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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/ui/accessibility_focus_ring_controller.h"
      7 #include "ash/display/display_controller.h"
      8 #include "ash/shell.h"
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     10 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/ui/focus_ring_layer.h"
     11 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
     13 namespace chromeos {
     15 namespace {
     17 // The number of pixels the focus ring is outset from the object it outlines,
     18 // which also determines the border radius of the rounded corners.
     19 // TODO(dmazzoni): take display resolution into account.
     20 const int kAccessibilityFocusRingMargin = 7;
     22 // Time to transition between one location and the next.
     23 const int kTransitionTimeMilliseconds = 300;
     25 // A Region is an unordered collection of Rects that maintains its
     26 // bounding box. Used in the middle of an algorithm that groups
     27 // adjacent and overlapping rects.
     28 struct Region {
     29   explicit Region(gfx::Rect initial_rect) {
     30     bounds = initial_rect;
     31     rects.push_back(initial_rect);
     32   }
     33   gfx::Rect bounds;
     34   std::vector<gfx::Rect> rects;
     35 };
     37 }  // namespace
     39 // static
     40 AccessibilityFocusRingController*
     41     AccessibilityFocusRingController::GetInstance() {
     42   return Singleton<AccessibilityFocusRingController>::get();
     43 }
     45 AccessibilityFocusRingController::AccessibilityFocusRingController()
     46     : compositor_(NULL) {
     47 }
     49 AccessibilityFocusRingController::~AccessibilityFocusRingController() {
     50 }
     52 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::SetFocusRing(
     53     const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& rects) {
     54   rects_ = rects;
     55   Update();
     56 }
     58 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::Update() {
     59   previous_rings_.swap(rings_);
     60   rings_.clear();
     61   RectsToRings(rects_, &rings_);
     62   layers_.resize(rings_.size());
     63   for (size_t i = 0; i < rings_.size(); ++i) {
     64     if (!layers_[i])
     65       layers_[i].reset(new AccessibilityFocusRingLayer(this));
     67     if (i > 0) {
     68       // Focus rings other than the first one don't animate.
     69       layers_[i]->Set(rings_[i]);
     70       continue;
     71     }
     73     gfx::Rect bounds = rings_[0].GetBounds();
     74     gfx::Display display =
     75       gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen()->GetDisplayMatching(bounds);
     76     aura::Window* root_window = ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_controller()
     77         ->GetRootWindowForDisplayId(display.id());
     78     ui::Compositor* compositor = root_window->layer()->GetCompositor();
     79     if (!compositor || root_window != layers_[0]->root_window()) {
     80       layers_[0]->Set(rings_[0]);
     81       if (compositor_ && compositor_->HasAnimationObserver(this)) {
     82         compositor_->RemoveAnimationObserver(this);
     83         compositor_ = NULL;
     84       }
     85       continue;
     86     }
     88     focus_change_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
     89     if (!compositor->HasAnimationObserver(this)) {
     90       compositor_ = compositor;
     91       compositor_->AddAnimationObserver(this);
     92     }
     93   }
     94 }
     96 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::RectsToRings(
     97     const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& src_rects,
     98     std::vector<AccessibilityFocusRing>* rings) const {
     99   if (src_rects.empty())
    100     return;
    102   // Give all of the rects a margin.
    103   std::vector<gfx::Rect> rects;
    104   rects.resize(src_rects.size());
    105   for (size_t i = 0; i < src_rects.size(); ++i) {
    106     rects[i] = src_rects[i];
    107     rects[i].Inset(-GetMargin(), -GetMargin());
    108   }
    110   // Split the rects into contiguous regions.
    111   std::vector<Region> regions;
    112   regions.push_back(Region(rects[0]));
    113   for (size_t i = 1; i < rects.size(); ++i) {
    114     bool found = false;
    115     for (size_t j = 0; j < regions.size(); ++j) {
    116       if (Intersects(rects[i], regions[j].bounds)) {
    117         regions[j].rects.push_back(rects[i]);
    118         regions[j].bounds.Union(rects[i]);
    119         found = true;
    120       }
    121     }
    122     if (!found) {
    123       regions.push_back(Region(rects[i]));
    124     }
    125   }
    127   // Keep merging regions that intersect.
    128   // TODO(dmazzoni): reduce the worst-case complexity! This appears like
    129   // it could be O(n^3), make sure it's not in practice.
    130   bool merged;
    131   do {
    132     merged = false;
    133     for (size_t i = 0; i < regions.size() - 1 && !merged; ++i) {
    134       for (size_t j = i + 1; j < regions.size() && !merged; ++j) {
    135         if (Intersects(regions[i].bounds, regions[j].bounds)) {
    136           regions[i].rects.insert(regions[i].rects.end(),
    137                                   regions[j].rects.begin(),
    138                                   regions[j].rects.end());
    139           regions[i].bounds.Union(regions[j].bounds);
    140           regions.erase(regions.begin() + j);
    141           merged = true;
    142         }
    143       }
    144     }
    145   } while (merged);
    147   for (size_t i = 0; i < regions.size(); ++i) {
    148     std::sort(regions[i].rects.begin(), regions[i].rects.end());
    149     rings->push_back(RingFromSortedRects(regions[i].rects));
    150   }
    151 }
    153 int AccessibilityFocusRingController::GetMargin() const {
    154   return kAccessibilityFocusRingMargin;
    155 }
    157 // Given a vector of rects that all overlap, already sorted from top to bottom
    158 // and left to right, split them into three shapes covering the top, middle,
    159 // and bottom of a "paragraph shape".
    160 //
    161 // Input:
    162 //
    163 //                       +---+---+
    164 //                       | 1 | 2 |
    165 // +---------------------+---+---+
    166 // |             3               |
    167 // +--------+---------------+----+
    168 // |    4   |         5     |
    169 // +--------+---------------+--+
    170 // |             6             |
    171 // +---------+-----------------+
    172 // |    7    |
    173 // +---------+
    174 //
    175 // Output:
    176 //
    177 //                       +-------+
    178 //                       |  Top  |
    179 // +---------------------+-------+
    180 // |                             |
    181 // |                             |
    182 // |           Middle            |
    183 // |                             |
    184 // |                             |
    185 // +---------+-------------------+
    186 // | Bottom  |
    187 // +---------+
    188 //
    189 // When there's no clear "top" or "bottom" segment, split the overall rect
    190 // evenly so that some of the area still fits into the "top" and "bottom"
    191 // segments.
    192 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::SplitIntoParagraphShape(
    193     const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& rects,
    194     gfx::Rect* top,
    195     gfx::Rect* middle,
    196     gfx::Rect* bottom) const {
    197   size_t n = rects.size();
    199   // Figure out how many rects belong in the top portion.
    200   gfx::Rect top_rect = rects[0];
    201   int top_middle = (top_rect.y() + top_rect.bottom()) / 2;
    202   size_t top_count = 1;
    203   while (top_count < n && rects[top_count].y() < top_middle) {
    204     top_rect.Union(rects[top_count]);
    205     top_middle = (top_rect.y() + top_rect.bottom()) / 2;
    206     top_count++;
    207   }
    209   // Figure out how many rects belong in the bottom portion.
    210   gfx::Rect bottom_rect = rects[n - 1];
    211   int bottom_middle = (bottom_rect.y() + bottom_rect.bottom()) / 2;
    212   size_t bottom_count = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(1), n - top_count);
    213   while (bottom_count + top_count < n &&
    214          rects[n - bottom_count - 1].bottom() > bottom_middle) {
    215     bottom_rect.Union(rects[n - bottom_count - 1]);
    216     bottom_middle = (bottom_rect.y() + bottom_rect.bottom()) / 2;
    217     bottom_count++;
    218   }
    220   // Whatever's left goes to the middle rect, but if there's no middle or
    221   // bottom rect, split the existing rects evenly to make one.
    222   gfx::Rect middle_rect;
    223   if (top_count + bottom_count < n) {
    224     middle_rect = rects[top_count];
    225     for (size_t i = top_count + 1; i < n - bottom_count; i++)
    226       middle_rect.Union(rects[i]);
    227   } else if (bottom_count > 0) {
    228     gfx::Rect enclosing_rect = top_rect;
    229     enclosing_rect.Union(bottom_rect);
    230     int middle_top = (top_rect.y() + top_rect.bottom() * 2) / 3;
    231     int middle_bottom = (bottom_rect.y() * 2 + bottom_rect.bottom()) / 3;
    232     top_rect.set_height(middle_top - top_rect.y());
    233     bottom_rect.set_height(bottom_rect.bottom() - middle_bottom);
    234     bottom_rect.set_y(middle_bottom);
    235     middle_rect = gfx::Rect(enclosing_rect.x(), middle_top,
    236                             enclosing_rect.width(), middle_bottom - middle_top);
    237   } else {
    238     int middle_top = (top_rect.y() * 2 + top_rect.bottom()) / 3;
    239     int middle_bottom = (top_rect.y() + top_rect.bottom() * 2) / 3;
    240     middle_rect = gfx::Rect(top_rect.x(), middle_top,
    241                             top_rect.width(), middle_bottom - middle_top);
    242     bottom_rect = gfx::Rect(
    243         top_rect.x(), middle_bottom,
    244         top_rect.width(), top_rect.bottom() - middle_bottom);
    245     top_rect.set_height(middle_top - top_rect.y());
    246   }
    248   if (middle_rect.y() > top_rect.bottom()) {
    249     middle_rect.set_height(
    250         middle_rect.height() + middle_rect.y() - top_rect.bottom());
    251     middle_rect.set_y(top_rect.bottom());
    252   }
    254   if (middle_rect.bottom() < bottom_rect.y()) {
    255     middle_rect.set_height(bottom_rect.y() - middle_rect.y());
    256   }
    258   *top = top_rect;
    259   *middle = middle_rect;
    260   *bottom = bottom_rect;
    261 }
    263 AccessibilityFocusRing AccessibilityFocusRingController::RingFromSortedRects(
    264     const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& rects) const {
    265   if (rects.size() == 1)
    266     return AccessibilityFocusRing::CreateWithRect(rects[0], GetMargin());
    268   gfx::Rect top;
    269   gfx::Rect middle;
    270   gfx::Rect bottom;
    271   SplitIntoParagraphShape(rects, &top, &middle, &bottom);
    273   return AccessibilityFocusRing::CreateWithParagraphShape(
    274       top, middle, bottom, GetMargin());
    275 }
    277 bool AccessibilityFocusRingController::Intersects(
    278   const gfx::Rect& r1, const gfx::Rect& r2) const {
    279   int slop = GetMargin();
    280   return (r2.x() <= r1.right() + slop &&
    281           r2.right() >= r1.x() - slop &&
    282           r2.y() <= r1.bottom() + slop &&
    283           r2.bottom() >= r1.y() - slop);
    284 }
    286 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged() {
    287   Update();
    288 }
    290 void AccessibilityFocusRingController::OnAnimationStep(
    291     base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
    292   if (rings_.empty())
    293     return;
    295   CHECK(compositor_);
    296   CHECK(!rings_.empty());
    297   CHECK(!layers_.empty());
    298   CHECK(layers_[0]);
    300   // It's quite possible for the first 1 or 2 animation frames to be
    301   // for a timestamp that's earlier than the time we received the
    302   // focus change, so we just treat those as a delta of zero.
    303   if (timestamp < focus_change_time_)
    304     timestamp = focus_change_time_;
    306   base::TimeDelta delta = timestamp - focus_change_time_;
    307   base::TimeDelta transition_time =
    308       base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTransitionTimeMilliseconds);
    309   if (delta >= transition_time) {
    310     layers_[0]->Set(rings_[0]);
    311     compositor_->RemoveAnimationObserver(this);
    312     compositor_ = NULL;
    313     return;
    314   }
    316   double fraction = delta.InSecondsF() / transition_time.InSecondsF();
    318   // Ease-in effect.
    319   fraction = pow(fraction, 0.3);
    321   layers_[0]->Set(AccessibilityFocusRing::Interpolate(
    322       previous_rings_[0], rings_[0], fraction));
    323 }
    325 }  // namespace chromeos