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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "extensions/browser/extension_function_dispatcher.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/json/json_string_value_serializer.h"
      9 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
     10 #include "base/logging.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     12 #include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
     13 #include "base/process/process.h"
     14 #include "base/values.h"
     15 #include "build/build_config.h"
     16 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
     17 #include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
     18 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
     19 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
     20 #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
     21 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
     22 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
     23 #include "content/public/common/result_codes.h"
     24 #include "extensions/browser/api_activity_monitor.h"
     25 #include "extensions/browser/extension_function_registry.h"
     26 #include "extensions/browser/extension_message_filter.h"
     27 #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
     28 #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
     29 #include "extensions/browser/extensions_browser_client.h"
     30 #include "extensions/browser/process_manager.h"
     31 #include "extensions/browser/process_map.h"
     32 #include "extensions/browser/quota_service.h"
     33 #include "extensions/common/extension_api.h"
     34 #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h"
     35 #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h"
     36 #include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
     37 #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
     39 using content::BrowserThread;
     40 using content::RenderViewHost;
     42 namespace extensions {
     43 namespace {
     45 // Notifies the ApiActivityMonitor that an extension API function has been
     46 // called. May be called from any thread.
     47 void NotifyApiFunctionCalled(const std::string& extension_id,
     48                              const std::string& api_name,
     49                              scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> args,
     50                              content::BrowserContext* browser_context) {
     51   // The ApiActivityMonitor can only be accessed from the main (UI) thread. If
     52   // we're running on the wrong thread, re-dispatch from the main thread.
     53   if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)) {
     54     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI,
     55                             FROM_HERE,
     56                             base::Bind(&NotifyApiFunctionCalled,
     57                                        extension_id,
     58                                        api_name,
     59                                        base::Passed(&args),
     60                                        browser_context));
     61     return;
     62   }
     63   // The BrowserContext may become invalid after the task above is posted.
     64   if (!ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->IsValidContext(browser_context))
     65     return;
     67   ApiActivityMonitor* monitor =
     68       ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->GetApiActivityMonitor(browser_context);
     69   if (monitor)
     70     monitor->OnApiFunctionCalled(extension_id, api_name, args.Pass());
     71 }
     73 // Separate copy of ExtensionAPI used for IO thread extension functions. We need
     74 // this because ExtensionAPI has mutable data. It should be possible to remove
     75 // this once all the extension APIs are updated to the feature system.
     76 struct Static {
     77   Static() : api(ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration()) {}
     78   scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api;
     79 };
     80 base::LazyInstance<Static> g_global_io_data = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
     82 // Kills the specified process because it sends us a malformed message.
     83 void KillBadMessageSender(base::ProcessHandle process) {
     84   NOTREACHED();
     85   content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("BadMessageTerminate_EFD"));
     86   if (process)
     87     base::KillProcess(process, content::RESULT_CODE_KILLED_BAD_MESSAGE, false);
     88 }
     90 void CommonResponseCallback(IPC::Sender* ipc_sender,
     91                             int routing_id,
     92                             base::ProcessHandle peer_process,
     93                             int request_id,
     94                             ExtensionFunction::ResponseType type,
     95                             const base::ListValue& results,
     96                             const std::string& error) {
     97   DCHECK(ipc_sender);
     99   if (type == ExtensionFunction::BAD_MESSAGE) {
    100     // The renderer has done validation before sending extension api requests.
    101     // Therefore, we should never receive a request that is invalid in a way
    102     // that JSON validation in the renderer should have caught. It could be an
    103     // attacker trying to exploit the browser, so we crash the renderer instead.
    104     LOG(ERROR) <<
    105         "Terminating renderer because of malformed extension message.";
    106     if (content::RenderProcessHost::run_renderer_in_process()) {
    107       // In single process mode it is better if we don't suicide but just crash.
    108       CHECK(false);
    109     } else {
    110       KillBadMessageSender(peer_process);
    111     }
    113     return;
    114   }
    116   ipc_sender->Send(new ExtensionMsg_Response(
    117       routing_id, request_id, type == ExtensionFunction::SUCCEEDED, results,
    118       error));
    119 }
    121 void IOThreadResponseCallback(
    122     const base::WeakPtr<ExtensionMessageFilter>& ipc_sender,
    123     int routing_id,
    124     int request_id,
    125     ExtensionFunction::ResponseType type,
    126     const base::ListValue& results,
    127     const std::string& error) {
    128   if (!ipc_sender.get())
    129     return;
    131   CommonResponseCallback(ipc_sender.get(),
    132                          routing_id,
    133                          ipc_sender->PeerHandle(),
    134                          request_id,
    135                          type,
    136                          results,
    137                          error);
    138 }
    140 }  // namespace
    142 class ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper
    143     : public content::WebContentsObserver {
    144  public:
    145   UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper(
    146       const base::WeakPtr<ExtensionFunctionDispatcher>& dispatcher,
    147       RenderViewHost* render_view_host)
    148       : content::WebContentsObserver(
    149             content::WebContents::FromRenderViewHost(render_view_host)),
    150         dispatcher_(dispatcher),
    151         render_view_host_(render_view_host),
    152         weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
    153   }
    155   virtual ~UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper() {
    156   }
    158   // content::WebContentsObserver overrides.
    159   virtual void RenderViewDeleted(
    160       RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE {
    161     DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI);
    162     if (render_view_host != render_view_host_)
    163       return;
    165     if (dispatcher_.get()) {
    166       dispatcher_->ui_thread_response_callback_wrappers_
    167           .erase(render_view_host);
    168     }
    170     delete this;
    171   }
    173   ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback CreateCallback(int request_id) {
    174     return base::Bind(
    175         &UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper::OnExtensionFunctionCompleted,
    176         weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
    177         request_id);
    178   }
    180  private:
    181   void OnExtensionFunctionCompleted(int request_id,
    182                                     ExtensionFunction::ResponseType type,
    183                                     const base::ListValue& results,
    184                                     const std::string& error) {
    185     CommonResponseCallback(
    186         render_view_host_, render_view_host_->GetRoutingID(),
    187         render_view_host_->GetProcess()->GetHandle(), request_id, type,
    188         results, error);
    189   }
    191   base::WeakPtr<ExtensionFunctionDispatcher> dispatcher_;
    192   content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host_;
    193   base::WeakPtrFactory<UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper> weak_ptr_factory_;
    195   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper);
    196 };
    198 WindowController*
    199 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Delegate::GetExtensionWindowController() const {
    200   return NULL;
    201 }
    203 content::WebContents*
    204 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Delegate::GetAssociatedWebContents() const {
    205   return NULL;
    206 }
    208 content::WebContents*
    209 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Delegate::GetVisibleWebContents() const {
    210   return GetAssociatedWebContents();
    211 }
    213 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::GetAllFunctionNames(
    214     std::vector<std::string>* names) {
    215   ExtensionFunctionRegistry::GetInstance()->GetAllNames(names);
    216 }
    218 bool ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::OverrideFunction(
    219     const std::string& name, ExtensionFunctionFactory factory) {
    220   return ExtensionFunctionRegistry::GetInstance()->OverrideFunction(name,
    221                                                                     factory);
    222 }
    224 // static
    225 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::DispatchOnIOThread(
    226     InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    227     void* profile_id,
    228     int render_process_id,
    229     base::WeakPtr<ExtensionMessageFilter> ipc_sender,
    230     int routing_id,
    231     const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params) {
    232   const Extension* extension =
    233       extension_info_map->extensions().GetByID(params.extension_id);
    234   if (!extension)
    235     return;
    237   ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback callback(
    238       base::Bind(&IOThreadResponseCallback, ipc_sender, routing_id,
    239                  params.request_id));
    241   scoped_refptr<ExtensionFunction> function(
    242       CreateExtensionFunction(params,
    243                               extension,
    244                               render_process_id,
    245                               extension_info_map->process_map(),
    246                               g_global_io_data.Get().api.get(),
    247                               profile_id,
    248                               callback));
    249   if (!function.get())
    250     return;
    252   IOThreadExtensionFunction* function_io =
    253       function->AsIOThreadExtensionFunction();
    254   if (!function_io) {
    255     NOTREACHED();
    256     return;
    257   }
    258   function_io->set_ipc_sender(ipc_sender, routing_id);
    259   function_io->set_extension_info_map(extension_info_map);
    260   function->set_include_incognito(
    261       extension_info_map->IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id()));
    263   if (!CheckPermissions(function.get(), params, callback))
    264     return;
    266   QuotaService* quota = extension_info_map->GetQuotaService();
    267   std::string violation_error = quota->Assess(extension->id(),
    268                                               function.get(),
    269                                               &params.arguments,
    270                                               base::TimeTicks::Now());
    271   if (violation_error.empty()) {
    272     scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> args(params.arguments.DeepCopy());
    273     NotifyApiFunctionCalled(extension->id(),
    274                             params.name,
    275                             args.Pass(),
    276                             static_cast<content::BrowserContext*>(profile_id));
    277     UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPARSE_SLOWLY("Extensions.FunctionCalls",
    278                                 function->histogram_value());
    279     function->Run()->Execute();
    280   } else {
    281     function->OnQuotaExceeded(violation_error);
    282   }
    283 }
    285 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::ExtensionFunctionDispatcher(
    286     content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
    287     Delegate* delegate)
    288     : browser_context_(browser_context),
    289       delegate_(delegate) {
    290 }
    292 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::~ExtensionFunctionDispatcher() {
    293 }
    295 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Dispatch(
    296     const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params,
    297     RenderViewHost* render_view_host) {
    298   UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapperMap::const_iterator
    299       iter = ui_thread_response_callback_wrappers_.find(render_view_host);
    300   UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper* callback_wrapper = NULL;
    301   if (iter == ui_thread_response_callback_wrappers_.end()) {
    302     callback_wrapper = new UIThreadResponseCallbackWrapper(AsWeakPtr(),
    303                                                            render_view_host);
    304     ui_thread_response_callback_wrappers_[render_view_host] = callback_wrapper;
    305   } else {
    306     callback_wrapper = iter->second;
    307   }
    309   DispatchWithCallbackInternal(
    310       params, render_view_host, NULL,
    311       callback_wrapper->CreateCallback(params.request_id));
    312 }
    314 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::DispatchWithCallbackInternal(
    315     const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params,
    316     RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
    317     content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
    318     const ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback& callback) {
    319   DCHECK(render_view_host || render_frame_host);
    320   // TODO(yzshen): There is some shared logic between this method and
    321   // DispatchOnIOThread(). It is nice to deduplicate.
    322   ProcessMap* process_map = ProcessMap::Get(browser_context_);
    323   if (!process_map)
    324     return;
    326   ExtensionRegistry* registry = ExtensionRegistry::Get(browser_context_);
    327   const Extension* extension =
    328       registry->enabled_extensions().GetByID(params.extension_id);
    329   if (!extension) {
    330     extension =
    331         registry->enabled_extensions().GetHostedAppByURL(params.source_url);
    332   }
    334   int process_id = render_view_host ? render_view_host->GetProcess()->GetID() :
    335                                       render_frame_host->GetProcess()->GetID();
    336   scoped_refptr<ExtensionFunction> function(
    337       CreateExtensionFunction(params,
    338                               extension,
    339                               process_id,
    340                               *process_map,
    341                               ExtensionAPI::GetSharedInstance(),
    342                               browser_context_,
    343                               callback));
    344   if (!function.get())
    345     return;
    347   UIThreadExtensionFunction* function_ui =
    348       function->AsUIThreadExtensionFunction();
    349   if (!function_ui) {
    350     NOTREACHED();
    351     return;
    352   }
    353   if (render_view_host) {
    354     function_ui->SetRenderViewHost(render_view_host);
    355   } else {
    356     function_ui->SetRenderFrameHost(render_frame_host);
    357   }
    358   function_ui->set_dispatcher(AsWeakPtr());
    359   function_ui->set_browser_context(browser_context_);
    360   if (extension &&
    361       ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->CanExtensionCrossIncognito(
    362           extension, browser_context_)) {
    363     function->set_include_incognito(true);
    364   }
    366   if (!CheckPermissions(function.get(), params, callback))
    367     return;
    369   if (!extension) {
    370     // Skip all of the UMA, quota, event page, activity logging stuff if there
    371     // isn't an extension, e.g. if the function call was from WebUI.
    372     function->Run()->Execute();
    373     return;
    374   }
    376   ExtensionSystem* extension_system = ExtensionSystem::Get(browser_context_);
    377   QuotaService* quota = extension_system->quota_service();
    378   std::string violation_error = quota->Assess(extension->id(),
    379                                               function.get(),
    380                                               &params.arguments,
    381                                               base::TimeTicks::Now());
    383   if (violation_error.empty()) {
    384     scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> args(params.arguments.DeepCopy());
    386     // See crbug.com/39178.
    387     ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->PermitExternalProtocolHandler();
    388     NotifyApiFunctionCalled(
    389         extension->id(), params.name, args.Pass(), browser_context_);
    390     UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPARSE_SLOWLY("Extensions.FunctionCalls",
    391                                 function->histogram_value());
    392     function->Run()->Execute();
    393   } else {
    394     function->OnQuotaExceeded(violation_error);
    395   }
    397   // Note: do not access |this| after this point. We may have been deleted
    398   // if function->Run() ended up closing the tab that owns us.
    400   // Check if extension was uninstalled by management.uninstall.
    401   if (!registry->enabled_extensions().GetByID(params.extension_id))
    402     return;
    404   // We only adjust the keepalive count for UIThreadExtensionFunction for
    405   // now, largely for simplicity's sake. This is OK because currently, only
    406   // the webRequest API uses IOThreadExtensionFunction, and that API is not
    407   // compatible with lazy background pages.
    408   extension_system->process_manager()->IncrementLazyKeepaliveCount(extension);
    409 }
    411 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::OnExtensionFunctionCompleted(
    412     const Extension* extension) {
    413   if (extension) {
    414     ExtensionSystem::Get(browser_context_)
    415         ->process_manager()
    416         ->DecrementLazyKeepaliveCount(extension);
    417   }
    418 }
    420 // static
    421 bool ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::CheckPermissions(
    422     ExtensionFunction* function,
    423     const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params,
    424     const ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback& callback) {
    425   if (!function->HasPermission()) {
    426     LOG(ERROR) << "Permission denied for " << params.name;
    427     SendAccessDenied(callback);
    428     return false;
    429   }
    430   return true;
    431 }
    433 // static
    434 ExtensionFunction* ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::CreateExtensionFunction(
    435     const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params,
    436     const Extension* extension,
    437     int requesting_process_id,
    438     const ProcessMap& process_map,
    439     ExtensionAPI* api,
    440     void* profile_id,
    441     const ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback& callback) {
    442   ExtensionFunction* function =
    443       ExtensionFunctionRegistry::GetInstance()->NewFunction(params.name);
    444   if (!function) {
    445     LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown Extension API - " << params.name;
    446     SendAccessDenied(callback);
    447     return NULL;
    448   }
    450   function->SetArgs(&params.arguments);
    451   function->set_source_url(params.source_url);
    452   function->set_request_id(params.request_id);
    453   function->set_has_callback(params.has_callback);
    454   function->set_user_gesture(params.user_gesture);
    455   function->set_extension(extension);
    456   function->set_profile_id(profile_id);
    457   function->set_response_callback(callback);
    458   function->set_source_tab_id(params.source_tab_id);
    459   function->set_source_context_type(
    460       process_map.GetMostLikelyContextType(extension, requesting_process_id));
    462   return function;
    463 }
    465 // static
    466 void ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::SendAccessDenied(
    467     const ExtensionFunction::ResponseCallback& callback) {
    468   base::ListValue empty_list;
    469   callback.Run(ExtensionFunction::FAILED, empty_list,
    470                "Access to extension API denied.");
    471 }
    473 }  // namespace extensions