1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 // 5 // A client specific QuicSession subclass. This class owns the underlying 6 // QuicConnection and QuicConnectionHelper objects. The connection stores 7 // a non-owning pointer to the helper so this session needs to ensure that 8 // the helper outlives the connection. 9 10 #ifndef NET_QUIC_QUIC_CLIENT_SESSION_H_ 11 #define NET_QUIC_QUIC_CLIENT_SESSION_H_ 12 13 #include <string> 14 15 #include "base/basictypes.h" 16 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" 17 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" 18 #include "base/time/time.h" 19 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h" 20 #include "net/proxy/proxy_server.h" 21 #include "net/quic/quic_client_session_base.h" 22 #include "net/quic/quic_connection_logger.h" 23 #include "net/quic/quic_crypto_client_stream.h" 24 #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h" 25 #include "net/quic/quic_reliable_client_stream.h" 26 27 namespace net { 28 29 class CertVerifyResult; 30 class DatagramClientSocket; 31 class QuicConnectionHelper; 32 class QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory; 33 class QuicServerId; 34 class QuicServerInfo; 35 class QuicStreamFactory; 36 class SSLInfo; 37 class TransportSecurityState; 38 39 namespace test { 40 class QuicClientSessionPeer; 41 } // namespace test 42 43 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicClientSession : public QuicClientSessionBase { 44 public: 45 // An interface for observing events on a session. 46 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Observer { 47 public: 48 virtual ~Observer() {} 49 virtual void OnCryptoHandshakeConfirmed() = 0; 50 virtual void OnSessionClosed(int error) = 0; 51 }; 52 53 // A helper class used to manage a request to create a stream. 54 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE StreamRequest { 55 public: 56 StreamRequest(); 57 ~StreamRequest(); 58 59 // Starts a request to create a stream. If OK is returned, then 60 // |stream| will be updated with the newly created stream. If 61 // ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, then when the request is eventuallly 62 // complete |callback| will be called. 63 int StartRequest(const base::WeakPtr<QuicClientSession>& session, 64 QuicReliableClientStream** stream, 65 const CompletionCallback& callback); 66 67 // Cancels any pending stream creation request. May be called 68 // repeatedly. 69 void CancelRequest(); 70 71 private: 72 friend class QuicClientSession; 73 74 // Called by |session_| for an asynchronous request when the stream 75 // request has finished successfully. 76 void OnRequestCompleteSuccess(QuicReliableClientStream* stream); 77 78 // Called by |session_| for an asynchronous request when the stream 79 // request has finished with an error. Also called with ERR_ABORTED 80 // if |session_| is destroyed while the stream request is still pending. 81 void OnRequestCompleteFailure(int rv); 82 83 base::WeakPtr<QuicClientSession> session_; 84 CompletionCallback callback_; 85 QuicReliableClientStream** stream_; 86 87 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StreamRequest); 88 }; 89 90 // Constructs a new session which will own |connection|, but not 91 // |stream_factory|, which must outlive this session. 92 // TODO(rch): decouple the factory from the session via a Delegate interface. 93 QuicClientSession(QuicConnection* connection, 94 scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket, 95 QuicStreamFactory* stream_factory, 96 TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state, 97 scoped_ptr<QuicServerInfo> server_info, 98 const QuicConfig& config, 99 base::TaskRunner* task_runner, 100 NetLog* net_log); 101 virtual ~QuicClientSession(); 102 103 // Initialize session's connection to |server_id|. 104 void InitializeSession( 105 const QuicServerId& server_id, 106 QuicCryptoClientConfig* config, 107 QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory* crypto_client_stream_factory); 108 109 void AddObserver(Observer* observer); 110 void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer); 111 112 // Attempts to create a new stream. If the stream can be 113 // created immediately, returns OK. If the open stream limit 114 // has been reached, returns ERR_IO_PENDING, and |request| 115 // will be added to the stream requets queue and will 116 // be completed asynchronously. 117 // TODO(rch): remove |stream| from this and use setter on |request| 118 // and fix in spdy too. 119 int TryCreateStream(StreamRequest* request, 120 QuicReliableClientStream** stream); 121 122 // Cancels the pending stream creation request. 123 void CancelRequest(StreamRequest* request); 124 125 // QuicSession methods: 126 virtual void OnStreamFrames( 127 const std::vector<QuicStreamFrame>& frames) OVERRIDE; 128 virtual QuicReliableClientStream* CreateOutgoingDataStream() OVERRIDE; 129 virtual QuicCryptoClientStream* GetCryptoStream() OVERRIDE; 130 virtual void CloseStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) OVERRIDE; 131 virtual void SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id, 132 QuicRstStreamErrorCode error, 133 QuicStreamOffset bytes_written) OVERRIDE; 134 virtual void OnCryptoHandshakeEvent(CryptoHandshakeEvent event) OVERRIDE; 135 virtual void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageSent( 136 const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) OVERRIDE; 137 virtual void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageReceived( 138 const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) OVERRIDE; 139 virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) const OVERRIDE; 140 141 // QuicClientSessionBase methods: 142 virtual void OnProofValid( 143 const QuicCryptoClientConfig::CachedState& cached) OVERRIDE; 144 virtual void OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable( 145 const ProofVerifyDetails& verify_details) OVERRIDE; 146 147 // QuicConnectionVisitorInterface methods: 148 virtual void OnConnectionClosed(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) OVERRIDE; 149 virtual void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation( 150 const QuicVersion& version) OVERRIDE; 151 152 // Performs a crypto handshake with the server. 153 int CryptoConnect(bool require_confirmation, 154 const CompletionCallback& callback); 155 156 // Resumes a crypto handshake with the server after a timeout. 157 int ResumeCryptoConnect(const CompletionCallback& callback); 158 159 // Causes the QuicConnectionHelper to start reading from the socket 160 // and passing the data along to the QuicConnection. 161 void StartReading(); 162 163 // Close the session because of |error| and notifies the factory 164 // that this session has been closed, which will delete the session. 165 void CloseSessionOnError(int error); 166 167 base::Value* GetInfoAsValue(const std::set<HostPortPair>& aliases); 168 169 const BoundNetLog& net_log() const { return net_log_; } 170 171 base::WeakPtr<QuicClientSession> GetWeakPtr(); 172 173 // Returns the number of client hello messages that have been sent on the 174 // crypto stream. If the handshake has completed then this is one greater 175 // than the number of round-trips needed for the handshake. 176 int GetNumSentClientHellos() const; 177 178 // Returns true if |hostname| may be pooled onto this session. If this 179 // is a secure QUIC session, then |hostname| must match the certificate 180 // presented during the handshake. 181 bool CanPool(const std::string& hostname) const; 182 183 protected: 184 // QuicSession methods: 185 virtual QuicDataStream* CreateIncomingDataStream(QuicStreamId id) OVERRIDE; 186 187 private: 188 friend class test::QuicClientSessionPeer; 189 190 typedef std::set<Observer*> ObserverSet; 191 typedef std::list<StreamRequest*> StreamRequestQueue; 192 193 QuicReliableClientStream* CreateOutgoingReliableStreamImpl(); 194 // A completion callback invoked when a read completes. 195 void OnReadComplete(int result); 196 197 void OnClosedStream(); 198 199 // A Session may be closed via any of three methods: 200 // OnConnectionClosed - called by the connection when the connection has been 201 // closed, perhaps due to a timeout or a protocol error. 202 // CloseSessionOnError - called from the owner of the session, 203 // the QuicStreamFactory, when there is an error. 204 // OnReadComplete - when there is a read error. 205 // This method closes all stream and performs any necessary cleanup. 206 void CloseSessionOnErrorInner(int net_error, QuicErrorCode quic_error); 207 208 void CloseAllStreams(int net_error); 209 void CloseAllObservers(int net_error); 210 211 // Notifies the factory that this session is going away and no more streams 212 // should be created from it. This needs to be called before closing any 213 // streams, because closing a stream may cause a new stream to be created. 214 void NotifyFactoryOfSessionGoingAway(); 215 216 // Posts a task to notify the factory that this session has been closed. 217 void NotifyFactoryOfSessionClosedLater(); 218 219 // Notifies the factory that this session has been closed which will 220 // delete |this|. 221 void NotifyFactoryOfSessionClosed(); 222 223 void OnConnectTimeout(); 224 225 HostPortPair server_host_port_; 226 bool require_confirmation_; 227 scoped_ptr<QuicCryptoClientStream> crypto_stream_; 228 QuicStreamFactory* stream_factory_; 229 scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket_; 230 scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> read_buffer_; 231 TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state_; 232 scoped_ptr<QuicServerInfo> server_info_; 233 scoped_ptr<CertVerifyResult> cert_verify_result_; 234 std::string pinning_failure_log_; 235 ObserverSet observers_; 236 StreamRequestQueue stream_requests_; 237 bool read_pending_; 238 CompletionCallback callback_; 239 size_t num_total_streams_; 240 base::TaskRunner* task_runner_; 241 BoundNetLog net_log_; 242 base::TimeTicks handshake_start_; // Time the handshake was started. 243 QuicConnectionLogger* logger_; // Owned by |connection_|. 244 // Number of packets read in the current read loop. 245 size_t num_packets_read_; 246 // True when the session is going away, and streams may no longer be created 247 // on this session. Existing stream will continue to be processed. 248 bool going_away_; 249 base::WeakPtrFactory<QuicClientSession> weak_factory_; 250 251 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicClientSession); 252 }; 253 254 } // namespace net 255 256 #endif // NET_QUIC_QUIC_CLIENT_SESSION_H_ 257