web_contents| will only be dereferenced in ReloadTab,
     73   // MaybeOpenCaptivePortalLoginTab, and CheckForCaptivePortal, so they can
     74   // both be NULL in the unit tests as long as those functions are not called.
     75   CaptivePortalTabReloader(Profile* profile,
     76                            content::WebContents* web_contents,
     77                            const OpenLoginTabCallback& open_login_tab_callback);
     79   virtual ~CaptivePortalTabReloader();
     81   // The following functions are all invoked by the CaptivePortalTabHelper:
     83   // Called when a non-error main frame load starts.  Resets current state,
     84   // unless this is a login tab.  Each load will eventually result in a call to
     85   // OnLoadCommitted or OnAbort.  The former will be called both on successful
     86   // loads and for error pages.
     87   virtual void OnLoadStart(bool is_ssl);
     89   // Called when the main frame is committed.  |net_error| will be net::OK in
     90   // the case of a successful load.  For an errror page, the entire 3-step
     91   // process of getting the error, starting a new provisional load for the error
     92   // page, and committing the error page is treated as a single commit.
     93   //
     94   // The Link Doctor page will typically be one OnLoadCommitted with an error
     95   // code, followed by another OnLoadCommitted with net::OK for the Link Doctor
     96   // page.
     97   virtual void OnLoadCommitted(int net_error);
     99   // This is called when the current provisional main frame load is canceled.
    100   // Sets state to STATE_NONE, unless this is a login tab.
    101   virtual void OnAbort();
    103   // Called whenever a provisional load to the main frame is redirected.
    104   virtual void OnRedirect(bool is_ssl);
    106   // Called whenever a captive portal test completes.
    107   virtual void OnCaptivePortalResults(
    108       captive_portal::CaptivePortalResult previous_result,
    109       captive_portal::CaptivePortalResult result);
    111   // Called on certificate errors, which often indicate a captive portal.
    112   void OnSSLCertError(const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info);
    114  protected:
    115   // The following functions are used only when testing:
    117   State state() const { return state_; }
    119   content::WebContents* web_contents() { return web_contents_; }
    121   void set_slow_ssl_load_time(base::TimeDelta slow_ssl_load_time) {
    122     slow_ssl_load_time_ = slow_ssl_load_time;
    123   }
    125   // Started whenever an SSL tab starts loading, when the state is switched to
    126   // STATE_TIMER_RUNNING.  Stopped on any state change, including when a page
    127   // commits or there's an error.  If the timer triggers, the state switches to
    128   // STATE_MAYBE_BROKEN_BY_PORTAL and |this| kicks off a captive portal check.
    129   base::OneShotTimer<CaptivePortalTabReloader> slow_ssl_load_timer_;
    131  private:
    132   friend class CaptivePortalBrowserTest;
    134   // Sets |state_| and takes any action associated with the new state.  Also
    135   // stops the timer, if needed.
    136   void SetState(State new_state);
    138   // Called by a timer when an SSL main frame provisional load is taking a
    139   // while to commit.
    140   void OnSlowSSLConnect();
    142   // Reloads the tab if there's no provisional load going on and the current
    143   // state is STATE_NEEDS_RELOAD.  Not safe to call synchronously when called
    144   // by from a WebContentsObserver function, since the WebContents is currently
    145   // performing some action.
    146   void ReloadTabIfNeeded();
    148   // Reloads the tab.
    149   virtual void ReloadTab();
    151   // Opens a login tab in the topmost browser window for the |profile_|, if the
    152   // profile has a tabbed browser window and the window doesn't already have a
    153   // login tab.  Otherwise, does nothing.
    154   virtual void MaybeOpenCaptivePortalLoginTab();
    156   // Tries to get |profile_|'s CaptivePortalService and have it start a captive
    157   // portal check.
    158   virtual void CheckForCaptivePortal();
    160   Profile* profile_;
    161   content::WebContents* web_contents_;
    163   State state_;
    165   // Tracks if there's a load going on that can't safely be interrupted.  This
    166   // is true between the time when a provisional load fails and when an error
    167   // page's provisional load starts, so does not perfectly align with the
    168   // notion of a provisional load used by the WebContents.
    169   bool provisional_main_frame_load_;
    171   // True if there was an SSL URL the in the redirect chain for the current
    172   // provisional main frame load.
    173   bool ssl_url_in_redirect_chain_;
    175   // Time to wait after a provisional HTTPS load before triggering a captive
    176   // portal check.
    177   base::TimeDelta slow_ssl_load_time_;
    179   const OpenLoginTabCallback open_login_tab_callback_;
    181   base::WeakPtrFactory<CaptivePortalTabReloader> weak_factory_;
    183   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CaptivePortalTabReloader);
    184 };